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Degrees of Success | Daily Reminders
The difference between Al Fawz Al Kabeer (The Great Success), Al Fawz Al Mubeen (Clear Success), and Al Fawz Al 'Adheem (Supreme Success) in the Quran.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim bismillahir rahmanir raheem Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa la ridwana illa ala al-dhalimeen wa la aqibatuhu lilmuttaqeen Allahumma saliwassalamu alabarik ala abdika wa rasulika muhammadin salallahu alaihi wasalam wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wasalam tasliman kathira So before Dhul Hijjah as we were actually going through the reflections of Surah Ibrahim the last reflection was about the different ways in which a person could be astray and we talked about when Allah mentions dhalalin ba'eed a person who is far astray a person who is exceedingly misguided and we talked about the difference in the Qur'an the consistency between how dhalalin ba'eed is used kabir is used mubeen is used dhalalin ba'eed, dhalalin kabir and dhalalin mubeen and in brief we said that dhalal al ba'eed is a person who is astray and seeks to lead others astray which is the usage that we have here in Surah Ibrahim and dhalalin kabir is when you're talking about the consequences of misguidance and dhalalin mubeen is that a person is clearly astray ok so a person is calling others to guidance and pointing to the clear manifest errors of their misguidance so what I said before dhul hijjah was that when we get back to this insha'Allah ta'ala I wanted to talk about the different types of success, the opposite of this so it's not necessarily here in Surah Ibrahim but it's the opposite of the way that dhalal is categorized misguidance is categorized and that is the way that al fawz which means success, al fawz is categorized and you find a very similar way in which Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala uses the words al fawz al kabir al fawz al mubeen and al fawz al azeem
so let's talk about these three things insha'Allah ta'ala, the different ways in which Allah describes success in the Quran and that way, you know, especially for the hufadh by the way, when you're memorizing the Quran you have to learn how these words differ, why? because otherwise you'll make ghalta al hufadh which is to just mix up these words because you're thinking purely about the flow and you are, you know as you're finishing off ayat, you're thinking about another ayah and because some ayat are so similar to one another you'll simply say mubeen or kabir or azeem as you're going through so as you're becoming a hafidh, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala enable everyone, bi'ithnilahi ta'ala, to memorize the Quran and to grow in their memorization but as you're doing hifth, you have to learn some of these distinctions and it helps you quite a bit and of course it enhances you in your ability to read the Quran in general and to appreciate the depth of the word of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, especially on some of these things. So al-fawz al-kabir let's start with that one because it matches dalalin kabir dalalin kabir speaks to the consequences of misguidance al-fawz al-kabir which is only used in surah al-buruj Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions inna allatheena aamanu waAAamilu salihati lahum jannatun tajree min tahtiha al-anhaar thalika al-fawzul kabir so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions that those who believed and who worked righteous deeds, they have for them paradise, gardens beneath which rivers flow and that is al-fawz al-kabir, the great success al-fawz al-kabir is used in a similar way to which dalalin kabir speaks to the consequences of misguidance al-fawz al-kabir which is of course speaking to the reward of ashab al-ukhdood the reward of those people that are being massacred for their belief that while the consequences of their belief in this world
might be a massacre but the success that comes their way because of their perseverance and because of their insistence on faith is actually success, right? that that is akbar, that that's greater that the reward that is promised for them in the hereafter is greater than the punishment that they are receiving in this world for their faith, for being amongst those who believe, so that's al-fawz al-kabir which as I said is the the least common of how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala describes al-fawz, describes success al-fawz al-mubeen refers to, which means the you know, clear success, clear success every time Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala refers to al-fawz al-mubeen in the Quran which is clear success, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala refers to it in the capacity of escaping punishment and gaining Allah's mercy escaping punishment and gaining Allah's mercy, so for example when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, may yusrif anhu yawma idhin faqad rahima wa thalik al-fawz al-mubeen that whoever Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala removes the punishment from on the day of judgment then he has shown mercy to them and that is clear success, okay famanzuhzih a'aninnar wa udkhila aljanna faqad faas whoever is dragged from the fire, whoever is saved from the fire, dragged from the fire and entered into paradise then that is a person who has succeeded faqad faas and that is al-fawz al-mubeen, so again al-fawz al-mubeen, every time it's used in the Quran you'll find that it is speaking to escaping punishment and being granted Allah's mercy, there's something very beautiful about the last type of fawz, the last type of success which is al-fawz al-azim al-fawz al-azim so there's no fawz ba'eed which would be the equivalent of dalal and ba'eed because there's no far success here but it refers to the great success, okay
the mighty al-azim is the greatest type of success right, al-kabeer refers to something that is greater and bigger, al-azim refers to an added layer and the way that that shows itself in Quranic terminology is every time Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions al-fawz al-azim, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is not just mentioning entrance into paradise but mentioning that a person will abide therein forever, so the component of al-khuld, the component of eternity is also mentioned I'm going to say that again and then I'll give you an example insha'Allah ta'ala from surah an-nisa, every time Allah mentions al-fawz al-azim we said al-fawz al-fawz al-mubeen is that a person is escaping punishment and gaining Allah's mercy which automatically means entrance into paradise al-fawz al-azim which is the greatest level of success is entering into paradise and Allah mentioning that you will abide therein forever may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow all of us to achieve al-fawz al-azim, so for example when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says that these are the boundaries of Allah and whoever obeys Allah and his messenger, Allah will enter that person into paradise and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will enter them into that paradise which has rivers flowing beneath they will be there forever and that is the most mighty form the greatest form, the highest form of success, so may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to attain al-fawz al-mubeen
al-fawz al-kabeer al-fawz al-azim, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us the highest level of success and allow that to show itself, to be manifest in occupying the highest level of paradise, the highest level of Jannah Jannah al-firdaws, al-firdaws al-a'la and the companionship of our beloved messenger Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam the prophets, the messengers, the salihun the siddiqun, the shuhada Allahuma ameen, jazakum Allah khayran wasalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
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