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Life of the Prophet (seerah)

Saeed ibn Amir (ra): Haunted by Murder | The Firsts

September 14, 2023Dr. Omar Suleiman

He was a pious governor in Islam who would repent to Allah after witnessing the crucifixion of Khubayb (ra). How did Saeed and other companions who participated in the massacres of Bi'r Mauna and Al Rajee find their way back to Allah after such horrific actions?

The Firsts is a weekly video series that chronicles the lives of the Sahaba (the companions of the Prophet ﷺ) during and after the time of the Prophet ﷺ.

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As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim. Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen. Wa al-'udwana illa ala al-dhalimeen. Wa al-'aqeebatu lil-muttaqeen. Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baraka ala abdika wa rasulika Muhammadin. Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Wa ala alihi wa sahbihi. Wa sallim tasliman kathira. Welcome back to the first. And inshallah tonight, we're going to be entering into one of the most complicated elements of the firsts. And that is the idea of a people who committed all sorts of horrific things after the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam received revelation and then made tawbah while the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was still alive. Now, we've been speaking about the massacres of Bi'r Ma'una and Al-Raji' these two massacres that happened immediately after Uhud and we spoke about some of the famous shuhada, the famous martyrs. I hope inshallah some of those names are well ingrained in your hearts and minds now. But this is the plot twist I was talking about a few weeks ago. Imagine being someone who killed one of those people and then having to face the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam knowing the pain that you caused him. Imagine meeting the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and praying behind him knowing that he prayed against you. Imagine knowing that you caused the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam to cry. Imagine walking into Masjid Nabawi and I seriously want you to think about this. Praying next to the son of a man you killed. Talk about complex and how things are unfolding. So there are so many different dimensions to put together here. Now subhanallah you know and I'm going to start from this place
I remember speaking to someone who was a prison guard where the only person who was caught in the assassination of Malcolm X dwelled. His name was Hayer. I forget the first name. But I remember the prison guard mentioning that this man and it's known that he became Muslim. He became a Sunni Muslim in prison. So imagine subhanallah he killed Malcolm or he's one of the people that pulled the trigger on Malcolm. Knowing that he carries the guilt of that assassination and then he made tawbah in prison. He was talking about how this man lives such a sulk in life. That the way the man would cry and walk around and look empty. Like imagine carrying that burden. Did Allah forgive me? Did he not forgive me? How could I have been responsible for putting bullets into one of the most influential men in what I now know to be the religion of truth. Think about that guilt right. That burden of guilt. I want you to imagine the community of the companions. And subhanallah this is where I hope you can appreciate for a few moments. That hadith about the man who killed 99 people and then killed 100 because the man who we went to ask if he could ever be forgiven for killing 99 people told him after 99 people and he killed him too. And him finding tawbah. Do I have a chance of being forgiven? Imagine how that landed upon those companions. You know this is a reality that is distant from many of us. We don't really understand but if you are someone who comes from a troubled past and I've met people like this and there are communities subhanallah where there are people that have body counts. They killed multiple people before they became Muslim. And they live with a sense of guilt and a sense of questioning and insecurity. Did Allah really forgive me? Because I said la ilaha illallah muhammadun rasulullah. So imagine being someone who killed
multiple sahaba and now you're a sahabi and hearing the prophet tell you the story about a man who Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgave after killing 100 people. That hadith lands differently for those types of people. Is there tawbah for the greatest transgression that exists after a shirk billah. After associating a partner with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. As the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said the first thing that Allah will ask about on the day of judgement is ad-dam. As it relates to the people. Blood. Those who shed blood. And now those people have to come to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and find a sense of tawbah. That's one. So from the perspective of the person who committed these unspeakable crimes. Two, imagine being the son of a shaheed at uhud or the daughter of a shaheed at uhud. And you have to forgive and pray next to people that killed your family members. And by the way the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is at the head of them. Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam is sitting in front of the people who chewed the liver of his uncle Hamza radiyallahu anhu and spit it out. He's sitting in front of these people and he forgives them alayhis salatu wasalam. But how do you carry that guilt? Or how do you carry that pain if you are the person on the other side when someone next to you participated in that? This is subhanallah one of the things that makes the community of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam so profound. When Allah azawajal says أَلَّفَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِكُمْ فَأَصْبَحْتُمْ بِنِعْمَتِهِ إِخْوَانًا Allah azawajal brought your hearts together and you became brothers. That that was an impossible feat for mankind to do amongst themselves. For human beings to do amongst themselves. It is a miracle from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that look what he did with you oh community of companions. That after all of this he brought you together أَلَّفَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِكُمْ and he caused you to love each other and you became brothers and sisters in Islam and you ended up fighting
alongside each other in the glory days of Islam. How incredible, how amazing what a miracle from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and of course this is also where we find the hadith where the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam mentions that Allah azawajal laughs at two people. Two people who meet in Jannah. القاتل والمقتول The murdered meets his murderer in Jannah and says what are you doing here? How in the world did you make it? Because the last memory that they have of that person in dunya before they came to Jannah is that person cursing them or putting a sword in them or putting a spear in them, spitting at them, cursing Islam and then talk about the awkwardness of bumping into that person in Jannah. You're here. Now it's not a grudge because there are no grudges in Jannah. There's no hate, there's no like oh no wait I have to go talk to Allah. We've got to get you out of here. It's done. قضي الأمر But it's a shock and Allah azawajal is looking at these two slaves of his in Jannah and Allah azawajal laughs at these two people as they bump into each other in Jannah for the first time. Surprised. How is it that you got here? So subhanallah when we come to these stories of ma'una and al-raji' like Uhud many of those who participated in these massacres did in fact become Muslim. Did in fact repent to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Now every single one of them though has an individual story and has a process by which they come to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. You may remember that we talked about Suhayl ibn Amr radiyallahu ta'ala anhu. Suhayl ibn Amr did not become Muslim for a long time but he resembled the earliest Muslims in his piety when he eventually did. He was an incredible person. And if you would have seen him in Hudaybiyyah and the way he tortured his son and all those things you'd say this guy has no chance of being guided to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And if you would have
seen him after you'd say this is one of the best Muslims. He resembles in his zuhd, in his asceticism, in his ibadah the earliest Muslims. So everyone has a process by which that all unfolded for them. Some of them indeed repented to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala or accepted Islam in Fatih Mecca and that's a large group of them. When Mecca is now under the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and there is no more reason to fight the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam or fight Islam. And Allah knows the hearts of every single person. And we do not put ourselves above any single one of those people. Radiyallahu anhum ajma'in. May Allah be pleased with them all. But some of them had an earlier process. So before we get to the person that we're speaking about today, I mentioned subhanAllah that after these two massacres of Ma'una and Al-Raji' the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam made du'a against these tribes. As tribes, every single salah for a month in his qunut alayhi salatu wasalam. Now did the du'a strike them? Those tribes had all sorts of revolts within them. Some of the chiefs that participated in the betrayal of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam were killed by their own family members. There were natural disasters that came upon them. All sorts of things that struck them. And of course the victory of Islam over them as a whole. So that's one way in which the du'a of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam indeed strikes them. But some of them, Allah azawajal saw that their hearts were worthy of Islam. And just like us, when we make du'a to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, Allah azawajal answers it in the best possible way. Sometimes Allah gives you better than what you asked for. And so those people coming to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and embracing Islam is far more beloved to him. And Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam when he makes du'a against the people, he makes du'a against the people that Allah restrains their harm from another group of people.
But he is still rahmatan lil'alameen. He's still a mercy to the world alayhi salatu wasalam. And so he accepts their repentance when they come back to him salallahu alayhi wasalam in the worldly sense and Allah azawajal accepts their repentance when they come back to him in the sense of the hereafter. So we talked about Uhud, we mentioned the women that were beating the drums, Hind bint Utbah, the wife of Abu Sufyan, she became Muslim and Fathah Mecca. Rayta bint Munabbih, the wife of Amr bin Aas, she became Muslim after Fathah Mecca. Sulafa bint Sa'ad who wanted to have the head of Asim bin Thabit to drink out of his head, became Muslim after Fathah Mecca. So this is an interesting category of people. And many of those people or a few of those people I should say converted to Islam sometime between the crime and the conquest of Mecca. And this is where you start to hone in on some of these categories. There are some people that embraced Islam sometime between Uhud and between Fathah Mecca. Now I want to speak about today one person in particular who is one of the greatest companions of the Prophet. Not just someone that you just put to the side. One of the best companions of the Prophet who fits that category. But before that I want to put you in Medina and I want you to imagine sitting next to an old man in the Masjid of the Prophet and the man has one narration in the books. He doesn't have three Ahadith, he doesn't have ten. He has one narration. You know SubhanAllah if you see someone and you don't know their story they're an elderly person and you can tell maybe they had a rough past or something like that. You have this man sitting in the Masjid and he has one thing that he says about himself. Here's the one way that he describes himself. His name is Jabbar Ibn Salma. Jabbar Ibn Salma.
RadhiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu. And the only thing that he says about himself. He says, He said, the only thing that brought me to Islam or of what brought me to Islam was that I was the one that took a spear and put it right between the shoulders of a man on that day from the Muslims. And I looked at the end of that spear. I put my spear all the way through him. SubhanAllah he's giving you vivid details and he's telling you about who he was before Islam. And as I go in front of him and the blood is coming from his mouth as I stabbed him with my spear and he's dying. He looks up and he says, I have succeeded by Allah. I have succeeded by Allah. That man was Amir Ibn Fuhayrah RadhiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu. The guide of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and Abu Bakr RadhiAllahu Anhu on the Hijrah. And he is one of those who was massacred in Bi'r Ma'una. And Jabbar Ibn Salma says, I was the one. I mean SubhanAllah you're sitting in the masjid. I'm the one that did that to him. I put a spear between him and I looked at him as his soul left his eyes and he said, I have succeeded by Allah. And you know what he says? He says, I kept saying to myself after I did that, what is he talking about? How did he succeed? What did he succeed with? I killed him. He's dead. How did he succeed? And he goes home and you can imagine the nightmares and the images and replaying that incident in his head over and over and over again. He said, until I went to some of the Muslims, I was so lost as to what the man meant
when he said, I have succeeded by Allah. What did he see? I saw him in front of me when I was killing him. So they said to me, he succeeded because he was martyred. He succeeded because he attained the shahada. And I said to myself, if this is what these people have, wallahi he succeeded. Indeed that is success. And Jabbar Ibn Salma goes to Medina after Bi'r Ma'una. Imagine presents himself to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. The man who stabbed the one who guided the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and Abu Bakr RadhiAllahu Anhu along the hijrah is now coming to Medina making his own hijrah saying to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that was me. Halli tawba? Will Allah ever forgive me? And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam accepts him into his community. And Jabbar Ibn Salma is a quiet sahabi. SubhanAllah, this is the complexity of that community. He's a quiet sahabi. He prays amongst the companions and that's his story. Who am I? I'm the one that stabbed the man, put a spear right through his chest and looked him in the eyes as he said, Fustu Allah, I have succeeded by Allah. And that's what made me Muslim. SubhanAllah. Now I want to enter into this the man that we're going to be speaking about today inshallah ta'ala in detail. One of the most amazing companions of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. His name is Sa'eed Ibn Amir Al-Jumahi. And I want to put up his family tree inshallah ta'ala for a moment and talk a little bit about who he is so that you can understand a bit about his background. Sa'eed Ibn Amir Al-Jumahi is from the tribe of Banu Abdishams. Now the two military, main military families, right, and it's a sub-tribe. Banu Umayyah and Banu Abdishams are the ones that are sort of in charge of leading all of the military campaigns of Quraysh on behalf of Quraysh. And I want to talk a little bit about the history of Quraysh, on behalf of Quraysh.
They're two of the most senior tribes of Quraysh. And Sa'eed was a young man. Now, his siblings also embraced Islam. You don't have to look at that long line, this is only for those that are actually really interested in, subhanAllah, reading about the history of a person, but his sibling, one of them is Fatima radiAllahu ta'ala anha, she embraced Islam, Fatima bint Amir. And the other one is a man by the name of Jameel. And Jameel is the grandfather, the great grandfather of Nafi' ibn Abdullah, one of the greatest scholars of hadith in history. So you can just see the way that Islam kind of spreads through this family. Waqi' ibn al-Jarrah, Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak, they narrate from Nafi' ibn Abdullah. So this is his great grandfather, Jameel ibn Amir. So all three of the kids become Muslim. Now, there's an interesting link I want you to pay attention to. His father dies before Islam. And his mother, Arwa, is the sister of Uqba ibn Abi Mu'ayt. Now, if you remember one of the worst moments of the Prophet's life was when Uqba ibn Abi Mu'ayt came to the Prophet's when he was praying in Mecca and he dumped camel guts and intestines on his back and collapsed him under all of the filth of the camel. And the people laughed at the Prophet's and mocked him. And Fatima radiAllahu ta'ala anha came and she was scraping off the camel guts and crying as she was taking it off of the back of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. This is after the death of Khadijah radiAllahu anha, after the death of Abu Talib. And the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam is alone and his daughter, think about how humiliated it is, he is salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, his daughter is moving the guts from his back, alayhi salatu wa sallam, and he's always honored, salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, and he's comforting Fatima radiAllahu anha as this man seeks to humiliate him, salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. That is Uqba ibn Amin Mu'id. So you understand the family of Sa'id ibn Amir, that's his uncle. Okay? And his uncle is a staunch enemy of the Prophet
salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, and his uncle was killed in Badr. Alright? And he had sworn to harm the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam and he was someone who was filthy with the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. He is the person who yawma ya'adul dhalimu ala yadayhi yaqool, ya laytan itakhaltu ma'al rasuli sabila. That person who's biting his fist on the Day of Judgment saying, I wish I would have followed the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. lam atakhidh fulan an khalil. I wish I never took that person as a friend. I wish I would have taken the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam as a friend instead. That's him. He's talking about him. So this is Sa'id's uncle. So his family is a family that has a lot out against the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. And his tribe, Banu Abdi Shams, is in fact the tribe of Hind ibn Utbah, right? Hind who cut the liver of Hamza radiAllahu ta'ala anhu and chewed it out. So he's not someone who himself has a particular reason to go after the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam in the wake of Uhud. He's a younger man, but his tribe has a lot of vitriol against the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam and they're leading the charge against Islam. Now why is this important? Because Sa'id starts his story of Islam from the date of the crucifixion of Khubaib radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. Now let this man tell you his story of Islam. Sa'id radiAllahu ta'ala anhu was someone who was oblivious to it all. He didn't fight in Uhud against the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. He didn't fight in Badr. He was a young man. But he says, I remember the mobs going out to Tan'im for the crucifixion of Khubaib radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. This was a big deal, the crucifixion of Khubaib radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. And so he said I came out and he said, I watched as they dragged Khubaib radiAllahu ta'ala anhu and they beat him and the people screamed at him. And I was staring at Khubaib radiAllahu ta'ala anhu the whole time. And he starts to recount the narration. He said, and I remember when Khubaib radiAllahu ta'ala anhu said, let me pray two
rak'ahs. And he prayed two rak'ahs. And he said that, if I didn't want you to get the pleasure of thinking that I was afraid, I would have increased in those two rak'ahs. If I didn't want you to think that I was delaying my death, I would have kept on praying. And he said, and I remember when they strung him up onto the cross and they were beating him and the blood was dripping from him. And they were asking him, would you like that Muhammad salAllahu alayhi wa sallam be in your place? And Khubaib radiAllahu ta'ala anhu responded that I would rather or I would not want the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam to even be struck by a thorn. I would rather this than the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam be touched by a thorn. And he said, and I remember as they were beating him and yelling at him and they were saying, imagine being in the front of the mob and the people are shouting, kill him, kill him. And they cut his body parts piece by piece and I was watching. So he's not participating as much except that maybe I carried some of the wood, but I wasn't participating in killing him, but I was there with the mobs. It's my family that's a part of doing this to him. And then Khubaib makes the dua, Allahumma ahsihim adada waqtulhum badada wa la tughadir minhum ahada. Oh Allah, count them all and kill them all. Kill them one by one and do not spare, wa la tabqa wa la tughadir minhum ahada. Do not spare a single one of them. And Saeed remembered the power of Khubaib's dua. Remember Abu Sufyan threw Muawiyah to the ground, the people hit the ground because of the power in his voice even though he was dying when he made dua against them. This is the beginning of Saeed's Islam. Saeed ibn Amir radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, he said, so I went home that night and I kept on replaying over and over and over again the murder of Khubaib and my participation.
I was there and he made dua against me and I saw the conviction that he had, the strength that he had, the faith that he had, like nothing shook the man, everything they did to him. And he said, eventually I couldn't handle myself. So I went out to Quraysh and I called out to them and I said, Ya Maashara Quraysh, oh assembly of Quraysh, inni bari'un mimma fa'altum bi Khubaib. I have nothing to do with what you did with Khubaib. Wa inni bari'un minkum. I have nothing to do with any of you and I am free from your idol worship and I'm free from your sorcery and I'm free from your oppression. I want nothing to do with any of you anymore. And he said and I made my way to Medina. He's a very interesting person. Why? Because most people, you know, if you look at sort of the bulk of people or the bunches of people that are embracing Islam, right? You have these batches of people that embrace Islam at certain parts of the seerah. There is a batch after Khaybar. There is a batch after Hudaybiyyah. There is the biggest batch after Fatah Mecca, after the conquest of Mecca. Sa'eed is interesting in that he will make his way to Medina to embrace Islam before Khaybar. This is an awkward time period because it's the lowest time period of the Prophet ﷺ. This is when the Prophet ﷺ and his community were most vulnerable and Sa'eed radiyallahu ta'ala anhu actually wants to go and embrace Islam at this point. And that is a sign of his sincerity. And even Allah Azawajal mentions time periods count here. La yastawi minkum man anfaqa min qabla al-fatihi wa qatal, ulaika a'adhamu darajatan min al-ladhina anfaqu min ba'du wa qatalu, wa kullan wa'da Allah al-husna. Allah says in Surah Al-Hadid that those who embraced Islam after the Fatah are not equal to those that embraced Islam before it. Those that did it before and fought alongside the Prophet ﷺ and spent and sacrificed as a group of people, they're not like those who came after. Now everyone has their individual circumstance with Allah Azawajal, but as a group those
people are different. So Sa'eed makes the cut off, he meets the cut off of the four Fatah Hudaybiyyah or Fatah Makkah and at the same time he has blood on his hands from the Sahaba which is very rare. So he's in a very different situation when he comes to the Prophet ﷺ. So imagine being in Medina and you now have to deal with Jabbar ibn Salma who murdered the head of the group that you sent to Ma'una, Amir ibn Fuhayr radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, and you have a man who participated in the crucifixion of Khubaib ibn Adi radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu from the Hadithat al-Rajiyah, from the massacre of al-Rajiyah. And Sa'eed ibn Amir comes to the Prophet ﷺ and he tells the Prophet ﷺ what happened with Khubaib, he recounts the story. And he tells the Prophet ﷺ what he told his people. Do I have a chance at repentance, right? I mean these are the people who needed that Hadith of the man who killed 99 and 100 people. We all need to know that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tawwabur raheem, that Allah azzawajal is the acceptor of repentance and the forgiving. But these people really needed that particular Hadith of a man who committed multiple murders but still was forgiven by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Now subhanAllah, what about Khubaib radiyaAllahu anhu and Khubaib radiyaAllahu anhu and Sa'eed radiyaAllahu anhu bump into each other in Jannah. Didn't I make dua against you people? Imagine subhanAllah that of the good deeds of Khubaib is the Islam of Sa'eed and we're going to talk about all the great things that Sa'eed will do in Islam. His last act even in death was da'wah. His last act even in death was da'wah. Jabbar ibn Salman radiyaAllahu anhu died very quietly, Sa'eed radiyaAllahu anhu is going to go on to do amazing things in Islam. Khubaib radiyaAllahu anhu was giving da'wah to the man even while he was being crucified
and didn't even know it. So what would be more beloved to Khubaib than knowing that you extended your legacy through this man as well even as he was participating in your murder. So Sa'eed radiyaAllahu anhu comes and one of the things that Sa'eed immediately distinguishes himself by is zuhud, is asceticism. Now Banu Abd al-Shams, they're pretty rich, pretentious people, okay. I didn't want to lose you all with the family tree but Fatima, his sister, is married to the uncle of Uthman ibn Affan radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, al-Mughir ibn al-As. Uthman comes from this tribe radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. They were rich people, they were wealthy, they were the nobles of Mecca, the elites of Mecca. And now Sa'eed radiyaAllahu anhu comes and he basically takes on the approach of ahlus-suffah. He decides to absolve himself of this dunya altogether. He's very interesting in that regard. He doesn't want the wealth of this world. He doesn't need to be bought. He doesn't need to be sort of softened up into Islam. I don't want any of it. So Sa'eed radiyaAllahu anhu becomes famous for a zuhud and that's why you'll even find that some of the mufassirun, when they talk about wa min an-nasi man yashri nafsaha butigha mardaatillah, that there are those that have sold themselves for the sake of Allah subhana wa ta'ala. They've given their souls for the sake of Allah. That Sa'eed is one of those people. He resembles these people who completely came to the Prophet ﷺ and said, I am done with this world. I am dedicating myself to you. So he fought alongside the Prophet ﷺ in Khaybar. He fought alongside the Prophet ﷺ in all of the battles that come after. And he dedicates himself in that sense and he was a skilled warrior radiyaAllahu anhu. But he takes on the identity of the poor ones of the sahaba, of those that are known for
their zuhud. And subhanAllah, there's very few narrations that can be found from him. One narration in al-Tabarani that Sa'eed ibn Amir al-Jumahi radiyaAllahu anhu, an-Nabi ﷺ, he says that the Prophet ﷺ said, inna fuqaraa al-muslimeen yaziffoona kama yazufful hamam fa yuqalu lahum qifu lilhisab. That on the day of judgment, that the poor people amongst the Muslims will be brought forth lined up the way that the pigeons are lined up, meaning they'll be brought forth in their groups. And then it will be said to them, qifu lilhisab. Now stand and go through your hisab, be held accountable. Fayaquloon wallahi ma tarakna shay'an nuhasabu bihi. People say, wallahi we have left nothing behind that we can be held accountable for, meaning we were poor people. Fayaqurollahu jalla jalalu sadaqa ibadi. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will say, my servants are telling the truth, fayadukhuluna aljannata qabla al nasi bi sab'een a'ma. And so they will enter jannah before the people by 70 years. There's a narration which is more authentic, even 500 years. So the point is, is that they go before the people because on the day of judgment they have nothing to be asked for. They have nothing to be asked about. They don't have any ni'm, any of the blessings, any of the money, the wealth that people will be asked about. We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that he makes it easy for us on the day of judgment. Allahumma ameen. So these are the poor people and Sa'eed narrates that and Sa'eed ibn Amir radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu wants to be amongst those people. So he immediately gains favor, not just with the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, but with Abu Bakr al-Siddiq radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, and particularly gains a special relationship with Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. And his relationship with Umar becomes a major focus in the history of Islam. Now why does Umar radiyaAllahu anhu love him?
Number one, he hates materialism, even though he comes from a family of materialism. Number two, Sa'eed carries himself with a lot of sincerity, with a lot of integrity, with a lot of taqwa, with a lot of piety. It wasn't easy to impress Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. Sa'eed radiyaAllahu anhu becomes one of those people who deeply impresses Umar radiyaAllahu anhu and who gives Umar nasiha as well as takes nasiha from Umar. They actually have a relationship in which they will both advise one another for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So we have very little about his relationship with the Prophet ﷺ, Sa'eed radiyaAllahu anhu. But what we have is that he fought alongside the Prophet ﷺ and he fits an awkward category which puts him really alone, where he killed in Raj'ia or participated in the murder, but then became Muslim long before most of those other people would become Muslim radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu. So when the Prophet ﷺ passes away, Abu Bakr radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu puts him in charge of some of the battalions and he fights as a commander in several expeditions and he's a close confidant of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radiyaAllahu anhu. And then when Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu passes away and Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu becomes the Khalifa, we find this relationship unfolds. And this legacy of a man who carries on his conscience one of the greatest tragedies in history starts to unfold. First and foremost, one of the most beautiful advices that you will see to a leader is the advice that he will give to Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu when Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu becomes the Khalifa. So when Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu becomes the Khalifa, he says to him, يا عمر إني أريد أن أوصيك He says, oh Umar, I want to give you some advice.
So Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu said, of course, please give me advice. So he said to him, أوصيك أن تخشى الله في الناس ولا تخشى الناس في الله This is, subhanAllah, in and of itself, that sentence is very hard to translate, by the way. أوصيك أن تخشى الله في الناس ولا تخشى الناس في الله I advise you, and أوصيك is a very strong word, I advise you that you fear Allah in regards to the people and don't fear the people in regards to Allah. First and foremost, fear Allah in regards to the people, do not fear the people in regards to Allah. ولا يختلف قولك ولا فعلك فإن خير القول ما تبعه الفعل And do not let your words and your deeds have any discrepancy, because the best words are the ones that are followed by deeds, by actions. SubhanAllah, think about this. I mean, imagine who you have to be to tell Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu about hypocrisy, like to give Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu advice about hypocrisy means that you have to have a pretty significant position with him. So he says to him, don't let your words depart from your deeds and the best words are the ones that are followed by deeds. ولا تقضي في أمر واحد بقضائين يختلف عليك أمرك وتنزع عن الحق وخذ بالأمر ذي الحجة. So he says, and do not judge in a singular situation with two different judgments, don't let your judgments conflict, right, because then you might swerve from the truth, always stick to the proof, to the truth, ويعنك الله ويصلح رعيتك على يديك and Allah Azawajal will help you and He will rectify your people on your hand, وأقم وجهك وقضاء كريما ولاك الله أمره من بعيد المسلمين وقريبهم. How significant, SubhanAllah, with what's happening to our brothers and sisters in Morocco and Libya and Indonesia, the tragedies and of course the oppression.
He says, and focus yourself on being just and being intense upon caring for those who Allah has put under you, from the Muslims that are close to you and the Muslims that are very far away from you. They're all on you, O Umar, they have a right upon you wherever they are, O Umar, وأحب لهم ما تحب لنفسك وأهل بيتك, and love for them what you love for yourself and for your family, وكره لهم ما تكره لنفسك ولأهل بيتك, and hate for them what you hate for yourself and what you hate for your family, وخذ الغمرات إلى الحق حيث علمت, ولا تتقي في الله لوم تلاءم, and take the truth wherever it takes you, and do not fear in the way of Allah the blame of a blamer. SubhanAllah, imagine if this was a constitution or something that we read to everyone who was given a position amongst the Muslims. The advice of Saeed ibn Amir to Umar ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with them, when he took this position. Umar, رضي الله عنه, is someone who if you said, اتقل له, he starts crying. So what do you think happens to him when Saeed gives him this type of advice? So Umar, رضي الله عنه, is overwhelmed. He says, ومن يستطيع ذلك يا سعيد, who in the world could do what you just said, O Saeed? Everything that you just mentioned? How in the world am I supposed to do that, O Saeed? Saeed, رضي الله عنه, says, مثلك, you, someone like you, من والله الله أمر أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ولم يجعل بينه وبينه أحدا. You, O Umar, a person like you, Allah put you in this position, someone who Allah put in charge of the Ummah of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and did not put anything between him and Allah عز و جل. It is you. Allah is telling you to take what Allah has given you in Haqq with Haqq.
Allah gave it to you because you deserve it, now do justice by it, O Umar. So Umar رضي الله عنه said, الله المستحان, from Allah all help is sought. This is again one of the most beautiful advices that we find from Saeed to Umar. Now Umar is going to repay the favor. If Umar likes you, he's going to make you a governor. And remember Umar رضي الله عنه hates hypocrites and he hates materialists and he hates people who display a want for leadership. So many times in the seerah of Umar رضي الله عنه, you see him trying to make someone a governor and they're saying, please don't make me a governor. And Umar saying, you're not just going to let me deal with this on my own. So Umar رضي الله عنه calls Saeed forward رضي الله عنه after the conquest of Al-Homs in Al-Sham, Al-Homs, and Al-Homs, by the way, obviously one of the greatest cities in Al-Sham of Syria and of greater Syria. And at that time, probably, you know, historians say probably the first city of Al-Sham that had as large of a Muslim population as it did, right, because remember the Muslims did not force people to convert to Islam, right? So many of them held on to their religion for some time. Homs had a huge Muslim population and it was one of the centers of Al-Sham. And Umar رضي الله عنه conquers Homs. Of course, this is when the expedition is taking place with Al-Sham, the battle between the Romans and the Muslims. And you can actually pull up a picture of, the earliest picture of Homs, just to give you the idea. And of course, Homs was one of the cities that was destroyed in the revolution. May Allah سبحانه وتعالى help the people of Homs today, اللهم آمين, make it easy for our brothers and sisters there, اللهم آمين. But this is one of the earliest pictures of Homs. Beautiful city, beautiful city. So Umar رضي الله عنه calls forth Sa'id ibn Amr and he says, I'm putting you in charge of Homs. Sa'id ibn Amr is a man who lives like a Zahid.
He's completely away from the dunya. He's completely away from anything of this world, the material of this world. And he says, يا عمر, Oh Umar, please نشدتك الله لا تفتني. Don't put me to trial. Don't let this be a fitna for me. I'm begging you by Allah. And Umar رضي الله عنه غضب. He got mad. He said, وَيْحَكُمْ وَضَعْتُمْ هَذَا الْأَمْرُ فِي عُنُقِي ثُمَّ تَخَلَّيْتُمْ عَنِّي. He said, woe to you. You people put this on my neck and then you left me alone. No, no, no. You're sharing this burden with me. You think I wanted to be khalifa? You have to be the governor. And he's saying, please, Oh Umar, leave me to the masjid. Leave me to my reading. Leave me to my ibadah. Leave me to my worship. I don't want anything to do with this. And Umar رضي الله عنه says, وَاللَّهِ لَا أَدْعُكَ. I swear by Allah, I will not leave you alone. SubhanAllah, think about how the things have changed. And by the way, there's so much to think about the relevance here. I will not leave you alone. You have to do this because you are a person who's suited for it. So Umar رضي الله عنه says to him, you're now in charge of Homs. You need to go to Homs. And he says to him after that, because at the end of the day, he's Amir al-Mu'minin. He's the commander of the believers. So Sa'id protested, but fine, I'll take it. He says to him, أَلَا نَفْرِضُ لَكَ رِزْقَةً. Do you want me to give you a salary? Do you need some money? Sa'id رضي الله عنه says, وَمَا أَفْعَلُ بِهِ أَمِيرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ فَإِنَّ عَطَائِي مِنْ بَيْتِ الْمَالِ يَزِيدُ عَنْ حَاجَتِي. He said, I don't need any money, O Amir al-Mu'minin. What I get, my monthly wage from Bayt al-Mal is more than what my expenses are. I'm okay. Umar رضي الله عنه didn't like bribery. He didn't want people to be corrupted. So he gave his governors a salary so that they would not be bought by their people. So that was one of his strategies.
And it was a wise thing for Umar رضي الله عنه to do, to make sure that the governors were taken care of so that no one can bribe them, right? Sa'id says, I don't want the money, I'm okay, Bayt al-Mal, what I get as a monthly wage is enough. Now, SubhanAllah, as he is sending him, he says to him, as he's bidding him farewell, قَالَ يَا سَعِيدُ إِنِّي إِنَّمَا أَبْعَثُكَ عَلَىٰ قَوْمٍ لَسْتَ بِأَفْضَلِهِمْ وَلَسْتُ أَبْعَثُكَ عَلَيْهِمْ لِتَضْرِبَ أَبْشَارَهُمْ وَلَا تَنْتَهِكَ أَعْرَاضَهُمْ وَلَكِنَّكَ تُجَاهِدُ بِهِمْ عَدُوَّهُمْ وَتُقْسِمُ فِيهِمْ فَيْئَهُمْ He said, listen, I'm sending you to a people and I'm not sending you to a people so that you could beat on their men or so that you could dishonor their people. I'm not sending you to be an oppressor. Don't go there with a stick in your hand, with a whip and start asserting yourself in charge of these people and start oppressing the people. That's not how I'm sending you, SubhanAllah. The way they portray Umar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu and the justice of this man. I'm not sending you to beat people. I'm not sending you to dishonor people. I'm sending you to go there to fight alongside them. This is an active battle between the Muslims and the Romans here to fight alongside them and at the same time that you can justly distribute the spoils amongst them. So justly distribute their proportions amongst them. So Saeed makes his way to Homs, to Ash-Sham. Now Umar radiAllahu anhu is getting his reports and Umar has two ways of getting reports. One of them is in Hajj or if people come to him and he asks them about how people are doing in this region. The other one is that Umar just shows up in your city, pops up in your living room and starts asking the people about you and making sure that you're not taking anything, not stealing anything and that the people have no complaints against you. So Umar has a two-tiered approach radiAllahu ta'ala anhu to checking on his governors.
Everything he's getting from Homs is positive. Everyone comes forth and they keep talking about the justice and the goodness of Saeed ibn Amir radiAllahu ta'ala anhu. Now Homs had a nickname by the way and so this is a way that the Iraqis and the Shamis will both get mad at me now. They called it Kufa, little Kufa and the reason why they called it Kufa, little Kufa is because Kufa was known for too many complaints. And so Homs was known for shakawi, for a lot of complaints as well. So they used to call it Kufa, the little Kufa. So it was shocking to Umar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu that you know they all have good things to say about. Saeed ibn Amir, so he sends a letter to Saeed ibn Amir and he says, Inna ahl al-Shami yuhibboonak. It's like the people of Sham really love you. What do you think it is? Qala inni u'awinuhum wa uwasihim. He said because I'm there for them, I help them and I comfort them when they are in need. So Umar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu says, Khudh hadhihi al-ashrat alaf fatawassaabiha. He said to him, Listen, here's 10,000 dinars from me to you. Give yourself a break. Breathe a bit. Because you're living in such hardship and it's okay for you to at least have some comfort in your life. And he says to him, A'tiha man huwa ahwaju ilaiha minni. He said, You know Umar, I'm going to give it to someone who needs it more than me. No, I don't want to do that. I don't need this 10,000. I'll give it to people that need it more than me. And Umar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu says to him, Inna nabiyya sallAllahu alaihi wasallam a'taani. You know, one time the Prophet sallAllahu alaihi wasallam gave me some money. Faqultu lahum mithla lathi qultan. You know, I said to the Prophet sallAllahu alaihi wasallam, the same thing you just said to me. I said, Ya Rasulullah, I don't need it. I'll just go give it to the poor. And he said, Faqala li alaihi sallAllahu alaihi wasallam, the Prophet sallAllahu alaihi wasallam
said to me, Idha ataaka allahu ma lam lam tatlubhu walam tashrahu ilaihi nafsuk fa khudhu fa innama huwa rizqun ataaka allahu bihi. If someone gives you money and you didn't go seek it out, you didn't crave it inside, you didn't do anything for it, but it's just something that came your way, then take it. That is rizq that Allah subh'anaHu wa ta'ala sent to you, right? You don't have to torture yourself in this way. So he gave him something in that regard. And subhanAllah, the only complaint that he, or the only incident that we know of a back and forth between Sa'eed ibn Amr and someone in Homs is that one time someone called him a name, someone said something to him insulting, so subhanAllah, no one, no one ever is free from this, especially in a position of leadership. So someone said something to him, and he says, man al ladhi sammani bi ghayri al ismi al ladhi sammani bihi walidi, who's the person that said, that called me a name that my father did not name me? He says, in kunta laghaniyan anta la'anaka al malaika, look, you could have protected yourself from being cursed by the angels. You really didn't need to get yourself cursed by the angels. Wala tanabazu bil alqaaf, don't do that. Don't call people by bad nicknames, don't mock people. You know, you could have protected yourself, saved yourself from giving away your good deeds to someone, all right? Now, Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu has another incident with him. Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu one day was gathering the people from the different regions. So he said to them, give me the scrolls of your fuqara, of your poor people, so I can take care of them. SubhanAllah, as they give him the names of the fuqara, he sees the name of Sa'eed ibn Amir. So Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu was like, is this a mistake? He said to them, who is this? They said, our ameer. He said, ameerukum faqeer, your ameer is one of the poor people of Homs? Like are you serious?
You're putting your ameer in the zakat collections, like what are you talking about? So they said to Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, they said, wallahi ya ameerul mu'mineen, Sa'eed ibn Amir radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu goes nights, long nights, wala yuqadu fee baytihi nar, and no fire is lit in his home. The man doesn't eat, the man doesn't take anything, the man lives his life very, very, very poor. Fabaqa Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu bukaan shadeedin hatta ballat dumu'uhu lihyatihi radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, or lihyatihu, Umar radiyaAllahu anhu cried so much that his beard became wet. He started to weep radiyaAllahu anhu. I mean, they know where these people came from. That man comes from Banu Abd al-Shams in Mecca, and he has given all that up and now he's in the scrolls of the poorest people in a region that he governs. And Umar radiyaAllahu anhu starts to cry and cry and cry, and Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, he goes and he gets a thousand dinars from himself, and he puts it in a pouch. And he says, go to Saeed, qra'u alayhi salam, give him my salam, wa qulu lahu yasta'eenu bihatha ala qada'i hawaijihi. Tell him to use this one thousand, this is from me to him, this isn't baytul mal, I'm giving him a thousand from me. Tell him to take care of his debts, tell him to take care of whatever he needs. So subhanAllah, here's what happens. They come back to Saeed ibn Amr, the governor, radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu of al-Sham. And they hand him the pouch, and they say, this is from Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, he cried when he saw your name amongst the fuqara. He sends his salam, and he says, take this to handle your debts. Saeed goes, inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon. So his wife comes. And his wife says, ma sha'nuk amata ameer al-mu'mineen? What happened? Did Umar die? SubhanAllah, imagine the way he said inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.
She thought that Umar ibn al-Khattab died, that the news that came back from Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu was that he passed away. And Saeed goes with it, he says bal a'adhamu min dhalik, he said no, it's worse than that. It's worse than that, it's worse than the death of Umar ibn al-Khattab. She said, wama dhak? What is it? He said, dakhalat alayya al-dunya li tufsida aakhirati. He said that something of this world has come into me, or come into this home, that has come to ruin my aakhirah, wa hallat al-fitnata fee bayti. And then has brought fitna to my house. So she said, takhalas minha, she still has no idea what he's talking about. So she said, well get rid of it. If something came in your house, like is it a letter, is it a problem, if something came in your house that is going to ruin your aakhirah, get rid of it. He said, that's the answer that I wanted. Hal tu'inani ala dhalik, will you help me do that? She said yes. So he takes out the 1000 dinars, he says help me put this into some envelopes or some bags and let's go distribute this to the fukra. So she says, let's do it. Subhanallah. This is his character, radiallahu ta'ala anhu. Subhanallah, what happens after this, and this is where the story all comes full circle. And it's one of the most touching stories that you find from Seer al-Sahaba, from the biographies of the companions. When Umar radiallahu ta'ala anhu comes to Homs himself, to meet the people for the very first time and to ask them about Sa'eed ibn Amr. Remember this is Kuwait, they complain a lot, right? He's expecting complaints. They said to him, listen, Sa'eed is amazing, but we have four complaints about him. Four things we want to bring to your attention about him, just these four complaints. So Umar radiallahu ta'ala anhu is a consistent man.
What does Umar radiallahu ta'ala anhu do when the people say we have a complaint about the governor? He brings the governor forward and he hears out their complaints. And Umar radiallahu ta'ala anhu says, I even made a dua, I said, Allahumma inni a'rifuhu min khayri ibadik. Oh Allah, I know him to be of the best of your servants. Allahumma la tu khayyab fihi firasati. Oh Allah, don't let my, what I thought I saw in him be wrong. Like don't let my impression of him be wrong. He's so, I know him, like Umar radiallahu ta'ala anhu is someone who knows a good person when he sees him. I know him. Don't let it be wrong. So Umar radiallahu ta'ala anhu calls Sa'eed and he calls the people forward and he said, Sa'eed, they have four complaints about you. Tafadhalu. Go ahead. What are your complaints? They said, anahu la yakhruj ilayna hatta yata'ala annahar. They said to him, first and foremost, he only comes out to us after the sun has already risen. Meaning he takes his time in the morning. He's a late morning guy. Praise Fajr with us, but he doesn't come to start taking care of our affairs until after the sun is high, until later on in the morning. So Umar radiallahu ta'ala anhu, he says to Sa'eed, limadha? Why is it that that happens? Qala inni akrahu an akula thalik ya ameer mu'mineen. He said, listen, I didn't want to talk about this, oh ameer mu'mineen, I hate to even put this out there. But he says to him, he says, anahu la budda min tawdeehihi, though I have to make it clear, fa innahu laysa li ahli khadimun fa aqoomu as-subha fa a'jinu lahum a'jinahum thumma an tathirahu yakhtamiru thumma aqoomu fa akhbizahu lahum thumma atawadda wa akhruj ilayhim. He said that, look, we don't have anyone to help us out. We don't have a maid. Now, subhanAllah, back then, even a very poor person will have some khadim, someone that's helping them out, some sort of a maid, and he says, we don't have anyone in the house to help us out. We're very poor.
So he said, every morning I go out and I prepare the dough and I bake the bread, I wait for it to rise, and then once I can give at least the bread to my family, he says, then I make wudu and I come out to the people and I start taking care of their affairs. Obviously, this is embarrassing for the people, like, man, like, we put him on the spot, and we said that, you know, he doesn't come out to us until later in the day, it's because he's so poor that he has to cook his own, he has to bake his own bread, and that's unusual to them. So Umar radhiallahu anhu says, all right, that's settled. Qala amma thaniya, he said, okay, people, what do you have next? What's your second complaint? Qalu anahu la yujibu ahadan bil-layl, talk about entitlement, they said, he doesn't respond to us at night, doesn't take our calls at night, all right, the governor doesn't listen to us at night. So Umar radhiallahu anhu says, why don't you answer the people at night? And each one of these, subhanAllah, could be a dars, by the way, in terms of expectations and bandwidth and balance and all that kind of stuff, why don't you answer them at night? He said, ya Amir al-Mu'minin, I really didn't want to talk about it, but he said, listen, qad ja'altu al-nahara lahum wa li-rabbi al-layl. He said, I have divided my life so that the daytime is for the people and the nighttime is for my Lord. That's my time of qiyam. So yeah, I don't respond to them at night because I'm praying qiyam al-layl, that's the time that I've given to my Lord, and he made it as general as possible, my time for my Lord is the nighttime, my time for the people is during the day. So Umar radhiallahu anhu said, that's settled. He said, a thalitha, what's your third complaint about him? So they then went on to say that anahu laa yakhruj yauman min kulli shahr, subhanAllah, he has one vacation day a month. Please do not treat your employees this way. There is one day of the month he doesn't come out to us, all right?
So how dare he take one day off? Umar radhiallahu anhu says, Saeed, what is it? You don't come out to them one day, and he says, listen, I didn't want to say this, but he said, not only do I not have a khadim, I don't have anyone to take care of our stuff. He said, laysa AAindi fiyabun ghayra allati AAalayya. He said, the only thawb I have is the one that I wear. So he says, fa ana akhsiluha fis shahr marra wa antadhiruha hatta tajif. He said, so I take the stove and I wash it. One day of the month, at least, I have to wash it and I have to wait for it to dry up so I can come out to the people. So there's one day that I extensively clean the stove of mine. This is looking worse and worse for the people with their complaints. So every single one of them, he's like, I didn't want to talk about this, but you're making me talk about this. So that's the one day that I take off. The fourth one is the most touching, and it's the one that brings it all full circle. He said, what's the fourth one? The fourth one. They said, anahu tusibahu ghashyata fee ba'dil awqaat fa yagheebu AAamman fee al-majlis. He said, sometimes he passes out in the middle of a majlis. So he'll be sitting with us and he just passes out. The man blacks out frequently. So it's not as much a complaint about him, it's, is he capable, we're worried about him, is he having seizures? Why does he black out so frequently? And this is the one, subhanAllah, that would move Umar radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu the most and move the people the most. He said, Saeed, what is it? Are you okay? Why are you blacking out in the middle of your gatherings? And he says, I was there when Khubaib was crucified. Inni hadhartu masra'a Khubaib ibn Adi. Most of these people don't even know who Khubaib is. So I was there when Khubaib radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu was killed. Kuntu mushrik. And I was one of the polytheists. I was on the other side.
And he said, and I watched Quraysh tuqati'u jasadahu, cutting up his limbs, wa hiya taqool atuhibbu an yakuna makanaka muhammada. I watched Quraysh cutting his limbs off and saying to him, would you wish that Muhammad salAllahu alayhi wa sallam was in your place? And Khubaib responding and saying, wallahi ma uhibbu an akuna aminan wa ahli wa waladi wa anna muhammadan tashuukuhu shawka. He said, I would not want, I swear by Allah, for Muhammad salAllahu alayhi wa sallam to be pricked by a thorn while I am safe with my family and with my health. So when Khubaib says this, subhanAllah, this is very tough. Why does he black out? He says, every time I remember that scene, idha dhakartu dhalika al-mashhad wa anni lam ansuruhu and that I did not help him when that was happening, dhanantu anna allaha la yakhfira li. I'm afraid Allah won't forgive me. SubhanAllah, with everything that he has been through, I'm afraid Allah has not forgiven me for that moment. Can you imagine all that you've done now? You've got decades of Islam under your belt and helping the people and doing all of this and you've earned the favor of Abu Bakr and Umar after the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam and now I worry that Allah will not forgive me. And when I worry that Allah will not forgive me, I pass out. SubhanAllah. Umar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu was emotional, deeply moved because Umar is probably the only person in that gathering that gets it because he remembers what happened. And Umar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu says to the people, leave this man alone and he said alhamdulillah
all praises be to Allah who did not disappoint me with you, who did not contradict what I knew of you to be true. So this is Saeed radiAllahu ta'ala anhu spreading the greatness of Islam around the world but remembering that one moment where he participated in the crucifixion of Khubaib radiAllahu ta'ala anhu and Umar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, he hugs him, he embraces him and he comforts him in that moment. This is a human element subhanAllah that we just do not, we cannot possibly appreciate. What do you do when you have companions that killed companions and that spent their whole lives wondering if Allah would forgive them or not? And the reality is that it is actually a driver in his life, it becomes a driver that keeps him going, it becomes a driver that keeps him wondering if he has ever been forgiven and keeps him doing good for the sake of Allah subhanAllah ta'ala. The last thing I will share is one more story between him and Umar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu because we have reached time. Umar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu once again got the report from the people of Homs that Khubaib is poor, Khubaib does not have anything. So Umar radiAllahu ta'ala anhu sends to him a thousand dinars again and he says listen this is from me, please, please take care with these one thousand dinars, do what you need to do to handle your debts. So his wife sees it and his wife says alhamdulillah we can take care of these debts, this is after years now and being in hardship and Saeed looks to her and says what if we do something better with this money? She said what is that?
He said that we will give it to those that come to us even if we need it more than them and we will loan it to Allah as a beautiful loan. And she said yes and may Allah reward you. And so he did not stand up radiAllahu anhu until him and his wife, they became famous for putting these envelopes together, these pouches together by which they passed it out to the poor. May Allah be pleased with Saeed ibn Amir al-Jumahi radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, he died under Umar ibn al-Khattab radiAllahu ta'ala anhu, his khilafah in the year 19 after hijrah in al-Himsan, he is buried in al-Sham. May Allah be pleased with him and be pleased with all of the companions. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to understand the incredible power of the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as well as the incredible power of a person who is seeking redemption in the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and may Allah azzawajal forgive us for all of our sins and may Allah azzawajal join us with these incredible magnificent companions and be pleased with them. May Allah send his peace and blessings upon our Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, his family and companions, Allahumma ameen, inshAllah ta'ala I will see you all next week. Al-Fatiha.
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