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'I guarantee Jannah for the one who…' | Khutbah
Dr. Omar Suleiman goes over a number of the hadiths in which the Prophet ﷺ guarantees paradise to people in exchange for certain traits and actions.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Dear brothers and sisters, last week we talked about this particular hadith. Inna al-sidqa yahdi ilal birr, wa inna al-birr yahdi ilal jannah, wa inna al-rajula layasduq hatta yuktaba inda Allahi siddiqa. That verily, truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to paradise, and a person will continue to tell the truth until they are written with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as a siddiq, as a person of truth. In another narration, the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam, and of course the opposite of that, wa inna al-kadhib yahdi ilal fujur, that verily, lying leads to wickedness, all forms of wickedness, and wickedness leads to hellfire, and a person will continue to lie until they're written with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as a liar. In another narration, and this is what I want to begin the discussion today with, there's a similar narration where the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam talks about a different quality, and it's the only narration that is close to this one in terms of a quality that bears many traits that either is consequential in that it leads a person to paradise or it leads a person to hellfire. And this is a hadith from Abu Hurairah radi Allah ta'ala anhu that the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam said, al haya'u min al-iman, al imanu fil-jannah, wal bada'u min al-jafa'u, wal jafa'u fil-nar. Haya'u, which I will do my best to define insha'Allah ta'ala, haya'u, which is modesty, being bashful, being decent. Haya'u is in jannah. Haya'u is in jannah. It is a quality that is from iman, you cannot have iman without haya'u, and haya'u with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is iman, that a person feels a great sense of decency, modesty, bashfulness with their Lord and in all of their dealings. Haya'u is in jannah. And on the opposite side, the Prophet salallahu alaihi
wasalam said, al bada'u, al bada'u is from al-jafa'u, and al-jafa'u is in hellfire. Al bada'u and al-jafa'u gets a little bit more complex. Al bada'u is when a person is shameless bil qawl wal amal, they're shameless with their manners, they become foul. A foul mouthed person is someone who's badi' and the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam is saying that al bada'u, when a person becomes so shameless, then that is part of a greater disease and that is called al-jafa'u. And the way that Imam Munawi rahimahu wa ta'ala described al-jafa'u, he said that al-jafa'u refers to a person, anna al-qalb la yameeru li maw'idah wa la yakhsha'u li tathkirah. That a person's heart becomes so shut off that even when they're reminded, they're so defiant and brazen in their disobedience of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, it doesn't affect them anymore. Whereas when a person is just guilty of al-bada'u, you kind of remind them, tap them, tell them to calm down, you give them a reminder and they might calm themselves down, they might listen, they might be receptive. But al-jafa'u is that a person has become so insolent, so defiant, so brazen in their disobedience to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, that even when they're reminded, everything about them has gone hard and cold, they don't listen anymore. They're just not moved anymore. And so from the greatest signs of al-jafa'u in fact that the scholars mention, is that a person is no longer moved by the remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. The Quran has no effect on them. If a person tells them to fear Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, they blow up on that person. Tell them to taqil la, they'll respond back with something so grievous and so nasty that you'll never advise that person again. Because they've reached the point where they're openly defiant. So if you think of the stepping stones in the previous hadith, al-kathib tu al-fujur. A person lies a lot and then a person gets to a point where
they become a compulsive liar and then a person starts to use that lying to establish trickery in all of their different fields of life and they just disobey Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in so many different ways. Here, a person who has no shame in their speech and in their actions will not just corrupt their manners but eventually their morals and no longer even be able to hear when someone is warning them and someone is telling them to be mindful of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So before I get to the ahadith about guaranteeing Jannah, there are a few ahadith where the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam says I guarantee Jannah. Let's just sort out these two concepts, al-sidq and al-hayat. We talked about truthfulness. When it comes to al-hayat, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, li kulli deen an khuluq. Every religion has its key attribute, its key characteristic and the khuluq of Islam, the key attribute of Islam is hayat, is modesty, decency, the opposite of shamelessness. That Muslims are decent and dignified and modest people. That is supposed to be the case at least. That that is the most apparent and most observable trait of the Muslims. And the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, al-hayat la ya'ti illa bi khayr. That there is nothing that hayat is in, decency is in, that this modesty comes into except that it brings good. Why? Because sometimes shyness is looked down upon, shame is looked down upon. Even in the society of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam walked by a man that was talking to his brother and telling him to stop being so shy, stop being so modest. And the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, leave him alone because the hayat is from iman. That modesty is a good quality of Islam. It doesn't take away from confidence and being assertive. But that a person is humble, decent, modest, shy, bashful, does not stop them from also being impactful,
confident, assertive where they need to be. Hayat rules out arrogance, not assertiveness. Hayat rules out indecency, not confidence. That's not what hayat does. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is the greatest example of that. In fact if you need to raise your voice and cut people off and be shameless and curse to make your point, that means that what you have is very weak so you're trying to overcompensate with bad manners and with loudness and being brazen. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was dignified. He was assertive, confident, dignified alayhi wa sallam. And everything about his demeanor represented what? Hayat. He was a modest person, humble person. He never would become loud like a donkey braying in the streets alayhi wa sallam. Now this is interesting and there are multiple ahadith. Al hayat khayrun kullu. All of hayat is good. And subhanallah I'll actually reference, you know, Sheikh Mohammed al-Shinawi wrote a paper called Hayat More Than Just Modesty for Yaqeen Institute and it goes through a beautiful breakdown of what hayat is and the last portion of that paper is how to cultivate hayat which with the time of the khutba I won't be able to get too deeply into that. What I wanted to talk about instead are three ahadith. Three ahadith where the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam says I guarantee jannah. Now if you hear Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam say I guarantee you jannah, what are you going to do if you're a sahabi? You're going to listen very closely. And he does this alayhi wa sallam three times and they're all around the same theme. So let's go over these three ahadith insha'Allah ta'ala very briefly. Number one, hadith sahl ibn sa'ad radiya Allah ta'ala anhu, very famous hadith in al-Bukhari where the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said man yadman li ma bayna lahyayhi wa ma bayna rijlayhi adhman lahul jannah. Whoever guarantees for me what is between their jaws, meaning their tongue, and their
private parts, what is between their legs, their chastity, their modesty, whoever guarantees modesty and guarantees their tongue for me, I guarantee that person jannah. Meaning if you are able to gain control over yourself in these two regards, in the way that you use your tongue and in your chastity, I guarantee you jannah. Subhanallah when you look at the Quran Allah azzawajal as he describes the believers, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions anil laghwi mu'ridhoon, li furujihim hafidhoon. That they are people who guard their tongues and they guard their private parts, they guard their chastity. They stay away from zina and what leads towards zina. They stay away from adultery and fornication and what leads to it. Well Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said if you figure those two things out for me, I will guarantee you jannah. Now there is another hadith which all falls within this. So if you think about these two, how do you branch out from these two? And this hadith I want you to try to memorize the traits inshallah ta'ala. There are six traits that the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions. The first three of them should be very easy if you have attended the last few weeks of the khutbah. It's hadith Abu Umama radiallahu ta'ala anhu, an authentic hadith. Qala alayhi salatu wasalam, ukfulu li bisittin ukfulu lakumul jannah. That guarantee me six things and I will guarantee you jannah. Six things. Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, idha haddath ahadukum fala yakthib. When you speak don't lie. Then he said, wa idha wa'da fala yukhlif. And if you make a promise don't break your promise. Wa idha tumina fala yakhun. And if you are entrusted with something don't betray the trust. Basically three traits when it comes to hypocrisy. Qala alayhi salatu wasalam, waghulu absarakum, wahfadhu furujakum, wakufu aydiakum. And the Prophet Sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said, guard your gaze, your eyesight, and guard your private parts, and guard your hands from hurting people. Interesting hadith. Six traits. Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if you have these six traits in your life, I will guarantee you jannah. Now what's very interesting is that there are two fountains. The fountain of sitq, the fountain of truthfulness, and the fountain of haya, which is modesty. And all of these traits are going back to the exact same two things if a person can maintain these things in their life. And you know what else the scholars mention is Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would never say I guarantee you jannah with something that was not observable. All of these traits are observable. If you're trying to make a serious claim with Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala to enter into jannah, are you able to actually look through these six things and say that I am not guilty of harming in regards to these six things. Also some of the ulama mention what? That when you look at these things that the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives, they're all about restraint. And what does Allah Azawajal say? A person who is able to restrain themselves from their desires, they have jannah. When you think about jannah, a person starts to think about qiyam al-layl, a person starts to think about lots of fasting, a person starts to think about lots of charity. And the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying jannah first and foremost starts off with what? Guard these things. Guard yourself, protect yourself, restrict yourself in this regard. And lastly dear brothers and sisters, there's an intersection between haya and sadaq. An intersection which is that the scholars say a lack of haya in the deeper sense is even more subtle than hypocrisy. When we talk about the signs of hypocrisy as it comes into terms with the
way that you deal with people, there are obvious violations, obvious violations of contracts, obvious broken promises. A person makes a promise and they break their promise. A person says something and they know that they're lying. A person is given a secret and they break that secret or they're trusted with something and they break that trust. When it comes to haya, haya really speaks to the more subtle forms of indecency. What do I mean by that? A person who is sneaky with their lying to where you could cheat someone right in front of you and they never even knew it. You didn't really break your promise but you kind of did. Because haya refers to a person having a sense of shame and decency that they govern themselves by where even where they have a loophole, they don't take advantage of the loophole. So the first implementation of this is the obvious and that's why when Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says, that Allah knows what the eyes, the fraud of the eyes, the betrayal of the eyes, what did we say that was? That a person is looking at you and you lower your gaze, as soon as they walk by, you look because they no longer can see you. So in front of them, you maintained at least public decorum but then you betrayed that when they were not looking anymore, when they no longer could tell. The Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said, an-nabi hurayra ta radiya allahu ta'ala, la yambaghil siddiqin an yakuna la'anan. It is not befitting for a siddiq, for a truthful person to be in the habit of having a foul tongue, a tongue that curses people. And so hayya and siddq are two fountains, they're two traits that the scholars mention, are actually from the major two qualities that if a person observes them in all of their daily affairs, then they will be from those for whom Jannah is guaranteed. The last thing dear brothers and sisters and I'll end with the hadith from the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, is that both
hayya and siddq are reverence for the sight of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala upon you in areas where Allah azawajal is most likely to be not remembered. What do I mean by that? When you go into salah, you say Allahu Akbar and you start to think about the sight of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala upon you. Hayya, modesty and shyness is not cowardice, it's not because someone else is looking at you and maybe you're just not that aggressive, you start to calm yourself down. Hayya is first and foremost with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, that you're shy from the sight of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala upon you. And so you know that Allah sees things that maybe the person in front of you is not seeing in the moment. You know that Allah sees you when other people do not see you and you're always thinking about the sight of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So I want you to think about it this way, you know how when a person gets into their salah stance to say Allahu Akbar and now let me think about Allah azawajal watching me and pay attention? Hayya and siddq actually mean that you start to do that when you're engaging in a business contract. You think of Allah's sight as you get into a conversation, you think of Allah's sight upon you, Allah is watching me and I'm making this promise right now. I'm not going to break this promise. Allah is watching me and I'm about to speak. Allah is watching me and I'm in front of that computer screen, I'm in front of that phone and no one else sees me right now. Allah is watching me. So hayya and siddq means that the gaze of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala upon you is guiding your societal transactions in the same way that a person would start to guide their worship. Where before I embark on something, when I'm about to do something, ya Allah, I'm shy. I'm shy. I don't want to violate what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has told me not to violate. The last hadith where the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam guarantees Jannah and we'll end with this. Hadith of Mu'adh ibn Jabal radiyaAllahu ta'ala, and it has several variations. Qala alayhi salatu was salam, ana za'eemun bi baytin fi rabadil jannah wa baytin
fi wasatil jannah wa baytin fi a'lal jannah. liman taraka almiraa wa in kaana muhikqan wa taraka alkadhiba wa in kaana maazihan wa hasuna khuluqahu. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said in this authentic hadith in At-Tabarani, he said alayhi salatu was salam, I guarantee a home in paradise. In the outskirts of paradise, the middle of paradise, and in the highest level of paradise. For the one who gives up an argument even when they're right. And for the one who gives up lying even when they're joking. And for the one who makes their character excellent. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us amongst them. Allahumma ameen. I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan. Alhamdulillah, salatu was salamu ala Rasulullah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa manhu ala. Dear brothers and sisters, I know that these are a lot of ahadith but I want you to remember these six traits. And I want you to think about them biidnilahi ta'ala. And inshallah ta'ala as you think about how to cultivate haya in your life, it's just a reminder, you know, when the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam talks about the end of days being days of deception, the greatest deception is when a person deceives themselves into thinking that because they fooled the creation that they have fooled the creator. Be mindful of the sight of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and ask Allah azawajal to grant you these qualities of al haya, wasidq, truthfulness and modesty from which all of the ahadith, all of the
guarantees for those that are guaranteed jannah stem from. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us both of these traits. Allahumma ameen. Allahumma khfira al mu'minin wa al mu'minat wa al muslimin wa al muslimat al ahya'i minhum wa al amwat. Innaka sami'un qareebun wujeebu da'wat. Allahumma khfira lana warhamna wa a'fu anna wa la tu'adhibna. Rabbana zalamna anfusana wa innam takhfira lana warhamna. Lanakum innana minal khasireen. Allahumma innaka a'fuun tuhibbu al a'fu wa fa'afu anna. Allahumma khfira li waridina. Rabbir hammu ma kima rabbuna sigara. Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhuriyatina qurra ta'ayun. Wa ja'anna lil muttaqina imamah. Allahumma nusul ikhwanina al mustad'afina fee masharik al ardi wa magharibiha. Allahumma izzal al islam wa al muslimin wa adzala al shirk wa al kadibin. Wa damil a'daa al deen. Allahumma ahlik al dhalimina bil dhalimin. Wa akhrujna wa ikhwanina min baynihim salimin. Ibadullah anna Allah ya'muru bil adli wal ihsan. Wa ita'idil qurba. Wa yanha'an al fahsha'i wa al munkari wa al baghi. Ya'idukum la'alakum tadhakkarun. Fathkurullahi yathkurukum wa shukrooha ala'l ni'ma yazid lakum. Wa la dhikrullahi akbar. Wallahi ya'ma tasna'oon. Waqim al salam.
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