The Firsts (Sahaba Stories) | The Forerunners of Islam
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Jabir ibn Abdullah (ra): The Orphan With 7 Sisters | The Firsts
His father was of the first to embrace Islam, and he was the last companion to die in Madinah. He was left early on to care for many sisters, yet ended up being one of the caretakers of this Ummah. Dr. Omar Suleiman shares the story of Jabir ibn Abdullah (ra), the orphan with 7 sisters.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. No one is worthy of worship except against the wrongdoers. The right path is for the righteous. O Allah, send blessings and peace upon Your servant and Messenger, Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family and companions. It is wonderful to be back in session, alhamdulillah. And we are now on episode 98. Now, before I get started insha'Allah ta'ala with tonight's lesson, alhamdulillah, we've been doing groupings. And because we're on episode 98, we're coming to 100 episodes. And insha'Allah ta'ala, at episode 100, we will begin with the seerah of A'ishah, radiyaAllahu ta'ala, our mother A'ishah, radiyaAllahu ta'ala. And if you're wondering why we took so long, because some of you caught on to the series a little bit later, we were going in order of the people embracing Islam. And A'ishah, radiyaAllahu ta'ala, we spoke about her in the capacity of the life of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, radiyaAllahu ta'ala, but now insha'Allah ta'ala, we'll be sort of setting the stage for when she becomes an adult in Medina, marries the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that home becomes the center of Medina until today. And then after, A'ishah, radiyaAllahu ta'ala, will cover the prominent companions of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, that we have not yet covered. So this week and next week, we're going to tell two very important stories that intersect the spirit of the Ansar with the welcoming of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, through Quba, to settle in Medina, insha'Allah ta'ala, and set the stage for what is left of the series, bi'idhnillahi ta'ala. And the next two stories, you know, we've talked about parents and children quite a bit. So you had the stories of righteous parents and righteous children from the Ansar. So for example, Amr ibn al-Jamuh, radiyaAllahu ta'ala, who we spoke about, and his children, Mu'adh and Mu'awwidh, may Allah be pleased with them.
Then we spoke about the children of the chief hypocrite, Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Salul, and his children being two of the most righteous companions of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. His son, Abdullah, being a dedicated protégé of the Messenger, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his daughter, Jameela, radiyaAllahu ta'ala, being married to Hamdala, radiyaAllahu anhu, and all that was encompassed in that. And these next two stories have to do with sons and fathers. Righteous father, righteous son, equally dedicated to the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. And this is the beauty of the Ansar, that this was a family affair for them. That they gathered around the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and sacrificed themselves. So when you have a Nusaybah, radiyaAllahu anhu, her children were right there with her. And this is something that we're going to see throughout. And tonight is really one of the most beautiful stories of the Ansar. Now I know that I say that a lot, but I really do mean it this time. And not just because I've spent the time preparing for tonight especially, but a name that I hope inshaAllah ta'ala we start to see more of. So is there anyone in here named Jabir? Where are Jabirs? No Jabirs, right? So that's going to change inshaAllah ta'ala, because again we want to name our children after these companions and then raise them inshaAllah ta'ala in their example. So tonight we talk about Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari, radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhuma. And Jabir radiyaAllahu anhu, out of the prominent narrators of hadith, is probably the one whose biography is least told. He narrates over 1500 ahadith from the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so when you think about those that narrated the most hadith from the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, Abu Huraira radiyaAllahu anhu obviously, Aisha radiyaAllahu anha, Abdullah ibn Abbas radiyaAllahu anhuma, Abdullah ibn Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhuma, Anas ibn Malik radiyaAllahu anhu. Then you have Jabir ibn Abdullah radiyaAllahu anhu.
These are the top narrators of hadith from the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. But his biography is not very well known to most people. And inshaAllah ta'ala that will change tonight, biidhnillah. And it's a beautiful story of a family. Now, before I speak about him, I want us to set the tribal, inshaAllah ta'ala, framework. So he is from the tribe of Banu Salima. This is the tribe of Mu'adh ibn Jabal radiyaAllahu anhu. This is the tribe that was led by Amir ibn Jamuh radiyaAllahu anhu, who the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, said, I saw him strolling in Jannah without a limp, because he used to have a particular disability, and he was martyred in the Battle of Uhud. This is a prominent tribe of people that immediately galvanized around the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and welcomed him to Medina, and literally shifted their entire lives to being in the service of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. So Banu Najjar were the maternal relatives of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. That's the tribe of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, Umm Sulaym, many who we spoke about. Banu Salima shift their entire lives around the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. And in fact, one of the famous narrations about them is that they used to have a large area of land around where Masjid al-Qiblatayn is. So if you go to Medina and you go to Quba, and then to Masjid al-Qiblatayn, Banu Salima owned a large plot of land there. And when the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, came to Medina, they wanted to sell all of their land and purchase land right next to the Masjid of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. The narrator of the hadith is Jabir ibn Abdillah, radiyaAllahu anhu, qal,
kharat al-biqa'u hawla al-masjid, fa-arada banu Salima an yantaqilu qurba al-masjid. That some of the land around the new Masjid of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, came available, and Banu Salima, we said, we're going to pull all of our resources and we're going to purchase that land. We're going to be the neighbors of the Masjid of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Fa-balaga thalika an-nabiyya, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, fa-qala lahum balaghani an-nakum tu-reeduna an-tantaqilu qurba al-masjid. So that reached the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he called us and he said, I've learned that you have decided to purchase the land next to my Masjid, to move all of your properties next to my Masjid. So we said, naam ya Rasulullah, qad aradna thalik. Yes, O Messenger of Allah, that's exactly what we want to do. And the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, said the very famous words, Ya Bani Salima, diyaarakum tuktab aathaarakum. Ya Bani Salima, diyaarakum tuktab aathaarakum. O Banu Salima, stay in your homes, your footsteps will be written. O Banu Salima, stay in your homes, your footsteps will be written. And you'll be raised by a degree for every footstep you take towards the Masjid. Now some of you are like, why did we buy houses next to Valley Ranch Islamic Center again? Why are we, you know, letting them jack up the prices here and take up all these neighborhoods? This is like the Dallas thing, right? Buy houses next to the Masjid. There's actually a very important explanation to this hadith that Ibn Hajar, rahimahullah, mentions, which is that the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, did not want the community to be concentrated in one area, because that would leave the community vulnerable, and he wanted the community spread out so that the hypocrites in particular could see the Muslims spread out all around Medina. So even strategically speaking, the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, did not want everyone to move around the Masjid. Okay, so keep your homes next to the Masjid. But those of you that come from far away, diyaarakum, stay in your homes,
your aathaar, your gas prices, your mileage, your footsteps will be written, bi-idhnillahi ta'ala, as you come to the house of Allah. But this really shows you the attitude of this particular tribe of the Ansar. You'll find the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, praised in many narrations. They always wanted to be around the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. They always wanted to be in the service of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, Jabir ibn Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Haram. His father, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Haram, radhiallahu anhu, is actually so central to this seerah, so central to this initial coming of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, to Medina. Abdullah ibn Amr was actually the brother-in-law of Amr ibn al-Jamuh, who was the chief of the tribe, and his best friend. So, Abdullah's sister, Hind, is married to Amr ibn al-Jamuh. So, they're best friends, they're brother-in-laws, and Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Haram would represent the tribe in certain places. So, he's actually one of the first twelve from Medina to pledge allegiance to the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, in Hajj. The first bay'at al-Aqaba. His father, Jabir's father, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Haram, was one of the first twelve to pledge allegiance to the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. He comes back to Medina, his wife embraces Islam, all of his siblings embrace Islam, and his children, of course, embrace Islam as well. Now, subhanAllah, he has seven or nine daughters, seven or nine daughters, there are two narrations, seven or nine daughters and one son, Jabir radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu.
So, he's got ten kids, eight or ten kids, all daughters and one boy, Jabir radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, and they all enter into Islam as a family. And they dedicate themselves to Mus'ab ibn Umair radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, Jabir was a young boy, he was about 13 or 14 years old, and he becomes a student of Mus'ab radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. And of course, you know, Mu'adh ibn Jabir is from this tribe, radiyaAllahu anhu, so the youth of that tribe, of Banu Salima, are really some of the main people that are around Mus'ab radiyaAllahu anhu and learning this religion very early on. So, they dedicate themselves to Mus'ab radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. Now, Jabir's mother, because often times the mother gets left out, right, and this was an incredible sacrifice on the part of both parents, Jabir's mother is named Unaisa bint Anma, a very interesting name, Unaisa bint Anma radiyaAllahu ta'ala anha. And she dedicates herself as well to this religion lovingly and supports her son in his pursuit of the religion. And her brother is a man by the name of Tha'laba ibn Anma. Tha'laba ibn Anma. Tha'laba ibn Anma is one of the idol breakers in Medina. He's one of those who embraces Islam early on as well, so this kind of gives you the household of Jabir, so this would be his maternal uncle, his khal. He's one of those who embraces Islam early on and is amongst those that was breaking the idols of Medina before the Prophet ﷺ comes. And fun fact, the ayah, yas'aloonaka'anil ahilla, they ask you about the month. Tha'laba is the one who is yas'aloonaka', who is asking the Prophet ﷺ about the month of Islam and the way that the hilal functions. So, this is Jabir's mother, father, his uncle.
And his father wants him to be committed to the Prophet ﷺ very early on, so he takes him to bay'atu al-aqaba al-thaniya, the second bay'ah, the second pledge to the Prophet ﷺ. Where you had 72 of the ansar go to the Prophet ﷺ and take the bay'ah. Jabir says, I was the youngest person there. So his father brought him along the second time and Jabir says, I was the youngest person there to give bay'ah to the Prophet ﷺ. So, here's the teenager that gets brought along, that takes the hand of the Prophet ﷺ and commits himself to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. So they find themselves in the situation where the Prophet ﷺ then moves towards Al-Madina. And Jabir says, we were a poor family, we were just like many of the ansar, we'd go out, we'd harvest what we could of the dates, we'd sell them in the marketplace, and then we'd go to the Prophet ﷺ. And we'd serve the Prophet ﷺ in every way. The battle of Badr comes. I wanted to go out in Badr, I was 15 years old. Now, 15 is kind of in that middle mark. There are some companions that the Prophet ﷺ allowed to go at that age. Because they were bigger in stature. Like Abdullah ibn Umar. And there are some companions that the Prophet ﷺ did not allow at that age. So Jabir is kind of on the border, being a 15 year old, and he wants to go to Badr. But his father says, I need you to stay home and take care of the family. So stay home with your mom, stay home with your sisters. And he goes out to Badr by himself. Allah ﷻ gives the Muslims victory in Badr. His father comes back amongst that victorious group.
And then Uhud comes. Now this is, subhanAllah, one of the rawest moments that you see in the life of a companion. Because it's a first hand story that we have from Jabir ﷺ. With his father Abdullah ibn Umar ibn Haram ﷺ. He says, دعاني أبي That my father called me the night before Uhud. The night before the battle of Uhud. SubhanAllah, you can imagine what's going through the minds and the hearts of the people. This huge army is coming from Mecca to kill them. And the last person we talked about, Hanzala ﷺ, the night before Uhud, is his wedding night. Look at the complexities here, subhanAllah. And here Jabir ﷺ says, My father called me to him the night before Uhud. We're kind of preparing ourselves mentally for what this is going to look like. We have to fight this huge army. And there are likely going to be many casualties. So he says that my father says to me, يا ابني ما أراني إلا مقتولا في أول من يقتل من أصحاب النبي ﷺ I have a feeling, I have a feeling that I'm going to be from the first people to be killed from the companions of the Prophet ﷺ. Allah, did he see a dream? Did Allah ﷻ bestow something in his heart? Was it just a premonition? What happens here? Allah knows best. He's not with us, but we know some righteous people, subhanAllah, they have a feeling when they're about to go. So it may be that he saw a dream and he's waking his son up and he's saying, look, I saw this dream. Or I have a feeling, but he says, I think I'm going to be of the first people killed on the day of Uhud. He says, وإني لا أترك بعدي أعز عليّ منك
I'm not leaving behind anyone on this earth that I love more than you. That's dearer to me than you. غير نفسي رسول الله ﷺ Look at the adab, even when he's talking to his son, except for the Prophet ﷺ. This is the ansar. Even in this father to son conversation, listen, I'm not leaving behind anyone that is more precious to me than you, O my son, except for the Prophet ﷺ. فإن عليّ ديناً فقضي He said, and I have a lot of debt. They were poor people. They used to work, do what they could. They'd wait for the harvest, they'd sell. And he said, I have a lot of debt. So when I pass away, do your best to take care of that debt. واستوصي بأخواتك خيرا And be especially good to your sisters. Be good to your sisters. Take care of your sisters. Don't abandon them. You have a huge responsibility. If this feeling that I have is true, that I'm going to be amongst the first people killed in this battle. Please take care of my debts. Please take care of your sisters. جابر رضي الله عنه At this point, 17 years old, he's like, what kind of responsibility are you leaving me with here? All these debts, all of these sisters. So he hopes that maybe his father is just preparing for the worst outcome. But maybe it's not going to be the case. And SubhanAllah, the very first shaheed on the day of Uhud was Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Haram. Before even the second attack, he was killed by Sufyan ibn Abdushams. The very first shaheed on that day was the father of Jabir radiyaAllahu ta'ala. And Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Haram was martyred. And his best friend and his brother-in-law, Amr ibn Jamuh, was martyred.
They were both the two seniors of this tribe of Banu Salima. And they were both killed. And this was a huge blow to them because these are the two main men of the tribe. And this is the one provider for the entire house of Jabir radiyaAllahu ta'ala. And so he got the news that his father was a shaheed. And SubhanAllah, try to live these raw moments, especially next time you go to Uhud. Every time you go to Uhud, breathe it in a bit. Take it in a bit. He says, جِي أَبِي أَبِي إِلَى النَّبِيِّ صَلَى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَمْ وَقَدْ مُثِّلَ بِهِ He said that they brought my father to the Prophet ﷺ. وَقَدْ مُثِّلَ بِهِ means they mutilated him. So the Quraysh obviously did not just want to kill as many people from the Muslims as they lost in Badr. They wanted to humiliate them. They wanted to emotionally and psychologically break down the Muslims. So they mutilated the dead bodies. So they brought my father to the Prophet ﷺ. وَقَدْ مُثِّلَ بِهِ And he was mutilated. And you could see the Prophet ﷺ as if he turned away. Like it hurt him to see that. Every one of the dead of the sahaba on the day of Uhud, it moved the Prophet ﷺ. Because these people ultimately they stood with him. They didn't have to take on this mission from Mecca, but they took it on. And most of the dead of Uhud, of the 73 martyrs, over 60 of them were Ansar, people of Medina. So the Prophet ﷺ, he clearly was disturbed by the image of my father as he was mutilated. And then they covered him with a sheet. They quickly covered his face with a sheet. So he said, فَذَهَبْتُ أَكْشِفُ عَنْ وَجْهِهِ So I went, I mean this is his son.
I went and I tried to expose this. I was trying to see my father. Right? SubhanAllah it's painful. How do you stop the son from seeing his dead father? So he said, so I'm throwing myself and I'm trying to get the blanket or get the sheet off of my father's face so I could see his face. And he says, فَنَهَانِي قَوْمِي My people were stopping me. So they were all trying to stop me from seeing the face of my father. قَالَ وَمَا نَهَانِي رَسُولُ اللهِ ﷺ But he said, the Prophet ﷺ was not forbidding me. The Prophet ﷺ as if he said, let him see him. Let him see him. You know sometimes, subhanAllah, the wisdom of a leader as well, right, is the thought of what it might be to be a leader. Going to torture you more than the actual sight. The compassion of the Prophet ﷺ when he sees the son saying, let me see my father, let me see my father. The Prophet ﷺ says, let him see him. So he said, so I saw him. And he said, I started to weep. Now the Prophet ﷺ did not stop the weeping. He said, but then he heard the sound of a woman who shrieked. She shrieked, right? She saw the body and she shrieked. And Rasulullah ﷺ said, who was that? Who shrieked like that? So they said, Fatima bint Amr, the sister, Fatima bint Amr. When she saw Abdullah, she shrieked. And the Prophet ﷺ said to her, do not cry. Or he said, whether you cry or not, he said, the angels covered the soul of Abdullah bint Amr all the way until he reached the heavens. Like when he was carried to the heavens as he was martyred, the angels have continued to keep their wings over him until now. Subhanallah, like he is being celebrated in the heavens right now. Don't weep too much.
I know that the sight of a person who is killed is very difficult. And as the Prophet ﷺ starts to collect the bodies of the shuhada of Uhud, the Prophet ﷺ, he buried Abdullah bint Amr bin Haram and Amr bin Jamuh in one kafan. In one kafan, one grave, he put them together because they were best friends. Subhanallah, so they loved Allah together. They served the Prophet ﷺ together. And they were martyred together. Therefore, the Prophet ﷺ buried them together. And of course, in Uhud, the people were stuck. So he put them together ﷺ. And Jabir radiyaAllahu ta'ala said, I saw my aunt, subhanAllah, think about the pain here, Hind, who is the wife of Amr bin Jamuh and the sister of Abdullah bin Amr bin Haram. I saw her taking the bodies and putting them, loading the bodies onto her camel so that she could take them back to Medina. And the Prophet ﷺ said, no, the shuhada should be buried where they passed away. And the Prophet ﷺ buried them in one grave. Awfully traumatic for Jabir radiyaAllahu ta'ala, and traumatic for every single person that had to witness that death, that shuhada of Abdullah radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu and Amr radiyaAllahu anhu and so many of the other companions. Jabir radiyaAllahu anhu says, and my tragedy is compounded by what? Now I've got debts, and I've got all my sisters to take care of. What do I do? So he says, the Prophet ﷺ comes to me after some time. And he says, Ya Jabir, ma li araka munkasiran? Oh Jabir, why do I see you broken? SubhanAllah, the empathy of the Messenger ﷺ. And you're going to see, subhanAllah, how the Prophet ﷺ takes care of the grieving of his community.
Ma li araka munkasiran? What's wrong, Jabir? You look so broken. You look like you have no happiness anymore. You're a young man. Ma li araka munkasiran? Why are you so brokenhearted? What's wrong, oh Jabir? And he said, Ya Rasulullah, my father has been killed, and I have all these debts to take care of. And he left behind so many daughters. I have all of my sisters to take care of. And the Prophet ﷺ, he said to Jabir, Ya Jabir, do you want me to tell you something about your father? Like I saw something about your father. Do you want me to tell you something about your father? SubhanAllah. An image of him in the new realm, you know, when people pass away, the shuhada pass away into this new realm. So I said, Dara, Ya Rasulullah, yes, O Messenger of Allah. The Prophet ﷺ said, I saw your father. And he said, Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, ma kalamallahu ahadan qat illa min warai hijab. Allah has never spoken to anyone except from behind a veil. He said, wa kalama abaaka kifahan, except for your father, Allah spoke to him without a hijab, with no veil. SubhanAllah. Like your father was raised to the heavens, and Allah spoke to him kifahan, with no veil. And you're thinking like, wow, this doesn't even happen with the Prophets. This doesn't even happen with the Prophets, right? Like what a unique gift that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bestowed upon this man. Truly, Allah saw something special in his heart. He said, Allah spoke to him with no veil between them. And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said, Ya abdi, tamanna alayya, O my slave, make any wish that you want, u'tik, I'll give it to you. O my slave, make any wish that you want, I will give it to you. Ask me anything. And what will the people say in Jannah when they see Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala?
May Allah make us amongst them. Allahumma ameen. Allah make us amongst those who get to stare at Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. What are they going to say at that point when they're seeing Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala? May Allah make us amongst them, Ya Rabb al-alameen. And you're looking at Allah and Allah says, what do you want? And you just want to do more for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala at that point. Like you don't want Allah to give you more, you just want to give more for Him at that point because you're so enamored by His beauty subhanahu wa ta'ala. So, Abdullah is getting a preview of this now. No other human being, no other companion, no other person, the Prophet ﷺ said, had this gift that the gift of Abu Jaber had. And so he says, tamanna alayya, go ahead and ask of me anything. Qala Ya Rabb, tuhyini fa uqtalu fika thaniya. Ya Rabb, send me back to the life of this world and I'll be martyred in Your cause again. Subhanallah. Like with all the generosity that you are showing to me, all of the mercy, all of the beauty, tuhyini, take me back to that world, let me die for You again. Let me die for You again. And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says to him, innahu sabqa minni annahum ilayha la yarji'oon. But it's already been decreed that they will not return to this life after they leave it. I'm not going to send anyone back to the dunya after I've taken them out of it. So, he says, Ya Rabb, fa abligh man warai. Oh my Lord, can you tell those that I've left behind that I'm okay? Can you tell them what I'm living in? Can you tell my son, can you tell my family, just the ni'ma that I'm in right now, the blessing that I'm in right now? And that's when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala revealed, wala tahsabanna allatheena qutiloo fee sabeerillahi amwataa, bal ahya'un ainda rabbihim yurzaquoon. fariheen bima aataahum Allahumman fadli. Do not think of those that have been slain in the way of Allah as dead.
Rather, they are alive, enjoying their Lord. fariheen bima aataahum Allahumman fadli. They are celebrating and in so much joy with what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has bestowed upon them from His bounty. wayastabashiroona billatheena lam yalhaqoobihim min khalfihim. And they're waiting for those to join them. alla khawfun AAalayhim wala hum yahzanoon. Don't worry about them. There's no fear upon them, nor shall they ever grieve. Don't worry about them. They are not worried. Don't be sad for them. They are not sad. So this ayah comes, subhanAllah, as a direct conversation between a shaheed of Uhud and the shuhada of Uhud with their Lord to say to the people that have been left behind, we're okay. We're taken care of. SubhanAllah, imagine what this meant to Jabir radiyaAllahu anhu to hear that his father had this particular ni'mah from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Now something interesting happens after as well. If you go to Sahih al-Bukhari, in Kitab al-Jana'a, there's Baab, hal yukhrajul mayyitu min al-qabri wal-lahdi li'illa? The chapter of can the dead body be taken out of the grave after it has been buried for a reason, for a purpose. Jabir radiyaAllahu anhu says in the continuation of this, lam tatib nafsi an atrukahu ma'al-aakhar. I didn't, you know, I thought after some time that I didn't want my father to just be in one kafan. You know, this was sort of an emergency thing. So I thought let me go and move my father just to the next to his companion and give him his own separate kafan. So to just carve out a space as the ulama say of hadith, so that he could be buried right next to Amr ibn Jamuh radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, but separate the grave a little bit. So he said, I could not, I couldn't come to terms with it. I wanted to bury him separately in that sense. Qala fastakhrajtu ba'da sitati ashfur. So he said, so I took his body after six months and moved it to the side.
Qala fa-itha huwa kayawmi wad'atuhu hunayyatan ghayra udhnihi. He said, and what I saw was that he was exactly like the day that he died, six months later. Remember this by the way, because the story doesn't end with this. SubhanAllah, he says six months later, the body of my father was fresh. He was like the day that we buried him six months ago, full of misk, beautiful scent. He looked like he was resting, like he had just taken a shower. He said, except for a little bit on his ear, like the only effect of the grave on him for six months was a little bit on his ear. Other than that, his entire body was as fresh as the day we buried him six months ago. RadhiAllahu ta'ala anhuma. May Allah be pleased with Jabir and his father and his entire family. Allahuma ameen. So that's just before we even start with the journey of Jabir radiAllahu anhu with the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Here you have a teenager now, and he has a ton of debt, and he has seven or nine sisters that are dependent upon him. And this is actually some context to the hadith where the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam asked Jabir radiAllahu anhu about his marriage. Jabir married a woman who was significantly older than him. A woman that was significantly older than him. Now is there anything wrong in Islam with that? Absolutely not. But some people use the hadith without the context. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, فَهَلَّا جَارِيَةً تُلَعِبُهَا وَتُلَعِبُكَ Jabir, why didn't you marry someone, or why don't you marry someone as young as you so that you can be intimate with her, she can be intimate with you. You can enjoy your life together. Now the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam himself married a much older woman, a much older woman, Khadija radiAllahu anha. So what's the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam saying? He sees Jabir radiAllahu anhu, and Jabir marries a woman much, much older than him, who was widowed. And there seems to be a reason behind it. So the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam says,
Well, why didn't you marry someone that's younger, that's like your age, similar to you. And you could enjoy one another, and you could share those moments together. And he said, and it's a few narrations, قُلْتُ إِنَّ أَبِي تَوُفِّيَ وَتَرَكَ بَنَاتٍ فَأَحْبَبْتُ أَنْ أَتَزَوَّجَ مْرَآةً تَجْمَعُهُنَّ وَتَمْشُطُهُنَّ وَتَقُومُ عَلَيْهِنَّ تُعَلِّمُهُنَّ وَتُأَدِّبُهُنَّ I combined a few narrations here. He said, I wanted to marry a woman that would be almost like another mom to my sisters, that would help me with my sisters. So she could, he literally says, bring them together, comb their hair, teach them, teach them manners, teach them what they need in life. So I needed help in the household. So he said, subhanAllah, that's why I married a woman that's much, much older than I am, that could help me with that. And the Prophet ﷺ said, فَذَلِكَ, which means well done. So it shows you the life circumstances, the pragmatism of marriage, even in the time of the Prophet ﷺ. Like I needed help in the household, and that was the nature of even his marriage. So he married a woman by the name of Suhaima bint Mas'ud. Suhaima bint Mas'ud. And she was actually the daughter of his aunt. The daughter of his aunt. Ash-Shamus bint Amr. The daughter of his aunt. And his wife is Suhaima radiAllahu ta'ala anha. And Allah ﷻ blessed them despite her old age, and there was the thought that she would not be able, she was past the age of childbirth. Allah ﷻ blessed them with two children, Abdur-Rahman and Umm Habib. So a son and a daughter. So that's now his marriage, his sisters, his debt. This is going to concern him quite a bit on top of the grief of what he just witnessed, the trauma of what he just witnessed with his father, and his family still reeling from that, even though the Prophet ﷺ had given them great comfort in this regard. So people are bothering him now for debts.
And then comes, and you know, after some time goes on, his dad owed a lot of people money. So people come and they start bothering him for their repayment of debt. And Jabir is so stressed out, he comes to the Prophet ﷺ, and he says, Ya Rasulullah, he doesn't ask him to pay the debt, but subhanAllah look what he says, he says, ureedu an yaraa kal ghuramaa. He said, can you just come with me so the debtors can at least see you with me, and maybe they'll take it easy on me. They won't be as aggressive in trying to collect the debt from me. So just come with me, Ya Rasulullah. I mean the Prophet ﷺ is a busy man. He's tending to the entire ummah, right? Can you just kind of hang out with me so they can see you with me that way? They'll take it easy on me, they'll be a little bit shy to push me too much for the debts, the Prophet ﷺ said. Absolutely. So Rasulullah ﷺ, sitting next to him, imagine if you're a Muslim and you got to come collect the debt from Jabir, the Prophet ﷺ sitting with him, not intimidating him, but the Prophet ﷺ is saying, ayisir, ayisir, take it easy on him, and he's helping him negotiate his debt. Can he pay it back over six months? Can he pay it back over ten months? Can he pay it back over a year? Can we work out a deal with him? This is the Prophet ﷺ being a good friend, an intercessor on his behalf, and this is one of the rewardable things that we have as Muslims, when you go and you argue on behalf of, or you intercede on behalf of someone. Ibn Abbas ﷺ left the masjid in the last ten nights of Ramadan to go do this for somebody, to just argue or say to someone that's owed money, hey, can you take it easy, give him some time, can you work out something, can we do something different that doesn't put too much stress on the person that is in debt. SubhanAllah, look how beautiful Islam is. Riba is haram, interest is haram, so you don't bury the person in late payments, and it's praiseworthy for you to go and try to help someone out, even if you can't financially, and say, look, can you take it easy on this brother, can you take it easy on this sister, can we stretch it out, is there any other way that we can try to resolve the situation.
So this is happening, until there's one problem. His father owed non-Muslims money too. So a Jewish man comes, and the lure of the Prophet ﷺ isn't going to work here. So he says to him, I want you to pay me back right now. Jabir says, can I pay it in two batches? The Prophet ﷺ is watching this, and the man is saying, no, I want it now. The Prophet ﷺ intercedes, he says, ya abal Qasim, which is what they would say to the Prophet ﷺ, they call him by his kunya, which is respectful, oh father of Qasim, I need my money now. Like, with all due respect, I need this money right now, I'm not going to delay any debts. And it's not that he was being abusive, but he was saying, I need my money right now. So Jabir became extremely stressed out. So the Prophet ﷺ says to me, Jabir is narrating this in first person, he says to me, go take your dates, and then divide your dates into categories. The ajwa, the rutab, the different types of dates, put them in different stacks, put them in different categories, and then call me once you're done. So just go harvest what you can from your garden. And the ansar, that's all they have is some dates. Go pick your dates, put them in piles, and then call me when you're finished. So Jabir says, I did that, and he said, the Prophet ﷺ came, and Rasulullah ﷺ started to invoke his barakah, his blessings, on all of the tamr, all of the different dates. So the Prophet ﷺ made dua over all of the dates, and the Prophet ﷺ told Jabir, now go pay everybody back. So Jabir says, I started to take bags, and I started to put the dates in them, and I started to go, I paid the Jewish man back, I paid everybody back, and I'd come back and the dates were not touched, meaning the surplus was still there. There was nothing being taken, it was as if I wasn't even taking from the piles.
The piles just kept on retaining their weight. And by the time I finished paying everybody off, the piles were exactly as the moment the Prophet ﷺ made dua over them. And Umar ﷺ, one of the narrators of this, he smiled and he said, I knew the moment the Prophet ﷺ walked into that garden, that those dates were going to be blessed. SubhanAllah, that the Prophet ﷺ was going to work a miracle for Jabir ﷺ. So this is the beginning of the debts being paid off. This is the beginning of his marriage. And then he says, Rasulullah ﷺ had 21 battles in his life. He said, I attended 19 of them, and I never left his side. What does that mean? That means I missed the first two, because my father told me not to go to Badr and not to go to Uhud. But he said, the rest of the 19, I never left the side of the Prophet ﷺ. I stayed with him for the entirety of his life ﷺ, and I was next to him in all of the Ghazawat, in all of the battles. And he mentions the next miracle. Now by the way, I'm going to say this, and I'm going to give a shout out. Dr. Nazir Khan, who's one of our directors, mashallah, just had a baby named Jabir. May Allah ﷻ bless him. And when he sent me the message, I said, subhanAllah, that's my next lecture is actually on Jabir. And I asked him why he chose the name Jabir, because Jabir is not a common name. And he said, because I realized that most of the hadith of the miracles of the Prophet ﷺ are narrated by Jabir ﷺ, which is true. If you took the dalail of the Prophet ﷺ, most of the hadith of miracles, Jabir ﷺ is there. He's present, and sometimes it's being worked even for him. Which is so beautiful in and of itself, because Jabir was the most disadvantaged of society at this point.
He's an orphan, he's got a lot to take care of, and miracles of surplus are coming his way. So Jabir ﷺ says, كان أول ما غزوت معه حمراء الأسد. So I went out with the Prophet ﷺ in Hamra'ul Asad, which is ten months after Uhud. So it's right after his father passed away. Things are still very, very fresh. And he said, كنت مع النبي ﷺ, I was with the Prophet ﷺ, فكنت على جمل ثقال. I was on a really slow camel. A really, really slow camel. He still wasn't rich here. He paid off his debts, but he's still not rich. So he's driving that car in the back, right, that's kind of barely making it through. While the others have kind of gone ahead in Hamra'ul Asad. So he says, كنت في آخر القوم. I was literally the last person of the army. قال فمر بي النبي ﷺ فقال من هذا؟ The Prophet ﷺ is a leader. What does he do? The Prophet ﷺ circles around the entire army, كنت في آخر القوم. He backs up on people, make sure that everything is okay. This messenger ﷺ dispatches from behind, and then Ali ﷺ says, by the time the battle starts, the Prophet ﷺ is out front and we're fighting behind him. This is the courage, the care, the leader, Rasulullah ﷺ. So he catches me all the way at the back and he says, من هذا؟ Who is that? Because it was night time. فقلت جابر بن عبد الله. I'm Jabir bin Abdullah, يا رسول الله. So the Prophet ﷺ said, مالك, what's wrong with you? Why are you all the way back here? قلت إني على جمل انتقار. Ya Rasulullah, I have a really, really slow camel. So the Prophet ﷺ said, he got off of his own camel ﷺ, he said, أمعك قضيب? You have a stick or something to move the camel? You've got to move the camel, you've got to move the horse. Do you have a stick with you?
So he said, so I handed him a stick. So the Prophet ﷺ, he tapped the camel and he made a dua ﷺ, and suddenly this camel just transformed. It became an entirely different animal. So afterwards what ends up happening is, the Prophet ﷺ says, get back on the camel. Jabir starts going way ahead of everybody. So it's like, what happened to his camel? Because he was all the way in the back and now Jabir ﷺ is all the way up front. And by the way, subhanAllah, this incident is narrated in every one of the books of hadith, which is beautiful. It's literally in every single book of hadith from Bukhari, Muslim onwards. So he was all the way up front. And he's excited. He's a young kid, he's got his camel all the way up front, and now they're telling him slow down. They were telling him catch up before, and now they're saying slow down. And he's saying to the Prophet ﷺ, he's calling out to the Prophet ﷺ, and he's saying, بِبَرَكَتِكَ يَا رَسُولُ اللهِ بِبَرَكَتِكَ يَا رَسُولُ اللهِ This is your barakah, ya Rasulullah. Like I've got this awesome camel that's now going ahead of everybody, right? Then the Prophet ﷺ says, Jabir, بِعْنِيهِ, sell me the camel. Jabir's like, what? I just got all excited. I have this camel now that goes ahead of everybody. I don't want to sell this camel. Like this thing is amazing now, right? And the Prophet ﷺ says, sell me the camel. And Jabir says, look, I really didn't want to sell him the camel. But I'm not going to say no to the Prophet ﷺ. He's the one that worked something on this camel that changed it into what it is. So out of adab with the Prophet ﷺ, he said, ya Rasulullah, no, I'm not going to sell it to you. Just take it. Like it's a gift. And the Prophet ﷺ says, غَفْرَ اللَّهُ لَكْبِعْنِيهِ May Allah forgive you, sell it to me. May Allah forgive you, sell it to me. May Allah forgive you, sell it to me. And the Prophet ﷺ starts throwing out numbers to him. May Allah forgive you, sell it to me.
May Allah forgive you, sell it to me. And I'm like, ya Rasulullah, take it. May Allah forgive you, sell it to me. Ya Rasulullah, take it. May Allah forgive you, sell it to me. And he said, رضي الله عنه استغفر لي رسول الله ﷺ ليلة البعير خمس وعشرين مرة. He said, the Prophet ﷺ made istighfar for me. He sought forgiveness for me on the night of the camel. So he has a name for it, the night of the camel. He said he sought forgiveness for me 25 times. Meaning 25 times the Prophet ﷺ said غَفْرَ اللَّهُ لَكْ May Allah forgive you, just sell it to me. Stop trying to give it to me. Sell it to me. I'm trying to give you money here. And the Prophet ﷺ puts out a number. So eventually, fine, four dinars and a little bit more. The Prophet ﷺ would always give more than what he agreed upon ﷺ. That was his deal. And Jabir رضي الله عنه agrees to it just finally at the end. And Jabir رضي الله عنه says, ya Rasulullah, can I ride it at least till we get back to Medina? The Prophet ﷺ said, fine, you can have it until Medina. Right? Go ahead and ride it back to Medina. And the Prophet ﷺ smiles at him and the Prophet ﷺ goes next to him. And the Prophet ﷺ grabs the reins of the camel as it's going forward. And the Prophet ﷺ says, الجَمَلُ جَمَلُونَا Al-jamalu jamaluna. This camel is our camel. You know that, right? Jabir رضي الله عنه is like, yeah, I know. This is not my camel, but he's enjoying this fine ride for the last time. He says, then we get to Medina. So the Prophet ﷺ says, ya Bilal, أَقضِهِ وَزِدْهُمْ O Bilal, give him his payment and increase him. So he gave him an entire uqya of gold, which is a lot. Right? The Prophet ﷺ said, hand over the camel. So Jabir gives him the camel and then he starts to walk away. And the Prophet ﷺ calls him back. He says, الثَمَنُ وَالْجَمَلُ لَكِ يا جَابِرُ The money and the camel's for you, O Jabir.
He said, did you really think I was going to take your camel? You really thought I was going to take advantage of you? الثَمَنُ وَالْجَمَلُ لَكِ يا جَابِرُ The money and the camel's for you, O Jabir. And you know what Jabir says? He said, والله. He was in his 90s. He was in his 90s. You're not mishearing me. In his 90s narrating the hadith, he said, that money the Prophet ﷺ gave me, I'm still benefiting from it somehow. SubhanAllah, the money he gave me, that one uqya of gold, the investment that came out of it is still ongoing. So I'm still benefiting from this miracle from the Prophet ﷺ. It's still sustaining me. SubhanAllah, you find so many of the hadith of the shama'il of the Prophet ﷺ, the attributes of the Messenger ﷺ, narrated by Jabir ﷺ, and they directly relate to him. When Jabir ﷺ says, the Rasul of Allah ﷺ said, كلُّ معروفٍ صدقا Every act of kindness is a charity. Every act of kindness is a charity. Every time the Prophet ﷺ smiled at him, every time the Prophet ﷺ gave him something, every time the Prophet ﷺ asked for him, كلُّ معروفٍ صدقا Every single charity is a sadaqa. And An-Jabir, and you'll hear this many times, An-Jabir ﷺ قال ما سُئل النبي ﷺ شيئا فقال لا The Prophet ﷺ was never asked for anything and he said no. If you ask the Prophet ﷺ for something, the Prophet ﷺ was so generous, even if he didn't have, he was always giving ﷺ, and he said, I saw that with the Prophet ﷺ. Jabir ﷺ also narrates an authentic hadith that the Prophet ﷺ said, the food of one is enough for two, the food of two is enough for four, the food of four is enough for eight. Meaning the Prophet ﷺ was encouraging the Sahaba to share their food.
And it was frequent that the Prophet ﷺ would take Jabir with him to eat with him. Knowing Jabir's situation, he's always caring for him, subhanAllah, he's asking about him, he's spending on him, he's giving him a camel, he's giving him a new car, right? Gives him money that's going to suffice him forever, takes care of his debts, and he says, this is a beautiful hadith, it's narrated by Talha ﷺ, An-Jabir ﷺ قال أخذ رسول الله ﷺ بيد ذات يوم إلى منزله فأخرج إليه فلقا من خبز Said the Prophet ﷺ once took my hand and he took me to his house, grabbed me by the hand and he said, Jabir come to my house with me. And he sat me down in his house and the Prophet ﷺ said, what do we have to eat? SubhanAllah, I saw a video of this recently, like some Hift schools overseas, and they bring bags and they just put some bread, some dry pieces of bread, whatever they could find. All they had in the house of the Prophet ﷺ was a few broken pieces of bread, literally. So there's no meat, there's nothing special here, just some broken pieces of bread. And the Prophet ﷺ, so content, he says, ما من أدم, is there anything to dip it in? Anything to at least dip the bread in? Any لبن, anything to dip it in? And they said, the only thing we have is شيء من الخل. We just have a little bit of vinegar. The Prophet ﷺ said, نعم الأدم. Vinegar is a great dip. SubhanAllah, look how simple. So the Prophet ﷺ said, bring me the vinegar. So he put the vinegar and Jabir ﷺ says, فما زلت وحب الخل منذ سمعتها من نبي الله ﷺ. From that day I started loving vinegar from the moment that I heard the Prophet ﷺ say, what a great thing to dip your bread in, just vinegar. Because most people would belittle it and say, that's all we have, some vinegar.
And he said, نعم الأدم, what a great dip it is to dip into vinegar. And Jabir says, I started loving to dip my bread in vinegar. وقال طلحة ما زلت أحب الخل منذ سمعتها من جابر. And Talha, who's narrating from Jabir says, and I started loving it too because I narrated it from Jabir, from the Prophet ﷺ. It shows you the Sahaba with the Messenger ﷺ how this was a culture being created here. This was a culture, this wasn't just some text here and there, this was an entire culture. And then you have another time where Jabir gets sick. عادني رسول الله ﷺ وأنا لا أعقل. He was so sick رضي الله عنه. You know when you're so sick you can't even think properly, you can't even move, you can't stand up, the fever is so hot. So the Prophet ﷺ came to visit me and I was so sick. فتوضأ وصب علي من وضوءه. The Prophet ﷺ made wudu' into a vessel and then he poured the water onto me. And he said that it was as if I was completely healed instantly. سبحان الله. This is the care of the Prophet ﷺ, another miracle from the Messenger ﷺ. Then you have khandaq, battle of the trench. What a beautiful story سبحان الله in these moments. He said that during the trench, the day of the trench, khandaq, he said they came to the Prophet ﷺ and they complained to him when they came across a boulder that they couldn't move as they were digging the trench. And he said, I saw the Prophet ﷺ and he said, I'm coming. And Rasulullah ﷺ got up and he had stones tied to his stomach. And he said he was so starved ﷺ that his stomach was bloated. You know, like when someone's bloated out of hunger, he'd never seen the Prophet ﷺ in that sight before. So the Prophet ﷺ was starving so much that he was bloated out of his hunger ﷺ.
And they recognized that extreme hunger. So the Prophet ﷺ is going and he said that we had not tasted food, meaning the companions in three days. So what about the Prophet ﷺ? He always ate last. He always served others before himself. So you can only imagine how long it was before the Prophet ﷺ got to taste some food. So he said the Prophet ﷺ came and he struck the boulder and he continued to dig with them. And he said that I went to my wife, Sohaima, I said to her, I saw the Prophet ﷺ in a way that I can't handle. I can't bear to see him this way. I saw him just so hungry, he was bloated out of hunger. You could see the energy of the Prophet ﷺ. You could hear the hunger in his voice ﷺ. So it bothered him. So he said, I said to my wife, Do you have anything for us to serve him? So she said, I've got some wheat and I have one more small goat. All we possess at this point is a small goat. So Jabir ﷺ says to her, Then how about you slaughter the goat and prepare the wheat. Let me go get the Prophet ﷺ. So she says as she's sending him out, Jabir, Don't make me look bad with the Prophet ﷺ. Make sure you just let him know. Don't go announce it to everybody that we have food. And then we'll be in trouble. Because we barely have any food. We don't even have food for ourselves. So a little bit of food maybe for the Prophet ﷺ and maybe one or two other people. So Jabir ﷺ says, I walked up to the Prophet ﷺ in the khandaq. I whispered to him, I said, Ya Rasulullah, I've got a little bit of food if you want to come. You, maybe one or two other of the companions, come to my house. It doesn't work with the Prophet ﷺ. So he said, Qaam alayhi salatu wassalam.
He said, Ya ahl al khandaq, the Prophet ﷺ didn't stand up and say one tribe. He stood up in the trench and he said, Ya ahl al khandaq, all people of the trench. O people of the trench, inna Jabiran qad sana'a su'ran. Jabir has prepared a dish for us. Fahayya halam bikum. Come on, let's go to Jabir's house. All of us. Put down the shovels, the axes. Can you imagine Suhaima in the house hearing the traffic coming to her home with the Prophet ﷺ? So Jabir is like, I'm in trouble. And the Prophet ﷺ says to Jabir, listen, go tell your wife to not touch the meat or the bread until I get there. Tell her, keep the meat and the bread in the pots until I get there. So Jabir is running home, trying to get ready. And he said, I told her that the whole army is coming with me. And she said, what did you say to him? And he said, I said what you told me to say. I just said, I have enough food for you and maybe one or two other people. And she said, well did he ask you to prepare for everybody? So Jabir said, yes. So she was content. A righteous woman. The Prophet ﷺ is going to take care of us somehow. Let's see how this goes. And so the Prophet ﷺ comes to the house before everybody else. He says, where is the pot of meat? Where is the pot of bread? She was trying to make some stew with the little meat she had. Get the bread ready. And the Prophet ﷺ, he took some of his spit, his blessed spit ﷺ. He put it in the pots and then the Prophet ﷺ made dua. And the Prophet ﷺ started to take bread and meat out of the pots and he started to serve all of the companions. With his own blessed hand ﷺ. Imagine him walking around with the pots serving the sahaba.
And this is a widely narrated miracle by the way. From the companions. They don't even know subhanAllah how this is all coming out of these two pots. The Prophet ﷺ is going. He's giving them bread. He's giving them meat. Jabir says, wallahi there were over a thousand people that day. A thousand people that ate from those two pots from the hand of the Prophet ﷺ. And then afterwards, the pots were still full. So it didn't even empty out with them. Rasulullah ﷺ brought back the pots to my wife. And he said to my wife, eat some of this and then give some of it. People are hungry these days. SubhanAllah, consideration. So keep this for yourself. Enjoy the food. Enjoy this blessing from Allah ﷻ. But people are hungry. So if you see people that are hungry, continue to bestow upon them this blessing that Allah ﷻ has given to you. So Jabir witnessed that in his own home. He witnessed the miracle in the home of the Prophet ﷺ. He witnessed it with his camel. He's witnessing it with every single fiber of his being. RadhiAllahu ta'ala anhu. And remember he says, I was with the Prophet ﷺ in every single one of the incidents afterwards. So he says that, I was with the Prophet ﷺ in Hudaybiyyah. And the Prophet ﷺ said to us on the day of Hudaybiyyah, Antumul yawma khayru ahlil ard. You people in Hudaybiyyah are the best people on the face of the earth. Who are the people of Hudaybiyyah? They are the people of Bay'atul Ridwan. They are the people who took the pledge with the Prophet ﷺ in the famous pledge of Ridwan. That Allah says he was pleased with in the Qur'an. So the Prophet ﷺ said, you are the most beloved people to Allah on the face of the earth. And Jabir radhiAllahu anhu was one of them. Qala wakunna alfan wa arba'a mi'a. We were 1,400 people and we were running out of water for wudu and running out of drinking water.
And Rasulullah ﷺ asked for a pot containing water. The Prophet ﷺ performed wudu with it. And the Prophet ﷺ started to pour the water between his fingers. And he said, come take this water. Hatha barakatun min Allah. This is a blessing from Allah ﷻ. And all of us were able to come forward and do wudu under the hand of the Messenger ﷺ. And drink from the hand of the Prophet ﷺ. And he said, and I kept on drinking and drinking and drinking because I knew that the blessings of the Prophet ﷺ would never run out. I've seen this play out too many times. I've seen it. And so I knew that there was no limit to the blessing from the hand of the Messenger ﷺ. Finally, hajjatul wada. I want you to read about the farewell hajj of the Prophet ﷺ. If you open any book of hadith and you read about the farewell hajj of the Prophet ﷺ, the longest narration and the most comprehensive narration of hajjatul wada is from Jabir ﷺ. He narrates the entire hajj of the Prophet ﷺ. Everything from when the Prophet ﷺ left Medina, to the speeches that the Prophet ﷺ gave, to the sacrifice of the Prophet ﷺ, to his actions in Mina. Jabir ﷺ was the only companion that narrated from start to finish without any interruption. Meaning if you just read, and in fact if you go back a few years ago, I did a series in Dhul Hijjah on the hajj of the Prophet ﷺ. Literally, the hadith of Jabir ﷺ is a story by itself. You don't even have to piece together narrations. It gives you the entire hajj of the Messenger ﷺ. After the Prophet ﷺ passes away, Jabir ﷺ would live for a very, very, very long time. And this is something about those that narrated many hadith, is that they lived long. Now the fact that they lived long meant two things. Number one, we got to benefit from their knowledge as an ummah.
Number two, they got to see some of the unfortunate trials and tribulations in the fitna. So they were heartbroken by what they would see of the fitna, of the slander, of the assassinations, of just the way that the plots and the planning divided people within this ummah. And they were heartbroken by that. And Jabir ﷺ was blessed in that he lived long enough to give us so many hadith. And Jabir ﷺ also witnessed the fitna. He served alongside Ali ibn Abi Talib ﷺ in every one of those battles. So he was amongst those that defended Sayyidina Ali ﷺ and stayed with Ali ﷺ throughout the various battles. And he lived long enough to where he hit over 90 years old, and he went blind. And subhanAllah, he was so averse to the fitna, to the trials and tribulations, it wasn't what he wanted, that he didn't even want to hear about it. You know, he actually subhanAllah served in multiple armies. So he served under Khalid ﷺ in the conquest of Damascus. He was there. He was there in multiple battles, in Ash-Sham and all over the world. And he gets old and he doesn't see anymore. And when they'd come to him and they'd tell him about different things that were happening, subhanAllah, he said, لَيْ تَسَمْعِي قَدْ ذَهَبَ كَمَا ذَهَبَ بَصَرِي. I wish my hearing would go away the way my sight went away. Because I don't even like to hear the things that are happening amongst the companions of the Prophet ﷺ. And of course the generations to follow in the fitna, the tribulations that took place. He would live all the way until he was 94 years old, 78 years after hijrah. He is the last major companion to die in Medina. Now subhanAllah, Anas ibn Malik ﷺ says the last major sahabi to die, period.
He is the last major sahabi to die in Medina. Imagine being in Medina and the last companion is going. The last sahabi is breathing his last in Medina, the last major companion. A piece of history dying in front of your eyes. Jabir radiAllahu anhu was a frequent teacher in the masjid of the Prophet ﷺ. He narrates from al-khulafa al-rashideen. So many of the ahadith of Abu Bakr and Umar and Uthman and Ali come from Jabir. He narrates from the wives of the Prophet ﷺ. And he narrates to Hassan al-Basri, Sa'eed ibn al-Musayyib, the best of the tabi'een, Ata. They were all his students. So Jabir was a link in Medina between the history of the Prophet ﷺ and those tabi'een, those eager scholars from that next generation that wanted to learn. And I'll give you two more quick stories. I know I went long. It won't be this long next week inshaAllah ta'ala. But one of them just to show you how much Jabir radiAllahu anhu wanted to preserve every hadith. Jabir, when he was in his late age, so he was almost dead, he heard about a hadith that someone had in Ash-Sham and he wanted to hear it himself. And it was Abdullah ibn Unais. So Jabir radiAllahu ta'ala anhu says that I purchased the camel and I made my way, this long journey to Syria, to hear the hadith myself. So when he reached Ash-Sham, he went to the house of Abdullah ibn Unais. So I told him that Jabir is at the door. So the messenger goes and tells Abdullah ibn Unais, and he's kind of relaxed in his house, that Jabir ibn Abdullah is at your front door. And it's like, what in the world? Jabir ibn Abdullah from Medina, the companion of the Prophet ﷺ, he's the greatest of them that's still alive. He's at my door? He said, he's at your door. So he quickly threw on what he had.
So he came out and then he hugged me, he embraced me. So Jabir is narrating the hadith with this whole context. He said, Abdullah ibn Unais came out and he embraced me. And I said to him, there's a hadith that I heard, or that has come to me that I have not heard myself. I was afraid I'd die or you would die before I get it from you. So I wanted to come here if you heard this from the Prophet ﷺ. So what is it that you heard from the Prophet ﷺ? Abdullah ibn Unais had one hadith, right? One particular hadith. I think in total he might have five or six in the entire books of hadith, but this is like this one hadith. And it's the hadith about the hashir, about the day of judgment when the people are gathered. That Allah would gather all of his slaves. That Allah would gather all of the slaves of Allah, all of the people in their original state. In their original state. And it's a long hadith, they have nothing. That Allah would call out to them with a voice that the one who is furthest away would still hear and Allah would say that, I am the king, none of the people of Jannah will enter Jannah and none of the people of Jahannam who are seeking something for some injustice that was done to them will enter the fire until I judge them. Meaning that this is the day of judgment and Allah will judge them at this point. So this is the hadith and it's a longer hadith but for the sake of time he went out all the way to Ash-Sham just to get this one hadith.
This is Jabir and I have one more narration that is mind blowing. It is mind blowing. You know when you go to Uhud and you stand in front of these graves and you realize that these bodies are fresh like the day that it happened. Forty six years, forty six years after Uhud, it's narrated in Al-Muwatta from Abdur-Rahman Ibn Abi Sa'a Sa'a. Forty six years later there was a flood that hits Medina and there was a stream that particularly hit the part of the graves of Abdullah Ibn Amr and Amr Ibn Jamuh. Ibn Hibban actually narrates that they used to say that this is the grave of the two brothers. So they were on the edge of the graves of the people of Uhud and when people would walk by they would say this is the grave of the brothers, Amr and Abdullah. So there was water that came there and it damaged that part, the edge of the shuhada of Uhud. And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala decreed it that those two bodies would come out. Amr Ibn Jamuh and Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Haram, the father of Jabir. And this is narrated by multiple people. He said wallahi their bodies were as fresh as the day that they died. Forty six years later, forty six years after the battle and the people of Medina are gathered around and not many of them were young enough or were old enough, right, at that point to have witnessed that, to actually see them when they were dead. So they go rushing to the house of Jabir. How do you go tell a man that your father's body just came up after forty six years? Come see your father after forty six years.
So they go and they tell Jabir that your father's body came out. They're going to rebury him. And Jabir comes to see his father after forty six years from the most traumatic day of his life. And Subhanallah his body was so fresh, so beautiful. And they said it was so fresh that it was to the point that Abdullah had a wound. And when they buried him they put his hand in a way that it was holding the wound. And when his hand came loose forty six years later the blood kept flowing. So they put his hand back when they reburied him. That's how precise and how fresh his body was. Forty six years later this man who Allah spoke to directly without any hijab. And Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala said ask me anything. And he said Ya Rabb let me go back and die for you. Can't send you back? Then tell the people that are there that we're okay. That we're doing well. Subhanallah. So they buried him. And Amr ibn Jamuh who the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said I saw walking in Jannah without a limp. They buried them once again. May Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala be pleased with them and be pleased with all of the companions and all of the shuhada. So eighty six years after hijrah Jabir radiyaAllahu anhu passes away from natural causes at the age of ninety four years old. And the son of Uthman ibn Affan, Aban ibn Uthman ibn Affan, Aban ibn Uthman ibn Affan radiyaAllahu anhuma leads his janazah in Al Medina. And it was one of the largest attended janazahs that the people had seen. I mean imagine the news the last major companion, the last centerpiece of that civilization in Al Medina has just passed away radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu wa an abihi. May Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala be pleased with him and his father and all of the companions of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and gather us with them in the highest level of Firdaws al-A'la with our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Allahuma ameen.
Jazakumullah khaira. InshaAllah ta'ala next week we will talk, it will be a shorter halaqa, we will talk about Sa'd ibn Khaythamah and his father. May Allah be pleased with them and Kulthum ibn al-Hadim. And that will set the stage for inshaAllah ta'ala the week after where we will start with the seerah of our mother Aisha radiyaAllahu ta'ala anha. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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