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How Yaqeen is a Resource for Our Community - Sh. Omar Suleiman | Making Principled Progress

January 25, 2019Dr. Omar Suleiman


This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings.
You will never reach out to Yaqeen for resource and for help and find us saying, no, we gotta be territorial and maintain our market share because everything that we do is free and accessible and for the benefit of the ummah. We chose to make that decision because we recognize that if Allah can use us to make all of the other organizations stronger, then may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala let that be to the share of every single donor, every single volunteer, every single visionary, every single person that picked themselves up and came to the room tonight because they believe that we can actually hope in these times that Islam is not just gonna survive the storm of Donald Trump. We're not just talking about hunkering down and making sure that we're able to ward off the current storm. We actually believe that we can set something up, a foundation insha'Allah ta'ala, that can give to organizations to come after us and after those that come after us and after those that come after them. We believe in that institution bi'ithnillah ta'ala. So the same recurring issues keep coming up. Who do our youth turn to when they have questions? Who can our leaders turn to when they need help relating to our communities on sensitive issues? How will we raise our children as strong, capable Muslims when we're not really sure about our faith ourselves at times? How do we start telling our own story in mainstream media so that misinformation doesn't pollute all of those spaces? So I'm gonna go through some quick infographics. If you follow Yaqeen's content, you know that we have awesome infographics. And if you don't, then download the app or pick up the journal that's in front of you insha'Allah ta'ala and check out the infographics. Imagine the imam who wants to be able to address the issues that matter to our community most that are actually relevant. And they go back to find our khutba toolkits, which take hard data about what the issues are in the community and give them the proper religious solutions that are necessary
and are able to confidently stand in front of their congregations and deliver that message. The result of that is not just the impact on the imam. The entire congregation is inspired towards positive change. Imagine that high school student who's too embarrassed to ask some questions about the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam because they can't reconcile some elements of the seerah as it was told to them. Sister Dalia was talking about. By the way, this strikes the homes of the most religious and practicing and active Muslims. Don't think that because of your involvement in the community, your kids will not question the faith that drives you to it. In fact, those questions are more likely to arise because why are you so dedicated to this? Well, what does this mean? So imagine if when that kid who's too embarrassed to talk to their parents goes on Google and searches up that topic because they don't feel like they can approach their parents with that subject matter. And the first result that comes up is not Robert Spencer or Daniel Pipes or Pamela Geller or Zuhdi Jasir or Majid Nawaz. If you don't know these names, Alhamdulillah, Allah has spared you. But it's yaqeen. And that's the first thing that they click. And they settle that issue in their hearts. And if they don't feel like reading the 25-page paper, they've got an audio book, a podcast, a short video that summarizes it in two minutes. Something to actually make them know that even if I don't understand, I know the answer is strong. And at least someone's addressing it. And at least I'm not alone in having that question. The result of that is confidence, authenticity, knowledge. Innama yakhshallaha min ibadihi al'ilamaa. Allah tells us in the Quran, those who truly have awe of Allah are the people of knowledge. And you anchor yourself in that confidence, in that intellectually fulfilling and sound faith.
And that allows you to give back to your community because you're not in shambles on the inside. Imagine when we're actually able to show up to the influencers of the world. To go to both DC and sit in important conversations that are there with influential organizations that always speak about our religion. And rely on experts that are funded by the Islamophobia industry that masquerade as reform Muslims that go in there and do so much harm to our community. And yes, the biggest funders of Islamophobes in DC are some of the Muslim countries that are out there. I know you guys, you know, Bashir, you were talking about the two masjids that abandoned you. We got a few countries that do that to us as well. But I would ask anyone that's out there in DC and it's Muslim countries that are funding some of the most prominent Islamophobes. Why? Because there's a particular type of Islam that wants to be distilled. And just as the Islamophobia industry here wants to shut down any type of action that would come from an Islam that inspires towards contribution. And with confidence and refuses to water itself down to become more acceptable to broader society. That's the type of Islam that they want in some of our Muslim countries as well. Imagine if we're able to go to DC, go to Google and Facebook and some of those giants that are in the West Coast as well. Because the access of power is shifting. And to say that actually we've developed intelligent conversations about some of these concepts that you're speaking about. And here's the way that you can cover them. And by the way, we're representative of the mainstream of the Muslim community. We're not some unheard of, well-funded person who's got Middle East in their forum name or some center for global security or whatever it is. We're speaking to you on behalf of the Muslim community. We work within the mainstream of the Muslim community. This is how Muslims actually feel about their religion. Malcolm said if you're not at the table, you're on the menu. We've been at the table, Alhamdulillah, in less than two years.
With some of the most influential people in these spaces to be able to say, this is how you talk about Sharia law. This is how you talk about Hudud. This is how you talk about that Taqiyya thing, which to many Muslims just meant hat before, but it's some deceptive plot that apparently all of us are in on to overthrow our government. This is actually what this is talking about. These are the tactics that are being used to delegitimize us. And they go, wow. And by the way, this is a golden opportunity. Because one of the things that happens in the world of Donald Trump is that some of these places that would have never embraced us before, embrace us now. Just because they hate Donald Trump. So let's make use of the next few years that we have. Imagine that college student that's sitting in class in their philosophy class and gets asked, and by the way, if you take an Islam 101 class, I teach at SMU, I can tell you that there are Islamophobes that teach at SMU, as there are in every single university and institution. And your beginner Islam class, your beginner religion class, your philosophy class, your history class will put these kids, will put our students in all sorts of shambles. And you know what? Not only do we want to be able to answer those, but we have a partnership now, alhamdulillah, nationwide with the Muslim Student Association, with the MSAs, so that we can have these conviction circles that are held. Where young Muslims that are on college campus come together and all of our research has been pre-packaged for them over an eight week curriculum so that they can study in a structured way with a facilitator of that circle that goes back and has training videos that doesn't just offer Muslims the answers to the questions that they're getting in classes, but it offers them the social environment that's necessary to be able to persevere in those contexts.
Imagine a da'wah distributor passing out pamphlets at a da'wah table and a very difficult issue comes up and the pamphlets don't answer those issues and they could pull out an app and they could send a video, pull out an infographic and speak confidently about that issue and say, actually no, we're not shying away from that, we're one step ahead of what you are thinking about our faith, Islamophobes, we're there, we already know what you're going to say and here's the answer to the question that you're posing. We're not afraid to answer your questions, we've got the answers, we're discussing this authentically, academically, without any shame about our beautiful tradition. Imagine the young activist that's looking for how to find themselves their own unique authentic Islamic paradigms in a world where activism has become so performative and superficial and the paradigms are not just based on faulty usool. Sometimes people don't even know what the paradigms are, you don't even know what you're fighting for sometimes and we can actually offer structure, paradigms on how to engage properly in those spaces based upon our own unique condition. Malcolm X, may Allah have mercy on him, said, I believe Islam has the solution to the problem of racism in America. He didn't say, I believe that if we properly study racism in our community that it's going to solve the problem of racism in the Muslim community. He said, I believe Islam has the solution to racism in America. If it wasn't for Islam I would still be a racist. Those are the words that he used. I believe Islam can actually move the entire country forward. So what are the paradigms that we're basing our own actions off of?
Imagine an Islamic school teacher as they're going through the studies of wudu and going through the texts of the lies of the prophets and the things that usually get taught in our Islamic schools and then the kid asks a question and usually it was like, no, no, don't ask that question. Astaghfirullah. Try to quiet them down so that the other kids don't hear. And you can actually refer to curriculum that's been tailored to your weekend school and to your Islamic school insha'Allah ta'ala which will be released by next year insha'Allah. Hopefully in the first half of next year for free to every Islamic school and weekend school in the country so that they know how to cover these concepts without any issues anymore whatsoever. Imagine when Bashir Jones shouts Allahu Akbar in his inauguration in Cleveland and if you go to Google right now and you search what Allahu Akbar really means, the first result that's going to show up is an article that we wrote called What Allahu Akbar Really Means that was on the front page of CNN for four days. Imagine if when media pundits, policy makers, cable news networks except for Fox News, but you never know, may Allah guide them, they might have Hidayah one day, local news channels, national news channels, but those that speak about us in the mainstream actually come to us as a mainstream Muslim community and say, what do you think about these issues? What do you have to say? And we can publish on the front page of CNN of USA Today, here in the Dallas Morning News or the D Magazine and we can be featured on CNN and NBC and we can actually have our space in all of those discussions.
And the Muslim publication that was written by Yaqeen is actually represented in those spaces. All of these things, wa lillahi alhamd, Yaqeen is making possible and these are not lofty pie in the sky things, these are things that we got done alhamdulillah and I say we, the emphasis on we because we is like a whole bunch of other people and I'm standing here. That we got done in 2018 and we're already in the process of manufacturing for the first half of 2019 alhamdulillah. We're trying to resource the entire Muslim community to be able to stand confidently whether it's in a policy space or a media space or in university. Dr. Jonathan Brown was talking about Yaqeen publications showing up in curriculums. One of the daughters of our fellows in Chicago, she was taking an Islam class and she just took a picture of her syllabus. This was year one. And it had the publications of Yaqeen referenced on how Islam views some of these most sensitive issues.
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