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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Acts of Worship

Lightening Calamities with Conviction | Daily Reminders

March 23, 2020Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy

There is a secret to finding wisdom behind difficulties during a calamity. According to a du'a recited by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the secret is yaqeen (certainty). Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy reminds us to maintain and strengthen our certainty during this difficult time.


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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah everyone. I pray everybody is well and safe and strong. And I pray that Allah Azza wa Jalla makes us safer and stronger and healthier in our bodies, in our spirits as this trial progresses. So, a question. Wouldn't trials be so much easier if we just could see through them and see the wisdom behind them? Of course they would. And many thoughtful believers look back at their lives and what they perceived as calamities, or were in fact calamities at the moment, they look back and say, SubhanAllah, Allah has been so good to me. If it weren't for this, it wouldn't have been that. And if it weren't for this, it wouldn't have been that. And we should all do this. But some believers, may Allah make us and you of them, are able to notice some of this in the middle of the calamity. In the middle of the calamity. How does a person do that? How does a person lighten the thrust, the forcefulness of a trial by seeing through it? And in a nutshell, it is yaqeen. It is what our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said in that dua that he hardly ever stood from a gathering without making. Oh Allah, this is a part of it. Grant for me, portion for me, minal yaqeeni ma tuhawwinu bihi alayna masa'ib al-dunya. Oh Allah, grant me of certainty, of conviction, that through which you will lighten for me the calamities of this world. And part of that dua, by the way, is him saying, wa la taj'al musibatana fee dinina, and don't cause our calamity to be in our religious commitment. wa la taj'al
al-dunya akbarahammina, and do not make this world the greatest of our concerns. wa la mablagha ilmina, nor the extent of our knowledge. You see, a person that has certainty in Allah does not just see the apparent nature of this world and judge based on that. A person that has the yaqeen, that for sure there is certainty, that is the person that Allah begins to unveil for them in the middle of the storm. Some of that which they are certain about, some of that wisdom that they are certain about. And so in a few moments, I want to share with you a beautiful example of that. And I pray that you yourself have some examples of this inshallah wa ta'ala in your life, or you begin to develop the certainty required to start seeing some of the wisdom. Because if you doubt that there is wisdom, you will not look for it. But if you are certain that there is wisdom, extensive wisdom, incomprehensible wisdom, Allah will allow you to comprehend some of it. And this is the story of Abu Qilaba al-Jurmi, who is an amazing tabi'i. Abdullah ibn Muhammad, a narrator, he says that I came upon a tent in the outskirts of Egypt in the middle of nowhere, and I went in there. It was a very shabby tent. Was anyone even living here? I found a man that had no arms and no legs, they were amputated, and he was blind in his eyes and very hard of hearing. I said subhanAllah, I've never seen anyone like this. But then he was saying something, kept repeating something that was just boggling, mind-boggling. He was saying, O Allah, grant me an opportunity to show gratitude to you for all your favors and the fact that you've preferred me over so much of your creation. He says, so I blurted out, hey you, like what are you saying? How can you even say that?
He said, I swear, Abu Qilaba swore that if Allah would send the skies crashing down on me to just decimate me and send the oceans upon me to annihilate me and send fire upon me to incinerate me, I would do nothing more than just continue thanking him the way I am right now. He says, but for what? Like at that point, for what? He says, for the fact that he gave me a heart that remembers him and a tongue that can thank him. That in and of itself is a blessing, a huge priceless blessing. And then he said to him, but listen, I had a young boy, one of my sons, that used to go out and fetch water for me, help me make wudu because I can't move. And I haven't seen him for days. Can you find him for me? So Abdullah bin Muhammad said, of course, he set out and as he's scouting the area, he found a bunch of animals like cougars or lions, wild cats eating at the body of a corpse. And he realized no one lives around here. This must be his son. He said, but then I told myself, how in the world do I bring someone like that? More bad news? He said, and then Allah guided me to the story of Ayub alayhis salam. Let me just try to bolster him with the mention of Ayub, who was so patient, through so much for years on end, locked in his bed. So I went and I entered and I said, do you know any of the people that are in his bed? So I went and I entered and I said, do you know Ayub alayhis salam, the prophet of Allah? He said, of course, I know Ayub. He said, when Allah tested him in his health and in his wealth and his family members, what did he do? He said he was patient. So he said to him, then know that Allah has chosen to test you in every way that he has chosen to test Ayub alayhis salam. And so this man, this disabled man said, alhamdulillah alladhi lam yubqee min dhurriyati man ya'seehi fa yuAAadhibuhu binnaar. He said, thank you Allah, that you did not leave behind any one of my offspring
till the day that they disobeyed you and would get taken to the fire. And then he took a deep gasp and he himself died. Abdullah ibn Muhammad, the narrator, says, I didn't know what to do, how do I wash and shroud someone like this? So I went out till finally I found some passerbys, I pulled them in, I said, I need help, I need help. When they entered the tent, immediately they pounced on top of Abu Qilaba and they began to weep and to kiss him all over his eyes and his face. And he said, you know this man? They said, of course we know this man, you don't know him. This is Abu Qilaba. This is the student of Abdullah ibn Abbas, the companion of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and his cousin. This is his student. He fled from the city, fearing that the governor would force him to become the chief justice, the supreme court judge. He feared the responsibility so he fled and apparently in the wilderness here he caught some diseases, caught some illnesses, caught gangrene, he lost his limbs. They said, so we washed him and we prayed over him and everybody went their separate directions. He said, that night I saw him in my dream, dressed in this very luxurious garment, very luxurious silk, strutting in what was clear to be Jannah and reciting the verses of Allah in Surah Ar-Ra'd. Salamun alaykum bima sabartum fani'ma aqubad daar The words of the angels when they enter upon the believers and say to them, peace be upon you for the patience that you exhibited, how excellent the destination this is. You're about to find out. This is what the angels tell the believers in paradise. He says, so I said to him in my dream, how did you reach these stations in Jannah? And he said to me, there are certain levels in paradise that a person will not be able to reach on their own were it not for the fact that they were grateful during ease and they were patient through difficulty. So may Allah Azza wa Jal grant me and
you the yaqeen, the certainty by which he will lighten for us the calamities of this world and allow us to see some of the wisdom, notice some of the wisdom so that we can further fall in love with him and further trust and be patient with whatever he throws our way. Allahumma ameen. Allahumma ameen. Keep us in your prayers and you'll be in ours certainly.
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