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'Oh Allah, Reduce My Pain But Not My Reward' | Daily Reminders
Sh. Omar Suleiman revisits the concept of reward based on patience shown in times of hardship and how you should focus on asking Allah for the reward without asking for the struggle.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim Bismillahir rahmanir raheem Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa la ilaha illa allah al-dhalimeen wa la aqibatuhu lil mutaqeem Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barak ala abdika wa rasulika muhammadin sallallahu alaihi wa sallam wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam tasliman kathiran So tonight I actually wanted to share I guess you can consider it a bonus of Prayers of the Pious because it speaks to a lot of the themes that we hit on last week in particular and this idea of not seeking out struggle but at the same time embracing the reward of the struggle if it comes your way. But having a good opinion of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala having a good opinion of your Lord and asking Him the best of this life and the best of the hereafter. Asking Him to give you the reward always and not thinking that He cannot bestow that reward upon you. And so we've gone through many different scenarios the idea that how could I get this amazing reward staying in my home in the midst of a plague. How could I get this amazing reward without struggling in some of the ways that I've seen. And again this is not a message that a person should expect not to struggle but a person should ask Allah for the reward. Don't ask Allah for the struggle ask Allah for the reward. And I came across this beautiful statement from Al-Hafidh bin Rajab rahim Allah ta'ala, Imam bin Rajab. He said that some of the pious predecessors some of the salaf they used to say when they would be struck with some sort of sickness Allahumma anqis minal waj'a wa la tanqis minal ajr Oh Allah reduce the pain but do not reduce the reward. Oh Allah reduce the pain and do not reduce the reward. So again they would say Allahumma Oh Allah anqis reduce minal waj'a reduce from the pain wa la tanqis minal ajr and do not reduce from my reward. And some of you might actually remember
since I brought up Prayers of the Pious if you go to episode 13 of Prayers of the Pious a series that we had two Ramadans ago. There's a very beautiful dua on episode 13 where we have the dua of Salam al-Mutee' radiyaAllahu ta'ala rahimahullah where he said Allahumma in kunta balaghta ahad min ibadika salihin darajatan bi bala fabalighniha bilafia Oh Allah if you have granted any righteous servant of yours a station because of a trial they faced then grant it to me while sparing me of that trial. Okay, so Oh Allah if you have granted a servant of yours a station because of a trial that they faced so allow me to be granted that station while sparing me that trial. So what's the difference between the two and it's not a difference in that there's any contradiction but it does speak to a different reality which is that there's a difference between the reward that you get for a trial and the station that you get for a trial which is a reward in and of itself. There are stations with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. There are categories of people with Allah that are special categories that we should strive to be of. Okay, so you have the station of sincerity the station of patience, the station of the grateful and that's why you find books about these stations Madarij al-Sadiqeen, the famous book of Ibn al-Qayyim rahim Allah ta'ala which talks about the stations that we seek from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and so we're seeking a maqam, we're seeking a place we're seeking a station with our Lord. It's not just to get the reward of this trial. It's to get the blessing of being elevated to the next level in the sight of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and so in the first iteration which was a dua that's not traced to an individual by Al-Hafidh bin Rajab rahim Allah ta'ala but he says that Ba'd al-Salaf that some of the pious predecessors were narrated to have said
when they were struck with, and he particularly mentioned sickness by the way particularly mentioned that marad, illness and that doesn't mean it's restricted to that. Again when it comes to the prayers of the pious it's not like the prayers of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam where you try to memorize each word but you take the lesson and through the lesson you extract concepts and you extract ways that you can converse with your Lord the way that the best generations did. And so he said that they would say that Oh Allah reduce the pain but do not reduce the reward and in this situation the dua that I mentioned in episode 13 from prayers of the pious which is Oh Allah if you have granted a station to one of your servants because of a trial that they faced then grant me that station, elevate me to that level elevate me to that station without putting me through the same trial that they went through. And so that's a beautiful way to approach Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala what are some of the things? Number one, just that good expectation of Allah that good assumption of God when you call upon him that he is most merciful and you know we know that that is something that is especially a theme in Ramadan Oh Allah you are the forgiver you love to forgive so forgive me so to ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for such a high station something as high as shahada by the way as the reward of martyrdom while staying in your home something as high as the station of as-sabirin the patience without actually being tested with the trial that many people have been tested with it's not that Allah won't do right by those that actually were tested with those things and it's not that we necessarily will be spared from those things but at the same time, oh Allah grant me the reward and reduce from the pain oh Allah grant me the station but don't necessarily put me through the things that had to get me through that station and there are multiple iterations of that part too so for example, you know when the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam says anta ma'man ahbaabt you are with those whom you love
so even if you can't be like the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam fully even if you can't reach the station of the prophets by your deeds but you are with the ones that you love so if you love the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam then you will be with the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam on the day of judgment and in jannah we ask Allah subhana wa ta'ala to make us from the inhabitants of jannah al-firdaws Allahumma ameen so while I share with you all tonight again to go back to episode 13 of prayers of the pious some exciting news inshallah ta'ala on Tuesday morning we're going to be releasing the promo for this year's Ramadan series inshallah which is a very special Ramadan series it is my favorite, I finished recording it alhamdulillah it is my favorite of any Ramadan series I've ever done and so look out for that on Tuesday morning inshallah ta'ala for us to release that on top of that by the way every night inshallah so there's going to be the Ramadan series which is our typical 30 day which is an incredible opportunity inshallah for everyone to follow along but there will also be something else inshallah ta'ala that every night we'll also have something a little bit more relaxed and informal as well in Ramadan but we'll be summarizing one juz of the Quran and then sharing reflections and that will be with Sheikh Abdullah Aduru myself and we'll have a scholar or a fellow from Yaqeen Institute joining us every night inshallah ta'ala in a very informal way just reflecting on that juz of the Quran every night as you get ready for taraweeh inshallah ta'ala so the series that I'm talking about will be released the promo will be released Tuesday inshallah and again every night in Ramadan we'll be having an informal session just summarizing that juz inshallah that chapter of the Quran for all 30 nights and sharing some gems from that chapter to look out for with a group of scholars inshallah ta'ala so jazakum Allah khayran to you all and inshallah ta'ala I'll see you tomorrow night
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
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