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Juz’ 19: Dr. Jinan Yousef and Dr. Omar Husain | Mercy and Regret

Angels of mercy surround believers in Ramadan. But why will some angels be terrifying to look at? Is it because of your sins? What happens to sinners who repent? When does Allah change your sins to good deeds? And how can you ask for forgiveness from the Most Merciful this Ramadan?

In this episode, Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro are joined by Dr. Jinan Yousef and Dr. Omar Husain as they dive into juz 19, discussing ibad ar-Rahman, the beautiful attributes of Allah, and His Mercy in the face of repentance.

0:00 - Intro and lighthearted humor
3:01 - Dr. Omar Suleiman reflects on the first few verses in juz 19

6:07 - When disbelievers asked for angels to be sent down as proof of prophethood
8:45 - How will angels look in the hereafter?
11:34 - Dr. Omar Husain reflects on the servants of the Most Merciful
14:37 - When will Allah change your sins to good deeds?
18:02 - One characteristic of the ibad ar-Rahman
19:19 - Dr. Jinan Yousef reflects on regret and turning back to Allah
21:39 - What happens to sinners who repent?
23:50 - What is tawbah and who should be doing it?
26:12 - When is Allah intensely joyful?
27:44 - Sh. Abdullah Oduro reflects on Surah Ash-Shu'ara
29:04 - One easy way to ask for forgiveness in Ramadan
32:01 - When someone you love doesn’t embrace the message of Islam or morality
32:49 - What do Allah’s names Al-Aziz and Ar-Raheem mean?
37:34 - Reflections
39:02 - How is Allah merciful when He talks of punishment?
40:59 - Allah won’t cancel you.

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone. Welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. Alhamdulillah we're in Juz 19 and before we get started we want to remind you all inshallah ta'ala to please go ahead and sign up for the last 10 night donation. You can click the link inshallah ta'ala there and you can automate your donations over the last 10 nights and of course we have the webathon as well coming up bidunnahi ta'ala to prepare you for the last 10 nights this coming Tuesday inshallah ta'ala so we hope everyone signs up but you know alhamdulillah we can't do what we do without the support of our community and inshallah ta'ala you've been benefiting and you see the work and you see the value in the work bidunnahi ta'ala and you see your place in it inshallah ta'ala so please do support the work bidunnahi ta'ala and keep Yaqeen free and with that alhamdulillah we have with us Dr. Jinnan Youssef and Dr. Omar Hussain alhamdulillah and of course Sheikh Abdullah Agroo. How's everyone doing? Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah is all around. Dr. Omar Hussain I've got a confession to make. Last year you came on and you gave us a lecture about why we shouldn't do dad jokes and you said we shouldn't call them dad jokes and you had like a really profound insight. Unfortunately Sheikh Abdullah has not stopped. He continues to use that word and he continues to make. I don't know if you've been watching Quran 30 for 30 or if you're familiar but Allahumma sta'ana. I don't know what it is with Sheikh Abdullah Agroo. He just can't stop you know. So if you want to give it give your brother some nasiha please give Sheikh Abdullah some nasiha about these jokes. I mean it's a problem. And never give up you know. We'll bear patiently with you until you get it. We're here
for you. JazakAllah khair. JazakAllah khair. You got the message. So Dr. Omar we're trying. We'll keep working you know use your help. He's just addicted man. He just googles dad jokes all the time. Yes I see googles masha'Allah. Yes I go to google all the time masha'Allah. And especially when the Canadians come on. I don't know if you've seen Dr. Omar when the Canadians come on. I mean Sheikh Abdullah is vicious. Yeah I mean that it's not helping our reputation is it when the Canadians come on. Wow. Wow. There's no Canadian here to defend themselves. The doors of Oba to dad jokes are always open. We'll keep trying Sheikh. We'll keep trying. So alhamdulillah we're gonna go ahead and get started inshallah. We're very excited to have our guests Dr. Dina and Dr. Omar with us today. So inshallah let's go ahead and get started. Hopefully everyone's logged on by now. Bismillah wa alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salamu ala rasulina wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala. SubhanAllah we're in Juz 19 now. And there's always something when you're coming close to that Juz 20-21 and you realize that you're reaching the last third of the Quran and of course in Ramadan that you're reaching the last third of Ramadan. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to be amongst those that observe Laylatul Qadr. Allahumma ameen. And subhanAllah the theme of the last ten nights is Malaika, right? The angels. The angels coming down with their forgiveness or with the forgiveness of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, with the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, literally constricting every space between the heavens and the earth. And as believers we love the angels because Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala sends them and they come with goodness, right? So we we seek to do those deeds that invite the presence of the angels. And this is a theme that is especially profound in Ramadan and in the last ten nights. But one thing to remember as we get into this Juz in particular is that the angels only bear good news for the people of good deeds. The angels only come with the rahmah of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to the people of righteousness. And for the others that are upon wickedness and that do sinful deeds, the angels are actually a terrifying sight. And we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to protect us from that. Allahumma ameen. So it's, I haven't started with the Juz yet for a reason because I actually want to introduce the first two ayat of the Juz. If you think about the believer when the believer is passing away, and the disbeliever, the wicked one, when the wicked one is passing away, right? So the righteous believer, wicked, transgressor, disbeliever, the nature of the descent of the angels is different. They're all mala'ika, right? They're all angels that are descending upon a person. But the believer sees the angels in a good way and the wicked sees the angels in a way that reflects, again, their wickedness, their disbelief, their transgression. And subhanAllah, even when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned to us Malik, the keeper of the fire, and the look that he has, you know, the ulama mentioned that Malik, the keeper of the fire, it's not that he's created that way, he just is made to look that way towards those that are in hellfire, to have that terrifying appearance towards them. And we know, of course, that as Jibreel alayhi salam comes down in these last ten nights on Laylatul Qadr in particular, Jibreel alayhi salam also made dua against the person upon whom Ramadan comes and leaves and they are not forgiven, and the one whose parents reach old age and they are not forgiven, and the one who
hears the name of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam and does not send salawat upon him, a stingy with salawat upon our Messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam. All of this to introduce the first two ayat of Juz 19. Verses 21-22 when we get into Al-Furqan, wa qala alladheena la yurjuna liqaana law la unzila alayna almalaika aw nararabbana laqad istakbaru fee anfusihim wa ataw utuwan kabeera. That those who do not expect to meet us, here la yurjuna, as the ulama mentioned, does not mean they do not want in particular, it's that they're actually not expecting the meeting with Allah subhana wa ta'ala, and the power of the language here is that they're hoping that they're not going to meet Allah subhana wa ta'ala and that they're hoping that their philosophy that he doesn't exist and that the day of judgment is a fable is true. So la yurjuna liqaana, they hope not to meet Allah, they say if only the angels were sent down to us or we could see our Lord. Now when they say if only the angels were sent down to us, this is of course a repeated claim that they make often and it starts in Surah al-Baqarah with Bani Israel when it says show us our Lord, right, show us your Lord O Musa, go ahead and show Allah to us. When they say here if the angels were sent down to us, specifically as Ibn Abbas radiAllahu anhu ma says, what they're actually saying is the only way we will believe that you are a rasool, that you are a messenger, is if angels come down and point to you and say hatha rasool Allah, this is the messenger of Allah. Look at the condition that they're making on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The only way we will believe you is if the angels themselves come down and testify to you being a messenger of Allah to us or we could see Allah, show us Allah. And Allah subhana wa ta'ala says laqad istakbaru fee anfusihim wa ata wa utuwan kabira
like they've really drunk their own Kool-Aid, this is my test, you know, the way I read this ayah subhanAllah, like they really are drunk with their own pride, they really think they're something. laqad istakbaru fee anfusihim, like they've really inflated their own egos and they think so highly of themselves, like who are you to make demands of Allah subhana wa ta'ala this way, demands of the Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and saying go ahead and send us the angels, as if to say we deserve to see Allah now, we deserve to have the angels come down and testify to you being a messenger of Allah. Allah sent angels to the messengers so that they could be in a place to save mankind and so when man feels that sense of pride and says show me Allah, show me the angels and then maybe I'll take you seriously. Allah says laqad istakbaru fee anfusihim wa ata wa utuwan kabira and they have exceeded all limits, like there are no boundaries for these people anymore. Now what's so profound subhanAllah is the very next ayah, like Allah takes us from dunya to akhira rapidly, Allah azawajal says yawma yarauna almalaika la bushra yawma idhin lilmujrimeen wa yaquluna hijran mahjoora, Allah says but on that day they will see the angels and there is not going to be any form of good news for the wicked and they will cry out hijran mahjoora, keep them away from us, keep away from us, put something between us and them. Now subhanAllah this going forth to the hereafter in this regard, I want you to look at it from a few different directions here. Number one, on the Day of Judgment when they see the angels, what are the angels saying to them? The angels are saying alam ya'tikum nadeer, didn't a messenger come to you? Didn't a rasool come to you? Didn't a warner come to you? So in this life they were saying to the messenger, let the angels come down and say you're a messenger and now Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says look at them in the hereafter, they're saying or they are
being spoken to by those angels and the angels are saying didn't a rasool come to you? Didn't a messenger come to you? Didn't a warner come to you before you found yourself in this situation? And subhanAllah on top of that we look for the presence of the angels, we look for the presence of the malaika but this is perhaps one of the most profound verses in that regard. Imagine these people are crying out to Allah as Ibn Abbas says, they're asking Allah to put a barrier between them and the angels because the angels are coming at them with such fierceness, with such fury, only by the command of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la and now subhanAllah these creatures of rahmah, these creatures of mercy are creatures of torment to them and they're saying keep them away from us, keep them away from us, put up a barrier between us and them. What shows you subhanAllah and I'll end with this, you know this juz as you go through it is a juz where regret is too late and the reward has been realized. Regret is too late, I mean you see this with friends arguing in surah Furqan, you see this with people in hellfire, you see this with people saying we wish we believed, there's a lot of we wish in this in this juz and then there's also the reward of ibadur rahman, the reward of the servants of the most merciful, they are given their high places in paradise by their patience. So if you look at the qualities of ibadur rahman, the servants of the most merciful, they are very much so you know guarding themselves from things that could compromise the reward in the hereafter and now Allah is saying look at their reward, look at their welcoming, so they held themselves and the reward has been realized whereas the others the regret is too late and of course as long as we're here we have a chance at tawbah and that is also a theme that we're going to be covering so inshallah ta'ala with that I'll pass it on to Dr. Omar Hussain, Jazakumullah khair.
So moving to the aforementioned ibadur rahman, the servants of the merciful, let's start with a little scenario to put this into context. Let's imagine you're at work and you're told you need to meet a very important client, like this is going to be you know one of those once a decade type clients so you got to be there to seal the deal. Okay so they tell you they're going to be at this particular place, meet them there at two o'clock and don't be late because these people are busy, we don't know how long they're going to be there, we need to get there and get it done. So you say okay you're sitting at your desk, it's about 1 45, you know it's going to take you an hour to get there, you say yeah I'll go at some point. Okay then about 2 15 rolls around and you say okay I should head out. You head out, of course you're late, you go to where you're supposed to meet the client, nowhere to be found. Now at this point a decent worker even before going would have said I'm running late, a decent worker would have said now I can't find the client, maybe there's a chance that you know the manager can catch them, you don't do that. You get back in your car, you come back, you miss a meeting that was mandatory on the way, you had a deadline to get a project done at 6 pm, 6 15 rolls around you realize you were surfing the internet and you didn't get it done. A few minutes later you get a message from your manager to come up to the office, you start thinking well it hasn't been a very good day but you know I feel bad about it, it's just one of those days. So you go in and the manager sits you down and he or she starts telling you everything you did wrong that day. It's like first you have the audacity to leave late when you knew it was going
to be an hour, then you don't even call so we could have potentially at least tried to get a hold of the client, then you miss a mandatory meeting and don't even tell anybody about it, then you miss the deadline for the project which you've known about for weeks. Like what's going on here? And you look the manager dead in the eye and you say you know what I'm really sorry. Like I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me. The manager says you're sorry, you say yeah. So you really mean it? You say yeah. I said okay, I'm going to give you a raise. For the first tardiness I'm going to give you a raise, for the second one I'm going to give you a promotion in your job title, for the third one I'm going to give you that employee of the month parking right in the front. And you're like and he starts going down and starts telling you all these things you're getting. You're getting increase in stock bonus etc. And you're like that doesn't make any sense. I made all these mistakes. He said yeah you made all those mistakes but you're sorry about it. So I'm going to change them all to reward. Now this doesn't really make any sense and would never happen in the real world. But this is the reward that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la provides when he says for those who make tawbah and Dr. Janan will touch on this. Allah changes their reward their sins to good deeds which is to me is just a mind-blowing concept. You know we hear Allah will accept repentance or you'll get you know one good deed is ten good deeds or 700 good deeds or in the case of fasting there's no limit. But to actually have your sins changed is just something which is beyond grasp. So I went and I looked at a bunch of tafseers of what does this verse mean. So who is this for? So what you'll find in many of the tafaseer, the explanations of Qur'an, this is for our convert brothers and sisters or new Muslims or rebirths whatever you prefer. You know we had a brother a week before the community I'm visiting accepted Islam and now is fasting with us. We had another sister during the month except Islam and
is fasting with us. Those who entered Islam Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la will change anything they did in the past that was sinful into good deeds. That is a beautiful thing and I don't think I've ever told that to anyone or at least not on any sort of consistent basis to our brothers and sisters that come into this theme. So Allah will change that. Also it is Allah changing that false belief they had before to believe in Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. They will leave things in their life that they used to do for the sake of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. So that is another type of change which Allah has in reward in store for those who accept the message. Other scholars say that it means believers in general. So those and this starts at verse 63 and this is the time because I know 30 for 30 audience is hardcore they're going to go back and look. Those who implement these characteristics they are the ones who Allah will also change their sins to good deeds and so Alhamdulillah you know so we're striving for that and Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la will give reward and he will give it in this life. Now another interpretation says that the reward actually comes in the next life and the proof that's used for this is the Prophet ﷺ describes a man who will come on the day of judgment and this will be one of the last men to get in to paradise and Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la will bring forth his minor sins and it will be like he's standing and saying and Allah is almost like interrogating him and no one wants to be interrogated by Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la right. So it's like and he will say Allah will say you did this and you did this you did this and he cannot deny. He said yes Allah I did this and this person is getting really nervous because the major sins haven't even come yet. So this is just the minor sins and then Allah said you see all these sins here
I'm changing them all to good deeds because this person had Iman in their heart and then upon seeing this the man will say well there's other sins I see here there's other sins I did I don't see here and the Prophet ﷺ laughed when he was narrating this because this person seeing the sins change to good deeds is like what about the other sins I committed so I can get more good deeds right. So whatever it is whether it's in this life or the next life it's just an incredible reward and during this time of Ramadan it's the time to seek it. Let me touch in the last 30 seconds on one characteristic which is given about the Ibadur-Rahman those who spend their night prostrating to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bowing and prostrating and in Ramadan this is easier. In fact it's may not be easier than any other time of the year so there's no reason sometimes we get really intimidated for Tahajjud and think it's just for you know people that are on another level no it's for all of us and if we can implement it in this month and make it a practice then inshallah we can be from the Ibadur-Rahman. Beautiful words subhanAllah I think it's amazing Ibadur-Rahman to embody those qualities in Ramadan is literally like you said it's the time to practice like instead of it's like the same things like from the very beginning like you you're approached by the ignorant you're supposed to say I'm fasting. You go one by one one by one you can find that there's a correlation in Ramadan so JazakAllah khair for beautiful profound words especially that beautiful hadith and Dr. Jinan we'll hand it over to you inshallah
JazakAllah khairan for having me and Dr. Umar for that beautiful reflection on these ayat and I'm going to be covering the same verses but inshallah I hope maybe in a different light and I wanted to link it to the theme of Quran 30 for 30 this year which is you know the Quranic worldview and a lot of times you know we get stuck in the worldly worldview and nowadays there's a lot of messaging about you know cutting out toxic people you need to protect your space you need to protect you know your peace and so we talk a lot about cutting out toxic people but then there's obviously the flip side because it's never us who's toxic right it's always other people who are toxic but then what if I am the toxic person what if I'm the person who is always letting other people down what if I'm the person who's always breaking my promises what if I'm that friend who is the bad influence and so and what happens when actually I want to go back I want to heal I want to repair my relationships now sometimes in this world that's not possible people won't give you another chance they say you know what once twice you keep saying sorry you know this is not acceptable and so there becomes this permanent stain in our relationships with other people now the Quranic worldview or at least particularly in our relationship with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala this is completely flipped Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he's a tawwab and with Allah we can always go back to him and these verses they tell us that and they tell us exactly what happens when we turn back to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and so in these beautiful verses as the mashayikh have stated you know Allah talks about Ibadur-Rahman and he gives us this beautiful beautiful
description and inshallah may Allah you know make us of them and then in you know and continuing this description of them Allah tells us وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَدْعُونَ مَعَ اللَّهِ إِلَهًا آخَرًا وَلَا يَقْتُلُونَ النَّفْسَ الَّتِي حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ إِلَّا بِالْحَقِّ وَلَا يَزْنُونَ وَمَنْ يَفْعَلْ دَلِكَ يَلْقَى أَثَامًا يُضَاعَفْ لَهُ الْعَذَابُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَيَخْلُدْ فِيهِ مُهَانًا so Allah says and they're those who do not call upon any other god with Allah they do not kill the self Which Allah has made inviolable except in the pursuit of justice and do not fornicate and whoever does that now Allah's You know praising these people, but then what if what if you did that? what if you're of the people who's done this or done these things and Allah says, you know for those whoever does that they're gonna encounter pen penalties You'll cut them up and then their punishment will be multiplied on the day of judgment. They'll remain in it forever in disgrace Now this is scary. You might think wait. I've been there. I've been of those people and so what happens now Are we shut out is is that it is at the end for us? And then Allah very beautifully. He gives us this hope and he says illa Right man taba wahamana wahamala. I mean I'm Saliha Follow like a you but the Lola who say you a team has an ad What can Allah who are for a Rahima woman tabo Amira Salih and finna who you to be at all? I'm a taba and Allah says ask for those who repent believe and do good deeds they are the ones whose evil deeds Allah will change into good deeds and Allah is all forgiving merciful and Whoever repents and does good has truly turned to Allah properly so Allah's telling us the one who Repents who returns right and believes and does good deeds. They are the ones who as Dr. Amar Explained to us that you know
They're the ones with their deeds Allah is gonna flip them or Allah is gonna turn them into good deeds and you might think Why like why why would the lot why would anyone why would Allah do that? And Allah tells us, you know, because he is a fool right Allah subhana ta'ala He's so forgiving that he forgives, you know, both in quantity and in quality So no matter how many sins you've done or how bad they are and Allah in the previous verse He's talking about really bad things and he does that out of his Rahma because he's Rahima that Allah subhana ta'ala has this intense Care and mercy for us. And so I want to focus here on Toba. What is Toba, right? And so when we talk about Toba You know Taba is a Raja right that somebody returns And so obviously in these verses Allah is describing the worst deeds, right? So somebody might think well, yeah But I'm not you know, I haven't you know done sure I haven't you know, you know done Zina Fornication, you know, I haven't you know killed anyone, right? This is not for me Toba is for those people But Allah is actually pointing out that even those people will get this tab deal right this this changing of their deeds into and to get into good and to good ones, but Toba is not just from those things because if we look at the definition of Toba and Toba means to return Then we all need to return Allah says what Toba Allahi jameel, you know All of you return to Allah and so we can turn back to Allah not just from major sins But we turn back to Allah from heedlessness Right when I when I'm doing things without thinking of Allah without considering Allah With from certain sins that I repeatedly do from just being far from Allah subhana ta'ala Maybe I've prayed and I'm not focusing on my prayer
I need to return all of these things need returning and what does Toba actually mean? Toba at the essence of it is just as regret like it has like You know a past element a present element and a future element The past element is that I regret what I did like, you know I should have I should have been more devoted in my prayer. I should have said something nice instead of been rude So you regret that I really regret that and then the next thing is the present which is if I'm doing it now I need to stop that's part of the Toba. And then the third thing is that I pledge Not to return. So when I do Toba and I have Iman this faith in Allah and Amal right wa amal amal on saliha, right Allah says if you have those three elements then Exactly as dr. Omar explained then the tab deal happens then Allah. He'll change those bad deeds that you did Into good and Allah subhana ta'ala, you know, he tells us wallah who you read you read when you're Toba alaikum Allah says Allah wants to Accept you returning to him, you know, there's no human being after you mess up so many times It says, you know, I want you, you know to come back, right? This is like halas. I'm done with this person But Allah is saying that like no no Allah wants you to come back. Not only does he want you to come back Allah Has this joy when when you come back? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says allahu ash-shaddu faraha be Toba tiabdihi that that Allah has this most intense joy When his servant returns to him then the person who's in the desert and they've lost, you know Their their their camel that has all their food and they've just they've resigned to their fate and then that camel comes back imagine just like the the the sheer ecstasy and joy Allah is telling us like
That Allah is so happy when you come back to him because sometimes you know, we shut ourselves out we think There's no hope but Allah is telling us not only is there Hope but there's also potential that when you do good you do a man and Saliha you can become even better So inshallah, I'll stop here. Jazakum Allah khairan Jazakum Allah khairan. Beautiful and profound reflections. May Allah bless you Dr. Dinan and inshallah ta'ala Sheikh Abdullah. You can capitalize on that bismillah. You're taking us into surah shu'arat now so Bismillah was salatu was salamu ala rasool Allah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala amma ba'ad As we know that this month of Ramadan is a month of reflection and it's a time for us to really look in the mirror The spiritual mirror if you will and to hold ourselves accountable before we are held accountable as we mentioned before on the statement of Omar Ibn al-khattaf inshallah, not the dr. Omar's here that are here, but Ornabel khattab. He will mention that statement Rahim Allah ta'ala This month of Ramadan easing that even as is mentioned that Ramadan comes Linguistically as some scholars would mention of that which is of heat or fire that burns off previous sins or burns off the shortcomings from rum ball and You know that time of reflection and realizing the sins and using those sins as a catalyst for good deeds as we mentioned statement even a claim that it's a suburb or a committee he that the Sins that one may commit if they think about them and they ponder over them and it pushes them to have an intense feeling of iftiqar and feeling impoverished without the richness of the deen the richness of Allah and his beautiful names and attributes and also a Zul that you debase yourself in front of him Prostrating for Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala saying subhana rabbi al'ala You're in the lowest position position calling on al'ala the most high and that's what I want to talk about here
This month of forgiveness and being the month of thinking about oneself and thinking about their sins one easy way that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam have given us to serve as a means to to to to ask for forgiveness is Thinking about those names and attributes and also thinking about the nations before that did not take heed to those Names and attributes so in the chapter for sure It's interesting that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala mentions two verses Eight times in different places in the Quran I mean he mentions them from verse 8 throughout the this this chapter all the way to verse 190 Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala says in the feed a lick of the ayat and Well, man, I can actually mean what in the Rebecca? Lehua lazies or Rahim Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala says these two verses Indeed and that is a sign but most of them were not were not to be believers and indeed your Lord He is the exalted the mighty and merciful So here when Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala mentions these verses most of the time out of these eight times It's a TV it is at the end of him mentioning a punishment on previous nations That did not take heed that did not believe in the message of the prophets from before at the beginning of the chapter He talks about his greatness and is what we call ruble via his lordship his ability to create to manifest Creation in different ways and that's when he mentions it in the beginning But the majority of the time he's talking about Nations that were punished or nations that did not take heed to the message of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala Because when one takes heed to the message of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala primarily in looking at the previous nations that did not take heed and thinking about those beautiful names and
Attributes and how they are manifest in his or her life and how they can live out those names and attributes Not at the level of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala, but within themselves and their abilities and capabilities This is when one goes through that process of Toba to where their deeds of repentance To where their deeds will be replaced by good ones their evil deeds or shortcomings will be replaced by good ones so when Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is saying firstly in the feed that again the ayat and when I can't I thought of what meaning that verily in that and that meaning what was mentioned versus before in these other six or seven times About the perished nations that were punished. It's a sign for those but most of them were not believers the scholars mentioned that this was repeated numerous times to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a means of encouragement and a means of Comforting him because you have to remember as Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala says in the Quran Fala alaka baakhirun nafsak it hurts you that they do not accept this message There is someone in each and every single one of us in our life a person we care for that We want good for but it hurts us that they don't accept the message of morality Maybe not even of Islam as of yet but definitely within the Islamic spirit of them trying to get off a certain addiction that they may have of Them trying to change themselves just trying and it hurts us that they don't even make the attempt This is what baakhir Was with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It hurt him that his people didn't embrace the message But Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is saying look Mu'maa kana aktharuhum mu'mineen that most of them were not believers Anyway, they would not believe and this is because of the Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala's Predestination his qadr his ability his might his mercy and that's where Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala says after that We're in the Rebecca. Lehua lazies. Ooh, I'm Rahim and verily your Lord is
Azizu a Rahim so him mentioning these two names the scholars have mentioned and even before that when we think of the name of Allah Azizu a Rahim that Allah is the Almighty and He is the most merciful It sounds kind of polar opposites but when we look at the names and attributes of Allah, it's very important for us to have a Earth on an understanding of the principles when dealing with the names of Allah when we say principles in Arabic The word is so much more eloquent It is Aida which basically means if someone was to sit and to be established in a certain place So it is those things that you have within yourself that you will not budge For anything so when we talk about the principles of the names and attributes of Allah These are the names and attributes of Allah that we must remember to keep us firm in our faith and in our actions so the first of them being a lazies the lazies this is the mighty and Scholars have talked about Allah being a lazies and might and strong and strength and not being overpowered Some of them scholars some of the scholars they mentioned that a lizard to father that he has might in his ability No one can overpower Allah that he is a lot if he is the one that has overarching might over everything and it makes sense because he created it and he maintains it sustains it and can take it away from its existence No one has the power as is mentioned Lara that Lima Arad there is no one that can that can repel whatever he wants, which leads to the second category of Is the to our that he is the irresistible that no one can resist Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala No one can resist his actions when the seasons change We cannot change winter to summer even though some of us want to and some of us want summer to be winter It is not up to us
Allah has ultimate authority over that and the nations that came before his is that all our he has the ability to Overpower he is irresistible and also is the to an empty now that he has the might to prohibit anything Landman, man, yeah, let me I'll tell you to let him work here. Lima. Not as we mentioned in the door If there is nothing that can prohibit what he has given and that there is nothing that can give what he has prohibited Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala can prohibit his risk He can prohibit his provision for a hikmah tin valuable and that's for important for us to mention which moves on to the next thing Azizu are Rahim one would think the one that is almighty has no mercy and Someone that is full of mercy. We may mistaken them for being someone that has no strength But we see that in our mind our limited perception that it may be polar opposites But that is not what the law subhanahu wa'ta'ala every name as a discussing with a dachshund They all have some type of association. For example, Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala being In this example his is his might is is coupled with mercy His might is coupled with mercy being that when he is he is might that he may punish a people But he may withhold that punishment that is that that might because he wants the those individuals the disbelievers those I didn't believe to give them time to repent and Also his might is he is showing the messengers Alayhi musallam that he has an ability and also with the people that disbelieve For them to know that he has this full might and he is able to take them off of the face of the earth and His mercy is the mercy of withholding as was mentioned for them to seek forgiveness also the mercy of the Ta'yid one Nasser the mercy that he has given the messengers by helping and assisting them and making them Victorious so remember brothers and sisters in this beautiful month of Ramadan
Let's take advantage to look at these beautiful names and attributes and how they were how they are showered upon us at every single Moment it is only our responsibility to do our best to do the remembrance of Allah the remembrance of those names the remembrance of those attributes the remembrance of how that happened in my life and I Was saved from this or I was given this or this person was given something and it reminded me about the beautiful name of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to where my eyes shed tears and that when you think in that fashion You will think of a shortcoming and you'll ask forgiveness from Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala May Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala make us of those that seek forgiveness for him to where our evil deeds will be turned to good ones bi inni Allah ta'ala for verily he is ar-raheem. He is also al-aziz JazakAllah khayr SubhanAllah Anta a'zibhum fa innama ibadak You know, if you punish them, they're your your slaves, but if you forgive them Then you are who you are. Oh Allah. You are al-aziz. You are you are al-raheem It is up to Allah Azawajal the mighty and the merciful one To do as he pleases and subhanAllah. I think my takeaway from Sheikh Abdullah's profound reflections and the profound reflections as well of Dr. Jinnah and Dr. Omar, you know a lot of times you might think Did they get a fair chance and here Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is mentioning Like anyone who's going to be punished on the Day of Judgment got a fair chance It's clear, you know that it's been established in that way and that he Wants to forgive he wants to show mercy and so those opportunities are given and We have to avail ourselves of that mercy I mean just look at Laylatul Qadr, the opportunity of Laylatul Qadr that comes to us SubhanAllah, what a great rahmah that we have this to look for in the last ten nights Alhamdulillah, may Allah Azawajal make us amongst those who observe it. Allahumma ameen. So because Dr. Jinnah is
The one who authors many of our Names of Allah papers and has a book on it I'd love to hear her reflections final thought and a final thought from Dr. Omar inshallah ta'ala as well And then we'll go ahead and we'll close for tonight Barakallahu feekum That was really really beautiful. I love that I think maybe just one thing that I wanted to add to that is that a lot of times people find it hard to Connect to the rahmah of Allah when they read these verses, right? And even though Allah says that he's Aziz Rahim people don't get it. Like how how is Allah Rahim when Allah's talking about? You know Destroying a previous people's but actually subhanAllah part of that rahmah that Allah has such an intense Mercy for us. It's actually in telling us these stories so that we don't fall into the same trap Someone who loves you is not just gonna show you, you know The beautiful things and then you're unprepared right for the more The negative things and so Allah's showing us this is out of his rahmah that don't be like those people Allah doesn't want you to be like those people you are reading this and out of Allah's care and love For you. It's for you to say I what do I do to not be of these people? And so it's really out of Allah's care So Allah's reason is strength that he can do this But also his rahmah and showing you this that you have a chance to save yourself and Allah wants you to be saved otherwise You wouldn't be reading this and so may Allah make us of those who you know Just reflects on his names and on his rahmah and when we recite the Quran and really feel his mercy and you know every letter every letter of the Quran I Want to make a small plug inshallah for dr. Armour as well if you want to learn how to make duas from the Quran
he has a Mashallah session series on in your king of duas from the Quran very very nice And this is the month to try to memorize him inshallah It's like Allah you know and just hearing that like there's so much So much packed into this into this Jews, but really if I just had to Basically summarize it Allah won't cancel you it doesn't matter What you've done? one moment of sincerity is enough to Change all the circumstances before because even though the the verses talked about, you know, those that don't worship Other than Allah and they don't commit, you know a fornication and these things even those that did if they are sincere and repent They won't be canceled, right? So there's always an opportunity there and I know in Ramadan Many people are coming to the masjid maybe for the first time or maybe not after a long time, but just with that sincerity the door is open and that's just Very inspiring and just just makes you feel good, you know when you when you hear these verses Thank you Abdullah for the plug To for for dr. Omar's a series from the last to check out. Dr. Omar series on Duras from the Quran you can find it on your teens YouTube channel scroll on the playlist, but the night Anna is a very beautiful series Dr. Dean on multiple papers on the names of Allah as well as her book On the names of Allah you can find many of those papers at your teens website as well And and her book as well and of course Abdullah every single every single night Mashallah time and brings brings a game Mashallah, and he will try a dr Omar he will try to stop making those jokes. He'll try each other as I've stopped him in ping-pong
Stopped or are you are you casting a past tense on a future desire? Is that what's happening? Okay, does that come on look at everyone Charlotte I will see you all tomorrow
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