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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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When the Decree Shocks Everyone on Laylatul Qadr | Khutbah

April 5, 2024Dr. Omar Suleiman

Tonight marks the 27th night of Ramadan, a pivotal moment for all Muslims across the world. Dr. Omar describes how to continue our momentum in the hopes of receiving the blessings in Laylatul Qadr and beyond.


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We begin by praising Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, by bearing witness that none has the right to be worshipped or unconditionally obeyed except for Him, and we bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His final messenger. We ask Allah to send His peace and blessings upon him, the prophets and messengers that came before him, his family and companions that served alongside him, and those that follow in his blessed path until the Day of Judgment. We ask Allah to make us amongst them. Allahumma ameen. Dear brothers and sisters, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala chose that on the most consequential night in the history of humanity, which is the revelation of the Qur'an, which came down as al-furqan, which came down as the criterion by which all of humanity would now forever be changed and judged and held accountable. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala decided and decreed that on this particular night, that as He sat down the furqan on this night, that He has decreed that on this night, every single year, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala decrees everything that is to come in that particular year. And subhanAllah, it truly is stunning when you start to read about the narrations and perceive what it is that Allah is talking about on Laylatul Qadr. Now we know that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's knowledge is complete and that Allah azawajal already knows and writes and decrees all that is to happen based upon His all-encompassing knowledge. But what exactly happens on Laylatul Qadr, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us amongst those whose decree is to be forgiven. Allahumma ameen. And make us amongst those who catch the qiyam of Laylatul Qadr. And may Allah azawajal remove any barriers between us and Him that would cause our worship to go to waste. Allahumma ameen. What exactly is happening and what exactly is being decreed and what is it like when that decree comes
down. And I want you to actually try to perceive this with me dear brothers and sisters because I want to actually take you back to Laylatul Qadr last year. Laylatul Qadr last year. And the ulema mention, Ibn Abbas says that on that night Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives the scrolls to the angels of everything that is to come for the next year. You have the scrolls of death, you have the scrolls of birth, the birth certificates of so many. The names of those that are to pass away. You have Asmaa ash-shuhada, the names of the martyrs that are given to them. You have the names of the tragedies, the days of those wars, the genocide that we are witnessing today. All of that revealed to the angels on that particular night. And subhanAllah I want you to just for a moment think that while we were in this masjid last year, or while we were observing Laylatul Qadr hopefully as it falls within the last ten nights last year, that everything that happened from last Ramadan until this Ramadan was revealed to the angels in written form. And that this is what the next year looks like. All of its disasters, all of its decrees, the earthquakes, the eclipses, the wars, the names. And the ulema mention of tafsir, subhanAllah, that if you look to al-muqassimati amra, those that apportion the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, imagine the scrolls of al-hurub and the wars and the great affairs being given to Jibreel alayhi as-salam when he receives his instructions for that next year. wal-arzaq li-mika'il alayhi as-salam, and mika'il alayhi as-salam, that great angel
about the sustenance of the year. And malak al-mawt, the angel of death, is given his scroll for the year. These are the people that you will take this year by the command of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Imagine the scrolls that mention the people who are becoming Muslim and the angels receiving the scroll that so and so is going to take shahadah this year. So and so is going to become Muslim this year. And the scrolls getting longer. And some of those names perhaps being quite surprising. Imagine the scrolls of repentance. Imagine the scrolls of people that turn away from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Imagine the scrolls of people who had a good relationship with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, but qad khaaba man hamala dhulma, they wronged someone and so the door between them and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala was now shut. And a person who's been in the favor of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is now written from those who are in despair. Imagine as Ibn Abbas radiallahu ta'ala anhum says, al-amwat wal-ajal wal-arzaq wal-hujjaj. The hajj visas get issued on Laylatul Qadr. I know that many of us are looking to these apps and looking to what's going to happen with this agency and perhaps you have the intention, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala write down the full reward just by our intention, Allahumma ameen, and facilitate an accepted hajj. You wait for the visa. You wait to see it in your hands. The angels receive your hajj visa from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in this year and perhaps the names of those who don't physically go but that spiritually go. So as you're asking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in these nights, I want you to first and foremost immerse yourself in what is happening in the heavens because one of the ways that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala dawns upon us the
weight of the revelation is by informing us of how weighty the revelation was in the heavens. When the Qur'an came down that you recite and perhaps you don't take very seriously, it shook the angels in every heaven as they gathered around Jibreel alayhi as-salam shadeed al-quwa, the one who is endowed with strength as he is descending from heaven to heaven with the Qur'an to the heart of the Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with a revelation that could crush the mountains. And so who are you to read that Qur'an without any type of integrity and without any type of awe and submission as you go through the words of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Likewise, when Allah azawajal mentions to you the descent of Jibreel alayhi as-salam and the descent of the angels with the decree, by knowing the weight of it in the heavens it is meant to cause you to long for it in a certain way and to feel the awe and submission towards it in a certain way as you worship Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in these last ten nights. Jibreel alayhi as-salam who was once given the order to destroy entire towns and cities and tyrants, to drown the Firaun, receives that decree on that night. These are your orders for the year to come and even the angels don't know until that scroll comes to them. Now here is subhanallah what we think about with our brothers and sisters in Gaza. When we think about what's happening, subhanallah what was written last year while we were making dua, while we were exerting ourselves for the decree of the year to come, that in those scrolls are things that are completely unanticipated by all of Allah's creation. You know if you were to talk to us and subhanallah some of us remember in October the way that the entire world just changed overnight and especially
for American Muslims, you thought that this type of stuff only happens when an incident happens in the United States, this type of a dramatic shift of everything. The angels received that on this night last year, that this is what's going to happen. And this year as you are exerting yourself for your brothers and sisters and you're making dua for al-Nasr, you're making dua for victory, know that the scrolls are being printed from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to the angels to coincide with those duas of the believers as they are praying and exerting themselves during these nights. And so we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to write down al-Nasr for our brothers and sisters, victory for our brothers and sisters in this year to come. And we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the one who sent Jibreel alayhi as-salam shadidul quwa on nations before, to send him upon the oppressors and to show us a sign in those oppressors. Allahumma ameen. And as the names of the hujjaj are being written down dear brothers and sisters, so too are the names of the shuhada. And I don't want to go two ways about this. When you make dua to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that Allah azawajal could grant a person shuhada even if they die in their beds, if they are sincere in their dua. As you see the ugliness of what is happening, you also see the stars, the lights, and that hope in the shuhada. The list was long that was given to the mala'ika by our Lord, by al-Fariq subhanahu wa ta'ala, by Allah azawajal who decides all things, the list was long. And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala does not just decree in numbers, but every single name was given to them of every single shaheed. And just like you don't have to physically end up in hajj to get the reward of hajj, and you hope that your name is written from the hujjaj, Allahumma inna nas'aluka shahada.
Oh Allah we ask you to write our names down from the shuhada. Make that dua sincerely from your heart as well, that the decree comes down with that. But I want to give you this one incident, subhanAllah, of the shock of it all. And it really dawned upon me, I was reading this narration from Ibn Abbas radiallahu ta'ala anhuma, describing that night. Because it should bring about a certain awe of the night tonight, which could be Laylatul Qadr, the 27th night, or what remains of these nights. But obviously the 27th night has a certain weight to it amongst these last ten. And Ibn Abbas radiallahu ta'ala anhuma, he says as he's describing that night, he says, tarar rajura yamshi fil aswaq. You see a man just walking out, and in that same moment that he's walking around in public, having no idea what is happening, qad waqa ismuhu fil mawta. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala just printed out his name as someone that will pass away that year, in the heavens. So you think about just this image of a person that's just walking around, maybe having a conversation, making du'a in the hallway. And in that moment that you're in the masjid, in that moment that you're in the hallway, in that moment that you're at home, in that moment that you're in public, at that very moment in the heavens, your name was written down amongst those that would pass away. For the believer, you don't sit there and you think to yourself, well, you know, I'm this young, I don't have any health conditions, I don't think that it's me. For the believer, that possibility of you being that person that Ibn Abbas as describing that at that moment, your name just got written in the heavens, is something that you consider with absolutely everything. And so the urgency of tawbah, the urgency of repenting, the urgency
of seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, seeking forgiveness for your sins, seeking forgiveness for your dhulm, the urgency of getting your money right, the urgency of shifting your lives right, the urgency of your tawbah, the urgency of your repentance can't wait because you are considering the idea that your name might have just got printed in the very moment that you are sitting in the masjid or elsewhere. And dear brothers and sisters, with all of that being said, there was only one thing that concerned the sahaba and it shows you their priorities and I'll end with this with Ibn Allahi ta'ala. When you read in the athar, when you read in the narrations of the du'as of the companions on Laylatul Qadr and these last ten nights, none of them are saying, O Allah, let me not be amongst those who will die this year. None of them are saying, O Allah, let me not be amongst those who will have this happen to them in their worldly sense this year, in terms of a fear of a decrease of something of this dunya. All of them are asking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for one thing as their primary ask, O Allah, make me from those who are redeemed. O Allah, make me from those who are forgiven. Because the greatest thing that can be written in those scrolls in that night, and it could be either the surprise in the heavens or the expectation of a person, is that you are amongst the forgiven. And that last scroll is what is given to the two angels that are with you all the time, that write down for you. And subhanAllah, as the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions to us the prompting of the mala'ika, the prompting of the angels, ikhtim bi khayr, end well, end well, against the prompting of the shayateen, ikhtim bi sharr, end in
evil, end in evil. I want you to anticipate and to hope biidhnillahi ta'ala as you're making dua to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, that what is given to those angels is that this is indeed a person who is going to end in khayr, that this is indeed a person that will end in well, and this is a person who is going to end with the forgiveness of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala write down for us, on this night if it is tonight or what is left of the remaining nights, may Allah azawajal write down for us forgiveness in our individual capacities and victory as an ummah. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgive us for our shortcomings as Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has turned us towards him in ibadah on the most consequential night of our year. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to exert ourselves and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow our exertion to be sincere. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala count us from the sincere and the steadfast. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to overcome the barriers of ego and arrogance and desire that stop us from reaching him. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala enable us to worship him properly. Allahumma a'inna ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibadatika. Oh Allah enable us to remember you properly, to worship you properly, to thank you properly, especially on this night and oh Allah we ask you that if the night has passed of these ten that is Laylat al-Qadr, ya Allah we ask you for its full reward and its full forgiveness and if the night still remains, ya Allah push us towards that night and guarantee us its reward. Allahumma innaka afuwan tuhibbu al-afwa fa'afu anna. Allahumma ameen. A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem. A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem.
A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem. A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem. A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem. A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem. A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem. A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem. A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem.
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