But like, there was probably no home in Medina that didn't have someone who was shaheed in Uhud. And so, there are people who are grieving, giving condolences to others who are grieving. And the Prophet ﷺ had the people of Uhud in his heart and his mind, always present, always go there and say salam to the people and make du'a for them. So, I believe there's a lot to be taken from that. I mean, when I believe my brother is leaving this world, of course, we're in grief and we're in so much difficulty. I see my mom every day, speak to my father. It's always there, but alhamdulillah for teaching us so many lessons from his death. Alhamdulillah for the love that Allah has given us after he left this world. Alhamdulillah for the tears that we can shed in du'a now, before it was harder. Like, I go to Rawdah, I'll be honest with you, there was a challenge to cry whenever I wanted to, even though that's not the objective of du'a. But I was in Rawdah, and now I'm in Rawdah of the Prophet ﷺ and I'm making du'a and sajda. Allahumma ja'al al-qabri akhi, Rawdah min riyad al-jannah. You know, it's just like, subhanAllah. I'll make my brother's grave a garden from the garden of paradise. While I'm in the garden of jannah in this world. So yeah, I mean, it's not that I think about it, it's not that I plan it, but it always helps you. So, there's always some hikmah behind this grief and the destiny of Allah ﷻ. So, it just comes out, Shaykh. May Allah have mercy on him and set him as a shaheed. I mean, I mean. JazakAllah khair for always being so vulnerable with this man. We love you and love having you here. And subhanAllah, I remember when he passed away, and obviously we had our webinar in COVID. We were talking about how we're dealing with grief. May Allah ﷻ have mercy on him and accept him as a shaheed and make it easy for you and your family. We ask all of you, inshaAllah, to please make du'a, inshaAllah ta'ala, for him and to make du'a for the family. BarakAllahu feekum. We'll see you all tomorrow, inshaAllah. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Wa min Allah at-tawfiq, Al Fatiha.
It's a travel size, too. It's a travel size, exactly. MashaAllah. JazakAllah khair. There's something that I think is important to mention here. Specifically, subhanAllah, when it comes to miracles and when it comes to extravagance and when it comes to ROI and what you're putting forward. This is the chapter in which you see the mention of al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. It can feel weird to be extravagant when there's a genocide in the background. Extravagance is always bad, but when there's a genocide taking place, it feels worse. And perhaps that's a good thing for us to kind of wake up, you know, just as we kind of like talk to our kids and say, look, you're complaining about this. Look at these children in Palestine. Not that there weren't suffering children before, but look, pay attention. This is on our hearts and on our minds right now. That's the first thing I think about with extravagance. And when I think about ROI and I think about the things we put forward, it can feel like we're doing so much, but we're seeing so little when it comes to our brothers and sisters in Palestine. What more can we possibly do? And then I think about the miracles. How many times have people tapped out on Jerusalem? And Allah subhanAllah brought it back to the A'idah of Allah Muhammad Rasulullah. It's not the first time in history. So, you know, Nur ad-Din, Rahim Allah, Zangi Rahim Allah, of course, famously had the manbar built for Mazal Aqsa before it was liberated. All right. A lot of people in those places could be thinking about their own throne, could be thinking about, you know, their crown, thinking about the way that they're dressed, thinking about so many of these little things.
And despite all of that and these impossible, seemingly impossible circumstances, he's spending on the manbar of Al-Aqsa before it is liberated, of course, by Salahuddin Al-Ayubi Rahim Allah Ta'ala. There's really something profound about priority and miracle, priority and what you see as an ROI, as a return on your investment, and the deeds that you put forth with absolutely no expectation of a dunyawi return, of a worldly return. Like, you're just glad that Allah Azzawajal allowed you to perform the deed. Similar to du'a, you're just glad Allah let you make the du'a. Like Umar Al-Khattab R.A. says, you know, I don't concern myself with the answer to my du'a, I just concern myself with the ability to make it because I know that if Allah allowed me to make the du'a, that means Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la certainly is going to give me something. So, the same thing is true with a good deed. I don't concern myself with whether or not, like, I'm not weighing, okay, if I give this much sadaqa, I'll get this much back. If I do this, no, I am merely happy that Allah Azzawajal gave me the ability to do the good deed because Allah would not have let me do the good deed unless Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la wants to give me something good in return. Only in the akhira maybe, or in the akhira and in the dunya. But at the end of the day, whether it's in the hereafter exclusively, or both the hereafter and this life, which is certainly the case in many transcendent ways. Alhamdulillah for the ability to do good. Alhamdulillah for the blessing of Islam. Alhamdulillah for being able to fast. Alhamdulillah for being able to pray taraweeh. Alhamdulillah for being able to read the Quran. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah. What more to praise Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la for than the ability to do these things? And if it's just the internal peace that Allah gives you that no one can find in a package, no one can find in anything that they're purchasing. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah for that. Alhamdulillah. You know, out of the fadl of Allah, it's His grace, it's His mercy that He's allowed you to be in this position.
Like Allah has given you tawfiq, what you just said, to fast, to sit down right here like we're sitting here right now. Allah is saying, be happy, smile. You know, in khutbah, you know, we should maybe not smile, but otherwise in the masjid, you should be smiling. That's why I'm always smiling. Because alhamdulillah, we're always doing something, we're trying to publicly, you know, we're always doing it in a good situation, good setting. But Shaykh, wallahi, what you said, I believe that ummah should be making this dua a lot. This is, we're sitting at Yaqeen Campus. A dua the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wa sallam would always make at the end of a gathering. Long dua, the portion, one portion. اللهم اقسم لنا من خشتك ما تحول به وبيننا من وعصيك ومن طاعتك ما تولغني بجنتك ومن اليقين ما تهوين بها علينا مصائب الدنيا Translation, like, oh Allah, give me that fear that will be a portion of that fear that will help me stay away from sins. Give me a portion of that tawfiq that will help me do deeds that will lead me to Jannah. And, oh Allah, give me that conviction that will make it easy for me to go through difficulties in this life. So yes, the ROI may not be here right away, but if you have conviction, you have yaqeen, that you're going to get it in Jannah, you're going to get it the moment you die. The brothers and sisters in Gaza, as they're becoming shaykh, when my father was told that his son passed away, a Palestinian came to my father and said, لا أدري نهنيك أم نعزيك I'm not sure if I should be congratulating you or I should be giving you condolences. That's yaqeen, man. I'm not sure. I'm in a mixed feeling over here. Should I congratulate you that your son is a shaheed or should I give you condolences? So these brothers and sisters who are leaving this world, yes, I mean, we probably don't see it right now, but the moment they leave this world, Allah's asking them, do you want something? You know what they're asking? Oh Allah, send me back so I can become shaheed again. Let's not be the ones who, when we leave this world, and instead of Allah asking us, we're asking, oh Allah, please send us back. There's a huge difference over here. Those people leaving this world, they're leaving with that
and asking Allah to return them to become shaheed and hopefully we're not going to be among those who are asking Allah to send us back so we can do one good deed. So there's always going to be, so may Allah bless you for that approach towards this discussion. Sheikh, you got any last reflection for us? No, I'm good. Mufti Sahib, it's been a few years since your brother passed away, Rahimullah, but you still keep talking about him. Yeah. Someone might say that that's a sign of a lack of patience. Of course, we know that not to be the case because the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam still remembered Khadijah radiAllahu anha all these years. Remember our loved ones all these years. How can you actually show that grief is in fact tied to gratitude? Honestly, I'll just share like this, on this last week on Monday, I went to do ta'ziyah for a family in Phoenix who lost their son Talha over the weekend in a car accident. Rahimullah Talha. And he passed away. Beautiful family by the way. Yeah, beautiful family. And so I went Monday morning for their ta'ziyah. And the only son of the family is Sheikh Abdullah. No, they have no other children, just one son. We have five brothers and we lost one. And when I went to visit them, like the pain and suffering that people are seeing in Gaza has actually made it easier for them to go through the suffering. The same thing with brother Aftab Diwan here. Our guy here when he lost Hadi, Abdul Hadi. They mentioned that him and his wife, sister Hanifa, may Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la bless them, when they lost their one son. Hadi. Rahimullah. He was saying on the way to the graveyard that what's happened in Gaza has given them the ease. Like just a dignified burial. Exactly. Is in and of itself a narmah that we thank Allah for now. SubhanAllah. So I was thinking like, man, if my brother passed away during this time, it might have been easier for us. You know, like, because we've seen what's going on, you know. But the reality,
and I looked and I look at Sahaba like, there was probably no home in Medina that didn't have someone who was shaheed in Uhud. And so there are people who are grieving, giving condolences to others who are grieving. And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had the people of Uhud in his heart and his mind always present, always go there and say salam to the people and make dua for them. So I believe there's a lot to be taken from that. I mean, when I, I believe my brother is leaving this world, of course we're grieving a lot. We're in so much difficulty. I see my mom every day, speak to my father. It's always there. But Alhamdulillah for teaching us so many lessons from his death. Alhamdulillah for the love that Allah has given us after he left this world. Alhamdulillah for the tears that we are, we can shed in dua now, before it was harder. Like I go to Rawdah. I'll be honest with you. It was, there was a challenge to cry whenever I wanted to, even though that's not the objective of dua, but it's, you know, I was in Rawdah and now I'm in Rawdah of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and I'm making dua and sajda. Allahumma ja'al qabri akhi, Rawdah min riyad al-jannah. You know, it's just like, while I'm in the garden of Jannah in this world. So yeah, I mean, it's not that I think about it. It's not that I plan it, but it always helps you. So there's always some hikmah behind this grief and the destiny of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. So it just comes out, Shaykh. May Allah have mercy on him and set him as a shaheed. JazakAllah khair for always being so vulnerable with this man. We love you and love having you here. And SubhanAllah, I remember when he passed away and obviously we had our webinar in COVID. We were talking about how we're dealing with grief. May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la have mercy on him and accept him as a shaheed and make it easy for you and your family. We ask all of you inshallah to please make du'a inshallah for him and to make du'a for the family. BarakAllahu feekum. We'll see you all tomorrow inshallah. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.