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Life of the Prophet (seerah)

Usayd Ibn Hudayr (ra): Transformed by the Quran | The Firsts

March 2, 2022Dr. Omar Suleiman

From the moment he heard the Quran, his face changed and his heart turned towards Allah and his messenger ﷺ in a way that made him beloved to the righteous in the heavens and in the earth.

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In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. And the title is, Except for the wrongdoers, and the end is for the righteous. O Allah, send blessings and peace and blessings upon Your servant and Messenger, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family and companions. First of all, I want to apologize to those that are tuning in online for starting late tonight, about nine minutes later than usual. Alhamdulillah, we had the mayor of Irving visit us tonight. Also, I know I'm competing with the State of the Union address, so those of you that are here, the State of the Union is not good. The seerah is beneficial, so inshallah I'll save you some time there. You can watch the highlights later on Twitter. But we're back in the seerah, bi-idhnillahi ta'ala, and honestly, you know, subhanallah, these are really some of my favorite sahaba to speak about. And the reason being is that when we talked about the series of the first, as-sabiqoon al-awwaloon, there are a few people that really embody what it means to be first, and do so in a way that just sets the stage so that we can appreciate them and make dua for them. And I keep on remembering, last week when we talked about As'ad ibn Zurarah, radhiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, so many of you actually told me, after you'd never heard anything about the story of As'ad, the fact that an old man, Ka'b ibn Malik radhiyaAllahu anhu, would seek forgiveness for him when he heard the call to Jum'ah, because he remembered, and it was already forgotten, with the next generation. His own son, we're talking about the tab'een, had already forgotten this first of all firsts in Medina, in As'ad ibn Zurarah radhiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. So what then of us, 1400 years later? So, how are we going to build out the next three halaqat? If you attend the next three, and of course you attended last week, and then the last long lecture we did of season one, and Mus'ab ibn Umair radhiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, if you understand the story of Mus'ab ibn Umair, As'ad ibn Zurarah,
and the man we're talking about tonight, as well as the next two, so these five, you really understand the entire landscape of Medina. And I really do mean that, because it is this group of five young men, none of them, by the way, who are older than the age of 32 years old. That set the entire stage for what is Medina to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this beloved city to us. And so it's going to come back, these next three biographies come back to one incident. It's the incident of Mus'ab ibn Umair radhiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, sitting with As'ad ibn Zurarah radhiyaAllahu anhu, his host, the first convert of Medina, with the first ambassador from Mecca, sitting, teaching the people, and then three men coming and embracing Islam on the same day, and then the entire city practically learning about Islam, and the bulk of it embracing Islam in that same day. It's all going to come back to this one gathering. And so tonight we're going to spend some time inshaAllah ta'ala with a man by the name of Usaid ibn Hudair ibn Sammak radhiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. Usaid ibn Hudair, Abu Yahya. Usaid ibn Hudair was the son of Al-Hudair who was the chief of Al-Aus on the day of Bu'ath. Who can remind me what the day of Bu'ath is? And these need to be really quick answers inshaAllah. What was the day of Bu'ath? The war between the two tribes, Aus and Khazraj, that wiped out all of the elders in Yathrib, which would become Medina, right? The day that Aisha radhiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu said Allah presented to the Messenger ﷺ, because that was what opened up these people's hearts to the possibility of a new way, was the exhaustion and honestly the trauma of Bu'ath. When you listen to them talk about Bu'ath, they never wanted to go back there again.
It was a bloody, bloody battle between these two tribes of Aus and Khazraj. You have a bunch of 20-year-olds and 30-year-olds that are left, and that are now the Sayyids, that are now the leaders of the city. Where in Mecca you have 70 and 80-year-olds that are the leaders and the chiefs, and their kids and their kids. So that was the day of Bu'ath. So Usaid, his father Al-Hudair was the chief of one of the main two tribes involved, Al-Aus, on the day of Bu'ath, and he was killed on the day of Bu'ath. So this is who Usaid's father is. Usaid radhiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu is known as Abu Yahya as we said. He has a son Yahya who comes in a very famous narration. And Usaid radhiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu is a rare personality. And the beauty of the next three biographies is that they are so vastly different. The personalities of these three men that we're going to cover over the next three weeks are entirely different, even though they hold very similar positions in society. Usaid radhiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu is described as extremely intelligent. Someone who was literate, and that was a thing, could read and write, and that was not common, especially in Yathrib. It wasn't common in Mecca for literacy. What then in Yathrib with these younger men, someone who could read and write, someone who was fluent in poetry, he had a beautiful voice. You know, he just had a sweet sounding voice, and he had beautiful coherence. People love to hear Usaid talk. Extremely eloquent. This hulw al-mantik means this beautiful logic. When he spoke, he flowed, and he had a beautiful tone to his voice, which of course is going to explain why his voice in the Qur'an was so beautiful. Usaid radhiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, big personality in that he jokes a lot. Mazzah. Someone who likes to make the room laugh, someone who brings a lot of joy, someone who knows how to disarm a hostile person. These are all very important qualities that you'll see play out in the seerah. So if someone is being hostile, Usaid is the one that knows how to calm a situation down.
He has that diplomacy as part of him as well. Very handsome. A sportsman. Someone who was known for his work with his spear. They said he had the most accurate throw of the people of Yathrib with his spear. So he is someone who was admired in his society for the traits that he had as well. Not just that he happened to be the son of al-Hudayr, but he also rises up to become khatib al-ansar, the spokesperson of the ansar, the natural representative. The ansar always wanted Usaid to represent them in whatever gathering they were. So how does he come into this picture? Remember, because this incident we're going to mention every single one of the next three weeks. Mus'ab radiyaAllahu anhu comes to Medina. He's with his host, who? As'ad bin Zurarah. They're sitting under a palm tree in this garden in Medina. And they're teaching a bunch of the weak people, the vulnerable of Medina, of Yathrib at the time. Because that's who Islam attracts immediately, the downtrodden of society. Now, over the course of this day, these three men are going to enter an order that we're covering them in the halaqa. Here's what's very interesting. As'ad, and I don't expect anyone to remember this from last week, but he was the maternal cousin of Sa'ad bin Mu'adh radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. Sa'ad bin Mu'adh radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, who is a man who is out of the three. I mean, we're going to see the virtues of Sa'ad radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu ibn Mu'adh are unlike anyone else that you meet, right, in this story. But Sa'ad bin Mu'adh, because he's the cousin of As'ad bin Zurarah, he hears about this and he calls Usaid. He says, listen, I heard that my cousin As'ad is sitting with this man from Mecca, and they're confusing the youth, and they're getting in the heads of some of the downtrodden in Medina.
He said, take your spear and go over there and rough them up a bit, and stop this before it gets worse. Because I'm his cousin, if I go over there, right, it's going to become a bigger fitna. So Usaid, you have a way with dealing with things. I don't want to go deal with As'ad right now or this person that he brought with him from Mecca. You go and you deal with them. So Usaid radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu says, kafaytu kadhalik, I've got it. I've got it from here. Takes his spear and he starts walking towards As'ad bin Zurarah and Mus'ab ibn Umair holding his spear. They're sitting in this garden of Bani Abdul Ash'al under a palm tree. A group is around them, clearly captivated by Mus'ab ibn Umair. As'ad sees Usaid coming and he goes, wayhaka yaa Mus'ab, haada sayyidu qawmihi wa arjahuhum aqlan wa akmaluhum kamalan, Usaid ibn Umair. He said, listen Mus'ab, this guy that's coming right now, angry, who looks like he wants to kill you, this man is a leader of his people, Sayyid ibn al-Asyad. He's a leader of his people. And he is the most intelligent of them, the most complete of them, Usaid ibn Umair. And listen to what he said, he said, fa in yuslim tabi'ahu fee islamihi khalqun kathir. He said, if he becomes Muslim, if you convince this man to become Muslim, a whole bunch of people are going to become Muslim after him. So Usaid radiallahu ta'ala anhu comes up and he says to Mus'ab, he said, haven't you found anyone else's minds to play with? He said, other than these poor people, these masakeen who don't understand the poison that you're bringing from Mecca. Remember, all they know is the propaganda now. They've heard the Islamophobia. The Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam, the scare tactic of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam was that he divides families. And in Yathrib, we don't want any more division. We've been divided enough, our fathers have literally killed each other over this stuff. So haven't you found some people to play with,
other than these poor people from Yathrib? So Usaid radiallahu ta'ala anhu, he's holding his spear, he says, you can either get up and leave or I'll have to make you leave the hard way. So he threatens him. Mus'ab radiallahu ta'ala anhu, looks like who? He looks like the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam. Remember, I mean, when he died in Uhud, some of the kuffar thought they killed the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam. He had the traits, the face of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam. He had the adab of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam. I mean, of course, in that he, no one's like the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam, but he inherited much of his beautiful quality. Mus'ab radiallahu ta'ala anhu, could have roughed him back up, said something, or moved on. Mus'ab smiles. And he says, ya Sayyid qawmi, he says, oh leader of his people, hal laka fee khaira min dhalik? Can I propose something better than that? Well, Sayyid is, again, he's not a bad man. He's not an aggressive man in his nature. He was trying to clean up the situation. So the Sayyid says, wa maa dhak? What do you have to offer? He says, tajlisu ilayna wa tasma'u minna fa in raadhita maa kullna, qabiltahu wa in lam tarda, tahawwalna ankum wa lam na'ud ilaykum. Just sit down, listen to what we have to say. If you like it, you can accept it. And if you don't like it, Mus'ab says, we will get up and go and we'll never come back. I'll never come back. I'll never talk to anyone in Medina again. Risky proposition that Mus'ab radiallahu ta'ala anhu is making. But what does that show to Usayyid? This man has a lot of confidence in what he has. For him to say, I'll get up and I'll never come back, if you don't like what I'm going to say to you, is very bold of Mus'ab radiallahu ta'ala anhu. Usayyid radiallahu anhu respects that. So Usayyid radiallahu ta'ala anhu, he takes a spear, plants it in the ground, he sits down and he says, that's a good opinion, go ahead, tell me what you have. Mus'ab radiallahu ta'ala anhu starts to recite Quran to him. So all he does, is he starts
to recite the Quran. Usayyid radiallahu ta'ala anhu sits there and listens to him. And Usayyid starts to get emotional. As'ad knows what's happening, radiallahu ta'ala anhu. The other sahaba, or these converts to be, know what's happening. And Mus'ab goes on and on and on. And he didn't just recite a little bit of Quran, he sat there and let him recite and recite and recite and recite. While Usayyid got emotional. And remember he said, laqad ansaft, he said, you had a good opinion. And he actually wanted to listen to him with his full presence. And after Mus'ab finished, he said, ma ahsana hatha allathee taqool ma ajalla hatha allathee tatloo What beautiful words you are speaking. What nobility, ajal, I mean, how honorable, how great is this that you recite. So Usayyid radiallahu ta'ala anhu says, how do I join you? Right away. Not, you know, let me ask you some more questions. I need some more clarification. He said, how does a person join this way of yours? So Mus'ab radiallahu ta'ala anhu said, you go and you do ghusl, you purify your garments, you bear witness, anna la ilaha illallah wa muhammadan rasoolillah that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger. Watusalli raka'tayn and you pray two rakats. So Usayyid radiallahu anhu goes, he takes a shower, purifies his garments, he comes back, he takes shahada with Mus'ab radiallahu ta'ala anhu and he says, wa ala sa'ad bin zurarah radiallahu anhu. He prays two rakats and then he goes back to Sa'd bin Mu'adh radiallahu anhu who sent him. Now subhanallah, this is probably one of the most important parts of the story. If you remember in Mecca, the Prophet ﷺ recited Quran to Utbah bin Mubi'ah and Utbah was so moved by the Quran, he put his hand on the mouth of the Prophet ﷺ to stop him because he couldn't hold himself
because he knew that what he was reciting was divine. But what did he do? He turned back to his friends and he insisted on his ways. But when he came back to his people, what did Abu Jahar say when he saw him? He said, laqad ja'akum Abu al-Waleed bi ghayri al-wajhi lathi dhahaba bihi. He said, Abu al-Waleed is coming back to you with a face different than the one he went with. When we sent him to meet Muhammad ﷺ, he had a different look on his face. He's coming back and he's a changed man. Something is up with his face. But what did he do? Abu al-Waleed, he insisted on his kufr. He insisted on his disbelief and he continued to oppose the Prophet ﷺ. Sa'd ﷺ sees Usaid ibn Hudayb and he says the exact same words. Sa'd says, laqad ja'akum Usaid. Usaid is coming to you, bi ghayri al-wajhi lathi dhahaba bihi. With a face different than the one I sent him with. He looks different. Something happened to Usaid when he went there. The Qur'an literally transformed him and then what's going to happen next, which we'll talk about next week, is Sa'd ibn Mu'adh goes over there and he becomes Muslim. So literally it's Usaid, then Sa'd ibn Mu'adh, then Sa'd ibn Ubadah, then Madinah. So we're starting with Usaid radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu because he's the first one to enter into the house of Mus'ab and As'ad ibn Zurarah and embrace Islam. So it was the Qur'an that changed him. And this shows you something by the way, the scholars mention a very important point here. That what was stopping the people of Mecca from understanding or from embracing the Prophet ﷺ that they knew for over 40 years, despite the beautiful qualities that they encountered, right? They knew Muhammad ﷺ. They knew As'ad ibn Amin. They gave him nicknames. They loved him. They knew that his qualities were divine. But their arrogance was a hijab for them, was a veil for them, to seeing
those beautiful qualities in Islam. So they opposed him and they cursed him. And it was the same arrogance that was stopping them from appreciating the beauty and being transformed from the beauty of the Qur'an being recited from the mouth of the Prophet ﷺ. So the Prophet ﷺ was far more impressive if you saw him for 40 years than he was if you saw him for 40 days. The Ansar didn't even see him and they were already in love with him. They saw him and they were ready. They understood, right? Abdullah ibn Salam, he said, هذا الوج ليس بوجهه كذاب. When he saw the Prophet ﷺ's face, he said, that's not the face of a liar. They didn't know him the way the people of Mecca did. And learning the Qur'an from the mouth of the Prophet ﷺ, hearing it from the Prophet ﷺ, with Jibreel ﷺ descending upon him, was far more impactful than hearing it from the mouth of Mus'ab ibn Umair ﷺ. But the hearts, it's the hearts, right? Usaid ﷺ sat and he was present and his heart immediately embraced the Qur'an. And so you're going to find this man distinguished by his love of the Qur'an. So Usaid ﷺ embraces Islam and he goes to the second bay'ah of Aqaba. Now I want you to memorize these terms insha'Allah ta'ala. Remember, there was the first pledge, which was with how many people? Twelve. Six men embraced Islam and then twelve of them took a pledge and they went back to Medina with Mus'ab ibn Umair. That was the first bay'ah to Aqaba, the first pledge. And then the second pledge was how many people? The next year with Mus'ab ﷺ. Seventy, with twelve naqeebs, twelve nuqaba, twelve chiefs on top of them. Okay? So you're going to, insha'Allah ta'ala remember this. So Usaid ﷺ goes back to bay'ah to Aqaba al-Thaniya, the second bay'ah, the second pledge the next year in hajj and he embraces Islam
along with that, or rather he takes his pledge with the Prophet ﷺ along with that group and the Prophet ﷺ places him as one of the twelve naqeebs, one of the twelve chiefs of that day. When the Prophet ﷺ makes hijrah to Medina, the Prophet ﷺ paired him with Zayd ibn al-Harithah ﷺ. So he gets to take in to his home, none other than the adopted son of the Prophet ﷺ. Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Hibbu Rasulillah, the beloved one of the Prophet ﷺ. Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So let's go through some of the layers of Usaid. You know, imagine the Prophet ﷺ looking at a person and saying, ni'ma ar-rajul. What an amazing person you are. Rasulullah ﷺ kan yaqul ni'ma ar-rajul Usaid ibn Hudair. What an amazing, what an awesome person Usaid ibn Hudair is. What a great man he is. So the Prophet ﷺ used to praise him. Abu Bakr al-Siddiq radiyallahu ta'ala anhu, he used to not prefer anyone from the Ansar ala Usaid ibn Hudair on top of Usaid ibn Hudair or in front of Usaid ibn Hudair. So to Abu Bakr, radiyallahu ta'ala anhu, the most important person or the most virtuous of the Ansar was this man, Usaid ibn Hudair radiyallahu ta'ala anhu. Aisha radiyallahu ta'ala anhu, she said, thalathatun min al-ansar. There are three people from the Ansar. lam yakun ahadun afdala minhum. That no one was better than these three men. Kulluhum bin Bani Abdul Ash'hal. All three of them were from the sub-tribe of Bani Abdul Ash'hal. She said, Sa'd ibn Mu'adh wa Usaid ibn Hudair wa Abbad ibn Bishr. These three people. Sa'd ibn Mu'adh, Usaid and Abbad ibn Bishr. So that's the praise of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam for him. That's the praise of Abu Bakr for him. That's the praise of Aisha radiyallahu ta'ala anhu. And one of the things that we take from him again is his love for the Quran. Usaid radiyallahu ta'ala anhu used to recite the Quran and people used to surround
him. If he recited in his home, the people surrounded his home. If Usaid walked into a gathering, they wanted him to lead the Salat. He had a beautiful voice and what made his recitation of the Quran more beautiful was not just his sweet voice but again this transformed him. It took over his heart. It took over his face radiyallahu ta'ala anhu. And one of the famous rules of fiqh, of jurisprudence that we took, the children of Sa'd ibn Mu'adh radiyallahu ta'ala anhu, they said that Usaid used to be our Imam. He used to lead us in Salat. And when he fell ill, the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam came to visit him and inquire about his illness. And so we said to the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, Ya Rasulullah, he's too sick to stand up when he leads us in Salat. So what do we do? The Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam said, إِذَا صَلَّى قَاعِدًا فَصَلُّوا قُعُودًا If he leads you, he didn't say replace him. He said when he leads you and he prays sitting down, then all of you pray sitting down behind him. Alright? So that's a rule in fiqh, right? If the Imam sits, everyone else should sit, right? Except the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, according to most of the schools, abrogated that when he led his last Salat, salallahu alaihi wa sallam, sitting down and the rest of the Sahaba remained standing. And so these abrogations happened during the time of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam. But this was actually the incident from which this discussion is even extracted, is the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam affirming Usaid's place, radhiallahu ta'ala anhu, as leading these people in Salat. And he said, salallahu alaihi wa sallam, that when he prays sitting down, then all of you should pray sitting down as well. So it wasn't just the Sahaba that left to hear him. And I'm not going to give the details of the story because you can watch the episode in Angels 2,
about the story inshallah ta'ala in detail, where Usaid radhiallahu ta'ala anhu was reciting the Quran one day and the angels came upon him to a point that his horse almost trampled his son. The amount of angels that descended to the earth when Usaid was reciting surat al-Baqarah one night caused his horse to trample or almost trample his son Yahya who was sleeping next to him. And he told the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam about that incident. Subhanallah, even the mala'ika, the angels, would gather around this man to listen to his voice when he recited the Quran. In another narration, Anas ibn Malik radhiallahu ta'ala anhu says that there were two men that were with the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam on a very dark night. They were walking with him outside of the masjid. And he said it was Usaid and Abad ibn Bishr, these two men from the Ansar. And he said when they were with the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, there was a light that was in front of them. And then when they all went their ways, he said radhiallahu ta'ala anhu, wa idha noorun bayna aydihima hatta tafarraka, fatafarraka noorun ma'ahumaa. Beautiful. He said that when they all went their way from the masjid of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, the light parted with all three of them, the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam and Usaid and Abad. And it stayed with them until they reached their homes. And of course the ulama, they talk about this, you know, this was the light of their sincerity, a miracle for them, one of the karamat of the awliya, one of the miracles of the righteous. Some of them said that was the effect of the mala'ika, the effect of the angels. The point being that this man is a worshipper. This man is a abid, he's a worshipper. He absorbed the Quran in a beautiful way. And that's why the khutbah that I'd given actually a few months ago about this narration. Now you can remember it was Usaid.
Aisha radiallahu anha narrates, Some of you might remember the khutbah, most of you probably don't. Usaid radiallahu anhu said, If I could be always in the state that I am in three situations, I would know that I am from the people of Jannah. And I would never doubt it. Like if Allah took my life in one of three situations, my heart is in such a way and my presence is in such a way that I know I'm from the people of Jannah. Okay. The first thing he said, When I read the Quran and when I listen to it. If death was to come to me while I was reading the Quran or while I was listening to it, I would know that I'm going to Jannah. That's a beautiful statement. Like I'm so present when I read the Quran, that my heart is so overwhelmed. My heart is in such a place that I know that I would be from the people of Jannah. The second thing, When I'm listening to the khutbah of the Prophet ﷺ, Like if Allah took my life sitting in Jum'ah, listening to the Prophet ﷺ standing on the manbar and talking to us, I would know I'm going to Jannah because his heart was in such a way. Does anyone remember what the third one was by any chance? Has to do with the COVID era. And that's why I chose the khutbah topic. Anybody remember? All right. Maybe this will. It's kind of offensive, by the way. No one remembers. I hope you guys are just keeping it to yourself. Qaloo idha shahittu janazah. When I'm in a janazah. When I'm going through a janazah. The way my heart is when I'm praying janazah. Qala fama shahittu janazah tanqat.
I never attend the janazah except haddaftu nafsi siwa ma huwa mafu'ulun biha wa ma hiya sa'iratun ilayhi. I actually put myself in the position of that person throughout the entire janazah. And I tell myself that this is what's going to happen next. And this is what's going to happen next. I walk myself through the stages of the janazah as if I am that dead body. You see that level of ihsan, that level of presence. I mean, what is he talking about? Presence. He's talking about being presence. When he's reading Quran, he's present. When he's listening to khutba of the Prophet ﷺ, he's present. When he's praying janazah, he's present. He's there, right? With his heart, with his mind, with his soul. He's paying attention. So he said, my heart is in such a way in those three moments. If death came to me then, I know that I'm going to janazah. Subhanallah. Getting back to the seerah. And this is, by the way, he's one of the few companions that you have that much richness about his ibadah, as well as some of his history. Usaid was not one of the ansar who actually witnessed Badr. And the reason being is that, remember, Badr is not in Medina. It's actually far away from Medina. The Muslims were intercepting some of the caravans between Mecca and Asham, in greater Syria. So that they could get back some of what was stolen from them. So the Muslims were sending these little battalions to intercept those caravans, and to disrupt the trade routes of the Meccans, and to hopefully get back some of what was taken from them. And so Badr was actually an ambush. And Abu Sufyan planned it so that it wasn't just a caravan, but instead, it was an army of a thousand men. That would face the Muslims where they were going to intercept their caravan at Badr. So Usaid, he actually missed Badr. And it bothered him that he missed Badr.
So when the Prophet ﷺ came back from Badr, Usaid said to the Prophet ﷺ, you know, alhamdulillah, Allah ﷻ gave you victory. That you saw what you wanted to see, that you gained what you wanted to gain. And he says, Ya Rasulullah, I did not think, wallahi, I did not think you were actually going out for a battle here. I thought that this was just going to be another one of those expeditions, those battalions. And had I known this was going to be the battle it was going to be, I would have never missed Badr. I would have never missed Badr. And the Prophet ﷺ said, sadaqt, you've told the truth. So the Prophet ﷺ knew that he was being truthful. Now what was the way that those who were truthful about being regretful of missing Badr, how did they prove themselves? What do you all think? How did they prove themselves that they really wished that they would have attended Badr? Taking part in Uhud. Uhud comes around. This is why the ayah came down. مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ فَمِنْهُم مَّنْ قَضَى نَحْبَ وَمِنْهُم مَّنْ يَنْتَضِرُ وَمَا بَدَّرُوا تَبْدِيلَةٍ That from the believers are those who are truthful with the covenants that they took with their Lord. Some of them were given an opportunity to prove their truthfulness right away. Some of them had to wait a bit. But ما بدّروا تبديلَة. They didn't change in their resolve. They said that they were going to be there with the Prophet ﷺ, that they were going to stand up, they were truthful and Allah gave them an opportunity to prove how truthful they were.
And so in Uhud, Usaid رضي الله تعالى عنه was one of those few people who didn't flee the battlefield at the end when things got out of hand. Most people fled. Right. And it was a group of a few companions. Allah forgave the ones that fled. Allah forgave them. But that group of people that stayed close to the Prophet ﷺ on that day and suffered a lot of wounds, most of them were killed. Some of them suffered multiple wounds. Usaid رضي الله تعالى عنه was one of those people. And he had seven major wounds in his body on the day of Uhud that were identifiable and observable until the day of his death. So he was actually wounded seven times on the day of Uhud, fighting alongside the Prophet ﷺ when other people fled. And hence he proved himself in that truthfulness or the truthfulness of a saying that he would have been by the side of the Prophet ﷺ. Now we also find some important incidents. One of them, and this is one of the sad incidents, right. But it shows you that Shaytan could not disconnect these people from the Qur'an. Shaytan could not disconnect these people from Salah. Shaytan could not disconnect these people from the Prophet ﷺ. But Shaytan could busy them with division. Remember حديثة الإفك, the slander of Aisha رضي الله عنها. Right. So I want you to remember this, okay. The Prophet ﷺ comes out and says, who can relieve me, who's going to relieve me of this hypocrite Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Salul, right. And Sa'd ibn Mu'adh رضي الله عنهم stands up. You got to remember these three men, okay. Sa'd stands up and says, Ya Rasulullah, we'll kill him whether he's from Aus or Khazraj. Meaning we got him if he's from our tribe. And if he's from the other side, Khazraj, we've got them too. Sa'd ibn Ubadah gets up and he says, you know, كذبت. Don't talk about Khazraj, we'll take care of Khazraj.
Don't bring up Khazraj, that you use this as an opportunity to take a shot at us. And then Usaid gets up and he yells back at Sa'd ibn Ubadah. And he says, لَعَمْرُ اللَّهِ لَنَخْتُلُهُ He said, by Allah we will kill him, even if he's from your people. And then they all started to fight with each other and the Prophet ﷺ left them. It's important, right. Even these three men, subhanAllah, that would dedicate themselves to Islam, that loved the Qur'an, that loved the Prophet ﷺ, that wanted Islam to heal their wounds. But it shows you how the seeds of fitna are always there. الفتنة نائمة لعن الله من أيقظها It's always asleep amongst the people. Someone just has to wake it up. Shaytan waits for someone to expose just a little bit. It's like the wire gets exposed and then he's going to make sure it explodes. And that's exactly what happened. These three men, who were the first three men to accept Islam with Musa ibn As'ad and go convert Medina, started to fight in the masjid of the Prophet ﷺ. And the Prophet ﷺ was exhausted by it and he just went home. Like this was disappointing to the Prophet ﷺ that they would fight in this regard. So this was one of the incidents that happens between the three men. However, Aisha رضي الله عنها also narrates a beautiful incident about Usaid. Do you remember there's an incident with Aisha رضي الله عنها where on one of the expeditions, coming back from Bani Mustalaq, Aisha رضي الله عنها lost her necklace. It was a black beaded necklace. And she's upset about it. And the Prophet ﷺ, what does he do? He stops the whole army and he says, everyone go look for her necklace. So everyone is going looking for her necklace. They run out of water. I mean subhanAllah, they run out of water, they're exhausted. You can imagine how resentful some people could be, right?
And everyone's looking at Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه like this is your daughter. See, they're not going to go say to the Prophet ﷺ that this is your wife. You realize this is your daughter, right? Abu Bakr is so embarrassed. So embarrassed. He's so upset. And even he goes back to Aisha رضي الله عنه like, did you really have to do this for a necklace? You know, it's like I'll buy you a new one. All this for that necklace? And then to make matters worse, where was the necklace? Right under her camel. It's like he left it right in the front seat, right? The camel stood up and there was a necklace. So they searched all the grounds, ran out of food, ran out of water for wudu, not even just drinking water. And the necklace was under the camel of Aisha. What did Allah سبحانه وتعالى give them as a gift? Tayammum. Allah gave them and us by extension the gift of tayammum. That if you run out of water, you still have a way of purifying yourself. And the Ansar were so happy, the Muhajireen were so happy, right? Suddenly Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه was a hero. Like you see what your daughter did for us? You know, now we get to do tayammum. You know, we have a way out. Subhanallah, an ease that came down. Usaid رضي الله عنه, he went to Aisha رضي الله عنها, and he said, يرحمك الله ما نزل بك أمر تكرهينه إلا جعل الله للمسلمين ولك فيه فرجة. May Allah have mercy on you, oh our mother. There is not a single thing that Allah سبحانه وتعالى has revealed in regards to you that you disliked. Remember this is after hadithatul ifq, this is after the slander. So you've never gone through anything, then Allah revealed Qur'an about it, except that it turned out to be an ease for you and for the Muslims. So may Allah bless you, oh Aisha. And then he went to Abu Bakr رضي الله عنهم, and he said to Abu Bakr,
لقد بارك الله للناس فيكم يا آل أبي بكر. ما أنتم إلا بركة لهم. Allah has blessed us through your family, oh Abu Bakr. Your family is nothing but barakah for us. We only get blessing from your family. So Sayyid had a way with words, a way with comfort, a way with affirming. And Aisha رضي الله عنها narrated his words, which tells you something. That his words were the memorable words, and that entire incident afterwards coming and sharing with her. But you shouldn't grieve about this situation, because Aisha رضي الله عنها was obviously very embarrassed as well. Because everyone is looking at her like, you know, and he is telling her, you know, may Allah reward you, because this was khair for us. Just like after hadithatul ifq, you know, Aisha رضي الله عنها, was her reputation. She suffered the most in that slander. But Allah سبحانه وتعالى says to her that you think it's bad for you, but it's khairun lakum, it's actually good for you, and it was good for the community. The community grew out of that, and your honor, your honor, I mean you have Quran revealed about you. Your honor grew as a result of that. And Ubaid, I'm sorry, Usaid رضي الله عنه also, put the Prophet, gave the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم some words. When the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم went out, right, in one of the expeditions, Abdullah ibn Ubaid ibn Sarul, the chief hypocrite, what did he say? He said, لئن رجعنا إلى المدينة, if we go back to Medina, then Al-A'az, the honorable one, will remove Al-Athal, the humiliated one. Al-A'az, he's talking about himself, and he called the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم Al-Athal, the disgraced one. And the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was sitting with Usaid, he said, أَوَمَا بَلَغَ مَا قَالَ صَاحِبُكُمْ Did you hear what your companion said, meaning people of Medina? And he said, أي صاحبٍ يا رسول الله؟ What companion or messenger of Allah? So he said, Abdullah ibn Ubaid. He said, what did he say, ya Rasulullah?
He said, زَعْمَ أَنَّهُ إِنْ رَجَعَ إِلَىٰ مَدِينَةِ أَخْرَجَ الْأَعَزُ مِنْهَا الْأَذَلُ He says that when he goes back to Medina, he's going to remove Al-A'az, being the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, who truly is the honorable one, that he's going to remove him, and he's going to instead assume his position. Usaid رضي الله عنه said, فَأَنْتَ وَاللَّهِ يَا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ He said, I swear by Allah, you are... فَأَنتَ وَاللَّهِ يَا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ تُخْرِجُهُ إِنْ شِئْتَ هُوَ وَاللَّهِ الذَّلِيلُ وَأَنتَ الْعَزِيزُ Speaking on behalf of the Ansar. You are, O Messenger of Allah, if you want, you can do whatever you want. You could kick him out. You are Al-Aziz and he is the ذليل. You are the honorable one and he is the humiliated one. And he says, Ya Rasulullah, رفق به. He said, O Messenger of Allah, let him go. Let him go. He said, فَإِنَّهُ لَيَرَىٰ أَنَّكَ قَدْ اِسْتَلَبْتَهُ مُلْكًا He said that he sees that you took his place, that you took his dominion. And so that's why he's upset. Ya Rasulullah, let it go. He thinks that you took the kingdom from him. Let it go. He's just blowing hot steam. He's a nobody. We, the Ansar, are still going to stand with you, Ya Rasulullah. So he affirms again that this man means nothing to them. He said that the Ansar will not relinquish their position with the Prophet ﷺ. Now another famous incident that you may have heard but you didn't know was Usaid. I said Usaid had a big personality. He used to laugh a lot. He used to joke a lot. He used to smile a lot. You know, sometimes people who joke a lot, they joke at a time when they're really not supposed to be joking. Right? They kind of, it's like the wrong time. They have a beautiful personality. They joke a lot but sometimes they joke at a time when it's like not inappropriate but it just didn't fit. Usaid was joking with the Sahaba before one of the battles. And he's making them laugh and giggle. Okay? So this is a tense time.
You're about to battle. Right? You have Abu Dujan out there, radhiAllahu ta'ala anhu, tying his red bandana and playing with his spear. And like they're getting ready for war. Usaid is telling jokes. So what did the Prophet ﷺ do? He poked him. Remember the story? That was Usaid. He poked him. Usaid, radhiAllahu ta'ala anhu, says, Asbirni. He said, I want my retaliation. That was Usaid to the Prophet ﷺ. What did the Prophet ﷺ do? He said, you're right, Astabir. Go ahead and take your revenge. You're right, I shouldn't have poked you. Go ahead and poke me back. Okay? Usaid, radhiAllahu ta'ala anhu, says, Ya Rasool Allah, Inna alayka qameesan wa laysa alayya qamees. You're wearing a shirt. I'm not wearing a shirt right now. I didn't. You poked my bare ribs. But you're... You're covered. So what did the Prophet ﷺ do? Like did he poke him again? Like God, just be quiet. Get back in line. You know, we have important things to tend to right now. What does your Prophet ﷺ do? He pulls his shirt up. The Prophet ﷺ pulls his shirt up. What does Usaid do? Now that you know his personality. Usaid hugs the Prophet ﷺ and he kisses the ribs of the Prophet ﷺ and he smiles at the Prophet ﷺ and says, Inna ma'aratu hadha ya Rasool Allah. That's all I want to know, Messenger of Allah. Right? SubhanAllah. That's the beautiful relationship, the beautiful personality. This person who is truly noble, truly beautiful. Sometimes you hear those incidents and you don't know the person. So you appreciate the beauty of the incident. But when you know the person, then it makes the incident even more beautiful. This is the khateeb al-ansar. This is the spokesperson of the ansar. This is a noble man. This is a person who the Prophet ﷺ loved dearly. And who was a stable supporter of the Prophet ﷺ. So when he says this, it's surprising, right?
He said, Ya Rasool Allah, I just wanted a chance to hug you and to kiss you. That's all. And he does it with a big smile on his face. RadhiAllahu ta'ala anhum. Now Usaid radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum was also the ansari who narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said after some of the ansar asked the Prophet ﷺ about appointments of leadership. Remember the Prophet ﷺ withheld the spoils of battle from them and that entire incident where they worried. The Prophet ﷺ also did not put them in certain positions. And Usaid radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum said, the Prophet ﷺ said to us, he said, innakum satalqauna ba'di athara. Listen, after me you're going to see preferential treatment, people given positions over you, and people that don't honor you the way that you deserve to be honored. Fasbiru hatta talqauni ala alhawd. O Ansar, be patient until you meet me at the hawd. Be patient O Ansar, until you meet me at the hawd. So Usaid radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum narrates this hadith and Usaid did not have in him a love for position or a love for leadership. And the ansar kind of took this attitude that we are the supporters. We are the ansar of the Prophet ﷺ. We are not people who vie for anything of this dunya. We took the Prophet ﷺ in seeking al-jannah. So we're not those people. And so Usaid radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum was one of those who said, I live to see that time where the ansar were forgotten. But Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala of course had promised the ansar a special position in the Quran, in the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ. And there's a reason why the Prophet ﷺ specifically tells them about al-hawd. Meet me, the hawd is of course the fountain of the Prophet ﷺ on the day of judgment that the believers will drink from. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us amongst them.
Allahuma ameen. So he's saying, look, just be patient until you meet me there. The same people that came out to receive him in Quba and take him into Medina, the Prophet ﷺ is saying, I'll be waiting for you at the hawd to receive you. Be patient. So Usaid radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum didn't want anything of this world. And so remember, and this will come up in the situation of Sa'd ibn Ubadah radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum, remember when the Prophet ﷺ dies, this is a very volatile situation. This could go terribly wrong in a few hours. If the ansar insist on their claim and say, well look, we took him in ﷺ but now that he's dead, we resume our leadership in Medina and they go back to Aus and Khazraj, is it the Aus chief or the Khazraj chief? This could have been a very, very, very bad situation. And if you go to Medina and you see the Saqeefa of Banu Sa'dah, where they gave their bay'ah to Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum, where they gave their allegiance, it was actually Usaid radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum who calmed the situation. Because some of the ansar, they said, look, at this point now, we should be the khulafa, we take the leadership, we took the muhajireen in, this is all done. We know Abu Bakr radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum is the most religious, the most knowledgeable, the greatest amongst us, but this was an ansar versus muhajireen thing. It could have led to a division, a split. Usaid radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum stood up and he addressed the gathering. So beautiful. He said, at'alamuna anna rasoolAllahi ﷺ kana min al-muhajireen. You all know that the Prophet ﷺ was from the muhajireen. He himself was a migrant, alayhis salatu wasalam. He pointed to Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum and he said, his khalifa is going to be from the muhajireen. Wanahnu kunna ansara rasoolAllahi ﷺ and we were the ansar of the Prophet ﷺ. Fanahnu ansaru khalifatihi kama kunna ansarahu.
So we will be the ansar of his khalifa the way we were his ansar. Is there anything more beautiful that could be said in that gathering? Is there anything that could possibly affirm not just that the ansar will be part of the unifying of khalifa after the Prophet ﷺ, but that we will be your ansar the way we were the ansar of the Prophet ﷺ. We will continue to adopt the behavior and the attitude of the ansar of this religion. They're special people. They are a special people. And when Usaid radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum said that, it solved everything. That was the end of it. When Usaid stood up and said that, that was the end of it. They all understood, khalas we're going to unite around one khalifa and it will be Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum. Usaid radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum would then die and subhanAllah we're coming up on Sha'ban. He dies 20 years after the hijrah in Sha'ban. And Umar bin al-Khattab radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum would lead his janaza and Umar radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum, he carried his body and Umar radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum, he cried and he praised him. And you could tell the love that Umar radhiAllahu anhum had for him in his janaza. You know, you got to realize the sahaba prayed many janazahs on many companions. But you could tell from how moved Umar radhiAllahu anhum was at the death of Usaid radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum, how special of a man Usaid was. And this is, and I'll end with this, the most beautiful part of this. Usaid radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum never became rich, wealthy in Islam. He didn't use his position, never sought this dunya. He died and he was in debt. He was in debt, 4000 dirhams. Okay? And when he died in debt, Umar bin al-Khattab radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum, of course he heard, he asked if there was any debts and there was this group of people that he owed 4000 dirhams to for a piece of land.
Umar radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum was the khalifa. He could have just said, all right, forget about it. Umar radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum said, laa atruku bani akhi aala. I'm not going to leave my brother, my cousin. I'm not going to leave this person in need. I'm going to pay off his debt myself. Umar radhiAllahu anhum makes a deal with them. He says, will you accept four installments of 1000 dirhams from me? He said, yeah, I mean, of course. Umar radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum goes and he sells off his own possessions and it takes him three years to pay off that debt. This is brotherhood. This is what the Prophet ﷺ sought in the community. The khalifa, Umar radhiAllahu anhum, from the muhajireen, who could have just wiped out the debt or took some land and paid it off and said, you know, everyone understands who Usaid is. Let's remove his debt. Let's pay it off from baytul maal. Umar radhiAllahu anhum himself goes and sells his personal possessions and it took him three years. Why did it take him three years? Because Umar radhiAllahu anhum didn't own anything. He literally just had the residence of the khalifa and whatever food he could find for a day, he didn't own anything. So he had to himself find whatever possessions he could and took three years to pay off the debt. What Usaid ibn Hudair radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum wa'ana as-sahabati ajma'een. May Allah be pleased with them and may Allah send his peace and blessings upon our Messenger sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. Allahuma ameen. Inshallah ta'ala next week we will continue with Sa'd ibn Muadh radhiAllahu ta'ala anhum. So now you know Musab, As'ad and Usaid. And inshallah ta'ala we will complete this gathering of five that became the Madinah that we know and we love today.
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