Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone. Bismillah walhamdulillah wasalamu ala alihi wa sahbihi man wala. MashaAllah what an honor and a privilege we have today to be joined by Dr. Haifa Yunus alhamdulillah for the first time on Qur'an 30 for 30. And inshaAllah ta'ala we're solidifying her commitment, signing the contract every year from now inshaAllah. We make sure we have you every year inshaAllah. But it's an honor and a privilege to have you alhamdulillah. And we're thoroughly enjoying, those of you who haven't seen mashaAllah the work that Dr. Haifa does all the time, but the Ramadan series that she's doing as well alhamdulillah rabbil alameen. It's mashaAllah just an incredible window thus far into the lives of ummahatul mu'minin, the mothers of the believers. But in general alhamdulillah this is long overdue for you to come and join us for Qur'an 30 for 30. JazakAllah khair for joining us. And you and Sheikh Abdullah were in Turkey subhanAllah together doing. So this is a true story subhanAllah the chances. Dr. Haifa was in Turkey with Sheikh Abdullah, Sheikh Yasir Burja, Sheikh Suleyman Hani who we had yesterday right? Yes. And then I went to California and you landed in California the day of and came to the masjid alhamdulillah. So I met you there in Irvine alhamdulillah. Yes. So this shows you subhanAllah the way that the world connects us all, or Allah azawajal connects us all through this world in such incredible ways subhanAllah. His qadr is amazing in this regard. So Dr. Haifa usually we, Sheikh Abdullah and I have a little bit of some humor between us, but can you share with us a light-hearted moment from perhaps Umrah or any time inshaAllah ta'ala, just a Ramadan moment with someone from your community?
Not to put you on the spot inshaAllah ta'ala. Thanks for putting me on the spot. Alhamdulillah I just have to make something clear. The first time we talked about 30 for 30 we were actually in Qatar in November remember? We met by chance in the same hotel. And Sheikh Omar did not miss a moment. After I said salam alaikum, alaikum salam, you are going to join us this year for 30 for 30. I was like alaikum salam. Let me see my schedule. Alhamdulillah Rabbani, Allah made it happen. Alhamdulillah Rabbani. You know what is the best moments? I wouldn't say a fun moment because out of the respect to the house of Allah subhanAllah but not only the peace but you feel happy. SubhanAllah. It's very crowded. Everything doesn't go most of the time because Allah teaches us you are not going to do it your way. Allah will do it His way. You know you plan something. But you always are very happy. You're smiling. Everyone is smiling. All the group looks at each other and says why are you smiling? I was like why I am not not smiling? What else will make me smile? You know you are in His house whether in Medina or Mecca in Ramadan. It's beautiful. You see all these people. They gather for only one reason. It's amazing. I mean when you look at the millions, they're here to please Him. SubhanAllah. It's amazing. And it's very difficult to be honest with you. I mean especially with the fasting and the crowd and getting food, going to the, and the daily things that we, it's very easy. When you come in Ramadan in Mecca or Medina, it gets very challenging. But everybody is very happy. It's amazing. I kept asking Allah to keep it this way. SubhanAllah. And it's very, there's no words. I keep asking Allah subhanAllah to make me among the grateful and everybody who Allah bless them
to come to Mecca and Medina anytime is actually to be grateful to Allah that I am not worthy of it, but you are generous. SubhanAllah. From among the billions, why me or we or us? I felt the same thing when we were in Turkey actually. Yes, it was very moving and challenging. But also we were blessed because Allah shows us His signs on the ground. And I was, I kept saying two things. Why you are showing this to me? And why not me? Why these people were in the earthquake? Why not me? What is so special about me? You know? And I remember the verse from Surat Yusuf. Ya Allah, وَكَمْ مِّنْ آيَةٍ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرَضِ يَمُرُّونَ عَلَيْهَا وَهُمْ عَنْهَا مُعْرِضُونَ وَمَا يُؤْمِنُوا أَكْرُونُ بِاللَّهِ إِلَّا وَهُمْ مُشْرِكُونَ All these are signs. Ramadan is sign, fasting is signs, the Quran is signs. The challenges we go through, but then Allah made it easy. It's all signs. So it's beautiful. I'm very happy, but I keep, I'm scared. Honestly, I'm being very honest. It's like, I keep telling Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, I'm not worthy, but you are. Make me among the grateful. And you are always generous and don't deprive me from this. SubhanAllah. May Allah invite everyone. Everybody. Ya Rabbi, ameen. Ameen. BarakAllahu Fiqi Dhikru. So the juz today, we always say it's a rich juz and the entirety of the Quran is rich, SubhanAllah. But we decided, Sheikh Abdullah and I are going to try to get out of your way as quickly as possible so we can hear your reflections, InshaAllah Ta'ala. So we're going to try to keep our reflections, InshaAllah Ta'ala, apt. And we're really looking forward to hearing from you as well as reflecting together with Ibn Nahi Ta'ala. Sheikh Abdullah, why don't you get us started today? Bismillah. Fadal Sheikh. Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen. Wa sallallahu wa sallam wa barak ala nabiyyihi Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'ina ma ba'd.
So, SubhanAllah, I love what Dr. Khalifa mentioned. I am not worthy, but you are generous. SubhanAllah, I love that. I love that so much because that just reminds me of Allah SWT, thoo fadlin azeem. He is the one that is virtuous and gives us more than we quote unquote deserve. I am not worthy, but you are generous. SubhanAllah. And what I want to talk about are the individuals that manifested this to the best. You know, after the Prophets alayhi salam, they were companions. And one reason we say radiAllahu anhum is because with their humanity, with their struggles, with their humanness, they still fought through internally and externally. Particularly when we're talking about externally, when they fought those that differed with them from the mushrikun, and even to a certain degree, those that were the munafiqun, that held the kufr, the disbelief inside of their hearts, but they displayed belief with an ultimate plan of the demise of Islam and the Muslims. But Allah SWT mentions in certain verses here, something very interesting in regards to numerous things, particularly him being enough and sufficient, him being sufficient for us regardless of what we may see in front of us. And that is what is so important in regards to our belief in Allah SWT, knowing that he is sufficient for us, whether we know it or not with what is in front of us, that the odds may be in front of us, but we know that Allah SWT is the one that is enough for us because he grants us more than we deserve. Allah SWT says in the chapter of Al-Anfal, verse number 62-64, وَإِن يُرِيدُوا أَن يَخْدَعُوكَ فَإِنَّ حَسْبَكَ اللَّهُ هُوَ الَّذِي أَيَّدَكَ بِنَصْرِهِ وَبِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ Allah SWT says, and should they seek to deceive you, Allah is sufficient for you. He is who strengthens you with His support and the believers. So those that wanted to fight against the Muslims and be the cause of their demise, they may display that they agree with you and that they want silm,
that they want to have a treaty with you, or they want to have peace with you, but inside of them they have an ultimate plan, أَن يَخْدَعُوكَ How would you know? How would you know in your life that there may be someone that you have good intentions and they may display the good intentions, but they have a plan to plot against you and don't want good for you. Rather, when they see bad happen to you, يَفْرَحُونَ They are happy. Allah SWT says in this situation, you may never know, but Allah SWT is sufficient for you. فَإِنَّ حَسْبَكَ اللَّهُ Allah is sufficient for you. He is enough. هُوَ الَّذِي أَيَّدَكَ He is the one that helps you and the mu'mineen. He is the one that helps you and the mu'mineen. Remember the source of all goodness is Allah SWT. Don't ever forget that. And don't rely on the fact that your ignorance of a plan of someone can be the reason for your demise. But Allah SWT is the ultimate source of goodness and protection and love and honor and mercy. Allah SWT mentions in the following verse, وَأَلَّفَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِكُمْ وَأَلَّفَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ لَوْ أَنفَقْتَ مَا فِي الْأَرْضِ جَمِيعًا مَا أَلَّفْتَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ وَلَكِنَّ اللَّهَ أَلَّفَ بَيْنَهُمْ إِنَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ Allah SWT says here, And join their hearts, being the mu'mineen, the mu'mineen, the believers in Allah. Had you given away all the riches of the earth, you could not have joined their hearts together. لَوْ أَنفَقْتَ مَا فِي الْأَرْضِ جَمِيعًا This is very important because we may take means to bring people together. You have the right intention, the right words. As was mentioned earlier a couple of days ago, you may do what it takes Islamically, particularly from the dhawah, what is in front of you. But sometimes shaitan can play with you and you say, Why hasn't this person become Muslim? Why hasn't this couple come back together? I've done everything right when it comes to logistically, when it comes to what I've studied in theory as far as what to say, when to say, how to say it.
I've spent my money for this organization. I've spent my money to bring people together, to bring this person back to the deen. But Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is reminding you, you have no ultimate control. Do what is upon you and have iman and faith in Allah that He will do it when He pleases. As one of my mentors used to say, SubhanaAllahu ta'ala wa ma shiuh, we worship Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la on His conditions, not on ours. We always have to check ourselves and see, are the expectations of my dua on my conditions? When I'm displeased with what Allah has not given me, why am I displeased? I have to remember that it is Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, the manifestation of His names and attributes are done, are executed, are intensified on His terms, not ours. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la shows that if you were to spend all of the money on the earth, ma alifta baynahum, it is not you that is a source of guidance, the source of togetherness, the source of unity, but you take the means and with that, you will be rewarded individually and inshaAllah, collectively, He will bring you all together. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says after that, ya ayyuhan nabiyyu hasbuka Allah wa man taba'aka minal mu'mineen Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says in verse number 64, O Prophet of Allah, it is, O Prophet, Allah is sufficient for you and the believers who follow you, meaning that Allahu hasbuka and Allah is hasbuka for the mu'mineen, Allah is enough for you and Allah is enough for the mu'mineen, meaning that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, what He brings in this deen of Islam, and this is important, I want to end here, we have to remember as Muslims, to the best of our ability, and that is the struggle, to be honest, that is a struggle for us to remember that I cannot rely on what I do
and what is in front of me and think that that is the reason, the ultimate reason, or dare I say, the only reason for guidance or for what I wanted. We have to remember it is Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la that is the ultimate source of all goodness. He's the source of that which I wanted was actually executed, that this person came back to Islam, that my family came back together, right? It was because of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. It is only upon us to take the means to see the blessings of Allah and the beautiful attributes of Allah shower upon us. Remember the statement that the dua that's also mentioned in the Quran, Hasbuna Allah wa ni'ma al-wakeel that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is enough for us. So remember that whatever we do in our life, know that you do what is within your power that is couched in deficiency, that is couched in incompleteness, and that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is perfect. And remember that perfection of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la always asking Him for His beautiful names and attributes, making the dua to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and remembering that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la will always be there for us. May Allah make us of those that truthfully trust on Him for verily He is sufficient for us. JazakAllah Khair ShukranAllah wa barakAllahu Faiqan for the beautiful reflections. Alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salam wa rasulillahi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wana SubhanAllah, Sheikh Abdullah is talking about this idea of the matter of the heart. This is something that we've been sort of emphasizing that your world view is only to what your heart actually desires and what your heart actually sees. And what I wanted to actually speak about was a selection of verses from Surah At-Tawbah that I think speaks a little bit to that desire that you could see from Dr. Hayfa in the very beginning. Verse 100 in Surah At-Tawbah As-sabiqoon al-awwaloona min al-muhajireena wal-ansaar wal-lazeena taba'oohum bi ihsaan
radiAllahu anhum waradoo anhu wa a'adda lahum jannatin tajree tahthaal anhaab khaarideena feeha abada dhalika alfawzul azeem Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says and of those who led the way, the first of the muhajireen and then the first of the ansaar and those that follow them in the best possible manner Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Allah and He has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow and they will abide therein forever and this is the great success, the supreme success Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, something to note about these verses here because this is an insert within a long admonishing of the munafiqeen, of the hypocrites that there are people who wish they could have been with the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam who wish they could have been from the muhajireen who wish they could have been from the ansaar and who have a sincere desire to wish to have been able to see the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and to follow those great generations in ihsan, in excellence meaning nothing in the world and the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam captured this emotion when he said there are people that will come after me nothing in the world would be more beloved to them than seeing me, Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la than being with the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and their wanting to be with the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam drives them in such a way that they see past all of the allure of this world and they long for that being in the companionship of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam in the highest level of paradise so compare this to the munafiqeen compare this to the hypocrites the hypocrites had the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam in their midst but were distracted by the immediate material world around them the sincere followers of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam did not get to live with the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam they hope to be from those ittaba'oohum bi ihsaan who followed the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and those generations in excellence in ihsaan and nothing of the world even if it's 1400 years later
and even if they have everything that the material world has to offer them presently nothing can take them away from that desire to be followers of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and the righteous in ihsaan in excellence purely for the reward of the hereafter purely for the reward of the hereafter now if you compare this to the very next verse verse 101 of Surat At-Tawbah wa mimman ahluhum minal ahlahu bi munafiqoon that as for the Bedouin Arabs around you some of them are hypocrites wa min ahlil madina and even from the people of Medina there are those who have been infected with hypocrisy la ta'lamuhum nahnu na'lamuhum you don't know all of them and we certainly know all of them sanuAAadhibuhum marratayn thumma yuraddoona ilaAAadhabin AAadheem we will punish them with twice the punishment and then they will return back to a grievous punishment to a grievous suffering now subhanAllah this is very interesting because the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said that those who believe in the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam without having seen him have doubled the reward and here Allah is saying those hypocrites who were with the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam and saw him and still betrayed the mission of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam have double the punishment however this brings us to a theological issue Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la mentions that for those that are punished in the hereafter jazaAAan wifaqa they have exact compensation for what they have done meaning Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la will increase the reward for the believers in paradise jazaAAan min rabbika aataAAan hisaaba Allah Azawajal will reward them far beyond what they have earned but for those who are punished in the hereafter they are punished in accordance with what they have earned so many of the scholars what they take from this verse is they say that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la when he says that we are going to punish them twice that they will fail in their worldly pursuits and they will fail in the hereafter as well
so they will actually be punished in this life and in the next what does it mean to be punished in this life and in the next SubhanAllah they betrayed the reward of the hereafter or they were willing to forego the reward of the hereafter so that they could take advantage of what they thought was a reward and victory in this life and look what Allah Azawajal is telling them you will fail both in your worldly pursuit and you will even fail worse in the akhira in the hereafter this is such a powerful lesson for us SubhanAllah as we are thinking about what we construct here and there is an element that Allah is speaking about about those who try to jump on the bandwagon not for the purpose of faith but for the purpose of using that faith for something that is fruitless and something that is fali what am I speaking about here Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is going to tell us about the hypocrites and the masjid that they built okay so Allah Azawajal when he mentions in verse 108 for example la takum fihi abada la masjidun ussisa ala taqwa min awwal yawmin ahakku an takuma fihi Allah Azawajal says that never stand therein in the masjid of the hypocrites a masjid that was established on the foundation of God consciousness is more worthy for them to stand in it for prayer fihi rijal yuhibboona an yatataharo wallahu yuhibboon mutahareen they have in it people that love to purify themselves and Allah loves those who purify themselves if you go to the firsts and you go to episode 99 I believe we talked about who these people were Sa'd ibn Khaythamah, Uwaym may Allah be pleased with them all these incredibly pious people now I want you to look at something very significant here the hypocrites tried to build a masjid right because that was the extent that they were willing to go to in order to fulfill their worldly aims
imagine even establishing a structure that is meant for the worship of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la so that they could fulfill their lowly desires because there was nothing off limits from the religion for them to use for their material pursuits and Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is praising the believers who always find themselves at the front rows the hypocrites always find themselves in the back rows trying to capitalize not on following the believers in ihsan and excellence but in following them in what they perceive as a worldly opportunity and I'm gonna give you one narration InshaAllah Ta'ala then I'll pass it off to Dr. Hayfa in this regard many of you have heard the famous narration about Rukasha RadhiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu that the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam when he stood up on the minbar and the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam mentioned that there's some people that will enter into Jannah and they will enter without any form of questioning or any form of accountability and Rukasha RadhiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu said Ya Rasulullah make dua that I'm amongst them the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said you are amongst them and then another person said Ya Rasulullah make dua I'm amongst them and the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said Sabaqaka Biha Rukasha Rukasha beat you to it and many of the scholars said that the person who said it after Rukasha was actually a hypocrite so he was trying to jump on to something right? and that's why the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said Allah Azawajal has already written this for Rukasha because the sincere believers already have this natural fitrah to where they jump at the opportunity to please Allah and to receive the reward of the hereafter they're Ihsan oriented they're excellence oriented so they're naturally always at the front whereas the hypocrites always find themselves trying to jump on the bandwagon afterwards not to try to reap the reward of the hereafter but to try to get some sort of worldly opportunity or worldly recognition may Allah protect us from being amongst those hypocrites Allahumma Ameen and with that inshallah ta'ala I'll pass it on to Dr. Haifa Jazakumullahu Khayran
Bismillah walhamdulillah wa salatu wa salamu ala Rasulullah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala may Allah reward Yaqeen Institute for everything they do and there is a special greeting I'm gonna send here online to my niece Yasmin who texted me yesterday and she loves the 30-30 she didn't know I was coming and she was asking me why you are not coming and then texted me right away and she says now you are coming so may Allah reward you because you're also not only spreading the knowledge for everybody especially for the youth so may Allah reward everybody in Yaqeen Ya Rabbi Ameen I was and I always say this when I start speaking about the Quran who I am to speak about the words of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala may Allah make me worthy Ya Rabbi Ameen and especially talking about Surah Tawbah which is the in the part of it is or the majority of it actually in the tenth part of the Quran one of the names of Surah Tawbah or the repentance is actually Al-Fadihah the one that's exposed and that's what Shaykh Omar was just talking about is it exposed the hypocrites and every time we read Surah Tawbah we have always to ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to protect us from being these people or we changing and without us knowing that we ended up being in that category and one of the verses that I did love and it is very relevant to us in Ramadan Ramadan is a blessed month and mainly plus of course the fasting and the Quran but mainly we spend majority of the Muslims a good part of the day in the masjid and especially in the last ten days and Alhamdulillah Rabbul Ameen as Allah blessed me to be in his blessed land and these verses came to my mind and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in verse 17 and 18 and he's talking about the disbelievers first and he said ما كان للمشركين يعمروا مساجد الله شاهدين على أنفسهم بالكفر أولئك حبطت أعمالهم وفي النار هم خالدون
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says the disbelievers they will not be able or they are not allowed and there is many ways and how do you say يعمروا to enter to maintain to flourish the houses of Allah and they have witnessed they publicly said they don't believe in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala whatever they do أولئك حبطت أعمالهم whatever they do their actions will go for vain وفي النار هم خالدون these are mushriks they in aqeedah they associate with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala someone else now comes to the verse that you and me really need to focus on إنما يعمروا مساجد الله and إنما in the Arabic language meaning أداة حصر everything is gonna come after is specific so who will or who will flourish build maintain attend the houses of Allah so I need to remember this إنما يعمروا مساجد الله من آمن بالله we believe in Allah الحمد لله واليوم الآخر الحمد لله رب العالمين وأقام الصلاة perform maintain salah not only in Ramadan not only in Ramadan not only when I need Allah أقامه perform not only do it quickly no perform أقام الصلاة وآت الزكاة the last one so perform salah you give the zakah the charity the obligatory charity if you are eligible ولم يخشى إلا الله and this is unique in this verse that that person who will benefit from a masjid are allowed not allowed in this in the physical sense but what Allah expect from that person who he welcomed him to his house that he or she fears no one except Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala in every concept in every aspect whenever I come in my daily life Allah is number one in my life is that pleasing to Allah I'll go and do it this is not pleasing to Allah I am NOT gonna do it it is hard Allah will make it easy everyone else is doing it I shouldn't and I pray for them that Allah show them what they show me so I need always to feel when I go to a masjid and very cool next I'm gonna share with you what does it mean to go to a masjid I need to remember that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wants certain things from me to be qualified physically but mainly spiritually to be a guest of him in his house I believe in Allah I believe in the day of judgment I perform salah I give the charity but mainly no fear no love to any human being before Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as we are in Ramadan alhamdulillah going to the masjid I want to share with you maybe if to some is basics but it's always good to remember and it's always get good to be reminded when I have finished my iftar and ready to go to the masjid what should I remember what did the Rasul alayhi salatu wasalam told me guided me and some of the verses in the Quran number one as you are getting ready to go ya bani adam khudu zinatakum anda kulli masjid wakulu washrabu wala tusrifu innahu la yuhibbu almusrifin Allah said this in surah al-a'raf which is in chapter 9 he said bani adam children of Adam beautify yourself take every beauty with you when you go to the masjid anda kulli masjid in every masjid beauty external and beauty internal dress properly where are you going whose house is this
the more I glorify the house of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the more when I leave my house going to the masjid I will feel dress act differently number one as we are leaving the house tell let's tell ourselves I am going to his house I'm gonna be his guest capital H wa mayyu a'adhim sha'air Allah fa innaha min taqwa al-quloob anyone who glorify the symbols of Allah it's a sign of taqwa signs of Allah conscious and the houses of Allah is his symbol number one dress beautifully man and a woman but according to what pleases Allah dress properly my beautiful sisters and my respected brothers we should not dress casual we should not address as if I am going anywhere else I'm going to his house and I always remind myself if I and you get invited to to attend to a dignitary how do we dress what about the king of the kings number one number two make sure you smell good and there's a special hadith of Rasul alaihissalatu wassalam when he said if you have eaten subhanallah garlic garlic don't come to the masjid why Rasulallah because I'm going to hurt the people next to me from the smell so I make sure I smell good and of course for the woman there is no perfume going to the masjid but I smell good number two number three as I am going to the masjid remember those who enter maintain flourish I want to be one of them because I want Allah to look at me and says she she's practicing my verse she's practicing my word alhamdulillah
number three as you go to the masjid there is a beautiful hadith subhanallah Rasul alaihissalatu wassalam there is a man in Medina who actually lived far from the masjid and he used to come every day to pray with Rasul alaihissalatu wassalam and one of the sahabas Sayyidina Ubay ibn Ka'ab he came to him and he said why don't you let me get you a mount an animal so you can come and it will prevent you from walking in the heat and getting all this difficulty and he said no no no no I want to walk because I will get more rewards so Ubay ibn Ka'ab went to Rasul alaihissalatu wassalam and he says Ya Rasulallah this is the story of this man so Rasul alaihissalatu wassalam called the man and he said why you're doing this he said I want to get the rewards and Rasul alaihissalatu wassalam told Sayyidina Ubay leave him let him get the reward so if I live far from the masjid I need to tell myself maybe I am luckier than the person who comes or lives closer to the masjid for one reason there is more rewards for me coming so it's okay let's drive a little bit further let's have more time to come to the masjid because I will get more reward next and I'm going to go this very quickly because when you enter enter with sakina Allah is looking at me it is his house I can run I can't shout I can't speak loud when the adhan goes on I need to listen because that's a reward for me Allah will forgive me when I listen to the adhan now the masjid why Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala build or allowed to have his homes and houses to glorify him is not to some even says talking about dunya things in the masjid is not really recommended even some say it is disliked I need to remind myself where am I? what is the masjid for? remember Allah
get myself and my heart closer to him glorify him meet people alhamdulillah but not during adhan not during when the Quran is being recited let's all learn to not only I don't want to say the word respect but let's give the masjid is do right beautiful to bring the children where else they will be but also I need to train my children that this is the house of Allah and let's glorify him and if I need to leave early leave early but don't leave after the adhan has been called for the obligatory salah it's actually also disliked unless there is a necessity there's way more things to say but I want to remind everybody when we glorify the symbols of Allah his Quran his adhan his masjid his soul his fasting that's a sign that my heart is actually full of Allah conscious may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give us this and may Allah accept from everybody and reward everybody forgive me if I took longer than what I should no no you could you could go on as long as you want in fact we want to ask you a few questions inshallah and reflect a bit may Allah bless you the the idea of the piety of the heart and the glorifying of the symbols of Allah many times you'll see people dismiss the sha'ir of Allah the symbols of Allah in the name of taqwa al-qulub I have a good heart this is all just external ritualistic not significant and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is making a direct connection between those two things in fact even people that love to purify themselves the tafsir of that ayah according to many of the narrations was it was talking about who already were doing a form of that was as stringent as some of the practices of the Jews of Medina because they thought
well this is a means of ihsan a means of excellence to wash ourselves as much as possible so there was a literal purification and going overboard in the purification even and doing some of the practices that would be validated by Islam and it's especially perfected by Islam right finding that balance but they weren't trying to do things because of worldly prestige they were doing ta'lim sha'ir Allah they were invoking and honoring the symbols of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala because of what was in their hearts and there's a connection between the two so when someone says you know my heart is good but nothing else is good that's a weak excuse to use with Allah on the day of judgment and then they point to people that are hypocritical they say well these people do this on the outside they do this on the outside but their character is like this and you know they pray a lot but they also have this that's fine they're going to be asked on the day of judgment about that but don't try to meet Allah like an incomplete package you know try to meet Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with that full thrust with that connection of the goodness of the heart as well as the honoring of his symbols don't be satisfied with hypocrisy or deficiency or discrepancy the way that the hypocrites actually were not only satisfied with discrepancy but they use that discrepancy for dunya purposes for worldly accumulations and I think this is such a good beautiful testimony subhanAllah everything that you mentioned and I'll say one more thing here you know a lot of times we tend to mock I tell people this especially in Umrah and Hajj and Dr. Haifa and Sheikh Abdullah I know because we've all been there recently this will resonate you see someone who maybe is illiterate who spent their life's earnings to get there and yes maybe they're seeing Maqam Ibrahim and they're you know losing themselves like oh wow Maqam Ibrahim and maybe they're trying to figure things out maybe they don't have the full step by step that you have on how to do Umrah properly and Hajj properly and maybe there's a mistake here or there and maybe their manners are not as refined as yours
you know subhanAllah I actually wrote about this or I did a video about this one time I remember seeing a lady terrified of the escalator in Haram she'd never been on an escalator before that's how simple she was she's never been on an escalator before and she's terrified of it taking a step on the escalator and the guard is trying to explain to her the mechanics of an escalator but some of these are the friends of Allah subhanAllah and they're wanting to honor these symbols of Allah and they're wanting to do things right and that genuine outpouring it doesn't mean that ignorance is a good place for us to be in but do you really put yourself on a level higher than them just because you had the full app technology and all the guide and everything given to you there is a connection here between the way you feel when you see a masjid enter the masjid how your heart out has that outpouring and how you connect yourself to Allah subhanAllah so I just wanted to Dr. Haifa further reflection inshaAllah JazakAllah khair Sheikh Omar subhanAllah I was just telling the group recently with me in Umrah that there is millions are doing tawaf and you look at those and you wonder who is among them is the real wali of Allah subhanAllah they're all doing the same they're all doing the seven they're all doing dua but where is the heart and who is Allah looking at them and says this is my servant so we all and I'm JazakAllah khair we all have to absolutely don't put ourselves on any pedestal may Allah forgive all our shortcomings as one of the righteous people said if sins had a smell nobody can sit next to me subhanAllah having said that also but that doesn't mean it's only the heart is enough otherwise why did Allah says repeatedly in the Quran very few verses but Allah only said those who believe he always combined them as I always say as an example someone tells me I love you or a child tell his mom I love you
or you don't know what is in my heart then she goes and tell him do your bed and then guess what there is no bed is done immediately you will say how do you love me you didn't show me and I say to myself show Allah in actions that what is in your heart is real and what does it take little bit changes right little bit being different than others but in his sight is different and the last thing I want to comment something you also said and reminded me we all want excellence in dunya subhanAllah we want the best job we want the best house we want the best children and there is nothing wrong with it as long as it is halal but I remind myself before anyone why not Jannatul Firdaus why don't I want to be there why don't I want the Rasul alayhi salatu wasalam to be my neighbor why don't I want to make sure Allah will look at me and this needs extra hard work and it needs sacrifice the verses you all shared I have to be different from the others the way pleases Allah to qualify for the A plus place in Jannah like now mentioning your series mashaAllah about Jannah makes everybody wants to go to Jannah final thought for us no alhamdulillah just really subhanAllah the verses of the masjid you know I tell my congregation every now and then I say subhanAllah I'm an imam here but you just leaving your house to get up and to go to the masjid and go right back home we should never belittle that we should never belittle just getting up and going to the masjid or having the intention and desire to go to the masjid or even in your home when you're praying at the most secret place in your house you know for the women if they do so this is something that is great with Allah subhanAllah to take that time out to just spend time with Allah and leave this earth subhanAllah I remember when I was with someone we were in Turkey and then they say you know I just like last 10 days I leave the earth you know I leave the earth and I spend time with Allah subhanAllah they know who they are
I don't know who they are you'll meet them soon inshaAllah no but it's beautiful you know to take advantage of Ramadan being in the masjid with the community and just looking at the signs of Allah within that particular aspect the people that are with inshaAllah and what was your niece's name again? Yasmeen shout out special shout out to Yasmeen may Allah bless her and bless you all we'll see you all tomorrow salam alaikum all of you and all your family jazakum allahu khayran