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Live Special on the Quran and Gaza with Yaqeen Scholars
February 7, 2024 • Dr. Omar Suleiman, Tom Facchine, Dr. Tahir Wyatt, Dr. Osman Umarji and Sh. Yousef Wahb
Join Yaqeen live from the Valley Ranch Islamic Center in Dallas with a gathering of scholars from around the country sharing their thoughts on the Muslim ummah today.
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. I would like to welcome you all to this blessed program, inshallah ta'ala, which came about last minute. I literally told the mashayikh that I put their faces on a flyer and please come tonight. Alhamdulillah, they obliged. May Allah reward them. Next Tuesday, we will restart the first, b'idhnillahi ta'ala, and finish Khalid ibn Waleed radiyaAllahu ta'ala anhu, where we left off prior to October when many things changed. So inshallah ta'ala, we'll be getting back to our regular programming starting next Tuesday, inshallah, going into Ramadan b'idhnillahi ta'ala. But as you can see, we're blessed tonight, alhamdulillah Starting from our right, Sheikh Yusuf Wahab, alhamdulillah, our director of Qur'anic studies from Al-Azhar University. Dr. Uthman Omarji, alhamdulillah, director of research, survey evaluation, joining us from Southern California, also into Al-Azhar. So we put the Azharis on one side, the Medina folks on the other side. So we have some, it was completely unintentional. Al-Azhar on one side, Jami' al-Islami on the left. Fadhilat al-Sheikh Dr. Tahir Wyatt, alhamdulillah, al-Burameen, PhD from Islamic University of Medina, also taught in the majlis of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He was our research director in systematic theology. Imam Tom, alhamdulillah, al-Burameen, also from Medina, director of Islam and society. This brother, Sheikh Yasir Burjas, came to us from Bosnia, alhamdulillah, he's recently moved to the United States from Bosnia. Also, a recent graduate from Islamic University of Medina, you know, he's still young and still fresh. El Paso, Texas, Bosnia, El Paso,
of course, Sheikh Yasir Burjas, alhamdulillah, his home. May Allah Azawajab bless him. This is in preparation for Ramadan, yes, we have to find something to fight over before Ramadan starts. May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la allow us to reach Ramadan and allow us to see goodness in Palestine, bi-idhnillahi ta'ala, prior to Ramadan. Allahumma ameen. I'm going to ask, actually, Sheikh Yusuf Lahab to begin with a short recitation of the Quran, bi-idhnillahi ta'ala, as he sees fit, to choose any ayat, inshallah, to start us off tonight. BarakAllah wa ja'alna allayna wal-nahara ayatayni famahawna ayatallayni wa ja'alna ayatannahari mubsiratan
wa ja'alna allayna wal-nahara ayatallayni wa ja'alna allayna wal-nahara ayatallayni wa wa kulla insanin alzamnahu ta'irahu fee ulqih walukhrijulahu yawmal qiyamati kitaban yalqahumanshurah iqra' kitabaka kafa binafsika alyawma alayka hasiba man ihtada fainnama yahtadi linafsihi waman dhalla fainnama yadhillu alayha wala taziru aaziratu wizra ukhra wama kunna mu'adhibina hatta naba'atha rasoola salatu wasalamu ala rasoolillahi sallallahu alayhi wasallam allahumma ifta'alayna wafduha al'arifina bik waakrimna binoori alfahm wakhrijna min dhulumati alwahmi waljahli arabbal alameen we ask Allah subhana wa ta'ala to bless us with the light of knowledge and we ask Allah subhana wa ta'ala to open for us the doors of understanding wisdom and knowledge ameen I didn't really think much about which ayat
but these few verses are from surah al-isra and they are in the first part of the surah kind of the second page of the surah and the first verse talks about one of the main objectives of revealing the Qur'an to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam inna hadha al-Qur'ana yahdi lillatihiya aqwam that this Qur'an, this book of Allah subhana wa ta'ala is revealed to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam to be delivered to the humanity to guide people to what is best to what is better to what is most excellent the word aqwam is a af'al tafdeel it's a form in Arabic language that means it's better than something it's better than something else it's most excellent that somebody can reach Qur'an is the key to that character to the best character that the best embodiment for was the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam when I read this ayat inna hadha al-Qur'ana yahdi lillatihiya aqwam wa yubashshirul mu'minin and the second thing that it gives glad tidings to the believers that Allah subhana wa ta'ala promises them a great reward and a great judgment I kind of went back to the very first moment of the inception of revelation when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam received that Qur'an from Allah subhana wa ta'ala we all know the story when the Prophet alayhi salatu wasalam was in the cave of Hira and then Jibreel came to him and he said read I don't know what to read and then Jibreel alayhi wasallam repeated this three times then he delivered to him the first part of the revelation read in the name of your Lord the one who created so after he told him read for the first time and then he specified a time of reading that you need to read in the name of your Lord and then he reminded him with his origin the one who created you from a piece of cloth and then he repeated the same command again read and your Lord is the most generous
Surah Al-Isra Allah subhana wa ta'ala told us that the Qur'an is the source of guidance for the best character and then the reward for this is abundant by Allah subhana wa ta'ala and the real judgment and the first time he gave him Qur'an he told him read the Qur'an and your Lord is the most generous the idea of Akram and again it's a superlative form that means he's the most generous subhana wa ta'ala prompted the scholars to identify aspects of the generosity of Allah subhana wa ta'ala how can we translate or understand Allah is the most generous and the proposed different interpretations of Tafsir some of them said that Allah is the most generous because Allah subhana wa ta'ala is taking care of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam he's the one who's the most generous that he's not going to burden you with the responsibility of the message without actually having you back without supporting you he's more generous to leave you alone with the message of Islam other scholars took it to generous about reward which is also reflected in the ayah Surah Al-Isra وَيُبَشِّرُ الْمُؤْمِينَ الَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ الصَّالِحَاتَ those who do righteous work you will be rewarded and there he's telling him read and the generosity of Allah will reward you abundantly when you read the Qur'an and we know when you read one letter in the Qur'an Allah gives you Hasana and Hasana is multiplied by 10 but some scholars said it also means read and don't really think about reward read and the reward will come from Allah subhana wa ta'ala in ways that you will never imagine because he's the most generous one of the most and I will conclude at this point are beautiful reflections on this idea of Allah being the most generous some scholars said what is the definition of generosity? so they speculated different definitions and then they said هو اعطاء ما ينبغي بلا عوض so you give something that is meaningful something that is beneficial to others without expecting something in return and this something that you might be expecting in return doesn't have to be materialistic even expecting thank you is expecting something
that would detract from the concept of generosity or the quality of being generous so they said this is a level of generosity but there is even higher level than this than expecting nothing in return they said كم من كريم يحلم وقت الجناية if somebody does something bad to you if somebody wrongs you and then you forgive them and you're actually able to let go of grudges to let go of bad feelings this is a high level of nobility and a generous character but one is not expected to maintain the same feelings towards the person who actually wronged them after they forgave them you might have this good character to forgive somebody but it's pretty hard to still maintain the same loving caring feelings towards that same person as you used to have these feelings for them before they wronged you almost the only exception to this you commit sins you literally violate the rights of Allah and then you just repent simply asking him for forgiveness he will not only let go of your sins he will actually even love you more he will be more benevolent to you he will be more merciful to you so no one actually changed to even having better feelings without of course direct comparison between humans and Allah but no one actually is expected to go back to the initial feelings they had towards that person after they have wronged them only Allah subhana wa ta'ala does this out of his love for us and out of his benevolence to us subhana wa ta'ala one of the Arab poets expressed this point he said كلما زدت تقصيرا تزد لي تفضلا the more I increase in my shortcomings in committing sins and making mistakes your benevolence just increases he's talking to Allah subhana wa ta'ala كلما زدت تقصيرا تزد لي تفضلا كأني بالتقصير أستوجب الفضلة as if by my shortcomings my shortcomings themselves are worthy of your benevolence are worthy of your love
only Allah subhana wa ta'ala does this to people this is only one reflection of how Allah subhana wa ta'ala is the most generous having the Quran in the back of our minds to be the compass to be the direction to be the guide that we always go back to we always adjudicate in our matters we always refer back to thinking about the reward that Allah subhana wa ta'ala will give to us thinking about that the Quran is a heavy word إِنَّ سَنُقِيَ عَلَيْكَ قَوْلًا ثَقِيلًا بِرَ اللَّهِ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى is the most generous that he will always inshallah be taking care of us and be inshallah Allah subhana wa ta'ala will always be there to guide us once we show this aptitude to the guidance of Allah subhana wa ta'ala Allah subhana wa ta'ala opens the doors of guidance just a kind of a random reflection between how the Prophet alayhi salatu wasalam received the very first verses of the Quran and how Allah subhana wa ta'ala is telling him that إِنَّ هَذَا الْقُرْآنَ يَهْدِرِ الَّتِي هِيَ أَقُومُ and the reward is still there it's a glad tiding that inshallah Allah subhana wa ta'ala blesses us with the more we connect with the Quran and the more we read the Quran inshallah Jazakallah khair for the beautiful recitation and the beautiful reflection so the Quran is a gift from Allah subhana wa ta'ala it is a manifestation of his mercy, a manifestation of his generosity a manifestation of his wisdom and Allah azawajal is too generous to reveal this Quran without supporting us as we seek to abide by the Quran one of the things that we learn from the salaf, Imam al-Shafi'i rahimahullah mentioned that every time I read the Quran it gives me something new a different reflection and I think that that is that whatever juncture we are at in life different ayats speak to us in a very different way, it doesn't change the meaning of the Quran, it enriches our lives, something very beautiful, something very powerful as we move forward I want to move to our sheikh, Sheikh Tahir Sheikh Tahir, can you speak to a verse
in the Quran perhaps or a passage something that in these last few months has truly stuck with you, that you've been looking at differently, that you've been looking at with a sense of a renewed spirit, a renewed connection In the name of Allah In the name of Allah I'd actually like to build off of something that Sheikh Yusuf the first ayat that he recited إِنَّ هَذَا الْقُرْآنَ يَهْدِي لِلَّتِي هِيَ أَقْوَنَ Allah Azawajal talking about the Quran being that guide There is a du'a that is considered to be the most beneficial du'a, does anybody know what that du'a is, the most beneficial du'a du'a Scholars may not agree on this but Sheikh Laslam and Taimiyah since we put the Madinis on this side and the Ezhidis on that side Sheikh Laslam and Taimiyah He said فَإِذَا هُوَ سُؤَالُ اللَّهُ أَنفَعَ الدُّعَاء فَإِذَا هُوَ سُؤَالُ اللَّهُ أَلْعُونَ عَلَى مَرْضَاتِهِ So I pondered over the most beneficial du'a And I found it to be asking Allah to aid you to please Him Asking Allah to aid you in your attempts
to please Him He says ثُمَّ وَجَتْتُهُ فِي سُورَةِ الْفَاتِحَةِ إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ Then I found that in Surah Al-Fatiha it is you alone we worship and your aid alone we seek طيب where is the du'a I'm actually asking you I know most of the people speak to the cameras I'm talking to you all I need an answer Where's the du'a إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ That's correct because when you recite Surah Al-Fatiha and you say الحمد لله رب العالمين Allah responds He says حَمِدَنِي عَبْدِي And as you recite Surah Al-Fatiha As you recite Surah Al-Fatiha you should actually pause to ponder over the fact that Allah عز و جل is responding to you when you recite الحمد لله رب العالمين every single time Allah is saying حَمِدَنِي عَبْدِي My servant is praising me Some of the ulama said pause as if you are hearing Allah عز و جل responding to you in that moment الرحمن الرحيم أثنى علي عبدي My servant My slave has extolled me What's extolled me? What's the difference between praise and extol? We just throw words around حَمِدَنِي You wanna take a stab? So extol is to actually أثنى علي عبدي أثنى is like from the word, same word
إثنين, so it's like you've done something twice So it's like a repetitive praise أثنى علي عبدي, extol is to praise again and again مالك يوم الدين مجدني عبدي مالك يوم الدين مجدني عبدي My servant has You got a word for مجدني? Glorified me جزاك الله خير The one from Bosnia, he came with the word جزاك الله خير مجدني عبدي Pause as if you're hearing it Then إياك نعبد و إياك نستعين هذا بيني و بين عبدي إياك نعبد This is between me and my slave و لعبدي ما سأل And my slave shall have what he asked for When we say which means is actually part of the dua The Quran guides to the path that is أقوم And what are we asking for? What are we asking for in salah? أهدنا الصراط المستقيم Guide us to that straight path This is what the Quran does, it guides to that straight path, the speech of Allah عز و جل And we're asking Allah to guide us to the straight path And now I'm going to get to the actual ayah that I want us to pay attention to Because it has a special relevance to where we are at this particular point in history And I want us to also think about the fact that what we need most in our lives, Allah عز و جل makes it the most available And what we need most for our guidance, Allah عز و جل makes that more obligatory upon us The thing you need most in life to live, to sustain
life is what? Huh? Air And then what? Water, what's more, air or water? Air, for sure Then what? Huh? Food, what's more, water or food? Water Allah عز و جل قونا The things that we need to sustain physical life Allah makes that more available than anything else And the things that we need to sustain our spiritual life Allah doesn't leave it up to you or I to decide, oh maybe I'll pray my sunnahs today or not or whatever, no Those things are an obligation Because we need them the most Surah Al-Fatiha, we need that more than any other surah The Dua of Fatiha, we need that more than any other Dua Deen Al-Sirat Al-Mustaqeem And Allah عز و جل does not stop at saying, guide us to the straight path He says What? Anybody know the next ayah? Anybody? Astaghfirullah Yeah, I'm going to ask the young brother Go ahead Surah Al-Fatiha Surah Al-Fatiha Surah Al-Fatiha This ayah I feel in this time has affected me differently Because being guided to the straight path is one thing And imagining yourself traversing the path is another thing And the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام Often, and more than several occasions The Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام Would tell his companions that when you're making Dua, think about this or that Like when he told Ali رضي الله تعالى عنه When you ask for guidance, think about the path When you ask for Sadat, think about actually reaching your target You're like, you're actually picturing this
So when you're asking Allah to guide you You're not stopping there, you're saying Surah Al-Ladheena The path of those whom you have favored طيب That means we're actually supposed to consider Who are those whom Allah عز و جل has favored? And what was their path? I need to see them I need to actually have a role model I need to be able to walk that path Envision it Because Allah عز و جل told us to say that And there's a reason behind that Shameless plug The first, every Tuesday at VRIC Sheikh Omar Suleiman talks about those heroes of Islam The people who were on that path Those whom Allah عز و جل أنعم عليهم And Allah عز و جل talks about that in Surah An-Nisa فَأُولَئِكَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنَ النَّبِيِّينَ وَالصِّدِّيقِينَ وَالشُّهَدَىٰ وَالصَّالِحِينَ Who are those whom Allah has favored? The prophets, the Siddiqin Those, what is a Siddiq? What is that? A person who has reached the level of what they call a Siddiqi كَمَالٌ فِي الْإِنْقِيَادِ لِلرَّسُولِ صَلَىٰهُ عَلَيْهِمْ وَكَمَالٌ فِي الْإِخْلَاصِ لِلْمُرْسِلِ The one who has reached the pinnacle of emulating the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم And the one who has reached the pinnacle of sincerity for the one who sent him What does it mean to be from the truthful? Difference between a Sadiq and a Siddiq
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said عَلَيْكُمْ بِالصِّدْقِ Be truthful Adhere to truthfulness Because Sidq leads to piety, righteousness And that leads to Jannah And a person will continue to say the truth And try his hardest to be truthful Until he is written with Allah as a Siddiq That's a level that we should aspire for أُولَيْكَمْ عَلَيْهِمْ أَنْعَمَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنَ النَّبِيِّينَ وَالصِّدِّقِينَ And then what? وَالشُّهَدَاءَ The Siddiq according to many of the scholars of Tafsir is even higher than the Shuhada How do we get to that level? Like these are questions we actually have to think about and ask ourselves That's that أَلُوَّ الْهِمَّةِ Having those high aspirations for ourselves So that we actually step up a level How do I become a Siddiq? Not just that you're true with your tongue You got to be true with your heart You're true to Allah سبحانه وتعالى That's Ikhlas You're true in your actions The lowest level of being true in your actions Is that your public appearance Matches your private appearance Your private appearance matches your public appearance That is that at the minimum That you are as good in private as you are in public So that you reach that level of being a Siddiq And the Shuhada, the martyrs Has significant impact on us in these last few months Because you see them now This is not somebody you're reading about in a history book Which is important by the way But now it's right in front of your face And you see these people, Subhanallah And Allah عز و جل knows best If they've reached that level of Siddiqiya
But it looks like it People who patiently endure whatever trial Allah has put them through And praise Allah عز و جل with their tongues Most of us are not on that level Most of somebody hits your car You might say something that you shouldn't say in the masjid It's not coming out, Alhamdulillah These people losing their kids Alhamdulillah No curse words, no nothing coming out Subhanallah The point is You start Because a lot of this stuff might feel real esoteric Like it's just something in the past And nobody can ever reach that level I think now What has happened is like Subhanallah, there's something to aspire to Because that person is living in front of you You're seeing it والصالحين The righteous And they are those who are obedient to Allah سبحانه وتعالى And strive to avoid anything that would be displeasing to Allah عز و جل So when we make the dua in Surah Al-Fatiha سِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ We should have a picture in our head Allah عز و جل called certain people in the Quran صِدِّيق And صِدِّيق Who is the صِدِّيق In the Quran In the hadith We have a صِدِّيقَةُ بِنْتَ الصِدِّيقَةُ That's what they call her from the مُحَدِّثِين But صِدِّيقَةُ in the Quran Allah عز و جل called Maryam عليها السلام A صِدِّيقَةُ و أمه يعني أم عيسى عيسى صِدِّيقَةُ What does that mean كَثِيرَةُ الصِدِّقَةُ She was not just truthful with her tongue But with her heart Her actions And so on and so forth And look at her story in the Quran and emulate that Emulate her صَبَر Her تَوَقَّل upon Allah عز و جل So on and so forth
The point is Bringing life To our صلاة Through understanding the دعاء That we are making to Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى In Surah Al-Fatiha I personally feel like In these last several months Things have changed And on a personal note The way that I look at صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْ عَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ The general takeaway is They are those that path The path of those Who had knowledge of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى And what pleases Him And they adhered to it To the best of their ability Not like those Who earned Allah عز و جل Anger because they know And they choose not to obey Him Or those who are astray Those who just do whatever Without actually seeking knowledge Of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى هَذَا وَللَّهُ عَنَهُ وَسَلَّونَهُ وَسَلَّونَهُ وَرَكَبَهُ أَنَنَبِيْنَا مَحَمَّدًا If you could pass to Sheikh Yasser actually Sheikh Nah All jokes aside Well we say welcome to the United States From Bosnia right Our Sheikh, Sheikh Yasser حفظك الله Beautiful reflection from Sheikh Taar I think He took one of the Literally from the surah we read most What's something that has stood out to you From the Quran or something you'd like to reflect on Anything that's open inshallah to you That your heart is open to in the moment الحمد لله رب العالمين صلى الله وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا ثم ما بعد Honestly of course القرآن كتاب الله سبحانه وتعالى Every single word is a word of wisdom A divine wisdom from Allah And sometimes Because the Quran is really You could say it's eternal because it's Attribute of Allah So it's wisdom is also eternal as well And every single time You will find a way to connect with the Quran Different than maybe last year Or the year before that or even yesterday And that's the beauty of it subhanallah
Shaykh Hussam Ibn Taymiyyah He said that sometimes he would read One hundred tafsir for an ayah Try to understand the meaning of it And he still he wasn't satisfied A hundred tafsir from From the past and so on and he still doesn't Feel satisfied he's not getting What he's looking for so he goes out In the open and he puts his cheeks On the ground يعفر وجهه في التراب He puts his face on the ground in the dust And he asks like humbling himself Asking ya Allah Ya Allah you taught Dawood the knowledge Give me that knowledge And you gave Sulaiman the understanding Give me the understanding of the Quran So lately With the situation in Gaza One of the things that I became more Attracted to when it got to the Quran really Is going back and reading The ayat and the sur That exclusively Or specifically talk about the story Of Musa and Bani Israel Like I want to understand This whole thing in context In the divine context The words of Allah We know that Musa In terms of the Anbiya He is the number one prophet or at least would say He is the prophet that was mentioned The most by name in the Quran More than a hundred Eighty plus times was mentioned by name Although the Quran was revealed to who? To Muhammad He was given to Muhammad And Muhammad By name was mentioned five times Only. Four times by the name Muhammad and one time by the name Ahmed That's it. Musa Over one hundred eighty plus By name There is a reason for that Also when you study Surah Al Baqarah By Alif Lam Mim This is the book There is absolutely No doubt in it One of the biggest challenge any human
Author will put in their book When they say I challenge you To find any discrepancies in my book At the beginning of this book And here is the divine There is absolutely no doubt in it So don't even try Why? Because it was sent guidance It goes back again to guidance When Allah described the guidance to the most righteous He described them in four verses After that Then two verses after that About the non-believers And about thirteen verses about the hypocrites And from there on More than a hundred plus verses Speak about Bani Israel Like wow The transformation The believers, the non-believers, the hypocrites and then Bani Israel That correlation is unique Interesting to understand And you will find almost the mentioned Bani Israel Almost in every single surah Surah Al-Qasas, Surah Al-Naml, Surah Al-Taha And almost every Surah Al-Araf Like in every surah Allah will speak about them So the ulama they were wondering Why would Allah speak about Bani Israel To Ummat Muhammad in the Quran More often Because it's a lesson for us That means that challenge of Musa That he had to deal with thousands of years ago Will be continuous The remnant of it will continue even in our time And that's what we see today And you will see some ayat That give certain irony About the circumcised that we see in Gaza So when Allah says In the context Of Bani Israel being Still in Egypt and the Firaun He's been harassing them And he's Killing their children, enslaving their women Subhanallah Sounds familiar And then Musa told his people So he tells his people In the midst of this
Situation When they've been abused and oppressed And destroyed by the Firaun And subhanallah the irony of our time Today how things are the opposite way He's telling his people Seek that aid Seek that aid Only from Allah And find patience with him Persevere in patience with Allah So the word In the Arabic language Any word that starts with Has the meaning of solicitation Like you're soliciting something You're requesting something And that's it You're soliciting You're seeking that Which is basically aid and support What kind of support, what kind of aid is open All kind of divine help that I can get I'm in need of it I'm in need of that help from Allah In whichever capacity In whichever way that comes to me He says you need to seek Help and assistance and aid from Allah He's speaking To the people who had absolutely No support From anybody else around them Nothing They were still in Egypt And the Pharaoh is in control Of their lives He's basically barricading Bani Israel Not allowed to go out He's controlling their men, their women Their children, their lives completely It's his, they're his slaves basically And Musa came to take them out of that misery So eventually As he was telling them To come out You find Aid and support with Allah Wasbiru Persevere in patience When it comes to the subject of patience Allah wants to describe it in many different Ayat in the Quran But one of those verses of the Quran Where Allah says
Those who persevere in patience Shall get their reward without measure What does that mean? What's the value of being patient? When Allah is asking you What's the value of this? The value is that there is no price tag on it And the value of it is with Allah Who promised you with it The way we measure Valuables in our life We give them specific measurement units So if you would like to measure Ore or metal What unit would you use for that? Tons If you want to for example Measure meat What do you use? Pounds If you're going to be measuring something Valuable like cheese for example Specific artisan cheese What do you use? Ounces And if you're going to be Measuring gold, what do you use? Grams When it comes to diamonds, what do you use? Carats When it comes to good deeds, what do we use? The weight of an atom The weight of an atom The weight of a speck of dust basically What does that mean? The more valuable the item The more you focus on the The little Amount of it The smallest, tiniest amount is valuable Nothing should go to waste Now when it comes to patience If good deeds are measured by the Weight of a speck of dust Patience, what is the measurement Unit for patience? There is none Literally there is none Why is that? Because there is no price tag on this It's priceless That's why Allah says Those who truly Persevere in patience, they shall get Their reward without measure Allah will open The treasure of heavens
For them, the treasure of Jannah There is no price tag On being patient Which is why the Prophet says No one has ever been Given something of a value More than being patient If you lose it You're done You've lost control of your life You're in control of everybody who is making you upset But if you still remain Steadfast and strong You're in control You're going to drive another person crazy And that's what's happening there Subhanallah These brothers in Gaza, they're a manifestation Of this No one is there to help them and aid them Except for Allah So they're going back to him saying We have nobody but Allah Second thing What can we do? Food is scarce Water, barely They move from one place to the other In tents on the beach And there's still bombardments being killed Losing their loved ones And today we've seen, unfortunately Another war crime Going into the hospital To kill people And all of this thing And what do they say? We all belong to Allah To Him our return shall be So Musa says The earth, the land Belongs to Allah He gives it to whomever he wills Whomever he wills of his servants Righteous or otherwise So it's a matter of test for us We alternate in the ownership of this land As Allah mentioned over here So no one can claim this to be theirs forever And that's what Allah says As the reward for patience He says The ultimate outcome The ultimate return Is the most righteous So the battle that we see in our life
We deal with the shaytan, we deal with the enemies We deal with the oppressors and so on At the end of the day The ultimate return and the ultimate outcome Allah promised is to be for the righteous And that's what we need to Fight for To remain that righteous, to stand for justice To stand for the truth And seek aid from Allah First and foremost And persevere in patience on this path And make it easy For our brothers in Gaza Beautiful reflections May Allah bless you And indeed subhanAllah The connection, Quran guides Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Gifts you the Quran Allah promises you his support But you have to remain patient You need an example of patience in front of you And Allah has blessed us by Showing us legends in real time Examples of patience Who can no longer be patient With their trials that pale In comparison to the people of Gaza When they see the people of Gaza And this is the history Of patience in Musa alayhi salam And his people Advising his people with words That would be just as relevant Today as they were However many thousands of years ago Which means the Quran in its gift Is always relevant to us as well Allah azawajal Allah gave us these words Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows what has been What will become And what is needed for us And so these words are timeless words As is the entire Quran Jazakumullah khair Imam Tom, Alhamdulillah You usually host podcasts Those of you that aren't familiar You can see Imam Tom live Dogma Disrupted on Yaqeen Why do you want to abandon Joe Biden so bad? What is your problem with Joe Biden? Someone gave me this bag And then I just carry it around wherever I go He's walking around Seattle But Sheikh Serious question
About the Quran What's on your heart and mind right now with the Quran? You know for me There's a handful of ayats in the Quran That are just absolutely heart stoppers That when you come across them It just stops everything you're doing And it really just kind of Punches you in the gut And one of them in particular That I've been thinking a lot in the past 100 plus days Is a statement of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala That Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said Isn't it time for the people Who have believed That their hearts fear from the remembrance of Allah And what is descended of the truth وَلَا يَكُونُ كَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ مِنْ قَبْلُهُ فَطَالَ عَلَيْهِمُ الْأَمَدُ فَقَصَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ And that they not be like the people who have given Or been given the book before them And a long time passed And their hearts became hard وَكَثِيرٌ مِّنْهُمْ فَاسِقُونَ And a lot of them are rebellious sinners And subhanallah when we were in Seattle And somebody asked us in the Q&A They said, you know Why is Allah allowing all this to happen? All of us are glued to our phones All of us are watching, you know The cowardly acts of genocidal violence Things we've never seen before At least most of us haven't seen before At least not live-streamed And you know, the thing that kind of occurred to me Is that, you know, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Might be trying to wake us up And this might be the beginning of the Asbab
The causes that Allah has placed for us to liberate Philistine Is that it all starts with a reviving of the heart The situation that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Poses in this ayah Is that there came a time From, you know, long after the revelation Just like, you know, when the revelation comes You've got the Prophet is with you You've got the miracles around you It's very easy to have your heart set on fire But then what happens? Then you get comfortable Then you get mixed up in the dunya As the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us He didn't fear for us poverty As he said alayhi salatu wa salam He feared for us that the doors of the dunya Would be thrown open to us And that we would get too comfortable That we would get too addicted to the sweetness of this dunya And that that would actually be the cause of our humiliation مَا قَدْ صَدَقَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَى اللَّهُ وَلَيُّهِ وَسَلَامًا And that he spoke the truth a hundred percent And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said in this ayah That there would come this distance So that it would be even possible to say أَذَا يَأْتْنِ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَن تَخْشَىٰ قُلُوبُهُمْ لَذِكْرِ اللَّهِ وَمَا نَزَى مِنْ حَقِّ Isn't it time? Like the rhetorical sort of device here Implies that yes, this time has come It's a rhetorical question So you best believe it's time That you start actually When you recite the Quran It actually shakes you That you start to get goosebumps That you start to see your life last before your eyes Subhanallah, you know what? Yesterday I was buttoning up my shirt And when I reached the top button It was just a little tight around my neck And you know what I thought of? I thought of those little kids Who were delivered those body bags And they thought that they were winter jackets And they were jumping up and down
And seriously, it choked me up So the time has come If we want to If we want to liberate Palestine May Allah make it so In our lifetimes If we want to be a source of that victory And aid to our brothers and sisters It has to start somewhere And it starts with you And it starts with your heart And it starts with going back to the remembrance of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala And going back to the truth that He revealed The truth that He gave us to guide The lessons in the story of Musa The lessons that He put all over for us To ponder over again and again and again The tools, the strategies, the tactics of our own liberation In this life and salvation In the next life It has been given right to us in front of our hands If only we took advantage of it May Allah make us be people who take advantage Of the guidance that He gave us And may Allah bless you all Ameen, Jazakumullahu khair, Fatiha The path to victory is only through a present heart When we're talking about patience It is found in the heart When we're talking about victory It is found first and foremost through present heart Subhanallah, I think many of us Could say that some of our appetites have changed And bi'idhnillahi ta'ala Our hearts have changed as well And we feel a little less connected To this material world and its delusions A little more connected to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala To the Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam And the best part of it right now Which will be the case as the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mentioned in Ta'if al-Mansurah A victorious group May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless them And give them victory And allow our hearts to be filled With that which is pleasing to Him Allahumma ameen Dr. Uthman, Jazakumullahu khair for your patience Khitamuhu misk bi'idhnillahi ta'ala What is it that comes to your heart and mind
Right now from the Qur'an A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim Bismillahir rahmanir raheem Alhamdulillah wa salatu wassalam Bismillahir rahmanir raheem Subhanallah, I was just thinking on Friday When the ruling came down From the International Court of Justice That many Muslims were very disappointed They feel they didn't go far enough And every single Muslim Desires that day that Palestine will be freed May Allah make it soon But it reminded me of some ayat recently From Surah Al-Qasas and from Surah Al-Fatih Where Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala He tells the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam In the very end of the surah Inna allathee farada alika alqur'ana laraduka ila ma'ad When the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam Was being kicked out of Mecca And making the migration to Medina Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala He gave him this verse Where Allah said Indeed the one who has imposed the Qur'an upon you Will surely bring you back to this place of return And so the Prophet was being told Alayhi Salaam That he would return to Mecca one day And six years later he had a dream And in the dream he woke up very excited And he told his companions that I had a dream And we were in Mecca Next to the Kaaba We were doing Tawaf And we were worshipping Allah Azza wa Jal And some of us then shaved our heads Some of us trimmed our heads And so it brings me to the Treaty of Hudaybiyah Which to me was very Kind of hit me recently When the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam Then took those companions Fourteen hundred of them And they marched from Medina Back towards Mecca Hoping to perform Umrah in the sixth year But they were stopped And Quraysh did not let them go And they negotiated Quraysh sent four different messengers To the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam In Hudaybiyah, the plain To negotiate That what do you want And the Prophet is saying We just want to go and pray We're here in peace We just want to make Umrah And each time that messenger From a different tribe That Quraysh was close to
Came back and told Quraysh Just let them make Umrah And Quraysh is like No, we're not going to let them We're not going to let them And then the Treaty of Hudaybiyah Is ultimately contracted And the conditions of the treaty Were not very desirable Or did not appear to be In the best interest of the Muslims To some of the companions Some of those conditions were what? You are not going to make Umrah this year Another condition If someone converts from Mecca And goes to Medina to be a Muslim Then they have to send him back But if someone leaves Islam from Medina And goes to Mecca They're allowed to stay And so the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam Contracts the treaty And the companions Who wish to make Umrah Right, they're disappointed They cannot make Umrah And Umar bin al-Khattab He comes to the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam And he's asking questions Aren't we on the truth? Aren't they disbelievers? Aren't you the messenger of God? And he's pleading That come on, come on And the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam What's amazing to me Is on the journey back He grabs Umar And he tells Umar That Surah Fatah was just revealed Indeed we have opened for you a great opening And Umar actually asked the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam He said that Is this really a Fatah? Is it really an opening? And what really is fascinating About this treaty Is that the scholars mentioned It was actually greater Than any conquest that happened In the life of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam Imam al-Zuhri mentioned this He said it was a greater victory For the Muslims Than anything they fought physically Because it allowed Islam to spread There was a ten year ceasefire And it allowed Islam to spread All around the region And the Muslims doubled And of course when Quraysh Ultimately broke the treaty That allowed the Muslims In two years The next year the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam Made Umrah with the Muslims And the eighth year They came back and conquered Mecca And so the lesson I want to take from this Is the companions When the treaty was being enacted They were wishing for more Just like today
We wish for more We want the victory to come The Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam Was promised a return to Mecca But he did not know What it would look like And there was actually Many rejections on the way And I want all of us When we see these little things happening Even something that looks symbolic To not demand Or to say that you know what If it's not exactly how we want it Then it's useless The Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam Was very optimistic And Allah called it Fatham Mubeena A manifest clear opening To who? To the human beings Around the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam The Sahaba It wasn't clear to them But to Allah Azza wa Jal And to the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam It was clear And what I wanted to pull from this Is that we have optimism In the plan of Allah Azza wa Jal That we know that He knows better The ways that Aqsa and Palestine Should be open and free Than we know And that had we been in charge Of opening it And we could kind of lay out The master plan It would not be even close to As good as Allah Azza wa Jal's plan And I just remind myself of that What if you were Omar Ibn Khattab And you were like Man that's not enough We're going to sit here and say That's not enough We want more We want them to say They did genocide And this and this Perhaps it's a Fath Perhaps it is a means In the path of opening Palestine for the Muslims So we ask Allah Azza wa Jal To allow us to be optimistic During these times To see all the good that happens To never belittle The little victories on this path And that Allah Azza wa Jal Allows us to see the victory In this life Jazakumullahu khair Assalamu alaikum Jazakumullahu khair Wassalamu alaikum Jazakumullahu khair Mashayikh Jazakumullahu khair To everyone for attending tonight Bid'ah It was just a little bit of a taste Of again The importance of the Quran And how relevant it is Not just to the situation in Gaza But to our situation At all times May Allah Azza wa Jal Allow us to reflect on it Alhamdulillah We have the month of Quran Not too far away Allahumma ballighna Ramadan May Allah Azza wa Jal
Allow us to reach Ramadan And Palestine be freed May Allah Azza wa Jal Allow us to see Nothing but khair And goodness and victory In the months ahead And allow everything that we do To be a means of opening For our brothers and sisters Allahumma ameen Jazakumullahu khair And to our dear mashayikh That are visiting To everyone That has participated With us tonight As I said Next week Bindillahi ta'ala We will resume With Khalid bin Ureed Radiyallahu ta'ala anhu Part two Here inshallah ta'ala Tuesday night My request Is to please Let the mashayikh Not stay too long In the masjid They committed to this Some of them flew in Even early morning They're here for A research director's retreat Alhamdulillah We have an early start After fajr tomorrow So please Don't hold them up Too long Say salam to them Say jazakallah khair Say to them Welcome home Which is our motto here Bindillahi ta'ala And tell them That you want to see them Back here over and over again Bindillahi ta'ala Barakallahu feekum Subhanallahu wa ta'ala Alhamdulillah Ashadu an la ilaha La anta astaghfiru Wa atubu ilayk Wa salamu alaykum Wa salamu alaykum Wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in Wa salamu alaykum Wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
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