Allahumma salli wa sallam wa barak ala abdika wa rasulika Muhammadin sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasliman kathira. Alhamdulillah, we're blessed to reconvene once again after Ramadan. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept all of your time of fasting and all of your ibadah. May Allah azzawajal allow us to maintain the thrust and the steam of what we gained bi'idhnillahi ta'ala and go into Dhul Hijjah strong as well. Allahumma ameen. And we continue inshallah ta'ala tonight and over the next few weeks bi'idhnillahi ta'ala with some of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And I want to remind everyone that we covered a bulk of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in season one, in the first episodes, because we talked about those women that embraced Islam early on. So we didn't cover all of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in order, but we're now looking at them chronologically as it relates to their time coming into the picture when we look at the seerah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the next two stories that we have are actually very similar in regards to how our mothers that we will be covering tonight and next week came into the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And I want to remind everyone that every single marriage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has a special divine wisdom to it. And in fact, more than one wisdom. Some of those wisdoms, subhanAllah, you can decipher very easily, as will be the case with the two that we're going to be covering inshallah ta'ala. And what was very common in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that one of the ways that you reconcile between two tribes is that the king of one tribe would marry a noble woman from another tribe. Okay, so a noble person, especially when there was a hostility and there was a method of reconciliation, you can find this practically amongst all of the interactions of the Arabs, that the leader of one people will marry someone prominent
from the other people and that will essentially end the hostilities between them. And subhanAllah, there are three such marriages that we find from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. One of them we already covered. So there's a genre that represents three women from our mothers, may Allah be pleased with them all. One of them we already covered and she was the daughter of the most hostile person to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Mecca, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam returned to Mecca. Who was the enemy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that was still left when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came back to Mecca? From Quraysh. Abu Sufyan, right, who of course would become Muslim at the very, very last moments. I mean it took him to the Fath, right, to the very last moments of the conquest of Mecca. Abu Sufyan was still plotting a way to overthrow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam married his daughter, what was her name? Anyone know her name? Ramla? What's her, what is she more commonly known as? Umm Habiba radiAllahu ta'ala anha. Umm Habiba was one of the early Muslims. She went to Abyssinia and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam married her and of course was not united with her until much later in the seerah. So her marriage was conducted in Abyssinia. She joins the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam much later on. And subhanAllah, look at the logic of the Arabs. Abu Sufyan is trying to kill the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but when he got the news that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had conducted the nikah with Umm Habiba, he was ecstatic. He said, that's a great match. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a noble person and these people worship lineage. And that softened the heart of Abu Sufyan to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he reconciles through that marriage, even though it's years later, it brings the hostilities of Quraysh down a bit, right? That the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam marries the daughter of Abu Sufyan. And then you have the woman
that we will be covering today biidhnillahi ta'ala, Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha and we will see the barakah, the blessing that came from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam's marriage to her. She comes from a people that were hostile to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that were between Mecca and Medina. So you have the enemies in Mecca and then you have Banu Musthaliq, who we're going to talk about tonight biidhnillahi ta'ala, who are a little removed from Mecca, between Mecca and Medina. And then in Medina, you have the Jewish tribes that were not happy that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not from amongst them. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going to marry Safiyyah bin Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha. And we'll talk about Safiyyah radiAllahu ta'ala anha next week. So subhanAllah, the three main contingents that you have here, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will marry from them and that will be a part of, you know, reducing the hostilities and in the case of Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha as we're going to see, an amazing blessing that comes out of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam's marriage to her. So tonight inshaAllah ta'ala, we're going to take a step back and I want you to appreciate this dimension of the seerah. The woman that we'll be talking about is Barra bint al-Harith ibn al-Dinar, whose name was changed to Juwayriya bint al-Harith ibn al-Dinar radiAllahu ta'ala anha. She comes from the tribe of Bani al-Mustaliq. Bani al-Mustaliq is a tribe of Khuza'a in Mecca, a very prominent tribe that's related to Quraysh, but they live outside of Mecca. They're a powerful tribe that live outside of Mecca but have relations with Quraysh because they're from Bani Khuza'a and Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha is the daughter of the chief of Bani al-Mustaliq. So she's technically a princess, the ameera of her qawm. I was actually going to put that in the title but then I said people will object so we didn't use the word princess because princess has certain connotations
but that's literally what she is. She is the daughter of the leader of the tribe, al-Harith ibn al-Dinar, a very powerful man that resides outside of Mecca and this is where you find the famous incident in the seerah known as Ghazwatu Bani al-Mustaliq, the battle of Bani al-Mustaliq and you can look at it by two names. It's called Ghazwat al-Muraysi' or Ghazwat Bani al-Mustaliq. Now I'm actually going to put up a picture insha'Allah ta'ala. Al-Muraysi' is the body of water that exists next to Bani al-Mustaliq. So if you look there it's in Arabic obviously in green you have Mecca at the bottom and you have Medina at the top. You can see where Muraysi' which was their most prominent body of water is located. It's literally right in between a little closer to Mecca. So Muraysi' is the location. Bani al-Mustaliq is the name of the people. Bani al-Mustaliq is the powerful tribe that resides around Muraysi' allied to Quraysh and they have the famous idol of al-Manat. Okay so some Qur'anic connection to it as well. Now because this group of people were not Muslim and they were allied to Quraysh by blood and they were considered a powerful tribe they joined Quraysh in their hostility towards the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam when he made the hijrah to Medina. So Bani al-Mustaliq stayed out of internal Mecca politics during the first period of Islam but once the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and the companions made hijrah they joined Quraysh and the historians say because they had an interest in the caravans still being able to pass through their area. Because once the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and the Muslims were expelled or were put in that situation where they moved to Medina, what did they start to do? They started to intercept, the Muslims started to intercept the caravans that were coming to Mecca. That's a political strategy, right? Their stuff was stolen and they're intercepting the caravans. And so
Bani al-Mustaliq has an interest in allying itself with Quraysh to make sure that economically they're still well off. You see politics existed back then too. So all these states are thinking about economy, that's what they're thinking about as well. The caravans pass through here, it's in our benefit to be allied to them. So what happens is when the Battle of Uhud comes forth, Bani al-Mustaliq actually supports Quraysh in the Battle of Uhud. So they bolster their army and they send some reinforcements to fight against the Muslims in Medina even though they're not a direct party to this conflict up until now. After Uhud, Bani al-Mustaliq decides to launch a surprise attack on the Muslims. So they're being instigated by Quraysh and basically the logic is this. The Muslims will not expect an attack from you. You don't have any hostilities between you and the Muslims, right? Quraysh has hostilities to Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and his followers in Medina. You don't have those hostilities. Surprise them with an attack, you'll get amazing spoils of war. You'll take all of their goods in Medina. You can enslave their entire population. This is a golden opportunity for you. And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is not a ruthless person. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam will not attack people preemptively in an unjust way. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, they thought, could be taken advantage of in this regard. So the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam receives some knowledge of this that there is a plot to attack the Muslims coming from Murasi' the location, or Ban al-Mustalaq. And this takes place according to Ibn Hajar Rahimullah and Imam al-Dhahabi, the fifth year after Hijrah in Sha'ban. So it's right before Ramadan, fifth year after Hijrah in Sha'ban. And some of the historians say it was the sixth year after Hijrah. Allah knows best, but Ibn Hajar Rahimullah makes
a strong case that it's five years after Hijrah. So it's pretty close to Uhud, right? And they're starting to make their plans. So when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam hears the news, or he has whatever comes to him of news that they're plotting this attack, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam seeks a means of verifying it. Now SubhanAllah, sometimes these characters come up in these stories and you can't just glance over the name. You have to actually look at the person as well. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam sends a man by the name of Buraidah Ibn al-Husayb. I want you to remember this name insha'Allah ta'ala if you can. You know, I actually wanted to do a short bio on this person, this companion at one point. Very interesting man. Buraidah Ibn al-Husayb. Buraidah Ibn al-Husayb is a Bedouin man who was literally living in the middle of nowhere. And when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was making hijrah, on the way to Al-Madinah, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam saw this man shepherding some sheep and his people, literally in tents in the middle of nowhere. They're Bedouins that live in the harshest climate, away from Madinah, away from Mecca. And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam never stops giving da'wah. So even in the hijrah, when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is fleeing for his life, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam comes across Buraidah, Buraidah Ibn al-Husayb in the hijrah. And Buraidah is a simple man. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam comes to him and he's courteous with the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam as he would be with the travelers. And Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says, هل لك في الإسلام? Have you heard about Islam? And Buraidah, he hasn't heard over this past decade what's happening in Mecca. He has no idea what Islam is. So he says, no, what's Islam? So the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam tells Buraidah radiyaAllahu ta'ala what Islam is. And you can tell already that he's a companion. So you know where the story is going. And Buraidah
says, that makes perfect sense. He goes and he calls 30 to 70 of his people and they embrace Islam together and they pray Isha with the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in the hijrah. SubhanAllah. So in the hijrah, Buraidah and his qawm and his people that are living on the way became Muslim. And they kind of went back to their Bedouin life. They live in the desert and they live in this harsh climate and this is how they live. But now they're Muslims. So they're praying and they're maintaining their Islam. Why is this important? Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says to Buraidah, he said, I want you to go to Ban al-Mustaliq and I want you to pretend like you're a mercenary, you're a Bedouin who's interested in joining the battle against the Muslims. So confirm that there's actually a plot to attack the Muslims. You see, he kind of fits the look. He's not known to the people of Mecca. He's not known to Ban al-Mustaliq. He's not known to any of the city populations. So Buraidah goes to Ban al-Mustaliq as a spy essentially and he goes up to al-Harith and he says that I'm a man who wants to participate. I heard that you're thinking about attacking the Muslims. I have some skill in the battle and I want to participate so I can get a share of the spoils. So al-Harith ibn al-Dirar confirms to him that yes, we're plotting at this time and this time and this time and you can join our army basically and you'll have a share of the spoils. So he fits the look, right? He's a Bedouin man in the middle of nowhere. He fits the look. He goes back to the Prophet ﷺ and he tells the Prophet ﷺ that indeed Ban al-Mustaliq is planning to attack. This shows you, by the way, justice already on the part of the Prophet ﷺ. He didn't attack a people based on a rumor. Rasulullah ﷺ confirmed that they were indeed planning to attack. Then the Prophet ﷺ makes a plan to preemptively attack them to stop them from carrying out their plans. And so the Prophet ﷺ makes his way with the companions to Muraisir, to the area of Ban al-Mustaliq.
Now a lot happens on this trip. This is like one of the most momentous and underrated chapters of the seerah. Rasulullah ﷺ puts Zayd ibn al-Harithah in charge of al-Madinah. Remember we talked about the special rank of Zayd and that Aisha ﷺ said that the Prophet ﷺ never sent out an army except he put Zayd in charge and that he would have, if he was alive, he would have put him in charge of the ummah. So this is one confirmation of that or one of the specialties of Zayd ibn al-Harithah. So he's in charge of Madinah and this is different from Badr and Uhud because the Prophet ﷺ himself is going to leave with the army. We're leaving Madinah, we're leaving the vicinity of Madinah. The Prophet ﷺ marches with a group of companions towards Muraisir and he puts Abu Bakr ﷺ with the banner of the Muhajireen, again another sign. So Abu Bakr carries the banner of the Muhajireen and Zayd ibn Ubadah ﷺ carries the banner of the Ansar. So the Prophet ﷺ leaves with this army towards Muraisir, towards Ban al-Mustalaq with Abu Bakr in charge of the Muhajireen, Sa'd ibn Ubadah in charge of the Ansar, Zayd ibn al-Harithah will be in charge of Madinah. Now who else was anxious to go out with the Prophet ﷺ and his companions in this battle? The munafiqeen, the hypocrites. Now you might think to yourself why? Abdullah ibn al-Bayy ibn Salul, all of these people who turned back in Uhud and who made every excuse in the world to not go out in Tabuk, right, and Allah condemns them for that. But when they heard about the Prophet ﷺ going to Ban al-Mustalaq, they all joined the party. Why? Can anyone tell me why? What is it? Sorry. They want to join Ban al-Mustalaq. That's a good guess
but not exactly. Yeah. What's that? The potential for the spoils. Now, the Prophet ﷺ, the potential for the riches of Ban al-Mustalaq, why? Because this is an easy win. We're going to go out there, we're going to catch them unsuspecting, and so we get to go out with the Prophet ﷺ. He's going to seize them, put them under siege before they have a chance to attack. This is an easy win. So we'll get to go out and we'll get to take all of the spoils of battle. That's how the munafiqeen think, the hypocrites think. So they made all of these plots to get out of Uhud and Badr. But now Abdullah ibn al-Bayy ibn Salul and the hypocrites are like, yeah, let's go with them. So the munafiqeen heavily infiltrated this Muslim army that go to Muraisir. Easy win, easy spoils, lots of wealth, and we can claim to be marching alongside the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ lays siege to Muraisir, and this is how the Prophet ﷺ does so. He has the archers literally rain down arrows upon them. While they were unsuspecting, so they weren't expecting, instead of going in and slicing people up, the Prophet ﷺ has the archers rain down arrows upon them. They go into their homes, and for about an hour, the Prophet ﷺ maintained a consistent attack of arrows until they surrendered. What came about this? Very few casualties. Less than 10 casualties from the men, all from the men, and there was only one Muslim casualty. So from the other side, 7 to 10 people, 7 to 10 of the men die. From the Prophet ﷺ side, one of the Ansar was mistakenly hit by one of the arrows. So one of the Ansar was mistakenly hit by one of the arrows, and you have a bunch of spoils. This was a wealthy
nomadic tribe, a bunch of wealth, camels, goats, and everything coming forth, and the Prophet ﷺ essentially secures this victory. Now, a lot happens here. Number one, Manat was destroyed. So one of the key idols in the Arabian Peninsula was destroyed. Number two, Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Sarul saw an opening to pit the Muhajireen and the Ansar against each other when the Ansar were helping the Muhajireen, and he said the very famous statement. First he said, fatten your dog and it will eat you. Who was he speaking about? He was making these types of comments. So Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Sarul, the chief of the hypocrites in Medina, he's telling the Ansar, fatten up your dog and it will eat you. Look at these Muhajireen. They're taking advantage of you once again. Why are you supporting them? Why are you helping them? And he says, when we go back to Medina, the noble man will displace the humiliated man. Who's he speaking about? Himself overthrowing the Prophet ﷺ. So Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Sarul plots a coup while they're out of Medina because this is not like Uhud. They're not just on the outskirts of Medina. They're far away from Medina. Ibn Ubayy ibn Sarul sees an opening for a coup to overthrow the Prophet ﷺ, and Allah ﷻ foils their plans. So Allah reveals Qur'an exposing the words of Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Sarul to his followers, and that plan is foiled. Another thing that happens on Ghazwat Ban al-Mustalaq is this is where the slander of Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala took place. So remember, the man needs a diversion tactic, right? He's been exposed. Everyone now knows he's a hypocrite. So what
does he do? He instigates the slander of Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala or mother Aisha, which will essentially distract from everything regarding him and take all of the attention to the gossip of the day because people love drama. People love fitna. So instead of the guy that literally was trying to plot a coup in Medina from the inside and has been exposed for his hypocrisy, you now have the talk of the town about our mother Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala and a scandal in the Prophet's home ﷺ. So this is where the slander of Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala took place. This is also where the loss of her necklace, the famous story with our mother Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala, the loss of her necklace where the Prophet ﷺ stops the whole army on the way back to find her necklace, and Allah reveals the verses of Tayammum. This is where it happens in Ghazwat bin al-Mustalaq. So they get back. You're like, where does Juwayriya come in? I promise we'll get to her, inshaAllah ta'ala. They get back to Medina and the spoils of war, 2,000 camels, 600 goats, 100 families. That are amongst the captives. It's a big deal what has happened here, right? This is unlike Badr, unlike Uhud. It's a first for the Muslims in Medina. Juwayriya, whose name at that time was Barra, she's the daughter of the chief, and her husband was one of the casualties. So her husband's name was Musafir ibn Safwan. Musafir ibn Safwan was one of the casualties, and her father, who's the chief of bin al-Mustalaq, escaped. So she is the most royal of the captives that are brought back to al-Medina. Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala, she says that three days before the Prophet ﷺ came to bin al-Mustalaq, I told
my people that I saw a dream of the moon rising over Muraisiyah. So she actually saw, subhanAllah, a dream of the moon, and we know that from the incidents of the marriage of the Prophet ﷺ, that this was a sign of the Prophet ﷺ about to marry a person, right? The moon rises above Muraisiyah, and she did not know how to interpret it before the battle happened. So her father escaped. Her husband was one of the casualties, and she is taken captive by Thabit ibn Qais. Thabit ibn Qais radiAllahu ta'ala, who is one of the companions, he's the famous man who raised his voice in Surah al-Hujurat. Okay? Thabit ibn Qais. Now, there is something in Islam called al-mukataba, which is ransom. Basically, when a person is taken captive, they can request to be freed, and the person gives a reasonable timeline as well as a reasonable price, and they basically free themselves from captivity. So she demands mukataba from Thabit ibn Qais right away. She basically invokes the contract. The contract is that she'll be freed for seven ulqiyahs of silver, and that's something that she can earn on her own, she can find a way, or one of her people can ransom her, right? But there's a way out for her from captivity. So she has her way out of captivity, and Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala takes the story from here. Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala narrates, and this is a long hadith, she said, لما قسم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم سبايا بن المصطلق وقعت جويرية بنت الحارث في السهم لثابت ابن قيس أو لابن عم له. So she says that when Ben al-Mustalaq was defeated, the captives were distributed, and basically Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala was a captive to Thabit ibn Qais or to one of
his cousins. وكاتبته, and she invoked a form of ransom for herself, basically a contract to free herself from captivity على نفسها. وكانت امرأة حلوة ملاحة لا يراها احد الا اخذت من نفسه. She says Juwayriya was a beautiful woman, she was an elegant woman, like it was clear that she was someone special. No one saw Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala and thought she was a normal woman. She was clearly a person of royalty, a person of dignity, a person of great beauty, a person of great eloquence. As soon as she spoke, she captivated you, and she had something special about her. So this is a tough journey for Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala. The slander has started, she doesn't know about it yet. She says, فَوَاللهِ مَا هُوَ اِلَّا اَنْ رَأَيْتُهَا عَلَى بَابِ حُجْرَتِي. She said, next thing I know, she knocks on the door of my house. We get back to Medina from Ben al-Mustalaq, and a knock on the door, and she said, and it was Juwayriya, Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala answers the door, and what does Aisha say? فَكَرِهْتُهَا. I hated her. Right away. I looked at her, and I hated her guts. Our mother Aisha is a very honest woman radiAllahu ta'ala. Like, why are you here? What do you want? Right? فَكَرِهْتُهَا. Right away her jealousy got the best of her, and she said that, you know, I immediately felt a certain way about her, and that's how Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala is. She verbalizes her feelings. So she said, first impression, horrible. I don't like you. Right? And she says, so she said to the Prophet radiAllahu ta'ala, يا رسول الله أنا Juwayriya bint al-Harith ibn Abi Darar, سيد قومه that I am Juwayriya bint al-Harith, the daughter of al-Harith ibn Abi Darar, who was the leader
of his people. وَقَدْ أَصَابَنِي مِنَ الْبَلَاءِ مَا لَمْ يَخْفَى عَلَيْكَ And I've been struck with this tragedy that you're well aware of. فَوَقَعْتُ فِي السَّحْمِ لِثَابَةِ ابْنِ قَيْسِ ابْنِ الشَّمَّاسِ And so I ended up in the possession of Thabit ibn Qais. فَكَاتَبْتُهُ عَلَى نَفْسِي And I invoked a contract with him to free myself from captivity. So I came to you. أَسْتَعِينُكَ عَلَى كِتَابَتِي I came to you so that you can pay my ransom. Basically, you know who I am. I'm a person of royalty, and I'm coming to you so you can pay my ransom. Now, the Prophet ﷺ could do multiple things. He could pay it, and he could let her go, and that's the end of that. Right? And the Prophet ﷺ was willing to do that. Those that want to attack Islam conveniently leave out the fact that if the Prophet ﷺ wanted to by all of the rules of war back then, the Prophet ﷺ could have taken her as a captive. Right? By all of the rules of engagement that exist at the time. The Prophet ﷺ says to her, فَهَلْ لَكِ فِي خَيْرٍ مِن ذَٰلِكِ Remember, everything the Prophet ﷺ does out of divine wisdom, he says, how about something even better than that? And she said, what is that? The Prophet ﷺ said, if you want, so I could ransom you, I could pay off your ransom and you could go free, or I could marry you. So she said, نعم يا رسول الله I want to marry you, O Messenger of Allah. So the Prophet ﷺ conducts the marriage. Now what happens as a result of that? Aisha رضي الله عنها is still narrating this as it's taking place. فَخَرَجَ الْخَبَرُ إِلَى النَّاسِ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ﷺ تَزَوَّجَ جُوَيْرِيَ بِنْ تِلْحَارِثِ So the news got out that the Prophet ﷺ was going to marry Juwayriya bint al-Harith from Banu Mustaliq, the daughter of the chief. So what did the people say? The people immediately
said, أَصْحَارُ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ ﷺ Wait a minute, you mean we have the in-laws of the Prophet ﷺ as captives? فَأَرْسَلُوا مَا بِأَيْدِيهِمْ So they let all of their captives go because they said, how can we have the in-laws of the Prophet ﷺ as captives? Even if they were hostile to us, even if we were planned to be attacked, how can we keep the in-laws of Rasulullah ﷺ as captives? So everybody freed their captives. So Aisha رضي الله عنها said the famous statement, she said, فَمَا أَعْلَمُ امْرَأَةً كَانَتْ أَعْظَمَ بَرَكَةً عَلَىٰ قَوْمِهَا مِنْهَا She said, so I don't know of a single woman that was a greater blessing to her people than Juwayriya رضي الله عنها, to her people. All of her people were freed because of her. So over a hundred of the captives and their families were let go free and they were given back their stuff and basically in Medina there is peace now between the Muslims and Banu Mustaliq and many of them embrace Islam because of what they just saw of the generosity, the gesture of the Prophet ﷺ. Now the story continues and the plot thickens, it gets actually very interesting. Al-Harith ibn Abi Darar, her father, he doesn't know what's happening, he escaped Medina and he's thinking to himself, how can I go free my daughter? So Al-Harith ibn Abi Darar, he basically gathers everything that he has left, all of his hidden possessions, all of his camels, all of his goats, all of his wealth, and he makes his way to Medina to free his daughter from captivity. So while he's coming towards Al-Medina, he enters into what's known as Wadi Al-Aqiq, the Valley of Al-Aqiq. This is a blessed valley on the outskirts of Medina, the Prophet ﷺ prayed in this valley, a very famous Wadi Al-Mubarak, a blessed valley, Wadi Al-Aqiq. فَنَظَرَ إِلَى الْإِبِلِ He looked towards his camels
فَرَغَبَ فِي بَعِرَيْنِ مِنْهَا And he saw two of them and he loved them, so he looked at two of his camels and he was like, these are really special. فَغَيَّبَ هُمَا فِي شِعْبٍ مِنْ شِعَابِ الْعَقِيقِ So he basically hid those two camels in a particular place in Al-Aqiq and then he made his way towards the Prophet ﷺ with everything else. So he comes to the Prophet ﷺ, not knowing that the Prophet ﷺ married his daughter, and he enters upon the Prophet ﷺ and he says, listen, يَا مُحَمَّدْ أَصَبْتُمْ ابْنَتِي وَهَذَا فِي دَاءُهَا He said, oh Muhammad, you've captured my daughter, here is her ransom and he presents all of the stuff to the Prophet ﷺ. So the Prophet ﷺ smiles at him and he says, فَأَيْنَ الْبَعِرَانِ الَّذَانِ غَيَّبْتَهُمَا بِالْعَقِيقِ Where are the two camels that you hid in the valley? And he says, فِي شِعْبِ كَذَا وَكَذَا The Prophet ﷺ describes the exact location, I know exactly where you hid those two camels. So Al-Harith says, أَشْهَدُ لَا إِلَىٰ اللَّهِ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَا مُحَمَّدٍ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ He took shahada in that moment, no more words needed. He said, فَوَاللَّهِ مَا تَّلَعْ عَلَىٰ ذَلِكَ إِلَّا اللَّهِ He said, I swear, no one knew about what I did except for Allah. No one knew where I hid those camels except Allah ﷻ. I bear witness that there is one God and that you are the Messenger of Allah. And then the Prophet informs him that he actually has married his daughter, he's overjoyed, he embraces Islam. His two sons that were with him also embrace Islam. So the brothers of Juwayriya also embrace Islam and basically this solidifies the Islam of all of Ban al-Mustalaq. So subhanAllah this people that were planting a surprise attack on Medina were now preemptively attacked, brought to Medina, but the princess is married, they all become Muslim and they see the generosity of the Muslims and now they're allies to the people of Medina. In fact, part of the
people of Medina against Quraysh and the people of Mecca. SubhanAllah, in fact, one of the brothers of Juwayriya, Amr ibn al-Harith, becomes a hadith narrator. So this is the story of how the Prophet ﷺ marries this woman and how she becomes the greatest blessing to her people as Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala said, that any woman had ever been to her people. Now as I said, her name was Barrah, which means free of all sin, free of all sin. And you find in the books of hadith, Bab istihbab, tagheer al-ism, al-qabeeh ila hasanin, wa tagheeri ismi, barrah ila zaynab wa juwayriya, wa nahwihima. The chapter in Sahih Muslim and you find it in Bukhari and others of changing the name when the Prophet ﷺ chose to change the name of a person and specifically the name Barrah because it was a common name that women had at the time and the Prophet ﷺ found it to be an exaggerated form of praise of a person and Rasulullah ﷺ instead would change their names whether it was Um Salama radiAllahu ta'ala anha, Zaynab radiAllahu ta'ala anha, Maymuna radiAllahu anha, their names were all changed to different things from Barrah and as Ibn Abbas radiAllahu anhuma says that when the Prophet ﷺ married Juwayriya, he changed her name to Juwayriya, wakana yakrahu an yuqal haraja min indi barrah, the Prophet ﷺ hated that it would be said that he left righteousness or he left piety because even the language, the function of the language if the names remained Barrah would have suggested something about the Prophet ﷺ that is inappropriate. Now, the thing subhanAllah that concerns me most about these biographies or that I love to actually look into and I think is of most benefit to us is the impact the Prophet ﷺ had on a person. You can see these people coming from backgrounds of wealth, of prosperity, of prestige and suddenly they become righteous worshippers, some of the greatest worshippers
alive. And right before Ramadan we talked about Zaynab bin Jahsh radiAllahu ta'ala anha and how Zaynab radiAllahu ta'ala anha went from being this noble, wealthy woman that had some level of materialism but then after she married the Prophet ﷺ what does she become known by? Her complete asceticism, her complete zuhd and her worship to the point that she's hanging a rope in the masjid that she can lean on and continue her qiyam all night long. So a woman that becomes distinguished by her qiyam and suddenly seemingly has no love for this world whatsoever. No matter who the Prophet ﷺ married, subhanAllah, no matter what background they came from, suddenly their preferences, their attachment to this world, their appetite for this life completely went away when they saw the man that the Prophet ﷺ was. And you find that Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha is no exception to this. So Juwayriya becomes a woman who is distinguished by her fasting. She used to love fasting. And in fact subhanAllah every hadith about Juwayriya has something to do with her worship by the way. So she becomes a righteous worshipper, one of the righteous worshippers of the companions of the Prophet ﷺ. So the famous hadith where we take the ruling that you can't fast Friday alone, you cannot fast it alone without fasting a day before it or a day after it unless there's a reason that exists before it. So for example if it's the day of Arafah or a person fasts every other day like the day of the qiyam of Dawood ﷺ, the fasting of David peace be upon him, and he fasts every other day and it happens to be a Friday. Otherwise the Prophet ﷺ prohibits a person from fasting only Friday. And we take this from a hadith from Abu Ayub from Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha that the Prophet ﷺ came to her when she was fasting on a day of Friday. So the
Prophet ﷺ said to her, did you fast yesterday? She said no. The Prophet ﷺ says, did you fast tomorrow? She said no. The Prophet ﷺ said so in that case you break your fast. So we take this ruling from Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha, a woman who loved to voluntarily fast. We also see a zuhud, asceticism. Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha would not keep possessions in her home. Anything that came into her house went out of her house very quickly. So she used to give away her food radiAllahu ta'ala anha when it came into her home. SubhanAllah, a common theme that we find in the households of the Prophet ﷺ. This is a woman who was the daughter of one of the most powerful men in the region. And when the food would come into her home she would immediately give it away. And in one narration Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha says the Prophet ﷺ came home and he looked around the house and there wasn't a single piece of food. So he said, hal min ta'am? Do we have anything to eat in the home? I said to him, la wallahi ya Rasulullah, ma'indana ta'amun illa a'admun min shaatin ootiyatuhu mawlati min as-sadaqah. So she says that the only thing we have in our home, subhanAllah, the home of the Prophet ﷺ is a bone of a goat that was given as-sadaqah by my freed servants. That's all we have is a bone, is a a'adum that is given to us. And she said the Prophet ﷺ ate whatever he could from that bone and that was it. SubhanAllah this is again the house of the Prophet ﷺ and the house of a woman who was one of the most powerful women before Islam. Also the narration from Amr bin Harith radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, the brother of Juwayriya, that the Prophet ﷺ, the very famous narration, ma taraka
wa Rasulullahi ﷺ a'inda mawtihi dirhaman wala dinaran wala abdan wala amatan wala shayan illa baghlatahu albayda wa silahahu wa ardan ja'alaha sadaqah. That when the Prophet ﷺ passed away, he didn't have a single dinar or dirham, a male or a female servant, or anything else to his name except for his white mule ﷺ and his weapon and a piece of land that he had given as charity to the wayfarers ﷺ. So this is narrated by the brother of Juwayriya who sees the poverty of the Prophet ﷺ at the time of his death and who says it as a means of praise of the Messenger ﷺ. Now what ibadah, what act of worship is she going to be distinguished by? So there's one particular act of worship that Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha is going to have that is ascribed to her that is specific as one of her virtues. Does anyone know what it is? Of the acts of worship? Someone said it? Adhkar, her remembrance of Allah, her dhikr. SubhanAllah you find Hafsa radiAllahu anha sawwama qawwama, right? Jibreel ﷺ praised her, a woman who fasts and who prays at night, she prays a lot at night. Zainab radiAllahu ta'ala anha as we saw praying at night to the point that Zainab radiAllahu ta'ala anha is holding on to a rope to keep herself praying at night. Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha was known to spend the entire day in the dhikr of Allah subhanAllah. This was a woman that loved her dhikr, this was a woman that loved her remembrance to the point that some of the mufassireen when they talk about adhkareena allaha kathira wa dhakirat, those who remember Allah frequently from the men and from the women, they mention
like the Prophet ﷺ and Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha. Imagine the conversations between the Prophet ﷺ and her revolve around dhikr. This is a woman that stays in her dhikr of Allah subhanAllahu ta'ala and that becomes distinguished by her dhikr and so one of the most famous adhkar that we have, one of the most famous remembrances of Allah that we have is a gift to us from Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha or from the Prophet ﷺ through Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha and it's a famous narration from Ibn Abbas radiAllahu ta'ala anhuma anjuwayriya anna nabiyya ﷺ kharaja min indiha bukratan heena sallas subha wahiya fee masjidiha thumma raja'a ba'da an adha. The Prophet ﷺ left Juwayriya radiAllahu ta'ala anha in the early morning to make his way towards Salatul Fajr and she was worshipping Allah subhanAllahu ta'ala fee masjidiha. What does that mean, in her masjid? It's actually one of the narrations that the scholars mention as a proof that a person can build what's like a masjid in their home. Like you have a corner in your home that is like your masjid and that linguistically even the companions of the Prophet ﷺ would refer to it as your masjid and there's something psychological about that as well, right? Having a particular prayer corner, a particular part of the home that's dedicated for a salah, for prayer and for dhikr and it's not like her house was that big, the hujurat were tiny but she was in her masjid so she was in her corner where she would worship Allah subhanAllahu ta'ala, she prayed Fajr and she started to do her dhikr and the Prophet ﷺ came hours later and she was still sitting in her dhikr, okay? So this is a beautiful testimony to her character and to her dhikr. So the Prophet ﷺ, he sees her that way and he says mazilti
ala alhal illati faraqtuki alaiha, you've been in this place the entire time, you never abandoned this position for this entire time, so Juwayriya said I've been here the entire time, I've just been remembering Allah subhanAllahu ta'ala. So the Prophet ﷺ, he's praising that and Rasulullah ﷺ gives her a gift. He says that I'm going to give you arba'a kalimat, four words, that I said three times, law wuzinat bima qulti mundhu alyawm law wazinat hun, those four words, I'm going to give you four words. That I'm going to teach you, if you compare them to everything that you just said, it will outweigh them. Meaning I'm going to teach you a special dhikr that will outweigh all of these hours of your dhikr, that you can keep with you. What is that dhikr? سبحان الله و بحمده عدد خلقه و رضا نفسه و زنت عرشه و مداد كلماته عدد خلقه و رضا نفسه و زنت عرشه و مداد كلماته This dhikr, سبحان الله و بحمده, where you glorify Allah's perfection and you praise him, عدد خلقه, in accordance with the number of his creation, how many creations of Allah have existed and will continue to exist? عدد خلقه, just take all of the human beings that exist today. Imagine a dhikr worth 7 billion. But not just today and not just human beings. How many billions and billions and billions of the creation
of Allah, that which is observable and that which is not. عدد خلقه و رضا نفسه And until Allah is pleased, or in accordance with how much Allah is pleased, does Allah سبحانه و تعالى have a limit of dhikr or a limit of being praised? Absolutely not. So in accordance with how many creations Allah عز و جل has created, that which you know of and that which you don't know of, according or in amount of what is to his pleasure سبحانه و تعالى و زينة عرشه and the weight of his throne, الله أكبر, like the weight of Allah's throne و زينة عرشه و مداد كلماته and according to the ink that records his praise سبحانه و تعالى. What an incredible form of dhikr. And the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم is saying, say this 3 times and it's equal to your hours of dhikr or joyria. And that's a gift to the entire ummah. So this dhikr that you make every morning and every night comes to you through the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم teaching joyria رضي الله تعالى عنها and this is her most famous and most prominent narration. And here's the amazing thing, how many Muslims say this dhikr morning and evening? Joyria gets the reward every single time. Because the one who guides to something is like the one who does it. The one who teaches a good gets the reward of everyone that acts upon it. So if this was the only hadith that she's ever narrated, how many people have praised Allah with this dhikr after her and joyria رضي الله تعالى عنها is the means by which that was converted. Our mother taught us this dua, taught us this dhikr and this is a dhikr that we hold very near and dear to our hearts and we would be foolish to not act upon it as it was taught to our mother رضي الله تعالى عنها by the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم. So this is joyria رضي الله تعالى عنها. Her life after the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and during the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم completely avoided fitna, completely
avoided conflict. Joyria رضي الله عنها did not get involved in anything of conflict and she lived through all of the major fitna. So she lived through the assassination of Uthman رضي الله تعالى عنه. She lived through the fitna of the Khawarij. She lived through the assassination of Sayyidina Ali رضي الله تعالى عنه. She lived through all of that. Joyria did not get involved in anything of conflict, in anything of fitna, in anything that had to do with the speaking of this group or that group. She was someone that was to herself and she's the embodiment of those who remember Allah سبحانه وتعالى وإذا خاطبهم الجاهدون قالوا سلاما. And ignores all foolishness. Now because her life is similar to Safiya رضي الله عنها. Safiya رضي Allah عنها who we'll talk about next week is someone who's going to be scorned frequently or be put down because of her status. At the end of the day you came into the life of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم as a captive, right? So who are you? So the one, you'll notice that anytime Safiya or Joyria are put down, they come to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and he makes them feel better. He puts a positive spin on it. So you're going to see this frequently in the life of Safiya رضي Allah تعالى عنها. So one of the wives of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said to Joyria just out of anger that you're nothing but a slave girl, right? So she goes to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and she's hurt by that comment. Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم said but if you think about it you had the highest mahr, you had the highest dowry because the seven uqiyas that were for your ransom to Thabit were higher than the mahr, were higher than that which was given to any of the wives of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. So she left happy, right? Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم found a way to comfort her when she was scorned because again she was looked down upon in that regard. She died رضي الله تعالى عنها 56 years after the hijrah, after a life of dhikr of Allah سبحانه وتعالى. Her only narration سبحان الله come through Aisha رضي الله عنها and through Abdullah بن عباس رضي الله عنهما because Abdullah بن عباس رضي الله عنهما
would go to again the companions and ask them about their recollections with the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and she is like all of our mothers a wife of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in Jannah. May Allah سبحانه وتعالى be pleased with our mother جويرية رضي الله تعالى عنها and all of our mothers, the wives of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and his family and his companions اللهم آمين.