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Maintaining a Positive Assumption of Allah During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Daily Reminders
In these times, the greatest asset to have is a complete trust in Allah. He has taken care of us all along, and He will take care of us now. Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed reminds us to keep our reliance on Allah no matter what.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Nihmahul huwa wa nasalli ala rasoolihi al-kareem. Amma ba'd. As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Brothers and sisters, we're living in a time where there's so much confusion, uncertainty in the air. Every single time we get a new notification on our phone, the numbers are increasing. There's a new state order. I'm speaking to you from the state of Michigan where just two nights ago we were told that we have to stay home for a few more weeks. And all of us were asking, when will this end? Masjids are closed. We all know what's going on. And we are looking for anything, for motivation to stay afloat. Many of my close friends have lost their jobs. They had a meeting. They're no longer employed. Now they're worried and concerned what's gonna happen to them. And they don't know when it's gonna be over. And I remind them and myself that in these times the greatest asset to have is to have this positive assumption with Allah SWT that Allah will take care of us. It was Allah all along that was handling our affairs. It is Allah who is handling our affairs right now. And it is Allah who will handle our affairs in the future. It is we have to have this positive assumption in Allah SWT. حُسْنُ الظَّنْ بِاللَّهِ Because Allah in hadith al-Quds, He says, أَنَا عِنْدَ ظَنِّي عَبْدِي بِهِ I will treat my servant in accordance to the way he or she thinks of me. Yeah, we lost our job or we're sitting at home and we don't know what's gonna happen. But we cannot lose this positivity with Allah. It is Allah who handles all affairs. He will take care of us, right? I always think of this when I bring my children. We live in Michigan and the winters are very bad over here. The roads are terrible here as well. And sometimes I drive back from my in-laws house to my house. It's one hour away from Ann Arbor to Warren. And there's black ice. So at night time, we put our kids in the back seat and we buckle them up. And I'm worried and concerned about how I'm gonna get back driving all carefully. I get in the driver's seat, start driving all carefully, nervous. I look back two, three minutes later, my kids are all knocked out. They're all sleeping. No concern. لا خوفنا عليهم ولا يحزنون No worry at all. Imagine if we just... When I see that, I always think,
imagine if we had that feeling about our affairs with Allah SWT. That Allah will take us from one destination to another destination. It is His responsibility. He took responsibility for this. And having this positive assumption with Allah. Yes, no doubt there's this having this panic and confusion is a natural feeling. You can't avoid this. Even the greatest companion, Abu Bakr Rulon, who had this feeling when he was in the cave with the Prophet SAW. And he was concerned. When the people of Makkah were on the mouth of the cave, he got nervous. And the Prophet SAW said, ما ظنك بإذن الله ثالثه لا تحزن إن الله معنا Don't worry, Abu Bakr, Allah is with us. And even in that moment, the Prophet SAW kept his positivity, this positive assumption with Allah. He kept it at that moment. He never lost it. Never when Ibrahim AS was thrown into the fire, حسبون الله Allah will take care of me. Allah is enough for me. And having this assumption is very powerful. It will relieve us of our stress. Yes, we take whatever means and measures possible. But in our heart, in the depth of our heart, we have this complete reliance on Allah, that Allah will handle our affairs. I'm reminded of this great hadith of Abu Dardar Al-Anhu. Once he was sitting down, and he was told by his friends that there's a fire in your subdivision, and your house is about to burn. And he never moved. محترق بيتي He just, without flinching, he said, my house is not gonna burn. Another person comes, يا أبا دردر, your house is gonna burn. The fire has reached close to your house. محترق بيتي My house will not burn. And people were confused. This man, he's not even moving, he's not even panicking. The fire is in his subdivision. Another person comes, يا أبا دردر, the fire got close to your house, but it never touched your house. It just extinguished right when it got close to your house. And then Abu Dardar looks at him, and he says, قد علمت أن الله عز وجل لم يكن ليفعل ذلك He says, والله, I knew that Allah will not let this happen.
Now look at this man's positive assumption of Allah. He's saying, I knew Allah will not let that happen. The fire is in your subdivision, but still not being rattled, not panicking. I know Allah is not gonna let it happen. Okay, Abu Dardar, why did you think that? Why were you thinking? And now, they had these two remarks from him that people were astonished by. And they said to Abu Dardar, we're not sure whether you saying your house will not burn is more astonishing, or the fact that you said, I knew Allah will not let it happen is more astonishing. And then they asked him, why did you say that? He said, well, I heard from the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم some words, some kalimat that if a person recites them in the morning, nothing will happen to him or her, his family, his house, his belongings, till the evening. And if someone recites them in the evening, nothing will happen till the morning. And I recited them this morning. Abu Dardar, what were those... Now, the first thing, he had a great assumption in Allah ﷻ, and the second, he had conviction in the fact that the Prophet said this, so it's gonna happen no matter what happens. What was that dua? And I want, I encourage all of us to memorize it and recite it every morning and every evening. اللهم أنت ربي لا إله إلا أنت عليك توكلت وأنت رب العرش الكريم ما شاء الله كان وما لم يكن لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم أعلم أن الله على كل شيء قدير وأن الله قد أحاط بكل شيء علم اللهم إني أعوذ بك من شر نفسي ومن شر كل دابة أنت أخذ بناصيتها إن ربي على صراط مستقيم Inshallah, we will tell the Yaqeen team to probably make a transliteration of this dua. He just calling onto Allah, Oh Allah, I know that أنت ربي, You're my Rabb, لا إله إلا أنت, There's no ilah but you, there's no god but you, and عليك توكلت, I've put all my trust in you, oh Allah. You know, this is a beautiful thing to do, I've put all my trust in you, and I have good faith in you that you will take care of me. وأنت رب العرش الكريم
ما شاء الله كان Whatever Allah wills will happen. وما لم يكن Whatever He does not want to happen will never happen. لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم There's no might, no power except for what Allah SWT أعلم أن الله على كل شيء قدير I know very well that Allah has capability and power over everything. وأن الله قد أحاط بكل شيء علم And that His knowledge encompasses everything. And then he says, اللهم إني أعوذ بك من شري نفسي Oh Allah, I seek refuge from the evil of myself. ومن شري كل ذي شر And the evil of everyone who does evil. ومن شري كل داب And I seek refuge from the evil of any animal or human being walking in the face of the earth. أنت أخذ بناصيتها You have control over them. إن ربي على صراط المستقيم Verily my Rabb is on the right path. Meaning the decisions of my Lord are always correct. Now, he recited this du'a, he had this great assumption in Allah that Allah will take care of him. This du'a is mentioned in دلال النبوة by Bayhaqi and زاد المعاد by Ibn Qayyim and another book by Ibn Qayyim called الطب النبوي So this du'a is a beautiful du'a that we should recite morning and evening that will give us protection. And this is the sentiments of our pious predecessors. They always had this feeling that Allah will take care of their affairs. Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, رضي الله عنه, he says, والذي لا إله إلا غيره ما أعطي عبد مؤمن من شيء أفضل من أن يحسن الظن بالله أعز وجل He said, there is not a greater gift given to a believer than having good assumption in Allah SWT. والذي لا إله إلا غيره لا يحسن عبد مؤمن بالله ظنه إلا أعطاه ذلك He says, I swear by Allah SWT every time a servant has a positive assumption in Allah and expects good from Allah, expects that Allah will take care of their affairs, everything will go by, nothing's gonna happen, Allah will take care of me, then Allah will always treat him or her
according to their expectation. This has always been the attitude of our pious predecessors. They always maintained a positive attitude with Allah SWT. Didn't matter what the circumstances were, how things were going around them, they always had this great assumption with Allah SWT, حُسْنُ الظَنْ بِاللَّهِ that Allah will take care of everything, the storm will end. And this is how they maintain peace throughout their life. It doesn't matter if they were put in prison, it doesn't matter if they were in their homes, they were on house arrest, didn't make a difference. They were always, they always were in a state of peace. And their greatest, this is the greatest asset was حُسْنُ الظَنْ بِاللَّهِ just knowing that Allah will take care of everything. Once, Abdullah ibn Mubarak, رحمه الله, he meets Sufyan Thawri, رحمه الله, in hajj on the day of Arafah. And he asked, مَنْ أَسْوَأُ النَّاسِ حَالًا He asked, who is the worst among all these people who have done hajj? Who is the worst one among them? And Sufyan Thawri, رحمه الله, he replies, الَّذِي يَظُنُّ أَنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَغْفُرُ لَهُ The one who assumes that Allah will not forgive him, he's the worst one among those who are doing hajj this year. Like, you have to have good assumption that Allah will forgive me, not that maybe Allah won't forgive me. This is the attitude that we must have, this is the attitude that will bring peace in our hearts. Don't worry about the circumstances. Iqbal, he says in a poem, تُونْدَ إِبَادِ مُخَالِفْسِ نَا گَبْرَىٰ إِيقَابِ يَتُوْا تُلْتِيهَا تُجِي أُنْشَأُ رَانِكِ لِيَ Oh eagle, do not worry about these fierce winds that are coming at you. These winds come to make you fly higher. Imam Shafi'i says, دَعِلْ أَيَّامْ تَفَعَلْ مَا تَشَٓاءَ وَطِبْ نَفْسًا إِذَا حَكَمَ الْقَضَىٰ وَلَا تَجْزَعْ لِحَادِثَ اللَّيَالِي فَمَا لِحَوَادِثَ الدُّنْيَا بَقَى These situations and these circumstances are not here to remain. And that is what Jabir ibn Abdullah, radhanahu, he says, three days before the Prophet, Saswam passed away, I heard him saying, لَا يَمُوتَنَا أَحَدُكُمْ إِلَّا وَهُ يُحْزُنُ ضَنَّ بِاللَّهِ He says, I heard him saying that no one should pass away until he or she has great assumption in Allah SWT, positive thoughts about Allah.
So in this time and age, the most important thing that we can develop is just having this positive attitude in Allah that Allah will take care of our circumstances, this will end and inshaAllah everything will be fine. And Allah was taking care of our affairs before, Allah will take care of our affairs today. And inshaAllah Allah will continue to take care of our affairs as long as we're alive in this world. So let's not panic, let's not get hopeless. Let's not be in a state of uncertainty. Allah is there for us, Allah is over us. حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل نعم المولى ونعم النصير JazakAllah Khair. Wasalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu.
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