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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Acts of Worship

Allah Provides for You | Daily Reminders

April 13, 2020Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy

In this difficult time where job security isn’t guaranteed for some, Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy reminds us not to stress about our rizq, and that God is our true Sustainer and Provider.


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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi. So, lots of people are stressing over money and over finances, and that's perfectly understandable, especially those that are breadwinners, those that have a family to look after. Ibrahim ibn Adham, rahimahullah, one time was sitting with a man who was complaining to him about how little means he had, his meager finances, alongside the fact that he had a very big family. And so Imam Ibrahim, rahimahullah, said to him, Listen, go home, and whomever is in your house that Allah is not the provider for, just transfer them over to my house. I got it. I'll take care of them. And by that, obviously, he was trying to remind him of the fact that in reality, you are not the provider of your family. You're not even the provider of yourself. Allah is the provider for all. And if you lose sight of that, if you think you are the provider, you are going to drown yourself in stress that is really unwarranted and uncalled for. There is no beast that roams this earth except that it's on Allah to provide for them. Not just the human beings, even the animals on the earth. In fact, the other verse says, And there is no beast that walks this earth or even birds that fly with their two wings in the sky, except that they are nations just like you. It's not just the human race that every single one of them is provided for by Allah. It is all the animals on the earth and even the birds in the skies. And then that verse actually continues to say, We have not overlooked, we have not neglected anything in our records. Allah Azza wa Jal is in control. He's got it covered. Everything is accounted for.
So don't drive yourself crazy trying to worry about accounting and stress and finances. You know, interestingly, because the ayah does refer to birds. This reminds me of the fact that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said, If you would only rely on Allah the way he deserves to be relied on, he would have provided for you the way he provides for the birds who set out every morning with empty stomachs and they return each night with their fill. You see birds, they leave every morning and they seek out the rizq, but they seek out the rizq in like sort of a random way, but still they're provided for. And that is really interesting because us as human beings, especially in modern times, we can lose sight of that because things don't seem random. Things seem so predictable, so guaranteed, so expected bi-weekly or monthly. I get my check. Things are so like mechanically set, so standardized, that we think we understand where our rizq comes from. No, but there could be a thousand and one reasons why the rizq didn't come to you or it came to you and then something arose that you had to spend it on that you were not expecting. And so when you do stress over money, when you find a disturbance, a hiccup in the pipeline, in the supply chain, in the expected stream of income, just notice that that could be a huge goldmine for you, an opportunity for you to hit the reset button and remind yourself that it always was coming from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And so it's not about where I'm going to get my finances in the future. It's actually me realizing where my finances were always coming from in the past because we could lose sight of that with the automation of the world today, with the standardization of the world today. You know, I use the example of rain. A long time ago, people would look out for rain because rain is random.
And so that gave some people much higher reliance on Allah than we may have. They're out there in the morning saying, Ya Rabbi, Allah, is there going to be rain today? Nowadays, we don't appreciate that or we don't consider that and just rain to us is just like, Oh, it's a nuisance. It's going to get my suit wet. But when there is a disturbance in the pipeline, when there's some randomness, some unpredictability, that actually is a huge opportunity for you to realize it actually hinges on Allah. You know, maybe that's one of the great wisdoms why the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam used to say, Allahumma ja'a rizqa aali Muhammadin quta. Oh Allah, make the rizq, the provision of the family of Muhammad to be just enough. Because when it's just enough, when it's down to, you know, the sparse few, you kind of realize that it's really about Allah. It's not really about how much I have and you freshen up your reliance on Him. That's why it's reported that Ali ibn Abi Talib and Imam Ahmad, many of the righteous, they used to say one of my best moments in life is when they tell me there's no more food at home or there's no more flour left in the house. That doesn't mean they like starvation or they find pleasure in suffering or anything like that. But they're saying that I treasure this because it reminds me of the fact that it is Allah I rely on when I feel like there's nothing else to rely on. And the last thing very quickly, which should be said, is that nobody dies before their lifespan ends. And nobody lives without food and drink to sustain them during their life. That's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to us that Jibreel alayhi assalam, inspired, blew within me, he inspired in me this message that No soul will ever die without living its lifespan in the fullest and collecting its rizq, its provisions entirely.
So, so long as you have a life left to live, the provisions will come to sustain and make that possible. The hadith continues to say and beautify your request of your rizq. How do you beautify your request? Number one, you go out and seek it as if it's entirely up to you, while trusting, of course, in Allah as if it's entirely up to him, because it is. So you're going to seek it and you're going to seek it from halal means. Beautifying it means not being driven by the fear of poverty to being unethical about it. Shaytan makes you afraid of poverty and by that he drives you into indecency. So you're going to work hard and you're going to make sure you restrict yourself to the halal. Number three is that you're going to seek your rizq by donating on the cause of Allah because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam swore and he doesn't swear because we believe him anyway, except for the fact that many people in practice will not believe this. He swore that no money will ever decrease from charity. You need to know that you're not going to be more generous than Allah. If you spend on his servants, he will spend on you even more. And the last thing I'll mention, number four very quickly, is restore and improve ties with your family with a phone call, with a kind gesture, with a gift, with charity on them because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, he said to us, من أراد أن يبسط له في رزقه Whomever wants his rizq to be expanded وينسأ له في أثره and for his legacy, his traces, his positive influence on this world to be extended فليصل رحمه Let him keep, bolster, strengthen, uphold the ties of kin, the ties of family. So that's how we beautify our request and that is how we dispel our stress. May Allah عز و جل bless our rizq and yours and that of our family and allow the moments when our rizq streamlining is disturbed to be a moment where we find him in a way we haven't found him before
and increase our faith in ways we've never experienced before. JazakAllah khairan everybody. Assalamu alaikum
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