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Repentance Delayed and Denied: Learning from a Dying Pharoah | Khutbah
Lessons on repentence, forgiveness, and sincerity from the death of a Pharoah.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim Ar-Rahman ar-Rahim Ya ayyuhal nasu taqoo rabbakumu allathee khalaqa kumin nafsin wahida wa khalaqa minha zawjaha wa battha minhuma rijalan kathiran wanisaa wa taqoo Allah allathee tasa'aloon bihi wal arham innallaha kana alaykum raqeeba ya ayyuhal ladheena amanoo taqoo Allah wa quloo qawlan sadeeda yuslih lakum a'malakum wa yaghfir lakum dhunubakum wamay yuta'il laahu wa rasoolahu faqad faaza fawzan azeema famma amma ba'd Brothers and sisters, imagine the scene. The scene, not just of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala saving Musa alayhi salam and his people, but also the world through the eyes of the Pharaoh, of Fir'aun. A man who wreaked havoc in this life. A man who worked all forms of corruption. Who not only rejected the guidance of his Lord, but oppressed his prophets, oppressed anyone
who dared oppose him. And those last moments of his life through his eyes. There's something about how Allah deals with a Pharaoh at the end of his life. Abu Jahl, the Pharaoh of this Ummah, the Fir'aun of this Ummah, his last moments were on the ground looking up at Abdullah ibn Mas'ud radiAllahu anhu who he had once oppressed and stepped on in front of the Ka'bah. He represented all of the oppressed people that he had harmed throughout the existence of the message of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and his opposition to it and his last moments were looking up at ibn Mas'ud as ibn Mas'ud took his life. With Fir'aun, Fir'aun is on his horse. He thinks that this episode is going to play out the way that it always plays out. That he is going to catch up with those whom he has oppressed and he is going to slaughter them in the merciless ways that he is used to slaughtering them. In the books of Tafsir we find the narrations of Fir'aun on his stallion and he looks to the side and he sees Jibreel alayhi salam on his stallion and he follows Jibreel alayhi salam who is on his stallion with his own into the area where he would eventually come underwater and drown. And as the water shuts on Fir'aun and his army and it is drowning, he is drowning, Jibreel alayhi salam tells the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam in an authentic narration, he says if you would have seen me in those last moments of the Pharaoh's life of Fir'aun's life I was taking the mud from the bottom of the surface, underwater and stuffing his face with that mud because I was afraid that he would seek forgiveness from Allah and Allah would forgive him. Jibreel knows how merciful Allah is that if Fir'aun was sincere
even a man like Fir'aun, the worst human being to walk the face of the earth could be forgiven despite all that he has done if he was sincere in his repentance to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and Allah tells us in the Quran that once he started to drown and he knew that there was no way getting out of this, no one was going to pull him out his soul was leaving his body in those moments as the soul was leaving his body when he was drowning and dying he called out and he said I believe in the one besides whom there is no partner that Bani Israel believed in but it meant nothing to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala why? the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us in an authentic hadith from Abdullah ibn Umar radiallahu anhuma inna allaha yaqbalu tawbah Allah accepts repentance, da'an al-abd from his servant ma lam yugharghir until he reaches the point in which his soul is already in his throat when his soul is escaping the body every morning when you wake up you have an opportunity to seek forgiveness from Allah every day that you are alive is a day that Allah grants you an opportunity to come back to him and to change your ways but that last moment when the soul is leaving the body that is a time in which repentance is no longer accepted Allah tells us in surah an-nisa as well once death comes to them and then they say now I repent to you
but it doesn't mean anything in those particular moments so it's not about the size of the sin it's about that last moment that a person is leaving and dear brothers and sisters there is much to learn from Fir'aun in this regard in those last moments and what Allah is telling us about repentance delayed and then repentance denied the most merciful lord who forgives all sins repentance delayed and then repentance denied and that is if you pay attention to the words of Fir'aun and it's very specific the only thing that Fir'aun could see because of his ego was his own honor and those that were seeking to diminish his honor and his power at no point does he even say the name of Allah because at some point when you feed yourself so much you start to worship yourself and Fir'aun is the greatest manifestation of a person who literally worships himself and claims divinity and claims lordship everything now is about my inflated presence and those that are trying to get in the way and so Fir'aun still sees this as a competition between him and Bani Israel okay but now I'm dying I submit to the lord of Bani Israel at no point was it between him and Allah and it's very interesting because Abu Jahl as he was passing away he asked Ibn Mas'ud who's winning the battle he's still thinking about the two parties he's still thinking about the army of Quraish and the army of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and he does not take that as a moment to humble himself before his lord to say Ya Allah I messed up Ya Allah I'm turning to you in sincere repentance and so the tawbah of Fir'aun was delayed and denied and it was insincere
and at no point did he see Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala through it all and the greatest lesson that we can take from this or one of the greatest lessons from the idea of a delayed tawbah not being accepted is the fact that for many of us we often do not see how detrimental our behavior is that other people try to advise us about because we see someone trying to tell us something someone challenging us someone telling us hey maybe you shouldn't do that someone saying hey that's not appropriate someone saying to you that it's about time you start to think this way and so with the child with their parents at some point it becomes no longer the parent telling the child to pray at some point I need to pray for Allah it's not my parents telling me anymore but some people never grow out of that when it comes to sincere nasiha and sincere advice Abdullah ibn Mubarak Rahim Allah Ta'ala a man told him won't you give us sincere advice he said is there anyone that wants to accept sincere advice it's very hard because often we're not paying attention to what Allah is trying to tell us through the things that are unfolding in front of us but instead who is telling us and if it is deflating to our ego and to our own presence and to our own self and so when you're in a conversation and someone says you know brother that's I don't think you should go that route that's backbiting that's ghibah who are you to tell me not to backbite right you backbite all the time brother I think you should think about this and it's private it's loving it is from a place of goodness but all I see is myself and you and the problem is that through it all we should be seeing Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and true victory and aid comes as a result of us turning back to him sincerely we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that we are not deceived by the praise of people when we do good nor
do we find stubbornness upon evil because the people that warn us about our evil or that try to advise us to leave our evil are not people that we particularly like or are not doing it in a way that we particularly like we pray that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to see him and to see our relationship with him as priority through it all and we pray that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guide us and guide through us we pray that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala show us his mercy and allow us to be manifestations of his mercy to his creation Asalaamu alaikum
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