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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Acts of Worship

Tapping into Allah's Treasure - Rizq Part 1 | Daily Reminders

April 15, 2020Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed

In this time of job uncertainty, it's important to remember that your rizq, your sustenance, is already determined and guaranteed for you. However, there are ways to tap into that rizq and never worry about it again. Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed shares five means that will help us gain more rizq from Allah.


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BismillahirRahmanirRahim. Nahmuduhu, nusalli ala rasulihi al-kareem. Amma ba'ad. As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Brothers and sisters, over the past few weeks, most messages and phone calls I've been receiving from friends and loved ones is about their jobs. They don't know if they have a job or the fact that they already lost their job. This uncertainty that's looming in the air. How will I pay my bills? When is this going to end? This is not the first time that we are seeing a dipping economy, but the timing of it all just compounds everything. Now this concept of rizq, it's a very unique concept. Because on one end, we're told by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that our rizq is already written for us. Wa fissamai rizqukumu ma tuwa'adun. Your rizq is guaranteed for you. Your rizq, your sustenance follows you just as your death follows you. Illam ta'adifu anwana rizqa fa innahu ya'adifu anwanak. That Arabic proverb goes that if you don't know the address of your rizq, meaning if you don't know who your employer is and you don't know where your next job is going to be, don't worry. Fa la ta khaf. Don't worry because rizq and sustenance knows the address of your house. So on one end we're taught through divine revelation, Quran and hadith, that rizq is written for us, our sustenance is going to come to us no matter what. But on the other end we're also told that, well you can't be complacent. You gotta move. You gotta adopt the means because we're in a darul asbab. Things just don't happen. They happen by adopting means and asbab and after adopting those means and asbab then Allah gives. So we have these two spectrums. Now whenever we think of asbab and means, our mind naturally goes towards the conventional means. But for some reason, many of the times our mind is ignoring and neglecting the most essential asbab of getting more rizq from Allah SWT. The most necessary means of tapping into the treasures of Allah SWT and getting from Allah directly. What are those means?
What are those asbab? These asbab don't require any money. They don't require any profession. They don't require any university education. These asbab are for everyone, wherever you are in the world. This is equal, it's for you to take. But we unfortunately neglect them most of the time. And in this video I want to just share five asbab with you, five asbab and means that if we inculcate them into our lives, then we will never be worried about rizq again. We could sleep at night with peace and ease knowing that there's someone above us that's taking care of us. The first of which Sheikh Shanawi, he mentioned in the previous episode in the Daily Reminders of Yaqeen, I'll just go over it briefly again. And basically this is... ... The first means of taking from Allah SWT is to rectify and enhance our belief in Allah SWT. That definitely it is Him all along. Yes, with our eyes we see that my job is sustaining me, my paycheck is sustaining me, I work 9 to 5 every two weeks, there's a direct deposit in our account. It's very easy to get lost in this zone, right, where we forget who is the true sustainer. And then when the plug is unplugged, wow, it wasn't that all along, it was Allah all along. Whether you have that or not, if Allah could sustain you with that or without that, because Allah is your razzaq. InnaAllahu wa-ar-razzaq. It's not our job, it's not our professions. Imam Shafi'i, one of his beautiful poems, he says, Tawakkaltu fee risqi ala Allah khaliqi, wa-ayqantu anna Allaha la shakka raziqi, wa ma yakoom min risqi, fa laisa yafootuni, wa lau kana fee qaa'il bahr al awamiqi, sa yatee bihi Allah ghadan bi fadlihi, wa lau lam yakun minnil lisanu binatiqi, fa fee ayyi shayin tadhabu annafsu hasratan, wa qad qasama ar-rahman risqa al khala'iqi.
He says that I have completely put my trust in Allah SWT that He is my sustainer, He is my creator, and even if my sustenance is hidden somewhere in the deepest of oceans, in the ocean bed of, wa lau kana fee qaa'il bahr al awamiqi, even if it's hidden in the ocean bed of the deepest of oceans, Allah will bring it to me even if I don't make dua for it. Allah is going to bring it to me because it was written for me. So he says, why are we worried then? Don't worry. Don't stress over this. Allah has already distributed our sustenance and it's going to come to us. So this belief in Allah SWT has to be rectified and enhanced. And in this time if we lost our jobs or we're uncertain about our jobs, this is the best time for this. This is a silver lining. Ibn Arjamah mentions that sometimes, Allah SWT, the hikmah of putting usr, innama al-usri yusra, right? So you have usr and yusra together, hard times and good times. The hikmah of them being together is that when all the doors are shut, meaning right now we're in Michigan, state of Michigan, we can't interview for jobs, no one's hiring, so all the doors of getting a new job are shut. But at that time, a person who has iman, the iman is stirred up and now he goes towards the door of razzaq. And that's what Allah wants, that we turn back to him only. And the moment we do that, Allah opens all the doors again. And then we have to rectify, enhance our faith over and over again. One final point in regards to this first means is us as parents, I mean I have three children as well, we always look for the best schools, which is all good, private schools, give them the best education, get the best tutors, and we set them up for success. But many times we neglect this fundamental belief in Allah SWT. So we put all the means together, but then what happens if our son doesn't get to the med school, or daughter doesn't get to the med school, he or she wanted to, or they don't land their dream job?
If their faith in Allah is weak, they will completely break down. And we will lose them. So we as parents have this responsibility that we have to put those asbaab for them, yeah put them in the best schools, move to the cities that have the best schools, that's no problem. But not at the expense of reinforcing iman billah. At the end of the day it's only Allah that does everything. If we just teach them this, it's enough, because Allah is always going to be there for them. And this is what the Prophet SWT taught us through his dealings with his own children. Here comes Fatima radiAllahu ta'ala anha, she's hungry, she has no food at her house, and she's knocking on the door of her father, the most generous person to ever walk in the face of the earth, and she's asking, oh my father, oh Prophet of Allah SWT, I'm hungry, I don't have food. What is our food? These angels, they say subhanAllah, walhamdulillah, walailahilallah, wallahakbar, and they get fed, they don't have to eat food, but for us we still are human beings. And she's complaining about her hunger, and the lack of food in their home. They have children. And the Prophet SWT, he looks at Fatima and he says, oh Fatima, I got some good news for you. I just got five animals, I could give you these five animals. You can take them home, you can take from their milk, you can take their meat, it can be good enough for you for days to come. Five animals, it's a lot of nourishment for you. Or I could teach you five duas that Jibreel AS just taught me. Which one do you want, oh my daughter? She was also the daughter of the greatest man to walk on the face of the earth, and she was also one of the greatest women to walk on the face of the earth. And this dialogue teaches us a lesson of how to bring up our children, how to reinforce this in their hearts. The daughter says, oh my father, teach me those five duas, of course, teach me those five duas. And the Prophet SWT then he says, oh my daughter, those five duas are, يَا أَوَّلَ الْأَوَّلِينَ وَيَا آخِرَ الْآخَرِينَ وَيَا
ذَلِلْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينَ وَيَا رَحْمَ الْمَسَاكِينَ وَيَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّحِمِينَ Take this, and this should be good enough for you. And when she came back to her house, Ali ibn Abi Talib was waiting, she came back empty handed, so it was kind of shocking. You went to the house of the most generous person to walk on the face of the earth and you came back empty handed, and she said, oh my husband, I came back with five duas. And she said, and Ali ibn Abi Talib said, this is the best day of my life, that we received five duas so we can take directly from the treasures of Allah SWT, irrespective of where we are in our lives. So this is the message that we have to also convey to our children, so we can reinforce in their hearts their belief in Allah SWT. The second means that we should resort to is istighfar, powerful means of getting from Allah SWT's treasures and increasing our wealth, is istighfar and tawbah, repentance and seeking forgiveness from Allah SWT. Remember, ما نزل بلاء إلا بالذنب وما رفع إلا بالتوبة That no calamity befalls us except through our sins. We might have committed sins, knowingly or unknowingly, and that's why we're in this situation that is not appealing to us, that's unpleasant to us, but don't worry, there's good news. It can be uplifted through tawbah, just do istighfar. من لزم الاستغفار جعل الله له من كل ضيق مخرجة ومن كل هم من فرجة ورزقه من حيث لا يحتسد In Sahih Hadith the Prophet SAW said, a person who holds firmly onto istighfar, holding firmly onto istighfar means a few things. One is excessively even repeating the words, استغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله, taking out time, focusing, sitting down and saying استغفر الله استغفر الله, maybe a hundred times in the morning, a hundred times in the evening. The Prophet SAW himself who was an innocent person, he said, I sometimes do istighfar sometimes seventy times a day, sometimes a hundred times a day. So imagine how much we should do it, just the words are even powerful. Sit down استغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله, in the morning and evening.
So one is that, the Prophet SAW said whoever starts to do this, holds firmly onto it, what's going to happen? Allah will remove the kalam, ومن جعل الله له من كل ضيق المخرجة ومن جعل الله له من كل ضيق المخرجة, every tight space he's in, everything that looks gloomy, that there's no light beyond the tunnel, Allah expands it for that person. You know his horizon opens up. ومن كل هم من فرجة ومن كل هم من فرجة, all of our stress it gets removed from our minds and our hearts. Allah removes it. ورزقه من حيث لا يحتسب, and Allah sustains us from places that we would never imagine, sources that we would never imagine. And this is all through the barakah of doing istighfar and seeking forgiveness and repenting to Allah SWT. إن العبد لا يحرم الرزق بالذنب يصيبه. Inna al-'abd la yuhram al-rizq bil-dhanb bi yuseebu. Remember a human being is deprived of sustenance that was written for him through sins that person commits. So the second means, powerful means of getting from Allah SWT is to now repent to Allah and do istighfar. And whether we have a job or we don't have a job, we develop this means in our lives so that we could always reinforce and enhance this relationship that we have with Allah, a relationship of asking forgiveness and repenting on a daily and consistent basis. So we got through two important points in this video. InshaAllah we'll mention the last three in the next video. So stay tuned. JazakAllah khair. Wa alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.
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