I was like, what? He said, my father ruined our family for 20 years because of his alcoholism. And the only reassurance I have that I will not do that to my family when I have one one day is Islam's zero tolerance policy on alcohol. I was like, man, can I borrow you? Like, can I tour you around? And Alhamdulillah, I took a shahadah a few minutes later. Another brother jumped in and prompted him and he took a shahadah. Sometimes, you know, you need to see the dark from a safe place. Of course, Umar used to say that, radiAllahu anhu, that, satunqadu al-islamu urwatan urwat. That's sort of what's been the knots of Islam. Imagine Islam as sort of like a continuum of things getting fastened, getting fastened, getting established. Islam will unravel, essentially. He said, one knot at a time, idha wulida fil-islam man la ya'rifil jahiliyyah. Once there is born into Islam, someone who inherits it. You know, you just inherit stuff, money or other, you just take it for granted, right? You didn't work hard, not blood, sweat and tears you put into it. And once there is born into Islam, those that didn't know jahiliyyah. And that's why the children of the sahaba, as amazing as they were, they weren't the sahaba, as Ibn Taymiyyah said. Rahimahullah. No, it's beautiful. I mean, subhanAllah, you know, you think about, this reminded me so much when you're speaking and about the youth, how you mentioned, you know, you go out on New Year's Eve and you'll see, maybe even your old friends partying or things that you used to do. You know, whether it's the people, people that were Muslim and they, you know, they had their tests or the youth or converts to Islam. You know, it's, those are the stages. Man, I kind of wish I was there with them or it's whatever. Then you reach that alhamdulillah, I am not amongst them, right? It's the stages and realizing, you know, when I was studying sharia, you know, it was interesting studying Islamic law. When you change the rules to guidelines, you know, the deen of Islam is guidelines with godly objectives. You know, your perception. And I think with the iman, it changes the perception as well. I think that's from the asrar, you know,
from the secret acts of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la that the way that you view things and how you look at it from an Islamic worldview rather than my own personal intellect and understanding. But that takes the process. It's a process of continuing to work towards that by doing the actions that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has legislated and trusting within him and trusting in him and his names and attributes. There's a connection that I was thinking about between Al-Baqarah Ali Amran Nisa. In the end of Al-Baqarah, you're asking Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la for takhfeef, to lessen the burden. Rabbana laa tu'akhidnaa innaseenaa aw akhtahnaa Rabbana wa laa tahmil AAalaynaa israan kama AAamaltahu AAala allatheena min qablinaa Until the end, like, oh Allah, don't burden us beyond our scope. And then in Ali Amran, Rabbana laa tuzidh quloobanaa ba'da idh hadaytanaa Oh Allah, don't let our hearts deviate after you've guided us. In Surah Nisa, it's very interesting, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, Allah Azawajal is expressing to you that he wants to, liyukhaffeef AAankum yuridullahu liyukhaffeef AAankum that you're kind of getting to this idea. And he's expressing that Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la with the way that the law is being given to us now. If your mind is right, if your heart is right, and if your intention is right, then you'll start to thank Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la for things that you might have thought prior to that. We're actually going to be a burden. The burden becomes a blessing, Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. Surah Nisa, you just activated that. Surah Nisa says that the hypocrites see their prayers as a burden and they foot drag to them. And then it says, mudhabithabeen and they're always back and forth. So that's how you have that inner conflict. And then Allah forbid, there's the scariest iteration all in Nisa, that they're in the lowest pit of the fire. So it doesn't happen overnight. That process of like feeling the FOMO and then getting healthier. Also, there is sort of the process of sort of taking it for granted. And then may Allah forbid you fall out altogether. And the fear factor is important. Part of how do you be a good person?
Like one of the greatest self harms of modern psychology is just to remove all guilt and all fear. But Allah who created us knows that fear is like that torch that you go into the corners of your heart with to figure out what's hiding. Right? So he knows that a healthy dose of this is healing for us. It's therapeutic for us. You know, there's a brother, I'm gonna say this because my guy, Saud from the UK is here. There was a brother, he's on YouTube somewhere. He shared his story. He says he was a monster. He says that I was a criminal. I was a monster. I think his name now was Hamza. And like he was about to do a lot of time in prison. His mom sent him to his aunt, like in another town. He worked in a department store and he was still vulgar, sort of callous. Bunch of Muslim sisters started like giving him tough dawah and telling him if you don't chill out, Allah's gonna stuff your face in the hellfire. But Allah knows that this sort of measured dose for some people, right? So he said, in my sort of rebellion, my arrogance, I said, so what? I've had friends be in a burning building for, you only feel it like for a minute, then you're fine. She said, actually in Surah An-Nisa, Allah said, every time their skins roast, we replace them with other skins so that they can taste, experience the burning in you. May Allah protect us. May Allah protect us. He said, I was paralyzed. It's like, how does God know what I'm thinking? How does God know sort of my dismissal of these things? He said, now is the beginning of me starting to take it seriously. And Alhamdulillah, he's a da'i, I know. He's a quality. Masha'Allah, masha'Allah, masha'Allah. Just a shout out on your papers that deal with the problem of evil. What's the title? Where can we find it? I know it's in Yaqeen, but what's the title of it? Masha'Allah. Yeah, I mean, there is actually the paper on hellfire in general. How is Allah the most merciful in hellfire? Because you always need that balance, right? And even Surat An-Nisa, because it's so scary, Surat An-Nisa, to make you a good person. It says, you know, Allah doesn't forgive shirk. We'll forgive anything less than that, right? And I'll tell you, if you stay away from the big sins,
Allah will forgive you for the little ones. So there's like that consolation, because you need it, right? And so there's a paper on the most merciful and the question of hellfire that came to mind, but I didn't get a chance to make mention of it. But God's existence and the problem of evil, right? And human suffering is, think onto the systematic theology. Systematic theology. Archives, yeah. JazakumAllah khair. Well, we could go all day. Yeah. BarakAllahu feekum. Aba Abad, Sheikh Aba Abad Shinawi, actually, of course, runs systematic theology in the department. If you go to the website, click his author profile, you get all the papers. Masha'Allah, he's written some great papers that all relate to this. Masha'Allah, I'll accept and forgive you. We enjoyed having you with us as always. BarakAllahu feekum. InshaAllah ta'ala for the rest of you. We will see you all tomorrow, inshaAllah ta'ala. BarakAllahu feekum. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. I was actually there New Year's Eve, right? We had the Light Upon Light conference, went outside, and you could see people New Year's Eve, people going out to the pubs or whatever it is. And it's like, we're just trying to get to our car. And as a Muslim, you could see all that happening. And you could think, I wish I could be with them. Or you could say, you know, it is what it is. I'm not with them. Or you could say, Alhamdulillah, I'm not in that life.
And thank Allah for it, right? And that's where constriction is actually a blessing. There was a brother in my masjid. I may have shared this prior. I don't recall who or where, but Quran repeats itself. So I can't wait, right? But you reminded me. You know, he had shown up after Jum'ah one day. A brother in the masjid had brought him from school, I think senior in high school, took a copy of the Quran. I start noticing him attending Jum'ah. So one day I'm sort of giving salams to the crowd and he's still waiting. So I'm like, oh, he must be waiting for me. Walk up to him like, hey man, what's going on? You Muslim yet? And he's like, no, not yet. So I'm like, what is it? Like what's, he's like, you know, Islam is strict. And so I'm thinking, I'm revving up to respond the way I usually respond to some Muslims who want to know why there's so many restrictions. So I'm taking a deep breath, lining up the thoughts. Before I could actually explain, he said, and that's what I love about it. I was like, what? He said, my father ruined our family for 20 years because of his alcoholism. SubhanAllah. And the only reassurance I have that I will not do that to my family when I have one one day is Islam's zero tolerance policy on alcohol. Allah, I was like, man, can I borrow you? Like, can I tour you around? And Alhamdulillah, I took a Shahada a few minutes later. Another brother jumped in and prompted him and he took a Shahada. We are, sometimes, you know, you need to see the dark from a safe place. Of course, Omar used to say that, that, that's sort of the, what's been the knots of Islam. Imagine Islam is sort of like a continuum of things getting fastened, getting fastened, getting established. Islam will unravel, essentially. He said, one knot at a time. Itha wulida fil Islam, man la ya'rifil jahiliya. Once there is born into Islam, someone who inherits it. You know, you just inherit stuff, money or other, you just take it for granted, right? You didn't work hard, not blood, sweat and tears you put into it. And once there is born into Islam, those that didn't know jahiliya. And that's why the children of the Sahaba,
as amazing as they were, they weren't the Sahaba, as Ibn Taymiyyah said. Rahimahullah. No, it's beautiful. I mean, SubhanAllah, you know, you think about, this reminded me so much when you're speaking and about the youth, how you mentioned, you know, you go out on New Year's Eve and you'll see, maybe even your old friends partying or things that you used to do. You know, whether it's the people, people that were Muslim and they, you know, they had their tests or the youth or converts to Islam. You know, it's, those are the stages. Man, I kind of wish I was there with them. Or it's whatever. Then you reach that, alhamdulillah, I am not amongst them, right? It's the stages and realizing, you know, when I was studying sharia, you know, it was interesting, studying Islamic law, when you change the rules to guidelines, you know, the deen of Islam is guidelines with godly objectives. You know, your perception. And I think with the iman, it changes the perception as well. I think that's from the asrar, you know, from the secret acts of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, that the way that you view things and how you look at it from an Islamic worldview rather than my own personal intellect and understanding. But that takes the process. It's a process of continuing to work towards that by doing the actions that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has legislated and trusting within him, and trusting in him and his names and attributes. There's a connection that I was thinking about between al-Baqarah, al-Amra, al-Nisa. In the end of al-Baqarah, you're asking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for takhfif, to lessen the burden. Rabbana laa tu'akhidna innaseena aw akhtahna Rabbana wa laa tahmil alayna isran kama ahmatahu ala allatheena min qablina Until the end, like, oh Allah, don't burden us beyond our scope. And then in al-Imran, Rabbana laa tuzigh quloobana ba'da idh hadaytana. Oh Allah, don't let our hearts deviate after you've guided us. In surah al-Nisa, it's very interesting, subhanAllah. Allah azawajal is expressing to you that he wants to, liyukhaffif aankum. Yuridu Allah liyukhaffif aankum, right? That you're kind of getting to this idea. And he's expressing that subhanahu wa ta'ala
with the way that the law is being given to us now. If your mind is right, if your heart is right, and if your intention is right, then you'll start to thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for things that you might have thought prior to that. We're actually going to be a burden. The burden becomes a blessing, subhanAllah. Surah al-Nisa, you just activated that. Surah al-Nisa says that the hypocrites see their prayers as a burden and they foot drag to them. And then it says, mudhabithabeen, and they're always back and forth. So that's how you have that inner conflict. And then Allah forbid, there's the scariest iteration all in al-Nisa, that they're in the lowest pit of the fire. So it doesn't happen overnight. That process of like feeling the FOMO and then getting healthier. Also there is sort of the process of sort of taking it for granted. And then may Allah forbid you fall out altogether. And the fear factor is important. You know, part of how do you be a good person? Like one of the greatest self harms of modern psychology is just to remove all guilt and all fear. But Allah who created us knows that fear is like that torch that you go into the corners of your heart with to figure out what's hiding, right? So he knows that a healthy dose of this is healing for us. It's therapeutic for us. You know, there's a brother, just because my guy Saud from the UK is here. There is a brother, he's on YouTube somewhere. And he shared his story. He says he was a monster. He says that I was a criminal. I was, I think his name now was Hamza. And like he was about to do a lot of time in prison. His mom sent him to his aunt, like in another town. He worked in a department store and he was still vulgar, sort of callous. Bunch of Muslim sisters started like giving him tough dawah and telling him, if you don't chill out, Allah's gonna stuff your face in the hellfire. But Allah knows that this sort of measured dose for some people, right? So he said, in my sort of rebellion, my arrogance, I said, so what? I've had friends be in a burning building for, you only feel it like for a minute, then you're fine. She said, actually, in Surah Nisa,
Allah said, every time their skins roast, we replace them with other skins so that they can taste, experience the burning anew. May Allah protect us. May Allah protect us. He said, I was paralyzed. Like, how does God know what I'm thinking? How do I know, God is know, sort of my dismissal of these things. He said, now is the beginning of me starting to take it seriously. And Alhamdulillah, he's a da'ia now. He's a quality of sayer. MashaAllah, MashaAllah, MashaAllah. Just a shout out on your papers that deal with the problem of evil. What's the title? Where can we find it? I know it's in Yaqeen, but what's the title of it? MashaAllah. Yeah, I mean, there is actually the paper on hellfire in general. How is Allah the most merciful in hellfire? Because you always need that balance, right? And even Surah Nisa, because it's so scary, Surah Nisa, to make you a good person, it says, you know, Allah doesn't forgive shirk. We'll forgive anything less than that, right? And I'll tell you, if you stay away from the big sins, Allah will forgive you for the little ones. So there's like that consolation, because you need it, right? And so there's a paper on the most merciful and the question of hellfire that came to mind, but I didn't get a chance to make mention of it. But God's existence and the problem of evil, right? And human suffering is, think onto the systematic theology. Systematic theology. Archives, yeah. JazakumAllah khair. We could go all day. Yeah. BarakAllahu feekum. Abu Abad, Shaykh Abu Abad Shinawi, actually, of course, runs systematic theology in the department. If you go to the website, click his author profile, you get all the papers. MashaAllah, he's written some great papers that all relate to this. MashaAllah, I'll accept and forgive. We enjoyed having you with us, as always. BarakAllahu feekum. InshaAllah ta'ala for the rest of you. We will see you all tomorrow, inshaAllah ta'ala. BarakAllahu feekum. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Thank you.