Why Me
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Will Allah Still Forgive Me? | Why Me?
If you've spent years in sin, repent. If you feel like your sins outweigh every good deed you've ever done, repent. To despair in the mercy of Allah is a trick of Shaytan. And as you near your death, Shaytan will try even harder to create feelings of fear and despair, but as the Prophet (s) told us in his final illness: "Let not one of you die except with a good opinion of Allah."
This transcript was auto-generated using AI and may contain misspellings. They say your life flashes before your eyes when you have a near-death experience. And when you have an inkling that death is at your door, everything you've done wrong confronts you. Scene by scene by scene. Remember your sins? How could you possibly be ready to die? How could you meet your maker like this? Have you repented enough? Will Allah ever forgive you? Just as Allah made you more aware of your health now, He also made you more aware of your sins so that you can repent for them before you die and then find them as good deeds on the Day of Judgment. Look how merciful Allah is that with these last moments in your life, as you see those final blessings go, and as the pain is increased, all expiating your sins, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala shows you things from your past so that you could seek forgiveness now and then find them as hasanat on your scrolls on the Day of Judgment. How much hope should we have in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in these moments? And Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah ta'ala comments on a very famous example that we find in our tradition. There's this analogy that Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah gave us that the believer has two wings, the wing of hope and the wing of fear. How much hope should you have in Allah? How much fear of Allah should you have? And he says that the believer throughout their life should have a little bit more fear than hope
because by having a little bit more fear than hope, that means you're going to interrogate yourself more. That means you're going to work harder. That means you're going to work with a greater sense of urgency. But Al-Hafidh Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said that as you start to die, the wing of hope should start to become higher than the wing of fear because at that point you can't do many more deeds but you look to the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and you don't despair. You're in your bed and your flashbacks could paralyze you from seeing the forgiveness of Allah ahead or the blessings he's still surrounding you with. Remembering sins can be a blessing, especially if it motivates us to repent and makes us hopeful in Allah's mercy. But sometimes it can grip us with despair that makes us doubtful if there's any hope left for us at all. The shaitan is going to try several things at the time of your death. One way he may try is to make you heedless of Allah in your final moments so that he can get you to utter one displeasing word or die on one final evil deed. There's a famous story of Imam Ahmad rahimahullah that when he was dying, he was saying la laisa ba'd, no, not yet. And his son asked him why he was saying that as he was between life and death. And he said, I saw shaitan in a dream and he was looking defeated. And he said to me, Oh Ahmad, you've escaped me. I've never been able to take you down. And Imam Ahmad rahimahullah said that I told him, no, not yet. As in the battle with shaitan lasts until the very last moment that you have on this earth. But he may also try to get you to despair from the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. The prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam said that shaitan challenged Allah. And he said, wa izzatika ya rab la abrahu ughwi ibadaka ma damat arwahuhum fi ajsadihim. By your glory, Oh Allah, I will not stop tempting your slaves so long as their souls are in their bodies.
And Allah responds and he says, wa izzati wa jalali la azalu aghfiru lahum mastaghfaruni By my glory and majesty, I will continue to forgive them so long as they ask me for forgiveness. So when shaitan tries to remind you of your sins, remember the mercy of Allah and the times that you did repent in the past. And if you find something you never did make amends for, do it now by making du'a to the one who wipes clear the scrolls. Despair is always haram, but especially now. Qul ya ibadi allatheena asrafu ala anfusihim La taqunatu min rahmatillah Say, Oh, my servants who have transgressed against themselves, do not despair from the mercy of Allah. Husn adh-dhan in Allah, having a good opinion of Allah is always the best deed, but especially now. Jabir radiAllahu anhu said, I heard the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam say three days before he died, La yamutanna ahadukum illa wa huwa yuhsinu dhanna billah Let not one of you die except with a good opinion of Allah. And as we reach the end of the road and our ability to perform deeds becomes less and less, it's time to turn to Allah in hope, even if those deeds were imperfect. Abu Abdur Rahman As-Sulami said right before his death, kayfa la arju rabbi wa qad sumtu thamaneena ramadhan How could I not have hope in my Lord, and I have fasted for him 80 Ramadans? We don't rely on our deeds or consider them to be worthy in themselves, but instead we focus on the mercy of Allah that can turn the most deficient deed into a deed that takes us to Jannah. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam encountered a man that was crying out, wa dhunuba, wa dhunuba, Oh my sins, Oh my sins. And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said to him, instead of saying, Oh my sins, Oh my sins, say Allahumma maghfiratuka awsa'u min dhunubi
wa rahmatuka arja' indi min amani Oh Allah, your forgiveness is vaster than my sins, and your mercy is far more hopeful to me than my deeds. The man said it and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, So he repeated it again, and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam told him to say it again, and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, qum faqad ghafarallahu lak Now Allah has forgiven you. The mercy of Allah is that great that sometimes it's stunning and it's hard to comprehend. And that's why when Mu'adh bin Jabal radiAllahu anhu heard the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam say that whoever says la ilaha illallah will enter Jannah. And in one narration, whoever says la ilaha illallah will be forbidden from the fire. Mu'adh radiAllahu anhu said, should I not go tell the people, Ya Rasulullah, this is great news. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, Oh Mu'adh, let the people act. But at this point in your life, this might be the only act you still have left. And it only takes one sincere utterance of la ilaha illallah to be forgiven for eternity. And using your last breaths to say la ilaha illallah is better than anything else that you could be saying in these moments. Reconnecting with that fitrah that you came into this world with and hoping to meet Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with those words while he is pleased with you. The mercy of Allah is so great that Jibreel Alayhi Salam saw it necessary to stuff sand into the mouth of Firaun out of fear that he might just repent and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala would forgive him as a result. Repeat the words that Firaun couldn't bring himself to say with sincerity and Shaitaan couldn't abide by due to his pride. Make dua and read Quran. Listen attentively to the people who taught you about Allah as they say their prayers upon you. And to those you taught to read the Quran
as they recite that word back to you. And even as they make dua for you and you make dua for yourself. Remember getting to Jannah was never about your deeds. No one enters paradise by their deeds. Not even you O Messenger of Allah, not even me until Allah embraces me in his mercy. You have a Lord who loves to forgive and he would have rathered you an imperfect sinner than a perfect angel. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said if you were not to commit sins Allah would have swept you out of existence and replaced you by another people who would sin and then seek Allah's forgiveness and Allah would forgive them. Don't you say at the end of Ramadan Allahumma innaka'afoon tuhibbu al'afwa fa'afu anni O Allah you are the one who forgives and pardons. You love to forgive so forgive me. Well as you come to the end of your life let your fear of deficiency drown in your hope in Allah's mercy. Anas ibn Malik radiAllahu anhu said that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam entered the home of a young man who was dying and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam asked him kayfa tajiduk? How are you feeling? The young man responded and said Ya Rasulullah arjullah wa akhafu dhunubi I have hope in Allah but I fear for my sins. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said than glad tidings because these two feelings are never combined in the heart of a servant in this situation except that Allah will give him what he hopes for and save him from what he fears. Let no sin reach such proportions in your eyes that it cuts you off from having a good opinion of Allah for indeed whoever knows his Lord considers his sins so insignificant
compared to his generosity. Believe in the good you've deposited with Allah for he has saved it for the moment when you can no longer do any deeds. If you love to meet Allah then he loves to meet you. Aisha radiAllahu anhu said but Ya Rasulullah we all hate death. He said it's not that O Aisha. Once the believer is given the glad tidings of Allah's forgiveness and pleasure he loves to meet Allah. So long as you've done your best with Allah and the people around you and strive to do good in this world then your inevitable sins will be overlooked and if you've done your best to prepare for this moment then you can look forward to reuniting with family members who have passed on before you and a joyous return to your Lord to whom you have always belonged. Al-Fatiha.
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