Asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. And not just on land, also those creatures that they live in the water, in the depth of the ocean and subhanAllah in the seas and the rivers, it's just incredible. Ya'lamu mustaqarraha wa mustawda'aha. He knows where it lives. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, He knows where it lives. So can you imagine those creatures that live under rocks in the bottom of the ocean? How many they are? Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows about them and He provides for them. He also arranges the means of their sustenance in ways sometimes we understand and in sometimes we don't understand. Like Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala arranges the means of their sustenance in ways that we can apprehend or comprehend and in sometimes we don't really understand how it worked. I love animals and I spend a lot of time watching animals, unfortunately, but one time I was watching a film and it was about an Egyptian tiny bird, it's called Bluebird. And they said that this bird has an incredible, interesting, intimate relationship to one
of the most, you know, one of the most dangerous predator in Africa, which is the Nile crocodile. They said when the crocodile sees the bird in the air, he makes himself visible and then he opens its mouth. And then the bird sees that, he goes and lands in the mouth of the crocodile to do what? To clean his teeth. You know? And to pick out these little pieces between his teeth so the crocodile gets his teeth cleaned, his mouth fresh, free from any infection or anything, and the little tiny bird gets his food. You know, that's in a way that you cannot really imagine. It's Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala who does that. And then the Qur'an and the Sunnah taught us about ways how to increase our rizq and all of that. You know, istighfar, spending, keeping ties to your family. And some people sometimes they say, I do all of that, but I still do not get what I wanted. And that's where the ayah comes in. If Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala had excessively, you know, given all of his servants whatever they want, they would definitely would have committed transgression on earth. Right? But he sends down by measure as he likes. You know, Allah gives and he knows how much to give and he knows who to give what to. And that's out of his infinite wisdom subhanahu wa ta'ala. So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying in that verse, I care about you. I care about your safety. I care about your dunya and your akhira. So I will give those whom I love enough to get by so they don't get distracted. That also was demonstrated in the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam when, you know, some money, he was distributing some money and somebody came and he said, Ya Rasulullah, give so and so is a believer.
And he said it three times and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, after he finished, he said, you know, when I receive money, I give people, give some people money, but I withhold from those whom I love more out of fear that they will fall into destruction, out of fear that this money could be a source of trouble for them. So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows how much to give and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows what works and what doesn't work. So alhamdulillah for everything that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala provides. Beautiful reflections, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reward you for that. You know, subhanAllah, just it's a thought, like every ant, how many little bugs are created, how many things that we can't even see and its risk is upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And if you think about the depths of the ocean, indeed, like if someone was to scuba dive and you poke at all of these different things under the ocean and try to find this tiny, tiny, tiny little fish and Allah decreed when that fish would come into existence, when it would die, how it would eat, how it would, every single element of its list. So how foolish are we to question the risk of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for us? And we think we're so big and we're not, you know, if you think about us in the grand scheme of things, the bottom of the ocean looks so tiny to us, but if you fly up a few thousand feet, we're just as tiny and all of our risk is upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and every angel that we can't see, not a hand span in the heavens, subhanAllah, the Prophet ﷺ said, except that there's an angel that is there, Allah azawajal has decreed that to be there. So how foolish are we when we think that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is not taking care of us and not considering us, subhanAllah. Amazing reflections and it makes me think about, you know, the most irrational arguments are used by supposedly the most rational people to deny God. Like they think they're so rational when they deny Allah and they deny the Messenger ﷺ, but it's so foolish, like it's counterintuitive. What are you talking about?
Like you think you distribute this list? You really think you're in charge? Like do you realize Abu Jahad, you're not kind of like, you know, even by the virtue of the world at the time, like you got the Roman empire and you got the Persian empire. Little Abu Jahad thinks he's in charge of the world, right? He thinks he's entitled to everything in the world. Like what happens to people's minds? That they become, subhanAllah, it's just tawfiq, the sentence or the word, self-centered. So self-centered. You think the world revolves around you. And so, you know, if one thing doesn't go your way, then the whole world is useless. The whole world is not functioning properly. If one thing doesn't go my way, the whole world is off balance and nothing is actually going right. And that's just something, subhanAllah, a product of the arrogance of man and the arrogance of a human being to think, you know, I am the axis of the world and everything has to revolve around me. May Allah ﷻ forgive us. I think, Shaykh, one thing that I'd bring up and I'd love to hear both of you sort of reflect on this. There's a principle in tazkiyah. Allah ﷻ gives from this dunya to the one that He loves and the one that He does not love. But He only gives the akhirah to whom He loves. He only gives from the hereafter to whom He loves. How do you explain that to someone, you know, that is on the other side when it comes to the worldly affairs at this moment? How do you explain to someone, Allah ﷻ loves you, when they feel like they're being deprived and they see someone who's clearly so far away from Allah's presence. How do you tell them that that's not a manifestation of Allah's love? I mean, I think the first thing is, it's getting to know Allah, like who is He really? What are His, really, just the names and attributes of Allah ﷻ.
What they mean, how they are manifest and then how does it play in my life? Because definitely they're manifest in your life, but it's again about the perception. So being around those that may remind you of those beautiful names and attributes of Allah ﷻ, and then also remembering it's not about, you know, what are you doing to make, it's a level of self-accountability as well. What are you doing to learn about that and to see those names manifest? And I think that's very, very important because we always ask, you mentioned before, it's not about asking ourselves, even in what's going on, what are you doing, Allah, but it's what am I doing? Right. So I think that's very important, the self-accountability. If you acknowledge the fact that there is something greater than you, you have to ask, what am I doing in regards to that which is greater than me? So firstly, knowing Allah ﷻ before going on to anything else. Yeah, this is beautiful. I was actually thinking about the same thing, you know, knowledge, knowledge of Allah ﷻ, knowledge of the self, you know, knowledge of the self as well. You know, some people sometimes, they're Muslims, they're close to Allah ﷻ. Allah didn't give them much, but they are content. So that's coming from their knowledge of Allah ﷻ. Allah ﷻ places this contentment in their hearts. They're pleased with whatever Allah ﷻ gives them, you know. The other thing also that people sometimes, they get confused about is why we always think that rizq is just money. Right. You know, your intelligence could be your rizq. Right. Your good friend could be your rizq. The skills that Allah ﷻ gives you could be your rizq. Absolutely. So it's not just money. You know, as Abu Talib said, وَمَا الْمَالُ إِلَّا ظِلٌ زَائِلٌ
when he went to propose on behalf of the Prophet ﷺ, he said, what is money but a fleeting shadow? And we don't want to underestimate the money. Money is definitely important. It's definitely important. But it becomes, you know, a curse as Rasulullah ﷺ mourned people against it when people consider it to be the goal of this life. Absolutely. You know, Allah ﷻ promises Jannah in the akhirah, did not promise eternity and richness in this world. And the Muslims are waiting for that bliss in the akhirah, inshaAllah. So Shaykh, when you say that money is just a shadow, what you're saying is people should give it to yaqeen. Shaykh, ma'alish, ma'alish, ma'alish, the alligator, that's another risk right there. So hold on, hold on, because this is with the fitrah, inshaAllah. The alligator, when he sees the bird, he opens his mouth in order for the bird to come and take the remaining food from the teeth of the alligator, which further cleans the teeth of the alligator, further risk from Allah for the bird? Really? I don't know. What's the name of the bird for all the young children out there and older children as well? It's a plover, Egyptian, Egyptian plover bird. And the crocodile is the Nile crocodile. And it's just incredible about how the, you know, the relationship between the two. And that's not the only thing, Allah ﷻ, that's not the only thing. I watched a film probably 10 years ago about how the rizq is distributed. That film was not actually given by a lecturer, like a Muslim speaker or anything like that, they're just documentary. But they were talking about the provision and how certain food, how certain animals get their certain food. I was sitting there, Allah ﷻ, I was weeping the entire time because I found myself, subhanAllah. I love this. SubhanAllah. So I love animals and I love watching animals, so. Always raise your iman when you learn.
Absolutely. It was the sunnah of Rasulullah ﷺ as well. He was a shepherd and so he looked at animals, lived with them, lived close to them, absolutely. I would love to do more, we're way over time, so we're just going to say everyone go study animals and pray tonight inshaAllah and open up your perception. But we loved having you Shaykh Haqqaf, you're a rizq for us tonight, Allah ﷻ bless you and please keep us in your du'as. Tonight everyone, we'll see you tomorrow, inshaAllah, wasalamualikoum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.