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Life of the Prophet (seerah)

Nusaybah bint Ka'ab (ra): The Woman Warrior | The Firsts

October 18, 2022Dr. Omar Suleiman

Dr. Omar Suleiman presents the story of Nusaybah bint Ka'ab (ra). She was a female warrior who embodied sacrifice in every way, and would be seen defending the Prophet ﷺ from every direction. Every one in her family followed her noble example.


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Tonight we are going to be speaking about, inshallah ta'ala, a woman who truly is in a league of her own. And when I say she's in a league of her own, you know, many times you find a genre of sahaba of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then you talk about, you know, three or four of them that match the category. But with this woman, she actually is entirely in a league of her own in that there is literally no other companion that is like her, radhiAllahu ta'ala anha. And subhanAllah it's interesting because we're coming off of, if you guys really want to make me feel good, who did we talk about last week? Hassan ibn Thabit, okay. Not a hard question, I just wanted to make sure that you're still with me, inshallah, from the very start. We just finished talking about Hassan ibn Thabit, radhiAllahu anhu. And Hassan ibn Thabit is a man who is specifically known for not fighting, right, and is still praised by the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Right? A man who refused to be in any battle and actually was unable to see the battlefield in any capacity whatsoever, yet still he is someone who is deeply praised by Allah and by the Messenger, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. And today we're going to be talking about a woman in Nuseiba bint Ka'b, radhiAllahu ta'ala anha, who is only known for literally one thing, which is fighting, which is being in the battlefield. So subhanAllah you find this interesting contrast amongst the companions of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and there is practically nothing narrated about this woman except for the battlefield that we're going to be talking about today, radhiAllahu ta'ala anha. And fair warning, it's a bloody story. There is a lot of blood in this story. There is a lot of sacrifice
in this story. And as I thought about, subhanAllah, what to title Nuseiba, radhiAllahu ta'ala anha, with, she's literally the mother of all sacrifice. You know, she reminds me, subhanAllah, of when you see some of those women from the areas of the ummah that are under oppression, may Allah subhanAllah make it easy for them, and multiple of their children have been martyred, have been shuhada, and they still respond with rida, with pleasure with Allah subhanAllah and this exemplary patience that you don't see anywhere else, may Allah subhanAllah make it easy for those widows of the ummah and those women who often face some of these devastating circumstances and their courage is on full display. This woman, radhiAllahu ta'ala anha, reminds me of those women, or rather those women remind me of this particular woman, radhiAllahu ta'ala anha. So, let's introduce her a bit with her story, her background inshaAllah ta'ala first. So her name is Umm Umara Nuseiba bint Ka'ab ibn Amr al-Ansariyya. So she is Nuseiba bint Ka'ab ibn Amr al-Ansariyya. And her name is also Naseeba, both pronunciations are correct. So her name is recorded as both Nuseiba and Naseeba. So if anyone wants to name their daughter Naseeba instead of Nuseiba, it's fine inshaAllah ta'ala, as both of them are narrated as Ibn Al-Athir says, and they're both correct. So she is also someone from the tribe of Banu Najjar. Can anyone tell me who Banu Najjar is? At this point, hopefully some of you can remember as we get into the details of the story. They are the maternal relatives of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. Who can tell me some of the companions that belong to Banu Najjar? I'll give you a clue, the last one we covered. Hassan ibn
Thabit, the person who hosted the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, the mother of Anas ibn Malik. I'm just testing you guys, trying to wake you up. Who's the mother of Anas ibn Malik? Umm Sulaym radiAllahu anha. So there are a few of the Ansar that belong to this tribe of Banu Najjar, and Banu Najjar was a sub-tribe of Khazraj, and they were the akhwal, they were the maternal relatives of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, and so they had a greater attachment or a greater affection to him by the standards that existed at the time. By the standards that existed at the time. Now, we don't have any information about her parents, the assumption is that her parents passed away before Islam even came to Al Medina. But what we do know is that as far as she is concerned, both her and her husbands, her previous husband as well as the husband that she would marry afterwards, all accepted Islam, and her brothers also accepted Islam. So her brothers are Abdullah ibn Ka'b and Abdurrahman ibn Ka'b radiAllahu ta'ala anhuma. Abdullah ibn Ka'b and Abdurrahman ibn Ka'b were both early companions of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam from Al Medina, meaning they were from the first of the Ansar to accept Islam. They took bay'ah with the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, they attended every battle with the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, and her brother Abdurrahman in particular is known as one of al-bakka'een, one of those who were crying. I don't expect you all to remember too much about this, but you remember in the story of Ka'b ibn Malik radiAllahu anhu, there were a group of companions who could not go out in tabu because they didn't have the means. And so they cried, they wept because they wished to be with the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. So one of those people that was noted as being amongst those that were crying,
those that sincerely wished they could be with the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala athbat lahumul ajr, Allah azawajal recorded their good deed in the Quran, as if they were there in tabuq with the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam because they were sincere in wishing they could be with the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, is her brother Abdurrahman who was grieving when he found himself unable to go out with the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam in the battle of tabuq. So her brothers have this quality as well of rushing to the side of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam and wanting to be there for the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. Now she has two husbands that are recorded, and it's important to note because it's actually very interesting. Her first husband is Zayd ibn Asim, Zayd ibn Asim radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, and it appears, and Allah knows best, that they were married before Islam and divorced before Islam. However, he's also a companion. Her second husband is Ghaziya ibn Amr, Ghaziya ibn Amr radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. So both her previous husband, as well as the husband after, Zayd as well as Ghaziya, Zayd ibn Asim and Ghaziya ibn Amr are both companions of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. So when Islam eventually came to Al Medina, they both are considered from the early companions of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam from Al Medina. From her first husband, Zayd ibn Asim, she has her two famous children, her two famous sons. The first one is Habib ibn Zayd, the second one is Abdullah ibn Zayd. So it is, again, you have Nusaybah or Nusaybah bint Ka'ab, her first husband Zayd ibn Asim, and she has her two famous sons from them, who we're going to learn about as well in the story, bidden
Allahi ta'ala, Habib ibn Zayd and Abdullah ibn Zayd. And then from her second husband, Ghaziya, she has a boy that's named Tamim and a girl that is named Khawla that we don't know much about, radiAllahu ta'ala anhum ajma'in, that are recorded, their names are there, but we don't know much about them at all. Her two sons are very famous. We'll see why they're very famous, but her two sons, Habib ibn Zayd and Abdullah ibn Zayd, are very famous. SubhanAllah, all of them, her previous husband and her current husband at the time that Islam came, all of her children are amongst those who embraced Islam immediately when they heard about it in Medina. She was amongst those who heard the message from Mus'ab ibn Umayy radiAllahu ta'ala anhum. So if you put yourself in her shoes, she is one of those who attended the first gathering of Mus'ab ibn Umayy radiAllahu ta'ala anhum when he comes to Yathrib at the time in that gathering by As'ad ibn Zara and he starts to talk to the people about Islam, about this new message from Mecca. However, you start to see some of her famous character from the very start, which is that she did not wait for the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam to come to Medina. She instead herself went to Bay'at al-Aqaba al-Thani, the second pledge with the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. So the first pledge was in Mecca with the six men, privately with the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, and then the second one is the 72 or 73 companions that came to Mecca the next year in Hajj after embracing Islam with Mus'ab ibn Umayy and they privately took the bay'ah with the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. They were 70 men, 70 men and two women or three. So we know there are 70 men that came from Medina to Mecca in this daunting journey with Mus'ab radiAllahu anhum and met the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam privately to take the bay'ah
with him. And obviously it's understood that when they take the bay'ah, they take the bay'ah on behalf of their families as well. But Nusaybah was one of those who was insistent that she herself go to the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam and she take the pledge with the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam and so she narrates about this time and it's narrated first from one of the male companions, in fact from Ka'b ibn Malik radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. Ka'b ibn Malik radiAllahu ta'ala anhu says, اجتمعنا بالشعب ونحن سبعون رجل ومعنا امرأتان. That we met the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam privately in secrecy in Mecca and we were 70 men and we had with us two women. And he says Nusaybah ibn Ka'b, Umm Umarah and another woman Asma' ibn Amr who was known as Umm Maneer. So Nusaybah ibn Ka'b, Umm Umarah and Asma' ibn Amr, Umm Maneer. And in some narrations we also have the mother of Anas radiAllahu anhu, Umm Suleim radiAllahu anha. So two or three women that actually went on that journey which was a very daring journey to take the pledge with the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam and when the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam took the pledge with the 70 men they lined up and they all shook the hand of the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam and they took the pledge with him. And then she now narrates, she says that Zawji Ghaziya, my husband Ghaziya said to me Ya Rasulullah, hatani mra'atan hadrata that these are two women that have come to take the bay'ah with you as well. And the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam said then let it be and he took it verbally and he said la usafih an nisa, I do not shake hands with women. So this was the famous narration of the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam saying la usafih an nisa, I do not shake hands with women, was in fact in bay'atul aqaba al thaniya, was in the second bay'ah with the 70 men and these two women that had come
from al Madinah to embrace Islam with the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam but he took the bay'ah with them still with the same verbal allegiance alayhis salatu wasalam that he took from the 70 men. This is the earliest recollection that we have of her. We don't have much about her before Islam, in fact we have nothing about her before Islam and we don't have much about her after this except for the battles that she's going to take part in. But I just want you to appreciate for a moment the mindset that she goes out there herself to take this bay'ah with the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam and she wants to experience this as well. She also mentions in one narration that she brought her young children, so she's already gearing her children for this idea of sacrifice on the part of the Messenger SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. So her two children Habib and Abdullah at the time, Habib ibn Zayd and Abdullah ibn Zayd were still young from her previous marriage and she took them to take the bay'ah with the Prophet SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. Now when the battle of Badr comes around, she was not present at the battle of Badr because the battle of Badr of course took part away from Al-Madinah, right? And nor were her children present because her children were too young. However, both her previous husband and her current husband were amongst the Badriyun as well as her brothers, okay? So her family is already out there in the battle of Badr and they're considered from the best of the companions and as we said the only reason why her own children are not there, Habib ibn Zayd and Abdullah ibn Zayd is because they were still considered too young to fight in the battle of Badr. Then comes the battle of Uhud. Now the whole biography of Nusaybah bint Ka'b is pretty much summarized usually in the battle of Uhud but we're going to go beyond that because it's very interesting. She participates in Uhud as we're going to see but then after Uhud she also participates in the battle of Khandaq, she also goes to
Hudaybiyyah, she also participates in Hunayn and then she participates in the battle of Yamama and then she participates in the battle of Yarmouk. So basically Uhud opened the door for this woman to where she wasn't going to miss the battlefield after that moment with the Prophet ﷺ. So while we usually think of Umm Umarah, Nusaybah bint Ka'b radiyallahu anha for this famous role that she plays in the battle of Uhud, this was just the beginning for her, radiyallahu ta'ala anha. And you get this look through her eyes of the beginning of the battle because she was so famously tied to Uhud. You can't read the books of Sira without seeing someone walking up to her in Madinah and asking her about the day of Uhud, what was the day of Uhud like. So she narrates some of what happened with her herself which is very precious. When she can give you a first-hand account of Uhud herself and others narrate what happened with her as well and she narrates what happened to some of the companions on the day of Uhud as well. So she lived long enough to narrate the story of Uhud through her own experience, through her own eyes. And SubhanAllah it's very interesting because when I was reading through some of the narrations from Umm Umarah radiyallahu ta'ala anha about the day of Uhud, she would say, I can see, inni ara, I can see this person coming forth, I can see, ka'anni ashhad, as if I'm looking at it right now. So it's like every single time she told you the story of Uhud when you sat with her, she was narrating it and she was recalling every incident and she was deeply moved by those moments because it was clearly the most defining moment in her life radiyallahu ta'ala anha. A day when most people ran away from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, she was going to be one of those women who ran towards the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, one of the few that ran towards the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So she describes the way the battle of Uhud starts to take place.
She describes the moment that 300 of the hypocrites abandoned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam before the battle even started. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is left already with 700 out of 1000 because 300 men turned away from the battlefield right before it even started on the day of Uhud in the premise that Abdullah ibn Ubaid bin Saroor said he's not taking my advice, we should have fought inside Medina, Uhud is considered on the outskirts of Medina. So she witnesses the abandonment of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And then she says that these 3000 men came forward from the mushrikeen, from the disbelievers to fight against our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And while she's telling the story she's asked, she said were the women of the mushrikeen fighting? Did any of the women of the mushrikeen participate in the battle of Uhud? Because it's very clear that you participated in the battle of Uhud. So from the disbelieving side, did any of the women participate as well? And she said none of the women from the mushrikeen, from the disbelievers ever raised a hand on the day of Uhud except to beat the drums and to sing the songs of celebration. Meaning what? There was a large group of women that came from the other side on the day of Uhud. Remember Uhud was a day of vengeance for the disbelievers because of the loss of the day of Badr. And they wanted to make a scene. So they brought their women out, many of the widows of the leaders of Quraysh that died on the day of Badr, of course the most famous one who's not a widow but Hind bint Utbah, right? Hind bint Utbah coming with her husband Abu Sufyan. So many of the women came out to beat the drums and to sing and to participate on that day by chanting out these inflammatory lyrics and beating the drums on the day of Uhud. But that was also a show of force that we have extras. We have extras.
So she says none of them at any point lifted a hand except to beat the drums. Not even in the beginning of Uhud because remember there's a point in Uhud where the Muslims defeated them decisively, right? She said that the women on their side fled just like the men had fled at that time and then of course as we know they went around the back of Uhud and then they attacked the Muslims once again. So she says none of the women lifted a hand on that day from the mushrikat, from the disbelievers except to beat the drums and to sing the songs of Jahiliyyah, of the days of ignorance. She says as for myself, she was with a group of some of the sahabiyat, some of the female companions of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and they held with them the medical supplies that would be necessary to rush into the battlefield and to help the wounded in real time. Now you know what's so beautiful about this narration because it can easily be missed? She says that with us was Aisha radiyaAllahu ta'ala anha, Fatima radiyaAllahu ta'ala anha, Umm Salama radiyaAllahu ta'ala anha, Safiyya bint Abdul Muttalib radiyaAllahu ta'ala anha, Umm Sulaym radiyaAllahu anha. So basically the family of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, like the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam did not try to protect his relatives first. Aisha, Umm Salama, the mothers of the believers were out there. Fatima radiyaAllahu anha, bint Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was out there. And she said I was out there, the aunt of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was out there, Umm Sulaym was out there. And we were holding our buckets and we had our supplies and we were going to participate in this battle by running into the battlefield and treating the wounded as it was going to happen. So they weren't there with drums, that already shows you the mindset, they weren't there with the drums and to sing or to carry wine. They were there to participate in this regard. And she says that my husband and my two sons were next to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
So at this point now her two sons are old enough to participate, this is their first battle alongside the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. So Ghaziya radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu and her two sons Abdullah and Habib, the two sons were there with the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ready to fight alongside the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, the true Ansari spirit. So her whole family is on the battlefield. As this battle begins to unfold. And then SubhanAllah as we all know, this was the day in which Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala revealed about a group of companions. مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ فَمِنْهُم مَنْ قَضَى نَحْبَ وَمِنْهُم مَنْ يَنْتَظِرُ وَمَا بَدَّلُوا تَبَدِيلًا When Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says from the believers are, and I'm going to intentionally say, رِجَال, men, who were truthful to the covenant that they took with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. مِنْهُم مَنْ قَضَى نَحْبَ وَمِنْهُم مَنْ يَنْتَظِرُ وَمَا بَدَّلُوا تَبْدِيلًا Some of them were able to fulfill their covenant right away. And some of them were delayed in fulfilling their covenant with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. But they never lost any resolve. They remained committed to that mission. One of the proofs that some of the Mufassirun use, that when the word رِجَال, when the word men is used in the capacity of righteousness and virtue, it is not referring to men as in males, but it's referring to men and women. رِجَالٌ لَا تُرْهِيهُمْ تِجَارَةٌ وَلَا بَيْعٌ عَنْ ذِكْرِ اللَّهِ There are other verses of this genre, is that they say, Umm Umarah is one of these people that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is describing. Umm Umarah is one of these people that Allah is describing, that were truthful with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So it's not men as in males, it is the believers, the believing men and the believing women. It covers both the men and the women who were truthful in their covenant with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Because as we know, the Prophet ﷺ tells the archers, who were the strategic advantage of the Messenger ﷺ, do not come down from the hill until I instruct you to do so. If you see victory, wait until I tell you to come down. If you see defeat, even if you see them cutting our bodies into pieces, don't come down until you're instructed by the Rasulullah ﷺ to come down from the hill. Well, Uhud unfolds, the Muslims attain victory, and the disbelievers run away or so the Muslims think. And 40 of the 50 archers see the spoils. Remember these people brought all sorts of victory memorabilia and all sorts of weapons to celebrate the day of Uhud and everything like that. They see all of that and 40 of the 50 come down, despite the Prophet's ﷺ telling them not to come down. When they do that, they leave the back of the Muslims vulnerable. Khalid ibn al-Walid, radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, who at that time of course is on the other side, recognizes the unique opportunity, takes the disbelieving army around Uhud and attacks from behind. Now at that moment, it's pandemonium, it's chaos. Most people instinctively flee the battlefield, especially when in the midst of the chaos, they hear that we killed Muhammad ﷺ. Some of them cried and put their weapons down, some of them ran away. And there's just this small group of people, I mean I want you to think about it, this is already the best generation of people, the Sahaba of the Prophet ﷺ. But there's this tiny group of people
that then band around the Prophet ﷺ, recognizing that Rasulullah ﷺ is still alive and seeking to protect the Messenger ﷺ. She said that, when I saw, and it's very hard for you to really appreciate this unless you put yourself in the moment. So I want you for a moment to imagine yourself in the battlefield, and you see the best of the Sahaba of the Prophet ﷺ fleeing from the battlefield. And you see the swords of the opposing army landing upon the necks of people and killing people and butchering them, and the blood is flowing. And in the midst of that screaming, what's going to cause you to jump in the middle of that? Seriously, just think about it for a moment. Because with Nusaybah ﷺ, like you have to think about the judgment call that she's about to make. What's going to cause you to look at all of that and say, I'm going in, instead of running away? Now for her, Nusaybah ﷺ, you could say, perhaps it's her husband and her two sons that are still in the midst of that. Maybe that's why she's going to jump in. You remember the narration where the Prophet ﷺ and the companions are marveling at this woman running through the battlefield to pick up her crying child, completely ignoring the swords and the weaponry, and then holding her child and nursing her child. And the way that the companions looked at that and the Prophet ﷺ capitalizing on that to say, you think that woman would throw her child into a fire? And Allah is more arham, Allah is more merciful to you than that mother is to her child. Meaning the mother loved her child so much that instinctively she jumped into the battlefield, not caring about anything that was around to pick up her child and to hold her child.
Now I want you to think about a real life manifestation of the Prophet ﷺ saying, no one of you truly believes until you love the Messenger ﷺ more than you love your own parents, your own children and your own self. Think about that. Meaning while the hadith is used to convey the depth of Allah's mercy in using the love of a mother for a child that the mother would jump into this dangerous situation without even thinking twice about it to save her child, to hold her child. There are people that love the Prophet ﷺ more than that woman loves her child. You understand what I'm getting at? There are people that love the Prophet ﷺ more than that mother loves her child. And so instinctively, when she sees the people fleeing from the battlefield, she doesn't think about her own husband and her two sons. She said she immediately thought about the Prophet ﷺ. That in and of itself, subhanAllah, is stunning. And I'm gonna jump into all of this because Rasulullah ﷺ is in there. And I don't even know for sure that he's still alive and I'm almost certainly going to die. But whatever it takes. So she drops the bucket, she drops the materials that she had to treat the wounded on the day of Uhud. And she describes the moment that some people are fleeing and they're throwing their swords in the air and they're throwing their armor, they're throwing their shields. Why? Because they want to be khifaaf, they want to be light. So you're trying to run away from the battlefield as quick as possible. So you're just relinquishing what's in your hands. You're relinquishing what's on your body. And she said, I yelled out to one of the men that was running,
give your weapons to someone who's gonna fight on behalf of the Prophet ﷺ. So he threw it, and she picks up a shield and a sword, and she dives right in. SubhanAllah. Put yourself there. Mindset. Every time I read the story, I try to, I'm like, let me think about it. And I've been to Uhud many times. And in Uhud, if you close your eyes enough, you can actually, you can hear it. You can feel it. It's right there in front of you. She jumps in, and she has her shield, and she has her sword, and she starts to swing that sword right and left, and she runs towards the Prophet ﷺ. When she gets to the Prophet ﷺ, she's described, she says that no one was around the Prophet ﷺ at that point except for ten or so people, and it was me, my husband, and my two sons. So subhanAllah, a whole family that's nourished by this love of the Prophet ﷺ. She sees her husband and her two kids are amongst those people, fighting alongside the Prophet ﷺ, trying to get the enemies away from the Messenger ﷺ and fight them off with whatever they have. Even if they lost their weapons, they're throwing stones at the mushrikeen. They're doing whatever they can to defend the Prophet ﷺ. So she gets there, and she describes it that way, and then she says that she describes this moment where she's next to Mus'ab ibn Umair. And if you remember with Mus'ab, Mus'ab tried to attract the enemy away from the Prophet ﷺ, and he knew he looked like the Prophet ﷺ, so he made a lot of noise with his horse, and he did things to attract the attention of the mushrikeen so that they would run towards him and not towards the Prophet ﷺ. And so she describes seeing Mus'ab, radhiAllahu ta'ala anhu. She's the one who sees him whipping up the dirt,
trying to attract the mushrikeen towards him instead of towards the Prophet ﷺ. And she's not just waving her sword right and left. The Prophet ﷺ used to boast about Nusaybah, radhiAllahu ta'ala anhu, and used to say that she was better than fulan wa fulan. He would name, salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, the people, the warriors, the known warriors amongst the companions. He said, I looked to my right and to my left on the day of Uhud, and in front of me and behind me, and every direction I looked, I saw Nusaybah bint Ka'ab um Umarah, radhiAllahu ta'ala anhu, swinging her sword. That's Rasulullah ﷺ's vantage point on that day. I looked at her and I saw her swinging her sword right and left and holding her shield and jumping in the midst of it, and she was better than so and so and so and so. I mean she really got in. She didn't get in timidly. She really got into the midst of the battle. And she describes that moment and Abdullah, her son, he was close to the Prophet ﷺ, and the Prophet ﷺ said, Ibn Um Amarah, the son of Um Amarah, and he said, yes, because remember they were covered, it's me. So he said, Armin, throw. And Abdullah said, there was a man coming right at the Prophet ﷺ on his horse and I took a stone and I threw the stone first at the horse, and it hit the eye of the horse that was riding towards the Prophet ﷺ, and the horse fell on the ground and the man fell off and then I attacked the man. And once I attacked the man, I didn't have any weapons, I was just throwing stones and I was throwing whatever I could get my hands on. This is her son. I was wounded. I was struck by a heavy hit. So this man strikes me and I fall to the ground
and I start bleeding and my mother comes to me, Um Amarah, Nusaybah r.a. runs to him and she starts wrapping him up and she's saying, Qum! Stand up and fight on behalf of the Prophet ﷺ. So the only moment that she puts down her own sword and her own shield is to get her own son, you know, bandaged up and saying, get up and fight on behalf of the Prophet ﷺ. So she wraps him up quickly and she stands him up and she says, go fight. She picks up her sword again and she picks up her shield again and she starts swinging. And the Prophet ﷺ says, من يطيقي ما تطيقين يا أم عمارة Who is it that could do what you do, O Um Amarah? You know, it's amazing because in Uhud, the Prophet ﷺ was praising those companions in the midst of the chaos. Who could do what you're doing? Like, who is it that does what you're doing, O Um Amarah? So she says, and so I continue to fight. And the Prophet ﷺ, as we're fighting, he points out a man and he says, هذا ضارب ابنك That's the one that hit your son. So Um Amarah, mashallah, mother, she goes after the man. She hunts down the man that struck her son. And she hits him with the sword and he falls off. And then the companions were able to apprehend him and kill him. So she actually goes after the one who struck Abdullah on that day. And she was the reason why they were able to apprehend him and to kill him. And the Prophet ﷺ, he smiled. And he said, الحمد لله الذي ضفرك وأقر عينك من عدوك وأراك ثأرك بعينك الحمد لله. All praise be to Allah ﷻ who gave you that blessing, who let you see that revenge with your own eyes, who allowed you to take revenge on the one who hurt your son,
the one who wounded your son. So this is her mindset. I mean, she's a warrior, a serious warrior. She runs towards the man that struck Abdullah and she strikes him and she kills him. And then there's another man that comes charging at her with the horse. She averts the horse, she hits the horse, the man falls and she kills the man. So she's in the midst of it all. And then she describes being next to Mus'ab ﷺ that at one point she looks up and she sees Mus'ab ﷺ. And she sees the man coming at Mus'ab ﷺ by the name of Abdullah ibn Qami'ah. And ibn Qami'ah strikes Mus'ab ﷺ and kills him. And subhanAllah, I mean, think about it. She was there when Mus'ab ﷺ first brought Islam to Medina. She sat in that first gathering where Mus'ab taught them about Islam and she just saw with her own two eyes Mus'ab ﷺ fall. And ibn Qami'ah was looking for the Prophet ﷺ. And so once he kills Mus'ab ﷺ and realizes that it wasn't the Prophet ﷺ, he starts charging towards the Prophet ﷺ. And she says, I stood right in his way. SubhanAllah, I mean, think about it. Like this furious horseman who's screaming, مَا نَجَوْتُ النَّجَىٰ I will not live if he lives. Meaning I will kill him ﷺ. I'm not going to let him go. This furious horseman is coming towards the Prophet ﷺ and she gets in his way and she takes a stab at trying to hit him and she misses and she says that he was double armored, that he was in two coats of armor, so I wasn't able to affect him. And he strikes her right on the shoulder. And she said, I was wounded 13 times on that day. She had 13 wounds on the day of Bahrut.
So it's not like she came out unharmed. 13 wounds. And they said that the gash on her shoulder from Ibn Qami'ah was so large and so devastating that it took her a year to get over it. It would take her a whole year after Uhud to be able to nurse that one wound from that day of Abdullah Ibn Qami'ah when he struck her. And then of course this was the man that then jumped on the Prophet ﷺ and he started to beat the helmet of the Prophet ﷺ into his face. He knocked out the teeth of the Prophet ﷺ. He was trying to kill the Prophet ﷺ. So she witnessed that. She was in the midst of that. And then the Prophet ﷺ saw her wounded on the battlefield. And he says, Ya Ibn Umm Ammarah, Ummak, Ummak. Oh son of Umm Ammarah, your mom, your mom, your mom, your mom. So now Abdullah, who she had nursed prior to that, runs towards his mom and he starts to nurse his mom. And then she gets up and she starts fighting on behalf of the Prophet ﷺ. SubhanAllah, for a moment, when the Prophet ﷺ looks around, and Rasulullah ﷺ never forgot those few people that never left him, that never left him on the day of Uhud, that surrounded him and never left him. For a moment Rasulullah ﷺ looked around and he saw this handful of companions. And this handful of companions, there's only one entire family and that's her and her family. Her, her husband, and her two sons, wounded, all swinging their swords despite themselves almost dying on the part of the Prophet ﷺ. And the Prophet ﷺ seeing that and saying, I looked right and left. And everywhere I looked I saw Umm Ammarah radiAllahu ta'ala anha, swinging her sword. Again, what compels you to jump in the middle of that?
What compels you to keep going even after you've been wounded, even after you've seen some of the strongest horsemen flee the battlefield or be killed, and you're still there with your own kids fighting on the part of the Prophet ﷺ. And in the middle of that, as she's wounded, and her kids are there, Rasulullah ﷺ starts to say, what a family this is. What a family the family of Umm Ammarah. Just what an incredible family. Ni'mal bayt. What a household you are. And she hears that, you know what she says to the Prophet ﷺ? She says, Ya Rasulullah, udu'allaha anu rafiqa fil jannah. O Messenger of Allah, can you make du'a to Allah that we will be with you in jannah? Like in the middle of that, you want to be with the Prophet ﷺ. She's not thinking, what's my ticket out of here? And like, yes we are, ni'mal a'ila, ni'mal bayt. What a great family we are. Ya Rasulullah, ask Allah that we get to be with you in paradise the way we're with you in this battlefield of Uhud. And the Prophet ﷺ says, Allahumma ja'alhum rufaqa'i fil jannah. O Allah, make them my companions in jannah. And she says in response, Ya Rasulullah, maa ubaali maa asabani minad dunya. I don't care what happens to me in this dunya after this. Subhanallah. I don't care what happens to me now. If I'm killed now, afterwards, the Prophet ﷺ just said, Allahumma ja'alhum rufaqa'i fil jannah. O Allah, make them my companions in paradise. So I don't care. Maa ubaali maa asabani minad dunya. Whatever happens from here on out in this journey, I don't care.
That is the purest expression of Iman, of Yaqeen, of faith and certainty that you can hear from a person's mouth. At this point, that's it. We heard it all. Rasulullah ﷺ said that we're going to be his companions in jannah. And so they fought on the part of the Prophet ﷺ. And eventually, we're able to survive. And the Prophet ﷺ would walk by her after Uhud, and Rasulullah ﷺ would praise her and say, what a woman Umm Umarah is. I mean, I remember the day of Uhud, right and left, in front of the Prophet ﷺ. And behind me, Umm Umarah was there, radiyallahu ta'ala anha, fighting on my side throughout the entire battle of Uhud. There is literally no other person who has a story like this woman. No other person has a story like this woman. And she continues after the battle of Uhud to be on the side of the Prophet ﷺ. And from that day onwards, how do you even tell a woman like that, you're not going to be in the battlefield. So no one was ever going to tell her after that, you can't participate, you're not going to be in the battlefield. So when a battle now takes place after Uhud, she grabs her sword just like everybody else and she goes in because she's not turning back. Because this becomes her reputation, radiyallahu ta'ala anha, that she is going to be in the battlefield with the Messenger ﷺ. And so she was present, like she was in Aqaba on the day of Hudaybiyyah. She was present in Khaybar on the day of Al-Ahzab with the Prophet ﷺ. She was present in Hunayn with the Prophet ﷺ. And there are only a few ahadith that we have from her where she actually narrates a conversation.
Subhanallah, one of those is in a tirmidhi. She came to the Prophet ﷺ, she came to the Prophet ﷺ and she said, Ya Rasulullah, maa araa kulla shay'in illa lilrijal, wa maa araa an-nisaa yuthkarna bi shay'in. Oh Rasulullah, how come all I hear in the Qur'an is the men are being specified with all of these rewards and the women are not being mentioned in any way? So why is it that the men are being mentioned and not the women? Now subhanallah, of course, when Allah says rijal, al-mu'mineen, it refers to and even as a function of the Arabic language, the men and the women. But she's someone that has literally been in the trench with the Prophet ﷺ, in Uhud with the Prophet ﷺ on his side, and she's asking, Ya Rasulullah, will Allah specify the women in some regard? And Allah ﷻ revealed what He revealed, inna al-muslimina wal-muslimati wal-mu'minina wal-mu'minati wal-qanitina wal-qanitati, until the end of the ayah, the 35th verse of Surat al-Ahzab. And of course, there's a similar narration of Umm Salama ﷺ asking the Prophet ﷺ the same thing, that indeed the Muslim men and the Muslim women, the believing men and the believing women, the obedient men and the obedient women, al-sadiqina wal-sadiqat, the truthful men and the truthful women, al-sabirina wal-sabirat, the patient men and the patient women, until the end of the ayah, where Allah specifically mentions the women alongside the men in this regard. And in this narration of Tirmidhi, it was Umm Umarah who comes to the Prophet ﷺ and says, Ya Rasulullah, are we going to get a specific mention as well, the way that the men are specifically mentioned? RadhiAllahu ta'ala anha. Other than that, it's just a handful of ahadith from the Prophet ﷺ and a handful of incidents.
One narration about al-wudu, one narration where she describes that the Prophet ﷺ wanted to perform wudu, and a vessel was brought to the Prophet ﷺ, and it had thulthayil mud, just two-thirds of a mud of water was brought to him ﷺ. She mentions one narration from the hajj of the Prophet ﷺ, that the Prophet ﷺ said, yarhamu allahu al-muhalliqeen, three times, may Allah have mercy on those that shave their heads three times. And then after that, they said, what about those who cut their hair? And the Prophet ﷺ said, on the third time, wal-muqassireen, and those who cut their hair. And she has one famous narration from the Angel series that some of you might remember. The Prophet ﷺ visited her one day, and she presented the Prophet ﷺ with some food. And the Prophet ﷺ asked her to sit down and to eat as well. And she said, I replied, and I said to the Prophet ﷺ that I'm fasting. And the Prophet ﷺ responded, ma min sa'imin yu'kalu ʿindahu illa sallat alayhi al-mala'ika hatta yashba'u wa fi riwaya hatta yafrughu. That there is no person who is fasting while other people are eating in their presence, except that the angels will send their prayers upon them until they are full or until they leave. So this is her narration. This took place in her home with the Prophet ﷺ. However, subhanAllah, her story does not end there, and it becomes once again a story of sacrifice. They are legends from the Battle of Uhud, right? Legends from the Battle of Uhud. But then arises towards the end of the life of the Prophet ﷺ a man by the name of Musaylimah al-Kaddhab, the most famous false prophet that rose in the time of the Prophet ﷺ, Musaylimah the liar.
And you'll hear about Musaylimah today, and I'll mention him as well next week inshaAllah, because he's very relevant to the story next week as well, bi'n Allahi ta'ala. Musaylimah al-Kaddhab, as we've mentioned a few times already, was the most vicious of the false prophets, and the one who ended up commanding a large following. And he appeared right before the Prophet ﷺ passed away, and then he tried to use the death of the Prophet ﷺ as a moment for him to take over and to command a larger following. And what he did was, is he first tried to make a compromise with the Prophet ﷺ, that look, you be Rasulullah and I'll be Rasulullah too. You be Rasulullah for Quraysh, I'll be Rasulullah for Banu Hanifa, and then we'll split up the land into two, and we'll basically be co-messengers of Allah. So he tried to play that game. He started to make up his own Qur'an, and he was a vicious man. And he sends a letter to the Prophet ﷺ, من مسايلمة رسول الله إلى محمد ﷺ رسول الله. From Musaylimah, the messenger of Allah, to Muhammad ﷺ, the messenger of Allah, we have half the earth, you have half the earth, you take half the land, Quraysh, we'll take half the land as Banu Hanifa, we'll split it up, and we can share our mission together. Nu'aym ibn Mas'ud ﷺ says that when the Prophet ﷺ heard these ambassadors of Musaylimah read this to them, the Prophet ﷺ says, ما تقولاني أنتما؟ What do you two say? I'm very curious, you two as you're reading this letter from this liar. What do you say? And they said, كما قال. We say what he said, meaning we're upon what Musaylimah, the one who sent us, is upon.
The Prophet ﷺ said, أما والله لو لا أن الرسل لا تقتل لضربت أعناقكما. The Prophet ﷺ said, I swear by Allah, if it wasn't that ambassadors should not be harmed, I would have struck both of you right now. I mean, this is so disgraceful, right, and the confidence and the arrogance to come say that to the Prophet ﷺ in front of the companions. But look, and by the way, this is an authentic hadith in Abu Dawud, the Prophet ﷺ is honoring what? He's honoring the best ethics of war, that you know what, this man is basically waging war, but I'm not going to harm the ambassadors. I'm not going to harm you because that would not be appropriate for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ because there is a level of deception and a level of transgression that is involved in that. So the Prophet ﷺ sends them away. Then Rasulullah ﷺ chooses to address Musaylimah with his own letter and his own ambassadors. This is where we're going to see Nusaybah's story become relevant once again. So the Prophet ﷺ writes a letter, Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, من محمد رسول الله ﷺ إلى مسيدنا الكذا. From Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, to Musaylimah, the liar. السلام على من اتبع الهدى. Peace be on to those who follow rightful guidance. الأرض لله يورثها من يشاء والعاقبة للمتقين. As for the earth that you talk about dividing, the earth belongs to Allah. يورثها من يشاء. Allah will give it to whom He wills. والعاقبة للمتقين. And victory belongs to the pious. Victory belongs to the pious. So Rasulullah ﷺ, he sends this letter and he appoints Habib ibn Zayd. Habib being the son of Nusaybah ibn Ka'b. He appoints Habib ibn Zayd to be the ambassador along with one other companion. And he sends them to Musaylimah al-Kadhab.
And when they arrive to Musaylimah and they read this letter, Musaylimah says to them, or he says to first Habib ibn Zayd who reads, قَالَ أَتَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ Do you bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ﷺ? قَالَ نَعْمُ He said, Yes. قَالَ أَتَشْهَدُ أَنِّي رَسُولُ اللَّهِ And do you bear witness that I am the Messenger of Allah? Habib ibn Zayd says, لا أسمع I can't hear you. He says it again with an angrier voice. قَالَ أَتَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ Do you bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah? He says, Yes. قَالَ أَتَشْهَدُ أَنِّي رَسُولُ اللَّهِ Do you bear witness that I am the Messenger of Allah? Habib ibn Zayd says, لا أسمع I can't hear you. He says it a third time. And he stands up and he comes close to him in a threatening posture. قَالَ أَتَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ قَالَ نَعْم Do you bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah? Yes. Do you bear witness that I am the Messenger of Allah? He says, I can't hear. So what he proceeds to do next is he essentially crucifies him while he's alive. He ties him up. And this is where you start to see the difference between a tyrant and a Messenger of Allah. He starts to dismember him piece by piece while he's alive. Cuts his arms, cuts his legs, starts to mutilate him. And the entire time Habib ibn Zayd is saying, أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. And so he basically dismembers him in front of the people. And this is of course what tyrants resort to to send a message to their followers,
don't you dare flee us. He basically dismembers him while he's saying أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ And that is another act of transgression here. Remember the Prophet ﷺ said, I'm not gonna touch these ambassadors. That's not how we work in terms of our ethics. Look what he did. Then he says to the other companion that was sent to the Prophet ﷺ, قَالَ أَتَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ After he just watched Habib ibn Zayd dismember to death. Do you bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ﷺ? قَالَ نَعْمَ He said, yes. قَالَ أَتَشْهَدُ أَنِّي رَسُولُ اللَّهِ Do you bear witness that I'm the Messenger of Allah? He said نعم, yes. And he said then get out of here. The other man comes back to tell the Prophet ﷺ what happened. He comes back to the Prophet ﷺ and he says, يا رسول الله هلقت, يا رسول الله I'm destroyed. He said what happened? ما شأنك? What happened? So he told him the entire story of what happened. The Prophet ﷺ was deeply moved. I mean, this is a disgusting act of transgression and against a young man subhanAllah and someone who's near and dear, someone who was there on the part of the Prophet ﷺ on the day of Uhud with his family. And this is how he treated him. This is how he mutilated him in martyring him. And the Prophet ﷺ responds to this other companion who thinks that he's done, who thinks that his life is over because he thinks he basically apostated. قَالَ أَمَّا صَاحِبُكَ فَمَضَى عَلَى إِيمَانِهِ He said, look, as for your companion, Habib ibn Zayd, he died on his iman, he died on his faith. أَمَّا أَنْتَ فَأَخَذْتَ بِالرُّخْصَةِ As for you, you took the excuse. Like you shouldn't be so mad at yourself. And it's the same thing the Prophet ﷺ told Ammar ibn Yasir radiyallahu ta'ala anhu. When he watched Sumayyah, his mother radiyallahu anha killed,
and he watched his father Yasir killed radiyallahu anhu and Ammar radiyallahu anhu. At that moment he buckled and he said what Abu Jahl wanted him to say and he thought he was done. So the Prophet ﷺ says, عَلَى مَا أَنتَ لِيَوْمِ What are you upon today? قَالَ أَشْهَدُ أَنَّكَ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ وَأَنَّهُ كَذَّابُ I bear witness that you're the messenger of Allah and that he is a liar. The Prophet ﷺ said, then you're okay. It's okay. Don't worry about yourself. Now he has to find a way to break the news to Umm Umarah. Nusaybah ibn Ka'b radiyallahu anha. Not just about the death of her son, but about the way that he was killed. And when the news reaches this woman Nusaybah ibn Ka'b radiyallahu anha, Umm Umarah, listen to her words. She says, من أجل هذا الموقف أعدته وعند الله تسهبته That I prepared him for this moment and I've sought my reward from Allah ﷻ with him. لقد بايع الرسول ﷺ ليلة العقبة صغيرة He took the pledge with the Prophet ﷺ on the night of Aqaba as a young man. ووفى له اليوم كبيرا And as an adult, he showed his loyalty. He showed that he was committed to that pledge with the Prophet ﷺ. But she's a hurt mom. She says, ولئن أمكنني الله من مسيلما لأجعلن بناته يلطمن الخدود عليه If I live long enough and if Allah gives me the opportunity to see Musaylimah, then I will cause his daughters to grieve him. Meaning I will take his life the way he took the life of my son. So she now is committed to what? This man martyred my son in this way and this man is a false prophet of Allah. And she has made the commitment that she wants to continue this fight and she's going to go forward.
SubhanAllah as time goes on, she hears the call, هيا على قتال الكذاب She describes that moment when she's told when the Muslims are called in Medina to go out and to fight al-Kadhab, to fight the liar. Musaylimah at that point was dismembering and murdering and becoming far more emboldened. And his fitna was growing. It was one of the largest fitnas. It was looked at as an existential threat as you'll see next week when we talk about Zayd ibn Thabit radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. It's like an existential threat to Islam. That's what it's perceived as. But of course Allah Azawajal will preserve his deen, but that's how severe it is. But Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala anhu calls for the battle towards Al Yamamah. The battle of Al Yamamah, the battle against the apostates. And she goes out and she was over 60 years old with her son Abdullah. So Habib has been martyred and she's now with her second son Abdullah and she takes an oath by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that she's going to be present at that moment when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives her that revenge. This is a unique strong woman. And on the day of Yamamah, just imagine in the midst of everything that's going on, you're facing this cruel man and this fortress which was called the fortress of death because of what he used to do to people. And she's saying, أين عدو الله دلوني عليه Where is the enemy of Allah? Show me where he is. Where is the enemy of Allah? Show me where he is. This is the courage of this woman. And she's there with her son and they are advancing forward the entire time and no one is going to tell her to stay home. No one's going to tell her to not be present in the battlefield. Now we may know subhanAllah that the man that throws the spear that strikes Musaylimah is who? Wahshi. Wahshi, who on the day of Uhud threw the spear that killed Hamza radhiAllahu ta'ala anhu.
Wahshi said from his tawbah, from his repentance, he used the same spear against Musaylimah al-Kadhab. So he spotted him on that day and he threw the spear and he said, قَتَلْتُ خَيْرَ النَّاسَ I killed the best of people and I killed the worst of people. Now when Musaylimah was struck by that spear, the blow from the spear is what killed him. But the man who actually finished him off was Abdullah. Was the brother of Habib and the son of Nusaybah um Umara radhiAllahu ta'ala anhu ajma'in. So it was actually Abdullah ibn Zayd radhiAllahu ta'ala anhu who went forth and who actually killed Musaylimah who had dismembered his brother and who claimed that false prophethood. So Nusaybah actually saw that happen and she said, الحمد لله الله سبحانه وتعالى allowed me to see the enemy of Allah be taken from this earth. And it was the same mindset subhanAllah. Remember in Uhud, the kuffar shouted out and they said, a day for a day and the response from the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam and the companions was what your dead are in hellfire, our dead are in paradise. Remember when she sat on the day of Uhud that I do not care what happens to me after this day because the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam said, we're going to be his neighbors, we're going to be his companions in paradise. But Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gave her that ability to be there on the Battle of Yamama. But subhanAllah and this is why I said, this is one of those stories that has a lot of sacrifice. Nusaybah lost her arm on that day radiAllahu ta'ala anha in that battle. And you know what she said? She said, I did ihtisab, I sought the reward from Allah for one of my two sons and I seek the reward from Allah for one of my two hands. She continued to fight and she was wounded over 11 times and subhanAllah miraculously she did not die. Her granddaughter describes subhanAllah looking at Nusaybah radiAllahu anha, this old woman, imagine a seven-year-old woman walking through Medina
that has witnessed multiple battles that's been wounded over 30 times. Fighting alongside the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam and fighting against this false prophet. This is Nusaybah radiAllahu ta'ala anha, Umm Umarah. And she goes on and she insists when Yarmouk happened, she goes and she fights in the Battle of Yarmouk too. With one hand. With one hand where she can carry her sword. And she refuses to stay back. I'm going to end with one story subhanAllah in this regard. Miraculously this woman doesn't die in the battlefield. She actually dies a very, in her old age, a natural death radiAllahu ta'ala anha and she's buried in Al-Baqi' in Medina. But she lived to the khilafah of Umar al-Khattab radiAllahu anha and can you imagine like seeing her walking the streets of Medina? Like subhanAllah, like knowing what she's been through and knowing what she's done. This woman has experienced sacrifice in every single observable way and you see her walking the streets of Medina. I mean she's a pretty intimidating woman in a sense of. Just awe, right? The awe that you would have of Nusaybah bint Ka'ab radiAllahu ta'ala anha. And it was said when Umar al-Khattab radiAllahu ta'ala anha used to receive gifts from foreign emissaries he'd send them to Nusaybah because he's like the person that deserves this is Nusaybah because of all that she did for Islam. And one time there was a package of some silk garments that was brought to Umar radiAllahu anha and it was considered the most expensive foreign gift that he received and so people gathered around him starting to give him suggestions about what he should do with it. And some of the people said you should give this to your daughter-in-law, the wife of Abdullah ibn Umar, Safiyyah, the wife of Abdullah ibn Umar. You should give this expensive garment to Abdullah ibn Umar. And Umar radiAllahu
ta'ala anhu said this isn't something I'm going to give to ibn Umar or to his wife. I'm going to send it to the most entitled person in this ummah, the person who deserves it most from this ummah. And Umar radiAllahu anhu is overcome clearly with emotion and he starts to then narrate on the day of Uhud I heard the messenger of Allah radiAllahu anhu say that I saw myself on the day of Uhud and when I looked right or left I saw Umar radiAllahu anhu swinging her sword. And Umar radiAllahu anhu sent it to her. This is our hero for today and subhanAllah a woman that is remarkable and in her own right is truly in a league of her own, Umm Umarah Nusaybah bint Ka'ab radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. May Allah subhanAllah be pleased with her. May Allah azawajal be pleased with her family. And just as the prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam made dua for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make her and her family his rufaqa, his close ones in al-jannah. May Allah subhanAllah wa ta'ala make us from the rufaqa of the prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam and from the rufaqa of Nusaybah, Umm Umarah radiAllahu ta'ala anhu and her family in al-firdaws al-a'la. Allahumma ameen. InshaAllah ta'ala a reminder to you all, name your daughters Nusaybah please. We need some Nusaybas in our Ummah. We need some Sumayyas and some Nusaybas. So if you have a daughter on the way, let's have some Rumaysa and some Nusaybas and some Sumayyas inshaAllah ta'ala because these women are incredible heroes from our Ummah. May Allah subhanAllah be pleased with them and may Allah azawajal be pleased with all the companions of the prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. Allahumma ameen. InshaAllah ta'ala next week we will continue and we will move on to the qurra of the prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, the qurran reciters from the Ansar and we will start with Zaid ibn Thabit radiAllahu
ta'ala next week. JazakumAllahu khayran.
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