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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Juz’ 18: Dr. Nazir Khan and Ust. Roohi Tahir | Protecting Your Light

Light and dark, evil and goodness, avoiding the traps of Shaytan—the themes of this juz span far and wide while zooming in on practical applications for our daily life. Sh. Abdullah Oduro and Dr. Omar Suleiman are joined by Dr. Nazir Khan and Ust. Roohi Tahir to explore the 18th juz of the blessed Qur'an and unveil perspectives for us to think about.

0:00 - Intro
3:27 - Sh. Abdullah Oduro reflects on avoiding Shaytan and evil deeds
10:26 - Dr. Nazir Khan reflects on the themes of light and darkness in the Qur'an
17:25 - Ust. Roohi Tahir reflects on lessons from the nation of Nuh (as)
26:25 - Dr. Omar Suleiman reflections on the connections between Surah Al-Mu'minoon and Surah an-Nur
34:11 - Final reflections

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone. Welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. We're now on Juz 18 walhamdulillah and we are getting close to the last 10 nights and I want to remind everyone first and foremost inshaAllah ta'ala to please donate inshaAllah. We have the automate your 10 nights. If you can click that link inshaAllah ta'ala. We really need everyone's support. As you've seen I hope inshaAllah the benefit of the work go up and the quality of the work go up inshaAllah ta'ala. That is first and foremost due to what Allah subhana wa ta'ala bestows upon us of his bounty always and then your support. So we want to remind you all inshaAllah to please support the work inshaAllah. Also tune into the webathon which will be loaded with gems bid'ninda on how to prepare yourself for the last 10 nights. That's coming up this Tuesday inshaAllah ta'ala and that information is in the link below. And before we have cited the last 10 nights we've cited another Canadian alhamdulillah Dr. Nazer Khan is with us. President of Yaqeen Canada, Director of Research Strategy and of course Sister Ruhi Tahir from Chicago Sharif as you all like to call it. Alhamdulillah. So Dr. Nazer how are you? Alhamdulillah. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. Everything's good alhamdulillah. I was hoping you had used up your Canadian jokes on Shaykh Ibrahim but mashAllah there's like no end to that. No man I feel like Google the algorithm feeds you unlimited Canadian jokes. I think I'm going to go to like chat.dbt and ask them for Canadian jokes. I wonder if AI is as ruthless towards the Canadians as American Google is right. Yeah well I got AI to come up with Ramadan themed dad jokes so you guys uh yeah it's it might give
you guys a run for your for your money. We might have uh yeah well so this is uh courtesy of chat.gpt but um the the joke that it came up with was what does the imam say when he shows up at your house unannounced just before fajr. You're having suhoor with your family, the doorbell rings, you open the door and it's the imam. He just shows up unannounced. Imamu khairu minad noom. I'm not sure. Suhoor prize! Suhoor prize. That that is courtesy of artificial intelligence. I mean that's a good sign that AI has not caught up to humanity yet right. It's a good sign. Not bad not bad. I'm sure the I'm sure the kids will love that. We'll we'll attribute it to you. Sheikh Abdullah, what do you what do you rate it? That's about a 3.5. Wait out of out of 10 or out of 5? Blessed to have you both inshallah and um we're gonna inshallah ta'ala go ahead and get started with the day ta'ala. So today we're actually inshallah ta'ala going to go uh with Sheikh Abdullah first inshallah ta'ala and we'll go with the order of the verses of juz 18. Sheikh Abdullah please uh start us off. May Allah bless all of us in this beautiful month of Ramadan and may Allah allow any of the hardship that's being faced in our brothers and sisters around the world particularly now we're talking about a Philistine. May Allah alleviate their pain and suffering and accept
our duas for them. With that being the case I really want to talk about uh that which affects human beings in general uh uh being that this month of Ramadan is a month of a lot of opportunity for us spiritual opportunity you know bonus month I mean being that a lot of the things that we do will receive uh multiplication in ajr inshallah since it's Laylatul Qadr in the last 10 nights but with that diligence in the actions of khair it's important for us to recognize that when we do that those actions of khair it can take take us away from an action of evil and that action of evil no doubt about it is from shaitan that tries to either convince us or speak to our nafs with with the wiswas within our sudoor our sudoor that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says in the chapter of nas the one that the one that whispers in the sudoor in the chest of the breasts of the human being and that's what I want to talk about when Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la gives us a clear warning as he does numerous times in the Qur'an about shaitan he says after audhubillah minash shaitan wa rajim in the chapter of nur ya ayyuha allatheena aamanoo la tattabiAAoo khutuwati al shaitaan wa mayyattabiAAoo khutuwati al shaitaan fa innahu ya'mulu bil fahsha'i wal munkar walaw lafadhu Allahi AAalaykum wa rahmatuhu ma zakaa minkum min ahadin abadan walakin Allaha yuzaki mayyashaa'u wallahu samee'un AAaleen Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says here believers do not follow in satan's footsteps let him who follows in satan's footsteps remember that satan bids evil bids people seek indecency and evil so that's the first part Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is calling on us ya ayyuha allatheena aamanoo those who believe believe in Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la the one that told us about shaitan and shaitan comes from which means which means that he is far away and as some scholars mentioned far away from the rahmah of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la far away from obedience and he wants to call you to that as he mentions in numerous places in the Qur'an he will come to the front the back and on your sides to the degree that you will not even
be thankful to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la and shaitan Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is someone that worships Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is a creature that worships Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la recognizes Allah's greatness let's say recognizes Allah's greatness and his power over him as mentioned in numerous verses in the Qur'an but here Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is is warning us he's reminding us that satan is a clear enemy and do not follow his footsteps and he uses to show that it's footsteps to show that it is subtle the actions of disobedience which is important for us particularly in this month of Ramadan to trace back and to think sometimes even as hard as we can on our shortcomings to serve as a motivation for us to do good deeds rather to be more specific to serve as a means for for the inqisar wa iftiqar wa dhul of the qalb when we think about those evil deeds those khutawat of shaitan that has approached us and has encroached upon us to where we actually did something we should think about that to where it softens our heart and it breaks our heart and it makes us debase in front of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la which will influence us to do actions of uh returning to him and tawbah and Ibn Qayyim mentions this in his book the shower of good utterances and uh the invocation of God to talk talking about how the actions can serve as a sabab for the rahmah of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la the evil deeds and shaitan is the one that calls you to that Allah is reminding you and it is a nahi it is a prohibition look out and watch out from the khutawat of shaitan do not follow them and then he says here after all the way he says here Allah is telling you why he's saying whoever follows these evil pathways of shaitan for verily shaitan bids people to indecency and evil fahsha and the scholars mentioned fahsha is a little more uh general it says
what the what the self finds nasty and finds gross and that is not actually a beautiful thing within themselves from these statements and in the actions that is the fahsha something that is indesirable or distasteful that is what shaitan calls you to and as we see in society as times go by and as the eras past and the years pass and different you know ways of understanding what is decency what is morality the sharia has given us the straight path within that is telling us about decency and morality why because Allah is warning us that there will be times that shaitan will influence people whatever what time and place throughout history that he will call you to indecency and the evil he will call you to the indecency and the evil and the indecency here are the as we talked about the fahsha and the munkar is what the sharia calls to avoid that's the munkar the munkar the sharia calls you to avoid the Allah continues on and says here after that Allah says and if it wasn't for Allah's bounty and his mercy on you none of you would have ever attained purity and that's what I want to end on here is that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the dean of Islam we it's important for us to to remember that if it wasn't for the dean of Islam the faith of Islam our belief our knowing who Allah is and then are trying our level best to live up to what Allah wants from us the sharia are the dean of Islam the way that we manifest our love of Allah praying five times a day being good to your neighbor giving zakat calling talk telling the people about your faith and having pride and honor in that that in of itself the Islam being our anchor and our understanding of what life is about our world you being through the Quran being through Islam that if that was not there a loss it would be difficult for us
and we would be misguided and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions here none of you would have ever attained purity if it wasn't for Allah's bounty upon us and to know that it is the and the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that brought you where you are today in the levels of obedience any obedience that you have always say there's no guidance and it wasn't if it wasn't for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala I would not be guided so remembering that in this beautiful month of Ramadan and after that that Satan is a clear enemy and that he will be subtle in calling you away from guidance and those that have guidance and they recognize their guidance remember that it is from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to keep us humble in front of him and in front of his creation may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us all that are humble and this month of Ramadan in the months after that beautiful words and with that inshallah we'll pass it to Dr. so the note that Sheikh Abdullah finished on about guidance ties in perfectly with the reflection that I wanted to share about the theme of light and darkness and how it ties into guidance in our lives so when we look at ayat an-nur verse 35 of surah an-nur this is one of the most famous verses in the Qur'an God is the light of the heavens and the earth and then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives us an example he gives us an analogy of the intensity of that light and companions like Ubaid bin Ka'b and others they said the example of his light in the heart of the believer in other words the light of guidance which Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala blesses the believer with it transforms the way that they see the world Islam is not just a set of merely theoretical beliefs or a cultural label or some identity tag Islam changes the way that we see everything around us it influences our choices
our priorities it shapes our major life decisions Islam is a complete world view and that comes about through pursuing that light in one's life so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala describes the intensity of that light the lamp that is in the niche in the glass that's like a brilliant star lit from the pure olive oil that's from the blessed tree and then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says noorun ala noor light upon light Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guides to his light whomever he wills now that verse gives us the analogy of the intensity of light and on the following page Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives us the analogy of the intensity of darkness Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala describes somebody who is in the darkness of the bottom of the ocean he's covered by clouds above which sorry by waves above which are waves above which are clouds layers of darkness one above the other if he stretches his hand out in front of his face he doesn't even come close to seeing his hand whomever Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has not given his divine light such a person will have no light now we this this example that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives us gives us of the intensity of darkness subhanAllah I had an opportunity to get a glimpse of such intense darkness not at the bottom of the ocean but when I went spelunking which is exploring underground caves and rat's nest caves in the Canadian Rockies when you you go down a pathway of caves four kilometers deep into the mountains you get to a point where if you turn off your light there is no sight and no sound the darkness feels almost suffocating and people get trapped in these dark caves and they start to have visual hallucinations pulsating lights geometrical
patterns it even distorts their perception of time now imagine you're trapped in that cave and a rescuer comes down and they shine that flashlight on you initially that light will be almost jolting right it'll be almost blinding but then that light becomes necessary for you to navigate your way out out of the cave to avoid falling into a crevice to avoid stumbling over rocks and that is how it is with the divine light that illuminates our path in life and shows us the dangers to avoid and shows us the opportunities to take we often focus on nur al-hissi or the physical light that is seen by the basr by the eyesight but there is also nur al-ma'num the light of meaning which is perceived by basira insight spiritual perception what's really interesting about ayat al-nur is that this verse comes after a series of passages in which we have the mention of ghadd al-basr lowering the gaze so it is as though allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is showing us that when you avert your gaze in order to please allah subhan ta'ala by restraining from a lustful gaze for example when you avert your perception allah subhanu wa ta'ala expands your spiritual perception so that you see that which is pleasing to allah subhanu wa ta'ala and you perceive those opportunities that bring you closer to allah subhanu wa ta'ala you perceive the signs of allah subhanu wa ta'ala all around you and what's interesting is the very next verse also shows us a very profound connection fee buyoutin adhinallahu an turfa wa yudhkara fee hasmu right after ayat al-nur allah subhanu wa ta'ala mentions this light is being manifested in the houses in which the remembrance of allah subhanu wa ta'ala is being practiced so dhikr allah the remembrance of allah is what intensifies that light within our our hearts and ibn al-qayyim he shows that ghafla heedlessness is what extinguishes that light until a person cannot tell the truth from the falsehood or falsehood from truth that is the difference between dhikr and ghafla and when you think about it it's interesting because society is almost engineered
in a way to keep us in a state of perpetual ghafla or perpetual heedlessness constantly giving us distractions so a person comes home from work and they just collapse on the couch and start binging netflix or you know a person is standing in an elevator they feel compelled to take out their phone and just go through their social media feed zombie scrolling which is interesting because that's how the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described it mathilu ladhi yadkuru rabbahu wal ladhi la yadkuru rabbahu kamathilil hayyi wal mayyit the analogy of the one who engages in remembrance of allah compared to the one who doesn't is like the analogy of the one who is alive compared to one who isn't light brings life now how do we bring that divine light into our lives there are many ways all the acts of ibadah but one way that i want to really emphasize is through dua making dua specifically for allah to bless us with his divine light so if you haven't already check out the which is freely available on the website the dua for light is mentioned there in oh allah place light in my heart and in my hearing and in my seeing in our faculties of perception and then allah the prophet told us to make dua for light in our surroundings from the six directions of space and the dua concludes right make for me light or make me light the believer becomes transformed by that light so no matter what darkness you're going through in life whether it's the darkness of an internal struggle or the darkness of oppression never despair that allah can rescue you from that darkness and grant you his divine light now allah enable us to attain that divine light jazakumullahu khair ameen masha'allah what a profound reflection jazakumullahu khair and inshallah i have several questions about what you what you put forth and reflections inshallah we'll get to it at the end uh
assalamu alaikum everyone um so dr nadir's uh reflection there ties in beautifully into some of the contrast we're going to see in terms of how that plays out in surat al mu'minun um i've chosen uh ayahs 23 through 30 to talk about briefly in which allah subhana wa ta'ala is discussing the nation of nuh alayhi salam so there's two groups of people here that i mentioned one those who opposed his call and two the few people who were the true believers among them who actually followed him and it's worth noting that um the stories of other nations and their prophets and messengers are also mentioned in succession in this surah in fact the very next passage begins in ayah 31 with then we raised another generation after them no name is mentioned for this nation as if to understand that that's not the main point rather um the the most relevant part here is to actually look at what we can learn from the mindset the behavior and the outcome of each of the two specific types of people that are being mentioned in all of these nations so these verses they actually give us insight into the quranic worldview that of a clear division between people's beliefs on the basis of truth and falsehood between tawhid and shirk and in particular here the flawed mindset of those who are opposing the truth as played out repeatedly throughout history so this is the test of life right and a reality that we're all told to expect it goes back to the delineation between adam and iblis between iman and kufr and we see it again in this surah between musa and firoun and the prophet and the quraish so hence allah is also giving us the quranic lens through which to view ourselves as the example of the believers that are being mentioned in this surah and as to how to align ourselves with them in order to correctly respond to the challenges that we may also encounter in our life so the first ayah number 23 it begins
after a'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says indeed we sent noah to his people and he declared oh my people worship allah alone you have no other god no god other than him will you not then fear and or be mindful of him so this ayah marks the clear distinction between tawhid and shirk and there's a really important point here that taqwa is the means to safeguarding that tawhid or else one can easily fall into shirk as seen as in this example and the others that are mentioned later in the surah so nu's people they were worshiping idols that they made themselves originally out of reverence for their pious predecessors think about it for a minute that you know how many propped up you know self-made idols particularly in this day and age in the material world are people worshiping starting with their own desire so jumping ahead for just a moment the passage is going to end in the thought-provoking way with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala saying in ayah number 30 surely in this are lessons and signs literally ayat signs of allah and we always put people to the test so this is a call for us to pause and and reflect on what's really important here nu alay salam he's been sincere and calling to tawhid right 950 years later what happened is only a few people actually choose to align with him and become believers his people just kept rejecting him and they were in particular people of authority the powerful the wealthy the chiefs of his community they remain defiant and arrogant even threatening to stone him out of town they humiliated and slandered him and his followers in public their tribunals are like kind of like the power of the media and politics today so they create this false narrative and propaganda against the believers to rally their people to
remain loyal the believers are viewed as outcasts here hence the social divide that we see in society even today between the powerful elite of society and the weak among them so they falsely accuse nu of being a mere human and a threat somebody who would was seeking authority according to them over his people to just serve his own ambitions while at the same time they're branding him insane and saying he's possessed by a jinn literally so these contradictory and really baseless objections are all just there to deny this messenger of god now if this sounds familiar it's because it is and it very powerfully demonstrates the quran's relevance to this day in reality they're discrediting him because of what because of their aversion to the truth which didn't suit their self-interests such people justify their behavior and seek the short-lived comforts of this world because of their heedlessness and denial of the hereafter and more importantly accountability for their actions from the perspective of the believers now we can see that you know when you take a stand for the truth you may face criticism even from those closest to you you may have to stand alone at times and you know even perhaps go against the popular norms of society particularly in our you know in times that we live in where ideologies are just changing by the day but we're being shown here that the believers maintain a firm stand in their faith all the time it's really the last part of this that i want to kind of hone in on to conclude and have some takeaways for us inshallah the actions of nuh alayhi salam give us a methodology for the believers that we see throughout the quran and the examples of the other prophets what does he do nuh makes a powerful dua to allah for his aid and this shows his conviction and trust in allah so first and foremost number one turning to allah is always the first step for the believer and we do it with complete certainty and trust and reliance that he will respond so allah responded to nuh commanding him to build the ark
under his watch and instruction so point number two takeaway plan and action we always need a plan in order to succeed at anything that we do both in worldly things but most importantly for the hereafter and allah's instruction to new came as what divine revelation he didn't know how to construct an ark our instruction comes as divine revelation too in the quran so this is our manual and plan of action to build our own ark so to speak of refuge in allah subhanah to safety and salvation through the storms of life the passage is going to conclude when nuh alayhi salam being instructed to express praise and gratitude with the words alhamdulillah all praise and gratitude is due to allah who saved us from the wrongdoing people notice he's saying saved in the past tense as if it's already happened here we see his yaqeen that it's going to work and the last and final ayah rabbi anzil me munzala mubarakan wa anta khairul munzileen and say my lord instructs him say my lord let me land with your blessing it is you who provide the best landing and here we see his tawakkul so the last point is praise gratitude and tawakkul through every part of this um allah knows the best place and he knows the best time for each of us he will guide us to the best outcome even when we can't see through the turbulence at times so believers are always protected no matter how harsh the circumstances appear at times he knows and we don't right um this is from allah's knowledge his mercy his wisdom even though it may not always be apparent to us and many of us just to conclude here are struggling with our own personal challenges we have you know we see conflict within our families within our communities we may be inflicted with harm at the hands of others even those closest to us um nuh alislam couldn't convince his own son so we all struggle we struggle to make sense of also what we're witnessing
of the hardship and pain of so many today who are subjected day in day out to all forms of injustice and tyranny these verses are providing us with a framework the resolve and they're empowering us to move forward and they're you know they're they're particularly relevant today just as they were in the strength that they provided the prophet when they were revealed in the time when he needed it most in mecca during the time of persecution so imagine the strength and hope that they gave to him at that time so inshallah may this always be a you know a means for guidance for all of us to seek refuge with allah to fortify our own hearts just as nuh alislam and the believers were fortified and carried in the ark to safety and salvation very beautiful reflections and subhanallah in the midst of you know noor and al-mu'minoon and you're thinking about the slander of aisha radiyallahu anhan the immediate lessons to uh the prophets and the community it shows you the relevance of the prophets to the life of the prophets and to those that are around him in each episode of the seerah so inshallah what i'm going to do and reflect upon is just a connection that you notice between al-mu'minoon and al-noor and it speaks to one of the earliest instructions of the quran do not dress the truth with falsehood do not conceal the truth and the idea that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will not allow truth and falsehood to coexist in the same place nor will allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow light and darkness to coincide in the same place and these are lessons that you've heard uh glimmers of in these previous reflections that we've had today but what does that mean i just want you to take the beginning of surah al-mu'minoon literally if you take these first 10 verses and then you go to al-noor surah al-noor the next surah and you look at the 10 verses that speak
about hadithat al-ifk the slander of aisha radiyallahu anha so verse 10 onwards and i want you to think about how if the believers would have heeded the advice of surah al-mu'minoon they would not have found themselves in the disaster of the slander that is alluded to in surah al-noor just think about it and you can actually start to match up the qualities of the believers to the disasters that would have been averted had the people applied these qualities in their lives the believers have succeeded those who humble themselves in prayer the hypocrites of course were people who were noted for their movement in prayer for their laziness for uh they got up late lazy uh they clearly had no khushur in their prayer they're always moving around always looking around not thinking about the prayer completely unfocused in the prayer and thinking about what came before and what comes after the prayer and how to use this religion for a worldly pursuit the believers have khushur they're humble in prayer which means that they are internally internally filling themselves with that noor of the prayer that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is talking about the light of that salah now what happens then those who avoid idle speech many of those who fell into the slanderous speech in surah an-nur could have protected themselves had they not been people that indulge idle speech so they weren't necessarily malicious like the munafiqeen but at the same time they fell into that slander because their tongues used to move too frequently with idle speech and so had they applied those who avoid idle speech they would have avoided slanderous speech by default
and those people who pay charity and they insist they are eager they are fully locked in when it comes to the application of everything that comes with charity and the purification of the self that comes through charity many of those who betrayed the message of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and joined the ranks of the hypocrites did so because of money because of power and many of those who fell into the slander fell into it because of wealth because of money and those who guard their chastity surah an-nur starts off with talking about as zina right and here you have and whoever goes beyond what allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given them of permissible outlets then verily they are the transgressors so they would have protected themselves from the crime of zina that we find immediately in surah an-nur the believers are those who are true to their trusts and their covenants the hallmark of the hypocrites when they speak they lie and when they make promises they break their promises and if they are entrusted with something they break that trust and so the believers would have protected themselves from falling to the prey of the hypocrites had they applied these verses once again allah brings it back to as-salaa wa allatheenahum alaa salatihi salawatihim yuhafidun those who preserve their prayers who protect their prayers ulaika hum alwarifun they are the ones who will be awarded with what allatheena yarithoon alfirdawsa hum feeha khalidoon they are the ones who will inherit alfirdaws and they will remain therein forever subhanallah
the chief hypocrite that obstructed the way of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and agitated abdullah ibn ubayy ibn sarul did so because he wanted to inherit the throne of medina and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying that the believers will inherit something far precious than any throne or wealth they will inherit alfirdaws now a few other reflections here inshallah and then we can reflect together dr nadir subhanallah we actually did not coordinate this but he mentioned the dua of an-nur and i was thinking about the dua of an-nur as well in a very specific way wa fee lisani noora wa fee sam'i noora the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in that dua of light place light on my tongue light in my hearing you can't have the light of islam on your tongue the light of dhikr on your tongue and then regurgitate the slander of our mother aisha radiallahu anha and the slander of pious people and the gossiping about people and the lying and these types of things you can't have the light of the quran in your ears and the light of the remembrance of allah in your ears and then be opening your ears towards the slanderous things that people say about others and the gossip and the darkness and the filth if you have light on your eyes then you're not going to be zombie scrolling and looking for the filth in the first place what are you doing on twitter in ramadan gossiping about people backbiting about people what are you doing scrolling through your youtube feed scrolling through instagram whatever it is what are you doing scrolling through these things even exposing your eyes to this nonsense how are you going to have noor in these places if you're constantly exposing these places to darkness and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said be wary of transgression of oppression because it is darkness upon darkness upon darkness on the day of judgment the last reflection here notice subhanallah the first ten of surah al-mu'minun and then the end of surah al-furqan which will stretch into the next juz
allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says at the end of these good qualities in surah al-mu'minun ulaika yarithoon al-firdaws these are the people who inherit al-firdaws and allah says at the end of the description of the qualities of the believers in surah al-furqan ulaika yarithoon al-ghurfata bima sabaru that they will have the highest rooms in paradise by virtue of their patience the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam promised the highest levels of paradise for those who have husnul khuluq who have good character if you want to have al-firdaws and you want to have al-ghuraf and you're watching the jannah series and you're like i want these types of things and you're hearing about jannah and i want these places and i want the highest levels allah literally gives it to you in two summaries here and they match up perfectly the beginning of al-mu'minun and the end of al-furqan if you want al-firdaws al-a'la if you want al-ghuraf may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to be of the inheritors of those high places allahumma ameen jazakallahu khaira we have just a few minutes inshallah ta'ala dr nader when when you talked about surah an-nur subhanallah and you talked about the du'a of an-nur is there any implication like of when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to make that du'a and and what it what it represents yeah subhanallah that's uh such an important thing you reminded us of because the uh hadith mentions that the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to make this du'a during his tahajjud prayers during his nightly prayers right so this is another uh extra benefit especially during ramadan when we are attending night prayers to make this uh this du'a but also thinking about it at that time in the middle of the night when you're surrounded by darkness calling out to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala begging him for his light there's an extra beauty to that uh that time in which the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to make this du'a subhanallah so it's like in tahajjud and walking to the masjid and i think the point of that like the reason why i think that's such an important reflection you can't make good du'as well in the
midst of horrible deeds right and like what's the du'a for this and what's the du'a for that subhanallah so i think it's a beautiful reflection inshallah i'll leave it open for ustad ruhi and sheikh abdullah last reflections inshallah ta'ala then we can all go what was it called scalamping spelunking spelunking it's it's not for the claustrophobic and you might be too tall sheikh abdullah might have too large shoulders for it so i don't know you have to squeeze through like really narrow crevices that's a word man i'm gonna have to look that up inshallah spelunking spelunking any any final reflections uh is that it um i was just reflecting on and thinking as we were listening to this that you know all of the the slander that that was discussed in some of the ayat that i covered in in what we knew and then of the other prophets and then comparing that to this it hit me that in sort of the nur where the slander against and just how her response is so beautifully mentioned following up after all of the you know the various incidents we see in surat al mu'minun and just you know she embodies all of those qualities that that i'm sort of referring to there in terms of sitting waiting patiently for allah subhana ta'ala to to provide her a way out of the storm that she was in and it was literally a different kind of a storm but a storm nonetheless yes i don't know yeah i remember now i didn't i remember when uh you call him the og old school brother he was telling me when i was in in medina and i was visiting jeddah he said when you go back to america make sure you read surat an-nur he said make sure you read surat an-nur understand it going back to the west because a lot of those issues you know subhanallah it just shows the the justice of islam and you know how to deal with a lot of these issues we're talking about gossip and you know spreading tales and how someone accuses someone of something what does the sharia say about it what is the proper methodology and way of going about it subhanallah uh so that chapter is all injured and particularly for those that are that are well familiar with the social
ills particularly of the west yeah dr nazer you got a final thought for us before we sign off uh you know one thing that uh came to mind was how um imam ibn al-qaim after he mentions the levels of of light and how people differ in in their light he mentions well a set of heed mujarrad that iqrar al-adby anna hula allah that doheed is not just theoretically affirming that there is no god except allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that allah is the creator it has to transform our light it has to connect to our love to our hope to our fear all those emotions of worship and that's something that we we work on building those emotions in the month of ramadan as well we really enjoyed your reflections uh dr nazer as always a reminder to everyone again inshallah if you're watching on youtube donate inshallah wherever you're watching uh sign up for the last 10 uh automate your donations and of course join us for the webathon the webathon will be loaded with gems inshallah we'll have uh both dr nathan and there as well inshallah this coming tuesday and uh dr nazer one more time what's it called go go spelunking yeah there you go maybe that's their eid activity to go go spelunking yeah well we'll make we'll make that a surprise for you inshallah you
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