Shukr to Allah, may Allah bless you all in the work you're doing. We'll see you all tomorrow. InshaAllah. Can you imagine the pain of Ibrahim A.S. when he has Ismail A.S. and he's putting him on the ground and he's saying, Ya abati, oh my dear father, but he's saying it with the honor of acceptance. Yeah, Ya abati, Ya abati. Like I once spoke to my dad and he tried to kill me and now my son is saying, Ya abati to me and I have to kill him. Like this is so difficult, SubhanAllah. But here's the thing, If'al ma tu'mar, what you were commanded to do and that's also the part of like your heart being open to Islam. So this also immediately excludes because someone might see this and say, Wait, are you saying like my parents can abuse me and they can command me to do things against Islam and they can hurt and that's all sanctioned by Islam? No, because both of them were submitting to Allah. And the Prophet A.S. said, You can't obey a creation and disobeying the creator. So this is different. Ismail is a prophet of Allah. He's a Nabi and his father is a prophet of Allah. He's a Nabi, a Rasul. They know that this is coming from Allah. So they're submitting themselves to Allah's command. And that was what Hadhr said to Ibrahim. Did Allah command you to do this? If Allah commanded you, then it's good. So it's actually the opposite of what someone would see as a very worldly manifestation of abuse, right? And harm and hardship. It's the opposite. It's because they both knew. And there are some people, SubhanAllah, who are the opposite of man sharha allahu sadrahu lil Islam. And I say this not mockingly, but I'm disappointed sometimes. And disgusted, to be honest. People that speak bad about Ibrahim A.S.
and they say, oh, he neglected Hajar and he tried to kill us. Like taking away from, like, no, no. This was all Allah's scheme and divine plan for them. And they knew it. And it's not just divine plan that was unknown to them. It was divine command that was known to them. We're dealing with the qadr of Allah, which is we're trusting divine plan while following the orders of the prophet's license. These people were dealing with divine command. Follow the divine command and trust the divine plan. Even if the divine command for you does not have the hikmah, obviously, available to you in the moment, the wisdom available to you in the moment. So it's just, it's the pain of the moment for Ibrahim sacrificing Isma'il, like that submission to qadr. Isma'il submitting to qadr, but they're submitting to wahi before qadr. And those two things are never in contradiction with each other. And so that's where we have to also learn to submit to wahi and trust the qadr that comes as a result of submission to wahi, right? And the submitting to the way of the prophet, SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. And that's, your heart is open to Islam. Alhamdulillah, I'm good, right? Like I turn it back to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. You know, it's so beautiful. You mentioned that because, you know, both of the times, ya abati were said, firstly, the righteous son, Allah bless him with the righteous son because of his righteousness. But then the first time, the ya abati was said to a father that's trying to kill him because of an evil intention. The second time, the son is saying, ya abati to someone, Allah ordered him to kill him as a test because of his good intention. You see, it's interesting when you see the connection, the correlation with Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam, his father and his son. But when you're the righteous son and you try your best, and you're the father as well, and you're around your son and teaching him, wa idhi arfar Ibrahim al-qawa'id min al-bayti wa Ismailu. Ibrahim was with his son Ismail as well, when he was building the Ka'bah, Rabbana, teaching him how to call on Allah while working at the same time. So just seeing the correlation that you brought before this, subhanAllah, it's beautiful. It's beautiful. Episode four of the Ramadan series, by the way. Episode four is families. Some people have bad fathers, bad mothers.
We actually talked about this, subhanAllah. Your parents teach you, and you should manifest the best of your parents and manifest what you wish you would have seen from your parents in some cases. It's very important. So Ibrahim channeled to his son, Ismail, what he didn't get from his father. All right. So by the way, we talked about not being accountable. Sometimes people blame everything on their parents. It's all the influence. I'm like this because of them. I'm like this because of my friends. I grew up in this environment. I had nothing to do with it. Yeah, it's constant, right? And that leads you to victimize others and hurt others, right? If anyone would have had an excuse to be a bad father, it would have been someone with a horrible, I mean, whose father threw him into a fire? Humiliated him despite the best intentions, right? From him. So Ibrahim didn't use it as an excuse. An amazing father to his children. Ibrahim, Ibrahim, Ibrahim, a merciful father, kind, loving father to his children. So we talked about that in the Qadr series because one of the questions, it's the easiest excuse. My family's like this. I had no choice. I mean, I came in or, you know, I'm from this culture. I'm from that culture. I'm from, you know, this is how we are, right? Or this is, these are my circumstances. Be accountable. Be accountable and submit to the, to the Wahi of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. And the Qadr just will come in a way that your heart will always be at ease with it. Because you know that there's no Qadr that comes with Amr, except that it's Khair. No divine decree that comes with following the command of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, except that there's goodness that will come out of it. Any last words, dear Mashaikh? Not that I'm like sacrificing. I realize it sounds bad, last words. No, no, like any, any final, obviously, you know, 30 seconds, a minute, your take-home message, inshaAllah. I think the take-home message is that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la created us and He knows what's best for us. And willingly accepting what Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la commands us, because it's in our best interest.
And this is what we learned from the story of Ibrahim Alayhi Salaatu Was Salaam and the story of Ayub in Surah As-Sa'd. Ni'ma al-Abd innahu awwab. You know, and Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says that he was the best of Allah's creation. And inshaAllah, Al-Sadr is submitting wholeheartedly without even knowing that the end result of that decision, when we submit to the commandment of Allah. Jazakumullah khairan, Mashaikh, very beautiful. Jazakumullah khairan, Mashaikh, take home, you're good. So, dear brothers and sisters, you know, obviously, rise to the occasion, inshaAllah, 23rd night. InshaAllah Ta'ala, we all are amongst those who are accepted in these blessed nights. Again, we want to remind you, inshaAllah Ta'ala, to give, inshaAllah Ta'ala, not just to yaqeen, to the multiple noble causes that are out there, especially to your brothers and sisters that are oppressed and harmed in Gaza and elsewhere. Be generous, inshaAllah Ta'ala, and submit yourself to the divine command. And bi-idhnillahi Ta'ala, if Laylatul Qadr is tonight, and of course, it's in one of these last ten nights, your Qadr will only be good if you submit yourself, bi-idhnillahi Ta'ala, to the amr of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, to the command of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. BarakAllahu feekum. We'll see you all tomorrow, inshaAllah. Shaykh Abdur Rahman, JazakAllah Khair. I forgot to mention the majlis in the beginning, Dar al-Farooq, with our beloved Shaykh as well, Shaykh Waleed al-Munisi, hafidh Allah Ta'ala. May Allah bless you all in the work you're doing. We'll see you all tomorrow, inshaAllah. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.