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Acts of Worship

Learning to Trust Allah’s Timing | Khutbah

August 19, 2022Dr. Omar Suleiman

While you're waiting for the help of Allah to come, a trial to be lifted, or a blessing to arrive, what are some du'as and deeds prescribed to maintain trust in His timing with tranquility?

In this khutbah, Dr. Omar Suleiman talks about learning to trust Allah's timing.

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We begin by praising Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and by bearing witness that none has the right to be worshipped or unconditionally obeyed except for him and we bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his final messenger. We ask Allah to send his peace and blessings upon him, the prophets and messengers that came before him, his family and companions that served alongside him and those that follow in his blessed path until the day of judgment and we ask Allah to make us amongst them. Allahumma ameen. Dear brothers and sisters, the entire khutbah that I want to give today is actually based upon a du'a and it's a du'a that in some manifestation gets attributed to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but there is no authentic chain directly to him alayhi salatu wassalam, but a powerful supplication from one of the salaf, from one of the pious predecessors and that is Umar ibn Abdul Aziz rahimahullah ta'ala. And we know from the salaf that they had their connection with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and they had their way of calling upon Allah that is very instructive to us to think about the way they perceived Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the narration is from Yahya ibn Sa'id. He says that kana kathiram mimma yad'u that what was frequently recited in du'a from Umar ibn Abdul Aziz rahimahullah ta'ala and I'll read it very slow Allahumma radhni bi qadaiq Allahumma radhni bi qadaiq wa barik li fi qadarik wa barik li fi qadarik Oh Allah Let me be pleased with what you have decreed. Radhni bi qadaiq. Let me be pleased and satisfied with what you have decreed. Wa barik li fi qadarik and bless me in the decree that is to come. Qadha is what comes after qadar. Qadha is something the divine decree which has already manifested itself
Qadhar is what is still in the works in this in this context here. Allahumma radhni bi qadaiq Oh Allah let me be pleased with what has been decreed for me and make me pleased with it. Wa barik li fi qadarik and then bless me in the divine decree that is to come and then he says Hatta laa uhibba ta'jeela maa akhart wa laa ta'kheera maa ajalt Hatta laa uhibba ta'jeela maa akhart So that I do not love that anything that you have been delayed be hastened wa laa ta'kheera maa ajalt Nor that something that has been hastened be delayed. Allahumma radhni bi qadaiq Oh Allah, please me with your decree. Wa barik li fi qadarik and bless me in the decree that is to come Hatta laa uhibba ta'jeela maa akhart And so that I do not love that you hasten that which was meant to be delayed Wa laa ta'kheera maa ajalt and that you do not or that I do not love That you delay what was hastened for me. This dua if we break it down is actually a phenomenal dua and a phenomenal diagnosis of What usually happens in the frustration that a person has with Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala if you look at our entire existence on this earth and This entire idea of a race against time Every day we wake up and we feel like we're rushed from this thing to the next thing and we don't have time and we're trying to achieve this and trying to achieve that and there's a great level of stress and especially when the efforts and the plans that you put forward are either completely disrupted by something that is out of your control or That which you were pursuing is not coming to you as it should be coming to you with your planning
Time I want it now you think about the child in the car. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? And many times when we're making dua to Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala We're implying is it there yet? Is it there yet? Is it there yet? And that's when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said most people will give up on their dua Why because they've made that same dua over and over again and it hasn't happened yet And at that very moment when it's about to come to you The person says da'utu fa da'utu falam yustajab li. I made this dua. I made this dua and it didn't happen for me Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala mentions those that are being wronged and harmed and oppressed and they say Mata nasrullah When is the help of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala going to come and Allah says about the oppressor Or rather the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says about the oppressor Inna Allah la yumli lil dhalim hatta idha akhadahu lam yuflithu That Allah delays the oppressor Meaning what? He allows that oppressor to continue in their oppression Until they start to think that they're invincible until they start to think that they're getting away with it This is working. I'm not being held accountable I have impunity hatta idha akhadahu and then when Allah snatches him lam yuflithu He does not let him go so both the oppressed is wondering when and the oppressor is pushing the limits to see how far they can get with this and There is a time factor involved. When is this all going to collapse? When is this all going to come to fruition? When is this going to happen? When is that going to happen a person is pursuing marriage? When am I going to get married a person is pursuing a career? When am I going to get that job? When am I going to get that opportunity a person? You know a couple waiting for a family
When is that child going to come and then you have the children when is this going to happen with my child? all Along you start to realize that We have to have a submission to Allah's timing Allah's planning as a whole his qadr as a whole but his timing when Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has decreed something to come and there is something very profound about this because as As Ibn al-Jawzi rahimahullah said if Yusuf alayhi salam focused on only getting out of prison then he wouldn't have benefited from what was actually happening within the prison and so when you're in a trial or a hardship a person becomes so Eager for that hardship to end. Yeah Allah when is this going to be lifted that if they don't pay attention They're missing out on the unique Opportunities of that hardship to come close to Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala as he said one of the Salaf one of the pious predecessors asked Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala in a dream Yeah, Allah, how come this dua has not been fulfilled yet? And the answer was yeah abdi. Oh my servant I love to hear your voice Hib one asma saltak. I love to hear your voice in dua and what were you what you were getting out of those moments of dua as The delay was happening was better than what you were seeking in the immediate moment The delay became good for you because what you attained in terms of faith and character in that delay Was far greater than what Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala could have hastened for you in the moment When you're in the midst of the trial Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala Pushes you towards certain things or offers you the potential to push yourself towards certain things the entire time you're saying when when when and
It's important to take a step back and say you know what while I'm asking Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala for this trial to come to an end let me pay attention to the unique opportunities that exist within this trial as The scholars mentioned when you're pursuing the blessing Sometimes subhanAllah in the process of pursuing a particular blessing We neglect the blessings that already exist around us and I'm not just talking about the idea of health and the idea of you know the the concept of gratitude and shukr for what you have But while you're in the pursuit of this particular thing if you develop tunnel vision When is this going to happen when am I going to get this when am I going to get that? The other ni'm in your life all have a timeline the other blessings all have a timeline and they're moving towards a sense of expiration So your parents are getting older while you're pursuing this Your kids are getting older while you're pursuing this with your career This is happening while this is happening and if I'm so focused on this blessing that I'm in pursuit of Then those blessings are also moving on a timeline And I'm missing out on something here and to take a step back and say Instead of when wait a minute. What's all this that's already around me And how do I have a refreshed lens on a daily basis for those things and that's one of the blessings of shukr Shukr refreshes the lens every day on the ni'm that you have in your life On the blessings that you have on your life to make you say alhamdulillah all over again Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah You don't just say alhamdulillah you have a salary you have a job You don't just say alhamdulillah you have a salary you say alhamdulillah every time you have food on the table It refreshes the lens So that you realize what i'm pursuing if it's halal pursuit Should not become such a focus and an obsession for me That I worry about the time that it's going to unlock itself that I lose out on the limited time of the other
Blessings that are around me whether that's the people or the things that are around me So to move on from when? And to recognize subhanallah that the delay that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives to us at times is the greatest design for our lives Of course allah azawajal says human beings have been created as what? Hasty hasty hasty we always want things now. It's not just our children That are always pushing and saying when is it are we there yet? Is it over yet? Am I going to get this yet? When when when it's us as well? In our own ways with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Yeah allah when when when when is this going to happen? When is that going to happen? And that doesn't mean that you don't become an ambitious person That doesn't mean that you don't continue to pursue what allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has made halal But that means that you submit yourself to the timing that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has put you on Submit yourself to his schedule And stop seeing the delay as deprivation. It's not deprivation Stop seeing the delay as denial. It's not allah subhanahu wa ta'ala telling you. No Many times it's allah telling you not yet, and it's for your own good And by the time you come around to realize that if you were not observing the lessons of that delay Then the delay would have gone to waste I'm sure zakaria alayhi salam at some point asked well when? Right, but no there was a submission I'm sure at some point yusuf alayhi salam wondered but when how much longer there's a submission to that schedule A submission to that time slot to say that every single delay that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is giving to me Is a not yet not a no And that not yet could mean After this life is already over, but it's there It's there allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will not let you ask Without giving you it's there, but you have to wait
And submitting yourself to that time now then go back to what umar ibn abdul aziz rahimahullah ta'ala was saying in his dua And he used to make this dua frequently. It's not something that they heard from him once upon a time Allahumma radhini bi qada'ik Oh allah let me be pleased with the decree It's already happened I'm not going to sit there and say why did this happen this way or why did that happen hamdulillah? Let me be pleased with it. Please me with what is here wa barik li fi qadarik And bless me in what is to come in that decree that is to come hatta la uhibba ta'jeela ma akhart wala ta'khira ma ajart So that I only love Things at their time so that I do not wish for that which has been delayed to be hastened Nor that which has been hastened to be delayed, you know, I give you this example subhanallah It's it's a lot of times the tv references and the movie references and things come to your mind You know in those those movies and shows where someone gets stuck in an elevator the electricity goes out and suddenly two people are in an elevator together Or they're in a room and the power goes out and suddenly, you know We kind of lived that movie here when we lost our power Uh in the winter storm that happened before right and suddenly people have to actually talk to each other And things are frozen and put into place And then what ends up happening when those people are stuck together for a long time And they're not able to continue the rat race of this dunya. They actually get to know each other They refresh their relationship with one another There is a moment of pause that's forced upon them that they don't like initially But then once the pause is over and things resume They're grateful for the pause at the bare minimum The blessing of that pause is your reconnection with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Because there are very few people That will call upon allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with more sincerity and more connection and more devotion and more love
In their times of comfort as they will in their times of desperation At the bare minimum There is a qiyam that was induced. There was a tear that was induced. There was a dua that was induced And the eyes that shed tears for the sake of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will not touch the fire And the dua that is made from the heart will immediately transition and transcend and ascend through the heavens till it reaches allah subhanahu wa ta'ala And the thing that you asked for should it be halal and in proper means Will surely be given to you in a way that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows is even better for you But slow down don't just submit yourself to allah's plan submit yourself to allah's timing Don't just say I know allah is able Say I know allah knows when when it's better for me Allahumma radhni bi qadaik wabarik li fi qadarik hatta laa uhibba ta'jeela maa akhart wala ta'khira maa ajalt May allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us amongst those that are pleased with us wala ta'khira maa ajalt. May allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us amongst those that are pleased with his planning That are pleased with his timing that see the blessings that are around them when they are obvious and when they are hidden May allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us fresh hearts and fresh lenses that are always able to appreciate the presence And that pursue what is the best for them in the future May allah subhanahu wa ta'ala let our future be jannat al-firdaws in the companionship of our prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam and may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala let our present be jannat al-yaqeen the paradise of certainty in our hearts And may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgive us when we question him Forgive us when we don't take the gifts that he gives to us May allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us amongst those that are grateful to him in all circumstances And patient with his decree in all circumstances And make us amongst those who are pleased with what has come to us And who are blessed with what is yet to come to us and make us amongst those that always are in a state of hamd
Always are in a state of praising him arabic Allahumma khfir lil mu'mineen wal mu'minat wal muslimeen wal muslimat, al-ahya'i minhum wal amwat, innaka samee'un qareebun mujeebu al-da'wat. Allahumma khfir lana wa rahamna wa a'fu anna wa la tu'adhibna. Rabbana zalamna anfusana wa in lam takhfir lana wa tarhamna. Lanakoonnana min al-khasireen. Allahumma innaka a'fuun kareemun tuhibbu al-afwa fa'afu anna. Allahumma khfir liwalidina. Rabbir hamhuma kama rabbona sighara. Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhuriyatina qurrat a'ayun. Waj'anna lil muttaqina imama. Allahumma ansur ikhwanan mustad'afina fee mashariki al-ardi wa magharibiha. Allahumma i'izzal al-Islami wal-muslimeen wa idhilla al-shirk wa al-kadhibin wa damir a'ada' al-deen. Allahumma ahlik al-dhalimeena bil-dhalimeen wa akhrujna wa ikhwanan wa baynim salimeen. Ibadullahi anna Allah ya'muru bil-adli wal-ihsan wa ita'idil-qurba wa yanha'an al-fahsha'i wal-munkari wal-baghi. Ya'idukum la'al lakum tadhakkaroon. Fathkuru Allahi yathkurukum wa shukruhu wa'ala al-ni'ma yazid lakum. Al-Fatiha.
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