under his wing and says you will inherit my company and all my wealth. You're going to inherit it upon death. Just do what I tell you right now. If he puts you in a jail, what difference does it make? He wants to teach you something. Either way, you're inheriting. So likewise, the arif bilad, they know they're going to inherit Jannah if they stick to the test, right? So wherever we put here, it doesn't make a difference. And you know, the Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam, when he says, ana arafukum wa ana a'alamukum to one who knows Allah the most. Another comparison in his life, salallahu alaihi wa sallam. His brothers threw him out, obviously the way that Yusuf alayhi salam's brothers cast him away. Medina received him with bring us good, we're lost. We need your help. Ta'if prior to that received him with more evil than the people that cast him aside in the first place. So there is even with the Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam, who is the primary recipient of these stories, these qasas, a tie in that beautifully inspires him, alayhi salatu wasalam, and gives him that thabat, gives him that firmness to go forward because he's got like a Firaunic type of response in Ta'if and a Aziz type of response in Medina when he's cast aside. The Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam, really inherits portions of both stories. Of Sayyidina Musa, he inherits from that, that he's the law, he's given law. Sayyidina Yusuf was not given a law. He's the leader of a people. Sayyidina Yusuf was not necessarily the leader of a people. Of course, later on, he led his people, but he was not their giver of a new law. So in this respect, he resembles Musa the most. In another respect, the result, he resembles Sayyidina Yusuf the most. And this is why he imitates the words of Musa, alayhi salam, when they say, matadununa nifa'idun bikum. What do you think, oh, people of Mecca, I've now prevailed over you. What do you think I'm gonna do? They said, a generous brother, son of a generous brother. Well, what did the Prophet say about Yusuf? That he is al-karim, ibn al-karim, ibn al-karim.
Then he used the words of Yusuf, alayhi salam, to forgive them. Latathribu alaykum. So latathribu alaykum, wa liyum qad ghafartu lakum. This was the words of Yusuf, alayhi salam, and he succeeds at the end, and he's unified with his people. There's no blame upon you. May Allah forgive you. Yeah, the same words. Yeah, yaghfiru allahu lakum. Sorry, I said it. But they also, there's a unification with his family that Sayyidina Musa doesn't experience. So that's why there's a naseeb of both in the story of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. You know, you're opening up the hearts of mine, Sheikh. So he used Yusuf alayhi salam's words at the top. And when he was being put to trial in Medina, what did he say? He used the words. Rahimallahu akhi Musa. May Allah have mercy on my brother Musa. Rahimallahu akhi Musa. He was tested with worse than this, and he was patient. SubhanAllah. So he's always pulling from Musa alayhi salam and Yusuf alayhi salam, those pulls. And we have him alayhi salatu wa salam. Like we have the ultimate pull, the ultimate pull, the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, to pull from. If you look at the Messenger, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is the last message for all of mankind. It has to have all the ingredients. Okay. The ingredients come through the trials of Prophets, come in ingredient. Right? So for example, the trial of Ibrahim comes an amazing ingredient. Hasbi Allah wa ni'ma l-wakeel. The Prophet has a nasib of that. He says that at Khandaq. Right? Same thing's happening there. We have a nasib of, for example, Sayyidina Maryam, how lofty is she and why? She has amazing trial, a massive trial. She's accused. The household of the Prophet is accused. Right? So you see, you can find these nasibs even when it doesn't happen in the life of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, it happens to his ummah. So there's no qawm lut in the time of the Prophet,
but his ummah deals with it. Like we are dealing with it now. So we have a nasib. We have no Prophet Isa as Bani Israel had, but we actually, we do. We do get Prophet Isa back as a member of the Ummah of Muhammad, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. So because this is the last, you have to make, parse out every single ingredient, whereas every other Prophet was just for his people. So one ingredient maybe, it's almost like you're going to have one meal. Whatever that meal is fine, it's only one meal. But if I have to pack for like a month, I need to pack every ingredient, every nutrient. And we can find that in the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Yeah, that's from the wisdom of Allah that he made him khatimin nabiyyin, because of that, you know, and that's from the hikmatun balighah, the wisdom of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala. Jazakum Allah khairan. This is a session that we could go on and on and on with. You just inspired, I think, for all the viewers as well. All of us to, inshallah, ponder quite a bit. And this is the part of the Quran that we start getting into now in our reading, where the lies of the Prophets really start to shine. And so this is a part where we can really, really deeply connect to those. So may Allah reward you. Brings a unique sweetness to Surat al-Kahf and Surat Maryam and everything like that. And maybe it's an assignment for the viewers as well, inshallah, to really ponder, how does this touch your life? How does it touch the life of other Prophets? How does it touch the life of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam? Barakallahu fi shaykh Shaliman. Thanks for having me. We want to have you again next year, inshallah. My pleasure. You got to go on Iman Cave. Oh, I'm excited about that. I wasn't worthy to be invited. You got a manly man, Shaykh Shaliman. Invite Shaykh Shaliman, inshallah. Barakallahu fi shaykh Shaliman. Jazakum Allah khair, Shaykh Shaliman. Thank you, inshallah. We'll see you all tomorrow. Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Musa Fariq, her heart was empty. You know, you just see that, and knowing that your mothers and fathers, that is present with them. You know, it's beautiful how you elaborated on that and just mentioning, even though they're different genders, the different situations, you'll never know the end result with that, but Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la knows. What's up to you is just to trust in Him. You mentioned in your verse that a person has hardship, and then the hardship goes away, then he has a blessing, the blessing's taken away, and he has a different reaction, but there is a prerequisite to that. There's a false foundation to that person, is that he is placing his own judgment upon what's good and bad, whereas the Arif Billah never has this. The Arif Billah never makes himself the judge over what's good and bad, because he knows there are awaqib, or there are after effects of these things. So the Arif Billah, the one who puts Allah Ta'ala as the definer. So whatsoever comes, you don't assess the thing that comes to me, loss of wealth, gaining wealth, loss of a car, gain of a car. You will look at the one who gave it. Allah Akbar. So that's the difference between the one who lives in misery, and the one who is never miserable, is they are not assessing what's brought to them. You don't have enough knowledge to assess. You don't know enough to assess that this is good or bad. You have to assess the one who gave it, and that's why these prophets, they go through all these ups and downs. What difference does it make what comes when I know who's the giver? If a billionaire takes you under his wing, and says you will inherit my company and all my wealth,
you're gonna inherit it upon death. Just do what I tell you right now. If he puts you in a jail, what difference does it make? He wants to teach you something. Either way, you're inheriting. So likewise, the Arif Billah, they know they're gonna inherit Jannah, if they stick to the test, right? So wherever we put here, it doesn't make a difference. Right? You know, the Prophet, SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, when he says, ana arafukum wa ana a'alamukum, I'm the one who knows Allah the most. Another comparison in his life, SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, his brothers threw him out, obviously the way that Yusuf, his brothers cast him away. Medina received him with, bring us good, we're lost, we need your help. Tha'if, prior to that, received him with more evil than the people that cast him aside in the first place. So there is even with the Prophet, SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, who is the primary recipient of these stories, these qasas, a tie-in that beautifully inspires him, alayhi salatu wasalam, and gives him that thabaat, gives him that firmness to go forward, because he's got like a Fir'aunic type of response in Tha'if, and a Aziz type of response in Medina, when he's cast aside. The Prophet, SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, really inherits portions of both stories. Of Sayyidina Musa, he inherits from that, that he's the law, he's given law. Sayyidina Yusuf was not given a law. He is the leader of a people. Sayyidina Yusuf was not necessarily the leader of a people. Of course, later on, he led his people, but he was not their giver of a new law. So in this respect, he resembles Musa the most. In another respect, the result, he resembles Sayyidina Yusuf the most. And this is why he imitates the words of Musa, alayhi salam, when they say, matadununa an yifa'ilun bikum. What do you think, oh, people of Mecca, I've now prevailed over you. What do you think I'm gonna do? They said, a generous brother, son of a generous brother. Right, well, what did the Prophet say about Yusuf? That he is al-kareem, ibn al-kareem, ibn al-kareem. Then he used the words of Yusuf, alayhi salam, okay, to forgive them.
La tathribu alaykum. So, la tathribu alaykum wa liyawm qad ghafartu lakum. This was the words of Yusuf, alayhi salam, and he succeeds at the end, and he's unified with his people. There's no blame upon you, may Allah forgive you. Yeah, the same words. Yeah, yaghfiru allahu lakum, sorry. But they also, there's a unification with his family, right, that Sayyidina Musa doesn't experience. So, that's why there's a nasib of both in the story of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. You know, you're opening up the hearts and minds. So, he used Yusuf, alayhi salam's words at the top. Yeah. And when he was being put to trial in Medina, what did he say? He used the words. Rahimallahu akhi Musa. SubhanAllah. May Allah have mercy on my brother, Musa. La qad oodhi bi akhtar minhalat. SubhanAllah. He was tested with worse than this, and he was patient. SubhanAllah. So, he's always pulling from Musa, alayhi salam, and Yusuf, alayhi salam, those pulls. And we have him, alayhi salatu wa salam. Like, we have the ultimate pull, the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, to pull from. If you look at the Messenger, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is the last message for all of mankind. It has to have all the ingredients. Hmm. Okay. The ingredients come through the trials of Prophets, come in ingredient, right? So, for example, the trial of Ibrahim comes an amazing ingredient. Hasbi Allah wa na'ma l-wakeel. The Prophet has a naseeb of that. He says that at Khandaq, right? Same thing's happening there. We have a naseeb of, for example, Sayyidna Maryam, how lofty is she, and why? She has amazing trial, a massive trial. She's accused. The household of the Prophet is accused, right? So, you see, you can find these naseebs, even when it doesn't happen in the life of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, it happens to his ummah. So, there's no qawm lut in the time of the Prophet, but his ummah deals with it. Like, we are dealing with it now. So, we have a naseeb.
We have no Prophet Isa, as Bani Israel had, but actually, we do. We do get Prophet Isa back as a member of the Ummah of Muhammad, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. So, because this is the last, you have to make, parse out every single ingredient, whereas every other Prophet was just for his people. So, one ingredient, maybe. It's almost like you're gonna have one meal. Whatever that meal is, fine, it's only one meal, but if I have to pack for like a month, I need to pack every ingredient, every nutrient, and we can find that in the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Yeah, that's from the wisdom of Allah that he made him khatim al-nabiyyin, and that's from the hikmatun balighah, the wisdom of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala. Jazakum Allah khairan. This is a session that we could go on and on and on with. You just inspired, I think, for all the viewers as well, all of us to, inshallah, ponder quite a bit. And this is the part of the Quran that we start getting into now in our reading, where the lies of the Prophets really start to shine. And so, this is a part where we can really, really deeply connect to those. So, may Allah, azza wa jalla, reward you. It brings a unique sweetness to Surat al-Kahf and Surat Maryam and everything like that. And maybe it's an assignment for the viewers as well, inshallah, to really ponder, how does this touch your life? How does it touch the life of other Prophets? How does it touch the life of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam? Barakallahu fi shaykh Shadi. Jazakum Allah khairan. Thanks for having me. I want to have you again next year, inshallah, ta'ala. My pleasure. You've got to go on Iman Cave. Oh, my pleasure. I'm excited about that. I wasn't worthy to be invited. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You've got a manly man, Shaykh Shadi. Barakallahu fi shaykh Shadi, inshallah. Barakallahu fi shaykh Shadi, inshallah. Jazakum Allah khairan. Jazakum Allah khairan, Shaykh Shadi, inshallah. We'll see you all tomorrow. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.