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But You Want Something Else From Allah | Khutbah
Are your du'as disproportionately focused on worldly things? Is there a manner in which we should make dua as it relates to our priorities?
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Dear brothers and sisters, I want to actually start off with a picture that we'll come back to inshallah ta'ala in a few minutes. I want you to think about two people clearly calling upon different gods. Take a Muslim and take anyone calling upon someone other than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Now the obvious issue that we would point out is obviously the shirk, is the idea of calling upon other than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the importance of calling upon one God. But I want you to ask yourself if you were to peek at the wish list of the believer versus the disbeliever. If you were to look at the wish list and what that person was supplicating to their deity for. The Muslim calling upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and whoever it may be calling upon whatever it is that is worshipped other than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Would there be a difference in what is being asked for? Does the dua list look different for a believer and a disbeliever? Does the want look different between those two? And subhanAllah, this is something that you know I want us to come back to but it comes from an ayah and I'll move to this ayah inshallah and I want you to keep that picture in your head because it'll make sense inshallah ta'ala in the next few minutes. When Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in surah Nisa وَلَا تَهِنُوا فِي بِتِغَاءِ الْقَوْمِ Do not weaken in your pursuits and your fighting back against the enemy as you pursue your enemies. This is coming in the capacity of the battle of Uhud. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says إِن تَكُونُوا تَأْلَمُونَ فَإِنَّهُمْ يَأْلَمُونَ كَمَا تَأْلَمُونَ If you are hurting they too are hurting just like you're hurting you feel pain they feel pain meaning when there's a battle going on You mourn your casualties they mourn their casualties to a person that does not
Understand what the battle of Uhud is all about maybe a Bedouin that just comes in and peeks in and sees this battle taking place It just looks like two armies fighting. We've seen armies fight before we've seen people fight over the silliest of things We've seen people go to war over animals and silly notions of tribalism. We've seen it all before right? So I might think as I come out and I look and I see these two parties at war Right, but this is just another one of those skirmishes. They have their casualties. You have yours you go home They go home another battle for another day To Quraysh, that's all it was you embarrassed us in Badr. We kicked you out of Mecca You embarrassed us in Badr with a smaller army You made us look bad And so we're coming after you in Uhud and we want to make sure that this time we're able to raise our heads in pride That we won So Allah's saying look you both struggle in battle. You're gonna have losses. They're gonna have losses You will have injuries. They will have injuries. You will cry over your loved ones. They will cry over their loved ones But Allah says the difference is what what's our June I mean Allah he mad I or June but you want something different from Allah Don't you? What you hope for from your Lord is different from what they hope for You have a loftier pursuit than their pursuit. You have a greater goal than their goal What can Allah or anyone Hakima and Allah is all-knowing and all wise such a powerful Small part of an ayah you want something different from Allah than what they want Meaning what though on the exterior? It's two armies that are fighting But at the end of the day, what are they fighting for? They are small minded people with such small goals They want to be able to go back home and boast in Mecca for some time Say we showed those bandits. We showed those people that dared to depart from the ways of our forefathers
They want the medals and the prizes and the praise and the poetry that comes with being victorious in battle, but such small goals so small-minded that they were willing to sacrifice Their fathers their mothers their spouses their children. They actually were trying to kill their children, right? Why so we can go back to Mecca and we can be the victors We get some spoils from battle and we get some victories and we get this praise And Allah says but you're different from them. Aren't you? Tarjuna mean Allah he mad I or June you want something from Allah That they don't really want and they don't care for and that was the immediate response of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam When Abu Sufyan starts to call out and starts to recite the poetry of the days of ignorance and the statements of victory and the models and It's so profound But to Nana for the general cut like open not You people are celebrating our dead are in paradise. You're dead are in the fire You're celebrating and you think you won for us because what we seek from Allah subhana, wata'ala There is no such thing as loss because so long as we're striving for him. We trust him with the reward So for us, yes, there's gonna be sadness. There's gonna be pain That's human people are gonna cry over their loved ones The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is gonna cry over Hamza all the Allah who and who more than anyone else his uncle but at the end of the day We don't feel like losers here. We don't feel like losers here Because What we seek from Allah is very different from what you people seek from Allah subhana, wata'ala small-minded people with small pursuits They're both weak the the seeker and that which is sought after are so small And Allah is saying you seek something different as a community as individuals when you call upon your Lord when you act for your Lord You have a different goal altogether a different motivation
and that's very hard for a mind that is restricted to worldly dimensions and worldly pursuits to really understand They don't get it because even their generosity in Quraysh. They had some very generous people But they weren't really seeking any type of reward. They didn't even believe in a hereafter They wanted the praise that came with being generous people They always had a hidden agenda. There was always something that was hidden They always had a hidden agenda. There was always something about their good deed Right? So when Abu Bakr radhiya Allah ta'ala anhu goes and he starts freeing these slaves They used to free slaves too, but they freed slaves only for the praise of it And if they could get something out of that slave They could get something out of him, you know that one right there that one I have a connection or I owe him something or he's gonna give me something or Particular skill set or whatever it may be there was something about why they were doing this And when Abu Bakr radhiya Allah anhu goes and he frees Bilal and Khabab and Amir ibn Fuhayrah Lubaynah and Zunnirah and Abu Fukayha and Khabab ibn Al-Arat and these people They're like what's going on here? There's got to be something else He can't just be doing this because he wants something from Allah They don't get it. They don't understand وَتَرْجُونَ مِنَ اللَّهِ مَا لَا يَرْجُونَ You want something from Allah that they don't understand So his father takes him to the side It was generally viewed as a noble thing to free the slaves at the time But again, there was always something about it, right? You wanted the praise of it. You wanted something else with it And he says, ya Abu Nayya, oh my son, he's talking to Abu Bakr You know people usually free others that can offer them some benefit You're freeing people who don't have any money, no tribe behind them, no people behind them You're not gonna get anything out of these people And his answer was, ya Abi, inni la arju bi itqihim maa ind Allah SubhanAllah, perfect answer He said, my father, I'm seeking with their freedom what is with Allah I'm not seeking this
وَلَسَوْفَ يَرْضَ And he will be pleased, radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum He will be pleased because he was sincere in his pursuit of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala So what does this have to do with our du'at list? Let's come back to that Allah tells us in the Quran فَإِذَا قَضَيْتُمْ مَنَاسِكَكُمْ فَاذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ كَذِكْرِكُمْ آبَاءَكُمْ أَوْ أَشَدَّ ذِكْرًا Allah mentions when you finish your rituals in hajj Then remember Allah the way that you would remember your fathers and even more Now someone would probably read this verse and think about it as familiarity But in fact, subhanAllah, when people go to hajj now, right? They're all prepared for du'at, right? All the lectures before the day of Arafah are about du'at What are you gonna ask Allah for? How are you gonna ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala? May Allah accept all of our hajj du'as for ourselves and for our ummah Allahumma ameen But you're being drained with du'at, right? Drilled with du'at, du'at, du'at, du'at This is how you make du'at You know what they used to do in the time of Quraysh? They would perform acts of generosity in the hajj of Jahiliyyah, in the hajj of the days of ignorance And then after the hajj, they'd compete who fed more people, who freed more people, who took care of more orphans MashaAllah, great things, you wanna give drink to the poor, you wanna give food But they would recite that my father did this, and my father did this, and my father did this So Allah says now, when you finish your hajj, now that you've moved away from the hajj of Jahiliyyah Mention Allah, not your fathers anymore, stop that This is about Allah, your hajj is about Allah now, it's not about the performance of a tribe or an individual Then Allah says فَمِنَ الْنَّاسِ مَنْ يَقُولُ رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا وَمَا لَهُ فِي الْآخِرَةِ مِنْ خَلَاقٍ There are people that when they ask their Lord, all they ask for are things of this world There is nothing in their supplication for the hereafter It's always asking Allah for material things And let me tell you something, I believe that one of the main reasons people get so frustrated with their du'at
Is because their du'at are so worldly and they're always about something that they want immediate and in the now And so when it doesn't happen, you get upset, you get bitter But if your du'at are framed with what you really want from Allah more than anything else Allah responds وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَقُولُ رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ Some of them say, oh our Lord, give us the best of this life and the best of the hereafter And protect us from the punishment of the fire You see Allah did not say stop asking for dunya, stop asking for worldly things Allah said adjust the proportion of your ask to your priorities Adjust the proportion of your asking Allah to your priorities in this life And I ask you to think about yourself as you're making du'at Is it Allahumma ni'asalak wa jana' Allahumma ni'a And then when you start asking Allah after you made the du'as for the hereafter When you start asking Allah for something worldly and material Suddenly you get emotional and you get driven and you get into it Suddenly your du'at becomes sincere But the other thing, you know last 10 nights of Ramadan Allahumma naka'afu wa nta'hibu al'afu wa fa'afu anee Allahumma naka'afu wa nta'hibu al'afu And then, oh Allah give me this and give me that And oh Allah give me this spouse And oh Allah give me this job And oh Allah take care of this And oh Allah take care of that The most precious thing you could have asked Allah for was forgiveness The greatest prize that Allah could give you in Ramadan And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was not saying this to someone that really had to worry from our perspective It was Aisha radiAllahu anha asking the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam What did we do in the last 10 nights if we think Laylatul Qadr is here The main thing, ask Allah for forgiveness The day of Arafah, the prize of the day of Arafah is forgiveness That doesn't mean don't ask Allah for this world That means how proportionate is your du'a to your priority
Now, SubhanAllah, notice that Allah Azzawajal responded to a people who only make du'a for dunya and they don't care for akhira Because you rarely find people on the other end You're rarely going to find someone who spends too much of their time making du'a for the akhira And if they do, then that could represent another problem That could represent, you know, a poor assumption of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala Because your Lord is generous, your Lord is merciful He loves to give you So ask, Allah is more Ask Allah for the worldly things, ask Allah for the halal, ask Allah for these things It's okay, you have a Lord that loves when you ask So adjust your proportion and then ask Allah Don't say, I'm such a sinful servant, I'm not even going to bother asking Allah for worldly things I'm just going to ask Him for things of the hereafter instead because that's all I care about That sounds like it could be coming from a noble place, right? Subhanallah, I came across this hadith Anas radiya Allahu ta'ala anhu, he says that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam visited one of the sahaba And he said, this man was dying, I mean he was so sick Literally he describes him, he was like a bird that was dying I mean, he was crumbled in his bed about to die And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam went to visit him And he said, hal kunta taj'u bi shay? Were you making du'a for anything? Were you asking Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for anything? I mean, as you were in this situation He said, I used to say Allahumma ma kuntu mu'aqibni bihi fil akhira fa ajilhu li fi dunya He said, oh Allah, whatever you were going to punish me with in the hereafter Hasten it for me in this dunya Punish me in this dunya, let me get it over with Let me go through the pain and the suffering in this world And don't punish me in the hereafter The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, that's what you used to make du'a for?
Hal kunta taj'u bi shay? That was your du'a all this time? Oh Allah, torture me in this life So that I don't suffer in the next life? The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, subhanallah la tu'tiquhu He said, you're not going to be able to handle that This isn't what you're supposed to be doing No, you don't ask Allah, it could be coming from a noble place This is coming from a sincere place May Allah be pleased with him But you don't ask Allah, punish me now so that you don't punish me then That's not the type of Lord that you're asking So the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says, say instead Rabbana aatinaa fid dunyaa hasanaa wa fil aakhirati hasanaa Waqinaa athab al-nar Oh our Lord, grant us the best of this life and the best of the hereafter And protect us from the punishment of the fire Again, proportionality When you make du'a to Allah Exert yourself the most when you ask for the things of the hereafter And ask Allah for the highest of this life and the next Ask Allah for al-firdaws al-a'la For the highest level of al-firdaws Ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for these things And there is no such thing as a du'a that's made in vain So long as your pursuit is right And that's why the believer does not become bitter and dejected with their du'a Because they know that they have an understanding with their Lord That if my du'a was not answered in the way I wanted it to for this dunya Then Allah stored it for the greater goal That was also present in my du'a Which was salvation in the hereafter Tarjuna minallahi ma la yarjun What you want from God is different Your wish list should be at the top Or at the top of that wish list Should be, oh Allah grant us al-firdaws al-a'la Oh Allah protect us And dear brothers and sisters Husn al-dhanan Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Having a good expectation of Allah Is that you have a practical responsibility To every portion of that du'a Fid dunya hasana Oh Allah grant us the welfare of this dunya The best of this life Then pursue dunya with halal
Pursue this life with only halal things Wa fil akhirati hasana And in the hereafter hasana Pursue it with a'mal Pursue it with good deeds Put your good deeds towards what you're asking Allah for Waqina a'dhab an-naq And protect us from the punishment of the fire Then protect yourself from the disobedience of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Rabbana a'tina fi dunya hasana Wa fil akhirati hasana Waqina a'dhab an-nar Allahumma ameen I say this and ask Allah for forgiveness for the sake of the Muslims So ask forgiveness, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful Alhamdulillah Arabic Arabic Arabic
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