that we are staying steadfast on that. Ameen, ameen. You have a final thought? Yeah, I was just gonna add to this last point about just, even though they have all the means, they have none of the barakah. And if we have less means, we have all the barakah. And that's why Allah said in Surah Al-Anfal, فَلَمْ تَقُتُلُوهُمُ وَلَكِنَ اللَّهَ قَتَلَهُمْ وَمَا رَمَيْتَهِ رَمَيْتَ وَلَكِنَ اللَّهُ رَمَيْتَ Like, it's not our efforts that are directly causing this, right? It's Allah is when, no matter what we do, when the Prophet of Islam threw that dust, he had to throw the dust, but it's Allah who made that dust hit their eyes and then allow things to happen. And I'll conclude with one story that to me is beautiful. It's when Abbas, you know, Radul Huan, when he was a disbeliever and he fought against the Muslims in Badr, he gets captured, right? And then some tiny, short, stout Sahabi comes from Ansar and he's like, look, I got Abbas. I got, you know, this warrior, right? Abu Yusuf. Right, yeah. And Abbas is like, he feels humiliated. This little guy got me. He's like, yeah, he's like, Muhammad, he didn't capture me. There was some, like, handsome man on this, like, beautiful horse. And he's the guy who captured me. And then the Sahabi's like, no, it was me. I got it. And the Prophet said, well, it's good, right? Like, be quiet. You know? Fainallaha ayyadaka bimalakin kareem. Like, Allah supported you with like a noble angel. But the guy still made the effort. And Allah took the enemy, you know, by this, you know, by, you know, by, you know, allowed him by his hand to take him there. So, so we trust in Allah Azza wa Jal and we do our part and the results are upon him. And that is what tawakkul is, right? So. And I think it's important to also say, fasa yunfiqoonaha. Who's spending? The US government. It will be a cause of regret. AIPAC, all the billions of dollars, millions of dollars will be a cause of regret. The entire Israeli propaganda machine will be a cause of regret in this life and in the next. Alhamdulillah, we can see that collapse in front of us. We ask Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la to give our brothers and sisters victory and to make us part of that victory as well. Allahumma Ameen. JazakAllah Khair. Sheikh Abdullah, Sheikh Uthman, inshaAllah we'll see you all tomorrow. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Walaikum assalam.
The surah, the ayah continues and Allah says, walantoohun ya'ankum fi'atukum shay'an walaw kathurat. That no matter how many groups and parties you have with you, it will not avail you. And so we learn from this two things. Number one is the dua of the disbelievers is useless. Allah says that if you seek victory, and you see it today with Netanyahu and you see it with the IDF, you see it with the Israeli forces, they invoke scripture. That all of this is coming, this is a dua in a batil, a falsehood. Allah will not respond to it. He will respond to it and flip it onto them. Number two, no matter how powerful, how large they seem, it will not avail them. The third point I want to make as I conclude is that people today are worried that the Zionists have so much money, and that we cannot compete with them financially. And to remind ourselves of the ayah in the surah where Allah says, inna allatheena kafaru yunfiqoon amwalahum yasuddu ansabilillah. People who disbelieve, the disbelievers will spend an enormous amount of money for the purpose of diverting people from the way of Allah. Fasa yunfiqoonaha, thumma takoonu alayhim hasra, thumma yughlaboon. Let them spend their money, they will spend it in abundance, then it will be a cause of regret and remorse for them, and then they will be overcome. So we look at ourselves and our situation. We might be few, but Allah is with us. We might have less money, but our money has barakah. When we make dua, idh tastaghithuna rabbakum fastajabalakum, when we make dua, Allah will respond to our dua. And once you reframe yourself and you see the Zionists for who they truly are, then it gives us hope and it gives us the courage to continue to do everything we need to do, and that is a step to being psychologically and spiritually prepared so we get the nasr of Allah azza wa jal.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to bring about all the means of victory through our efforts, and our efforts are simply not the cause, but it's the step that is needed to bring about the victory of Allah azza wa jal. We ask Allah to support our brothers and sisters in Gaza and to give them victory. Ameen. SubhanAllah rabbika rabbal izzati yawma yasifoon, wa salamun ala al-mursaleen, wa alhamdulillahi abdul alameen. You know, subhanAllah, I was thinking about, wa law anna ahla al-qura'a aminu wa taqawna fatahna alayhim barakatun min as-samai wal-ard. There are people who have no blessing in their possession, and there are people who have no power in their power. There's actually emptiness there, and you know, one of the things that I think about with the Apartheid wall, which existed obviously before the genocide in Gaza and continues to exist, balteenuhu feeha al-rahma wadahilu min qibrihi al-ahzab, right? Even though Allah azza wa jal is describing, of course, the hereafter, those that are in and those that are out. If you were to look from above, just the material, if you had like a drone looking at, you know, those that live in al-Dhaf al-Gharbiya, those that live in the West Bank, and those that live in Tel Aviv, and those that live in these, you know, well-established material cities, I have no doubt that a person living in Jenin has more happiness than a person living in Tel Aviv. No doubt. Right? More barakah, more blessing, more fulfillment, more meaning than a person living in Tel Aviv and who is enjoying the fruits of Apartheid and genocide and occupation, and resigned to this world, and thinks that God has chosen them to be able to do this. You're absolutely right. SubhanAllah, think about all of the words of mockery, all of the structures of power, everything that they've spent coming back and confronting them on the Day of Judgment. Think about how small they would feel, subhanAllah, on that day. They don't have it. There's something missing there, and faith is what makes meaning, and so without faith,
they have no meaning, and they have no meaning, and they have no purpose, and that's why their desire is to humiliate and to dishonor because all they want is that, right? It's no different than the base drive that the mushrikeen had to mutilate the believers, right? And to see their bodies as corpses and to celebrate, right? What's the difference between someone that wants to drink alcohol, wine out of the skull of one of the sahaba, and one of these people, the enemies of Allah today that wants to mutilate in them? You know, like subhanAllah, how they humiliate themselves. You see these soldiers posing with the lingerie of the woman that they kill, with the toys of the children that they killed, and they think that they're boasting, and they think that they look, you know, like people of victory, but they're humiliating themselves, and Allah will humiliate them on the Day of Judgment for that, too. So they don't have barakah in their possession, they don't have power in their power, and you know, alhamdulillah, for the ni'mah of faith, for the blessing of faith, that allows us to find meaning, even in these trials and tribulations, and alhamdulillah for people of faith, like those in Gaza and Palestine, that are showing us that even under these circumstances, that they have a pathway, that they have a purpose, that they have a reason to keep on going, and we must keep on going with them, bismillahirrahmanirrahim. No, it's important, I mean, you know, you mentioning those images, I know that the soldiers are making a mockery, and you know, people are spending their money. Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says, they're going to continue spending, but Allah says, تُمْتِكُنَ عَلَيْهِمْ حَسْرًا So it's knowing the future from what Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us, but as you mentioned beautifully that the effort is part of the process, it's not because of my effort. The predestination and the effort go hand in hand, right, and that's very, very important for the believer, is that we know what Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala has promised us, but that does not dismiss us of being active and making the effort, and I think that's very, very, very important, because sometimes, you know, we'll see what's on social media, and we're
like, oh man, we're defeated, oh man, they have all this money, ذَبَعَ دُسْرُ بِالْأُجُورِ Right? We'll see all these people here, and what's going on, and it looks as though we're defeated, but we've seen, subhanAllah, with people reaching out, with people going out, protesting, getting online, offline, being active, being vocal, not taking no for an answer, it's definitely having an impact. But while they're in that process as well, know that Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala will assist them, as long as they are pleasing Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, and their intention is pure and solid, and they just keep moving. I think that's what is so beautiful, because when people from the outside looking in see that, and they see what's going on with our brothers and sisters in Gaza, they're like, man, there's something that is driving them beyond the tangible things that we see here, it's something beyond, because as a matter of fact, the more you push, the more we will push. فَزَادَهُمْ إِمَانًا When those elements of doubt to try to oppress you psychologically, فَخْشَوْهُمْ you should fear them, look at everything that's going on, how? فَزَادَهُمْ إِمَانًا And what did they say? The same thing that we were hearing our brothers and sisters say, حَسْنُ اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ So I think it's very, very important, subhanAllah, to know that both go hand in hand. What you're starting with is a taqwa and the fear of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, which will allow you to distinguish the truth from falsehood, but you keep moving, Bismillah, and with that you cannot lose, even if you die. And I think that point is so beautiful, because even if Allah takes you in that process, that is a success as well. You know, that's the martyr, and that's when Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala is speaking about those that we were seeing consistently on our phones and on television, et cetera. So may Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala have mercy upon those that have died in His cause, and may Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, you know, bless us, you know, give us mercy and being of those that are abiding by His sharia and making sure that we are staying steadfast on that. You have a final thought? Yeah, I was just going to add to this last point about just, even though they have all the means, they have none of the barakah, and if we have less means, we have all the barakah. And so Allah said in Surah Al-Anfal,
فَلَمْ تَقُتُلُوهُمُ وَلَكِنَ اللَّهَ قَتَلَهُمْ وَمَا رَمَيْتَهِ رَمَيْتَ وَلَكِنَ اللَّهُ رَمَيْتَ Like, it's not our efforts that are directly causing this, right? It's Allah is, no matter what we do, when the Prophet Islam threw that dust, he had to throw the dust, but it's Allah who made that dust hit their eyes and then allow things to happen. And I'll conclude with one story that to me is beautiful. It's when Abbas, you know, when he was, he was a disbeliever and he fought against the Muslims in Badr, he gets captured, right? And then some tiny, short, stout Sahabi comes from Ansar and he's like, look, I got Abbas. I got, you know, this, this, this warrior, right? Right? Yeah. And Abbas is like, he feels like humiliated. This little guy got me. He's like, yeah. He's like, Muhammad, he didn't capture me. There was some like handsome man on this, like beautiful horse. And he's the guy who captured me. And then the Sahabi's like, no, it was me. I got it. And the Prophet said, it was good, right? Like be quiet. You know, فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ أَيَّدَكَ بِمَلَكٍ كَرِيمٍ Like, Allah supported you with like a noble angel, but the guy still made the effort and Allah took the enemy, you know, by this, you know, by, you know, allowed him by his hand to take him there. So, so we trust in Allah Azza wa Jal and we do our part and the results are upon him. And that is what Tawakkul is, right? And I think it's important to also say, فَسَيُنفِقُونَهَا Who's spending? The U.S. government. It will be a cause of regret. AIPAC, all the billions of dollars, millions of dollars will be a cause of regret. The entire Israeli propaganda machine will be a cause of regret in this life and in the next. Alhamdulillah, we can see that collapse in front of us. We ask Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la to give our brothers and sisters victory and to make us part of that victory as well. Allahumma Ameen. JazakAllah Khair. Sheikh Abdullah, Sheikh Uthman. InshaAllah we'll see you all tomorrow. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.