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Building Our Faith with Consistency | Daily Reminders
Sh. Omar Husain describes the importance of consistency within the Islamic tradition and how we can build our faith through it.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen. Wassalatu wassalamu ala rasulihil kareem. Brothers and sisters, during this time that we are sheltering in place, think of a major goal that you have accomplished in your life or that you want to accomplish in your life. I'll give you an example. Let's say someone wants to earn a degree. In case they want to earn a four-year degree. That will be, let's say, about a hundred and ten hours, right? A hundred and ten credit hours. Now, no matter how hard one tries, those 110 credit hours, you cannot get them in one semester. You can't get them in two semesters. You have to take your time. Some do it as quickly as two or three, but generally four years, maybe a little bit longer, in order to earn that degree. Now, what has to be done? What do we find as a common ingredient to any long-term goal that we want to achieve or really anything worth achieving? In one word, consistency. Consistency is the key. Our entire religion is structured around instilling consistency in our lives. We pray five times a day at the same time every day. It doesn't change. We have the month of Ramadan every year. It doesn't come like every three years, right? Hajj is the same every year. It is meant to instill in us consistency. Now, an important point I want to make is that consistency is not the same as being repetitive, because repetitive or being repetitive is doing something kind of without our mind into it or our heart into it. That's not what we want. When we look at how consistency is defined, we will see that consistency is an action which is done with the same quality over and over and over again. The Prophet ﷺ, in one of my favorite hadith, I mentioned this many times, he said,
أحب الأعمال إلى الله أدومها وإنقل that the most beloved deeds to Allah سبحانه وتعالى are those that are consistent even if they are small. So what is he telling us here ﷺ? Impulsive deeds are good. Maybe once a year we go out and we do something. It's a big project or we donate a lot or pray a lot. Alhamdulillah. But that is not going to give us a steady increase in our Iman. What's going to give us a steady increase and build our Iman is consistency. So for us to pray two extra rak'ah, let's say once a week, is better than on one night we go and we pray 50. It's better to keep it to the weekly amount, something manageable, because that is building towards something great. And that's why the Prophet ﷺ also said, he said, even if they are small, and there's a lot of wisdom to that, because a lot of times we will discount something that is small thinking, oh, it's not significant. But things which are done consistently and which are small, as they move on and move on, they end up being something great. So that degree started, if you remember your degree check in the first semester, maybe you had nine credit hours and it seemed a long way away from the end. But as if you are in this process now or you've been through this process, they add up really quickly as long as there is consistency. So during this time that we are sheltering in place and we are indoors, I urge all of us to develop a habit of consistency. If we didn't read any Qur'an before, read it for five minutes, but just do it consistently and build off of that. If we didn't make du'a that much before,
spend an extra two minutes finding a new du'a and make that du'a. Don't discount the small deeds because these deeds are indeed beloved to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to give us consistency in our life and we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to allow us to accomplish great things and big things with a deep, deep commitment to consistency. JazakumAllahu khayran wa salallahu ala sayyidina Muhammad.
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