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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Juz’ 24: Dr. Usaama al-Azami and Sh. Abdirahman Kariye | Don't Just Be Righteous, Be a Rectifier

In the stories of juz 24—the story of Musa, the reality of resurrection, the glad tidings to the believers—we find many reminders that life is short, but the afterlife is eternal. Dr. Usaama al-Azami and Sh. Abdirahman Kariye join Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro and convey some of its messages to us.

0:00 - Introduction
9:49 - Dr. Omar Suleiman reflects on thre reality of resurrection
14:55 - Dr. Usaama al-Azami reflects on the story of Musa (as) and Pharaoh
22:34 - Sh. Abdullah Oruro reflects on da'wah in the story of Musa (as)
30:19 - Sh. Abdirahman Kariye reflects on the glad tidings of the believers
40:46 - Final reflections

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone. Welcome back to Qur'an 30 for 30. Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen. We are now at Juz 24. We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to count us amongst the people of Qur'an and the people who observe Laylatul Qadr. I know that as you come off of the, you know, the odd nights particularly, you know, a night, you know, where you hope inshallah ta'ala you have that feeling. It's important to take that steam and to keep it going with Allah ta'ala. So Alhamdulillah, we have two very blessed and beloved guests. They're both from very cold climates or previously cold climates. We have Dr. Osama Al-Adami, Alhamdulillah, joining us all the way from the UK. So if you see him drinking, it's not because he's not fasting Ramadan. It's because he's in the UK. So excuse him in advance if he picks up his cup of water. Kind of threw us off in the beginning. We have Shaykh Abdur-Rahman Kariye, Alhamdulillah, who I used to think I was the smiling imam until I met Shaykh Abdur-Rahman. Now he is officially the smiling imam. This is the most beautiful smile. I learn from the best of the best. Alhamdulillah, Shaykh Abdur-Rahman is in Minnesota. He's happy because he said that Minnesota is finally melting. Alhamdulillah, it's a sign. I think the sun is seen in London and in Minnesota as much as the Hilal of Ramadan is seen in a year, right? It's kind of like a sight. Sun sighting, right? Alhamdulillah. We are very deep. It's funny. We had a blizzard last week, and now today it's like almost 90 degrees outside.
So what a change of weathers. That happens in one day in Texas, by the way. Blizzard in the morning, 90 degrees at night. It happens in one day. Alhamdulillah. So, Shaykh Abdur-Rahman, you're originally from Somalia. Dr. Osama, originally from Bangladesh. So just a quick plug. Alhamdulillah, the Jannah series. Now, Alhamdulillah, the subtitles for the Jannah series for the first few episodes are there in both languages. Alhamdulillah, Rabbil Alameen. And multiple languages, in fact, which you can find both Bangla and Somali there. Alhamdulillah, Rabbil Alameen. I was practicing. And for all of the aromas, I'm trying to get all my languages put together. The last one was good. That one just, whoa. It flows, Shaykh. People accept you as a Somali officially. You'll do well in England. Do what in England? You'll do well in England, because most of us are from Silat, and the accent with which you said, how are you, sounded a bit like that. Okay, mashallah. It must have been someone that taught me that from there. It's very common. But I'll share, subhanAllah, Shaykh Abdur-Rahman, I wrote like a long time, it must have been like 10, 11 years ago, there is a Facebook status that Somalis are my favorite people in the world, and they are my favorite students in the world. My favorite students have always been Somali. Until now, subhanAllah, every once in a while, that status suddenly picks up. People suddenly go back and... I search for it sometimes, Shaykh Omar. I just look, I go and search on Facebook just to find that. I even have it sometimes, like, alhamdulillah, you know. That stands out. I think that's when I first saw it,
I was like, okay, this is, mashallah, tazkiyah. We're honored by our brothers and sisters. Mashallah, the best students in the world, for sure. Without a doubt, subhanAllah, the best students are the students from Somalia, any class I've ever taught. Allah ahfazakum jameel. And your teacher, and you're there with Shaykhna, Shaykh Walid al-Manisi, alhamdulillah, who is one of the most eminent Qur'an scholars in our time, and we're blessed to have him here, alhamdulillah. So you're blessed in Minnesota. Yeah, I'm in his masjid right now. His office is next to mine. So, me and the Shaykh, he's actually traveling this year. He went to, he left us the last 10 days, he went to Tanzania. There's this huge musabaqah, Qur'an competition in Tanzania. It's like a stadium filled, and he's in the, you know, Lajna Tahkeem, among the panel of judges. So we do miss him this Ramadan, but insha'Allah I'll give your salams to him, insha'Allah. Shaykh Abdullah, how you doing? I'm good. I was just thinking about the first time I met the Shaykh, it was in late 90s, when he came to Houston. And that was the first time we ever heard, many of us in the community ever heard qiraat, when he was reciting the different recitations of the Qur'an. And then his haybah, his presence, the way he would carry himself, Allah ahfazakum, insha'Allah. He has a wonderful presence to him, alhamdulillah. Allah preserve him, honor him, and continue to elevate his status. I have not had the honor of meeting him yet, but I think it's a sign of his eminence, hafidhullah, that I have ijazah from his students. When you come to Minnesota, Shaykh, we'll make it happen.
I was going to ask Shaykh Abdullah just to share the dad joke of the day, and I was like, I'm excited for one today. It's funny, and it's telling how you requested it from me and not Shaykh Omar. I just wanted to put that out there. Just in the waves, in the air. But I will humbly oblige, insha'Allah. Insha'Allah. This better be good. It better be good, Shaykh. No pressure. It better be good. Okay. What has four wheels and flies? Wow. Four wheels and flies. Flies. Wheels, you said. It has four wheels and flies. In an airplane, it can't be that easy. Really, Shaykh? Don't rush it. He's taking away the flavor of the... All right, cut off. It's a garbage truck. Stop it. You have to explain that one to me. I apologize. Maybe it's my Palestinian... It has four wheels, and because of the trash, it has flies. I'll give you that. That's a classic dad joke, mashallah. I owe that to the sisters that gave me the joke, mashallah. Allah bless them. May Allah bless the sisters. May Allah bless you, Shaykh Abdullah. That was a bad joke. That was a bad one. I'll give you one, Shaykh Abdullah,
that you can use for another time, mashallah. Tell the kids, mashallah. This is what my niece told me, this one, Tasneem. She said to me, she said, what does a janitor say when he comes out of the closet to make, you know, like at a party or something? Like, he wanted to make everyone excited. What would he say? Time to clean up shop. He says, when he comes out of the closet, the janitor, he says, supplies. Oh, yeah. It's a food prize and supplies. I'm almost done. You had the imam one. I heard the last time. That's another one. All right. You know, Shaykh Abdullah, we'll give it to you because you're smiling, mashallah. We'll give it to you because you're smiling. On a serious note, subhanAllah, it's a blessing to have you all, mashallah, and may Allah increase our brotherhood and our connection with one another. As we're discovering, subhanAllah, these connections even through the, through just meeting each other online, you know, and these connections, especially when it comes to ilm, ilm makes family out of people. So we're blessed to share a Shaykh in some situations and share our brotherhood with each other. Alhamdulillah. We've had people joining in this whole time, a community of the Quran. I know our lighthearted session went a little bit over time, but it's because we got two beautiful brothers with us, mashallah. Just a reminder to keep connected, inshallah ta'ala, and be a community of Quran the way that we're trying to be a community of Quran here, bismillah ta'ala. So inshallah, with that, I think, inshallah ta'ala, we can get started. People would have logged on a few minutes ago. So we're, we're good, inshallah ta'ala. Hafidhakumullah. Bismillah walhamdulillah wa salatu wasalamu ala rasool Allah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala.
So we're now in Juz 24, alhamdulillah. And this is a Juz that really gives an incredible overview of personality types. And subhanAllah, it tells you about the personality of a tyrant. It tells you about the personality of a da'i, of someone who calls to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. It tells you about those who used their power in the worst of ways and those who used their power in the best of ways. It tells you about those who spoke the worst of words and those that spoke the best of words. Wa man ahsanu fa'ul. What is a better form of speech than those who call to Allah. And it tells you about those who oppressed and those who bore oppression with patience. So this Juz takes you on a journey, really subhanAllah, through personality types and through the different ways in which people use the blessings from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And I want to focus, subhanAllah, on one section here without going into too much detail that I think shapes this idea of personality types. With the Arabs in Mecca in particular, because we're getting into Mecci Qur'an at this point, Qur'an that was revealed in Mecca, they have to go from a state of mind in which they don't believe in resurrection. They don't believe that bones can be brought back, that there's any type of life after death, that literally you are reduced once you die to the dirt and the ground and that's it. And there's absolutely nothing after that. They are now being taken from that state of mind to a state of mind in which not only will you be resurrected, but all of you will be resurrected and the testimony of all of you will also come back in that station of resurrection. So your skin will come back, your tongue will come back, your eyes will come back, all of this will come back and it will actually testify for or against you on the day of judgment. SubhanAllah, you go from not believing in any resurrection at all to believing in an entire resurrection
that is far beyond merely a physical resurrection, but a resurrection of all of your deeds in every way possible. And so it's to make you more conscious, to make you more aware of this idea of standing before Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So how did you use your blessings? Did you use them like Fir'aun? Or did you use them like the person who Allah Azawajal praises for being a caller to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and one who spreads khayr, who spreads good. And so there's this section here and I'll just inshaAllah cover it very briefly because you can now read the whole juz in light of this. And it's actually towards the end of the juz in Fussilat verses 22 to 25. Allah Azawajal says, وَمَا كُنْتُمْ تَسْتَتِرُونَ أَنْ يَشْهَدَ عَلَيْكُمْ سَمْعُكُمْ وَلَا أَبْصَارُكُمْ وَلَا جُلُودُكُمْ You really did not think, you did not take into consideration the idea that you're hearing, that you're seeing, that your skins will come back and testify against you. You never considered that as a possibility. وَلَكِنْ ظَنَنْتُمْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَعْلَمُ كَثِيرًا مِّمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ You thought that perhaps Allah does not know much of what you used to do. SubhanAllah, a lot of the language in the previous two ajza' was about the knowledge that Allah has of the seen and the unseen. And certainly, the most consequential of that to us is the knowledge of our deeds, the ones that we conceal from others. So Allah Azawajal is saying here, you didn't really consider this idea of resurrection. You didn't consider this idea, especially of your limbs testifying against you. And you thought that maybe Allah Azawajal is not aware of much of what you used to do. وَذَلِكُمْ ظَنُّكُمُ الَّذِي ظَنَنْتُمْ بِرَبِّكُمْ أَرْضَاكُمْ That this is nothing but your assumption. You can't wish it into being just because you assume that does not mean that it is true at all. أَصْبَحْتُمْ مِّنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ
And so you ended up being from the losers. And so this is where we have the hadith of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. And of course, this is alluded to in other parts of the Quran that all of these things come back to testify against you on the day of judgment. The limbs come back to testify against you on the day of judgment. And a person will think at that point that maybe they can get away with it before the limbs come to testify. It says, I don't accept a testimony except for myself. And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala then brings forth the limbs. And it is a scary moment to think about your tongue, your hands, your feet, your eyes, your hearing coming back and testifying against you. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala protect us from that reality. And may Allah Azawajal allow us to use our faculties instead in ways that are pleasing to Him Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And so InshaAllah Ta'ala we're going to actually go around with this juz' and each one of our mashayikh will reflect a bit on some of the ways that this speaks to us. So InshaAllah Ta'ala we'll start with Dr. Osama who I believe is covering the worst in which these limbs can be used and these powers and faculties can be used. Father Sheikh. JazakAllah khair Sheikh Na'am. Very important sort of reflection on just the implications of our behavior and the fact that we need to keep Yawm al-Qiyamah at the forefront of our mind. That we will meet our Lord and how we behave here is going to be ultimately what sets the tone of that meeting. And we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to show us mercy. So, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen All praise is due to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. Wa usallimu ala anbu'itha rahmatan lil alameen And I send prayers and peace upon the one who is sent as a mercy to all mankind. So I'm going to go to the beginning of the juz' or closer to the beginning of the juz'. Early on in Surah Ghafir I'm looking at an interaction
that takes place between Fir'aun and his sort of entourage. And so Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala reminds us of the story of Fir'aun and his... the way in which he was oppressing Musa. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said Wa laqad arsalna Musa bi-ayatina wa-sultanin mubeen ila Fir'auna wa-hamana wa-qaruna faqalu sahirun kadhaab Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is sending Musa A.S. to Fir'aun with clear signs. He is showing... Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is showing his might. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is showing how the apparent sort of magic that is being displayed by the court magicians of Pharaoh are completely destroyed by a single staff that Musa A.S. casts and turns against them. And as a consequence of that, of course, the entirety of Pharaoh's magicians immediately accept the call that Musa A.S. is calling to and accept ibadah of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala wahdahu. And they do sujood to Allah. And Pharaoh in this moment of megalomania doesn't even realize that this is a sign that he should also pay attention to. And this is another example that is illustrated in this verse where he says... Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says we've sent Musa with our ayat and clear authority, sultanun mubeen to Fir'aun, Haman and Qarun who we'll touch on in a moment. All of them immediately respond. faqalu sahirun kadhaab This guy is a lying magician. These are words that they will suffer from, of course. But it's just the arrogance that one has to suffer from as a personality ailment
as Sheikh Omar was just mentioning to not be able to see clear signs that are screaming in your face but allow that to be smothered by one's own sense of privilege one's sense of, in a sense, being owed by everyone respect and authority and all of these sorts of things. But ultimately, of course, this will come to naught. We're all going to die. Fir'aun dies, Haman dies, Qarun dies. And I wanted to just briefly reference a contemporary scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi used these verses as an illustration of the contemporary era as well. If we think about the way in which Qarun is someone who was actually one of the Israelites who had become incredibly rich and therefore was brought close to Pharaoh's court and his entourage. Haman is another figure who Sheikh Qaradawi, in his interpretation, he basically presents Qarun as the capitalist business class and Haman as the corrupt politicians. And Fir'aun can be seen as this kind of self-deifying ruler. One could think of it as the way in which the state behaves sometimes because we live in a time where the state is the ultimate authority. It makes things halal and haram in a way that can go against what Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has prescribed. And we have to be wary of the fact that no one has the right to make anything halal and haram except Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. And so we, in a sense, live in similar times to those that are being articulated here. And there is great arrogance in the way
in which our societies conduct themselves and in the way in which they very often exploit the weak. And the exploitation of the weak is very powerfully illustrated in the next verse where Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says فَلَمَّا جَاءَهُمْ بِالْحَقِّ مِنْ عِنْدِنَا قَالُوا قَتُلُوا أَبْنَاءَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مَعَهُ وَاسْتَحْيُوا نِسَاءَهُمْ When Musa Alaihissalam comes to them with the truth, and Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la describes this as the truth from us, from Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, they responded by saying, kill their children and leave their women alive. Kill their sons. And this is of course something that was enacted in the time of Pharaoh because of a dream he had seen and he would kill every alternate year of sons that were born to the Israelites. And so when the truth is brought to these people they respond with, as it says in Surah Al-Baqarah وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُ اتَّقِي اللَّهَ أَخَذَتُ الْعِزَّةُ بِالْإِثِمِ That when they are told to be conscious of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la their arrogance and their self-doubt sort of sense of, you know, their sense of self-worth takes them towards sin, actually. And so Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la responds here by saying وَمَا كَيْدُ الْكَافِرِينَ إِلَّا فِي الضَّلَالِ The sort of plots of the rejectors is nothing but loss and misguidance. And we know the end of this story, of course, which is complete humiliation for Pharaoh in this world and in the next. I think this is a, you know, a useful reflection and hopefully sets up the sort of discussion
for Sheikh Abdullah, but in so many respects I think this story can be reflected on us in the present as we deal with tyranny in this world. Whether it's tyranny of the private individual and their sort of slavish obedience to their own lowest, basest desires, or tyranny of our own societies where we sometimes completely have lost our sense of truth and the fact that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la tells us what is halal and what is haram and now people are just saying, they're making, they're turning these things into the opposites. And I, you know, would be remiss not to mention the fact that unfortunately, in many parts of the Muslim world we live with actual tyrants in our time and we need to think about, you know, what we can do to bring them towards, you know, greater God consciousness, inshaAllah. Marafikum. Jazakum Allah khair, Dr. Abdullah. Jazakum khair. Bismillah wa salatu wa salamu ala Rasulullah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala amma ba'd Rabbish rahli sadri wa yassir li amri wahyul muqaddatan min lisani yafqahun qawli Ameen. SubhanAllah, that was very insightful and I want to build off of that, particularly from the aspect of techniques of calling people to Allah and techniques of those that call people away from Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. As he mentioned in the verse, in verse number 26 in the chapter of Ghafir, we will start here in regards to two particular people that I want to capitalize on. The first of them was Fir'aun. When Fir'aun said in this beautiful, in this verse, as Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, wa qala Fir'aunu dharooni aqtul moosa wa liya du'u rabbah inni akhaafu an yubaddila deenakum aw an yudhira fi al-ardi fasad. So we see Fir'aun is saying, leave me to kill Moosa and let him call on his Lord, wa liya du'u rabbah. So it's kind of the istihzaat and making fun of Moosa and belittling Moosa, sha'n Moosa, belittling his affair, what he is there for.
He's saying, let me kill him, let me handle the situation. I will save you people. But then he says after that, inni akhaafu an yubaddila deenakum. I fear that he will be someone that will change a religion or cause disruption in the land. And this is his technique, his political technique to maintain the power that he wants to, you know, to have amongst the people. Saying that he is, as he said, ana rabbukumu al-a'la, that I am your Lord, the Most High. Look at this technique of Pharaoh lying to the people, mukaddhib, he is the one that is lying to the people and telling them that I fear he is going to cause fasad on the earth. And he knows that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la deserves to be worshiped by himself. And he knows that Musa Alayhi Salaam has the truth. But then Musa Alayhi Salaam says after that, as Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, wa qala Musa inni uthtu bi rabbi wa rabbikum min kulli matakabbiril la yu'minu biyawmin hisaab. The technique of Musa here is interesting as well. Musa Alayhi Salaam says, I have taken refuge with my Lord and your Lord. You notice he doesn't say I've taken refuge with my Lord. He's including them in the message that he is calling them to. And that's very consistent. He's not saying come to Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la then he says, okay, I'm going to go seek refuge with my Lord. Not individualistic. We're all in this together. My Lord and your Lord. Inni qala Musa inni uthtu bi rabbi wa rabbikum min kulli matakabbiril la yu'minu biyawmin hisaab. From every arrogant person that does not believe in the day of reckoning. So he's letting them know it's not only here, there is somewhere else. This message is for the next life. But what are we doing in this life? Obeying someone that does not call to the next life is detrimental to you in this life. Then a man that some people say was from the family of Fir'aun and some scholars give him the name of Habib and other names, but he was a believing man that was from the people of Fir'aun. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, wa qala rajulun mu'minun min aali Fir'auna yaktumu imanahu attaqutuluna rajulan an yaqoola rabbiyallah wa qad jaakum bil bayyinati min rabbikum This is a portion of the verse number 28.
Then an endowed man that was hiding his faith. He said, who had kept his faith hidden, he said, do you kill a person simply because he says, my Lord is Allah? Now look at his technique. He's saying, do you kill someone that just because they say my Lord is Allah, he hasn't harmed you at all? wa qad jaakum bil bayyinati min rabbikum And he has come with clear signs that we've seen from the signs before. The staff and the hand turning white, all these signs that we've seen and the scholars mentioned, or even mentioned it as tisa ayat, that is nine signs, but the signs that were clearly in front of them from the sahara, from the magicians, all of these signs, bayyinats, they're very clear, min rabbikum. And he says, from your Lord. So he is giving them da'wah. He's calling them to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. And then he look at his technique as well. He says, fa in kani, he says here, wa in yaku kadhiban fa alayhi kadhibu And if he is someone that was a liar, then it is upon him. It is not going to harm us. If he's lying, then it is upon him. wa in yaku sadiqan yusibukum ba'du allathee ya'idukum And if he was to tell the truth, if he was to tell the truth, then you would be smitten with some of the awesome consequences of which he warned you. ya'idukum ba'du allathee ya'idukum Verily Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala la yahdee man huwa musrifun kadhaam Verily Allah does not guide to the right way anyone who exceeds the limits and is an utter liar. So who is the one that is exceeding the limits? wa in rabukumul a'la I'm your Lord, the Most High. That's what Pharaoh said. And who was a complete liar? The one that said, I fear that he is going to cause some harm on the earth. And I'm only calling you to the right path. Then after that, SubhanAllah, the technique of this individual, the people, the person from Al-Firawn that was hiding his iman, because some say he was the cousin of Firawn and Firawn respected him. What does he say after that? Ya qawmi You'll notice throughout the following verses, he says, ya qawmi, oh my people, oh my people, such as Ibrahim,
he's calling them and using, identifying them as people associated with me to show what? That I have love and care for you and I only want what's best for you. ya qawmi lakumul mulku ya qawmi lakumul mulku lakumul mulku al yawma dhaahireena fil ardi fa main yansuruna min ba'si Allahi in ja'ana He says here, oh my people, today is the kingdom of yours and you are supreme in the land. So he's showing, look, today you have the power, today you have the kingdom, today you have this authority, which was something very interesting when scholar mentioned this, subhanAllah, that's today, but what about tomorrow? What are we working for in tomorrow? What are the actions that we are investing in, the people that we are following? Who are we following? Because those actions, we will be held accountable for them in the next life. And if you look to, subhanAllah, throughout the rest of these verses, he calls, ya qawmi, ya qawmi, oh my people, oh my people. And I want to end with the verse number 38, because he, subhanAllah, when he tells the people about the message of Islam and he's calling them to the oneness of Allah, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, after Fir'aun gives another plea to the people and trying to call them to his dhalal, his misguidance, he says, wa qala allathee aamana ya qawmi tabi'ooni ahdikum sabila ar-rashaat ya qawmi innama hadhi al-hayatu al-dunya mataa' wa inna al-akhirata ihya daal al-qaraa The message he is calling them to, he's telling them, look, if Moses is telling the truth and he is truthful, then he is, if he's lying, he's a liar, but if he's telling the truth, we may suffer from that, from not following the truth. Then he reminds them that this life is temporary and what's more important, he says, as Allah says, the person endowed with faith said, my people follow me, I shall direct you to the path of rectitude. And then he says again, my people, the life of this world is temporary, whereas the hereafter is permanent. So the technique that he is using is to remind the people that this life is temporary
and the message that you're following, what message is it? Who are you following? Because it will have an effect and an influence on where we will be in the final abode. So let's be very cognizant of the way that we talk to people and how we deal with people and that we should ultimately want to call them to goodness, to morals and ethics that are within the deen of Islam, the deen of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la make us of those that follow the best of it, listen to it and follow the best of it, Insha'Allah wa Ta-A'la. Fatiha. Ameen. Jazakumullah khair. Powerful reflections. And now we turn to the good side and the people of da'wah with our beloved smiling imam and full of noor, Shaykh Abdur-Rahman. At-fadla, Shaykh. Allah Yabarik Feek. Allah Yabarik Feek, Shaykh Dr. Omar. And Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. And just latching on to what Shaykh Abdullah was talking about, you know, in this next part, this is how the Juz ends. This is literally the last page of the Juz, the 24th Juz. So Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la concludes it with where he says in the 30th verse, inna allatheena qaloo rabbuna Allah thumma istaqamu tatanazzalu alayhimu almalaikatu allatakhaafu wala tahzanu wa abshiru biljannati allati kuntum tuAAadun Allah says that surely those people who say, our Lord is Allah, they profess their faith proudly and openly, and they have this belief and yaqeen and conviction in their heart. And then thumma istaqamu, then they were consistent and they were firm upon that belief until the moment that they were leaving this world. Allah says, tatanazzalu alayhimu almalaika and descending upon them will be these angels, not one, not two, but they will continue to descend and descend and descend
to an extent that they will not stop descending. And then they will give them this glad tiding, this news allatakhaafu and do not be afraid wala tahzanu and do not be saddened, do not be in a state of grief, you know, in a state of sadness and grief of the fact that you're leaving this world and walatakhaafu and do not be afraid of what's to come, which is the life of the hereafter, wa abshiru biljanna but let be rest and have this comfort that and know well that you will be from the dwellers of paradise. And you know, the amazing thing here is the key to all of this is istiqama, you know, the condition to the success of the life of the hereafter is consistency. You know, as Ibn Rajab, he says so beautifully, he says that there are people, the people that say our Lord is Allah, kathir, it's a lot of people, but those who are firm upon after saying that are little. And that is why a man came to Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he said, Ya Rasulullah, he said, O Messenger of Allah, qulli fil islami qawlan, he said, you know, give me a statement in Islam, la as'aluhu ahadan ba'dak, I don't have to ask anyone after you. And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam gave him a very concise, comprehensive advice. And he said to him, which is, you know, from the, you know, miracles of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, that he would speak concisely yet deliver a powerful message. He said, qul aamantu billah, say I believe in Allah, thumma istaqim and be firm upon it. So a question might come and you might say to yourself, what is istiqamah? And the scholars they describe, they say al-istiqamah, they say fil wasti, it's in the middle, it's being in the middle path. ghayra ma'ilin ila tarfi al-ifrati wal-tafrit and not being in any of the two extreme,
in access or in, you know, negligence, where you don't go into either of these two extremes, in excess or in negligence. That's why Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, wa ja'alnakum ummatan wasata Allah has created us in this middle path. And the beauty of this ayah, is that al-ibratu bikamalin nihayati la binaqsid bidayat And we can take this even for the month of Ramadan, that the value lies in the perfection of the end and not in the deficiency of the beginnings. So a person might have lived a life in where they're not in a state of the pleasure of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la or not following his legislation and his commandments. Yet Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is not going to judge you by how you lived, but how, on what actions and what belief that you died upon. So al-ibratu bikamalin nihayati la binaqsid bidayat That the value lies in the perfection of the end and not in the deficiency of the beginning. And this is what I think Fudayl al-Mu'ayyad used to say. He would say, he says, ahsin tuhsin fee maa baqiya yughfar laka maa maada He said, you know, perfect that which is left and Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la will forgive, you know, that which has passed. fa innaka in asa'ta fee maa baqiya ukhithta bee maa maada wa maa baqiya But if you squander and misuse that which is remaining of your life, and you can take Ramadan for example, if you were not able to benefit from Ramadan, all the days that came, you know, in the past, then tuhsin fee maa baqiya yughfar laka maa maada Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la will forgive even the shortcomings we had in the beginning of Ramadan. So here, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la tells us that when these angels descend, they give them the glad news. That waabshiroo biljannah The jannah that we've been hearing about in the series that Sheikh Umar has been doing,
they give you this glad news at the time of death. And they say to you, waabshiroo biljannah Don't worry, don't grieve, don't be afraid, leave all this anxiety aside, waabshiroo biljannah You know, rest assured that you will rejoice with this good news that paradise is yours, which you were promised. You were promised in this worldly life. And then Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la continues and he says, talking about how these people, when they are in the moment of death, these angels again comfort them. And again, we find this consistency in the Quran that minan nidaatil quraniya From the calls of the Quran, the Quranic calls, Allah says la taqanatoo We covered that yesterday. la tahzanoo We're covering it today. la tahinoo We covered it before. All of this, what is it saying? Allah is saying do not despair, do not grieve, do not weaken, do not give up. You know, don't give up because the Quran invites you to be content and optimistic. And the Quran instills in us hope, in Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la. And then finally, these angels, they tell them, nahnu awliyaakum fil hayati ad-dunya wa fil akhira That we are your supporters in the worldly life and in the hereafter. And there, when you are in this place of Jannah, in this resting place, this paradise, this Jannah, you will have walakum feeha ma tashtahi You will have whatever that your soul desires. walakum feeha ma tada'oon And therein, in paradise, you will also have whatever you ask for. So the angels, again, comfort this person, telling them that we are your friends. We were your friends in this worldly life and we were your friends in, that we will be your friends and your allies in the life of the hereafter. And this is muqabil. This is, you know, in contrast to what was said in the same surah, couple of verses in surah Fussilat, verse 25. Allah says,
waqadayna lahum quranaa You know, when Allah says we have assigned for them evil companions who invite them to do evil actions. So the disbelievers and the wrongdoers, they're assigned these, you know, companions who are quranaa. They invite them to the wrong path until even in the life of the hereafter, they will say, we were your allies. But the people of iman and istiqamah, Allah says, nahnu awliyaukum fee alhayati al-dunya We are your allies in the worldly life and in the life of the hereafter. And for them, what does Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la guarantee? He says that when they become from the people of Jannah and they are given this glad news, nuzulam min ghafoorir raheem They will have an accommodation from Allah. And this is ajeeb. From the beauty of the Quran, Allah says that these people who were believers and were steadfast, they will have an accommodation from Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la meaning that Allah will prepare for them as if they are the guest of Allah. Min ghafoorir raheem And Allah yukhtar Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la, the way he chooses the words, the way he chooses the attributes that best describe the action that he's doing. He says that he is the most forgiving, the most merciful Lord. So from this, it indicates that all the blessings that are continuously coming down upon us, when Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la bestows this upon us in this life, it's an indication that even the greater blessing will come in the life of the hereafter. If you are living in bliss right now and you're thankful for this bliss and ni'mah, then imagine what Allah has prepared for you in the life of the hereafter. So these are the ayat and the reflections from this beautiful section of the Quran that concludes. And this is the ayat of the salihun
and the next ayah is about the muslihun. wa man ahsanu qawla min man da'ayil Allah So Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la doesn't want you just to stop at this being salih, but he wants you to be also muslih, that one that also, you know, tries to make others better. And it's a difficult path. It has challenges and difficulties. And Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la then continues, he says the qualities of da'wah, what does Allah require you in the field of da'wah? And my shaykh last night when I was asking him, for the tafsir of this ayah, he says, so Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says in this page, wa man ahsanu qawlan min man da'ayil Allah Who is better in speech and the one that calls to the way of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la So Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la talks about the qualities of da'wah here. He says that kun kashshajara He says, be like a tree. He says, be like a tree. When you're in the field of da'wah, you have to be like a tree. an-nasu yarmuna hijara People will throw at you, even though you're a beautiful tree, people will throw at you, you know, rocks to try to get wa anta tu'atihim thimar But you give them in response when they throw these rocks at you, which has no benefits, you give them benefits, fruits that they eat from. And this is what the da'wah requires. May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la give us tawfiq. JazakAllah Ameen, ameen. What beautiful reflections. JazakAllah khair, Shaykh Abdul Rahman. Absolutely beautiful reflections, SubhanAllah. I think it really brings together everything that was said in the juz, right? Salih and muslih. Don't just be salih, one who's righteous, be one who's rectifying, muslih. And on the flip side, don't be one who is evil and especially one who is corrupting and making others, person who is spreading fasad on the earth and tyranny, SubhanAllah. So this juz really gives us the full spectrum of these things. And it just occurred to me, SubhanAllah, that the angels descending upon the believers
versus descending upon the wicked, the disbelievers, you have two examples, just in these previous ajzab, you have the man, Surah Yasin, qeela dhukhulil jamnah qala ya layta qawmi ya'lamoon the comforting of that man who was killed by his people. And then you have the humiliation of Fir'aun. I mean, Fir'aun's literally getting kicked in the face by Jibreel Alayhi Salaam, like punched in the face and the terror of Fir'aun when he's dying versus the welcome of the preacher in Surah Yasin. So it's like actually specific examples that fit the descent of the angels that's being spoken about in the conclusion of this juz, SubhanAllah. I'll give a chance for just to. Quick, we're over time, Alhamdulillah, but beautiful reflections, Shaykh Abdullah and Shaykh Abdur-Rahman in the beginning, you know, may Allah forgive you. You made up for it with your beautiful Qur'an reflections. I mean, your dad jokes were not great, but your Qur'an reflections were next level. You know, we felt the ease and we got the ease, Alhamdulillah, may Allah give us always ease at all times. Ameen, Ameen. Shaykh Abdullah, Shaykh Abdur-Rahman, Dr. Osama, any last parting words of advice, inshallah, for everyone? JazakAllah khair for having us here and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala increase you, both of you, Shaykh Omar and Shaykh Abdullah, in ihsan and tawfiq. Ameen, Ameen. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala really bless all of the work that you're all doing. We are in awe of, you know, your dedication for, and really, وَمَنْ أَحْسَنُ قَوْلًا مِمَنْ دَعَيْلَ اللَّهِ You know, you really, you know, mashallah, may Allah make you among those people on the Day of Qiyamah who take that back. Ameen, Ameen. JazakAllah khair, Shaykh Abdur-Rahman. Dr. Osama, any parting words? JazakAllah khair, I was just reflecting on the fact that the selection from Surah Al-Ghafir actually includes the evil person, the salih,
and then the salih becomes the muslih, because the rajulun mu'min is salih, but then huwa yaktumu imanahu, but then he's forced in this moment to kind of act as a muslih. And I think, I mean, maybe just as a parting reflection, the rajulun mu'min yaktumu imanahu, Allah A'lam, how many people like this exist in so many societies that we know in our own time. Mashallah. And it's a sound reminder that people can do good and must do good, whatever situation Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala puts them in. And we also should, you know, let people know indirectly, because a lot of these people might be in positions of great seniority, that as long as they are going to try to do Allah's work, that the ulama will do du'a for them, the believers will do du'a for them, and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will support them, inshallah. But they have to stand up for the truth when the time calls for it. JazakAllah khair everyone, inshallah ta'ala, we will see you all tomorrow for Juz 25. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless our mashayikh and bless you all. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Al Fatiha.
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