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Politics & Practical Theology
What Do You “Smell” Like? - Sh. Omar Suleiman | Khutbah
September 21, 2019
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Becoming a Friend of Allah - Sh. Omar Suleiman | Khutbah
Social Justice
Overcoming Compassion Fatigue, Numbness, and Burnout - Sh. Omar Suleiman | Khutbah
Social Justice
Speaking a Word of Truth to a Tyrant - Sh. Omar Suleiman | Khutbah
Life of the Prophet (seerah)
A Living Heart Under Siege | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Don't Forget Your Mistakes, Learn From Them | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Repentance Delayed and Denied: Learning from a Dying Pharoah | Khutbah
“There is no refuge or escape from you, except to you...” | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
How Istighfar Clears the Fog | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Don't Minimize Your Pain, Seek its Reward | Khutbah
Life of the Prophet (seerah)
How Aisha (ra) Became a Doctor | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Stop Trying To Escape Death. Just Make The Most of Life | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
You Will Never Be As Alone Or Desperate As Yunus (as) | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Do You Think You Will Enter Jannah? | Khutbah
A Message Regarding the Muslims in France | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
“Indeed, Your Enemy is The One Cut Off” | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Maintaining Character in Chaos and Confusion | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Allah Spared Me, Why Would I Dip my Tongue in it? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Allah Laughs at This Awkward Meeting | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Black Friday: Fear of Missing Out on Good Deals or Deeds | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Don’t Wait For Others To Ask | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Your Father: The Middle Gate to Jannah | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Do Not Curse Time: What A New Year Really Means | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Three Moments That Lead to Paradise | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Owning Our Mistakes | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Serving the “Undeserving” | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
“A Life Cut Short...” | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Before Our Hearts Were Hardened | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Wash Our Hearts With Water, Snow, and Hail | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Let Your Water Flow To Your Neighbor | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Blessing You Won't Forget Next Time | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
"Am I Really Sincere?" | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Forbidden From Qiyam For Questioning His Sincerity | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Am I Accountable for My Thoughts? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Two Conditions For Forgiveness in Sha'aban | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Knots, Whispers, Sticks & Stones of Shaytan | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
From Bad To Better & Good To Great | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman
Acts of Worship
The Best Forms Of Dhikr In Ramadan | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
What Are You Willing To Give Up For Allah? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
5 Best Things To Do On Laylatul Qadr | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Effect Of Laylatul Qadr On The Heart | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Al Aqsa Will Always Matter To Us | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Learning Courage from Palestine & Our Predecessors | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
David and Goliath in Islam | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Dua to Overcome Feeling Helpless | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Sins We Commit When We’re Scared and Vulnerable | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
How Paradise Keeps Us Patient | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Du’a Taught to Only 1 Prophet | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
How Allah sends Salah upon you | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
One Ummah, One Body | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
When Your True Colors Show | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The First Footstep Of Shaytan | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman
Virtues of Ashura and How to Observe It | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
When You Hit Your Lowest Point | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Highest Degree of Love for Allah | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Friends That Hold You Back | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman
Acts of Worship
When People Keep Letting You Down | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman
Acts of Worship
How Tahajjud Removes Stress and Sins | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
How Would The Prophet ﷺ Advise You? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Inscribed on the Sword of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
A Believer Cannot Be A Liar | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
'I guarantee Jannah for the one who…' | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Quenching Our Humanity | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
What Makes You Cry | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
7 Ways To Increase Baraka In Your Time | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Do Not Aid an Oppressor | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Virtual Reality & the Fitna of Dajjal | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Seeing With The Light of Allah | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Allah’s Name: At Tawwab - The One Who Accepts Repentance | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Gems from the Miracles and Manners of Jesus (as) | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
But You Want Something Else From Allah | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Allah’s Guidance | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Do Not Belittle the Efforts of Others | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Don’t be Hasty | Khutbah by Sh. Ibrahim Hindy
Acts of Worship
Is Allah Punishing Me? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Turning Your "Waste" Into Rewards | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
New Beginnings with the Messenger ﷺ | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
To Truly be Free | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Dangerous Assumptions | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Resting the Soul and Avoiding Burnout | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Day of Judgement as if You Can See it | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Let's Let Go of Our Ego | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
How To Start Ramadan Right | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Fasting is a Shield | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Al-Aqsa, Indian Muslims and Ramadan Silence | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
What Allah Decides for you on Laylatul Qadr | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Was my Ramadan Accepted? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Fighting the Ramadan Blues | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Our Priorities as an Ummah | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
3 Ways to Save Yourself from Fitna | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Social Media, Misinformation, And The Assassination of Uthman (ra) | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Do Not Compromise Your Deen | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Why the Shaheed would want to come back | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Benefits of Hasbunallahu Wa Ni'mal Wakeel | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Our Father Ibrahim (as) Still Cares About Us | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
What to do on 'Arafah | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Du'as of the Salaf on Arafah | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Uniting Our Ummah When Politics Divide | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Your Image of Allah and Attachment to Him | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The 3 Keys to Human Excellence | Khutbah
Life Only Starts When You Die | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Why Ashura is so important | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Will Anyone Remember Me? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Learning to Trust Allah’s Timing | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Defining Masculinity Through Qur’an | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Vocabulary of a Narcissist | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Sin of Using People | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Think Well of Allah | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
O Allah, I Love You Even Though I Disobey You | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Why Don't We All Have the Same Blessings? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
A World Without Muhammad ﷺ | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Advice You Need to Hear | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Pursuit of Balance | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Good Deed That Ruins You | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
A Summary of Islam by the Prophet ﷺ | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Tired of Being Taken Advantage Of | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Lost Without Allah | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
How To Diagnose Your Heart | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Fear of Living an “Ordinary” Life | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
How To Change Your Desires | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Is All Knowledge Good? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
What Causes Du‘as to Be Unheard? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
What the Prophet ﷺ Wished He Hadn't Asked | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Negative Speaking and Belittling Blessings | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
When Forgiving Is Complicated | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
When Parents Beg Their Kids To Believe | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Why Allah Allows Earthquakes and Suffering | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Would You Pass This Test | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Your Time to Shine #Sha'ban | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Your Heart Isn’t Ready for Ramadan Unless… | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
A Jannah Worth Chasing | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Your Ramadan Uniform | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Your Greatest Motivation | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Getting Past the Mid-Ramadan Dip | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
When Allah Gifts You With Tranquility | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The New You | Eid Khutbah
AI and ChatGPT: Spiritual Resilience and Ethics | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Feeling Paralyzed by Stress and Fitna? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Qur’an and Intellectual Humility | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Wasted Potential | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Your Lord Doesn’t Forget | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Who Should You Really Care About? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Where Has Your Tongue Taken You? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Why Would A Man Sacrifice His Son? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
How To Make Du'a For Barakah | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Do You Love To Argue? | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Missed Opportunities | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
When Allah Guides Through You | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
The Ashura Within | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Allah Appreciates Your Smallest Deeds | Khutbah
General Psychology
Islam's Cure for Depression | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Conquering Your Insecurities | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
Allah Will Honor You | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
How Allah Uses “Tomorrow” in the Qur’an | Khutbah
Acts of Worship
When Love Makes You Crazy | Khutbah
Natural Disasters & The Day of Judgment | Khutbah
General Psychology
What Are Your Real Intentions? | Khutbah
General Psychology
How to Make The Most of your Salah | Khutbah
Social Justice
Palestine Khutbah Outside the White House | Dr. Omar Suleiman
Social Justice
"What's the Point?" | Khutbah
Social Justice
How Palestine Exposes Hypocrisy | Khutbah
Feeling Helpless While Watching Oppression | Khutbah
Palestine Awakens the Ummah | Khutbah
What Does Islam Say About War and Justice? | Khutbah
Your Leg is Already in Paradise | Khutbah
The Value of Just One Righteous Life | Khutbah
Media Martyrs and Symbolic Resistance | Khutbah
Staying Sincere for the Cause | Khutbah
Do You Doubt the Return? | Khutbah
When Laws are Held Hostage | Khutbah
It Actually Starts with Tahajjud | Khutbah
The Most Underestimated Major Sin | Khutbah
How Allah will Mock Them | Khutbah
Is It All Our Fault? | Khutbah
Why this Sha'aban is so Important | Khutbah
What Happens on the 15th of Sha'aban? | Khutbah
Ramadan Joy and Gaza Depression | Khutbah
How to Make this Your Best Ramadan | Khutbah
Setting Character Goals in Ramadan | Khutbah
When Your Heart is On Empty | Khutbah
Those Who are Deprived on Laylatul Qadr | Khutbah
When the Decree Shocks Everyone on Laylatul Qadr | Khutbah
A Night Even Better than Laylatul Qadr | Khutbah
Is the End Near? | Khutbah
Social Justice
"Don't Move!" - Gaza Encampment at Northwestern University | Khutbah
Act and Allah Will Unlock Success | Khutbah
Overcoming Despair When We See Mutilated Bodies | Khutbah
Resistance in Exile: from Hijra to Nakba | Khutbah
The Inner Strength to Keep Fighting | Khutbah
Social Justice
Will Gaza be Israel's Downfall? | Khutbah
Social Justice
When Allah Tests You with the Truth | Khutbah
Social Justice
Hidden Causes of Disconnect from Allah | Khutbah
How Close Are You to the Prophet (as)? | Khutbah
The Most Important Ashura of Our Lives? | Khutbah
Is Allah Really with Us? | Khutbah
The Real History of Palestine in the Qur'an | Khutbah
The One Child Pharoah Didn't Kill | Khutbah
The Art of Finding Closure | Khutbah
Don't Let them Steal your Revolution | Khutbah
Thank God We're Not Them | Khutbah
What If I Can't Look Anymore? | Khutbah
Wounds That Aren't Meant To Heal | Khutbah
Your False Sense of Security: From Gaza and Beyond | Khutbah
Hind Rajab to Aafia Siddiqui: Re-humanizing the De-humanized | Khutbah
When It’s Hard to say Alhamdulilah | Khutbah
Israel Has the Right to Defend Itself? | Khutbah
Is Revenge Worth it? It Hurts You More Than You Think | Khutbah
Earning Jannah While Watching a Genocide | Khutbah
What if Oppression is Our Destiny? | Khutbah
Who Do I Vote For? A message to American Muslims | Khutbah
What are Your True Intentions? Goodwill VS Ego | Khutbah
Allah Will Surprise You - Embracing the Unknown | Khutbah
Allah WILL Test You With Your Words | Khutbah
Just When You Thought It Was Over | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman
You Need to Love Allah More | Ramadan Prep Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman
Beyond Halal & Haram: Are You Numbing Your Heart? | Ramadan Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman
Who are the human devils amongst us? | Ramadan Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman
The Amazing Connections Between Jumah and Laylatul Qadr | Ramadan Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman
Do Not Abandon the Masjid After Ramadan | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman