Prayers of the Pious
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This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Welcome back to Prayers of the Pious. So, today's prayer actually comes from a man who lived centuries after the Prophet peace be upon him. Really a great teacher, a great scholar, Al-Imam Ibn Al-Jawzi, rahimahullah ta'ala. And Ibn Al-Jawzi was a man that used to actually tell his students, if you make it to Jannah and you don't find me, then ask about me, then ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to enter me into Jannah as well. He was a man that used to cry out to Allah as he had sessions with thousands and thousands of people, O Allah, do not punish me, because if you punish me, then the people will say that Allah punished the one that used to teach us about him. So, he used to have these beautiful du'as and these beautiful pleas to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, which is really one that was born out of a fear of hypocrisy, that I'm teaching people about you, don't humiliate me, because then they will say that Allah humiliated the one who used to teach us about him. That I'm guiding people to Jannah, or I'm acting as an instrument of guidance, Allah's ultimate guidance, but don't let it be that people show up in Jannah and they don't find the one that taught them about you. So, this particular prayer is the one that I'll share for today, though, that I've chosen today. He said, ilahi, O my Lord, la tu'adhib lisanan yukhbiru anka, do not punish a tongue that informs about you, wala a'inan tanzuru ila iluman tadullu alayk, nor an eye that looks upon sciences which point to you, wala yadan taktubu haditha rasulik, nor a hand that writes the traditions of your messenger, fabi izzatika la tudkhiran ninnar, so by your honor do not admit me into the fire. SubhanAllah, so he said again, la tu'adhib lisanan yukhbiru anka, do not punish a tongue that informs about you,
wala a'inan tanzuru ila iluman tadullu alayk, nor an eye that looks upon the Islamic sciences which point to you, wala yadan taktubu haditha rasulik, nor a hand that writes the traditions of your messenger, fabi izzatika la tudkhiran ninnar, and so by your honor do not admit me into the fire. This is one of the things that we learn from the Prophet peace be upon him, to invoke Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with our good deeds, and that's not out of arrogance, but it's actually out of humility that I know that I have flaws that could potentially cancel out these good deeds, but oh Allah don't punish this tongue that teaches people about you, so in that you learn that you should try to teach about Allah, don't punish an eye that reads about you and that studies the sciences to get closer to you, and do not punish a hand that writes the traditions of your messenger. What it means is that you're invoking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that I recognize that I have shortcomings, I recognize that I'm not the best person, I recognize that I have flaws that I need to overcome, but oh Allah out of your mercy and your generosity and your benevolence and by your honor, do not enter me into the fire knowing that I was an instrument of guidance to your gardens, and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow all of us to be beneficial to others without losing ourselves. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guide us and guide through us, rectify our hearts and rectify other hearts through us, and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to enter paradise by his mercy and accept our good deeds and forgive our sins. Allahumma ameen, jazakum Allah khayran, see you all next time insha'Allah. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
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