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Expanding and Blessing Your Wealth - Rizq Part 2 | Daily Reminders
Mufti Abdul Rahman continues with explaining different means and ways that can result in increasing your wealth and having blessed sustenance.
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This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Nahmaduhu wa nasalli ala Rasulihi al-Kareem. Amma ba'ad. As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. In the previous video we discussed two asbab, two means, that can result in the increasing of our wealth, and that could result in having blessed, mubarak rizq from Allah SWT. So watch that video for the first two, and today we'll discuss number three, four, and five. The third means is salah, prayer. Allah in the Qur'an He says, Wa amur ahlaka bis salati, wastabira alaiha, la nas'aluka risqa wal aqiwatu lil taqwa. O Prophet of Allah, command your family to pray salah, wa amur ahlaka bis salati, wastabira alaiha, and stay steadfast upon it. La nas'aluka risqa. Sufyan Tarih Muhammad says this means, la nukallifuka al-talab. We don't ask you to worry about it, to worry about your risk. We're not asking you to be responsible for your sustenance. Nahnu narzuquk, we will sustain you. So Ibn Kathir mentions under this ayah, how Allah put risq and salah together. That wastabira alaiha, just keep praying, keep praying. Times look tough, but just keep on praying, keep on praying. Allah will open the doors. Itha asabahu khasasa, when the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wa sallam would face any type of hunger or poverty in his family, he would come to the doors of his homes and he would say, Ya ahla, ya ahla, O my family, O my family, sallu, sallu, sallu, pray salah, pray salah, pray salah. Itha hasabahu amrun, fazia'i la salah. Whenever a really important matter came to him, he would rush towards the salah. Allah SWT in the hadith of Qudsi, He says, Ya abdi, tafarag li'ibadati. O my servant, take out time for my ibadah, worship me. Amla sadruka ghinan wa asaddu fakhrak. Wa illa taf'al mal'atu yadika shughlan wa lamasuddu fakhrak. He says, O my servant, take out time for my ibadah, worship me. If you do this, I will make you wealthy. I'll expand your chest, you will never need money. You will never feel poor or feel in need. Wa asaddu fakhrak, and I will close all the doors of poverty for you. So you don't have to worry about if all the doors,
all the employers and jobs are, you're losing all the jobs and opportunities. As long as you're taking out time for me, I'll take care of you. Wa illa taf'al, and if you don't do that, mal'atu yadika shughlan, I'll make you really busy. So busy, this is the key, this is the most misunderstood concept and word in our country, in our country and in the whole world. Busy, everyone's busy. This is sort of a punishment from Allah. Mal'atu yadika shughlan, you'll be so busy. Wa lam asuddu fakhrak. But in spite of you being so busy, where you don't have time for your own family, your spouse, your children, your parents, you don't have time to even eat food properly without looking at your phone, in spite of that, you will still be in need. Your needs will never end, your ends will never meet. So this concept of making our children, our families, a home that is establishing five times salah is marzuq. Marzuq means it's being blessed with rizq from Allah SWT. A facility, or a manufacturing plant, or a business, that everyone in there that has to pray salah is praying on time, and not just praying quickly, but praying as if their entire life depends on this salah. Like my entire life depends on me correcting this salah of mine, then this business, this household is marzuq from Allah. This is a good time to just press the reset button and say, you know what, let me put the five times prayer schedule in my house, make sure my entire family prays, we pray with adhan, we all pray salah together, and we redevelop this habit of ours. So the third sabab is to learn how to take from the treasures of Allah by resorting to salah. The fourth sabab is another very important aspect that sometimes we start missing in our lives, and it is sulatul rahm, joining ties with our family members. مَنْ أَرَادَ أَن يُبْسَطَ لَهُ فِي رِزْقِهِ وَأَن يُؤْسَلَهُ فِي عُمْرِهِ فَلْيَصِلْ رَحْمَهُ The Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he says, anyone who wishes to see an increase in their wealth, and leave a good legacy behind,
then they should join ties with their family members. Many times with our day-to-day busy schedule, we miss out on the greatest wealth that we have, which is our home, our wife, our husband, our children, our parents. We miss their... The days go by, we didn't really capture a smile of our child because we're so busy. We couldn't even sit with them for a few minutes, running nine to five jobs from business, we're staying there all day, and maybe this was a reset button we actually need in our lives to spend time with our parents, spend time with our family. A blind man was asked, if God gave you your eyesight back, what would you ask for if you only got it back for one minute? And he said, if God gave me my eyesight back for one minute, I would only look at my child and his innocent smile, because when I had this eyesight, I never valued it. I never paid attention to it. These children who are sitting in front of us, and we're on our phones because we bring work to home, and we go from home to work, it becomes a very difficult lifestyle to maintain. And because of that, what happens is, we become a different person, not even realizing. The number one reason for relationships going downhill is a lack of discourse. We stop even having our communication ends. Like, we cannot have meaningful conversations with our spouses because our head is somewhere else, we're thinking about different things, and because of that, unknowingly, it starts unknowingly, we don't even realize we're changing, and we don't even notice that our loved one is reacting in the way she or he is reacting because we're so occupied with our work. I think this is a great time to re-establish these relationships, invest in these relationships. Oh my dear friend who is a young man or woman who's listening to this video and watching this, if your parents are alive, fall on their feet, take care of them, feed them. Vacuum the house, clean the dishes, do their khidmah, because it is in your khidmah, the service to your parents,
that Allah will increase your wealth. Maybe this is the time you need it off because usually our excuse, and we get a pass is because we're going to college, you know, 12 credits a semester, we're probably doing a job as well to make ends meet, we're probably driving Uber, doing different things, and we never have time for our parents. But now we're, you know, it all came to a pause. Universities are closed, we're at home. Take advantage of this time so that we get used to it, we reinvest in a relationship that our father actually becomes our best friend again. And we're excited to go home and not looking for excuses to stay outside of our house. So this is the fourth way, fourth means of getting directly from the treasures of Allah is to establish our family ties and invest in that. And if we do, Allah will increase our wealth and Allah will bless our wealth. The fifth means of taking from Allah SWT is one of the most powerful ones of them all. Like this one touches me the most, even though all of them are important and one should not be prioritized over the other, but this catches me off guard every time I read this. We have seen or probably experienced us crying out of regret over our sins. Like if you committed a big sin and you go to the Ka'bah, you start crying, asking Allah for forgiveness. So we might have experienced it or seen it. We might have experienced or seen losing family members and crying. We've seen people crying, shedding tears if they lost a family member or someone got sick in their family. But one thing we've hardly or rarely ever experienced in our lives is tears of gratitude. Like a person is so overwhelmed with gratitude that he or she starts to cry, oh Allah, you gave me so much, I don't deserve this and I don't know what I did and I just start to cry and cry. And we think, wow, does that actually happen? How is that even possible? And here is the Prophet SAW, we know that the Prophet SAW never ate two meals in one day and if he ate one day, he would never eat the next day. His food, he would have food the third day. We know what a simple lifestyle he lived
and he didn't have a lot of means. But in spite of that, he was such a person that would wake up in the middle of the night and cry so much every single night that Aisha would see the floor wet of tears and see his beard wet of tears and she would have mercy on him and out of mercy for him, she would say, Ya Rasulullah, why are you crying so much? Allah has forgiven all your sins, past and future sins, why are you crying so much? And the words he would say, أَفَلَأَكُونُ عَبْدًا شُكُورًا Should I not be a grateful servant to Allah that He's given me all this? These tears are tears of gratitude. Being grateful to a point where he just couldn't control his tears. Yes, maybe we have lost our job. Yes, maybe we got laid off. But there's other rizq in our lives that we have we should be grateful for. If we have children who are healthy, we should be grateful for that because that's also rizq. If we have eyes that we can see with, this is also rizq, we should be grateful for that. How many millions of people don't have eyesight? If we have ears that we could hear this message with, we should be grateful for this. If we have legs and feet and hands, that limbs of our body that are functional, and we don't have sickness, we should be grateful to that. If we have parents that are alive, this is all rizq. If we have a house to live in, I can go on and on. Look at the other rizq of Allah. Don't just look at money and wealth as a rizq, but everything وَمَا بِكُم مِّن نِعْمَةٍ فَمِنَ اللَّهِ All of what we have that we're enjoying is a rizq from Allah. So if we're grateful for this rizq, Allah will give us that as well. Because the effect of gratitude is only increase. So if we're grateful to a point even in the time of need where we can cry, then Allah will definitely increase our rizq. Allah will definitely bless our families and our wealth. May Allah SWT make us among those who can benefit from these messages that we're hearing. May Allah SWT make us among those who can reach Ramadan
and benefit immensely from Ramadan and make this Ramadan the best Ramadan of our life even though it might be difficult and challenging, but Allah can do it. JazakAllah Khair. Wa-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu
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