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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Acts of Worship

Understanding Invisible Wounds | Daily Reminders

April 15, 2020Dr. Omar Suleiman

The Prophet ﷺ bled more in the battle of Uhud, but he hurt more in Taif. Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on becoming aware of our own invisible wounds, the wounds we cause, the ones we ignore in the people around us.


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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Once again I will be asking you to say In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds And no one is a slave except against the wrongdoers And the end is for the righteous O Allah, send blessings and peace upon your servant and messenger Muhammad Peace be upon him and his family and companions And send peace upon him and his family and companions So the title is speaking about none other than our beloved Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam And it actually comes out of a conversation That A'ishah radiallahu anha had with the messenger of Allah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam Where she asked him Point blank هل أتى عليك يوم كان أشد من يوم أحد Has there ever been a day in your life harder than the day of Uhud? Why would A'ishah ask that question? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was almost killed on the day of Uhud He was struck in multiple directions His teeth were knocked out His helmet was knocked into his head So he had wounds all over his face He couldn't even walk at one point Because of how struck he was on the day of Uhud The blood was flowing from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam For hours after Uhud There's a narration where Fatima radiallahu anha and Ali radiallahu anhu Were trying to clean the wounds of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam On the day of Uhud And they could not They realized that they were pouring water into the shield of Ali And they were pouring the water on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam And the blood just kept on flowing and flowing and flowing So he bled more on the day of Uhud than any other day His wounds were worse on the day of Uhud than any other day of his life And he of course lost some very beloved people to him on that day And it was a difficult day for the Muslims The day of the battle of Uhud So A'ishah being married to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam at that time Was telling the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam You know, have you ever had a worse day of your life? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam goes on to say
That the worst day of my life was the last day of Ta'if Where he ended up being rejected by the people You know, the culmination of that rejection To where they rejected him and they stoned him and they cursed him And they humiliated him while he walked for miles and miles and miles Until the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentioned Eventually landing in Qarnat al-A'lib In that final place where he rested and made dua to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala And Allah sent the angels to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Now I don't want to go too far into the hadith or the story of Ta'if Because I think that everyone knows the story of Ta'if But if you were to take the wounds of Uhud And compare them to the wounds of Ta'if The wounds that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam suffered on the day of Ta'if Were nothing compared to the wounds of Uhud On Ta'if, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was stoned and punched They threw rocks at him and punched him for miles and cursed him And he did have blood all over his body And he did sallallahu alayhi wasallam have stones in his shoes So he suffered, I mean it was physically a very difficult day For the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam as well But in Uhud he almost died What makes the day of Ta'if so much worse than the day of Uhud? Alright, when on the outside it looks like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Was harmed so much more on the day of Uhud And that's where the discussion goes into the invisible wounds that we often don't see And SubhanAllah I once had a brother who was complaining to me about The way that people treated his daughter And his daughter was someone that had several mental health challenges It's beyond her control and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows best, right? And he was talking about, he said, you know subhanAllah there's like no sympathy for her Because of those mental health challenges, right? If she was walking around with the physical challenge
That would be the equivalent of that challenge Then she would much more likely gain some sympathy from people But there was no sympathy towards her with her very real mental health struggle May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala cure her and cure all of those that are ailing Be it a spiritual ailment, a mental ailment, a physical ailment or whatever it may be Allahumma ameen And I want to really take the time to reflect on that for a moment Because even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Was telling Aisha radiyaAllahu anha Ta'if hurt much more than Uhud Even though no one who, if you were to take the image of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam On the day of Ta'if and put it next to the image of the day of Uhud He looked like he was in such a worse condition on the day of Uhud Than he was on the day of Ta'if But the emotional pain, the pain of rejection, the pain of humiliation The pain of not knowing what was coming next, right? You know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did not have a large ummah with him at that time The da'wah looked like it was dying He didn't have a wife to run to at the time I mean, it was a very difficult day for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam And in ways that most people would not have been able to understand Yet subhanAllah, physically he was wounded more in Uhud And subhanAllah, on both of those days The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sought forgiveness for the people that harmed him On the day of Uhud, which you would have thought was his worst day The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was saying Allahumma ghfurri qawmi fa innahum la ya'lamoon Oh Allah, forgive my people. They just don't know any better That was with no teeth in his mouth and the blood flowing and flowing and flowing And the helmet stuck in his head He's still saying with no teeth, with his front teeth knocked out and the blood flowing from his mouth Those beautiful words, Oh Allah, forgive my people. They don't know any better On the day of Ta'if, the angels came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam on that day And Qarnath Ta'ala Jibreel alayhi wasallam, the angel Gabriel came to him And introduced to him the angel who would move the mountains
That would crush the people between Al-Akhshabain Crush the people of Mecca and Ta'if And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is saying, you know, leave them Because it may be that their children, that there will be from their children Those who bear witness to the oneness of God Those who arise from that generation And they will be different than their parents So in both of those days, the two worst days of his life presumably You know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was offered a chance to exterminate To harm the people that harmed him and he did not sallallahu alayhi wasallam Some reflections for us We have to become more aware of our own invisible wounds We have to become more aware of the invisible wounds that we sometimes cause And we have to become more aware of the invisible wounds that we so often ignore Okay, and other people around us Our own invisible wounds It's important for us to take the time to really try to come to terms with why we feel the way that we do Why we might be hurting in certain ways And to really reflect and to try to seek out the proper protocol, the proper treatments Whatever that is, right? To be able to treat that pain that we might have, right? And of course the greatest treatment starts from a place of faith and spirituality But it doesn't always end there So thinking about what's next How do I bring myself to really understand myself better And then to take the necessary actions to make sure that I'm taking care of myself So that I can be more able to serve Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to serve the people So our own invisible wounds The invisible wounds that we cause The Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam used to seek refuge in Allah And indeed, you know, to cause oppression is far worse than to be oppressed Because to be oppressed is to suffer in this world To oppress someone else is to suffer in the hereafter To face the punishment for that in the hereafter So be the servant of Allah that is wronged Do not be the servant of Allah that wrongs
Be the servant of Allah that's maqtool, that is killed Don't be the one that kills Don't be the one that causes that harm To think very deeply in the midst of our stress In the midst of our anger In the midst of our own uncertainty In the midst of our own wounds Whether we are saying things to the people that are close to us That are harming them in ways that could really damage them That could really really damage them And you know, this is a temporary time of uncertainty Sometimes we do things in temporary times of uncertainty That have permanent consequences, right? They damage relationships and damage people for a very very long time Permanently in this life And we have to be very careful not to say things or do things That would harm others in the midst of that And you know subhanAllah, especially if we're quarantined around people Or we're talking to people We can say really hurtful things because of how we're hurting right now, right? And just say something that would really cause pain to someone And strike at And you know subhanAllah, the shaitan He knows how to direct your tongue in a painful way In a way that causes pain to someone You know someone else's insecurities You know what really gets on their nerves You know what really bothers them And in the midst of an argument you want to inflict pain And sometimes you inflict an invisible wound And it's not like you cut someone and the blood flows And then you bandage it up It's you hurt someone deeply and you might apologize But the wound is still flowing And you don't want to cause that wound in the first place And be very careful with the things that you say So right now in particular While everyone is hurting in very weird ways and strange ways Don't cause harm Don't cause those invisible wounds to others And the third one is ignoring other people's invisible wounds We need to pay very very close attention You know I've told people this before subhanAllah That when you think about social media Sometimes you see someone lashing out on social media And we think it's funny or people poke fun at it People will comment and say things
And you know and you know enjoy the moment Sometimes someone will suddenly put out their sins, right? So there will be a change in their life for the worse in terms of spirituality And they'll flaunt that change And the only thing that we can do is talk about how Astaghfirullah, how could that person do that? The believer, you know, who wants to be a mirror to the brother or sister Does not just want to condemn the obvious sin If there is an obvious sin or the lashing out or some of the words But to actually say I hope that person's okay And if there's a way for me to access that person I want to call them and say hey, are you doing all right? You know, I'm just calling to check up on you Is everything okay? Is there something I do you want to talk about anything, right? Not in a judgmental way, but in a way that demonstrates that Hey, I'm just checking up on you. Are you okay? What can I say to you right now? What can I do? What can we talk about right now, right? Think about what it is that maybe I was ignoring So paying closer attention to those wounds that aren't as obvious Especially when there are signs, warning signs We can't afford to ignore those warning signs And some hala'i-san on top of that, excellence on top of that Is to think about some of the people that are not lashing out online Or not, you know, sending concerning text messages But you know that they're right now probably suffering Due to some circumstances that would make this condition That would make this pandemic even more hurtful to them So reaching out to them in particular When people probably are not reaching out to them Sometimes our silence is more harmful than our speech Sometimes not, you know, not checking in Just completely ignoring someone, forgetting about someone Is more painful than even checking in in the wrong way, right? So again, three things Because we learned from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam That invisible wounds sometimes are much worse than the visible wounds
They hurt more, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam hurt more from his invisible wounds So the lesson for us is three things Number one, being more conscious and reflective And taking the necessary steps to cure our own invisible wounds when we can Number two, being extremely cautious about causing those invisible wounds to other people Number three, ihsan, checking up on people When we sense that there may be some things that give us signs, right? The equivalent of flowing blood and an obvious cut That give us signs that someone's really hurting May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala help our brothers and sisters that are hurting May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us from hurting others May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgive us And forgive us and guide us and give us clarity And guide us to the right way to how to deal with this situation And all situations that arise, Allahumma ameen So jazakumullahu khayran once again I'm glad that so many of you are excited about the Ramadan series We will have a lot going on in Ramadan inshallah ta'ala So please stay tuned and thank you for your encouraging words And your du'as personally, a lot of you have checked in A lot of you have sent du'as I really do appreciate them And please keep my family in your du'a as you're making du'a for others inshallah ta'ala And I look forward to being with you all inshallah ta'ala throughout Ramadan Allahumma ballighna Ramadan, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to live to see Ramadan May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to benefit from Ramadan May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to attain His pleasure, Allahumma ameen So I'll see you all tomorrow, webinar.yqininstitute.org inshallah ta'ala And then we'll get back to the nightly reflection on Thursday Jazakumullahu khairan wa salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah
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