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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Juz’ 22: Dr. Ovamir Anjum | True Masculinity

How can you become a dignified and praiseworthy person? Why are some people guided and others “misguided”? What is true manhood according to Allah?

Dr. Ovamir Anjum reflects on these (and more) questions with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as we reach Surahs Saba, Fatir, and Ya-sin in Juz 22.

0:00 - Intro and dad jokes
5:02 - Dr. Omar Suleiman reflects on some verses from Surahs Saba and Fatir
6:30 - What can make you dignified and praiseworthy?
8:08 - The passage about the two gardens
10:49 - The King of kings
12:31 - Sh. Abdullah Oduro reflects on what brings life
13:36 - Sh. Oduro reflects on verses 5 - 8 of Surah Fatir, the reality of Shaytan and how Allah responds to him
14:50 - What is Satan’s goal?
16:12 - When your actions are beautified for you as a test
17:20 - When all of creation testified that Allah is the Creator
19:00 - How can Allah “misguide” someone?
21:50 - Why everything Allah does is mercy
23:21 - Dr. Ovamir reflects on the virtues of Surah Ya-Sin
25:35 - How Allah speaks to each prophet differently
27:58 - The story of the man in verses 20-28
30:12 - Will we remember others in Jannah?
30:50 - What makes a true da’ee, or caller to Islam?
31:33 - What is true manhood according to Allah?
33:34 - Reflections
35:50 - Toxic masculinity and what does it really mean to be a man?
38:55 - The Prophet's (s) character as a man

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, everyone. Welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. Alhamdulillah rabbil alameen. We are now in Juz 22. Alhamdulillah. And obviously, as we are now into the last 10 nights, we want to remind you all inshallah ta'ala to please keep us in your du'a and to please inshallah ta'ala donate to Yaqeen in these last 10 nights. We had the webathon, we have multiple calls to action and we understand that there are so many deserving efforts and we hope that you support them all bismillah. And we hope that Yaqeen has been an essential resource for you and bringing you closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as it certainly has been for so many people around the world, alhamdulillah. So a reminder, inshallah, please donate. Alhamdulillah, we're blessed with our editor-in-chief, Dr. Owaimer Anjum with us today, alhamdulillah. And of course, Sheikh Abdullah Aduro. Dr. Owaimer, how are you? Alhamdulillah, very good. JazakumAllah khairan. How are you? So I don't know if many people around the world know where Toledo is. Can you tell us a little bit about Toledo, Ohio? Yes, it's not Toledo in Spain. Usually people are markedly disappointed when I tell them it's Toledo, Ohio, not Toledo, Spain. And yeah, we are by Lake Erie, closest town to us. We have Detroit and Arbor and Toledo, a nice little triangle. And we have a good Muslim community, alhamdulillah. It's actually really beautiful in the pictures as well. I've never been able to visit, but gorgeous pictures, mashaAllah. And sometimes those quiet towns, alhamdulillah, are really the places to be, alhamdulillah. Dr. Owaimer, we both decided,
Sheikh Abdullah and I, without telling you that you should tell us a dad joke. A dad joke? Yeah. So my daughter, Safa, who is 11, whenever I tell a dad joke, she makes this face and says, well, there are dad jokes and then there are baba jokes. And baba jokes are like far worse than even dad jokes. Sheikh Abdullah calls them granddad jokes. Yes, these are grand, mine are granddad jokes. May Allah bless you, bless your family. I remember one time when you were here, you said that your kids personify, they name things in the house, right? I think that's pretty endearing, alhamdulillah. Yeah, so they name their stuffed animals, they name plants. So, you know, a plant, we say a chimney is watering, but you know, this, Jacqueline died. I think Sheikh Abdullah should start naming his weight machines. He's killed a lot of those. Right. You can walk in the gym and say that this person's dead and this person's dead. Alhamdulillah. We're blessed to have you, Dr. Awamir and alhamdulillah, we're getting into the last 10. MashaAllah, I think the paper that you had written on divine worship, which alhamdulillah is one of the featured papers right now on our website, I think it's profound because a lot of people disconnect the idea of worship from any type of structure and sequence and we forget that we're the people of five Salahs and the month of Ramadan and the Nisab and Zakah and I think it's profound alhamdulillah when you talk about those means by which we connect to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as was taught to us by Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah in this regard and of course you also translated
Madaraj as-Salikeen, which is a phenomenal work by Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah and people can benefit from that bid'ah, so JazakAllah khair for all of that work that you've done alhamdulillah. And you've written about Khilafah while residing in Toledo, Ohio. This is just a sign that the ummah is indeed ummatic. Indeed, that's the idea and to me the two things are really connected because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala teaches us taqwa by orienting us to the world and telling us to go change it for me, remind people of me and the best of the believers as the ulama say, to make Allah beloved to people by telling them of Allah and by making people beloved to Allah by telling them of Allah. JazakAllah khair. Beautiful reflections and one more thing for everyone to check out Ummatics. Alhamdulillah Ummatics is a wonderful initiative that has launched now with Dr. Oweimad as well, so please do check out their work and support it inshaAllah ta'ala this Ramadan as well. We'll go ahead and we'll get started with the juz. You know subhanAllah one of the things that we are focusing on in these last 10 is this idea of what makes people praiseworthy. What makes you praiseworthy in the sight of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and as Allah azawajal says to us just a few surahs before this that the only thing that makes you praiseworthy in the sight of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is your worship and Allah azawajal has no care for the one who does not worship him, for the one who does not turn towards him, who does not call upon him. It wasn't for your faith. Your faith is what makes you
beloved to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and in this juz we have the story of kingdoms and then the king of all kings. So Allah azawajal gives us the example of a sabah, a destroyed kingdom and then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives us the example of a praiseworthy kingdom in the case of Dawood alayhis salam and Sulaiman alayhis salam and then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala brings us back to the king of all kings, al-fatir, the originator subhanahu wa ta'ala, he himself and how any favor that descends on this earth is through him and we are only praiseworthy to the extent that we ascribe those favors to him and we use those blessings to please him subhanahu wa ta'ala. So in a sabah Allah azawajal says alhamdulillahi allathee lahoo maa fissamawati wa maa fil ardi walahu alhamdu fil aakhirah wa huwa alhakeemul khabeer. All praises is due to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth and to whom all praise is due in the akhirah, in the hereafter as well. wa huwa alhakeemul khabeer and he is the all-wise and the all-aware and look at this beautiful subtle yet subhanAllah imposing portion of the ayah walahu alhamdu fil aakhirah to him belongs all of the praise in the hereafter which shows you and many of the scholars mentioned that when Allah azawajal says wa huwa al-aziz wal-hameed that he is the almighty and the one bestowed with all honor that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the one who makes you aziz if you turn back to al-aziz. He makes you dignified when you turn back to him so you become aziz, you become dignified by honoring Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and al-hameed the one who is praiseworthy whether you praise him or not you become praiseworthy by your praise of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So Allah azawajal is saying here praise is due to him
in the hereafter specifically while everything belongs to him in the heavens and the earth therefore the only way you will find yourself amongst the praiseworthy in the hereafter is if you are amongst those who praise Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the only king in the hereafter is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the king of all kings walahu alhamdu fil aakhirah. Then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions to us if you go to verse 15 of surah Saba, laqad kana li sabain fee maskanihim ayah that verily in the tribe of Sheba, Saba is Sheba, in their homeland there is a ayah, there is a sign, two gardens one on the right and one on the left so they had jannat gardens that were provided to them in this life and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says eat from the sustenance of your lord and be grateful to him a good pure land and a forgiving lord subhanAllah your lord did not give you this in order to condemn you to doom you your lord gave you this so that you could be grateful and you will find not only the blessing and what has been provided to you but that you have a forgiving lord for your inability to properly thank him fully for everything that he has given to you so you have a destroyed kingdom because you have a kingdom that refuses to ascribe its blessing to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and so the protection for it actually becomes a source of punishment the dam breaks and then it becomes flooded and the kingdom is destroyed then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala also gives us the example and this is actually a little bit earlier of Dawood and Suleiman that we have given to Dawood alayhi salam a great bounty from us
oh mountains respond to his command and the birds as well and we made the iron moldable for Dawood alayhi salam and Allah azawajal continues to the blessings of Dawood alayhi salam and the blessings of Suleiman alayhi salam in the surah and all that Allah azawajal has provided for Dawood and Suleiman and how they ascribe those blessings to Allah the entire time and so someone might say well the size of the kingdom matters here you know Saba had a larger kingdom it's harder when you become more wealthy it's harder when your kingdom grows for you to ascribe that to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and be grateful but no human king had what Suleiman alayhi salam and Dawood alayhi salam had yet look how grateful they were look how distinguished they were in their worship and therefore it is not just that they have the kingdom of this world of this world but they also have a close position to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and a high elevation on the day of judgment so they become praiseworthy in the day of judgment because they praised Allah with those blessings that were given to them finally we move on to surah al-fatir the originator and this was prevalent especially in the previous juz where we talked about how Allah azawajal mentions to us all that is in a seed in surah al-rum, surah al-luqman, surah al-sajdah we mentioned this in the last juz in juz 21 and subhanAllah now it comes back to al-fatir the originator of all and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says that whatever mercy Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives to a people nothing can withhold that mercy and what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala withholds no one is going to be able to release after him he is the almighty he is the all wise finally
oh people oh humanity remember Allah's favors upon you remember all of these blessings and favors upon you is there any creator other than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that provides you from the heavens and the earth there is no god but him how are you then deluded from the truth and subhanAllah of the greatest blessings and the greatest blessing is indeed that Allah azawajal sends us revelation he sends us he sends us messengers so he doesn't just send us what gives us life to our crops but he sends us what gives us life to our hearts and inshallah with that i'll turn it to a du'a there's no doubt that understanding the oneness of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala by learning who he is glory to him the exalted is what brings life to the hearts and many of the scholars have spoken about this subhanAllah we even spoke about how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives a comparison of agriculture that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala brings life to the earth after it was barren or dead for lack of better words and that is the heart as well understanding the oneness of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the creator of the heavens and the earth and acting upon that is what is incumbent upon the human being the muslim and non-muslim is for them to recognize who their creator is and act to act accordingly and to know that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given us this ahad or this agreement that we have had with him when he created all of us when we came from the loins of Adam alayhis salam when Adam was created and that is in the
chapter of al-araf we're going to mention this inshallah but what i want to talk about is a verse in a series of verses in the chapter of falter where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala from verses five to eight Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala talks about the reality of shaitan but then shaitan's effect on us as human beings and how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala responds to that and this is the quranic perception of the quranic worldview and in regards to guidance and misguidance and some of the signs of that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says here after audhubillahi minash shaitanir rajeem ya ayyuhan naas inna wa'da allahi haqq falaa taghurrannakum walhayatu al dunya wala yughurrannakum billahi al ghuroor Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says after oh people assuredly Allah's promise is true so let the life of the world not delude you and let not the deluder delude you concerning Allah and the deluder here al ghuroor is shaitan Allah continues to say inna shaitana lakum aduwum fatakhiduhu aduwa surely shaitan is an enemy to you so take him as your enemy and it's interesting here that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says that he's an enemy so you would know automatically to take him as an enemy but then he ensures that and says fatakhiduhu aduwan so take him as an enemy innama yad'u hizbahu liyakunu min ashaabis sa'eer and then he says here he calls his followers to his way shaitan so that they may be among the inmates of the fire ashaabis sa'eer and that is shaitan's goal is to call you to the fire by calling you to do actions that will displease Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala therefore with Allah's justice al-adl being punished for that maybe in this life or being muddakhar or being delayed till the next life may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us from that then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says here allatheena kafaru lahum athabun shadeed wallatheena amanu wa aminu salihati lahum maghfiratuhu wa ajroon kabeer
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in verse number seven a severe chastisement lies in the in store for those that disbelieve but there is there is pardon and a great reward for those that believe and work righteous deeds so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is showing the ones that believe and work righteous deeds the reward is for them because they are keeping away from shaitan and the different ways in which we will talk about inshallah Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in verse number eight and this is the verse that we want to capitalize on into four parts inshallah Allah says after Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says then is the one for whom the evil his deed has been made attractive so he considers it good the one that his actions has been made beautified or beautified this is a passive verb to show that the action was beautified and put in front of him who was the muzayyin the scholars mentioned that it was shaitan be that shaitan was the one that influenced your nafs or influenced you by the permission of Allah that Allah allowed this to happen as a test we say Allah tests us well this is one of the manifestations of his tests he will beautify something to you and you will look at it as hassanah and this is important that the muhassin and the muqabbih is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala this is so important for us to understand that Allah is the one that shows us what are the good deeds and what are the evil deeds and he has sent messengers to ensure that over periods of time to remind us of the agreement that we had with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the chapter of al-araaf and this is a very important verse in verse number 172
when Allah says and recall when your lord brought forth descendants from the loins of the sons of Adam and made them witnesses amongst their own selves against their own selves asking them he asked him am i not your lord and they said yes we do testify so all every single individual from the creation of Adam till the day of judgment in front of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala their souls in front of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and he asked them what was their response that they acknowledge that they acknowledge that and they said we did so lest you should claim on the day of resurrection that we were unaware of this that there is no hujjah there is no argument for us all of creation and this is the Quranic worldview that all the human beings were put in front of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala upon the creation of Adam and they acknowledge the presence of their creator so that's the first thing that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guides the people and he the souls announced the presence of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in his greatness then he sent messengers to remind all of us with his rahmah and his with his mercy and his kindness and his love for all of us his creation as Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says and we have sent messengers upon this earth to worship Allah and to stay away from transgression or those that may transgress the bounds by worshiping other than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala first says here the one that his actions were were made beautiful to him and he considers it good the evil actions then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says after that Inna Allah yudullu man yasha'u wa yahdi man yasha'u verily it is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala who causes those to err and shows the right way to whom he wills the question may arise how can Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala misguide someone if Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives us the message then he misguides them it's important for us to understand
this beautiful sharia of the deen of Islam and I want to give us due to time an asul and a ta'ida which is very important for us to understand a rule in regards to guidance and misguidance as was mentioned all of us with our fitrah we acknowledge the presence of the oneness of Allah then after that over time Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala even says that when my message comes to you even mentions whoever follows my guides they will not be misguided it's following the guidance of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the ones that remind us of that are the messengers but then Allah says beautifully in the chapter of tawbah this verse is clear Allah says it is not Allah's way to cause people to stray in error after he has guided them until he has made clear to them what they should guard against surely Allah knows everything Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is al-adl he is just this is so important for us to know in regards to our our iman believe in the unseen meaning that family member that you have told about Islam that co-worker your best friend your own brother that you've told about Islam or you told to do the right thing and you're wondering why they're not accepting it when you know their personality who they are Allah knows the unseen Allah knows what their hearts conceal and reveal this is so important for us to rely on when it comes to things in front of us the tangible things that we have told to reliance on indirectly sometimes to where we don't understand why this person is acting this way and we were very sure that they would accept our message due to our relationship etc
this is so important for us that Allah is al-hadi and he is the one that guides people he shows them the way and then gives them tawfiq for going the way but the tawfiq is given the success to move on to accept the message has to be with total submission to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and that the word huda even comes from like to lean towards something the individual has to have some inclination to want some kind of guidance from their maker and then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala continues on to say so oh prophet let not your life go to waste sorrowing over them and this is important as well this is the third part do not sorrow over them Allah is not saying do not have mercy but he's saying the message that you had it's understandable that you are sad that they are not coming to what you value the most and cherish but realize all of these ayats even their um their selves they have to have a moment to ponder and ask who created that who created this and then on top of that what is my responsibility regarding that with the fact that there are messengers telling them and reminding them of that so it's important to realize that when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala may seem there may be verses that may seem you know harsh we should know that it is rahmah because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is ar-rahman but at the same time he's shadid and that is built upon knowledge perfect knowledge perfect wisdom which we will never be able to encompass therefore he says at the very end that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that Allah is well aware of what they do we are not well aware of what anyone does every single moment but Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is based on that knowledge his wisdom his ahkam and what he says is based upon that it's couched on that in that may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us of those that trust in his beautiful names and
attributes by learning them and then asking us asking him to make us of those that remember them when it comes to these particular situations of guidance and misguidance i mean i mean beautiful words shallots i will now turn to dr weymer so alhamdulillah both of you left uh for me surat yassin which is um it is a surah that the ummah has a special relationship to everybody loves surat yassin and in muslim cultures it has a special place so i get to talk about that yassin is said to be one of the names of rasul allah and one of the feeling that one has when reading surat yassin is the compassion for allah for his messenger muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala uh shows in this surah he has seen this by the wise or and wise recitation you surely are among the mursaleen and you are on the right path of prophet and then toward the end allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says do not be sad about it because the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a personality of really great compassion he worried about people he worried that people rejected him he wasn't hard-hearted and you find this and elsewhere in the quran that his opponents or detractors or hypocrites who would be around him they would call him he is an ear you could tell him anything he will believe and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala comes to his defense i said
he is the ear of goodness for you he believes in allah and he believes the believers whatever they tell him he doesn't second guess them he doesn't have anything going on in his mind that he's not displaying he is the most crystal clear person that you can hurt you can around him you can hurt but when you are around him you fall in love with him and you want to please him so that was the authority of the prophet and the quran the way allah speaks to each of the prophets by the way displays their personality so allah addresses musa in a certain way is musa is is hard and emotional and and tough and and and strong on on the truth and our messenger muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is such that he really deeply cares about people and even the hypocrites and people with bad intentions could hurt him and so allah reminds him again and again in the quran laalaka baakhu'un nafsaka ala atharihim illam yu'minu bihadhil hadithi asafa as allah says in surat al-kahf oh prophet you're going to lose lose your life in worry and sorrow that they are not believing and and harming themselves so that's the first theme that that is very clear in surat yassin and the way surat yassin speaks of it it says there's something special about it um you know there is a saying that it's the qalb of the quran it's the heart of the quran it's not correct as a hadith but it's a saying the ulama similarly uh there is a hadith um that you should recite surat yassin to the
dying persons and it's a tradition that has continued even though the hadith itself has some weakness but in fadha ilal amal such hadith are acceptable so um this surah is recited to people to believers who are dying um so because it it captures all of life all the important things in life and this is the surah you would want to say to someone who is preparing to meet their lord so that means we should all memorize it so that we can say it to ourselves when we are ready to meet or meet allah or to say it to to comfort our loved ones when it's their time so it's a surah that's very special in that regard it's it's the surah of preparation to meet allah but i want to focus on one story that appears in surat yassin and that's the story that verses 20 through 28 the story of a man the story is of a rajul a man who comes in the middle of argument that's going on between apostles rusul and the people people are rejecting people are saying to the prophets that you guys are bad news that you have infected us with with ill omens you are bad religion is bad lean is bad revelation is bad um and this man whom allah identifies as a rajul just that's all he is he
is a man who comes from outskirts of the town and addresses gets in the middle of this supporting the messengers and gives an argument and that argument allah loved so much that he eternalized it in his final book and the argument is follow the prophets follow people who are calling you know they're calling you to guidance and they're not asking you for anything in return and the story continues because immediately after this there is a scene is an abrupt scene where you see this man in jannah it is as if allah is saying and that's what the mufasireen say that he is martyred people are react by killing him and he enters jannah and the first thing that he says upon entering jannah i wish my people who have just killed me they knew what they're missing what allah has given me of this reward so this surah indicates as couple other surahs as well that when we go to jannah and inshallah may allah make us all among those of jannah we will remember the believers we will think about them and we will pray for them and we will pray for them in jannah and this is the kind of jannah one of the interpretations is that if you're a shaheed then you enter right away into jannah or your soul enters jannah and waits in jannah like a bird or something and i know sheikh umar will have more to say about this
but what i want to focus on here is this that this man his compassion doesn't end with his death he doesn't go to jannah and say well look at those losers they will get what they deserve but rather allah they he says and this is what makes it die this is what makes um a true caller to allah and notice that similarity with with muhammad the same compassion and love he has for his people so much so that even after his death he is saying i wish they knew what happened to me because if they knew this they will not be rejecting the messengers the other thing that the ulama observe about this is that whenever allah mentions the word rajul in the quran it is always a similar kind of act it is as if allah is intimating what true manhood is manhood in this for this man was to get into the middle of an argument between truth and falsehood and stand up for what is right for this with with this integrity similarly we hear of another man a rajul in the story of musa alaihissalam when similar man comes and he argues on behalf of musa alaihissalam in front of pharaoh an act of courage which is bound to get you in trouble but it's truthfulness right so that's a courage manhood in other words is not without compassion manhood is defined by compassion and courage at the same time unfortunately some of the notions of manhood that we have in this culture
it has really corrupted this beautiful connection that is at the heart of our book our muhammad our message muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam our messenger that their courage and he was the most courageous of man but he didn't have to be mean he didn't have to be hard he didn't hard he didn't have to be rude he didn't have to put down people he wasn't even invulnerable all of that and he was most manly of men and that's what it means to be a man in surat yassin and in the quran and in the seerah and the sunnah of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam for the powerful reflection subhanallah the the man enters into jannah and he said if only my people knew better when the prophet's lifestyle was being struck in uhud he said oh allah forgive my people they don't know any better yeah and the fact that they vision of taif yes when he is rejected and stoned by people yeah that's a beautiful connection i never made that i think it's also the fact that they're giving the excuse of ignorance even even as there are so many other spiritual diseases that are mixed up and so there are excuses being made on behalf of the people so that the continuation of rahma can be for them you know and they're trying to call them continue to call them to allah and i think that that's something that you know a lot of times we mistake some of our our spiritual diseases for good qualities and so the ability to shut someone down very quickly well the prophets did not come to just shut people down right so
that would be looked at as a as a brave act of courage the prophets came to save people sometimes that involves shutting people down for the sake of not letting their corruption spread but you know i just think about the culture even if today like uh if you go to youtube what are the most popular videos so and so destroy so and so yeah you know as if that that's a that's a win you know now sometimes allah paris nations already destroyed nations but look at the excuses look at the amount of chances that were given to them to be saved and that is from his rahma his father his name all three words that are used uh in this juz his mercy his bounty his blessing uh to them none greater than than revelation for the beautiful reflections uh final thoughts sheikh abdullah dr ueimer any final thought inshallah as we close off and dr raymond funnel um well first first you go inshallah then i will say no i really like how you pointed out the different um signs of manhood and masculinity debunking what is what is known as a man nowadays and then also the notion of toxic masculinity as though it is inherently toxic but showing that you know with our prophets and also individually and so he has seen that you can be compassionate but strong at the same time it's not they're not polar opposites rather it's a manifestation of what allah has created within the fitra of the man within the fitra of the human being but then also designating certain responsibilities some more than others in the different in the two genders yeah and this is your your topic your neck of the woods to talk about that beautiful masculinity
mashallah um and we are all waiting for for that series that you're doing inshallah i remember it was in the 90s that a sheikh was visiting us i believe from iraq and he had just written a book on manhood in islam and it was the most beautiful and powerful khatira that he gave about his book and he looked at all of the places that in the quran and in the sunnah where the word rajul is mentioned um and he looked at those attributes and all of those attributes are even you know allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions that prophets all prophets are men we we didn't send prophethood except to men but it's a place of responsibility that's what men have to do and the other thing the point that he makes um that was very clear in fact in in in the the way that the concept is treated that in some of the instances the word this julia is an ideal that even women can have it's not something that's just for men but it is special to men if men are first and foremost called to show this compassionate strength to protect to protect even messengers and the truth when other people are likely to chicken out we do not we're not as much um you know do not have that julia in other words this manhood is connected to sacrifice for the truth and that's the special feature of men and that's why allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has chosen men for this burden and responsibility to carry the message
but there is no there's no chauvinism it is a manhood of of compassion and self-sacrifice it's the manhood where you know rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam and it always you know it brings really it it brings tear to my eyes when i look at how the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is being uh insulted and he is eager and earnest um you know there are stories about the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam when he's going in medina like when he arrived in medina new and he's going to people talking to them and abdullah ibn obay is sitting and he says you know after the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam begins talking and he really opens himself up because the best way to go uh and get yourself make yourself vulnerable is to talk to people that you don't know and open your heart to them and abdullah ibn obey takes that chance and he says look muhammad in salat was salam if somebody goes to you and they want to sit and talk about your message your religion your god you can talk about that but don't come to our gatherings and start talking about your stuff and the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is heartbroken it's an insult um and you know the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is visible on his on his face and as he leaves uh his sincere uh muslim from that clan uh follows him uh about evan summit i believe is is the one and and makes the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam feels better by saying you know he's just angry because he wanted to be the leader but the point is the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is always putting himself in that situation and he's believing when people come and make excuses to him where other people who are you know clever less clever than the prophet less wise than the prophet they know that they are lying but the
prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam for all practical purposes acts as if he believes them and he wants to believe them and that's the character of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that i find most um you know most endearing those beautiful reflections inshallah we will go ahead and end there and we ask allah to allow us to manifest the quran in a way that brings us closer to the greatest manifestation of it muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his everyday life and to grant us closeness to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the highest level of jamaat al-firdaus allahumma ameen
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