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Life of the Prophet (seerah)

Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman (ra): The Secret Keeper | The Firsts

June 15, 2023Dr. Omar Suleiman

Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman (ra) was entrusted with the most sensitive of secrets due to the special sincerity he possessed. After the tragic death of his father, he lived as the trustee of this Ummah.

The Firsts is a weekly video series that chronicles the lives of the sahabah during and after the time of the Prophet ﷺ.

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As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Alhamdulillah, we now move on to a companion who is well known in the seerah and whose name is pretty popular amongst the Muslims. So I know we didn't have a Maimunah last time. Do we have Hudhayfahs here today? Where are all of our Hudhayfahs? Any Hudhayfahs? Any sisters named Hudhayfah? No? No Hudhayfahs? Alright, Valley Ranch is looking very weird guys, so no Maimunah, no Hudhayfah. But you all know a Hudhayfah, right? Alhamdulillah. Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, one of the most prominent companions of the Prophet ﷺ. And what I wanted to do is get back into the lives of the Ansar of the Prophet ﷺ. And subhanAllah, I was thinking about where to move to after we finished with Maimunah radiAllahu ta'ala anha. And want to get into some of the extended biographies of the Ansar that we have not yet covered. And this was the first person that came to my mind. Why? Because much of the emphasis over the last few weeks has been on the role that the hypocrites played within the seerah of the Prophet ﷺ. And the man that we're going to be talking about today is the furthest from an-nifaaq, the furthest from hypocrisy to the point that he's most famous for being sahibus sirr, the companion of the secret, the secret keeper. And what secret was he keeping? He was the one who the Prophet ﷺ entrusted with the names of the munafiqeen, the names of the hypocrites.
Imagine how far a person has to be from nifaaq that he walks amongst the people and he has been entrusted by the Prophet ﷺ with the names of the hypocrites themselves. So subhanAllah, you walk in Medina and one man other than the Prophet ﷺ, and then after the death of the Prophet ﷺ, knows all of the hypocrites by name. And of course the hypocrites felt an insecurity around him because they were afraid that one day he might expose them. But of course he stayed true to the secret that the Prophet ﷺ gave to him of those names and he maintained it. Fasahibus sirr is his nickname. The secret keeper of the Prophet ﷺ, Hudhayfa ibn al-Yaman radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. Now something very interesting about him, like Jabir ibn Abdullah radiAllahu anhu, his father is also a sahabi. His father is one of the few elderly people from Medina to embrace Islam and has a story that's cut short. And so we've talked about Amr ibn al-Jamuh radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, we talked about Abdullah ibn Haram, the father of Jabir, may Allah be pleased with them. His father is similar in that he's one of the few elders to embrace Islam from al-Medina and his name is al-Yaman. Now al-Yaman, we got the Yemenis in here, right? So al-Yaman means literally the Yemeni, right? But that's not his name and he's actually not Yemeni. So it's very interesting, even the name of his father radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. His name al-Yaman is a laqab, it's a nickname that has a very specific story behind it and a very interesting one. His name is actually Husayl or Hisl. Husayl is seen, Husayl ibn Jabir al-Absi. Husayl ibn Jabir al-Absi radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, al-Yamani.
And he's from Ghatafan most likely, so we don't actually know for sure what tribe he comes from. But the story of how he ends up in Medina is a very interesting one. Basically, when he was a young man, he got into a brawl. A bunch of youth got into a fight and he accidentally killed somebody in that brawl as a young man. So what he did was he basically fled and he ran until he ended up in al-Medina. And at that time it was called, of course, Yathrib. And he pledged his allegiance, he became a halif. He pledged his allegiance to Banu Abd al-Ashhal of al-Aws. Banu Abd al-Ashhal, which is a sub-tribe of al-Aws. Now the two main tribes of the Ansar are al-Aws and al-Khazraj, right? And al-Aws and al-Khazraj both come from where? Come on y'all, please, help me. Where did they come from originally? Yemen. Okay, both al-Aws and al-Khazraj are originally Yemeni in their origin. And so here, when he got to Medina, he immediately gave his allegiance to Banu Abd al-Ashhal. They took him in and he said, I will serve you. I'll do whatever I have to do and I'm loyal to you as a tribe. Will you take me in? And I have these certain skill sets. They called him al-Yemani because he pledged to the Yemeni tribe. Okay? A tribe that was known to be from Yemen, which is one of the two main tribes of the Ansar. And just a small portion of history. Just, I don't expect you all to remember this when we talked about As'ad and the Sa'ads and Usaid and the original Ansar. But this tribe of Banu Abd al-Ashhal is an important tribe in Islam. There's a narration from Aisha radiyaAllahu ta'ala anha. She said, ثلاثة من الأنصار لم يكن أحد يعتد عليهم فضله. There are three Ansar that no one can surpass in terms of virtue.
And she said, كلهم من بني عبد الأشهل. All three of them are from the same tribe of Banu Abd al-Ashhal. Sa'ad ibn Mu'adh radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. Usaid ibn Hudair radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. And Abbad ibn Bishr. Sa'ad ibn Mu'adh, who we spoke about radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. Usaid ibn Hudair radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, who we spoke about. And the last one is someone that we still have not spoken about. Abbad ibn Bishr radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. Shaykh Muhammad al-Shanawi, that's another shout out to him. So Maimunah is his daughter, Abbad is his first son. So Abu Abbad. Abbad is a beautiful companion who we'll probably cover within the next couple of months inshaAllah ta'ala. So these three are all from Banu Abd al-Ashhal. And this is basically the tribe Hudhaifah grows up around. Now, this gets even more interesting in the seerah. Because he wasn't really madani, and he was kind of free even though he was a halif. He swore his allegiance to Banu Abd al-Ashhal. He made his way around Medina and he actually became a pretty wealthy businessman. So he bought a house in Mecca, and he had a house in Yathrib. So Yaman radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, Husayn, the father of Hudhaifah, is basically a resident of both places. Mecca and Medina. And Hudhaifah radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu says, I actually was born in Mecca. So he's actually born in Mecca, but he grew up in Medina. So he would go between the two cities, and there aren't many people that you find in the seerah that had that common type of route constantly between Yathrib at the time before it was Medina, and Mecca. So he's in Medina. Hudhaifah radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu and his family are in Medina. And they didn't know the da'wah of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam in Mecca. So a lot of this is implied. What appears to be the case is that during the da'wah of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam in Mecca, they were entirely settled in Medina at that time. They're entirely settled in Yathrib at that time,
even if they had some things here or there between Mecca and Medina. And so they actually embraced Islam without seeing the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam himself give them da'wah. So who gets the credit for them embracing Islam? The first person the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam sent to Medina, Mus'ab ibn Umayr radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. So they embraced Islam along with Banu Abd al-Ash'had, believing in the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam without having seen him as a prophet of Allah. So they're very madani in that sense. They're very much so like the people of Medina in that sense. And Hudhayf radiyaAllahu anhu describes the excitement that they had to go see the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam in Mecca and to give him bay'ah, to give him allegiance. So they were amongst the participants of bay'at al-aqaba al-thaniya, the second pledge to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam in secrecy, in hajj, in Mecca, from the people of al-Medina, from the original batch of the Ansar. That went to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. So Hudhayf radiyaAllahu anhu is a young man. He and his parents and his siblings have all embraced Islam with the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. And they are waiting for the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam's arrival in al-Medina. And at that point they're completely settled in Medina. Now Hudhayf says, we were not badriyun. We didn't get the virtue of being from the people of Badr. Another twist in the story. You would think that he would be from the people of Badr because these are the first Ansar. So of course they'd rush to fight with the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, right? To be on his side in Badr. But another twist. He says that, I and my father were traveling back to Medina and our Islam was secret. And he said, Abu Jahl caught us. Now at this point now, this is around the time when the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam is escaping Mecca.
Abu Jahl and some of the people are monitoring the pathways between Mecca and Medina, right? And so they caught a few people, right? Obviously Ayyash radiAllahu anhu we spoke about, Ibn Abi Rabi' And so he said, we got caught by Abu Jahl, but he didn't know we were Muslim yet. So he came to us and he said, ila ayn, where are you going? So my father said, hajatun lana, it's business. We're on a business trip between Mecca and Medina. And he said, basically interrogating them, Abu Jahl said, maa ji'tum illa li tumiddu muhammadan salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. You're only going because you're going to support Muhammad salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, aren't you? He said, no, it's just a business trip. I have a place in Mecca, I have a place in Medina. It's not uncommon for me to travel between the two places. So basically after Abu Jahl interrogated them, he took on them, akhadhu alayhima mawthiqa. He took an oath from them that they would not support the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam against them. They would not come out with the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam against them. And so they took that oath. Now look at how honorable the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam is. This is subhanAllah so beautiful because it shows you how the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam does not relinquish his ethics no matter how vulnerable he is. Badr comes very shortly after the Hijrah. Right? The battle of Badr is about to take place. And so they went to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam and they said, Ya Rasulullah, we took this oath with Abu Jahl but we want to go out with you. What do we do? Do we honor the oath to a man subhanAllah who has done all sorts of horrible things to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam? What has the Firaon of this Ummah, Abu Jahl, not done to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam in this Ummah? Boycotted, tried to kill, in fact killed multiple companions. All of this. Who cares about your oath to Abu Jahl? Right? But the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam
says, Nafi bi-ahdikum, keep your oath, wa nasta'inu Allaha alayhim. And we'll seek Allah's help against them. So keep your oath and we'll seek Allah's help against them. SubhanAllah, the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam told them, it's honorable that you want to come, but it's more honorable that you honor your oath, even to a man like Abu Jahl. We're not a people who betray. This is a beautiful example in the history of Islam. And so you can imagine Hudaitha radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, the pain that he feels and his father, Al-Yaman radiAllahu anhu, waiting in Medina to hear the news of Badr until he says that we heard the beautiful news of the victory that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala had given to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam and to our companions that went out to support the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. So he's growing up amongst the likes of Sa'd ibn Mu'adh radiAllahu anhu and we know who Sa'd ibn Mu'adh is. He's growing up around Usaid, he's growing up around Abad, he's growing up around the best of the young companions around the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. And when the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam made mu'akha, it gets very interesting as well. When he paired off the muhajireen and the ansar, they actually are the only people that are given the choice. Do you want to be muhajireen or ansar? Because you're both makki and madani. So what do you want to be? Now obviously the easier route would have been to choose which one. What's the easier route? muhajireen. We don't have to spend on anybody, we don't have to host anybody. We'll be muhajireen, right? We'll just, we'll take that title. But they understood the reward in being hosts. So Hudaifah radiAllahu anhu said, qultu bal ana ansariyun ya rasoolAllah I am one of the ansar or messengers of Allah. And indeed that was more fitting to them because they were actually madani in their orientation and in the way that they had grown up. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala be pleased with them. So the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam accepted that they were from the ansar rather from the muhajireen
and RasoolAllah salAllahu alaihi wa sallam pairs him off with Ammar ibn Yasir radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. So Hudaifah radiAllahu anhu will host Ammar ibn Yasir in his home radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. And subhanAllah there's a profound bond that is shared between these two men. Hudaifah and Ammar. Why? Because Hudaifah is going to become the companion who the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam gives all the ahadith about the fitan. All the trials and tribulations to strike this ummah. And Ammar ibn Yasir radiAllahu anhu is at the center of the fitan to come. Right? His death in particular is the greatest prophecy of the fitan because the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam said about Ammar taqtuluhu al-fi'atu al-baghiya. The army that's in the wrong will kill Ammar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. And Hudaifah is the one radiAllahu anhu who memorizes all these ahadith about the fitan. And they live together and what a home of ibadah, a home of worship, a home of qiyam, a home of Quran, a home of two young men that used to come to the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam and to surround him in every single one of his mashahid, in every single one of his battles and every significant incident that we find in the seerah. Now Hudaifah radiAllahu anhu's siblings just very quickly, his siblings and his mother in fact, all become Muslim as well. So his mother is a woman by the name of Ar-Rabab bint Ka'ab, not related to Nusaybah, Ar-Rabab bint Ka'ab radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. And so she became Muslim and she died as sahabiya as well and she gave bay'ah to the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam, Ar-Rabab. He has a brother named Safwan radiAllahu anhu who is one of the people of Uhud and that's all we know about him. He has a sister named Khawla and what you'll notice about this family is that they were very poor. And Khawla radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, the only hadith we have from her, subhanAllah it shows you the simplicity of the companions, is that she came to the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam concerned because she owned only one garment.
And so she was worried that if some blood or something that she felt might be impure came on her garment that she would not, she said I pray in this garment, I use this garment for everything. It's one garment that I have. And the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam told her to wash it and it's okay. To wash the blood from it and it's okay. So that's the only hadith we have from her. The only hadith we have from another sister named Fatima, the sister of Hudhaifa, is that she says that a group of women went to visit the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam when he was passing away and we saw the sweat of the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam from his fever. And so we asked the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam لو دعوت الله فأذهب عنك هذا لو دعوت الله فأذهب عنك هذا If you would make dua and Allah would remove this sickness from you. Remember the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam his fever was so hot that Abdullah bin Mas'ud radiAllahu anhu said that touching his body would burn you. SubhanAllah that's how hot the fever of the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam got. And the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam said that I am tested twice as much because I have twice the reward. ذلك لأن لي أجرين So this is two of the rewards for suffering double the test. So we asked the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam يا رسول الله If only you would make dua to Allah to remove this sickness from you. And he responded salAllahu alaihi wa sallam إن أشد الناس بلاء الأنبياء ثم الذين يلونهم ثم الذين يلونهم That the people that are tested most in this life are the Prophets and those who follow them and those who follow them. So this is the family of Hudhayfa radiAllahu ta'ala anhu He on the other hand has over 300 narrations so multiple ahadith from him and obviously his suhbah with the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam, his companionship was special. And a side note of that, that this is not uncommon in the seerah, that one child becomes a very close companion of the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam and the others become average relative to the sahabah, the best generation of all time
which shows you that even then there were levels amongst them, there were levels amongst them and in the case of Hudhayfa radiAllahu ta'ala anhu that was his level with the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam Now there are many twists and turns in his story that continue so they missed Badr right because they took an oath with Abu Jahl of all people that they would not support the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam against him Now Uhud is a purely defensive battle. Badr the Muslims were trying to intercept caravans that had their stolen possessions right, so there is an offensive and defensive nature to it at the same time. Uhud is purely an aggression that's coming from the outside and they wanted to be with the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam to fight against the Meccans as they were coming now to Medina to murder the Muslims Now Yaman, Al-Yaman radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, the father of Hudhayfa radiAllahu anhu, at this point was too old to fight okay, so he is one of the elderly people of Al-Medina and he doesn't find or he finds an excuse from the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam where the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam tells him not to go out, that it's okay that stay home and basically you know, take care of yourself and Hudhayfa radiAllahu anhu narrates the story of Uhud and there is you know, a different vantage point for each one of these companions he says that my father and his friend who was a man by the name of Thabit Ibn Waqsh Thabit Ibn Waqsh so my father, Al-Yaman and Thabit Ibn Waqsh were two old men, they were friends and the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam gave them permission to stay back because of their being elderly and so they stayed with those that were left behind, right and he says that what ended up happening is that when the battle of Uhud started, subhanAllah listen to
the story, that my father said to Thabit they were obviously amongst women children and others that were not fighting in the battle of Uhud which is an expression that the Arabs have, like you know when they say may your mother lose you, you have no father, it's like what are we doing, like woe to you what are we doing here, so he said what are we waiting for he said the only time we have left in our lives anyway is what it would take to quench the thirst of a donkey, I know these translations are awkward I'm trying, but literally the point is that we're old and we're going to die anyway right, we're old and we're dying anyway, so he says why don't we just take our swords and go fight alongside the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa sallam we've got nothing to lose anyway we're dying anyway, we're elderly anyway, let's make the most out of whatever time Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has still given to us, and Allah might bless us with shahada we might be blessed with martyrdom it's better for us, instead of dying as elderly men in our beds let's go to Uhud, and if we die as shuhada, alhamdulillah, we're good with that right, so basically both Thabit and Al-Yaman this part being prompted, don't go out, right, by their families, they put on their armor and they went out to Uhud, now subhanAllah look how interesting this is, they got to Uhud after the battle had already been raging, so it was in the intensity of the battle, they didn't get there before the battle even started, they got there and the battle had already begun, maybe you see where the story is going, all right they're fully covered because, and the narration even says, they used to cover
their faces with armor, right, and they jump into the battle coming from the direction of Medina, as the battle is raging on, now obviously the core strategy of Khalid ibn al-Walid radiyallahu anhu at that time fighting against the Muslims was to attack from behind, so the Muslims are getting attacked from behind and from in front, right, so unfortunately there's confusion here, who are these two men that suddenly jump into the battle from this side, as for Thabit ibn Waqsh, he was quickly killed by one of the mushrikeen, Hudhayfa radiyallahu ta'ala anhu, and subhanAllah you recognize your father even though he's fully armored, Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu sees his father from a distance enter into the battlefield, and he sees that the Muslims turn towards him and they think that he's one of the enemy, Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu says that I started to scream as loud as I could, Abi, Abi, Abi, Ya Ibadallah, Abi, Ya Qawm, Abi, my father, my father, that's my dad, that's my father, and he said that they couldn't hear me through the swords and through the commotion of the battle, and by the time I got there, the Muslims had accidentally killed him, so Al-Yaman, this is a very complicated story, Al-Yaman radiyallahu anhu was basically killed by friendly fire by accident, right, by the time they got there, and again it was logical for them to assume that it was an enemy that had come from behind, Hudhayfa was in a lot of pain, right, because he was screaming, Abi, Abi, that's my dad, Ya Ibadallah, don't do it, but obviously this is battle, so he said by the time I got there, they had accidentally killed him, and they started to apologize and they started to say, Wallahi ma'arafnaahu, we swear by Allah, we didn't know who he was, we thought he was one of the enemies, and they wept, right, this is a very emotional
moment, Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu knows that what they did was not intentional, and it was intense in that moment, so he immediately said, He said the words of Yusuf alayhi salam, may Allah forgive you, and he is the most forgiving, the most merciful of those who show mercy. Now the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam saw this, immediate forgiveness, which is a sign of Iman, it's a sign of faith that Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu has, he immediately forgave them, and he said, you know, Subhanallah, my father wanted Shahada, Allah azawajal granted him Shahada, Yaghfirallahu lakum, Yaghfirallahu lakum, and actually the narration suggests he kept on saying Yaghfirallahu lakum, may Allah forgive you, may Allah forgive you, I can't hold this against you, I understand why you thought he was from the enemy at that moment, and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam saw that and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam was so moved by Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu's Iman, by his faith, by the way that he responded to that situation, that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam paid him a Diya, basically a compensation from Baytul Mal, because who are you going to, who was in the wrong here, the Muslims, this wasn't like a personal dispute, this was the Muslims that accidentally harmed one of their own, so who's in the wrong here, so the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam gave him a personal compensation of a hundred camels, a hundred camels by the way is enough to retire, at that time, I mean this is the equivalent of becoming a millionaire overnight, right, and Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam wanted to show Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu that love, because this is a very unfortunate incident, very unique to the other sufferings that the Muslims have had, Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu took all one hundred camels, and he distributed it to the poor amongst the Muslims, all one hundred camels, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam, he saw, it increased the respect, the honour
that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam had for Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu, for him to turn around and do that with no pressure whatsoever, is a sign of the nobility of Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu, and he said, my father wanted shahada and Allah gifted him shahada, as for those brothers, may Allah forgive them, and actually one of the narrators is Aisha radiyallahu anhu, and Urwa, I don't want to test you all, but the main narrator of Aisha is the nephew of Aisha, Urwa ibn Zubair, Urwa, he narrates about this, because this is not something that just goes away, right, it's not like pain that suddenly disappears, this is a pain that's going to stay with you for a very long time, he says, Fawallahi maazalat fee Hudhayfata baqiyatu khayrin hatta lahiqa billah, which basically means that Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu, maintained that goodness and continued to ask Allah, this is the explanation of al-Muhaddithin, he continued to ask Allah to forgive those companions until he met Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala, he would continue to ask Allah to forgive them for the mistake that they had made until he met his father once again as he met his maker and returned to him. This all shows you that there's a reason why Allah azawajal will trust Hudhayfa radiyallahu ta'ala anhu, the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam will trust Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu in a very unique way, this is clearly a person of amanah, this is clearly a person of iman, this is a person of faith, this is a person of trust, this is a person of sincerity, he's not utilizing any situation, he's demonstrating the highest of ethics, the highest of characteristics, the highest of qualities and so this is where the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam will treat him differently from all of the other sahaba, all of the other companions and that's where he becomes sahibus sirr, the secret keeper of the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam. Imagine being a person, the one man who the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam entrusts with a list and he does not give that to any single other human being.
As much as the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam loved Abu Bakr radiyallahu anhu and loved Umar radiyallahu anhu and Uthman and Ali radiyallahu anhuma, Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu is the one man who the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam gave that list of the hypocrites to. So there are multiple narrations in this regard, one of them that the sahaba used to ask the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam, they used to ask Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu and the tabi'een, what is nifaq, what is hypocrisy, faqala anta takallama bil islami wala ta'mal bihi, the simplest bare minimum, may Allah protect us, that you speak of Islam but you don't do anything with it, you don't act in accordance with it, lima taqooloona ma la taf'aloon, why do you say that which you don't do, pushing the companions, pushing the tabi'een to live up to their best selves. And Hudhayfa radiyallahu anhu was one of the strictest people and there is another thing that makes him safe from hypocrisy in one way. He says radiyallahu ta'ala anhu, this is the most famous narration of Hudhayfa, kaana nasu yas'aloona rasoolallahi sallallahu alaihi wasallam a'ani alkhayr, which shows you the psychology even of the companions. People used to ask the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam about the good things. Everyone wanted jannah, everyone wanted to hear about the great things, right? And that's why there's a jannah series, it's okay, it's psychology, right? We did a jahannam webinar too by the way if any of you missed it. But even the sahaba, most people want to hear about jannah, they want to talk about jannah, they want to hear about the good things. Qala wa kuntu as'aluhu anash sharr, as for me, I used to ask the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam about the evil, I'd ask the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam about the bad things. And he says makhaafata an yudrikani, out of fear that it would strike me or that I would be afflicted with it. So this has two meanings as the ulama mention, because in one narration, an aqa'u bihi, for me to fall into it, that one of them is that he would ask the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam about the bad times ahead.
Most of the sahaba wanted to hear about the good times ahead, the victories that were ahead. I would ask the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam about al-fitn, about the tough times ahead so I could navigate them properly. The second one is about the punishment of the hereafter. And truly, subhanallah, the cure for nifaq is dhikr al-naar. The cure for hypocrisy is remembering hellfire. Truly, subhanallah, there are multiple means, obviously, you know, secret, private, good deeds and things of that sort. But there is no doubt that the sahaba that were furthest, and all of them are of the highest level, furthest from, I can't even say that, the sahaba that used to talk about how much they feared hellfire, used to also talk about how much they feared hypocrisy and you can find a correlation there. Umar ibn al-Khattab was one who talked about hellfire as if he was going to be a resident of hellfire. He feared nifaq, feared hypocrisy, and that was a quality of his sincerity, and all of the sahaba are honoured and we consider them to be from the sincere in this regard. But Hudhayfa stands out here. He says, look, people used to ask the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam some good things, I'd ask him bad things. And it's a long narration, but he says, O Messenger of Allah, in the days of ignorance we were in the worst situation, and Allah brought to us through you all of this goodness, all of this light, all of this clarity, so is there harm after this good? And the narration goes on to have some of the signs of al-fitn, the tribulations that will come after him. And he was asked shallallahu alaihi wasallam, what is the worst fitna? What is the worst fitna? Qala an yu'rada alayka al-khair wa al-shar, wa la tadri ayyuhuma tatruk. That good and evil are both presented to you and you're so confused that you don't know which one to leave off.
When fitna involves the element of deception, not just trial and test, when you don't know who's right and who's wrong, when you can't decipher anymore through the deception, that's the scariest type of fitna. May Allah protect us and spare us from falling into it, Allahumma ameen. So he feared that so much, radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, and he used to be known amongst the companions as sort of a straight shooter and someone who had that disposition, right? Someone who had a disposition where he was very serious. So companions had different personalities, you can see in all of Hudaifah's interactions with the tabi'een especially, he had a very serious disposition, radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. In one narration he says, wallahi inni laa'alamun nasi bi kulli fitnatin hiya ka'inatun fima bayni wa bayna sa'a. It's a powerful narration. He said, I swear by Allah that I'm the most knowledgeable of the people in regards to all of the fitna that will happen between me and the day of judgement. And he said in another narration, qama feena rasoolAllahi salallahu alayhi wa sallam wa maqaman fahaddathana bima huwa ka'inun ila qiyamis sa'a fa hafidahu man hafidahu wa nasiahu man nasiahu. Imagine this, subhanAllah. He said the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up amongst us and he just went on and on about all of the tribulations to happen between his time, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, until the day of judgement. And he said, so those who memorised it, memorised it, and those who forgot, forgot. And Hudaifah radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu was the one who memorised the most. And so, the things that are happening right now, how much of that was implied in what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was sharing with him, radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, out of trust for him, so that he could help guide the ummah through its tribulation. The main thing that you find from him, the main fitna that Hudaifah radiyaAllahu anhu speaks about often, is raf'ul amana, when you can't trust people anymore, when the trust is gone.
And so you read in al-Bukhari, baab raf'ul amana, the chapter on the lifting of trust, and Hudaifah radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu says, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam narrated to us two things, one of which I have seen happening with my own eyes, the other one I'm waiting for. He narrated to us that amana was preserved, trustworthiness was preserved in the roots of the hearts of men, and then they learnt it through the Qur'an. They learnt that amana through the Qur'an, and then they learnt it from the sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. And then the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam told us about its alleviation, or when Allah azawajal will take it away from us. And he said, a person will go to sleep whereupon amana will be taken from their heart, and only its trace will remain resembling the traces of fire. And this is where you start to find, by the way, amana and iman going hand in hand. Iman and amana have the same root, right, faith and trust. The trust, right, is there. So he goes on to say that at that point there will come a time when people deal in business with each other, and you will not be able to find a trustworthy person amongst them. To the point that it would say, inna fee bani fulan rajulan amina, go to that place, all the way over there, and you'll find a trustworthy person. So amana is lost, and that's a sign of the loss of iman, a sign of the loss of faith amongst the people as well, which shows you that religion is deeply embedded in how we deal with one another, right. And he goes on to speak about, at that point, a person will be admired for his intelligence, for his appearance, for his strength, but he will not have iman in his heart equal to a mustard seed. So people will admire the intelligent person, the person of appearance, the person of strength, but the person has no iman and people will speak highly of him, right.
So he's saying that this is the lower standard that comes amongst the people at that point, the loss of trust. And you know, he goes on to say, there will come a time when, there was a time where I didn't mind dealing with any of you, because if he was a Muslim, his religion would prevent him from cheating, and if he was not a Muslim, then the ruler would prevent him from cheating, meaning good governance, okay. But today he said, I can't deal with except for this person and this person and this person, like truly, amana becomes lost amongst the people. So he hated that loss of trust, and he is the most trustworthy, or of the most trusted of the companions of the Prophet ﷺ. Now he also narrates, Hudaifah radiyaAllahu anhu also had this close relationship with the Prophet ﷺ, where he used to pray with the Prophet ﷺ often. So he says, كان نبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا حزبه أمر صلى Beautiful hadith. He says that the Prophet ﷺ, when he was distressed by anything, he immediately went to salah. And he narrates some of the qiyam of the Prophet ﷺ, قال صليت مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فما مرت به آية رحمة إلا وقف عندها يسأل ولا آية عذاب إلا تعوذ منها It's an authentic hadith, he said that I once prayed with the Prophet ﷺ, and he did not come across a single ayah of rahmah, of mercy, except that he stopped and he asked Allah for that mercy. He did not come across a single ayah which spoke of punishment, except that he stopped ﷺ and he sought Allah's refuge from that punishment. So he was with the Prophet ﷺ in his qiyam as well, and he's one of those who could not handle the length of the qiyam of the Prophet ﷺ. So as sincere of a man as he was, no one, no one could stand with the Prophet ﷺ in qiyam for the entire night. Because the Prophet ﷺ could stand the entire night and be on one ayah, right? And people would just, even Ibn Mas'ud رضي الله تعالى عنه, who loved the Qur'an,
they couldn't stand with the Prophet ﷺ throughout the entire night, even though they loved the Qur'an and they loved praying with the Prophet ﷺ. Finally he narrates, and this is profound because when he would narrate the hadith about the fitn, about the trials and tribulations to come, he also narrates this hopeful hadith of the Prophet ﷺ's hawd, the Prophet ﷺ's fountain. And he said that, I heard the Prophet ﷺ say to us, إِنَّ حَوْضِ لَأَبْعَدُ مِنْ أَيْلَهِ مِنْ عَدْنِ That verily my hawd is bigger than the space between Ayla, Jerusalem, and Adn, in Yemen. وَالَّذِي نَفْسِ بِيَدِهِ إِنِّي لَأَذُوذُ عَنْهُ الْرِجَالِ كَمَا يَذُوذُ الْرَجُلُ الْإِبِلِ الْغَرِيبَ عَنْ حَوْضِهِ He said that, I will be driving some people away from it, the way that a man drives some camels away from it. And they said, يا رسول الله, would you recognize us? And the Prophet ﷺ said that, I would recognize you by your wudu. And he said that the wudu would come on your faces, and on your hands, and your feet, and all of you would have this mark. So this is a hadith from Hudhayfah, رضي الله عنه, which was the hope of the Ansar, that after this is all said and done, we get to be back with our Prophet ﷺ. So the Prophet ﷺ passes away. So what's Hudhayfah, رضي الله عنه, like after the death of the Prophet ﷺ? SubhanAllah, this relationship between him and Umar, رضي الله عنه, is a powerful one. Umar bin Khattab, رضي الله عنه, was the Khalifa, and he used to watch to see if Hudhayfah, رضي الله عنه, was praying janazah on somebody. And if he didn't see Hudhayfah, رضي الله عنه, go pray janazah on someone, then Umar, رضي الله عنه, appointed someone else to pray the janazah. Why? Because he assumed that it must be one of the munafiqeen. I'm not about to pray janazah on a hypocrite, okay, subhanAllah. He would let the janazah be performed, but he looks around, he looks in the masjid, is Hudhayfah there? Hudhayfah's not there? Someone else lead the salah.
And of course, Umar, رضي الله عنه, had a particular distaste for the hypocrites as well, and he was the one that was trying to prevent the Prophet ﷺ from praying upon Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Salul as well. But here's what makes this even more powerful. Umar, رضي الله عنه, drove Hudhayfah, رضي الله عنه, crazy with what question? يَا حُذَيْفَةَ أَأَنَا مِنَ الْمُنَافِقِينَ يَا حُذَيْفَةَ أَأَنَا مِنَ الْمُنَافِقِينَ يَا حُذَيْفَةَ أَأَنَا مِنَ الْمُنَافِقِينَ Hudhayfah, am I one of them? Hudhayfah, did the Prophet ﷺ mention me amongst them? Am I on that list, O Hudhayfah? How many times did the Prophet ﷺ give Umar, رضي الله عنه, the bushra of Jannah, the glad tidings of Paradise? And he's still, أَأَنَا مِنَ الْمُنَافِقِينَ So finally Hudhayfah, رضي الله عنه, said to him, No, وَلَا أُزَكِّيْ أَحَدًا بَعْدَكَ But don't ask me about anyone else. Like خلاص, you got your answer, and I'm negating, you're not on the list, okay? You move on with your life. You're not a hypocrite. But don't ask me about anyone else. Now Umar, رضي الله عنه, got one name out of him, which was himself. And Umar, رضي الله عنه, said, طيب, my عُمَّال, all of the people that I've appointed as heads of state, as governors and leaders, and he used عُمَّال which is the largest umbrella. So anyone I've appointed under my خلافة, my administration, any of them hypocrites? Hudhayfah, رضي الله عنه, said, I told you, لَا أُزَكِّيْ بَعْدَكَ I'm not going to say anyone's name after you. Umar, رضي الله عنه, said, Hudhayfah, look, this is خلافة, the implications are large, the أمانة, I need to know. Any one of them, hypocrites. So Hudhayfah, رضي الله عنه, said, only one. Umar, رضي الله عنه, said, who? And he wouldn't give him the answer. So he said, look, it's a secret of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, I can't tell you.
Then Hudhayfah, رضي الله عنه, was narrating this, he said, after Umar got frustrated with me and he wouldn't get the answer, he said, سبحان الله, it was as if Allah opened Umar, رضي الله عنه,'s heart to the truth because he dismissed that one person. And I thought to myself, it's as if, and this is of course, محدث, like Umar, رضي الله عنه, has spoken to, he's guided towards the truth. It's as if Umar, رضي الله عنه, went home and like prayed on it at night and he was just naturally guided to who the hypocrite that he had appointed amongst his administration was, and he dismissed him. Which shows you, سبحان الله, that, look, the success of these people was not something that was just worldly, right? It wasn't just like Umar, رضي الله عنه,'s brilliance. At the end of the day, it was their تقوى. It was their piety and the blessing that came from Allah, سبحانه وتعالى. Imagine, only one hypocrite and Umar, رضي الله عنه, got rid of him by divine intuition, by the aid of Allah, سبحانه وتعالى, towards him. Now, Umar, رضي الله عنه, used to love Hudhaifah, رضي الله عنه, and he used to trust him because he knew his position with the Prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم. And the thing Umar, رضي الله عنه, feared most, which was hypocrisy, was what Hudhaifah, رضي الله عنه, was declared to be free from. Right? So, of course, he's going to keep him close to him in many different situations. And Umar, رضي الله عنه, was also very afraid of the fitna, of trials and tribulations, and specifically him being on the wrong side of any type of fitna that would happen amongst the Muslims. So, Hudhaifah, رضي الله عنه, says, كنا عند عمر فقال أيكم سمع رسول الله, صلى الله عليه وسلم يذكر الفتن? Who amongst you heard the Prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم, talking about fitna? So, a bunch of people said, we heard the Prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم, talking about fitna. So, Umar, رضي الله عنه, said لعنكم تعنون فتنة الرجل في أهله وجاره? Maybe you're talking about the fitna that comes through, you know, a person's family or their neighbor.
Is that what you're talking about? So, they said yes, like your fitna is in your life, right? You're tested through what Allah, عز و جل, has blessed you with. So, they said yes. And Umar, رضي الله عنه, responded تلك تكفرها الصلاة والصيام والصدقة. That type of fitna, prayer, fasting, and charity, will do away with that type of fitna. He says, ولكن أيكم سمع النبي, صلى الله عليه وسلم, يذكر الفتن التي تموج موج البحر؟ He says, ولكن أيكم سمع النبي, صلى الله عليه وسلم, يذكر الفتن التي تموج موج البحر؟ He said, who amongst you heard the Prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم, talking about the fitna that strikes the community like waves, one after the other? So, حذيفة, رضي الله عنه, said أسكت القوم. Everyone was quiet. So, I knew Umar, رضي الله عنه, was trying to get me to talk. So, I said أنا يا أمير المؤمنين. I heard the Prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم, talking about this. قال أنت لله أبوك, which basically means your father was also a blessed man. He praised the father, اليمام, رضي الله عنه. So, he said حدثنا عن الفتن. Tell us about the fitna. So, حذيفة, رضي الله عنه, goes on to say سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول يُعْرَضُ الْفِتَنُ عَلَى الْقُلُوبِ كَالْحَصِيرِ عُودًا عُودًا فَأَيُّ قَلْبٍ أُشْرِبَهَا نُكِّتَ فِيهِ نُكْتَةٌ سَوْدًا وَأَيُّ قَلْبٍ أَنْكَرَهَا نُكِّتَ فِيهِ نُكْتَةٌ بَيْضًا That the fitna would be exposed to the people, like waves upon waves. And like the Prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم, is mentioning, like the way that a mat is woven stick by stick. And he said, so whatever heart absorbs it, will have a dark spot placed in every place that it absorbs it. And whatever heart pushes it away, will be purified, will be bright in that space. Until Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى basically makes it like two hearts. You have the bright heart, which is like a white stone that would shine no matter what comes on it.
Turmoil will go on it, and it will endure whatever the heavens and the earth present it with. And I'm paraphrasing obviously in the Prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم, mentioned. Or a dark heart that is like an upside down vessel. And basically everything from the earth that comes on it will cover it. And it will be completely covered in that fitna. So when Hudhayfah رضي الله تعالى عنه said that, Umar رضي الله تعالى عنه asked Hudhayfah رضي الله تعالى عنه about what's next. And Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه said, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, that بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَهَا بَابًا مُغْلَقًا He said, why are you asking O Amirul Mu'mineen? Because the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم has indicated, or don't worry about it O Amirul Mu'mineen. Because between you and this type of fitna, there's a door, a shut door. This is one of the most profound conversations in Islamic history. Between you and the fitna, O Umar I know what you're worried about. There's a door. Umar رضي الله عنه says, يُفْتَحْ أَمْ يُكْسَرْ Is that door going to be opened? Or is that door going to be broken? So Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه said, بَلْ يُكْسَرْ Rather it will be broken. And Umar رضي الله عنه left the gathering. Who is the door? Umar is the door. So Umar رضي الله عنه knows he's the door. I mean this is the way that these companions understood each other. Subhanallah, the way that Allah عز و جل was allowing them to understand each other in this situation. Umar رضي الله عنه knows that he is the door between the fitna. And يُكْسَرْ means will I be killed or will I die a natural death? يُفْتَحْ means that I'll die a natural death. يُكْسَرْ means someone will kill me. So Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه is telling Umar رضي الله عنه, بَلْ يُكْسَرْ Rather you will be killed. Subhanallah and that's exactly what happened to Umar رضي الله عنه. And indeed the fitna started after the assassination of Umar رضي الله عنه.
The golden age under Umar من الخطاب رضي الله عنه. So Umar رضي الله عنه appointed Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه in the armies. He was amongst those that led some of the armies that opened much of what is modern day Iraq and Iran. So Nahawand, Array which is Tehran, the major city in Iran. These were actually opened under Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه. And Umar رضي الله عنه sent him to Madain temporarily as a governor. Now actually I had to do a little bit of research on this. Salman الفارس رضي الله عنه was the governor of Madain. And this is what we read in his seerah. And what appears to be the case is that Umar رضي الله عنه initially put Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه for a short time and then Salman رضي الله عنه assumed the post of Madain. Madain is basically on the outskirts of Baghdad. It was the main city. It was the palace of Kisra. So it's the center city of the Persian empire. And initially Umar رضي الله عنه sent Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه in charge of it. And of course this was common in the time of Umar رضي الله عنه that posts were moved and people were moved from different places in this regard. So Umar رضي الله عنه sends Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه to Madain. And he sends him with a document to read out to the people. And the document says, اسمعوا له وأطيعوا وأعطوه ما سألكم That listen to what he has to say. Obey him and give him what he asks of you. So Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه is the person who's being sent in charge initially after Madain comes under Muslim rule. This is the center of the Persian empire. And they have just been under the most pompous ruler of the day, Kisra خسره Who wore more wealth than the Muslims had ever seen in their lives.
And his palace is the biggest palace in the world at the time. And now they're all awaiting their new leader to come. So Talha رضي الله عنه says, قدم حذيفة المداء على حمار Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه came in on a donkey. سادل رجليه The donkey was so small his legs were hanging off of the donkey. And he says, وبيده عرق ورغيف Now عرق ورغيف would basically mean he had a loaf of bread and some condiment for the loaf of bread. Like he's got a bag of his lunch for the day. And he's also wearing clothes that are patched. This is a very unfamiliar sight to them. Like what in the world is happening here? And this shows you by the way subhanAllah It's like when Umar رضي الله عنه entered into Jerusalem. Who are you people? Why are you not like pompous? Right? What's going on here? So Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه had patches on his clothes. He had his donkey. His legs are hanging off the sides. He's got his lunch for the day which is some bread and some vinegar or something like that. And they're looking at him like you're the new governor of Medan. You're assuming the area of Kisra. So Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه said yes. So they said, Okay, what's your ahad from Amirul Mu'mineen? What's the covenant that came to you from the commander of the believers? So Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه reads to them the ahad, the note from Umar رضي الله عنه. So they say to him and obviously they want to get on his good side because these people are used to oppressive rulers. So they don't want to get on the bad side of the new governor. So they say to him, Ask us anything you want. Because the end of Umar رضي الله عنه, his letter with Hudhayfah was, Give him whatever he asks you. So they said, So he said, To be honest with you, He said, I just want some food for myself and some fodder for my donkey. He said, That's it? He said, That's it. The only thing I ask of you is that I can survive.
I can eat amongst you. And my donkey can survive as well. And he didn't have any camels or any horses with him. And they were shocked. So Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه stays with them for some time. With his donkey. And he is the governor of Medan for a short time. And then Umar رضي الله عنه sends a letter and tells him, Come back to Medina. I want to see you. So it's as if Umar رضي الله عنه was testing him. So when he comes back to Umar رضي الله عنه, Umar رضي الله عنه went on the outskirts of Medina, Waiting in anticipation to see Hudhayfah. Right? So he's kind of like على الطريق. He's waiting for him, looking for him. So when Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه comes, When Umar رضي الله عنه saw him come back in the same clothes, And on the same donkey, He hugged Hudhayfah and he said, You're my brother and I'm your brother. أنت أخي وأنا أخوك Like, I love this man. SubhanAllah. He just went to the treasure trove of the Persian Empire. And he came back in the same clothes and on the same donkey. Like, that is what I expected of you, oh Hudhayfah. أنت أخي وأنا أخوك You're my brother and I'm your brother. SubhanAllah. رضي الله عنهم أجمعين So Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه settled in Iraq in his old age. And very interestingly enough, He used to go to Kufa every Jumu'ah, every Friday. So he would spend the week in Madain, And then he would go to Kufa every single Friday, Which was not a small journey. And he would teach the young people of the Ummah. He was a Muhaddith رضي الله عنه. He was a Murabbi. He was a person of Tarbiyah who mentored and who guided many of the Muslims. رضي الله عنه Now I'm running out of time, So I'm going to go through these a little bit quicker in this regard. But one of the things that you realize when you read the narrations of Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه Is there's usually a story behind them.
So for example, he saw a young man who was known to pass gossip. Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه Threw some pebbles at him in the Masjid. Told him, come here. And he said, I heard the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم say, لا يدخل الجنة نمام A nammam will not enter Paradise. A slanderer will not enter Paradise. So this actually comes from that. Like the uncle Sahabi in the Masjid رضي الله عنه And I say that with love, subhanAllah, Like the senior Murabbi, like get over here. Look, you're going around passing rumors about people. So imagine what Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه Would say about your WhatsApp and your social media. Like, settle down. لا يدخل الجنة نمام لا يدخل الجنة نمام You don't want to not go to Paradise, right? A person who does this type of behavior is not going to enter into Jannah. In another narration, He saw a man who was praying, A young man who was praying. And the narration says, رأى رجلا يصلي فطفف What does طفف mean? ويل للمطففين I don't want to go too much into detail with this, But المطففين are people that They cheat on the weight, right? It's really 0.9, but they tell you it's 0.8. They always underestimate. They're cheating with the weights. So what the Sahaba called A person who prays too fast, Okay? Is they are doing, They're basically مطففين with their Salah. You're cheating with your prayer. And what did that usually refer to? That a person, As the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم saw that man and said, Get up and pray, you haven't prayed. What was it? That he wasn't settling in every position. So if you're not settling in every position, There has to be a bare minimum Of getting up from your ruku' Standing, let your bones settle, Ruku' settle, sujood settle, Between the two sajdahs settle.
There has to be a level of tranquility that's achieved In your posture. So حذيف رضي الله عنه saw this man Come in, prayed like this, حذيف رضي الله عنه called him over, And he said to him, منذ كم تصلي هذه الصلاة? How long have you been praying like this? قال منذ أربعين عامة Forty years. قال ما صليت منذ أربعين عامة You haven't prayed for forty years. سبحان الله, I mean it's demoralizing, right? And he says, ولو متى وأنت تصلي هذه الصلاة لمت على غير فطرة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم If you would have died and this was your salah, You would have died not on the way of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. This is serious by the way, a message especially To all of us in our salah. Do not cheat with your salah. And then حذيف رضي الله عنه says to him, After he taught him how to pray again, He said to him, إِنَّ الرَّجُلَ لَيُخَفِّفُ وَيُتِمُّ وَيُحْسَنُ He said, look, it's possible for you to pray A light salah, a short salah, and still Pray it right. But you have to have at the bare minimum Settle in every position of your salah. Do not pray like a rooster as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم used to say. I'll go now towards Subhanallah, his death because of the Timing that we have. There are multiple narrations of this. Because he lived long enough, People would try to go to Salman رضي الله عنه, who was very close to him in Madain. And they'd say something to Salman, Then they'd go to حذيفة and say something to حذيفة. And go to حذيفة and say, Salman said this, And go to Salman and say, حذيفة said this. So this was also something that he realized And recognized at his time. And the sahaba had to, playing that senior Role amongst their generations, Had to make sure to guide The people in that regard. Now حذيفة رضي الله تعالى عنه Would live just Until The death of عثمان رضي الله تعالى عنه. Which is really Subhanallah amazing because the du'a That we learn is توفني إليك غير مفتون إذا أردت بالناس فتنة
As the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم taught us to say That if you, O Allah Have decreed a fitna That perhaps we will not be able to handle توفني إليك Then let me die غير مفتون Without being tested in this fitna And I ask Allah for that for all of us اللهم آمين That as the world becomes as crazy as it becomes We don't ask لا تتمنى الموت Don't ask for death But a person can say that, O Allah As long as life is good for me, let me live And if you know that death is better for me Then let death come to me إذا أردت بالناس فتنة If fitna is going to become so overwhelming So حذيفة رضي الله عنه used to make this du'a And Allah عز و جل would grant him death Right at the time of the assassination Of Uthman رضي الله عنه He lived only a few days after He just got sick After Uthman رضي الله عنه was assassinated Even though Uthman رضي الله عنه was assassinated in Medina And this fitna was about to spread To the Muslim world He's in Iraq He dies a natural death Right after Sayyiduna Uthman رضي الله تعالى عنه And It's the year 1863 And there's even beauty in his death in this regard حذيفة رضي الله عنه Was so poor That he says to Some of the young people around him قالت تعالى كفن I want you to go purchase a kafn for me So they thought صحابي جليل A noble companion So they brought back a hulla ثمنها ثلاثمائة Like a garment that's worth 300 dirhams This is an expensive garment And listen to what he says So take this back اشتروا لي ثوبيني ابيضين Just go buy me the simplest Two white garments that you can find And he says فإنهما لن يتركا علي إلا قليلا فإنهما لن يتركا علي إلا قليلا فإنهما لن يتركا علي إلا قليلا Because they will not stay with me
Except for a short time But listen to this فإنهما لن يتركا علي إلا قليلا بهما خيرا منهما أو أسلبهما قبيحا أو أسلبهما قبيحا He said that These two garments are going to stay on me for a short time And then Allah is going to give me Either a better two garments In its place The best of garments Or Allah is going to give me the worst of garments The most repulsive of them So don't waste too much time On this kafn that you're going to bury me in Because at the end of the day It's the حسنات It's my state of Iman with Allah This is very moving Because when people die that we love them And we want to honor them so much He's saying look this doesn't matter This doesn't really matter What matters is if Allah sees me As someone who is pleasing to him And Allah replaces this kafn with a beautiful garment Or if Allah sees me As someone not pleasing to him And Allah replaces them With the worst of garments May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la Grant us all the best of garments Allahuma Ameen Abu Mas'ud Al-Ansari RadhiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu Says that I was with him when he was passing away When his fever Became strong And Hudhayfa RadhiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu Said at night, he prayed Qiyam that night And he said at the time of Sahar, the end of his Qiyam قال أعوذ بالله من صباح إلى النار أعوذ بالله من صباح إلى النار أعوذ بالله من صباح إلى النار أعوذ بالله من صباح إلى النار I seek refuge in Allah from waking up to the fire I seek refuge in Allah from waking up to the fire I seek refuge in Allah from waking up to the fire So he went to sleep And then he woke up RadhiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu And after Fajr You know he prayed Fajr and then sometime later Death came to him And when death Came to him قال حبيب جاء على ثاق لا أفلح من ندم
He said my beloved one has come to me In this state and a person who has Regrets will not succeed أليس بعد ما أعلم Is that which comes after me not that which I already know الحمد لله الذي سبق بي الفتنة All praises be to Allah who saved me From the fitna Who took me before the fitna And he died RadhiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu On those words Now SubhanAllah something very interesting Praising Allah RadhiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu had a ring that he would wear that said الحمد لله And so his last words were الحمد لله الذي سبق بي الفتنة All praises be to Allah who Protected me from the fitna Who allowed me to die before the fitna Would come that he was already told By the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam About now I want to end with A story when he was still alive And I want to preface this story Because it's probably the most profound story And we'll delay Isha a few minutes But hopefully not long at all But I want to preface it with a story from Miqdad If you go back and you watch Miqdad RadhiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu The story of Miqdad RadhiAllahu Anhu The Tabi'een used to meet the Sahaba and they used to go Wow you guys got to be with the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam How amazing your lives must have been right That was their impression when they met the Sahaba The Sahaba were their superstars They were their celebrities right Sahabi you were with the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam In Miqdad RadhiAllahu Anhu There was a man that saw Miqdad And he said How amazing Glad tidings to these two eyes That got to lay themselves on the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Oh how we wish we would have seen what you saw And Miqdad was so upset He said to him He said I'm amazed by these people
What is it with you people That wish that you could have lived in a time That Allah Azawajal spared you from And you don't know how you would have acted And he went to talk about Look our lives as companions We had tough things that happened To us We had very difficult moments And he goes on Miqdad to say A lot of people failed this test And died as the worst of the worst You don't know if you would have been Abu Bakr or Abu Jahl So embrace the time that you live in And what you have And don't think that you're You know this that you would have definitely been From these Sahabi that it was easy for us We saw the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and that was it Hudaifah RadhiAllahu Anhu has a very Very similar story In his old age Muhammad Ibn Ka'b Al-Quradi Narrates There was a young man from Kufa That went up to Hudaifah RadhiAllahu Anhu In the Masjid He was Hudaifah Ibn Al-Yaman Aba Abdillah Very famous He said O Aba Abdillah You saw the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam And you were his companions You got to see the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam And you got to be with him So Hudaifah RadhiAllahu Anhu said Yes O my nephew He said How was that like? Like what did you used to do with the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam He said We used to strive We did our best with the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam We used to struggle So he says Wallahi If we would have lived with him We wouldn't have let the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Walk on the earth He said If we would have lived with him We wouldn't have let the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's feet touch the ground We would have carried him on our shoulders Maybe he is sincere Maybe we all believe that To some extent
That we would have been there with the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam And He says We would have carried him on our shoulders We would have never let the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam leave his home With his feet touching the ground And Hudaifah RadhiAllahu Anhu says Listen He says Wallahi He said Let me tell you about a moment We were with the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in the trench The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam prayed Sometime of the night And then he turned to us And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said Who amongst you is going to go out And spy on the other army As they are coming on the other side of the trench At this point we are starving It's cold It's dark It's dangerous And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said Who amongst you is going to go And go to Abu Sufyan And the legions on the other side And see what they are planning to do with us And he says Not a single one of us stood up You are saying that now But there were some hard times With the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam And he said The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam turned around And he prayed some more And then he turned to us And he said Who is going to stand up To go see what the Enemies are planning to do And No one stood up And he did it a third time And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said Whoever does this I ask Allah To make him my Rafiq, my companion in Paradise He said We were so Beaten down Look they were starving at this point Afraid Forty days in a ditch with no food
And the people are barely alive He said this is the time Not a single one of us stood at this time How many incidents do you find This time He said it got so tough No one stood up So then the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Eventually The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said Hudhayfa come here So he said I had no choice The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam called me I couldn't do anything So he said Hudhayfa go And go amongst them And basically disguise yourself amongst them And see what they are planning to do Against us And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Then made dua for me That Allah protect me from in front of me From behind me, from my right, from my left From above me, from beneath me And he said and I went And I saw the wind That Allah Azawajal Had placed Quraish under Now the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Made dua against Quraish And one of the things that ended the battle Was that the storm That came on Quraish And they weren't able to get anything done So Abu Sufyan stands up and he complains He said we can't pitch a tent We can't light a fire We can't, our food is being blown away We're running out of resources So Hudhayfa Radiallahu Anhu Says I masked myself, it's pitch black And if they find out He's the one Muslim amongst them If they find out That I'm there, I'm dead Imagine Hudhayfa Radiallahu Anhu is narrating this He said you think this was easy for us You know how scary that was So I saw Abu Sufyan stand up And I saw his figure because of how dark it was And he stood up and he said This is what we're going through And then Abu Sufyan as if he Sensed something He said Everyone grab the person next to you and see who he is As if Abu Sufyan Like sensed someone is spying here
So Hudhayfa Radiallahu Anhu says Intuitively I said I took the hand of the man Next to me and I said Who are you? And I interrogated the man So much that the man said I'm this person He basically masked himself With his confidence Alhamdulillah Got out of that one, the man was so scared of the way Hudhayfa Interrogated him that he didn't ask Hudhayfa Who he was So next time I say say salam to the person next to you right I mean subhanallah Imagine the scene but look Hudhayfa Radiallahu Anhu Says At that point he said subhanallah He said I got away with it and then Abu Sufyan Stood up and said listen we're going to call This to an end And tomorrow we're going to head Back and he said Abu Sufyan I saw him at that point Rise to the camel and he said I had an Arrow and he said if the Prophet Did not tell me not to cause commotion I would have taken him out in that moment Of course the qadr is that Abu Sufyan Would embrace Islam later on and we know the story The rest is history but he said the Prophet Don't make any commotion just go listen And get their news He said I had a clean shot at him I didn't take it He said I snuck back To the Prophet And in this narration He said Rasulallah What was he doing what do you think the Prophet was doing What was he doing He was praying He said I was so exhausted That the Prophet he threw His shawl on me And I knocked out I just went to sleep So deep sleep And then The Prophet he said I woke up To the Prophet saying Which basically means stand up sleepy head Get up You're sleeping too much get up Time to wake up I woke up And the Prophet was pleased At the news that had come
Obviously that at that point Abu Sufyan Had turned away with the army And the massacre That was intended of Khandaq Did not take place Subhanallah the reason why I share the story is You think If you were him Look at the answer of the Tabi'een We wouldn't have let the feet of the Prophet Touch the ground that's what you think And that's what we think And we want to be with our Prophet At that time Allah knows what we would have actually done Had we lived at that time And we thank Allah for our circumstances Because at the end of the day Alhamdulillah Allah guided us to Islam And Allah Azawajal has given us the best opportunity To do The best that we can Just in conclusion subhanallah Hudaifah was buried in Iraq There's a story and I'm just going to Mention it That in 1932 The king of Iraq was of course King Faisal Ibn Hussain The last king of Iraq That he saw a dream of Hudaifah Whose grave was close to the Euphrates Saying that the river is Coming near my grave And I want you to move me And if you can actually put up The picture So that's King Faisal Ibn Hussain And then the next picture So this was actually a story in Iraq In 1932 and I was looking through the newspaper clippings Where they reburied Hudaifah radiallahu ta'ala anhu Who they presumed to be Hudaifah radiallahu ta'ala anhu And they said that his body was completely intact Now They buried this body next to Salman Al-Farisi radiallahu ta'ala anhu in Iraq In 1932 and of course we know That bodies being intact This was the case with the martyrs of Uhud The problem with this story Is that they say Hudaifah And Jabir Ibn Abdullah but Jabir Ibn Abdullah Radiallahu anhu died in Medina And I only say this Because it could be And it's something that people may search online And you may have come across this
It may be that this is The body of Hudaifah radiallahu ta'ala anhu But there's nothing to factually prove it But what we do know Is obviously the miracle Was the miracle of his life May Allah be pleased with him And be pleased with all the companions of the Prophet May he protect us from hypocrisy May he make firm in our hearts May Allah gather us with these noble companions With our beloved messengers Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Around the Haud and Falfur Daws al-A'la Allahumma ameen Jazakum Allah Khaira Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
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