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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Juz 6: Humility and Jesus in Islam | Sh. Majed Mahmoud

Why is God punishing me? How does He balance His Mercy and His Justice? What does the story of Jesus, or Isa (as), son of Mary, or Maryam (as), have to do with arrogance and humility?

Join Sh. Majed Mahmoud with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they reflect on Juz 6 of the Qur'an, discussing divine Justice, Allah's correction of the Christian understanding of Jesus, the Bani Isra'il, and what it means to be a humble slave of Allah.

✨Test your Qur'anic IQ

In verse 36 of Surat al-Nisāʿ, who is the companion that Allah is referring to when He says “the companion at your side”?

A. Spouse
B. Travel companion
C. All of the above


0:00 - Highlights
📌 0:56 - Today's trivia
1:18 - Introduction

📌 2:55 – Dr. Omar Suleiman reflects on why Allah punishes
4:40 - Surah an-Nisa, verse 157
7:06 - The greatest violation of being a servant of Allah

📌 9:04 – Sh. Abdullah Oduro reflects on the mercy of Allah
11:18 - Jesus (pbuh) was not arrogant
13:14 - Those who are arrogant
13:59 - Mankind will be raised barefoot, unclothed, uncircumcised

📌 15:10 – Sh. Majed Mahmoud reflects on Isa (as) and Maryam (as)
17:23 - Surah al-Ma'idah, verse 73
18:21 - Allah explains who Jesus and Mary are
19:40 - The du'a that will allow you to enter Jannah through any door

📌 20:31 – Reflections
21:51 - How did Jesus pray and how was he elevated from cruxifiction?
22:45 - Why did Allah give Isa (as) so many miracles?
24:12 - The scholars are the inheritors of the prophets
24:50 - What raises a person with Allah?
26:35 - Help people stay humble

📌 28:20 – Final thoughts
28:50 - Even Jibril (as) is proud of being a slave of Allah

Download the latest Qur'an 30 for 30 eBook: Qur’an 30 for 30: Thematic Tafsir.

Explore the daily juz questions and answers in the Qur'an 30 for 30 Season 5 Trivia.


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And when you read the prophetic description of Jibreel alaihi salam, like I remember someone saying, wow, like, are you serious? He covers the whole space between the heavens and the earth, 600 wings spread out, like he's so strong. Shadeedul quwa, right? He's so strong. He's endowed with so much. But with that, Jibreel alaihi salam, when he goes with the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, in the mi'raj, he flattens out, right? I mean, he's in awe of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. He never, at any point, goes beyond what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala commands him to do. Even Jibreel alaihi salam is proud to be a slave of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. In fact, his name, Jibra, Jibra'il, most of the Mufassirun say, just means Abdullah. Il, Allah, Jibra, Jabr, compulsed. He is a slave of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Maryam, Mary, Am, Amatu Rabbi, the female slave of Allah. So, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us all from those who lovingly submit themselves to him and who embrace that status of Ubudiyan as a result, are elevated. Allahumma ameen. Jazakumullah khairan Sheikh Mahdi. Jazakumullah khairan Sheikh Abdullah. Jazakumullah khairan to all of you for joining us. We'll see you all tomorrow. InshaAllah. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. So, there are a lot of expressions that we find in opposition to these verses. So, when it comes to Isa Islam, falling on his face in prostration, that's something that's repeated over and over and over again, even biblically, right? Falling on his face in prostration, putting his face on the ground. And that's something that many people would scoff at as acclaimed followers of Christ. Like, wait, we don't fall on our faces in prayer.
Eliminated was prostration from Christian doctrine and practice, right? Even though, Isa Islam falls on his face in prayer. And it's something that's still biblically established. It's like, which group of believers are praying like Jesus today? Alayhi Salaam, right? And you see these millions of people in one place at a time, falling on their faces in prostration. And then the second one is, Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala elevating him beyond the crucifixion. So, Allah Azawajal pulling him away from the crucifixion, which is at the center of Christian doctrine, right? And so, you have Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala affirming his place in sujood, his place in ubudiyyah, his place in prostration and servitude. And with that being elevated, and then you have Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala physically elevating him beyond an attempt on his life and raising him to the heavens. So, it shows you, of course, I mean really, in a beautiful manifestation, that whoever lowers themselves for Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala, Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala elevates them. And spiritually, that's the case for all of us. The more that we lower ourselves to Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala, the more that Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala elevates us. With Isa Islam, it's literal. He lowered himself to Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala, and Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala elevated him. Another thing with Bani Israel, because they are at the subject matter here, why did Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala give Isa Islam so many miracles? One of the things that the scholars mention, you know, of the chances, right? And this kind of comes back to what I was talking about. Allah put all of these miracles in the last prophet to Bani Israel to give them this final chance. So, there were other prophets of Bani Israel that raised the dead, right? And that's biblically established as well as in our own tafasir. There are other prophets that healed the sick. But SubhanAllah, this one prophet, the last prophet of Bani Israel, who has all of these things combined within him, is sort of truly a last chance.
And still with that, there was an attempt on his life, right? An attempt to crucify him. So, it shows you once again the justice of Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala in giving so many chances to people to repent. With all of those miracles, they still tried to kill him. So, what is it that the prophet Isa Islam is going to show them of a miracle? That's not going to make them want to kill him, SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. It's impossible. Because the problem is, what Allah Azawajal mentions in Surah An-Nisa, that they said, وَقَوْلِهِمْ قُلُوبُنَا غُلْفٌ They said, our hearts are protected. Like we have made our hearts unreceptive, right? وَقَالُوا قُلُوبُنَا غُلْفٌ So, if their hearts are unreceptive, then nothing is going to change their mind. Nothing is going to change their hearts. It's beautiful how you mentioned, you know, with Isa, peace be upon him, but Allah raised him to him. And how he's not arrogant. You know, it just reminded me of, you know, the prophet, peace be upon him, and he said, إِنَّ الْعُلَمَاءَ وَرَثَةُ الْأَنْبِيَاءِ That the scholars are the inheritance of the prophets, right? لم يُوَرِّثُوا الدِّيْنَارَ وَلَا الدِّرْهَمْ لَكِنْ وَرَّثُوا الْعِنْ He said, they didn't inherit any money, any currency, dinar, or the dirham, which is a type of currency, gold or silver, but they inherited the knowledge. Whoever's inherited that, فَكَلْ أَخْذَ بِحَظْنٍ وَافِرٍ They've taken a huge benefit, or that which is very good for them, for lack of a better translation. But also, you know, you think of the hadith, مَنْ تَوَضَعَ لِلَّهِ رَفَعَهُ اللَّهِ Whoever literally, وَضَعَ نَفْسَهُ حَتَّى لَرْأُدْ Whoever places and debases themselves for Allah, not for creation, Allah will raise them. That's what's so beautiful as well. When you look at how Isa, peace be upon him, because the best of people were the prophets because they were the ones that had the most tolerance. They were the ones that lowered themselves for Allah. They were the ones that had allegiance to the deen. And that is what raises a person with Allah. So it should be the same case with the human beings.
Whoever has the most servitude to Allah, and is humble to creation because of Allah. Allah is a motivating factor behind what you do. That is who we look up to. And that is so important because, you know, and touching on Isa, and Isa, you know, Isa is a beautiful example because we see what's going on now when people worship him because of his servitude, but at the same time, because of that servitude, he's at the level of God. And that's what, when it hit me as a Christian, I was like, no, but God is in control of all things. How can the creation that serves the creator be the creator? When I heard about Islam, even the meaning, servitude to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, it just sits so well with me. And it put everything in its proper place, put everything in its proper place. And it was like, I used to tell people that the smoke was clear. The confusion, I really couldn't understand. When I understood the concept of Islam, of creation and creator, the prophets versus human beings, the prophets versus Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, that's so beautiful. Whenever reading these stories of Isa Alayhi Salaam, it just reminds me of that and it puts it in proper perspective. Just to pick up on the theme of humbleness, with Isa Ibn Maryam, another thing that I believe we learn is that we should help people stay humble. Don't make it hard on people to maintain their humbleness. So Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he says, don't over-exaggerate me. Don't put me above a level, the way the Christians did to Jesus, Isa Ibn Maryam. Rather, tell the world, I am Allah's servant and his messenger. And SubhanAllah here is that we have to make it easy for our beloved mashayikhs, scholars, and so on, especially in the comment section, inshallah, as they comment, inshallah. JazakAllah khair. But don't say, I see nur from your eyes and sha'af taqwa in your ears. None of that, too much, right? Over-praising. May Allah make it easy for us. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he says,
throw dust towards those who over-praise you. And one of the signs of over-praising is you praise something you cannot see, right? Or exaggerate something. And one of the ulama says, why throw dust as a sign? I'm not saying to do it and blind some people's eyes, but just any from the Sunnah towards them, assuming they also understand what you're doing, is to remind the one you're throwing dust towards is that the one you're over-praising is made out of this. At the end of the day, I'm just dust. SubhanAllah. The whole theme of the tawadu aspect, we should help people like that. That's why one of the sahaba, after the Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam passed away and the people said, oh, sahabi, sahabi, they start running after him. I'm not sure if it was Ibn Mas'ud, one of the grand companions. So while they're running after him, so celebrating his presence, he said, you are running after me as a fitna for me and almost in a way, madalla for you. Like, it doesn't look right for both of us, subhanAllah. So help me stay humble. May Allah raise us all in our ranks. Ameen. SubhanAllah, I'll just end with this. I think it's deeply profound because you kind of, you hinted towards it. Does abd of Allah mean servant or slave? It means servant. It means slave. It means worshiper. It's all of the above. Like Ubudiyyah actually captures all of that and there's no hesitation in saying that that by being his, being the abd of Allah, that is the greatest form of honor and if you look at the names of the angels, you know, so, the closest angels. There is no mightier angel than Jibreel Alayhi Salaam and when you read the prophetic description of Jibreel Alayhi Salaam, like, I remember someone saying, wow, like, are you serious? He covers the whole space between the heavens and the earth. 600 wings spread out. Like, he's so strong. Shadeedul quwa. Right? He's so strong. He's endowed with so much, but with that, Jibreel Alayhi Salaam, when he goes with the Prophet, salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, he flattens out, right? I mean, he's in awe of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
He never, at any point, goes beyond what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala commands him to do. Even Jibreel Alayhi Salaam is proud to be a slave of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. In fact, his name, Jibra, Jibra-eel, most of the Mufassiroon say, just means Abdullah. Eel, Allah. Jibra, Jabr, compulsed. He is a slave of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Maryam, Mary, Am, Amatu Rabbi, the female slave of Allah. So, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us all from those who lovingly submit themselves to him and who embrace that status of Ubudian as a result are elevated. Allahumma ameen. Jazakumullah khairan Sheikh Mahdi. Jazakumullah khairan Sheikh Abdullah. Jazakumullah khairan to all of you for joining us. We'll see you all tomorrow. InshaAllah. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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