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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Juz 2: Martyrdom in Islam & Living a Principled Life | Imam Tom Facchine

How does the Qur'an explain hardships and the things we dislike? How do we understand the suffering of the Muslims in Gaza and the world over? In Surah Baqarah, what does ""purchasing error in exchange for guidance"" mean?

Join Imam Tom Facchine with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they reflect on Juz 2 of the Qur'an, discussing Allah's knowledge and wisdom, what happens when you sell your soul for your desires, what it means to live a principled, ethical life, and how martyrdom in Islam is like charity on an entirely different level.


0:00 - Highlights
0:54 - Introduction
📌 3:51 - Today's trivia
📌 4:25 – Dr. Omar Suleiman reflects on one aspect of qadar
6:52 - The wisdom behind experiencing hardships

📌 10:08 – Sh. Abdullah Oduro reflects on those who sell out religion
11:28 - Purchasing what's wrong in exchange for what's right
14:04 - What we're really saying when we say "guide us to the straigh path"

📌 15:43 – Imam Tom Facchine reflects on identity vs. principle
16:40 - Why the changing of the qibla is so important
17:52 - How the prophets interacted with their communities
19:34 - How martyrdom in Islam is related to sadaqah

📌 20:45 – Closing reflections
21:15 - How resurrection brings comfort to the believer
24:10 - How principles can make you a hero
26:43 - The story of the army that teaches about principles
28:15 - Are Muslims a 'death cult'?

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What were the words that Allah received from Adam AS in the first juz?

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Allah Himself, that we found something in our lives that transcends life, bidden in the night-time. We ask Allah to put that sincerely in our hearts and we ask Allah to elevate us with it. Allahumma Ameen. Any 20 second thoughts? Jazakumullah Khair. It was wonderful to have you and Sheikh Tom, we look forward to continue to benefit from you. Jazakumullah Khair to you both. Jazakumullah Khair for the sake of Allah, for the beautiful, you know, shows that you have ongoing and the beautiful work that you're doing as well with Yaqeen, Allah bless you both and elevate you. To our viewers, inshallah, we'll see you all tomorrow. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu. You know, when you think about life after death, you got to think about like the mindset, these people went from having idols and no sense of theology, no sense of creed, no sense of resurrection at all to this state, you have the mushrikeen, the disbelievers in Mecca, that are doubting the very existence of life after death and then you have the believers that are being put to ease with not just life after death, there's a better life after death than this one and in fact, those that you have seen physically torn to pieces, because Quraysh did not just used to kill, they mutilated and this was one of the things that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentioned that they're blameworthy traits, you know, the Arabs, even before Islam used to take pride in certain ethical standards, but it shows you without revelation how quickly they can violate those ethical standards when they're no longer convenient to them, right?
So now that it was, you know, no longer convenient to them to maintain any ethical standards, because it kind of given up the right to a claim, right, of being people of chivalry, now they are cutting off people's noses, chewing out livers, right, mutilating, crucifying the Muslims who did nothing, right, except for believe in Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la and respond to the call of Allah and they're doing that and they don't believe in life after death, so they don't believe in accountability for themselves and they don't really fear their bones being brought back, right, as they're so relegated to like the material, whereas the believers are being told, look, you see Hamza radiAllahu Anhu over there and you see the way that he looks, he is Sayyid Ash-Shuhada, he is the master of the martyrs, you know, Jabir Ibn Abdullah, one of my favorite stories, Jabir Ibn Abdullah Ibn Haram, radiAllahu Anhuma, when Jabir is told by the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, you know, why do I see you like this? Why am I, why do I see you broken? Literally the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, you're so broken and he told him, you know, my father and the situation, you know, my father was martyred in Uhud, the situation and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentions to him that don't you know that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, when he speaks to his creation, the believers, he speaks to them from behind a veil, but he spoke to your father without a veil, like how elevated he is. Abdullah Ibn Haram was mutilated. I think with everything happening in Gaza right now, because we're seeing images of mutilation, literally mutilation, the most horrific scenes of bodies being torn apart and still we take comfort in resurrection because of the accountability of the criminals and of the life that we know after death for our brothers and sisters. May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la accept from them and forgive us for our shortcomings and accept us as well. Amen.
And that's, you know, when you talked about convenience and you mentioned in very, very Mashallah eloquent words, Allah is revealing in real time. So we have to, they had to respond in real time, particularly with the Qibla. I mean, if we look at our situation as well, when something is revealed to you that you didn't know from before, even though the Sharia is there, the legislative body of Islam, the system of Islam is there. But at your particular time, something's revealed to you. You know, you really have to choose between the convenience and the inconvenience and be comfortable with inconvenience and uncertainty. And that is what establishes for some and increases for others, their faith. Because if not, you can sell out. And literally this term sell out is very interesting. We're talking about ishtira, you know, you purchase the dolala or you purchase, you know, this life for the afterlife. And the concept of the shaheed, I mean, is exactly that because it's something that is intangible, something that is beyond you to where your very existence is insignificant. And, you know, it's not just because I'm aggressive, you know, I may get that level of shuhada. It's if you are oppressed, yes, inshallah ta'ala. But that connection with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to where you want to be with him. And if Allah chooses to take you in whichever way, that is an oppressive way. His Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam mentioned that there's five and he mentioned some of them are the shuhada al-ghareek, the one that, you know, a building falls on him or the one that drowns or the one that is burned. But the concept of being willing to leave this earth for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and being as you mentioned, principled, dying on principles. That is what makes all of our heroes from Malcolm onward from the companions. They died on principle. And we have to ask ourselves that question really right now. I mean, we know, mashallah, our brothers and sisters, how many youth come to us and say, you know, what's going on in Gaza?
I feel terrible, me sitting here, you know, and then when you see on the television women and children dying and you just beyond their control and it's just totally oppressive. It just really makes you think and ask yourself, what am I doing? Am I sitting here desiring convenience? That's why the concept of Islam subhanahu wa ta'ala, the concept of martyrdom and the concept of, you know, really staying in touch with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala at all times. As you mentioned, the ethical portion of it, you can have the knowledge in your head, but if there is no ethical part to where you're principled on something transcendent, you're principled on something spiritual for lack of better words, your foundation can be shaky to where when these times of inconvenience come to you, we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to allow us to make the right choices and to die upon those principles based on those choices inshallah. Which is why, you know, subhanahu wa ta'ala towards the end of the Jews, Allah azawajal brings up the story of Saul, right? He brings up the story of the army and what does he do? He's marching with the army, everybody's thirsty and he has them make a choice. He wants to see who's gonna adhere to principle and who's going to not be able to sacrifice, right? It's like the way to agenda is filled with these inconvenient things. And so then with the materialist calculus, it doesn't make any sense. You're about to go into battle. You want as many people as possible, but he understood that it's much more important to have a small band of people who are principled than it is to have as many as you possibly can. And this one over here is following, you know, he wants a position. And this one over here is going for, you know, that's a path to failure. So it's interesting. That's the verse I was trying to remember. I was trying to remember this verse. JazakAllah khair, go ahead. Bismillah, go ahead. Allah mentions all these people who purchase misguidance with guidance, who purchase punishment with forgiveness. But what does Allah say?
Allah has purchased from the believers. Their selves and their wealth, because they have Jannah. The response, the reward is going to be Jannah. So if that's what you're looking for, Allah has already purchased yourselves and Allah has purchased your wealth. It's probably interesting, you know, and I think it's an important note because they obviously assigned to us like this death cult, right? Like Muslims are a death cult. Muslims are a death cult. It's like, well, look, you know, there's a saying that if you haven't found something that you're willing to die for, then you haven't found the purpose to live, right? And that's not a Muslim saying. I don't even remember who said it, to be honest with you. But you can find in the history of people that were dedicated to any of their causes that that cause transcended their very existence. And once it did, then it wasn't about comfort anymore. It was about clarity. It was about understanding. It wasn't about comfort anymore. It was about clarity. And it was about purpose. And it was about worship. It was about servitude. It was about, you know, the cause before all else. And for us, what greater cause than Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala Himself? Allah Himself, right? That we found something in our lives that transcends life in the nighttime. We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to put that sincerely in our hearts. And we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to elevate us with it. Allahumma ameen. Any 20-second thoughts? No. Jazakumullah khair. It was wonderful to have you. And Shaykh Tom, we look forward to continuing to benefit from you. Jazakumullah khair to you both. I love you both for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. For the beautiful, you know, shows that you have ongoing and the beautiful work that you're doing as well. With yaqeen. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala bless you both and elevate you. To our viewers, inshallah, we'll see you all tomorrow. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Al Fatiha.
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