Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh everyone. Welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. We are joined by Ustadh Lubna Sheikh Abdullah and somebody else. Who is that? Ustadh Lubna? What's going on? Oh, I didn't even see. This is our bearded dragon, Tlubi. And he wanted to say Assalamualaikum to all of you. Bearded dragon? Bearded dragon, Tlubi. He's Muslim. He's got a beard. MashaAllah, multahi. And a trim mustache. Trim mustache. Wow. Wow. MashaAllah. Wow. How old is he? He's a pandemic Tlubi, so he's what? Two? Is this three years ago? SubhanAllah. 2020, we got him. Is he sensitive with his age? Like you don't want to talk about it in front of him? He's trying to get some gray hairs in his beard. No, no. He's got a long life ahead of him, inshaAllah. I like to learn with the patient. Alright. Are there pets in Jannah, you know? You don't have to like grab that cat and like, just like, you know, just take this thumbnail with me, you know? He's all over the place, MashaAllah. We got a cat thumbnail. We got for the Jannah series, we got a bearded dragon for Quran 30 for 30. I think he just waved to us. This is what will come next. MashaAllah. MashaAllah. Alright. So where can people get a bearded dragon from? Petco. Maybe, maybe we can set up a donation if you donate so much money to Yaqeen.
Send you a bearded dragon, bearded dragon in the mail, you know, just pop right out with your donation. Donate over $10,000, you get a bearded dragon. That's called innovation, you know. That's a haram kind, halal kind. MashaAllah. MashaAllah. Well, that's an eventful way to start, you know, MashaAllah. We got a bearded dragon and, you know, Alhamdulillah. I forgot what Juz we're in now because of bearded dragon. Juz 27, Juz 27, Alhamdulillah. So it's a special, special time, Alhamdulillah. So Shaykh Abdullah, look, the curls, you didn't get that. Let me try this one, alright? Let me try this one on you. Okay. Try it with me. Bismillah. You ready? Bismillah. Let's go. Alright. Fustadhi Lubna's bearded dragon could do spoken word. What would you call it? Bearded dragon. Oh, that's easy. Come on, man. That's easy, man. What is it? He's spitting fire. You know what? That wasn't the answer. But that was a great answer. That's a great answer. I was going to say a rap tile. Oh, that's pretty good. Wow. Those are two really good jokes in one episode. Wow. Yes. 27. 27. The barakah of the 27th. And the Dua on the watchers and listeners, that's what it is. That's obviously what it is. After Mufti Abdul Rahman was trying to take shots at you and say you never get it. So, you know, you got it. MashaAllah. You didn't just get it. You know, you did Ziyadah of getting it. You got it more. Yeah. That's good. That's good. That's good. It's great, man. Alhamdulillah. So, our listeners who are here and watchers who are here, Alhamdulillah, we are getting close to the end.
And we also know 27th is a time that a lot of you like to give. Please do consider inshaAllah supporting Yaqeen. Alhamdulillah, we could not do this without the grace of Allah and then your support. So, with all the efforts that you're doing, this would be a great time for you inshaAllah to donate, to invest in this work. We have a lot of exciting things coming on after Ramadan inshaAllah. So, the work is just getting started. So, just a reminder to donate inshaAllah. Tune in tonight. And, you know, for all of the content that we have, if you missed today's episode, it's about meeting Allah subhana wa ta'ala in Jannah, which is obviously, you know, what we all long for. So, we pray Allah azza wa jalla, allow us all to meet Him in Jannah while He is pleased with us and be with our beloved Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Fid fil daws al a'la ya rabbil alameen. Allahumma ameen. JazakAllah khaira. Tayyib, we'll get started inshaAllah ta'ala with Juz 27. Bismillah walhamdulillah wa salatu wa salamu ala rasulillahi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala. So, subhanAllah, this Juz, you know, like so many of these ajza, so many of these chapters where you start to have multiple surahs, it might not be immediately obvious to you the profound connection that these surahs have to each other and to the overall message of the Juz. But, there is something about the way that even these surahs are titled. So, I want you to think about the most common surah in this Juz, surah ar-Rahman. Allah subhana wa ta'ala reveals surah ar-Rahman and it is one of the earliest surahs of the Qur'an, probably one of the most beloved surahs to the believers, and it is the first surah to be recited in public. SubhanAllah. Abdullah bin Mas'ud radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu recited this surah in public in front of the Ka'bah and was beaten and apprehended as a result of that. But, ar-Rahman, like it was so revolutionary.
Hal ta'alamunahu samiyya? Do you know of ar-Rahman? Do you know who ar-Rahman is? And subhanAllah, you look into surah ar-Rahman and what is Allah subhana wa ta'ala calling our attention to in surah ar-Rahman? Allah azawajal is calling our attention to all of the things that are around us, that are a manifestation of His rahmah, of His mercy, that we take for granted. And, fa bi-ayyi alaa'i rabbikum matu kadhibaan. Which of the signs of your Lord, which of the favors of your Lord will you deny? And we're in Ramadan right now where we're supposed to actually be taking note of some of these things where we don't pay attention multiple times. So Allah azawajal talks about the perfect balance of His creation and how that balance is only upset by your disobedience. And look at the rest of the surahs in this juz. Al-Dhariyat, the winds that blow with ease and coolness until you disobey Allah subhana wa ta'ala and those winds blow with fury. Then you have al-Tur, the winds, and then you have the mountain of al-Tur. And Allah azawajal literally, right, takes mountains and puts them above people, crushes people when they disobey Him, but those mountains are for us to benefit from and for us to marvel at the creation of Allah subhana wa ta'ala. Then you have al-Najm, right, the star. So you have the winds, the mountain, you have al-Najm, the star. And Allah azawajal talks about the favor of al-Najm, of the stars to you. But one day those stars will fall and you will know that the day of judgment has arrived. And what spurs the end of times is certainly the departure from that initial message of the prophets of Allah and the message of our beloved prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam. And then al-Qamar, the moon. And the moon is of course an object of Allah's creation that our attention is called to frequently.
It's a magnificent creation of Allah subhana wa ta'ala that you can look at and you can admire. And Allah subhana wa ta'ala calls our attention to that, that one day there will be consequences and that will show even in the moon because everything that is above will come to an end. So al-Rahman has a balance with the creation of the heavens and the earth and with the creation of all these objects around you that you take for granted. And when you obey Allah subhana wa ta'ala, the blessings are preserved for you. When there is disobedience, the balance is upset. And all of that is to lead you to what? Al-Waqi'ah. So right after al-Rahman, al-Waqi'ah, which means the inevitable, the inevitable. SubhanAllah. So it will come to pass. And al-Waqi'ah starts to talk to us about the human resurrection and what comes with the human resurrection of a world that is recreated, but a world not of action, but a world of accountability, which is the place of the judgment in that inevitable event. We ask Allah subhana wa ta'ala to protect us and to make us amongst those who have a favorable outcome on that day. Allahumma ameen. So it's just so profound that every, you know, one of these surahs is actually named after someone, one of those signs that Allah subhana wa ta'ala is speaking about in al-Rahman. And if you look at the very beginning, Al-Dhariyat. Al-Dhariyati dharwa. Allah subhana wa ta'ala talks about the winds and the dust that they carry within them. Al-Hamilati wikra. Allah subhana wa ta'ala talks about the clouds that carry within them that rain. They are full of rain. Al-Jariyati yusra. And Allah subhana wa ta'ala says, and then look at the ships gliding along the waters with ease. Fal muqassimati amra. And the angels that are apportioning Allah's command as he has decreed in perfect function, in perfect fashion. Every angel does exactly as they are created.
Allah subhana wa ta'ala decrees every raindrop. And so the angels that then carry out that decree of Allah subhana wa ta'ala do not bring down a raindrop in any fashion that is more or less than what Allah subhana wa ta'ala commanded it to bring. And so you have al-muqassimati amra, with the wind. You know, when you think about the weather trackers and the way that the app will tell you the exact temperature or attempt to tell you the exact temperature, or what wind speeds and gusts are expected, Allah subhana wa ta'ala has the forecast already thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago. And it is precise in detail. And the angels carry out Allah subhana wa ta'ala's command exactly as he has commanded it, without exceeding or decreasing in any way possible, or in any fashion, with any measure. And Allah azawajal says, innama tu'aduna na sadiq. All of this is to tell you what? What you have been promised will come to pass. innama tu'aduna na sadiq. wa inna deena lawaqi' And verily, the day of judgment is inevitable. Okay, so the judgment will certainly come to pass. That's in the very beginning of this juz. Allah subhana wa ta'ala says, look at all of these things and look, there are angels that are carrying it out with perfect proportion as Allah subhana wa ta'ala commands them to, and it will be in your favor so long as you are responding to Allah subhana wa ta'ala's call with obedience, and it will be to your destruction if you respond with disobedience. And Allah subhana wa ta'ala is saying, but what you really should be concerned about is al-waqi'a, innama tu'aduna na sadiq, wa inna deena lawaqi' It will come to pass. The promise of Allah will come to pass. The day of judgment is inevitable. And then at the end of this juz, or towards the end of this juz, you have al-waqi'a, and you have surat al-Hadeed.
And al-Hadeed, you know, I know Shaykh Abdullah is going to be speaking about this inshaAllah Al-Hadeed, it's subhanAllah so profound because first Allah azawajal talks about you receiving your books, right? But then Allah subhana wa ta'ala talks about the end of it where the believers are going forth with their light. You're authoring a book right now, and that book will be light on the day of judgment, and that's what's bi-aymanikum. That's what's in your right hands, and it becomes a light for you. And Allah azawajal talks about the inevitable here. Now the friends have gone forward, the believers have gone forward with their light, and they are celebrating the jannah that Allah subhana wa ta'ala has promised them, and the hypocrites are behind the barrier, and they have no light, they have nothing, so they did not prepare for the inevitable, therefore they are suffering the consequences of that day, whereas the believers yawma tara al-mu'mineena wal-mu'minat yasaAAa nooruhum bayna aydihim wa bi-aymanihim bushraakum al-yawm jannatun tajree min tahti al-anhaa So the believers are going forth, celebrating with light, and this is your glad tidings, this is your preparation. May Allah azawajal make us amongst them. Allahumma ameen. And protect us from being of those of the other fates. Allahumma ameen. And with that, inshaAllah ta'ala, I will pass it to Sheikh Abdullah. Fadla sheikh. Alhamdulillahi rabbal alameen wa sallallahu wa sallam wa barak ala nabiyyina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in amma ba'dun MashaAllah, what a great interlude and introduction to what I'm about to speak about, particularly when one looks at what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given us, and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala talks about the functionality of the creation, which I think sometimes we couple them together, but to separate them is a separation that can only increase us in our iman, in al-Khaliq, al-Raziq, al-Mudabbir. When we think about the fact that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala creates the clouds, that's a noble, it's an amazing creation. We look up at it and see that we can never actually touch them, but then it has a functionality within itself.
When we fly through the clouds, we're realizing that mechanism, that form of creation has a functionality. So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, just from that aspect of creation in and of itself, and then its application or its functionality amongst its functionalities is bringing down the rain by the permission of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Just want to touch on that to remind us of the greatness of our Creator, and to remember that He is the one that we worship and no one else, nothing else except Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Allah is the one that tells us in the Qur'an of the virtuous actions, and the relationship between the creation and the Creator is that of fadl and ni'm. It is that of virtue, meaning that whatever Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives us, it is more than we think we quote-unquote deserve. And even using the word deserve for the slave to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is not befitting. But when Allah gives us something because of a good deed that we've done for His sake, for ourselves, He will give us more, and it will be multiplied. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala talks about that in regards to giving something that He knows that our hearts may lean towards it. Rather, that thing that I'm referring to here, the name of it, even the history of it or the background of it, even deals with the self and how the nafs ta'milu ilayhi, and that is maad, that is money. And the money can be something that is a commodity, an object, whether it's rice, cow, dates, or it could be what we know as paper currency now that really has no ultimate intrinsic value. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala talks about the ones that give for His sake from that money, from that thing that they lean towards at times. And giving it and not seeing anything in return ultimately. And some scholars, subhanAllah, based on this verse, they use the word, or the word can be recited in a different way which shows the motive behind giving the money. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the chapter of Al-Hadeed, verse number 18,
innan musaddiqina wal musaddiqati wa aqradullaha qardan hasanan yudha'afulahum walahum ajrun kareem Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, Verily, for those who give alms, or give the sadaqah, from the male and female, whether they are men or women, and they give a beautiful loan, or a great loan, shall be repaid after increasing in many times, and theirs shall be a generous reward. Now, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala starts off by saying inna, and it's important for us to know that the word inna, which all of us can recite, it means verily, but sometimes we read over it and not understanding the profundity of it. When Allah says verily, it is as though He is giving a promise. He is emphasizing. There are words that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala uses just to emphasize, to show the importance of it, or the severity of it. So here when Allah is saying, innan musaddiqina wal musaddiqati, these two types of people, there is something that is very important regarding these two types of people, or two types meaning male or female. Musaddiqeen, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, is what scholars mention, He puts the shadda, musaddiqeen, and not musaddiqeen. Musaddiqeen is what scholars mention is takhfeef, because really the origin of it is mutasaddiqeen, from sadaqa. So the ones that give sadaqa, the ones that give alms, the ones that give charity, the spirit behind charity is giving something from your tangible wealth or belongings, which you value, and not expecting to receive anything in return from what you value, what you love. Rather it is for, as we know, a good cause, and it's something that goes beyond your own personal benefit. It is for a group of people, or for a certain purpose or movement that helps those that are in destitute, or those that are in need, or to improve a person's situation,
and that is the origin of one of the pillars of Islam, zakah. And even zakah means that which is a purification, because you take from some to further purify the rest or the remaining. So when we look at sadaqa, some scholars say it's musaddiqeen from tasadduq, which is charity, and some said it is musaddiqeen because it is the truthful one, like as-siddiq, like Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu. As a matter of fact, Abu Bakr fulfilled both of these. He was someone that had tasddiq, and he truly believed in the message of Allah ﷺ and Islam. He gave all of his wealth in the ninth year of hijrah, when the Prophet ﷺ was asking man yujahiz ujayshan, who was going to prepare the army to go north, and to possibly fight in the battle. And this is the story that we know when Abu Bakr gave all of his wealth and Umar gave half of his wealth, and that's when he realized the virtue of Abu Bakr radiallahu anhuma. In any case, when we see this musaddiqeen wa musaddiqat, Allah ﷻ separates the genders here to show the importance of it, number one. Number two, seeing that the females as well give charity as well, because sometimes there may be the support from the man, but to show that both, every single individual, can give charity and the importance of giving for the sake of Allah ﷻ and his deen, Allah ﷻ says after that, And they give Allah ﷻ a healthy or a beautiful loan. And Allah ﷻ says aqrab is literally to loan someone something. And this is where scholars say it's a general principle in Islamic law in regards to commerce and finance. It's a general rule, but there may be exceptions where they say, Any loan that comes with a benefit, if the person was to make a condition to get a benefit off of the loan, then that could possibly be riba. Bringing this up to show you that Allah ﷻ uses the verb for a loan.
And one may ask, why did Allah ﷻ use this verb to loan him something? Well, when you loan someone something, that means you are expecting something in return. Allah ﷻ is using this verb to show you that there is a guarantee for the return for you. And when Allah ﷻ guarantees you something, we have to remember the reward is much more than you can even anticipate in this life. In this life. So for instance, if you were to do a good deed today, Allah ﷻ doesn't have to repay you for that good deed tomorrow. It may be two years and three days from now. It may be the next life. But he guarantees the reward. And that is what is important for the iman of the Muslim to know that when Allah ﷻ guarantees it, it's going to happen. Even with ourselves, we can't trust ourselves. Sometimes we made an obligation and a promise to somebody who were not able to fulfill it because of something beyond our control. But Allah ﷻ, nothing controls him. So when he promises that, know that it is true. Allah ﷻ says, وَأَقْرَضُ اللَّهَ قَرْضًا حَسَنًا They gave a goodly loan, meaning that they have the right intention with the ikhlas and with the spirit of the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ, wanting nothing in return. Allah ﷻ says, يُضَاعَفُ لَهُمْ وَلَهُمْ أَجُلٌ كَرِيمٌ It is multiplied for them. That goes to show, again, remember Allah ﷻ. Remembering the basis of our relationship with Allah ﷻ. When you do good for the sake of Allah, Allah will reward you tenfold. Tenfold. As the Prophet ﷺ has mentioned in numerous hadith, that when one does the action, Allah ﷻ rewards you and multiplies the reward for that action. SubhanAllah, when you even think about it, having the intention, you're rewarded for that. You didn't even do the action. But having the intention, you're rewarded for it. And Allah ﷻ concludes by saying, وَلَهُمْ أَجُلٌ كَرِيمٌ And for them, it is a generous reward. And Allah uses كَرِيم. كَرِيم is the
one that is generous. The one that gives and gives more than you would expect. And that, subhanAllah, we say عَبْدُ الكَرِيم, the name of الكَرِيم. Remembering that Allah ﷻ is كَرِيم. So brothers and sisters, remember that when you give for the sake of Allah ﷻ, give from your money, give from what you worked hard for, you give it for those that are in need of knowledge. Because when we look at situations of people that may be suffering, there is the physical suffering. But what's most important, subhanAllah, is that person that is suffering, are they calling out on Allah ﷻ or did they give up on Allah ﷻ? So anything that you give, particularly of giving for the sake of Allah ﷻ, for those to increase in their certainty of God, His presence, His promise, that is what is important. And taking part in that is where, which is so beautiful, as the scholars say, this is قَرْضًا حَسًّا فِي الصَّدَقَ وَالنَّفَقَ It's to give in the charity and to give in spending. But when you give in that charity, subhanAllah, you're not expecting anything in return for yourself. You're only hoping that the ones that you give to and for benefit. Imagine if you're giving something for someone, for them to increase in their iman, in their belief, in their acknowledgement of the presence of God. May Allah ﷻ make us of those that give to worthy causes and to give to the cause for His sake to where, inshaAllah, it will return to us in a way that He is pleased with and that He has conditioned. BarakAllah for you. JazakAllah khair. JazakAllah khair. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah. Ustad al-Ibnawi, inshaAllah it's our turn to you now. BarakAllah for you. JazakAllah khair. Bismillah wa salatu wa salam wa rasulillah. So continuing with Surah al-Hadid, subhanAllah, there was an ayah that really struck me. And it's this ayah, number 16, where Allah ﷻ says, A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim. Alam ya'ni lilladhina amanu an takhsha'a quloobuhum ladhikri Allah. Has the time not yet come for believers' hearts to be humbled at the remembrance of Allah ﷻ?
And who are these believers? Think about it. These are believers, these are companions that were living in the time of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. They were supporting him, they were fighting with him, they were contributing, subhanAllah, to the cause with money as Shaykh Abdullah just mentioned. And yet this ayah came as a reminder to them in the books of tafsir. It is mentioned here that perhaps that they were engaged in too much laughter and really not remembering Allah ﷻ. And so this reminder came to the best of people. Alam ya'ni lilladhina amanu an takhsha'a quloobuhum ladhikri Allah. That khushu'a, that humility, subhanAllah, if they are getting reminded of that, what about us? So many hundreds of years later, what about us? That has not the time come for us to humble our hearts for the remembrance of Allah ﷻ? And what's so beautiful, this reminder, it's not a harsh rebuke. It's not saying we're bad for sometimes not humbling ourselves in the remembrance of Allah ﷻ. Allah ﷻ acknowledges that this world, that this life is full of distractions. So we kind of have the wake-up call, alam ya'ni lilladhina amanu, the wake-up call. Has the time not yet come to humble your hearts, to remember Allah ﷻ? And now here is the list of distractions. Allah ﷻ is telling us, is reminding us what this world is like. I'alamu annama al-hayatu al-dunya la'ibun wa lah'un wa zeenatun wa tafakhirun baynakum wa takathirun fil-amwali wal-awlad. Know that this worldly life is no more than play, amusement, luxury, mutual boasting, and competition in wealth and in children. SubhanAllah, many of us, we get caught up in all of these things. SubhanAllah, literally playing. I mean, how many of us, youth, adults, people of all ages, just playing games, literally
on the phone, on the console. And we're not just talking about a little bit of time to take a break, but really just distracting us from the remembrance of Allah ﷻ. Same thing with lahw. Things that are, you know, vain talk, amusement, just not really taking advantage of our time. And especially in Ramadan, right, especially Ramadan, we want to remind ourselves to humble our hearts and think about Him ﷻ. Luxury, mutual boasting, competition. And we think, we see this all the time on social media. SubhanAllah, I hate to be that person to keep reminding about social media. But that's what it is, right? Sometimes we're boasting, and that mutual boasting. How many likes do you have? How many subscribers do you have? Well, alhamdulillah, for yaqeen, we're really proud of how many subscribers we have. But inshallah, that's not for boasting. May Allah ﷻ accept this for the purpose of spreading knowledge for His sake, inshallah. But the idea is that this competition and these distractions, this is the nature of this world. So it is easy to get distracted, and yet Allah ﷻ is pulling us back, and He's reminding us, humble yourselves, humble yourselves. And there's some beautiful description of Ibn al-Qayyim r.a. Describes three different levels of humility. And I'm not going to go into depth into all of them, but I just want to mention them quickly and mention the first one especially. But he says there's three levels of humility. And the first one is accepting the ahkam of Allah ﷻ, the decree. The decree in terms of what happens in this life, the things that are out of your control as Shaykh Abdullah mentioned. And also the decree in terms of the sharia, what Allah ﷻ prescribed for us in terms of rulings and has told in terms of what we're supposed to do and what we're not supposed to do. So when we're humble in that sense, well, I will leave that for a moment. So humble in accepting Allah's decree. Then the second is having the humility and acknowledging your deficiencies. And this is not to put yourself down and I'm terrible and I'm lowly and I'm not worth it. Just to be able to have that introspection to say, what are things I need to
work on? What are my deficiencies? This is a beautiful quality to have so that we can better ourselves. We can better ourselves in terms of our worship to Allah ﷻ and we can better ourselves in terms of our connection and our interactions with his creation, subhanAllah. And lastly, there's a humility and not showing off the fadl, the ni'm, the blessings that Allah ﷻ has blessed us with. When we take these definitions or these levels of humility, and especially the first one, this is so important. And as Allah ﷻ mentions in a couple more ayahs later, in terms of how do we wrap our head, our mind around things that happen to us, especially when they're very difficult. Allah ﷻ says in surah ayah number 22, so we're just kind of skipping a couple more ayahs. No calamity or blessing occurs on earth or in yourselves without being written in a record before we bring it into being. This is certainly easy for Allah ﷻ. Okay, we're starting to think about, so what? What about that? What about this idea of that Allah ﷻ has written all of these things? Why? We let you know this, so that you neither grieve over what has missed you, what has passed you, you didn't get it, or over what or not to be so boastful over what he has granted you. And subhanAllah, the concept of being sad over something that you have lost, or being really happy and overjoyed with Allah ﷻ has granted you, those are not sinful emotions, those are excellent. What's sinful is when that sadness comes with a disapproval of Allah ﷻ, an
inacceptance of his unaccepting his decree of what has happened. What we need to do is to have the patience, right? Just to be patient. We don't have to be overjoyed or ecstatic when bad things happen or difficult things, but that we have to accept. And same thing that Allah ﷻ is telling us, we shouldn't boast over what Allah ﷻ has granted us. We don't say, I'm the one who studied so hard, and that's why I'm in this profession. I'm the one who made this much money. I'm the one who did this. Allah ﷻ has facilitated those blessings for you, for you to be able to reach the success. So that what needs to happen when you have this joy is for it to come with shukr, gratitude towards Allah ﷻ. And so in this way, we are humbling our hearts. And how? In remembering Allah ﷻ in the difficult times, and accepting his decree, also accepting his sharia, but then also remembering Allah ﷻ in the easy times and in the joyful times, and tying that back to shukr. May Allah ﷻ make us those who will be patient in times of difficulty and grateful in times of ease, inshallah. Amin. JazakAllah khair. The beautiful reflections, Ustadh Lubna. SubhanAllah, one of the things that came to my mind as you both were speaking, is that the akhirah becomes such a, it always has its haybat, so it causes some fear, it causes some, should cause some fear to the believer, but when you're actively depositing salah and sadaqah into the akhirah, you actually have something that you're looking forward to. And it's just the very beginning of the chapter of al-Baqarah, right? Ladheena yu'minoona bilghayb, wa yuqeemoonas salah, wa mimma razaqnahum yunfiqoon. So Allah ﷻ mentions those who believe in the unseen, the most consequential part of it for us is what is unseen and to come in the hereafter, and Allah ﷻ gives you your two, your two tools right there. Establishing the prayer,
and spending of what Allah ﷻ has given you. So you're depositing towards al-ghayb, and you will see it to come, inshallah ta'ala, in a way that's pleasing to you, rather than those who fail to make any deposits and are left with complete darkness on the Day of Judgment. So any final thoughts, just reflections on this, Juz, and just how it ties into the overall feelings of the hereafter? One reflection, if I could share, it's a little bit of a amazing scientific discovery, if I may share it, not that I discovered it, but that I discovered, subhanAllah, as it ties to Surah al-Hadeed. This blew my mind. I was on vacation, we, in New York, and we decided, my kids decided, alhamdulillah, we want to go to the museum. They booked tickets for the planetarium. We walked all the way there, alhamdulillah, this is a big deal for Californians, okay, we don't walk. SubhanAllah, so this is amazing. So in the ayah, I believe it's, I don't want to misquote, but in a couple more ayahs, towards the end of the surah, Allah ﷻ says that in Hadeed, in iron, that there is bets, and there's also, there's this violence that can be, that we use in terms of using iron, and that there's also many benefits. And what came to my mind, in terms of benefits, I thought, okay, construction, right? We use iron to build, we make things out of it, subhanAllah, this blew my mind when I went to the planetarium. Literally, the ayah, it popped into my head when I saw this on the screen, that the earth's core is made of iron. There's some other elements in there as well. That molten iron, subhanAllah, it allows the currents of heat to flow through it. It comes in through the north pole and comes out through the south, and it goes like this, I don't know if you can go on the screen, like this, subhanAllah, through the earth's core. That convection, that flow of hot air creates, subhanAllah, the magnetism of the north pole and the south pole, roughly speaking, or don't quote me exactly, but what's absolutely amazing,
that flow of magnetism, one of the benefits is that it protects the earth from the solar winds. It actually creates a barrier, and this is one of the reasons why life on earth is inhabitable, because it is not so scorching heat, there is availability for enough coolness that the plants can grow, that there can be water maintained on the earth's surface, and that magnetism coming from the earth's core, coming from that iron, is what allows that to happen, subhanAllah, totally amazing, subhanAllah, yeah, yeah, exactly, you know, that's, even if you don't know all that, it's still amazing, just looking around, you can tell that this is all to your benefit, but the more that you, you know, the more in awe you should be of Allah, subhanAllah, and his science and his favors, subhanAllah. Shaykh Abdullah? I'm, I'm, I'm good, I'm still blown away here, I'm just, that was mind-blowing, subhanAllah. May Allah reward you, Ustadh al-Ubna, for sharing that, jazakAllah khair, Shaykh Abdullah, for everyone that is tuning in, inshaAllah ta'ala, as it's the 27th night, please keep us in your dua, inshaAllah ta'ala, and please, again, we ask for your support, part of that support is donations, part of it is dua, and we pray for forgiveness for all of us, and should it be Laylatul Qadr, may Allah azza wa jalla allow us to be amongst those who observe it, Allahumma ameen, wa-ratullahi fikum everyone, assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. you