And so that's why you can't really lose, because if you don't attain victory in this world, you do attain it in the next life, so long as you are connected to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. It's interesting also, like juz' amma takes things that you naturally hate and turns them into things that you love, because they're for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So al-mout, death, you hate death, but death becomes a means of ease. that you'll be judged with an easy accountability. And when A'ishah radiAllahu anha asked the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam about that, you know, what's an easy accountability? Because the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, whoever is asked will be punished. And he says, no, this is different. That is just the presentation of your deeds to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And the presentation of the deeds to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, when Allah azawajal starts to turn those sins into good deeds for the believer, becomes a means of relief, a moment of relief. And so, if the most harmful things or the things that you fear most, even in the hereafter can be made easy, then with perspective, the most hard, hard things and or the hardest things and the most harmful things in this dunya can also be made easy. If you always maintain that perspective of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, that victory is found in Allah azawajal's acceptance. Ease is found in Allah's acceptance. And it's interesting. يَسِّرُهُ لِلْيُسْرَىٰ إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرَىٰ You keep on hearing the word ease, ease, ease being made clear in these verses. SubhanAllah. Yeah. SubhanAllah. It was so beautiful. I mean, I like how you cover this chapter, Nasser, because, and you tied it into Eid. You just, when you look at the Sharia, Wallahi, you look at the intentionality of the Sharia, how Allah intended, you know, every day there's conditioning five times a day at least. Every month there's something, every year there's something, one time in a lifetime there's something.
The Eid is when you see the best of the Islamic community locally, I'm saying, nationally or all around the world you see Hajj. But you'll see, let's be honest, Muslims that probably don't come out probably only until Eid. Fine. Everyone's at their level. Everyone's at their level. But you see how the Nassar of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the assistance and help of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is manifest. And people are coming to the religion, Afwajn, like you mentioned, the civil rights in Palestine. When you experience Eid inshallah coming close, you just look at, one thing that you can say to yourself is this is not, I mean, this is Allah's deen. Allah is in total control. He is in total control and he will handle the situation. It's just up to me to believe in him that he's capable. And I try my best to prove that I understand that by doing these actions, coming to the Eid salat, getting to know my community. But Eid should serve as a reminder that Allah is the one that will complete this light, this light of Islam, and it will flourish inshallah, whether we like it or not, or whether those that disbelieve like it or not. That this religion subhanallah will flourish and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will protect it. And that day of Eid should bring joy and joy and a sense of tranquility, particularly this year what's going on with our brothers and sisters around the world, particularly in Gaza. So subhanallah, allow this day to be a day of celebration and a day of joy, not a day of sorrow. Because, you know, when we're in this time, we're thinking, okay, our brothers and sisters over there. But as was mentioned subhanallah numerous times, those that have had families, members that have passed away and their brothers and sisters in Palestine, you know, it's a sense of strength for them. Because at that time when that faith is activated in those times of hardship, let Eid serve as a time for rejoicing and joy and making du'a for our brothers and sisters inshallah. I mean, something that I was reflecting on even in the images coming out of Palestine and Gaza is how there's no masjid, the masjids have been bombed. So people are forming masajid outside and praying in jama'at.
And I can only imagine the difficulty that they will experience Eid, but they will still come together and they will still find a place for everyone to come. Every man, woman and child will be there and find strength in each other. And you know, in terms of even reflecting on what you said about the sharia, how it's so balanced, you find this, like we have the sharia as an aspect that is necessary for outward balance. And then you also have haqiqa, which is this inward aspect that is necessary for things to go right. So, you know, this idea of the pure intention is there, needs to be there, the sincere intention and then the outward action, the victory on the battlefield and the means and, you know, taking the, going to the protest and doing everything, but inwardly, spiritually relying on Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, putting our hope and our trust in Him. So you have these, this outward-inward dynamic that gives us the ability to be resilient in difficult times. There's a narration of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that like, when it comes to victory, it's always struck me. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he said, أَبْغُونِي فِي الدُّعَفَاءِ فَإِنَّمَا تُنصَرُونَ وَتُرْزَقُونَ بِالدُّعَفَاءِكُمْ Seek me amongst the marginalized, like the poor, the du'afat, the weak, because truly you are given victory and you are given sustenance because of the du'afat among you. So you think that it's because I did all this outward action, that's necessary, but it's insufficient. There's another aspect of it, which is pairing our hearts to, to being connected to these people. I would say like, we need to pair our social justice with social mercy. Our donations have to be louder than our protests. Our ability to like give up some like material enjoyments and, and really love our brothers and sisters who are in this, who are the du'afat right now, at least in this position and knowing that it's when we seek their du'a, they're very special people to be, to be, to have this tribulation. They're not less than anyone. They're actually above everyone in the fact that they're facing this kind of tribulation on behalf of the whole ummah. So we actually need their prayers.
We need, you know, we're learning our iman from them. So we, you know, seek me amongst them. That's what the, that's the message of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. May Allah help us to do that and to, you know, reflect that inward and outward balance in the way that we're going about, you know, our life in general, but especially what's happening to them in Palestine. You think about the person of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and how personal this all is and the fact that in his Nasr, in his victory, he has his head to the back of his animal, the man Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam who was most frequent in sujood. His enemies gloated over their dead bodies, over the dead bodies of the believers. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam forgives them because he conquered his nafs first. He conquered his self first. And the one who conquers their self can conquer any battle. And so that's the true Nusra, right? And Nusra to be victorious over the shaitan, victorious over the self. In tansur Allah yansurakum. In tansur Allah yansurakum. You support Allah Azawajal, we'll support you. Absolutely. And SubhanAllah, I was thinking, ajaban li amr al mu'min. How amazing is the affair of the believer? Look at the difference. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, in his great victory, tasbeeh and istighfar. Allah is perfect. We still have imperfections to seek forgiveness from. Whereas Allah says in surah al-fajr, that same person who Allah has given so much, when Allah takes away a little bit from them, then they say, my Lord is humiliating me. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is always in a state of praise and gratitude and hardship and ease. Surah al-duha was in his lowest moment, surah al-nasr was in his highest moment. And the last thing that I'll say here, SubhanAllah, is Eid. You mentioned fidlu'afa, remembering fidlu'afa, even on the day of Eid. One of the reasons why the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam would take a different route home than the route that he came to Salatul Eid was so that, as the ulama said, he could give salam to all of the people of Medina. And so there are people on this route and people on that route. And so he wasn't leaving anyone out, alayhis salatu was salam. And that's the greatness of our community as well.
We ask Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la to make this a means of elevation for us as individuals, our communities, our ummah, and a means of alleviating the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Gaza and all over the world. Allahumma ameen. Eid Mubarak once again to all of you and JazakAllah khayran for being with us and BarakAllahu Fiki Astaghfirullah al-Muslimah for being with us for the final episode. And Shaykh Abdullah, as always, may Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la bless you and reward you and we'll see you all inshaAllah. We have a bonus. We'll have something else, but we'll see you all next year inshaAllah as well and sometime before that also. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Rejoice in that and when the hearts are coming back to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la in this month of Ramadan, that's a victory. That's a huge victory. All the people coming back to the masjid who haven't been there in months and in years. This is a victory from Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, so we must pay attention to it. We must praise him for it. And we enter Eid inshaAllah with that spirit of praise. BarakAllahu Fikum and what was good from Allah was mistaken from myself. Allahumma barakatuh wa astaghfirullah al-Muslimah. SubhanAllah, one of the things that many of the ulema mention is that yusra is actually broader than nusra. Nusra is part of yusra. So victory is part of the ease, but the ease is far more encompassing. Because for the one who only seeks this world, all they want is victory on the battlefield. And what we want is so much more. And that's a differentiating factor between us and our enemies, right? And those that oppress. And that was the differentiating factor between the believers on the day of Uhud from Abu Sufyan at that time on the other end. You want something they don't want. And so you want yusr. And nusra is part of yusra. Victory is part of ease. But the greater victory that you seek is the ease in the hereafter.
And so that's why you can't really lose. Because if you don't attain victory in this world, you do attain it in the next life. So long as you are connected to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. It's interesting also, like juz Amma takes things that you naturally hate and turns them into things that you love, because they're for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So al-mawt, death, you hate death, but death becomes a means of ease. Sofa yuhasabu hisaaban yaseeran. That you'll be judged with an easy accountability. And when Aisha radiAllahu anha asked the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam about that, you know, what's an easy accountability? Because the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said man yuqishal hisaabu izzib. Whoever is asked will be punished. And he says, no, this is different. That is just the presentation of your deeds to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And the presentation of the deeds to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, when Allah Azawajal starts to turn those sins into good deeds for the believer, becomes a means of relief, a moment of relief. And so, if the most harmful things or the things that you fear most, even in the hereafter, can be made easy, then with perspective, the most hard things, or the hardest things, the most harmful things in this dunya can also be made easy if you always maintain that perspective of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. That victory is found in Allah Azawajal's acceptance. Ease is found in Allah's acceptance. And it's interesting, yassiruhu lil yusra, innama al-risri yusra. You keep on hearing the word ease, ease, ease being made clear in these verses, SubhanAllah. Yeah, SubhanAllah, it's so beautiful. I mean, I like how you cover this chapter, al-Nusr, because you tied it into Eid. Just when you look at this sharia, wallahi, you look at the intentionality of the sharia, how Allah intended, you know, every day, there's conditioning five times a day, at least. Every month, there's something. Every year, there's something. One time in a lifetime, there's something. The Eid is when you see the best of the Islamic
community locally, I'm saying. Nationally, all around the world, you see Hajj. But you'll see, let's be honest, Muslims that probably don't come out probably only until Eid. Fine, everyone's at their level. Everyone's at their level. But you see how the nusr of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the assistance and help of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is manifest, and people are coming to the religion, afwaj, like you mentioned, the civil rights in Palestine. When you experience Eid, inshallah, coming close, you just look at, one thing that you can say to yourself is this is not, I mean, this is Allah's deen. Allah is in total control. He is in total control, and He will handle the situation. It's just up to me to believe in Him that He's capable, and I try my best to prove that I understand that by doing these actions, coming to the Eid Salat, getting to know my community. But Eid should serve as a reminder that Allahumma timmu nurihi, that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the one that will complete this light, this light of Islam, and it will flourish, inshallah, whether we like it or not, or whether those that disbelieve like it or not, that this religion, subhanAllah, will flourish, and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will protect it, and that day of Eid should bring joy, joy and a sense of tranquility, particularly this year of what's going on with our brothers and sisters around the world, particularly in Gaza. So subhanAllah, allow this day to be a day of celebration and a day of joy, not a day of sorrow, because when we're in this time, we're thinking, okay, our brothers and sisters over there, but as was mentioned, subhanAllah, numerous times, those that have got families, members that have passed away, and their brothers and sisters in Palestine, you know, it's a sense of strength for them, because at that time when that faith is activated in those times of hardship, let Eid serve as a time for rejoicing and joy and making du'a for our brothers and sisters, inshallah. I mean, something that I was reflecting on, even in the images coming out of Palestine and Gaza, is how there's no masjid, the masjids have been bombed, so people are forming masajid outside and praying in jama'at, and I can only imagine the difficulty that they will
experience Eid, but they will still come together, and they will still find a place for everyone to come, every man, woman, and child will be there, and find strength in each other, and you know, in terms of even reflecting on what you said about the shari'a, how it's so balanced, you find this, like we have the shari'a as an aspect that is necessary for outward balance, and then you also have haqiqah, which is this inward aspect that is necessary for things to go right, so you know, this idea of the pure intention is there, needs to be there, the sincere intention, and then the outward action, the victory on the battlefield, and the means, and you know, taking the, going to the protest, and doing everything, but inwardly, spiritually, relying on Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, putting our hope and our trust in Him, so you have this outward-inward dynamic that gives us the ability to be resilient in difficult times. There's a narration of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam that, like when it comes to victory, it's always struck me, the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, he said, أبغوني في الدعفاء فإنما تنصرون وترزقون بالدعفاءكم seek me amongst the marginalized, like the poor, the du'afaa, the weak, because truly you are given victory, and you are given sustenance because of the du'afaa among you, so you think that it's because I did all this outward action, that's necessary, but it's insufficient, there's another aspect of it, which is pairing our hearts to being connected to these people, I would say we need to pair our social justice with social mercy, our donations have to be louder than our protests, our ability to give up some material enjoyments and really love our brothers and sisters who are the du'afaa right now, at least in this position, and knowing that it's when we seek their du'aa, they're very special people to have this tribulation, they're not less than anyone, they're actually above everyone in the fact that they're facing this kind of tribulation on behalf of the whole ummah, so we actually need their prayers,
we need, we're learning our iman from them, so seek me amongst them, that's the message of the Prophet, may Allah help us to do that, and to reflect that inward and outward balance in the way that we're going about our life in general, but especially what's happening to them in Palestine. You think about the person of the Prophet, and how personal this all is, and the fact that in his nasr, in his victory, he has his head to the back of his animal, the man salallahu alayhi wa sallam who was most frequent in sujood, his enemies gloated over their dead bodies, over the dead bodies of the believers, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam forgives them because he conquered his nafs first, he conquered his self first, and the one who conquers their self can conquer any battle, and so that's the true nusra, right, and nusra ala shaytan to be victorious over the shaytan, victorious over the self. In tansur Allah yansurakum. In tansur Allah yansurakum, we support Allah azza wa jal, we support you, absolutely. And subhanAllah, I was thinking, ajaban li amril mu'min, how amazing is the affair of the believer. Look at the difference. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, fasabbih bihamdi rabbika wastaghfir, in his great victory, tasbih and istighfar, Allah is perfect, we still have imperfections to seek forgiveness from. Whereas Allah says in surat al-fajr, wa amma idha ma bataraahu faqadara AAalayhi risqa fa yaqulu rabbi ahana, that same person who Allah has given so much, when Allah takes away a little bit from them, then they say, my Lord is humiliating me. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is always in a state of praise and gratitude and hardship and ease. Surat al-Duha was in his lowest moment, surat al-Nasr was in his highest moment. And the last thing that I'll say here, subhanAllah, is Eid. You mentioned fadlu'afa, remembering fadlu'afa, even on the day of Eid. One of the reasons why the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam would take a different route home than the route that he came to salat al-Eid was so that, as the ulama said, he could give salam to all of the people of Madinah. And so there are people on this route and people on that route. And so he wasn't leaving anyone out, alayhi salatu was salam, and that's the greatness of our community as well.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make this a means of elevation for us as individuals, our communities, our ummah, and a means of alleviating the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Gaza and all over the world. Allahumma ameen. Eid Mubarak once again to all of you and jazakumullah khayran for being with us and barakallah for being with us for the final episode and Sheikh Abdullah as always may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless you and reward you and we'll see you all inshaAllah. We have a bonus. We'll have something else, but we'll see you all next year inshaAllah as well and sometime before that also. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.