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In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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Acts of Worship

Episode 26: You Are You, and I Am Me | Prayers of the Pious

June 10, 2018Dr. Omar Suleiman


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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Welcome back to Prayers of the Pious. So this is a narration that speaks about a man that came from the nations that came before. So someone from the children of Israel, from Bani Israel, or from a nation that preceded the nation of Muhammad. It's an authentic narration. While some say that it is from Jabir, they trace it only to Jabir. The narration mentions, the hadith mentions that Jabir says, I heard the Prophet say that there was a man from the nations that came before you that as he was walking, he comes to this moment of regret with Allah calls upon Allah and he says the following words, very powerful and beautiful words. He says, Allahumma anta anta wa ana ana. Oh Allah, you are you and I am I. You are who you are and I am who I am. Allahumma anta anta wa ana ana. Anta al awwadu bil maghfira wa ana al awwadu bil dhnoob. You are the one that consistently forgives and I am the one that consistently sins. So he said, fa khfir li. So forgive me. And then he fell into sajda. He fell into a prostration. So oh Allah, you are you and I am me. You are the one who consistently forgives. I am the one who consistently sins. So forgive me. And then he falls into the sajda, falls into this prostration. So the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said that a voice called out to him, anta al awwadu bil dhnoob wa ana al awwadu bil maghfira qad ghaffartu lak. That you are the one who consistently sins and I am the one who consistently forgives.
And so I have forgiven you. So he raised his head, wa qad ghaffara allahu lahu and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala had truly forgiven him. It's very simple, you know, that sometimes when you're calling upon Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, you know, you're thinking about again the poetry, you're thinking about the names, but you are who you are and I am who I am. Oh Allah, you are you and I am me and you're the one that loves to forgive and I am the one that consistently sins. So forgive me. Sometimes invoking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in the simplest of ways is a means of attaining that forgiveness from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and attaining exactly what you may be asking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for. Recognize that a lot of times as you call upon him and you supplicate, or actually all the time, every time you call upon him and supplicate, he knows what you're going to ask him for. He knows your feelings. You are only trying to articulate it in the most loving and perfect way. But the point of the dua is not just, the point of supplication is not just the request, but it's what takes place in the process of that request which is connection to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the realization that comes in that process as well. So oh Allah, you are you and we are who we are. We are your sinful servants and you are our forgiving Lord. So we ask you, oh Allah, to forgive each and every single one of us. Allahuma ameen. Jazakum Allah khayran to all of you. See you all next time inshaAllah. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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