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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Life of the Prophet (seerah)

Hanzala Ibn Abi Amr (ra) and Jameela (ra): When Angels Bathe You | The Firsts

December 14, 2022Dr. Omar Suleiman

Dr. Omar Suleiman shares the story of Hanzala Ibn Abi Amr (ra) and Jameela (ra). They were the children of hypocrites who got married the night before Uhud. What followed was a miracle unique to Hanzala (ra), and a child who lived his father’s legacy.


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had a daughter named Jameela, also an incredible companion of the Prophet, Jameela, bint Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul. So subhanAllah, his two kids turned out to be incredible companions, beautiful companions. And there's a story that's tied to her that a lot of people have heard but they don't know it's about her. So I'll give a little bit of background and this will be the shortest one that we'll cover inshallah. So Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul was on par to be the king of Medina, the king of Yathrib. His closest friend was a man by the name of Aba Amir. Aba Amir was someone who was deeply religious, who was familiar with the Torah, and who knew that a Prophet of Allah was going to come to that land. So you know what he did? He basically took the route of those people in Mecca. If you remember the very first person we actually talked about in the series was Zayd ibn Amir bin Nufayr, the man who before Islam even came, he already knew that I'm on the religion of Ibrahim, I'm going to abide by the way of Ibrahim, I'm going to wait for this Prophet and I'm going to live this righteous monotheistic life. So Aba Amir, who's the best friend of Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul, forsakes the politics of Yathrib, was known for having really rough and coarse clothes, and kept on saying I'm waiting for the Prophet the way the Jews are waiting for the Prophet. I'm with the Jewish tribes waiting for this Prophet to come and I'm on the religion of Ibrahim. Now subhanallah, when the Prophet finally rises, and he's from the Meccans, from Quraysh, Aba Amir, unlike Zayd ibn Amir, turns completely against the Prophet. Imagine he already fit the part, he already became a zahid and ascetic, he was wearing coarse clothes and worshipping one god,
but no the Prophet's from Mecca, we can't have that. And he goes to the other side to fight against the Prophet on the day of Badr. And Rasulullah said what a fasiq, what an evil transgressor, subhanallah, he wasn't satisfied with even sitting back, and you'll find this with some of the people in Medina that were waiting for the Prophet. He wasn't from the Jewish tribes, he wasn't from a particular lineage, he wasn't from Aus or Khazraj in a way that would pit him against Quraysh, but just his expectation of a Prophet, the Prophet didn't meet it for him, and he went on the other side to fight against the Prophet. Alright, why is this significant? His son is the famous companion Hamdala. You've all heard of Hamdala ibn Abi Amir. So this is Hamdala's dad. Hamdala radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, married Jameela bint Abdullah ibn Ubay ibn Salul. So the son and the daughter, both are companions of the Prophet, young companions, and they get married. Anyone tell me when they got married? The night before Uhud. So their wedding night was the night before Uhud. Okay, so this story takes a very interesting, subhanallah, turn. Because Hamdala is getting married and the Prophet is preparing Uhud, and Hamdala asks the Prophet's permission to basically be with his wife the night before Uhud. The only time that he would ever be with his wife. So this is Jameela radiyaAllahu anha, the daughter of Abdullah ibn Ubay ibn Salul, the chief hypocrite, and Hamdala, the son of this man who went to fight against the Prophet, on the other side. A madani who went and joined the ranks of the kuffar in Mecca.
This is really, really unheard of, to fight against the Prophet's license. So Hamdala wakes up the day of Uhud and goes straight to the battlefield after his wedding night. Alright, and Hamdala radiyaAllahu anha was a young man, and on the day of Uhud he fought bravely, and he almost killed Abu Sufyan. Almost killed Abu Sufyan. So Abu Sufyan survived, right? Abu Jahl didn't survive, a lot of these other people didn't survive. Abu Sufyan was in that league. He almost killed Abu Sufyan. So he knocked Abu Sufyan off of his horse, and he was about to kill Abu Sufyan, and then someone from Quraysh came and killed him. Okay? Now what's his famous story? His famous story is that when they came to him in the battle of Uhud, SubhanAllah, again when you visit the shuhada of Uhud, I'm a little excited every time I get to go visit them, SubhanAllah, I try to replay these stories. The sahaba found him and it looked like he took a shower. Right? You're in the battlefield, people are covered in dirt, and he was completely washed, shampooed, musked up, and it was the strangest thing that they saw on the battlefield. And the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, they come to him and they say, Ya Rasulullah, we don't even have water to drink. And somehow, Handhala radiAllahu anhu is soaked, like he just bathed. And he's got the hanut, he's got the smell to him. I mean, this is a strange sight that we're seeing with him. What happened to him? And the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam said, I saw Handhala tughasiluhul malaika ala tibaqin min fidhatin bayna al-samai wal-ard. Handhala's body was raised to the heavens and the angels bathed him on a golden platter.
SubhanAllah, between the heavens and the earth. Handhala's ghusl was done by the angels, radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. And that's why his nickname is ghasiluhul malaika, the one who was washed by the angels. So Handhala has a famous story as being ghasiluhul malaika, the one who was washed by the angels. SubhanAllah, his father is Hu, the man who is the best friend of the chief hypocrite, who was waiting for a prophet and ended up fighting against the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. And Jamila's father, radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, is the chief hypocrite himself. And their wedding night was the night before Uhud. And he was martyred the day after his marriage. So they went to Jamila and they were like, did anything happen, subhanAllah? And she mentioned, she said that, I had a dream when we woke up. I mean, this was their wedding night. I had a dream when we woke up. Sorry, when we went to sleep, I had this dream that Handhala ascended, and he was taken through the heavens, and then a gate opened and then closed behind him. So she saw a dream as he was going out to Uhud, that his body was taken through the heavens, and that the gates were closed behind him. And subhanAllah, she gave birth from that one day of being with her husband, Abdullah ibn Handhala. And Abdullah ibn Handhala radiAllahu ta'ala anhuma was also, by the way, a martyr, a shaheed later on, martyred under Yazid ibn Muawiyah, martyred by the troops of Yazid ibn Muawiyah. So subhanAllah, it just shows you, the mother of Abu Jahl, the children of Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Salul, the way that the families of these people were coming to the Prophet ﷺ to be by his side, and the miracles that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bestowed upon them. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala be pleased with all of them, and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to be joined with them.
Allahumma ameen.
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