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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Juz 7: Strength Through Submission | Mufti Hussain Kamani

Why is Allah testing me with something so difficult? How can the knowledge of good and evil help me ponder my own life? How do I deal with mockery of Allah and Islam? How can I submit to God when I don't have all the answers?

Join Mufti Hussain Kamani with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they reflect on Juz 7 of the Qur'an, discussing the divine wisdom of Allah's tests and blessings, understanding good and evil, how to deal with mockery of Allah and religion, as well as building strength through submission to God.

✨Test your Qur'anic IQ

How many times is the phrase "O you who have believed" mentioned in Surah al-Māʾida?

A. 10
B. 5
C. 18


0:00 Highlights
📌 0:45 - Introduction & today’s trivia
📌 2:31 - Dr. Omar Suleiman reflects on verse 17 of Surah al-An’am
4:14 - No one can give or withhold except for Allah
5:40 - Allah's tests bring out the good in us
📌 8:12 - Sh. Abdullah Oduro reflects on verse 100 of Surah al-Ma’idah
8:46 - Spiritual nourishment from the Sharia
9:58 - Good and evil are not equal
11:17 - The abundance of evil
📌 13:52 - Mufti Hussain Kamani reflects on verse 68 of Surah al-An’am
16:10 - Managing what's in your control
17:08 - Dealing with mockery of Allah and religion
📌 19:08 - Reflections
21:15 - The need to know "why?"
23:05 - Being okay with vulnerability
25:48 - On needing reason to submit to Allah

Download the latest Qur'an 30 for 30 eBook: Qur’an 30 for 30: Thematic Tafsir.

Explore the daily juz questions and answers in the Qur'an 30 for 30 Season 5 Trivia.


This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings.
This is a Yaqeen Institute video containing references to the Qur'an, sunnah and hadith. This is a Yaqeen Institute video containing references to the Qur'an, sunnah and hadith. May Allah make us amongst those who truly submit to Him and forgive us for our shortcomings. May Allah make us amongst those who truly submit to Him and forgive us for our shortcomings. Allahumma ameen. JazakAllah khair Ya Mufti Kamani. It is a pleasure to have you on, and we ask Allah to bless all the work that you do. JazakAllah khair to all of you for tuning in. Insha'Allah ta'ala we will see you tomorrow for juz eight. Asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. JazakAllah khair. JazakAllah khair to all of you for tuning in.
I want to ask you a question, because if He knows the unseen, our anatomy and physiology, for example, we don't know why our eyes are put in this place, or our body parts are put in a certain place, but we know that it functions a certain way and it works together. So there's a level of submission, whether we know it or not, on certain things in life. But when it comes to the Creator of life, why is there sometimes we have to take a step back and ask ourselves, why do we challenge that to where our worship becomes conditional? Like you said, what's the point? You know, sometimes you'll find, or you say this sometimes, what's the point of it? And just telling them, just trust the process sometimes can be difficult. But in the difficulty, the trust is the Ibadah in and of itself. And that's why it's so beautiful. You know, I remember one time, SubhanAllah, when I was looking into Islam, I remember, you know, it's so funny. The guy was like, man, I'm going to become Muslim, but I want to know for real, if there are aliens. If aliens exist, if I can find the answer why aliens exist, khalas, I'm becoming Muslim. I was like, did God create aliens if they exist? He said, yeah. Okay, so the fact that you don't know is something that Allah knows, and He gave you a system. Trust in the system, and then maybe later in your life, you may find out what's most important for you is to trust in Allah SWT and the system that He gave you. And that's what, SubhanAllah, that istislam is total submission to Him and His legislation that He's brought. You know, that's fascinating because the reality is that
in order for iman to truly exist, you have to be okay with being vulnerable. There are times where vulnerability is blameworthy, and then there are other times where it's praiseworthy. Vulnerability before Allah SWT is probably one of the most beautiful things a human being can do, just being vulnerable in front of Allah, being okay with not knowing, being okay with crying, being okay with being weak, accepting that you're poor. You know, as Sheikh Omar was speaking, there was just one word that kept roaming in my mind. It was the wasf of ubudiyah. Like the pinnacle of the insan is, of the human being, is accepting that your entire existence boils down to one reality, and that is that you are a servant of Allah. That's the end of the journey of revelation. The end of Quran and sunnah is right there, it's ubudiyah. So even when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam introduces himself, he's saying, ashhadu anni abduhu wa rasuluhu. The taqdeem and taakhir is fascinating. He mentions, yeah, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he mentions the ubudiyah element first, that I'm a servant of Allah. And then from the servants of Allah, that's like the haqiqah, that's the reality. And then within the servants of Allah, there are different usaf and different tiers. And then the highest tier from the servants of Allah are the rasul, the rasul, right? The messengers of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. And he is a rasul, and he is a part of a fraternity of rasul. So he then says that this is who I am, but it boils down to that one thing of ubudiyah, and that is being okay with it. One thing beautiful about our tradition that's different from others is that we don't need this Catholic concept of leap of faith. We don't have to take a leap of faith. Leap of faith for us is different. When we say we believe in Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, it's very different from the way other faiths
struggled with having to process their theology, where entire theses upon theses were written because they were so busy copying out from, or not being able to explain their religion in a logical manner. Our deen is very different. Our deen is based off of a tradition of rich scholarship. But yet when it comes to our relationship with Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, when it comes to knowing the murad, the intent, the niyah of Allah, only that person can know who has wahi. And with Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam departing from the dunya, wahi comes to an end, revelation comes to an end. So for the rest of us at this point, then it's submission to that revelation, right? What are your thoughts on that, Sheikh? No, I think it's amazing because what you have is every abd of Allah, every single one of the slaves of Allah has something that they don't know. And Allah gives you just enough for you to understand that everything is indeed logical. Everything is with wise purpose. And so you've seen enough times, if you've lived long enough, you've seen enough times where what you wanted was actually bad for you. And what you didn't want was actually good for you. So you've seen the qadr of Allah in action. You've seen the end of that. So you have to trust Allah for the times and the things that you'll never actually see the wisdom of in this life. When it comes to the shara, when it comes to legislation, you can find the logical structure behind most things. I mean, you can actually find the logical structure. You can see exactly why intellectually this hukum exists, this ruling exists. It makes sense. But then there are some where, you know what? I don't see the reason, but there is enough of an established evidence at this point that there is a reason that the Rabb has that is beyond me. And I'm okay with that. Now, even the Rusul, the messengers of Allah know far more than we do. But even the Rusul have a certain element
that they don't know. Even the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had something he did not know. And he is Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. There's something that Allah conceals from the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. And the ultimate thing that is concealed from all of the Rusul is, the ultimate thing that is concealed from all the Rusul is, when is the day of judgment, right? So, none of the Rusul of Allah, none of the messengers of Allah know when the day of judgment actually is. So, that's part of submission. Allah has given you enough reason to submit for you to submit even when you don't know the specific reason for something that's happening in your life. SubhanAllah. I like that, that's nice. You know, today earlier, I was teaching at the seminary and we were covering the chapter of janais and within the chapter of funerals, the first chapter the author of Mishkat mentions is regarding illness. So, it's one of the longest chapters in the book, in the collection, because it's very practical and how the prophet of Allah was so involved in people's lives, right? While we were discussing, I was sharing a point with some of the students that if you look at it, at the end of Surah Baqarah, Allah Azza wa Jal says that we should make du'a to Allah. Rabbana laa tuhammila maa laa taaqatalana bihi O Allah, do not give us a burden to carry that we are not capable of carrying, that we don't have the strength and power to carry. That ayah is preceded by laa yuqallifu Allahu nafsan illa wusaha already stating the facts. Allah does not burden us all. Allah will never burden you more than you can handle. That's facts. But yet we're making du'a to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala here that give me the strength to carry that weight. And one of the things that I heard from my teachers was that if Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala has determined for us to have a particular test in life, we can be exhausted by how that one test can become so long that I've been experiencing this problem for two years, three years. Man, this is tiring. But if that entire test manifested at once in one go, you would collapse. So it's a slow release. And every day you grow into a new strength. Every day you go into a new shape, a new form. And then three years later,
the person who couldn't even handle a little bit of hate online or a person that couldn't handle a little bit of stress in a marriage is coaching and guiding other people. How does that happen? SubhanAllah. SubhanAllah. So Allah builds strength. Allah Azzawajal builds strength through faith. And it all comes from submission. And I think that's really where this all comes back to. I submit here. I submit my intellect. I submit my emotional state. I submit my physical state that not only am I being vulnerable to you, O Allah, but my sweetest moments in life are when I am vulnerable to you, that I trust you with myself. فَلَا تَكِنِّي إِلَى نَفْسِي تَرْفَتْ عَيْنٍ Don't leave me to myself, even for the blink of an eye. May Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala make us amongst those who truly submit to Him and forgive us for our shortcomings. Allahumma ameen. JazakAllah khair, Sheikh Abdullah. JazakAllah khair, Mufti Kamani. It was a pleasure to have you on. And we ask Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala to bless all the work that you do. And JazakAllah khair unto all of you for tuning in. InshaAllah ta'ala we'll see you tomorrow for Juz 8. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
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