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Acts of Worship

Expressing Love for Those Around Us | Daily Reminders

April 1, 2020Ustadha Lobna Mulla

It is in our Islamic tradition to express our love for one another and to not just think it. And Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the best example of that. He said whenever you love somebody, tell them. Ustd. Lobna reminds us of who is most important to us after God and the importance to convey our love to these people. Don't just think it, say it.


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Bismillah wa salat wa salam ala rasulullah. Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters. This quarantine has forced us to think about the things that really matter to us. And of course, we love Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and his messenger and we're so blessed to have a clear way of life. And after that, what is the most important to us? And I think now it's become crystal clear that it's people. It's the people that we love the most. It's our friends and our family and those that are around us that bring much meaning and joy. Before this pandemic, we were distracted from our loved ones with so many things. Some of them important and many of them not so important. And now that many of us are at home and front and center with our family, we've been given the extra opportunity for us to express our love to those around us. There are so many ways in which we can express our love. We can buy gifts. We can do favors for them. We can take them out whether it's for a dinner or for a big family vacation. And yet a lot of those ways are no longer really possible during the quarantine except for one really easy way of expression and that is to say, I love you. For some people, this is very easy and they do it quite often. And for others, it's not easy at all. As a matter of fact, they feel very awkward or even shy or embarrassed to actually utter those words and that may be due to their upbringing or just due to the fact that they have never been told, I love you and therefore to say it feels uncomfortable. Yet it is in our tradition to express our love for those whom we care about, whether they be related or not. Our beloved Prophet set an amazing example for us when it came to expressing his love for those around him. In one narration, he said, whenever one of you love somebody, tell them. In another narration, a companion was with Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him. And when they were together, they saw another man walk in front of them.
The companion said to Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam, I love that man and our beloved messenger said, have you told him? And the companion said no. So the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him, urged the companion to tell the man that he loved him. The companion said, I love you for the sake of Allah. And the man when he replied, he said, may Allah for whose sake you love, love you too. We can see from these two narrations how important it is to express your love for somebody and how much of an impact it has on the other individual. And to paraphrase the narration of Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, he said that Allah said that a man went to go visit a friend of his in another town and an angel was sent to him to ask him why he was in that town. And the man said that I'm here to visit a friend of mine. And the angel asked him, do you have a favor over him that is to be repaid? You know, does this person owe you anything? And the man said, no, I'm visiting him because I love him for the sake of Allah. And the angel then replied, I'm a messenger of Allah to tell you that Allah loves you as you love this friend of yours. So here we see that this expression of love, the effort that is made to visit someone, to call them, to tell them that you love them is so near and dear to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that it's something pleasing to him. So if it's not something easy for us to do, we should know that there is much reward in expressing our love and it makes it that much more enticing for us to step out of our comfort zone and tell people that we care about that we love them. You know, these narrations that I just shared, these were all about people that were not related and it was encouraged for them to express their love. So now imagine about the people that live with us that are the closest to us. Do we tell them that we love them? A lot of times we take it for granted. We say, you know, I see them every day. I cook for them. I work for them. You know, I do so much for my loved ones.
I don't need to tell them that I love them. And yet the words are very powerful. Just by uttering the words, the hearts become soft, the relationship becomes deeper, and it makes it that much more comfortable for the person to respond to you that they love you back because you've now opened the doors. The walls of awkwardness and embarrassment have been broken by the utterance of I love you. You know, between long-distance relatives, by calling them and telling them how much you care about them, it softens that distance. It brings you closer. If there were old arguments or there's been just a long time of a lack of communication, being able to pick up the phone and calling or FaceTiming and saying that you love them just brings you that much more closer. So there is no time to waste here. Rush to your loved ones and tell them that you care about them. Now that a lot of us are spending a lot of time at home, there may be extra frustration. There may be times of boredom and that doesn't make it very conducive to just randomly pull somebody aside and tell them that you love them. But at the same time you do have the extra time to pull somebody aside randomly and tell them you love them. So please do that. Even if you say it somewhat frequently, just telling somebody about how you feel about them, it makes them feel better. It makes them feel good. So why not give them that opportunity to know that those feelings are there? A lot of times we take it for granted and think, well, it's my spouse. It's my parent. It's my child. It's my sibling. It's my relative. Of course, I love them. I don't need to say it. And yet saying it is very powerful. We shouldn't miss this opportunity that we have to express love to those around us and to those whom we haven't seen or heard from in a long time, especially in these uncertain times. We don't know the next time that we will see or hear from our loved ones.
Those that live outside of our homes and those that live in our homes. You know, the other night a friend of mine called and I hadn't heard or seen from her in about a year. And it was very heartwarming conversation. It was just for a few minutes and the conversation reminded me how much I love her for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and how special our time was, even though it had been much time that we had even spent time apart. And at the end of the phone call, it crossed my mind that I should tell her that I love her. And then a quick thought kind of came across my mind that said, well, it's the end of the phone conversation. It'd be kind of random if I said I love you. But then I quickly brushed that thought aside and I thought when will be the next time that I'll have this opportunity? And so I told her I love you and she replied the same and really the rest of the night I had such a warm feeling in my heart because I was able to express that love. She expressed it back and it just reminded me how many special people we have in our lives. So take the next moment that you have to call, text, or say I love you to those you care about. Embrace the ones that are home with you. Tell them that you love them too. And please be safe. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect you and your family. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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