Qur'an 30 for 30 | Season 4
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Juz’ 20: Sh. Yahya Ibrahim and Dr. Jihad Saafir | Musa and Qarun
In the twentieth episode of this Ramadan series, Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro are joined by special guests Sh. Yahya Ibrahim and Dr. Jihad Saafir, as they explore gems from the twentieth Juz’ of the Holy Quran.
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This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, dear brothers and sisters. Welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. Alhamdulillah Rabbil Ameen. We're officially in the last ten. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow them to be a blessed last ten and allow us, bismillah ta'ala, to reach the end of Ramadan fully forgiven, fully accepted, and renewed in our relationship with Allah Azawajal. I want to remind everyone before we get started today that tomorrow inshallah ta'ala we have our webathon to get you ready for the last ten nights. And for those of you that have attended in the past, you know that it is a rich webathon, alhamdulillah, with gems, with ways to prepare yourself practically, and it's also a way for you to show your support to Yaqeen b. Allah ta'ala as you're getting ready for the last ten inshallah ta'ala. So please do tune in tomorrow b. Allah ta'ala. You can see the information inshallah ta'ala below. You can also donate b. Allah ta'ala to Yaqeen and be one of those first inshallah ta'ala to give for the last ten nights. You can automate your donations over the last ten nights or just plan to support us in the last ten nights inshallah ta'ala in any way that you can. It is the most important time of the year for us to lean on your support after the grace of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. With that being said alhamdulillah we're joined by two of our favorite brothers, two of our favorite guests truly. Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim who has always been like a brother to me alhamdulillah ibn al-Amin and someone I deeply love and admire and joins us from Australia as well alhamdulillah. We know the Baraka from Australia, we had Sheikh Bilal As'ad from Australia, now we got Sheikh Yahya from Australia as well alhamdulillah and then we got Sheikh Jihad, Dr. Jihad Safir alhamdulillah, an incredible brother always with that beautiful smile masha'Allah man just the spirit that you bring is
beautiful Sheikh alhamdulillah and he joins us from California. Sheikh Abdullah I don't know where you are man we're trying to so I need our guests to help us figure out Sheikh Abdullah is in some like seven star hotel in some part of the world I can't find him in Dallas he's missing from Yaqeen he's missing from Kapel, I don't know if he's in Australia I don't know where he's at that's a sweet life for Abir Sabeel alhamdulillah alhamdulillah and now I'm just under the shade then I'm ready to get up and leave the shade of the dunya inshallah traveling is traveling you know a lot. Allah protect you Sheikh on your travels. I was trying to think about how to say something about Australia but Sheikh Yahya you're a school teacher you're a Sheikh you're a school teacher you got kids alhamdulillah I've seen the way you interact with your kids tell us an Australia joke good day mate so Australia of course is it's known for its kind of over the top humor and alhamdulillah I'm actually Canadian so we'll just leave it at that that's that's pretty that's pretty damaging to Australians out there I hope I hope you're safe at Tarwih tonight I'm just going to put it that way you know they played the sport called rugby Sonny B Williams masha'Allah our brother out there We have alhamdulillah in this juz we are going to be looking at quite a bit about Musa Alayhissalam so inshallah we'll go ahead and get to that but before that I want to just say that I'm not a fan of the Arabic language and I don't know if you can understand it but I'm not a fan of the Arabic language and I don't know if you can understand it but I'm not a fan of the Arabic language and I don't know if you can understand it quite a bit about Musa Alayhissalam so inshallah we'll go ahead and get started
so as always alhamdulillah when we have our esteemed guests in this regard I really want to keep my comments to a minimum but at the same time really situate as much as possible the stories that we're going to be covering in the juz in the juz itself and subhanAllah something that I actually did this year in my reading was I read Surat Al-Ankabut in light of Surat Al-Qasas and it was actually very enriching subhanAllah for the first time Surat Al-Ankabut is one of my favorite surahs in the Quran you know sometimes when I've been asked what is my favorite surah in the Quran and really it depends on what point in my life I'm at subhanAllah but many times Surat Al-Ankabut has been really a great source of refuge and an incredible surah to just glean gem after gem after gem Allah subhanAllah says do people think they will be left alone to just say we believe and they will not be tested so subhanAllah this is the first time as I was reading through this juz that I actually started to read Musa Alayhissalam's life in Surat Al-Ankabut right if you think about Surat Al-Qasas Surat Al-Qasas talks about some of the loneliest moments of Musa Alayhissalam his most difficult moments and it really comes full circle in Surat Al-Qasas and you're thinking about a man who goes from being a fugitive which I'll never forget Dr. Jihad so beautifully speaking about a few years ago being a fugitive to facing the Firaun to facing Qarun to facing the hypocrisy of his own people the doubts that his own people bring to him I mean he goes from situation to situation to situation where if you think about Surat Al-Ankabut and how Allah subhanAllah is literally telling us through Surat Al-Ankabut that it is through
this process of trial that Allah subhanAllah polishes mankind's most precious gems that's literally what we're learning for Surat Al-Ankabut through this process Allah subhanAllah sorts out the Musas Alayhissalam all of the prophets from those people that claim to believe but they fall off after the very first trial from the hypocrites from the tyrants but this is where Allah subhanAllah sorts people out you don't just become a prophet even and not get tested subhanAllah if there was any class of people that wouldn't need to go through tests because they have something that is so divine it is the prophets of Allah but even the prophets of Allah are put to test for their own betterment and it is a process of purification and refinement for them Musa Alayhissalam is the most spoken about prophet in the Quran but look at what he had to go through to get to where he was Musa Alayhissalam as we know him today and as we admire him and honor him today the test of loneliness the test of estrangement the test of fear the test of slander the the test of uh of security Musa Alayhissalam couldn't get a blink of an eye after that incidence with the Egyptian man I mean he has to wonder he has to watch his back at every single moment the test with the two women uh and and the the well which I know we're going to be speaking about then the test of leadership then the test of and then as if the worst tyrant in the world wasn't enough the test of Qarun like subhanAllah it just is one after the other but that's how Allah Azawajal makes Musa Alayhissalam the man that he is and Allah Azawajal also tells us about the other side of that these people that think that their power makes them immune
how you know sad is their reality or their perceived reality of themselves that they think that they will be able to outpace to outpower Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and that they can accumulate enough wealth and enough control to where they will not be subjected to the punishment of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so arrogant in fact that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says you know these disbelievers say to the believers follow us and we'll carry your burdens like we'll pay that we'll pay the debt for you that is the the arrogance that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is condemning and talking about but then look at the other side the sincere believers that put their heads down and take every test as it comes because they know Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala through that test of refinement will make it known who is amongst the truthful and who are amongst the liars and I looked back subhanAllah at Surat Al-Qasas and at every single juncture after reading Al-Ankabut I'm thinking to myself Sadaqah Musa like this is Musa being truthful subhanAllah he literally embodied his truthfulness in his pursuit of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in every single test and trial that came his way and in every single moment and inshallah with that I'm going to pass it to Sheikh Abdullah and I know we're all going to reflect a bit on Musa and different aspects of his story today so subhanAllah you know Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when speaking about the prophets
the Quranic worldview and in general and even specific when we talk about the prophets it's important for us to know that they are the best of individuals because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala chose to give them the revelation and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala even reminds us that those are the people that Allah has guided and for their guidance with their guidance we should follow and follow their way their path their methodology this is important for us as human beings because human beings the prophets as well they face trials and tribulations and that was intentional that was on purpose that was for a reason for us to look back at them and see how do we exemplify Islam in our lives in times of ease hardship how we live our lives in general I want to capitalize on a certain aspect of the life of Musa alayhi salam and I think it's very pertinent for us nowadays in regards to how we as men exemplify and show our level of masculinity and manhood and even with the women here that Musa alayhi salam was offered to marry and did marry how there was a portion of the Quran that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala placed in the verse intentionally to show something so now if you if you if you come with me to verses number 22 I want to start when Musa was after he fled and as was mentioned was a fugitive and he passed by the balad of Madian now Madian was the place of Shuaib alayhi salam prophet Shuaib Musa alayhi salam came upon this area and there was a situation that took place Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says after I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan he said when after his departure from Egypt Moses headed towards Madian he said I hope my lord will show me the right path so he automatically is making dua with adab that he's calling on Allah I hope that he will show me the middle path the path of being righteous
always calling on Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in during the trial the trial and tribulation after that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says here that when he arrived to the spring of Madian he found that there was a crowd of people watering their flocks and he found apart from them two women two women holding their flocks back so you can imagine there's people getting water at the well but there's two women sitting back and they have their flock as well so Musa alayhi salam he asked them a question he said what is your affair went straight to the point he asked them what is going on it wasn't a lot of kalam it was just what is going on how can I help then after that what did they say the two women they spoke with the hajji they spoke about what was needed they said we will not cannot water our flocks until the shepherds take their flocks away because there was a crowd of people predominantly what scholars mentioned would be men that they were there and they with their hayat they stood back and waited and Musa asked them what is going on they said that we will wait till they leave but then they made something they they made a qayy they they made a description they gave a an important news they said and our father is a sheikh why because it's understood that if the father was there he would be the one that would go out and receive the water and take the water for their flock and that's why they made their clarification he said after that so he provided the water for them and some scholars mentioned that it was a big stone that he took off of the top of the well after the flock was done the other individuals and he provided for
the water but then allah says then he went back to the shadow he helped them and then he left he left and then he called on allah he continued his dialogue with allah or his calling on allah i said my lord i am truly in great need of any good that you may send to me truly in great need of any good that you may send to me so here we see the exemplification of masculinity and manhood with musa alaihissalam he saw some women in distress he asked them what they needed and then he fulfilled the needs of those women didn't even know them but subhanallah later in this verse it goes on that the two women went to their father they explained to their father that this individual helped them the father summoned him and when the father summoned him he sent one of those daughters to him allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentioned uh after this that one of the daughters when they came to him they said that subhanallah when they wanted to come back to musa and invite him to their house that one of them came to uh musa alaihissalam allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says and this is what i want to capitalize on so the two women went back to their father told them what happened that there was an individual that helped us the father summoned for one of them to come back one of them came back allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says soon thereafter one of the two women came to him walking bashfully walking allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gave a description of the woman and the description was the description was shyness the description was bashfulness and she came to him and explained that their father invites them to his house from this musa alaihissalam a lot goes on in this beautiful beautiful portion of the chapter and he explains how musa told him the story their father
offers musa a job to help him for eight years or uh 10 years and whereupon he offered him this job to marry uh one of his daughters so he offered one of his daughters and he said that you would you can marry them if you stay with me for eight years or uh 10 years so musa alaihissalam stayed for 10 years as some of the scholars mentioned about abbas mentioned that he stayed that for for the longest portion of the uh two years 10 years so he stayed for 10 years but after this another portion went to capitalize and i'll end on i'll end here is after he fulfilled his promise as a man should be a person of his word he fulfilled his promise he headed back to egypt when he headed back to egypt i always mention this for communities allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions he breaks down what took place with musa right before allah chosen to be a prophet because this was before he was chosen to be a prophet allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says here and i want to end here allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says when moves when moses had fulfilled the term and was journeying with his family he perceived a fire in the direction of mount sinai so some scholars mentioned it was a blizzard there was snow and he was with his family and this is proof that he was with not only his wife but some children because he said stay put so when he saw some fire he since there was a fire he told his family to stay put and he went to go and see what was wrong and this is also another exemplification of masculinity the man is the protector the man is a protector and the boys should be preparing themselves to be as such imagine the example i give and i'll end here is if you were in your house and you were to hear a rustling sound downstairs in another room and then you tell your wife you tell your sister you're gonna go check that out i'll just wait here just go check that out we automatically smile at the
moment if you're hearing this because there are certain expectations from each person from each gender that is naturally what allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given them and allah is showing this to the life of musa allah is showing this with the women that were there at the well allah is showing this that this is right before he chosen to be a prophet when he saw the fire he told his family to stay put i will go see what is going on and the next verse shows where allah subhanahu wa ta'ala showed his signs to musa and gave him the mission of prophethood so may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us of those that ponder over these beautiful verses and understand that the prophets were chosen for a particular reason and they exhibited this masculinity and manhood as well as those that were around them from their wives and the companions that they exhibit exhibited that which allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given them from their fitra and i think uh sheikh yahya actually wrote a paper as well on this subject so alhamdulillah be nice to phase right into what sheikh yahya will speak about and sheikh muhammad has a beautiful paper on hayat at yaqeen and how you know encompassing haya is to us so please do check out the paper of sheikh muhammad and also sheikh yahya on musa islam and masculinity and inshallah with that passed on to sheikh yahya we're always thankful and praising to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala we're honored uh as muslims to receive this great message from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as a final testament to humanity and in it of course is the understanding that the quran it's not just a book of fables and stories of the past it's about determined lessons that you and i are able to maintain in our life whenever allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wants to introduce important complex concepts he introduces it through familial relationships both those that are positive and at times those
that are toxic and muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasalam was living in a very toxic environment and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala begins to reveal to him initially the story of yunus the story of ibrahim and then the story of musa alayhis salam and the story of musa is one that you and i can benefit in so many ways from and i wanted to rattle off 10 important points that we take from this context and from this section of the quran the first is to trust allah's plan subhanallah you know could you imagine being musa looking over his shoulder you know i've done something wrong there are moments in our life for all of us as is narrated by the muslim we all have the capacity to make sin the best of the sinners are those who redeem themselves and to trust the plan of allah that even when we've done wrong if we maintain the course if we come back if we turn around if we take a step in the right direction if we are sincere in our heart that the turner of hearts allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will assist us along the way and musa's story teaches us to trust the plan of allah from his mother throwing him in the water to his sister approaching the people of the palace and saying i can give you somebody who can be his wet nurse and feed him and returning him to his mother again it's an incredible journey number two to stand up for what's right and subhanallah musa alayhis salam when he intervenes between the two people even though it results in the death of an individual accidentally the basis of it that musa had a sense of justice and musa had an understanding that there are rights and there are wrongs and there are absolutes in life and you and i endeavor to be on the side on the side and attempt to be on the the the place
where we fulfill our duty towards others not just ourselves and to stand up for your own right and to be able to remain steadfast even when your rights are being usurped and not maintaining and not changing the course and not to meander and waver often is one of the noble characteristics that is enshrined in the prophethood sent by allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for us to follow and to be led by number three humility and meekness and musa it's as if he stands before allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and that du'a that was recited to us by our shaykh abdullah that whatever we have already received in blessing from you i remain in need of you oh allah and subhanallah this is a powerful moment for you and i to consider you know having humility between us and allah elevates us and honors us and musa has to be broken for him to ascend and rise musa alayhi salam has to hit rock bottom for him to be able to be put back together by allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and this is what allah says about musa in other places in the quran number four is to demonstrate patience and perseverance to be menace that the tumultuous nature of our life the ups and downs the joys and the sorrows the sickness with the health the marriage and may allah protect us the divorce the waywardness and the return to allah all of it requires a demonstrable perseverance that the pilot light of faith in the heart never goes out maintain the course and maintain our sense of discipline and discretion with allah and musa shows us that
success often requires for you and i to be deliberate and obstinate and stubborn in the path of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and that it requires for us to have a tenacity and to never give up on a goal even though it seems difficult this is how allah mentors musa along the way because initially musa alayhi salam he says oh allah i killed one of them and you want me to go back to the lines then you want me to return to them to submit myself to them and allah enshrines within musa's mindset his heart this capacity to remain firm in adversity leadership and subhan allah our brother abdullah spoke about leadership of musa alayhi salam as a family man as somebody who is giving um to all the different communities interacts with but one of the greatest leadership skills of musa alayhi salam it's not just courage or compassion or wisdom or uh temperance or deliverance uh of other people's needs but it's learning how to ask for help and one of the most moving parts of this surah and other parts wherever allah describes the story of musa is that he asked for help he says oh allah give me my brother harun he's more eloquent with his words and subhanallah allah says i'm gonna strengthen you and i'm going to support you imagine imagine that you're speaking directly with allah and you're saying yes but i need an assistant subhanallah it always uh dumbfounded me that he has allah uh you know on speed dial and yet he's saying oh allah actually can i have harun you know he's my brother he's gonna be more eloquent he's
more um more uh lenient in certain things i can be rough and abrasive and subhanallah musa knew his weaknesses and omar radiyallahu anhu would say rahim allahumma you know allah's mercy will always follow and shadow a person who knows the level of themselves this the search for justice for yourself and others and musa ultimately in going to uh and you know let them be of those who worship allah and it is a search for justice it is a search for other people's uh place in life finally i end off with overcoming fear and learning to challenge yourself and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in multiple places don't be fearful the power of prayer ya musa will see you forward and number nine and ten you know family values become central to the story of musa and it's really the way he shows the greatest gratitude to allah he considers his family as being first and ensures for them safety even though it puts himself in harm's way but that becomes one of the greatest way of musa showing his gratitude to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that when they are safe he recognizes it's not about me reaching the promised land that's what's important it's about others getting there even if i don't make it may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us a process for other people's lives to achieve their goals and their dreams and their successes with allah and in society may allah live fill our life with the quran and its baraka and its lessons allahumma ameen beautiful reflections subhanallah dr jihad please uh continue your reflections mashallah for you you've always been fun to
bring beautiful reflection about musa islam and uh i'd love to hear your thoughts inshallah on the other side of this as well from the shaykh i want to uh begin by just reflecting on this is that it's uh very interesting that um here i am an inner city imam you know imam of uh formerly of a storefront and i'm discussing wealth and uh the story of quorum but uh you know i'm not going to go too much into that but alhamdulillah it's a blessing to be before everyone um i often really wondered and reflected on this particular uh question in regards to you know figures such as carl and pharaoh and others why are they given such a glorious platform of being in the quran a sacred you know book why are they allowed to participate in the ethos of the quran uh why are they given this uh platform we have figures such as musa yusuf mariam yunus alayhimusalam and why do we need figures such as carl or pharaoh we often talk about the role model but we forget how important the anti-role model is you know we forget often and we put aside the valuable information and the valuable lessons that you learn from the anti-role model so it's very appropriate for individuals such as carl to be in the quran they teach you how not to be how not to react how not
to look how not to talk how not to walk and essentially they inspire the opposite positive behaviors you know we have sometimes as parents we want to keep our children pure so we hide them away from the world but there is an important role for the anti-role model you know for myself coming you know out of high school i had some of the best i sat with some of the best anti-role models which really showed me and taught me valuable lessons on how not to become and what behaviors to avoid so alhamdulillah i'm grateful for the anti-role models in my life and i'm very grateful to have the opportunity to study a caroon allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions about that indeed caroon was from the people of moses from the people of musa alaihissalam but he was a tyrant he behaved as a tyrant towards his people he oppressed his own people he was from israel and he was a relative of musa some of the scholars say that he was a cousin on the paternal side while others say he was a cousin on the maternal side so i this makes me first of all very grateful for my relatives that i don't have a cousin like caroom and i'm sure this was an absolute test even for musa and sometimes we have family members that we want to disassociate ourselves from and here allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is associating caroon uh with with musa so appreciate the people in your family at least you don't have a caroom and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he mentions in the quran in in uh in regards to caroom that we gave him of the treasures
that this reminds us that all everything that we have been given is from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala every if allah has given us an opportunity to lead a company is from allah give credit to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and know that all of this is a test whatever you have in your bank account is a test that what we learned from this is that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala doesn't just test us with loss in poverty but he also tests us with gain and wealth with gain and wealth so caroon had some valuable people around him trying to give him truth trying to give him good counsel and good advice it's called in the law so allah says in the quran that their point is people said to him do not rejoice do not rejoice indeed allah does not like those who rejoice and this is very interesting we see here where the translation can be do not be happy do not be happy farah is a certain type of happiness that is it is a happiness without thankfulness without shukr to walk with extreme pride and conceit and forget about the source of blessings of where your blessings are coming from and this is the source of this is that the love of money be careful falling in love with money and over rejoicing at possessing money forgetting about the one who blessed you with money so the wealth is not the issue but it's the type of happiness that caroon is expressing be careful of happiness without gratitude is not true happiness happiness without one's afterlife in mind is not true happiness happiness without realizing that allah is the
source of happiness is not true happiness so we see right here which is very important for myself being an imam in the inner city how do i view wealth how do i express this relationship with wealth to the people who frequent my the religious space that i'm a leader at you know one of the most important portions in the story of caroon is when allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala mentions do not forget your share of the world that for especially my younger people coming up in inner cities it's not haram to have wealth it's not haram to be successful and to be able to not only to transition from being a recipient of zakah to also becoming one who gives in zakah so our young children should know about wealth and how it works they should know about digital currency and how it works how it works they should have information in regards to financial and literacy you know we look at the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his dua is that allah grant him with a lot of money and many children and bless him the issue isn't wealth but it's our love of wealth and also not giving credit to the source of where our wealth and our money is coming from we have right here we want our children to be successful in this life but we do not want them in unhealthy expression of the love of wealth the people of caroon giving him valuable information and do good as allah has done good to you right behave with excellence
as allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has treated you with excellence and beauty be excellent to the people don't forget about the people whoever allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has blessed with wealth don't forget about making sure that people benefit also from your blessing and this is a beautiful thing because this also can be applied to knowledge don't sit up there isolated not teaching the people if you know something teach what you know make sure that people benefit from whatever allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has given you now we look at caroon and he's saying that i've been given this knowledge i've been given this wealth because of the knowledge that i have now his arrogance be careful becoming arrogant you know be careful of thinking that deeming yourself better than others know that you'll pass away and your wealth perhaps will be fought over by those who you leave behind and you'll find out there's some destructive aspects of the wealth that you have no say so in when you pass away so make sure that the people around you benefit from you and they're able to benefit from the best parts of wealth and this is what i believe our dean is promoting in closing i want to remind us of also um there's two uh parts of the community that allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala that he mentions um and one part is the people who desire the worldly life and also the people of knowledge and the people of knowledge they had a very beautiful lens in which they saw the realities of the position of caroom and allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala reminds us the importance of knowledge faith doing good works and also having patience having patience
so alhamdulillah we see this beautiful anti-role model in caroon who allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has sent us to show us how not to be and he sends us musa and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and others to show us how to be we are grateful for this example of how not to be in caroom and may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala bless us to with our wealth to use it in ways that allow us to gain closeness to him that was beautiful man shaykh abdullah you remember the line from last year from shaykh jihad it was the line of the year you remember don't be a samiri that was his line last don't be a samiri okay that was his line last year i remember it last year that was the line of i'm 30 for 30 last year and this one is thank god you don't have a cousin named caroon at least you don't have a cousin named caroom that's the clothing line man we need to have some shirts like that on the front you know don't be samiri oh man i appreciate my relatives when you read about uh caroom you're like hey i love my relatives that's the bright side at least you're not canadian there is so much so much blessing and and and honestly wealth and what was just shared different vantage points and experiences i want to give an opportunity first and foremost to share any reflections inshallah well i just want to mention something that i never thought about that subhanallah and that could you know uh you know shaytan comes in different ways but subhanallah the fact that musa asked for
help before you know to have his brother my brother you know he asked allah to have someone with him and that i never thought of that i mean just that you know because someone could say okay well he's a prophet if allah showed him all the signs why does he need anyone else but that kind of touches on the humanity of musa and like you said his humility which is a very very important characteristic of leadership beautiful i just wanted to reflect on verse 85 of surat al-qasas and it's a dua that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala uh sends to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it's a dua that we all make whenever we're leaving a place that we eventually want to return to um as you're heading out to hajj or umrah or you're going out on a business trip whatever it is i want you to kind of imagine the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is about to set out on the same journey that musa set out on and at the end of this surah allah has chronicled that musa left and came back and was empowered by allah so allah says to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam most certainly sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ya muhammad the one allah azza wa jal who was ordained and brought this quran down upon you will ultimately eventually return you back to your home with or to your land which is mecca and that uh for me is really a powerful statement that in life it's about journeys and you know as the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that we live this life as if we are travelers now sometimes your travel takes you to dangerous places sometimes your travel is not at your behest it's not at your choice sometimes you have to be moved along but knowing that you're always in flux knowing that you're always in a
journey but that allah is your protector as the prophet says to abu bakr who is journeying with him you know uh don't be don't have any sorrow don't have any fear or anxiety for the two of us allah is the third in our companionship that that becomes ultimately the saving grace for all of us that we see allah subhanahu wa ta'ala we have this mushahada we witness allah in every aspect of our life and um i believe that this dua for me is one that as i leave my home for any journey or any trip uh it always remains in my heart and i kind of put myself in that place of the nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you know wanting his family wanting to return wanting the smell of the air and the the sound of what is familiar and sometimes we're kind of pushed to an extreme and to a distance that we pray the allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grants us khair but how it how it manifests itself is that upon the prophet returning to mecca he then chooses medina thereafter by his choice sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and therefore comes this lesson that not everything that we wanted initially is actually what we will want thereafter in life may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give us that clarity of thought to open to new horizons and new experiences women you had to be savvy in that that when you journey out in the way of god you find that there's expansiveness and that allah will be your caregiver and provider may allah grant us his baraka and khair and watch over us and our families allahumma ameen sheikh jihad you got a final 30 second go home message for us you know we got this last
10 nights what's your motivational message to us inshallah no alhamdulillah i mean just uh you know going back to uh caroon you know there there are people at home right now perhaps wanting to trade positions with uh you know certain people and always be grateful at where allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has placed you and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given us a beautiful opportunity to imagine you know our futures and uh never limit allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will have you even at a greater station than the people that uh you know you may have envy in your heart uh towards you know so when we have the the examples such as caroon there was a people a portion of his people who wanted his place they said hey this guy is lucky you know and then when they found out when the earth swallowed him they found themselves in a position you know grateful uh that they weren't in his position so we don't know what lies in a person's blessings we don't know really the hidden reality that's in a person's blessing stay grateful stay in a place of gratitude whether you're um being blessed with wealth or whether your wealth comes in the form of having just this deen alhamdulillah be grateful just to be muslim i'm grateful to be muslim in this particular day and time where we can always place our trust in allah subhanahu wa ta'ala what a beautiful way to end of course shaykh abdullah truly enjoyed your company from california to australia to wherever shaykh abdullah is uh
and just a reminder everyone we'll see you tomorrow inshallah for the uh webathon we'll make some adjustments to the schedule for quran 30 for 30 obviously because the webathon will run through that time and we'll keep you all posted with that inshallah but please do tune in for the webathon tomorrow inshallah make sure that you donate to yakin bidna nahi ta'ala and to the other wonderful efforts that are out there you
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