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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Juz 24: Today's False Gods | Imam Wesley Abu Sumayyah Lebron

What are the false gods we see in the world today? What does it mean to have istiqamah, or steadfastness? What happens when you put God first?

Join Imam Wesley Abu Sumayyah Lebron with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they reflect on Juz 24 of the Qur'an, discussing the ulterior motives—and absolute powerlessness—of false gods, the effect of internalizing that Allah is sufficient, and the impossible blessings of steadfastness in this life and the next.

Remember these 3 things:
- Do not be threatened by their powerless gods, and do not despair from your All-Powerful God.
- Alternative gods always have ulterior motives.
- Steadfastness comes out of sincere testimony.

✨Test your knowledge of the Qur'an✨

In which surah does Allah mention Ibrahim (AS) seeing in a dream that he is to sacrifice Ismail (AS)?
A. Surah As-Saffat
B. Surah Al-Fath
C. Surah Yusuf


0:00 - Highlights
📌 1:18 - Today's trivia
1:41 - Introduction
2:15 - How new Muslims can connect with the Qur'an

📌 3:05 - Dr. Omar Suleiman reflects on powerless gods and not despairing in the All-Powerful
4:05 - Isn't Allah enough?
5:36 - Coming back from sin
6:15 - When you're threatened by powerless gods

📌 9:05 - Sh. Abdullah Oduro reflects on powerless gods' ulterior motives
10:44 - Pharoah's (and media) propaganda
13:50 - Allah was enough for Musa (as)

📌 14:45 - Imam Wesley Lebron reflects on steadfastness and sincere testimony
15:45 - The three moments angels descend
17:48 - When you put Allah first

📌 19:07 - Reflections
20:00 - Steadfastness pulls you through the impossible
21:12 - Is Allah really enough for you?
23:12 - Letting go for Allah
25:19 - Allah wants you to make it

📌 26:42 - Final thoughts
27:08 - The blessings of steadfastness

Download the latest Qur'an 30 for 30 eBook: Qur’an 30 for 30: Thematic Tafsir.

Explore the daily juz questions and answers in the Qur'an 30 for 30 Season 5 Trivia.


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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala can do for you. Just recently, subhanAllah, I just came back from Umrah, two weeks ago. And 25 years ago, it was a dream for us as new Muslims, right? One, to be able to see the dawah grow amongst our people as Latinos. Two, and most importantly, that our family begins to accept Islam. And from the favor of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that I'm super grateful for, is that this year, alhamdulillah, and I hope is from having some form of istiqama, that I was able to make Umrah with my wife, my son, my daughter, my son-in-law, and more importantly, my mother. And for me, that was just like a dream come true, subhanAllah, that I just hope that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, and then to see the effect of that on my mom, being at the Ka'bah, and just her breaking down and tearing, crying, and saying that this was the best moment that she ever had in her life. I can only hope that that's from the istiqama that Allah has given us. SubhanAllah, give your whole family istiqama. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guide all of those whom whom you love, and Sheikh Abdullah, all those whom you love, and all of those who we all love. I know there are a lot of people watching that are new Muslims, that wait for that moment. JazakAllah khair, Sheikh. I think you just gave him a lot of hope, man. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless you, and I'm happy for you that you had that moment. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gather you as He gathered you in the Haram, may Allah gather you under His throne on the Day of Judgment, with all those that you love from every generation, and all of us. Ameen. BarakAllahu fikum for the beautiful, beautiful, beautiful reflections, and for taking the time out to be with us. JazakAllah khair for me. Sheikh Abdullazzaq, karamakAllah.
May Allah azawajal bless you. Sheikh Abdullah as always. BarakAllahu fikum. InshaAllah, I will see you all for Juz 25. Wassalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. JazakAllah khair, Sheikh Abdullazzaq. Allah is there. I believe in Him. But is He really enough for me? When everything is taken away, as we see with our brothers and sisters in Gaza. Everything is taken away. At that moment, is Allah enough for you? And was He enough for you before? Because it has to be that Iman. Allah, the one that you have taken away from us, allow him or her to die on Iman. And that's the most important concern, that they have that Iman in their heart. Iman in Allah's names and attributes, and the manifestation of that throughout our lives.
So we're really just asking ourselves the question, is Allah really enough for me? Meaning that, am I okay when I don't have anything that is from the tangible things, and I have this belief in my heart? Because when things are taken away from you that you value, that's when you're really, really tested. Whether it's money, whether it's your child. That's a huge test. Is Allah enough for you? Because you know, As Allah SWT says, just as we have brought the first of creation here, we will bring them back. Verily, we are for Allah. Allah owns us, ultimately. And to Him we will return. So, you know, SubhanAllah. That's why, you know, tying these verses in, when you see with Musa AS and the people that were with him, and then, you know, saying that, you know, Allah SWT is enough for me. That saying that, you know, that I'm from the Muslimin, and knowing what that may mean as a result. That you may be killed in the process. If Allah SWT is enough for you, this dunya is just something that is temporary. And that's something deep to think about and ponder over. No, and when I think about that concept, SubhanAllah, I want to look at it from the opposite side as well. The whole issue, is Allah enough for you? Not only when I have, or when I don't have, but more importantly, even when I have. Why? Because if Allah is enough for you, when you are filled with so much bounty, that may mean that sometimes you have to begin to give things up yourself, right? Way too often, as a person dealing with new Muslims, right? Or a person who's dealing with people who are on the edge, wanting to come to the fold of Islam. The issue of having to give up, right? To now enter faith, like, I want to enter, but I have all of these things that I'm still kind of tied into that I don't know if I want to let it go, right? And then that's kind of where you have to ask yourself the question, is your Lord enough for you? Right? That you're willing to give up these things that are minuscule.
You only have them because of Allah, SubhanAllah, at the end of the day, right? Allah can take them away overnight, and then you have nothing at the same time, right? But are you willing to say, Allah is enough for me, inshaAllah, and I'm willing to sacrifice some of those things, and again, put Allah at the center of your life, inshaAllah, and then kind of lay the cards where they are, drop the chips where they may, inshaAllah, and see where that takes you in your life. Sheikh, you know, it's interesting, SubhanAllah, about Bani Israel, and exactly what you just said. When Allah Azza wa Jalla just saved them from their moment, and Musa A.S. said, Allah is with me, what did they do when they got saved and they saw that miracle? They went and they built a calf again. You know, like, you have it now, you're safe. There's no Firaun on your tail. Allah Azza wa Jalla just saved you, and still, you know, where's your fear? Where's your hope lie? Let's go build another golden calf, you know? Because we get addicted to these things. I mean, we get conditioned, right? They always talk about, you talk about media, media conditioning. You know, you get conditioned to think a certain way, to believe a certain way, and so you stop seeing your own interest or their motives. You stop seeing it all. You get blinded altogether by it, right? And at the core of this, InshaAllah ta'ala, maybe we can share a final reflection on this, but what I'm just thinking of, these moments at the core of this, if Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala did not want you to succeed, you would not be able to succeed. If Allah Azza wa Jalla did not want you to succeed, you would not be able to succeed. You talk about the ulterior motives of the alternative gods, Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, Allah wants to forgive you, and that's actually the point of Surah Az-Zumar as well. Allah Azza wa Jalla wants to forgive you. Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala wants you to find your way back, and that's why the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, do not die except with having a good assumption of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, because otherwise, you're not making this. You're not making it.
There's no way you're making it through those situations. There's no way you're detaching yourself from all these other things that you've gotten attached to. You're not making it unless Allah Azza wa Jalla wants you to make it, and Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala wants you to make it, and Alhamdulillah for that. It's like someone, I once heard someone say this, Alhamdulillah for Allah. There's no other god but Him. Alhamdulillah. I wouldn't want a god other than Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Even if you could fashion, would you be able to fashion a god better than Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala? Absolutely not. Alhamdulillah for Al-Musawwir, the fashioner, the one who creates all being our god. So just a final, final thought for us inshallah from each of you, and then we'll close this off. Alhamdulillah, Subhanallah. It reminds me of a statement that another OG told me, Subhanallah. We believe in Allah, but do we believe Allah? We believe in Him, but when He says something, when He gives us a promise, do we believe? And we constantly have to ask ourselves that question. And the best way is through the dhikr, remembrance of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. It's alive in the heart. You know for me man, Subhanallah, when I just think about how Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, when you say Allah is my Lord, and you remain steadfast, the blessings and the transformation that Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala can do for you. Just recently, Subhanallah, I just came back from Umrah. Subhanallah, two weeks ago. And 25 years ago, it was a dream for us as new Muslims, right? One, to be able to see the Dawah grow amongst our people as Latinos. Two, and most importantly, that our family begins to accept Islam. And from the favor of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala that I'm super grateful for, is that this year, Alhamdulillah, and I hope it's from having some form of istiqama, that I was able to make Umrah with my wife, my son, my daughter, my son-in-law, and more importantly, my mother.
Subhanallah. And for me, that was just like a dream come true. Subhanallah, that I just hope that Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, and then to see the effect of that on my mom, being at the Kaaba, and just her breaking down and tearing and crying, and saying that this was the best moment that she ever had in her life. I can only hope that that's from the istiqama that Allah has given us. Subhanallah. Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, give your whole family istiqama. And may Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala guide all of those whom you love, and Sheikh Abdullah, all of those whom you love, and all of those who we all love. I know there are a lot of people watching that are new Muslims, that wait for that moment. JazakAllah khair Sheikh, I think you just gave them a lot of hope, man. Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala bless you, and I'm happy for you, that you had that moment. And may Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala gather you as He gathered you in the Haram. May Allah Azawajal gather you under His throne on the Day of Judgment, with all those that you love, from every generation, and all of us. Allahumma ameen. BarakAllahu feekum for the beautiful, beautiful, beautiful reflections, and for taking the time out to be with us. JazakAllah khair. Sheikh Abdullah Azzaq, kramakAllah, may Allah Azawajal bless you. Sheikh Abdullah as always, barakAllahu feekum. InshaAllah ta'ala we'll see you all for Juz 25. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Al Fatiha.
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