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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Acts of Worship


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As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. No one is worthy of worship except against the wrongdoers. The right path is for the righteous. O Allah, send blessings and peace upon Your servant and Messenger Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family and companions. Welcome back everyone. InshaAllah ta'ala I'm going to spend this week only just finishing up some reflections on the first page of Surah Ibrahim as they relate to methodology. And inshaAllah ta'ala tomorrow night we'll be going back to the first of course every Tuesday night. And tomorrow night inshaAllah ta'ala we'll actually be talking about a sahabi who's not spoken about much but is extremely significant. Khabab ibn al-Arat radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. So make sure you tune in at the same time tomorrow. And then Wednesday, Thursday we'll finish off with just a few more reflections on the beginning of Surah Ibrahim. And then inshaAllah ta'ala we'll move on to another subject inshaAllah to start reflecting on for next week. I wanted to actually talk about this ayah from the perspective of the mission of Musa alaihi salam. The mission of Moses peace be upon him as is described here. And you'll notice if you're reading Surah Ibrahim in the first few verses Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala establishes the consistency of the messengers both in terms of the content of their message as well as the methodology that they would employ. And so the way that this Surah which is named after Abraham Ibrahim alaihi salam starts off is this book was given to you لِتُخْرِجَ النَّاسَ مِنَ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ that you would take people, O Muhammad salAllahu alaihi wasalam, from the darkness to the light. And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions that every prophet and messenger that he sent he sent in the language of their people لِيُبَيِّنَ لَهُمْ so that they could make things clear to them. And then here Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says وَلَقَدْ أَرْصَلْنَا مُوسَى بِآيَاتِنَا أَنْ أَخْرِجْ قَوْمَكَ مِنَ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ The same thing Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says and we indeed sent Moses with our signs saying
lead your people out of the darkness into the light. And as you notice from the title that I chose tonight, you know Musa alaihi salam was not merely sent to drown the Fir'aun. And what do I mean by that? And I'll probably elaborate further inshallah ta'ala on a hadith from the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam about a person who's killed by a prophet or who kills a prophet. On Wednesday I'll talk about that inshallah ta'ala. But what do I mean by Musa alaihi salam was not merely sent to kill the Fir'aun? Musa alaihi salam's mission is the mission of all of the messengers and the prophets. And as we are getting to Ashura where we commemorate what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given us through the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam to commemorate the victory of Musa alaihi salam over Fir'aun, the victory that Allah gave to Moses over the Pharaoh. It's important for us to take a step back and to realize that the mission of the messengers, that the story of Musa alaihi salam, that the purpose that he was sent for was a purpose of guidance. Now when someone chooses to turn away from that guidance and someone chooses to instead transgress, then the humiliation that comes their way is what is decreed for them. But that does not summarize the story of Musa alaihi salam. When we are celebrating the victory that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gave to Musa alaihi salam over the Fir'aun, we're celebrating the idea of a Nasr, we're celebrating the idea of divine aid to the one who is steadfast upon the truth. We're not celebrating this because of, you know, merely like some sort of joy of the destruction of Fir'aun, but instead the joy at the help of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala coming to Musa alaihi salam and having our full trust in the help of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with our situation as well. And this was something just profound I'd heard from Sheikh Mohammed Amin al-Shankiti rahim Allah ta'ala when he mentioned something along these lines that Musa alaihi salam was not sent merely to drown the Fir'aun, but to guide the people.
Fir'aun is one part of the story of Musa alaihi salam, but the story of Musa alaihi salam is a story of guidance. Just like the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam was not sent, his message cannot be encapsulated, his purpose cannot be captured in he was sent to kill Abu Jahl or to humiliate Abu Jahl. The Prophet salallahu alaihi salam was sent as a mercy, the Prophet salallahu alaihi salam was sent with guidance, but those who responded the way that the Fir'aun of this Ummah Abu Jahl responded, instead received humiliation because Allah does not send a blessing that is rejected by those whom it is intended for, except that they are increased in humiliation. And this is something that's very important, it's the power of the Quran as well. The Quran was sent as a cure, the Quran was sent as a guide, the Quran was sent as a means of increasing us in good. But for some people Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions it increases them in disease, it increases them in hardship. Why? Because of the way that they interact with this divine blessing that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given to us, the greatest blessing which is the blessing of guidance. And so here with Musa alaihi salam we have the exact same concept that's being highlighted here. And one of the benefits of that is what the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam says about the Quran itself, that it is hujjatan lak aw alayk, it is a proof for you or against you. It's a proof for you or against you. That Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has established his goodness towards us by sending us these forms of guidance, by sending us prophets, by sending us messengers, by sending us divine messengers to turn us back to him. And that when a person interacts with it, the way that they interact with it, then the fault is only upon them. And it is important to mention that, you know, look at the way that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala even sent Musa alaihi salam to Fir'aun.
Allah knows how Fir'aun is going to respond. But that does not take away from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala telling Musa alaihi salam and Harun alaihi salam that to go to Fir'aun and to speak to him qawlan layyin, to speak to him with gentle words so that maybe he will be purified and maybe he'll turn back. And the lesson in that is that our methodology can't change because of the anticipated response of other people. Whether a person responds like Fir'aun or they respond like Abu Jahl or they respond like Abu Talib or they respond however they respond, right? They respond like Al-Abbas radiAllahu ta'ala anhu initially. However people will respond is insignificant to the methodology that we should maintain because we have to get back to our original purpose and the response of those enemies should not dictate a change in the original purpose or us leaving that original purpose. So Musa alaihi salam was sent to guide. Fir'aun chose humiliation. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sent this Quran to cure. When a person interacts with the Quran in a way that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is not pleased with then a person will be increased instead in disease and increased in all sorts of trial and tribulation. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to be amongst those that both deliver, that receive guidance properly, that deliver it properly and that always anchor their purpose in that guidance that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has sent to us. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us the people of the Quran. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to be taken from darkness to light and to take others from darkness to light as well. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow that light from the sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam to define our methodology in everything that we do. So I'll see you all tomorrow inshaAllah ta'ala as we talk about Khabab al-Nabarat radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. JazakumAllahu khayran.
Wasalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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