Prayers of the Pious
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This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. Asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone. Welcome back to prayers of the pious. This particular incident that I'm about to mention to you doesn't really have a wording to it to memorize as much as just a lesson in terms of how much do you believe in your du'a, how much do you believe in your supplication. And a lot of times you see people that make a du'a and they make a very exquisite supplication but they already have defeated the purpose of their supplication because they don't really believe in what they're saying or they don't believe in the power of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as they are saying it. And that's why Ibn Al-Qayyim rahim Allah said, if you truly had tawakkul, trust in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, haqqa tawakkuli, the way that he deserves to be trusted, then you could move mountains. This is an incident that's narrated by Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari, may Allah be pleased with him. He says that I witnessed this myself in Basra in Iraq. He said that I saw an entire neighborhood catch fire. And as that entire neighborhood caught fire, people went out to the marketplace to inform the residents of that neighborhood to run to their homes to see their houses as they were burning down and to try to do something. And so he said, we came across this man whose house was in that neighborhood and we told him to go to your home, hurry up and run, get to your house. And he responded and he said, inni aqsamtu ala rabbi alla yuhriqahu. He said, I'm not worried about my home burning down. They said, why? He said, because I have taken an oath upon my Lord that it will not burn down. Like I am so confident in my du'a that my house will not burn down. So he said that as the neighborhood continued to burn, eventually when all the smoke cleared and all the homes that were harmed were harmed, the only home that wasn't harmed was actually his. So Abu Musa radiyaAllahu anhu said, sadaqt, he has told the truth.
I heard the messenger of Allah say, salallahu alayhi wasalam, that in my nation there are men with bare heads and unkempt clothing, meaning there are people that are very simple, look down upon in society, that have nothing to show for themselves in terms of wealth and no position. But those people, if they swore upon their Lord, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala would fulfill their oaths. And there's another hadith, the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam said, a person might be ash'ath, unkempt, turned away from people's doors. But if that person took an oath upon God, Allah would honor that oath. This is a very powerful example of the idea that Allah is accessible to the most simple of people, to those that might be looked down upon in society. And there's a connection here, and it's poetic, that a person might have no power in this world in the sense that they have no respect, no financial status, no position, especially in a feudal society, no class that would protect them. They belong to some sort of oppressed minority. Whatever it may be, they are disadvantaged and downtrodden by all measures, but that person, by having access to the most powerful, to al-qadir al-qadir al-muqtadir, the one who is most powerful, the one who has power over all things, to al-malik al-quddus, to the king of all kings, that they have access to him subhanahu wa ta'ala, and that if they truly believe in their dua, and they truly ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with the most sincere of ways, Allah would certainly honor that oath. There's another narration that I'll share with you, that this actually happened to Abu Darda, radiyaAllahu anhu, the great scholar, the great mufti of the Companions, that his neighborhood burned down, and that his home did not burn down, and he said that the reason why he knew it would not burn down is because he made the supplication that the Prophet, peace be upon him, taught,
Bismillah al-lazee la yadurru ma'asmihi shay'un fil ardi wa laa fil samaa wa huwa sami'un alim, in the name of Allah, with whose name nothing can be harmed in the heavens or the earth, and he is the all-hearing and the all-knowing, the Prophet, peace be upon him, taught us to say this dua every morning three times and every evening three times, so there's a narration that this also applies to Abu Darda, may Allah be pleased with him, and we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to truly allow us to believe in our supplication and to show us the power of our supplication through his power subhanahu wa ta'ala, and to allow us to develop that meaningful trust that would translate into miracle in this world and translate into salvation in the hereafter, Allahuma ameen, Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh
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