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Life of the Prophet (seerah)

Sumayyah (ra): The First Martyr

August 12, 2020Dr. Omar Suleiman

A woman who believed in the promise of Allah, persevered through the worst of torture for Allah, and received the ultimate reward of Paradise from Allah.


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As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh everyone. Bismillah walhamdulillahi wa salatu wa salamu ala rasulillah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala. Welcome back to the first. SubhanAllah I was looking forward to getting this restarted after the pandemic had gone away and this will be the first time I'm going through this series without a live audience here in the masjid where I could connect with the people that are here that are obviously moved by the connection that we have to the companions of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam and these noble people that give us such inspiration and guidance as to how we should live our lives. But qadrullah ma shaf'al, we're here, we have to do this virtually but I pray that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala put benefit in it and I pray that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala lift this pandemic from us as soon as possible so that we can resume as normal in the masjid the way that we used to bi'idhnillahi ta'ala. And as I was preparing this series about the firsts, this was a person whose name I had circled from the very beginning. In fact I remember a few years ago I talked about her at a conference, I think it was the pearls conference in DC and I said that if there could be a hashtag about her like the story of Sumayya radiallahu anha, like remember Sumayya because of how incredible she is and what she represents. And we talk about Sumayya bint al-Khayat in a few ways I want to actually preface this because there isn't much to her story that we know of before her actual death and so we really learn about her when she's martyred for the most part. Her biographies are not long and she didn't live the way that many that were like her would live to see the glory days of Islam. So to just start off let's set the premise Sumayya radiallahu
anha is the first martyr of Islam, not the first female martyr of Islam, the first martyr of Islam, the first shaheedah of Islam period. And what that speaks to is that you can imagine on the day of judgment when we're looking at the maratib, when we're looking at the degrees, at the groups of people that are being raised, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala raise us amongst the shuhada, amongst the siddiqun, amongst the martyrs and the truthful, Allahumma ameen, and the salihun, the righteous, Allahumma ameen. When the anbiya come, the prophets come, and you have the siddiqun, the people of truth, and you have the shuhada, the martyrs, the first shaheed to rise from this ummah, the first one to be brought forth is this blessed woman Sumayya radiallahu anha. And her story encapsulates something that really speaks to this idea of being willing to stand alone on the truth. And you know when we talked about Zayd ibn Amir ibn Nufayl radiallahu ta'ala anhu and what he went through, we talked about this idea of trendsetters and strangers and forerunners. She really fits all of these things. And just as Khadijah radiallahu ta'ala anha is likened to Maryam alayhi salam, and of course the best woman of her times was Maryam, and then the best woman of her times was Khadijah. Khadijah and Maryam have similarities, right, in their stories and their devotion. This woman is really the Asiya of our ummah, right, she is the Asiya of our ummah. Her circumstances, at least in the way that she's killed, resemble what happened to Asiya alayhi salam radiallahu ta'ala anha when she was killed by the fir'aun. And this is a woman that is murdered by the fir'aun of this ummah, Abu Jahl. So her story is powerful and it gives us a lot. And I want to paint a picture inshallah ta'ala of her life before Islam. Her life before Islam. She was an Abyssinian woman, so modern-day Ethiopia. She's from Habesha originally. She was born about 20 years before
the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. So that would put her well into her 60s at the time where she would be killed. Okay, at the time where she'd embraced Islam and where she would be killed. So she's senior even to Khadijah radiallahu ta'ala anha, right, as far as age. Because Khadijah radiallahu ta'ala anha was maximum 15 years older than the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. This woman is 20 years older to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, senior to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Her husband Yasir radiallahu ta'ala anhu was even older. In fact he was described that he had aged to a point he had no eyebrows. And they are in the situation that puts them at an inherent disadvantage as far as societal hierarchy and power goes in Mecca. So she was the slave girl of Abu Hudhaifa ibn al-Mughira. Abu Hudhaifa ibn al-Mughira is the brother of al-Walid ibn al-Mughira. The famous al-Walid ibn al-Mughira who's addressed for his arrogance in the Quran, who is addressed for his boastfulness, his wealth, and how he thought that his power would avail him. None other than the father of Khalid ibn al-Walid radiallahu ta'ala anhu. Al-Walid ibn al-Mughira was also the chief of Banu Makhzum. Which we'll get to the dynamics of that inshallah ta'ala in a minute. So she is the slave girl of the brother of al-Walid ibn al-Mughira, Abu Hudhaifa ibn al-Mughira. And her master Abu Hudhaifa ibn al-Mughira gave her in marriage to Yasser. Now what is Yasser's story radiallahu ta'ala anhu? Yasser was a man from Yemen and he came from Yemen to Mecca for a very particular reason. He lost his brother or he had a brother that went out to Mecca and was lost at some point. So he actually came to Mecca to look for his lost brother. And in the process of looking
for his lost brother he decided to settle in Mecca and he sought protection under Abu Hudhaifa. And so Abu Hudhaifa and him developed a relationship. Yasser stays in Mecca under his protection and Abu Hudhaifa marries to Yasser who's now under his protection. His slave girl Sumayyah bint al-Khayyat radiallahu ta'ala anhu. And Sumayyah radiallahu ta'ala anhu would live with Yasser of course both as servants to Abu Hudhaifa and really you know servants to the entire tribe. Their lives are going to be like those of servants and she gives birth to Ammar radiallahu ta'ala anhu. And Ammar was born actually you know some of the some of the some of the books have Ammar radiallahu anhu even older than the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam, slightly older than the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam. But he's born around the same time as the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam. There isn't a definitive year. So Ammar radiallahu ta'ala anhu comes into the picture the same age as the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam approximately and you have these years go by where you have you know the this family that essentially lives in the service of one of the most powerful tribes in Mecca. They are serving the brother of the chief of one of the most powerful tribes of Mecca the chief of Banu Mahzum which was the same tribe as Abu Jahl as well. Okay so it'll inshallah ta'ala start to come together as to what is happening and of course this was a tribe that was heavily resistant to Islam. Right because they saw that by ceding ground to the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam they would cede ground to Banu Hashim and they were a rival tribe to Banu Hashim and this was a society where your tribe meant everything and so Abu Jahl would say you know we can compete with them in
everything. We can compete with them in hospitality. We can compete with them in lineage. We can compete with them in wealth. We can compete with them in poetry. We can compete with these people with everything but we can't compete with them if we acknowledge that they have a prophet amongst them and so you have this severe resistance that comes particularly from this tribe and the nobles of this tribe and Abu Jahl of course is one of the people leading the charge against the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam. He is who the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam called the fir'aun of this ummah, the pharaoh of this ummah because Abu Jahl was not just someone who would try to deter people from embracing Islam. Abu Jahl was someone that always brought forth the most despicable of suggestions as to how to persecute and how to harm the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam and his followers and he was the one that always pushed the limit and then opened the door to the next level of persecution and so you see Abu Jahl is the one that will be the first to take the life of someone for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala meaning that person's life is taken for the sake of Allah, for Abu Jahl, for the sake of his his pride and he's the first one he's the one that leads the charge to boycott the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam and his tribes and to put them in a detrimental situation to really crush the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam emotionally, mentally, physically by letting the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam see the torture of his people both in regards to his followers and what would happen to them as well as in regards to his own tribesmen who some of whom were not Muslims from Banu Hashim, Banu Mutalib but the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam would see their starvation, he would see their poverty, he would see the adverse effects of the boycott and the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam would be broken down to eventually, you know, and Abu Jahl's thought resigned to what Abu Jahl was trying to do
which was to level the playing field so that his tribe could still be able to compete and Abu Jahl would not be rendered second, you know, in any type of second place nor would his tribe be in second place because of the advent of Islam and so what happens with Islam? How does this all come into play? How do we start to learn about Sumayya radiAllahu ta'ala anha and what her family would go through for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala? Abu Hudhaifah ibn al-Mughirah died either right before Islam or in the very beginning. He doesn't really play a role in the persecution, it seems like he doesn't really end up living long enough to play a role in the persecution and when Abu Hudhaifah ibn al-Mughirah passes away the family of Yasser is really at the mercy of the entire tribe. Okay, they're considered at that point Yasser, Sumayya and Ammar himself who's a grown man right he is at the age of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam as well so they are really considered at the mercy of this tribe. They are their servants, they are you know not people who have a voice or who have any type of say in regards to themselves or in the religion or any type of aspirations in life right. They are to basically serve that tribe, the tribe treats them well and they treat the tribe well. So they're in this very strange status. Now Abu Jahl of course wants to crush dissent and so Abu Jahl is someone who will persecute people publicly, who will beat people publicly, especially those that were enslaved and so it's not just with Sumayya radiAllahu anha and Yasser radiAllahu ta'ala anhum but you also see for example Abu Jahl beating a young slave girl by the name of Haritha for accepting Islam until she lost her sight until she literally became blind because of the severity of his beating. So he's known to
beat people, to persecute people for their becoming Muslims. Again who was the first person to attack the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam right? It was Abu Jahl that would that would lead the way for Hamza radiAllahu ta'ala anhu to accept Islam which we'll talk about. He's always the person that takes it to the next level in terms of his persecution and so Abu Jahl and by the way Abu Jahl is also a man of huge stature the size of Umar bin Khattab radiAllahu ta'ala anhum. All right Sumayya radiAllahu ta'ala anha is an old frail woman who has no status in society. An old frail black woman who is enslaved, who is from Abyssinia, who's not an Arab, who does not have anyone to defend her, anyone to advocate for her. Just think of the scene of this huge powerful man and this old frail woman and as far as dunyawi distinctions are concerned, worldly distinctions are concerned, Abu Jahl has everything to his favor to oppress and Sumayya radiAllahu anha has everything that would cause her to be amongst the oppressed right? She's an old frail woman that has lived her life in slavery that never saw any type of protection, that never saw any type of honor in this world and Abu Jahl is willing to do all sorts of dishonorable things in order to maintain his stature and the stature of his tribe. So at what point do they become Muslim? Mujahid radiAllahu ta'ala he says awwalu man adhahara al-islam bi makkah he said that the first to make their Islam known in Mecca were seven. He says the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam, Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, Bilal radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, Khabbab radiAllahu anhu, Suhaib radiAllahu ta'ala anhu and then you have Sumayya and her son Ammar
okay? So again the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam, Abu Bakr, Bilal, Khabbab, Suhaib, Sumayya and her son Ammar. Yasser would become Muslim after Ammar and his mother Sumayya. May Allah be pleased with them all. So he says that of these seven, the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam and Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, they were protected by their qawm, they were protected by their people. Now that doesn't mean that they were not tortured right? The Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam was not tortured at least at that point. Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala anhu was privately, as when we spoke about Abu Bakr radiAllahu anhu, privately tortured by his people but not in the public space and not to the degree that the others would be tortured. As for the other five right? These are the types of people who are ripe for torture. Who's going to defend them? Who's going to come to their aid? They're you know, they're not a people who have the protections of a tribe in Mecca. And so Mujahid radiAllahu ta'ala anhu says that these five were forced to wear male coats, you know, male coats, the you know, the metal armor in public under the hot sun and they were beaten under these metal coats under the hot sun and dehydrated. And so they were beaten under the hot sun, tortured and we know the famous story about Bilal radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, we know about the torture of Khabbab radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. All of them were tortured in the public space to make an example out of them. And the idea was we'll start with the severe torture of these people and then they'll start to move on to torture those in regards to their ranks, right? The point is is that this is to intimidate people to leave Islam. And subhanAllah what happens is that all of these people stayed upon Islam and all of them became amongst the nobles within Islam. So none of them were actually deterred
despite the type of torture that they would go through. So Abu Jahl he says, you know, he threatens his slaves and this was a woman that had come forth and she said to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, ashhadu annaka rasoolAllah wa ashhadu anna wa'daka alhaq. And this is beautiful that that's what's narrated that she said to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam when she embraced Islam that I bear witness that you are the messenger of Allah and that your promise is true. Because it's the true promise that would keep Sumayyah radiAllahu ta'ala anha going as she goes through all of these different trials and hardships. And as I go forward I want to also remind you that the others in this equation, all the others in this equation lived to see the glory days of Islam including Ammar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu her son. So Sumayyah radiAllahu anha is the only one out of these seven who would die as a result of the torture and who would not live to see any of the glory days of Islam. See the point where this turns. And she was particularly annoying to Abu Jahl because she was an old frail woman from Abyssinia, a slave, someone who never had any status in society but she seemed to be the most determined. And if you think about the scene of Bilal radiAllahu ta'ala anhu and the torture that he's going through Bilal radiAllahu ta'ala anhu is winning the battle right despite the physical humiliation of Bilal radiAllahu anhu the fact that he's still saying ahadun ahad is humiliation, one is humiliation to his master. And here in this situation the fact that Sumayyah radiAllahu ta'ala anha seemed to not be you know deterred by any type of torture really annoyed Abu Jahl who physically was just overwhelming to a person like Sumayyah radiAllahu ta'ala anha. So you see that she was the one in particular Abu Jahl experimented with torture on her. SubhanAllah I mean just think about that he
experimented with torture on this old frail woman because no one was going to come to her aid, no one would be able to come to her aid. So you find all types of torture with water, types of torture with the with the dir'a, with the male coats, with the you know with the dehydration, with the lashing and the whipping. You know Abu Jahl would would bury her to an extent into the ground, she would be kicked, she would be harmed in all types of ways. And the point was to break her spirit and you know the intention of Abu Jahl didn't seem to be to kill anybody it was that he would break their spirit, they would renounce their Islam in the public space and that would send a signal to everyone else. And every time Abu Jahl would torture her and she would respond with zikr and respond with remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and strength he would say to her I swear that you will curse Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam or you will die a horrible death right. So he wanted to get them to actually curse the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam. It was not just that they renounced their Islam, it's that they publicly cursed the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and Sumayyah radiyaAllahu anha would respond bu'san laka wa li alihatik, you know instead she would return the curse to him and to his gods right. Maintaining instead the honor of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam or the name of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam in honor as well as the name of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala her lord in honor right. No way I'm not going to curse them I will not say anything that's displeasing to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala or assign a dishonorable uh taunt towards the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam instead she responds not with silence right because he's beating her and torturing her and saying curse Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam but instead she curses him and curses his gods and Abu Jahl you know as I said Sumayyah radiyaAllahu anha is like the the asiya of this ummah. Abu Jahl is the
fir'aun of this ummah and you know you think about the the uh how repulsive his behavior is the way Allah azawajal describes fir'aun yudhabihuna abnaakum yastahiyuna nisaakum right what what fir'aun does to your sons and does to your women and here you have Abu Jahl humiliating this woman in public murdering of course as we see later on her husband and humiliating her in public the way that he was having absolutely no regard for her honor and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam could not do anything to support her in this regard nor to support her husband Yasir nor to support Ammar may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala be pleased with this family Allahumma ameen instead the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam could only walk past them and they were being tortured very publicly and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam could say sabran ya ahl yasir mawa'idukumul jannah be patient oh family of Yasir your mawa'id you have an appointment you have a place in jannah you have a place in paradise and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam would say Allah maghfir li ahl yasir oh Allah forgive the family of Yasir Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam you know is seeing these people subjected to the worst type of cruelty and he can't do anything about it they cannot you know some of someone might say why didn't Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu purchase them the way he purchased Bilal and Khabab purchased the freedom of Bilal and Khabab there was no such contract that that could be entertained because of the status the limbo that they were in right they're not they're not technically slaves and they are also not independent or free so they're in this strange vulnerable situation as a family and Abu Jahl does not want to see them freed Abu Jahl wants to prove a point right he is he is the dirtiest and that he wants to torture them to where he can put them
he can prove this point and so they have to walk by and just see the torture over and over and over again and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam says be patient oh family of Yasir your place is in paradise and it's telling that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam did not make them patient with anything but jannah right but paradise but the promise of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he did not say to them that you know Allah is going to do away with your oppressor he didn't say to them that something's going to change in regards to the worldly circumstances just that your place is in jannah right because the way that this was going to end was either death or renouncing Islam and they weren't going to do that right so this is this is a difficult thing for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam to bear as he walks past them every day and he sees them in this torture for so long and it's important to also think about when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam says that your promise is jannah your place is in jannah you have you have you have a a meeting with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in jannah that what comes after this torture is eternal bliss that this is what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam told the Ansar when they came to Medina when they came from Medina right and they take on the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam what are you promising us what are you going to give us in return for taking you in and putting ourselves in such a vulnerable place and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam says al-jannah he doesn't say to them that I'm going to promise you that one day your city Yathrib after it becomes Medina will be like this and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will honor you in such and such way the promise is jannah the promise is paradise and that should be enough that should be enough and that's what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam is giving to Sumayya radiallahu ta'ala anha and Yasir and Ammar that your place is in jannah your promise is paradise and as the Prophet
salallahu alayhi wasalam is walking by them and seeing them in this way I want you to imagine Sumayya radiallahu anha that had torture experimented on her dipped in all sorts of ways into different types of of water in containers into the sand tortured humiliated abused and she is the first shaheed the first martyr of this ummah and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said that on the day of judgment the person who had the worst type of a'adhab the worst type of punishment in this world ashadda al nasi bala'an awashadda al nasi a'adhaban fi dunya would be dipped in paradise one time yughmasu fin na'eem ghamsa would just be dipped one time in paradise and it would be said to that person have you ever seen a difficult day have you ever seen any type of sadness har ra'ayta bu'san qat ever any type of misery or sadness and that person would say never I've never seen sadness in my life I've never seen misery in my life subhanallah in my existence I've never seen anything sad I've never seen any hardship because of one dip in paradise imagine the first woman the first martyr right this woman Sumayya radiallahu anhu we're not just talking about a dip in jannah but the way that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala comforts this woman and the fact that you know this was not a woman that saw good days before islam right in the sense like this was not a woman that lived a life of ease before islam nor did she live to see the glory days of islam her life was a difficult life until she embraced islam and it only became even more difficult in islam right so when you talk about Khadija radiallahu anhu our mother who lived a good life right and then went through all sorts of harm suffered you know the difficulties that she suffered Khadija radiallahu anhu of course is higher than Sumayya radiallahu anhu in in that you know her status is uh is is at a different level but you know she had her good
days before islam Sumayya radiallahu anhu did not have good days before islam and that she never experienced any goodness of this world she did not experience uh the the wealth of this world she experienced hardship her entire existence yet she's the first of this ummah to transition into the realm of paradise right the first person to see the promise of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that the prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam was giving of paradise was this woman Sumayya radiallahu anhu right as she transitions from this life into the next and she precedes everyone to paradise from this ummah of the prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam being the first one to lose her life uh in that that process and so you know this is what the prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam is is saying to them sabran ya ala yasir mawa'idukumul jannah and as they're being tortured one of the the ways that this torture is taking place is that they're all seeing one another tortured okay so imagine the pain of Yasir seeing his wife tortured this way imagine the pain of Sumayya seeing her husband tortured this way imagine the pain of both of them seeing their son Ammar tortured this way and then Ammar radiallahu ta'ala anhum ajma'een witnessing his parents uh being tortured this way and that type of torture is not just physical but with Sumayya radiallahu ta'ala anha the more that Abu Jahl increased the torture the more she seemed to be increased in her uh in her perseverance and so as Jabir radiallahu anhu he says that they were they were killing her yaqtulunaha wa ta'ba ilal islam and she was refusing anything but islam anything Abu Jahl threw at her she threw it back at him right her words always had such a power to them despite despite her frailness despite her age despite her status it seemed like every type of torture
increased her in conviction now there's the pain of the prophet saw some seeing his followers being tortured not being able to do anything and under this type of torture um you know Ammar radiallahu ta'ala anhu would himself right he for a moment as he's being told to curse the prophet saw for a moment he buckled under that weakness to save his life and the prophet saw of course told him that he would be forgiven which we'll talk about right but Sumayya radiallahu ta'ala anha there's a there's a poem in kitab anashid Abi Mazani says Sumayya la tubali hina talqa athab an nukri yawman awtaleena wa ta'ba an turaddida ma aradu fa aashat fi idad as salihina you know Sumayya radiallahu ta'ala anha refuses to say anything that would displease Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the more that these people these enemies of Allah tortured her the more that you would see the fragrance the more that you would see the sweetness of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala her belief in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala coming through and she refuses to say what they tell her to say and and dwells in the in the ranks of the righteous so where do we get to the breaking point with Sumayya radiallahu ta'ala anha Abu Jahl goes even lower than he has already gone and you know Abu Jahl as he descends in his speech as he descends in the way that he tortures these people and he comes down to this level he's torturing Sumayya radiallahu ta'ala anha while she's tied to the trunk of a tree and being beaten and Yasir is in front of her her husband is in front of her being tortured as well and it seemed like Yasir was at the breaking point he
was about to die okay so as they're being tortured at this point now after an extended period of time Yasir radiallahu ta'ala anhu looks like he's about to die Sumayya radiallahu ta'ala anha is barely holding on to her life and Abu Jahl descends he goes to the extent of saying to her your husband is going to die first but that's probably what you want because you want to marry Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam right so he throws an insult at her that oh well you love the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so much so you're you're probably waiting for Yasir to die so that you could marry the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he said that she spits at him okay so she spits at him and she says to him akhzaq allah ya adu wallah may you be humiliated uh by by allah oh enemy of allah ayyuhal fahish al badi she she calls him a foul person what a vulgar and foul person you are and she says wallahi innaka ahwanu alayya minal ju'al you are smaller to me i swear by allah you are smaller to me than a beetle that i would step on in the ground so allah this old frail woman being tortured and she says that to abu jahl this huge oppressor this tyrant you are smaller in my sight than a than a beetle that would be on the ground may allah humiliate you when she says that back to him that's when abu jahl uh opens the door to the next phase of the persecution of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam's companions he takes a spear and he uh and he places it directly through the midsection of sumayya radiallahu ta'ala anhu and so this was the first murder of islam the first martyrdom of islam and yasser watches right he wouldn't live long after that he would die very shortly yasser watches this man this this uh this pharaoh this firoun take that spear and put it directly through the midsection of sumayya radiallahu ta'ala anhu
and and her shout uh you know her that murder uh really sent a a different type of message through mecca through the streets of mecca that things had gone to another level now and as he killed her in that way radiallahu ta'ala anhu you know i want you just again to think about what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentions about the martyr in particular that uh they see their place in jannah with the first strike this was a woman that never saw bliss in this world but with the first strike from abu jahl uh she sees her place in jannah she sees that promise of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and her soul ascends after the hardships of this world to be amongst the first uh to be the first uh martyr of this of this umma the first shaheed uh of this umma radiallahu ta'ala anha may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala have mercy on her and have mercy on her husband yasser the second martyr of islam radiallahu ta'ala anhu who passed away shortly after after seeing what he saw of his wife and and as she was as she was tortured in such a way umma radiallahu ta'ala anhu the pain of what he had seen uh in his parents the way that they were killed and also umma radiallahu ta'ala anhu knowing that he was spared because he said in that moment uh what abu jahl had commanded him to say and umma radiallahu ta'ala anhu was embarrassed to be around the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam after seeing umma radiallahu anhu hiding himself from him and and lowering his face from him the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to him what is it oh umma and umma radiallahu anhu tells the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that i cursed you that in the process of that of that torture i cursed you and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to him not only that he would be forgiven he said
in adu fa'ud he said if they do it to you again then do it again it's okay because it was from your tongue not from your heart this was something that you said in a moment of torture to save your life so if it's from your tongue and not from your heart in adu fa'ud and this is what uh some of the ulama say illa man ukriha qalbuhu mutmainun bil iman where allah subhanahu wa ta'ala talks about a person who's forced but their hearts are uh cemented contented with faith uh filled with iman tranquil you know tranquil and uh and full of certainty in allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so this is regarding ammar radiya allahu ta'ala who in those moments said uh what he said uh radiya allahu ta'ala and i want you to imagine you know ammar uh having to watch abu jahl walk around mecca without consequences for years after murdering his parents right and putting him through that how difficult is it for you to walk through the streets of mecca for you know and the murder of sumayya radiya allahu anha is around the fifth year after wahi so we're talking about another you know seven eight years walk watching the murderer of your parents walk free and proudly in the streets of mecca and not being able to do anything about it and that's where badr comes in right years later the days of badr come and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam knows right the pain that so that these people have faced from those that are coming from mecca now to further uh humiliate them and that's why bilal radiya allahu ta'ala murders uh or bilal i don't want to say murders bilal radiya allahu anhu kills in the process of badr right the one who tortured him who put him through all of that uh those difficulties when he sees umayya he can't hold himself right bilal radiya allahu anhu all the years of that torture
all the years of that pain he sees him and he and and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala uh gives him that revenge uh in this world uh abu jahl who had harmed so many people the fir'aun of this umma as we mentioned what he did to abdullah bin mas'ud radiya allahu ta'ala anhu and uh you know and the torture of abdullah bin mas'ud and abdullah bin mas'ud radiya allahu ta'ala anhu triumphing over abu jahl in badr in the battle of badr killing him in the battle of uh badr and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam i mean just the way that this happens uh the way that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam understood what these people had been through he goes to ammar radiya allahu ta'ala anhu on the day of badr and he says qatal allah qatil ummuk allah has killed the killer of your mother knowing that ammar radiya allahu ta'ala anhu was living with the pain of watching his his mother murdered for all of you know for all of those years watching his father murdered and the murderer walk free the pain of that right and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam says allah has killed not ibn mas'ud not the two young men that that that struck abu jah no allah has killed the killer of your mother and uh the one who who was the pharaoh of this umma the fir'on of this umma abu jahl humiliated by the same people that he used to humiliate in the battle of badr and ammar radiya allahu ta'ala anhu would be uh reunited with his mother 50 years later as he himself has martyred uh radiya allahu ta'ala anhu and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam also you know some of the some of the scholars mention you know that the the righteousness of ammar radiya allahu ta'ala anhu like this is something that he could have lived with from a place of guilt for his entire life but the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam mentioned that uh the army of of truth is the one that has ammar radiya allahu ta'ala anhu amongst them right so the army in which ammar radiya allahu ta'ala anhu is in uh the side that he's on is the right side right and ammar radiya allahu ta'ala anhu
would be killed um in in the fitna later on uh radiya allahu ta'ala anhu uh anhu uh may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala have mercy on all of them and so sumayya radiya allahu ta'ala anha being the first martyr of islam is significant and there are many lessons that we can learn and she is unique in that she did not live like bilal radiya allahu anhu to see badr or khabab radiya allahu ta'ala anhu to see later on she didn't live to see what these people saw of the glory of islam in this life but she did live well don't say about those that have been killed in the way of allah that they are dead rather they are alive dwelling with their lord she did live to see the glory of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's promise in paradise may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala be pleased with her and have mercy on her and of course you know the significance of the first martyr in islam being an old frail uh woman from abyssinia that was uh that was dealt with in this way which shows that the honor of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala does not know the distinctions of this world it does not know the distinctions of this world and so she is honored in every way by what allah azawajal has given to her may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala have mercy on her be pleased with her be pleased with yasser and ammar may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gather us with them with the prophets with the shuhada with the sidiqoon with the salihoon in the highest level of janatul firdaus allahumma ameen inshallah we will continue next week
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