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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Juz 19: Humble Yourself Before Allah | Ust. Youssra Kandil

Do I have anything to do with the poverty around me? How can I rely on Allah and keep striving, even when all seems hopeless? Why did Allah give power to tyrants?

Join Ustadha Youssra Kandil with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they reflect on Juz 19 of the Qur'an, discussing the qualities and lessons that can be learned from the stories of Musa (AS) and Pharaoh, and that of Sulayman (AS) and the ants, including being sincere in your help towards others, humbling yourself before God, doing the right thing, and the duties and responsibilities of the believer.

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Why was Surah An-Nur given this name?


0:00 - Highlights
📌 1:35 - Today's trivia
2:00 - Introduction

📌 3:30 - Dr. Omar Suleiman reflects on the beauty of the qualities of the believers
4:48 - The quality of prophets and their nations
6:41 - Giving sincerely to please Allah
7:54 - Poverty from our negligence

📌 8:46 - Sh. Abdullah Oduro reflects on what took place with the magicians, Musa (AS), and Fir’awn
10:04 - When the magicians fell in prostration
11:01 - The magicians’ response to Pharaoh’s threats
12:12 - Having hope in and reliance on Allah

📌 13:48 - Ust. Youssra Kandil reflects on the tawakkul of the ants in Surah an-Naml
14:30 - The leadership of Dawud (AS) and Sulayman (AS)
15:34 - Sulayman and the ants
17:48 - The importance of striving

📌 18:34 - Reflections
18:44 - The way Fir'awn wielded power compared to Sulayman (AS)
20:32 - Adam (AS) and Shaytan
21:57 - The strength and faith against tyrants
23:44 - Why Allah gave power to tyrants, rather than yourself?

Download the latest Qur'an 30 for 30 eBook: Qur’an 30 for 30: Thematic Tafsir.

Explore the daily juz questions and answers in the Qur'an 30 for 30 Season 5 Trivia.


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Surah An-Nur, given this name. So go ahead and inshaAllah plug your answer. Why was Surah An-Nur given this name? So inshaAllah ta'ala, with that, we're in Juz 19, Astaghfirullah first of all, we want to welcome you to the show. How's everything? Alhamdulillah. JazakAllah khayran for having me. An honour and a pleasure. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. So it's your second time around. Yes. Alhamdulillah. So we're honoured to have you in person this time. Honour is mine. Thank you. Really appreciate the spirit of your da'wah, mashaAllah, and the way that you are resonating with many, many young people, alhamdulillah, especially many young girls, alhamdulillah. And especially your response to Pierce Morgan. We called it Al-Radd Al-Morgan, yeah, right? The response to Pierce Morgan in regards to the hijab, I think it was deeply profound, mashaAllah ta'ala, coming from you. May Allah reward you. What made you decide to do that? Well, it took me two days. I would go to bed and it's just like an answer in my head. I'm like, I need to respond and say something to this man. And after two days, I'm like, that's it. I'm like, you know, as an adult, alhamdulillah, Rabb, we are more grounded in our faith. But for, I'm thinking of my daughters and my friend's daughters, all the girls, for them to hear this, someone had to say something, you know, they needed that reaffirmation that this is not why we wear hijab. This is not why we cover, you know, it's really a, you know, a symbol of liberating yourself from everything except Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So it had to be done. Alhamdulillah. May Allah reward you for doing it. Sheikh Abdullah, how are you? I'm good, alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Back here for the 19th time. Alhamdulillah. BarakAllahu feekum. So inshAllah ta'ala with episode 19, it actually fits, by the way, the response that you did. We talked in Juz 18 about Surat Al-Mu'minun, the qualities of the believers, why they do what they do, the intention that they have, and the way that they keep their faith. That's what makes us humble. And through those trials, when we see what takes place, like the magicians, it made them humble to where they prostrated to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So that's, subhanAllah, some beautiful points too. When looking at that and looking at what's going on with our brothers and sisters in Gaza and how that those trials and tribulations is even a sign for us to always come back to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and to stand in the middle of the night and to pray and to make sajda and just remember those moments and know that everything is possible for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. What do you see with the ants? I mean, an ant. Yes, subhanAllah. No, you said an ant compared to a palace. You look at the palace, but you don't realize it's the ant that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is using to send a message. SubhanAllah, yes. We never know really who Allah is going to use and how He's going to use you. And subhanAllah, when you're saying about how the magicians, when the tribulations just made them become stronger in their faith, I think every image that's coming out of Gaza, right? SubhanAllah, the more they're tested, the more, alhamdulillah, as you're seeing, the amount of strength and faith and how they're so grounded and rooted into the faith is such, subhanAllah, it's like something that gives us tathbit. It gives us firmness and makes us really understand like, you know, we are not there. We are here. And, you know, as you said, it's that tiny voice. Yes, our voices here might be like in the middle of an ocean amidst all the propaganda and all the oppression and the injustice, but we have to remember that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the embodiment of justice. And nothing is gone, you know, that's going to just go passing by without, you know, without, you know, Him subhanahu wa ta'ala taking care of it. And, you know, everything's noted. Everything, nothing, it's not what we're doing here. And what they're going through is not, subhanAllah. No, no. And I like how you, because, you know, in the verse, you mentioned how Musa responded to Fir'aun. You know, Fir'aun, as you said, he used all types of media, because media is a medium for a message. So, Fir'aun tried all of these ways. He gathered the magicians and the people, and subhanAllah, Musa, with his knowledge, subhanAllah, and wittiness, to be honest, you know, he responded in this way, as you mentioned in the verse. And I bet to Bani Asra, this is the network you're talking about.
Now, you compared it with the politicians of today. You have to read between the lines in how you responded to Pierce Morgan, using the media to get that message across. And who knows how it's going to empower that girl in elementary school. She's the only Muslim girl in her class, you know, and she doesn't know what it means. But now she's seeing a sister, Mashallah, that's representing on her phone or on the television, and it brings her some level of iman, even, you know, of strength. So, it's very important that we use these mediums to get the message across in a way that is showing grace and honour to Allah SWT and Islam and justice. There's a question that I would come back to for both of you, inshaAllah, maybe just in closing, you can give your thoughts. So, this year, you know, in my Ramadan series, I'm talking about qadr, decree and divine decree, and that's kind of what I'm trying to focus on, right, with the different ayat is the decree. And a lot of people look back in history, and they say, I would never become Fir'aun. I would always be Sulaiman. I would be the grateful, you know, powerful person. I would never become the tyrant. But you can also see, like, how Fir'aun becomes a total narcissist. He always sees what he does for everyone else, even to the Sahara. I mean, like, they're working for him in batil. They're working for him in falsehood. There's magicians, you know, before they become believers, right? But even them, like, I'll make you from the close ones to me. I'm always the one doing for you, right? That's Fir'aun, like, I did this for you, Musa. I did this for you, magicians. I did this for you, my people. I did this for you, for you, for you, for you. And what does the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, tell us? Whoever does not thank the people does not thank Allah. It's clear that the man has no self-awareness of the things that people have done for him, and no words of gratitude for anyone, right? So, Asiya, how dare you betray me? I'm going to take you out and torture you and humiliate you because I put you in this palace, right? It's kind of, that's that mindset, right? And sometimes Allah, as it does,
protecting us from ni'mah that we might get drunk with. We might get drunk with that blessing. Like, Allah gives you a qadr, a decree of a blessing that fits your personality. And you might think, I didn't need to go through this. I mean, Allah is raising your maqam or opening your, he's raising your rank, opening your eyes. So, what do you say to someone who's like, you know, why did Allah give so much power to this man, Fir'aun? If Allah would have given me, I would never be like the Fir'aun of that time or the Fir'auns of today because there are pharaohs in every generation, right? There is the Fir'aun of this Ummah, Abu Jahl. I would never be like that Fir'aun and I would never be like the Fir'auns of today. What do you say to someone who's like, you know, I would never act this way with power? So, SubhanAllah, I think I would just come back to the dua of the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, when he would say, اللهم يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك Oh Allah, you know, the turner of hearts, keep my heart, you know, firm or steadfast on this deen. As you said, Imam Umar, you don't know when someone is given something. You really don't know yourself until you are put in that position. You don't know if this ni'mah is a ni'mah or a ni'mah. You don't know if it's a test or it's a blessing, right? We always say, whatever it is that you're giving to us, make it a form of getting close to you and make it a blessing, not a test. Because tests, SubhanAllah, you don't know how your heart is going to change. Yes, perhaps I say, well, you know what? I'm gonna be really good if I have all this money or this or that. And so many times, SubhanAllah, we are put in certain situations in life where you really want something and it could be something appearingly very good, perhaps going to Hajj or this or that, and Allah doesn't make it work out for you. And then later on, Allah reveals to you how there was so much good for you, how you became so much more prepared, how you were able to benefit, and to not just yourself, but benefit others as well. And I've gone through this myself. And I'm sure if each and every single one of us
really focuses and looks back at their daily life, you will see there were certain times that you were in need of something, you thought it was good for you. But later on, you realize if you were given that something specifically at that time, it would have pulled you away from Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. No, and that reminds me, SubhanAllah, you mentioned the dua of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, يَمُّ قَلْبِ قُلُوبٍ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِهَا لَدِينِكَ When did he say that? In sujood, in prostration. And the companion asked the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he said, I asked to be your marafiq in Jannah, to be with you. And what did he tell them? يَعِنِّي عَلَى نَفْسِكَ بِكَثْرَةِ السُّجُودِ You know, help me upon you to help you by prostrating a lot. So the actions of worship, at times it's going to be that which keeps your heart firm. It's being consistent to the best of your ability and showing gratitude to Allah with the framework that He has given you, which is called the sharia. And that's what's important in looking at the situation. I don't know, when I face that situation, I hope, I hope that I will be of those people. And that rajat that you have in your heart, that hope and longing for and wanting to be of those kinds of people, Allah is not unaware of that. So when that time comes, you will be someone that is firm, inshaAllah ta'ala. Like we see our brothers and sisters, what's going on in Gaza and around the world, you don't know when that time is going to come, right? But you ask Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la for thabat. May Allah give us thabat in this life and the next, inshaAllah ta'ala. JazakAllah khair for the wonderful reflections. May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la give thabat, of course, to all of our brothers and sisters in Palestine and Palestine and around the world, as we know it's beyond Gaza, and specifically our brothers and sisters that have been oppressed for the last few months in Gaza and beyond. And may Allah Azza wa Jal make us people who embody ni'mah and manifest it the way of Sulaiman alayhi salam, and not those who reject and become arrogant like Fir'aun. JazakAllah khairan, Astaghfirullah for being with us. Thank you so much for having me, thank you so much. And Shaykh Abdullah as always. So everyone else, tune in inshaAllah ta'ala, last ten nights, coming up inshaAllah ta'ala to all the programming
that we have, the extra programming. Make sure that you donate inshaAllah ta'ala, sign up for the donation, tune in to the webathon, continue to engage and we'll see you all tomorrow inshaAllah ta'ala. Wassalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Wassalamu alaikum.
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